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Created December 28, 2023 05:32
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  • Save Gaubee/2dd653c554afa8c947ec8f45e8d4f3c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gaubee/2dd653c554afa8c947ec8f45e8d4f3c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
commit 7a78c009c4b073f90b97d9111b14ffd84662fb5e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 28 13:12:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复IpcBodySender的from函数延迟赋值metaBody的问题
commit 40d88f0face4e374ffcae31992205fcda12e741f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 28 09:45:23 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/web] 结构调整
commit 7444d106f4e6bdafc8b9307885a1870c7b11bf71
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 21:45:08 2023 +0800
:book: [doc] 移除vs/C#相关的文档信息
commit a2370b4995a7e954913c3d0ead7c213c4ef887b6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 21:36:32 2023 +0800
:book: [doc] 更新文档
commit e08f7a24ab06abcb679c9191075e47d8b08becad
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 20:26:54 2023 +0800
:wrench: :sparkles: :recycle: [kmp] 初步完成helper模块的js版本
commit 5118739aecf77b58334df30592d521653a842e7a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 20:11:25 2023 +0800
:wrench: [toolkit] 改善第一次启动时的日志输出体验
commit 33ff2010fa86eed62f8dfc602ee656762a700c63
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 18:25:27 2023 +0800
:construction: :sparkles: [kmp/browser] 增加“搜索引擎"管理功能。
commit 6e2b7b5dc165b15662d21389dca3b81169579437
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 17:57:22 2023 +0800
[iOS] 模块化添加xcworkspace相关文件。
commit 5247a53dc3bce97598cf8a026341e11800fcbe25
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 17:42:24 2023 +0800
[iOS] 模块添加Dwebshared framework
commit d57dfdf0e40933ce119673156431d5e08f4250db
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 17:00:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [toolkit/dweb_browser_libs] fix: #89
commit 8085d6b644b0217d77b38c5b5592a9be714f31d6
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 16:45:30 2023 +0800
[iOS] 添加一堆模块化文件。
commit c24ef68eaed0764435e3fe9de1bfc1e0eb099f6b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 27 16:16:48 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc] @plaoc/plugins 0.5.9 fix #91
commit c222e0810e5446ba161165d197d596d0b18cfc9a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 22:38:09 2023 +0800
:tada: :recycle: [kmp] 为target/js的工作作出重构
1. 新增 pureHttp 模块
2. 新增 pureImage 模块
commit a0ba36dc5add9e7d55726a597853ec375acda423
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 21:24:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/dwebview] 完善canGoBackStateFlow的实现
commit b649ffb0b637798c7fd89017607e33353ebdd9e2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 18:31:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/media] 修复存储后,相册没显示问题。, fixes #91
commit 5fdae16ce5c3fd6ef4e6e40efad53fd4b2bc9eed
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 17:50:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/ios]: 修复返回功能多次调用的问题
commit 0d8a5ed75fd8e4455a7e608242b38262ddd24f57
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 17:43:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 修复图片保存报错,添加权限
commit ca0c4d3560251c74613faa9e3f0f333458197771
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 17:26:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ios/android] 初步实现了多平台的保存相册
commit 56e37975e0cba5be476dbc4a7007eaae06e71717
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 17:15:22 2023 +0800
:bookmark: 版本 2.231226.0
commit d219e02aa5b58270b8e4a4c749b678dc99def39b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 16:35:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/media] 恢复 media.sys.dweb 的 savePictures 功能
commit dccd3cbb451dc7b93ba945c910bbf8ded20e2946
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 15:40:34 2023 +0800
:ambulance: rename
commit 3bb4cf195a2ceff722f84b69688526edb87828cf
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 15:38:20 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] 将Browser首页改为Compose
commit dee0c4ff80ae37edd27d4c38532963f2f57907c3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 14:40:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复升级的时候,申请了两个窗口
commit 61a2e2c461c343731bbe122f2aeb1a2a2c4e36fa
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 13:55:42 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 取消定位权限,目前隐私协议里面没有定位的说明。
commit 5649598664f971b5ecc95dd61abde8ece3052ade
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 26 11:29:57 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp] 移除一些废弃的函数,添加了mediaNMM
commit 0884120e37e8fc1e7e64ae79870d604abac5caba
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 20:45:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/dwebview] 实现了IOS的loadingProgressSharedFlow
commit bdd061f11e5c3042048ebc97785acf1fcf8923cf
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 20:12:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 完善dwebview的一些基础功能
1. history相关的can/go接口,新增onUrlChange监听
2. dekstopView现在可以通过返回手势关闭closeWatcher
3. iOS的WebView现在也使用loadedUrlCache
4. IOS的Delegate现在都独立出去了
commit 68b6c150eb01d9283d1185e733dd03111907dca0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 19:01:23 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp] 创建 media.sys.dweb 抽离了MultiPartFile
commit 5d14588bbaddc2d1ac512b1f7149f7e2f06b7ed6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 18:58:42 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plugins-0.5.7] 删除了mwebview,新增openInBrowser
commit 0388ce5e3d485c6fb4bb69d99bb88d5334550b35
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 18:39:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复file路径读取没有完全decodeURIComponent的问题
commit 7f1b7d8e1bf70b4e2c1fc33753ab85ab5455293d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 18:37:24 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 新增CreateWindowBehavior,解决window.open的问题
commit eabf802ec36f9712aa2b562b27f58c8709fe75a3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 18:20:16 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [kmp/android] 修复华为因为设置adjustNothing,导致OnGlobalLayoutListener没触发,版本:2.231225.0
commit 1015e866278692ac41300e33b4885cfba4f63449
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 17:56:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复ios的urlScheme重复注册导致异常的问题
commit b8855ffbdaac3d5510222869e3ab4e0245ce2f30
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 14:58:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复搜索框点击无法移动光标问题。
commit 19190b5d390d045a3be39b4f9f339e0ee904a98b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 11:31:17 2023 +0800
:recycle: :bookmark: [plaoc/plugins] 更新@plaoc/plugins 0.5.6
commit 595d779e9d38a21b124311624c55b58d3dc9a507
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 11:16:31 2023 +0800
commit ec26fe6c53d4783416a472be1d056ba80291e385
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 10:57:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复下载点击过快出现下载两次
commit de212413569c00a4f3a8649fb8ff1ac06a388cbb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 10:45:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复userAgentData注入和生物识别解析错误
commit bdf3fc1ba192f1967d0a5302b9c5cdde2bbd4184
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 10:32:22 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp] 开始ktor的抽离工作,bind HttpMethod=>bind IpcMethod
commit 52c3d3e1fac6764534f9b57f6da57a846f132e46
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 09:43:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复url编码导致图片无法显示
commit 2a8da6849b74d441c6aa2ee9322d3cbb663f24b0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 25 09:27:48 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp] 现在安装界面会避开底部的navigation bar
commit ebf2e6a0ff2ed97b5ba4906375c77e2377579460
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 23 19:34:24 2023 +0800
:up: [dweb_browser_libs] 修复tls代理数据丢失的问题
commit 170e1d5a92bbf37520cd562bb5109812fa87e66d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 15:32:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复通信的时候获取的mmid出错
@plaoc/cli@0.6.9 @plaoc/plugins@0.5.5
commit ba53a8ad29e6dae8a97feebfe815a97477db3333
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 15:02:17 2023 +0800
:bookmark: 版本 2.231218.0
commit d2363572c57b458c810079665c903d0dbb99cfc7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 14:07:00 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/browser] BrowserSearch 熏染优化
commit bbd90b38bed7123f36cf4368d34a9b8566592fe8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 13:37:17 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/permission] 增加权限说明
commit e8c20d161fc09c6911245c3402fdc9671822329f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 11:39:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复Android的loadUrl优化导致的后退前进不更新url的问题
commit 47f07c9262dd241edc3648e00d26441909426bd5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 11:34:21 2023 +0800
:package: [kmp/ios] 2.231221.1
commit 7b1dfe2ed28e5601c78f4e3c04e8c12c8bba9050
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 10:31:07 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/browser] 暂时隐藏 WindowMenu 中不具备的功能按钮
commit f8d94f36124af39eb9794a5a2e90a378a022735a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 22 10:26:02 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/jmm] 恢复 jmm下载时 Dweb 版本判断功能
commit c6bb2008ff2e8cdea3640284c0b6e4e15388c172
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 18:14:30 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] 判断添加桌面快捷方式是否可用
commit b668649700541cb1ecc225a4d35550cbffe69dad
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 17:59:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/jmm]: 修改app的logo错乱的bug
commit fc6b5c5bc0a417e7947466e4a30fa9eb1a0d547c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 17:24:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/ios]: 优化代码
commit d696ed03905515ab63e8681f23b29e9a778114fa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 17:18:29 2023 +0800
:muscle: :bug: [kmp/window] 对于renderer的onDispose有了更好的触发
commit 670dc42d8f189719ce7de4069ded823f4cc675c0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 17:15:55 2023 +0800
commit 90522ddd1dd8b2f013c0991e2cba5be913afbf95
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 16:39:09 2023 +0800
commit be6293bf86b313802598bc396dad37891b8c1654
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 16:33:47 2023 +0800
:ambulance: :arrow_up: [kmp] 升级依赖,修复ios 浏览器启动失败
commit 12786f3834bf246ea0972ea8a9141da70603fd75
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 16:30:01 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/jmm] 移除install时的open功能
commit 59f6973a561ae3872440194648eb2f173d08d312
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 16:15:39 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] 修复窗口没触发关闭
commit a36529a4cf5d475e06fce19d7ea9dd5b2620df19
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 15:57:01 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/jmm] 修改下载中和暂停的UI
commit 53becee9d6d41525bb1f23ff56ea918f3350a212
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 15:11:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [desk/assets] 修复desktop.html总是重复加载svg图标的问题
commit cd1dfa9127f249d31c5a1d2a7f1fad2cb5314391
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 15:05:56 2023 +0800
:fire: [ios] 移除一些bridge接口
commit 2419bf00fe362a7b548e6778404612d503f9d3a5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 15:04:39 2023 +0800
commit 9bb2d6b2d14682d6e81ca2390612030c505e0364
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 14:47:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复jmm的gui模块在提供renderer信号的时候,并发导致的异常问题
commit c7e69816018522eccf4ea674fc0ad8005e0ca916
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 14:25:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: :bookmark: [plaoc] 更新share plugin, @plaoc/plugins 0.5.4
commit addb98156694ca6ffc48ed907f28aabac9b2e0ef
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 14:18:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/sys] 添加cbor分享解析,添加ios分享功能
commit 89a35f427186e085f45f171cf5f7bfb1567e5204
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 13:47:36 2023 +0800
:bug:[kmp/ios]: 修改参数名称
commit 99bf87cbfc8af1cfab8e2cc6117fe0c1c4893c40
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 12:19:04 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/window] bottomSheetModal增加了关闭按钮
现在下滑不会关闭 bottomSheetModal 了,只能通过按钮或者返回手势来关闭它
commit 7b8648bf1b339207163b78d3a6ab33f8a8e2481a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 11:27:22 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 增加 AsyncImage 占位图和失败图
commit f7a970b605d6ec725efae37b3abe548c99cd7f2a
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 11:11:43 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix MetalRedrawer 在界面滚动下,不刷新的bug
commit c0296e50aaf9606ee72611cd296c60f005826964
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 11:07:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复BrowserSearch键盘手动隐藏后,点击输入框没有显示键盘问题。
commit 58b8fd58ee121dcb74aaa97c7c87ae246be3e0af
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 10:32:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复文件路径firstSegment匹配失败异常
commit 869fbc101ff8c06a9d5a60ec103758d3506e7d19
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 10:27:26 2023 +0800
:recycle: [toolkit/plaoc-html-demo] 将测试变得更方便
commit b1620693db6394046a67665a4b13edbb99ad9b70
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 10:23:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/jmm]: 修复打开installed的app时,弹出下载界面的bug
commit 17ab2d209e0ed856882a62294a178d483925445e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 19:46:51 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/kmp] 修复了virtual keyboard overlay
commit c8ee9c0e79eeb800e65e10a8d5c1908d2d4da538
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 19:34:56 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/jmm] 优化jmm中英文显示
commit fed979268956b106859fd48f835958bc4c2589d8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 19:12:17 2023 +0800
commit bac21a21e8a126f61e318842891218ea4a55961b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 19:03:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window, kmp/browser/jmm] 修复jmm的bottomSheet的一些体验问题
commit 8a3ecdabb935dbfd61d48ab9d9a10b88eb4c79c7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 19:01:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helper] 修复ObservableMutableState状态回调的判断时机。
commit b8b326b01beb6e452c58284ca6113f1af5d515bc
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 18:49:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/ios] 区分搜索框入口和其他入口进入browserView
commit 16e8a1c13ec635effc7b030ee169071a5e5668e6
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 17:59:21 2023 +0800
:tennis: [iOS]简化代码
commit 1a8418e3893ecc94958970f6a56e9e39aaad436f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 17:41:10 2023 +0800
commit da9d74d8719eeb0e10ff66cc4bf9f2d2955b98e7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 17:13:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] ios修复IOS的BottomSheet的生命周期
监听 destory、resize
commit 8dbc132272986721fbeaf0213634c16e3ca6c15c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 16:27:47 2023 +0800
:bug: :recycle: [kmp/window] 修复CompositionChain,实现IOS原声的BottomSheet
commit 463241fe82a0dd542b72727b95ec42e061c260e7
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 16:05:15 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] 输入状态下,点击空白释放焦点;添加360搜索
commit 54bb8287cf1d165d222c730722945e4ec459806f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 15:53:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复window环境deno task dev 路径错误
commit 46f1fa257257622ae65fc11a8aa6c83f68b98661
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 14:33:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复应用安装不进去
commit afe2cd8abe9de5c3eb4d0d444083d2078693e774
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 11:23:52 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp/ios] 优化AppIcon
commit 90ab0667c91187ccdc1e81124b7ad954ac6161e1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 11:17:13 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] 优化capture触发点时机,使得webview滑动手势放开时,不会卡顿
commit ab56d22469c92a96b4ad0f52fec1d18fff6371cc
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 10:56:28 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS]键盘弹起状态隐藏状态栏
commit d3efc0855f7682de92c9204278b73c542a4e2749
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 09:57:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 解决地址栏输入状态情况下的拖拽手势冲突
commit 90baad6ea7a74ba6f1ade0a212cb8c6f3f1bd769
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 09:25:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS]默认空url修改
commit 076fdef92c842139a5084928d6af127f1a0bac83
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 20 09:05:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复桌面应用启动失败
commit 5fcc835a2c65b50feec819749182bd5989939613
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 21:49:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] 新增 CompositionChain 来实现对 Provider 的管控
commit 5bca071f54f9970beec9f45c40f52e20c39bf13f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 18:59:16 2023 +0800
:star:[iOS] 修复地址栏显示404的URL
commit 2aa4d1a9839d51cb4afcad24ac3f1fd3a9f0b208
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 18:41:44 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/jmm] tab对齐
commit 6c560ea7665affd451a7057ee4b3e88367ab8291
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 18:37:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS]修复网页残留的bug
commit 613d7c11d00da5a420a14f70028f94f9d3ee4d25
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 18:33:59 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] UI调整
commit 8d5fef9374aa39b4cd1bb3a2bff79f25cdf98981
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 18:25:36 2023 +0800
:star2: [iOS] 优化更新,减少重绘,修复多次关闭和新建标签页导致崩溃的问题
commit e5397f12b978b85a843c24316cfa7fab28d430ef
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 18:06:00 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix bug: 扫一扫,识别到dweblink后,没有关闭扫一扫界面。
commit d2cd85c7e6f7f320917d140dcf0125ac768be76f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 17:48:19 2023 +0800
:book: [plaoc] 修改一些描述
commit 827e1e1455ed1fbfecb5582a103b586730cd79f6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 17:26:40 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/jmm] 优化tab和button显示问题
commit d8f91af6d4c9d0d2799f05a5e1b21b6ddc2cf2be
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 17:05:26 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] onclose后,ios销毁浏览器视图。
commit 738fe490481ce6d279eb84005d154ad3427c4b26
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 16:45:30 2023 +0800
:zap: :recycle: [kmp/browser] 对jmm进行了优化,改进了启动install界面弹出的速度
commit eb1b0a9a4407ff973002260f474ceedd8267d9ae
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 15:20:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/ios]: 修改添加到桌面bug,修改扫码deep_link问题
commit 49d8fc4ee4b27dc1020620b9c2031f619200f53b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 15:10:38 2023 +0800
:muscle: [plaoc/cli] 发布cli-0.6.8
commit ddde724d954b1bb134ecdf78caeb225349e188ed
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 13:56:32 2023 +0800
[iOS] 添加bookmark,兼容网页图标获取不到的case。
commit 4bb6b67390974f89a35fd4ee391cf08c1f0b1dec
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:49:27 2023 +0800
:zap: [kmp/dwebview] dweb://deeplink现在直接在内部消化
commit 596f0513d867e32d69c9712059f378ac7e64c775
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:29:12 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/is-dweb] @plaoc/is-dweb 0.0.8
commit 16aba4dfc2552411152fa9a2849b84cb47793f7c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:09:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复桌面weblink打开提示启动失败异常
commit 1a9a3493376f3460b9b2bc63bbc31602562afd07
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:08:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复IOS中DWebView的deeplink支持
commit 46406d964a694bd9529f9c57bc7e9f4f4156fb73
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:07:18 2023 +0800
:wrench: [kmp/ios] 更新项目配置,debug和release现在分开
1. 现在plist中version和displayname跟随project,不用独立再配置了
2. debug和relase现在分开两个包名
3. provisioning更新
commit 4d2149c16f21ff06baca9d77924aa59f43322547
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:03:45 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/jmm] ios 历史增加tab,优化中英文切换tab显示问题,
commit 69788a05371d4afd150e640b3b2cb232c2e9607f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 10:36:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 关闭桌面模块管理卸载
commit 83925ac749931009838b63509a8173229afea46e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 10:19:59 2023 +0800
:star: [kmp/dwebview]代码简化
commit 63d5faa9b5a7738ad243f55d9d62369807c7d3f5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 19 10:18:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 网页图标夹在失效的bug
commit 8c322a35064a680b344ca6fd04e8b13516118131
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:56:10 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] 现在userAgentData跟着https标准
commit 1b90cf08a4f1ed96c957e4791372750bc50ee607
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:43:27 2023 +0800
:up: [toolkit] dweb_browser_libs修复编译
commit 2c36429cf460cb0282c52eb9ec163af322c0b4c7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:40:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复Loading中color异步引起的crash
commit ca3b80198509b9b8b41828bc3cc3b4c6a88e3e19
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:37:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 弃用loadDataWithBaseURL写法
commit 5700ca31e23d84799dcf662b14d05a98606a49a3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:21:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] dwebview的prepare从engine中迁出
commit 5970e83024d9da62010c6c0e1fafe7a379d73793
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:16:01 2023 +0800
commit 3b92dd0936c3210532c5d933dcaa858e549c78e6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:07:49 2023 +0800
:up: [toolkit/dweb_browser_libs] 改进reverse_proxy的可靠性
commit f57aa7b795430551359fad3a06a19c6e85992290
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 18:03:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] Android修复loadDataWithBaseURL没有填写正确的编码
commit 68df76ace9270235764c868ea1aeaecc67e4c480
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 17:57:55 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/is-dweb] @plaoc/is-dweb 0.0.7
commit f207fd35763069db76ed1d29913f7f79ec8e1296
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 16:48:06 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] UIAlertViewController添加mmid方法
commit 26efd3ed6bf25ffb3b74465a3dadb66da97f18d2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 16:35:45 2023 +0800
:zap: [kmp/dwebview] 优化DwebviewEngine的prepare工作
commit af66f3d5279578d5980709037a20d57b15c4de3d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 16:29:46 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] 弹窗展示id
commit 6e0bb5d48cdb2271da5eee692f5b6233069af7fb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 16:20:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复代理启动过慢
commit 1aaa6d732fa413e0e83cd08428dee3a84bbe6e63
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 16:17:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复添加到桌面的icon问题。
commit 3838dc3fddcc5c60fe6b783aeb7419f6b9f968ab
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 15:55:22 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 现在rust代理会等待前端启动完成
commit cfc9048fd7d0eb293bf06854b6997b159a9854d1
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 15:00:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修改网页在加载过程中进度条未能及时更新的bug
commit a48d49573228293c82f25c8db8c500e19622450d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 14:59:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修改缩放动画未能正确使用截图来做动画的bug
commit 315dcbf172f40932b019dbf3a1034ba1e4e25fea
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 14:47:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复IOS的UIDelegate内存被释放的问题
dwebview 初步加入国际化的支持
commit 777a4008c78936fe54ab05b7a3b883235d51f610
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 11:28:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [android/ios] 修复userAgentData注入
commit 96653d9a9b137a4a21cff55179de9c9a8ce91b09
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 11:27:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复 BrowserNavigator 多tab状态异常。扩大QRCode关闭图标的点击区域
commit 429e194a37f6cd5553c8ffdf355833986f702f4c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 11:15:56 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 优化代理地址的取值方式;优化Favicon垫片,不再污染全局
commit 3262f7de8eef83024102592174420742d3ae2c74
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 11:01:16 2023 +0800
[iOS] 增加窗口返回的事件处理。
commit cdcfc299fa52be53d1bba63e98d0d5f611298f04
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 10:47:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/deeplink] 增加扫码网址直接打开browser功能。
commit 58f304947ee97b496ae42983cc14b6da55a3ff4a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 10:22:26 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/ios] debugMode现在跟随编译
commit 6e33065f5b801f19b1f6fee6c163795638975656
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 10:21:53 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview, toolkit/dwebview-polyfill] 更新了dwebview-polyfill的加载方式;增加favicon.ios.ts
commit b02135a7c37783a762c03f28edbe20b48d184522
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 10:16:41 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/browser] 修改WebLink加载模式,优先判断列表是否已经存在,如果存在就不新增。
commit 9a9b51be7507740e374fdcef5e0191c645dfa2c7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 10:02:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复url和host的判断问题。
commit cf68ff81456b6984f1d27f64964c60e16558cb27
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 18 10:01:57 2023 +0800
:recycle: [toolkit] 修改plaoc-html-demo的git仓库
commit ef4a779ca634a58048a1e9497e103bf76d8ee4f4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Dec 17 19:48:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :recycle: [toolkit/dwebview-polyfill,kmp/dwebview] 重新实现了 WebSocket.ios 的垫片
commit d4c506644d887082062d851c09cfb02fa71f2c20
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 21:08:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复ios的websocket垫片
:bug: 修复没有正确返回readyState的问题
:bug: 修复on事件没有正确关联到#ws实例的问题
commit e5e708ed95d68bc233f7e4e06d4cf0b32d295bf0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 20:20:51 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/dwebview] 完善webview跟随remoteMM销毁的逻辑
commit 697524cdd3601b5357bc3bdec7965096bdcb117d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 20:10:19 2023 +0800
:wrench: [plaoc] 一些命令重新命名
commit dde5a70fe01c0ac31c6b8e333dab052ed27ad2e3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 20:07:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复ios的WebSocket垫片存在消息顺序不正确的问题
commit a2588d259b46cd1c74645f358e44deafd79c4bef
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 19:08:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 修复wkwebview内存泄漏
commit f63e8c0531cfe54bd07be811af90c493aad94dd5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 19:02:15 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复ios的环境下,jmm读取usr文件没有对path解码导致404的问题
commit 902e594767c3139aa1ee6687e23336ea4f691d7c
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 18:29:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修改多个导致webview无法释放的问题
commit 92e5a80bb76b32ee45abf0a0247b2d04f348b207
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 17:14:56 2023 +0800
:wrench: [plaoc] plaoc task pub 现在默认可以发布全部的包,也可以手动指定一些包
commit 2f95de560d0b232161dda4dc779344957e4bdb22
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 16:53:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复canOpenUrl总是为true的问题
commit 4e9c8d7c8b03a6481a030e58fad15d96a73df5c3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 16:52:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复cli的version不是读取package.json的问题
commit d5221a8c35b98786864ef526b4c86e9ac26d398e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 15:32:01 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc] @plaoc/cli 0.6.6, @plaoc/plugins 0.5.1, @plaoc/server 0.1.2
commit 7895d1d592a906695cc812c8984ec82573dcda1c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 15:18:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/sys、plaoc] 修复MotionSensors异常,修复plaoc websocket jsonline
commit f840c867448ccec8f295510f284ebf7c6db5ffbe
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 14:24:08 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/sys] 修复Scanning插件的稳定性
commit a5f0d7e082d5489d5a240acfc3335e500e5b244a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 14:23:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复WebSocketPolyfill.ios在连接错误时没有正确关闭的问题
commit a1039f2b0d17118d9bf8f2f7367276f44b543716
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 14:22:07 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/core] 避免ApplicationResponse.fromPureResponse因为ContentType.parse导致异常而无法继续响应的问题
commit b64966fcefc0e50f44db9c5a99059d8d483fa787
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 14:20:55 2023 +0800
:bug: [js-process] 修复Content-Type的格式错误问题
commit 2f7da57327b002f839125ab90c0bff38ced79fc9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 10:43:51 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/sys] 修复IOS扫码支持
:bug: 跨域问题
:up: 更新tls_forward,修复文件上传问题
commit 24242c4d71385fb08dc88b174e8a5d8b3fec0a15
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 16 10:42:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] 修复nativeViewController.ios的remove存在状态更新的问题
commit a1b17404002179e1c67d234a4cfd525c3b6a5744
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 19:11:09 2023 +0800
:package: [kmp/ios] 2.231215.0
commit 3960dbfd8023c4276c6fd136bbec8c9a1defb6e4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 18:50:28 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/dwebview] 修复ios的wkwebview的背景默认透明样式的问题
commit f0382339bf27b38ce6b9707cc1d1547afc5c6984
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 18:35:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/ios]: 修改手势冲突的问题
commit 1f194b83f3b2c845da223f071825986996d9ce1a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 18:09:08 2023 +0800
Revert ":bug: [iOS] 1.webview的container没有id导致系统对webview的管理机制出问题 2.js脚本导致webview没被释放 3.webView.observe添加观察对象时对self造成了循环引用 4.移除addressbar对webwrapper的依赖造成了webview未被释放"
This reverts commit a8a97457cd872165195e27e5fc8b17ec84e09dc0.
commit e53d85aeb3075252ebc0de0e224cf2cc61a75655
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 17:52:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/dwebview] 实现了基于MessageHandler与eval的WebSocket代理
commit df0957d2920b8e482dde25189615e6c2116ebff0
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 17:32:19 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix 线程警告问题。
commit e435c8e19f1f3d37c7b9e7e6a12b445a6992839b
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 17:23:32 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] fix getOriginalUrl未现实得编译报错。
commit f6f042edc7c946e44c291e5f9af8ece15898ac7e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 16:38:44 2023 +0800
:art: [android] 如果icon找不到,使用默认的图片
commit 392e23b3aec111a3d99925dae37ee2fd32f70346
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 16:31:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复桌面webLink icon不显示,添加getOriginUrl
commit 65e25588740ed1eb92701bd3168c082e022a6f66
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 16:24:39 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix:无历史记录的bug。
commit a8a97457cd872165195e27e5fc8b17ec84e09dc0
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 15:32:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 1.webview的container没有id导致系统对webview的管理机制出问题 2.js脚本导致webview没被释放 3.webView.observe添加观察对象时对self造成了循环引用 4.移除addressbar对webwrapper的依赖造成了webview未被释放
commit 035b268c5a9b1fd3a2e73c7d5417a5693d641569
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 15:17:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 增加addUrlToDesk中icon的填充。jmm增加失败提醒。
commit 7b0077199e2078818203c6213bb8720666050c88
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 14:09:35 2023 +0800
:bookmark: 版本 2.231215.0
commit c1ae23bede6a01b84286547beab56afe73b461db
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 14:08:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复键盘显示引起的界面问题。
commit 535ae54423fd623bc4b58aabd7dd4461cdb7dcf4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 14:02:37 2023 +0800
:bug: [android/plaoc] 修复websocket拼接和构建问题
commit 8aa8179136636c239258f31864d511d6e94c0b0a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 11:17:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [sys/scanning,plaoc] 修复barcode-scanning.plugin插件,以及一些的向下兼容的问题
commit d5a0ffa9cf2af8b74954d36d923092614609a559
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 10:50:07 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] fix iOS浏览器最小化后,打开画面异常的问题。2.异步加载缓存的截屏数据。
commit bc8b1a53da15864367c8133a6fdc0178a0d63e5b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 10:47:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ios] 实现toast
commit 3a27f71575118d9c9746be71be1c7cb63d735d00
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 10:30:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复deeplink在android上需要明确的cors配置的问题
commit 19f7ee5235d1aae13555c0f2b7550ef8b3dbe25c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 10:29:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复external-server数据传输格式错误的问题
commit 6f24a573ebd530b6f1b4622a3a8373bbb42e8616
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Dec 15 09:04:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/ios] 修改键盘输入框的输入范围
commit d2594d4de920b5b7818f2637f0aff40d8e810fc4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 21:57:37 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser,kmp/window] 对jmmNMM模块进行了service、application分离
1. 使用JmmGuiNMM实现视图相关的功能子集
2. window.std.dweb 相关的接口现在更加宽容,允许自定义wid来实现委托控制。
commit d10a884fa74536eaaf1520f22139ec8492bcf96a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 18:54:52 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/core] 修复错误捕捉
commit c4b41638a3914146cfeba6176f0e4cfdc9cc86f7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 18:50:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复IpcEvent.jsonAble/ipcMessageToJson的问题
commit 6a02d498abdab93aa6cd0ce355781e79abfc1723
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 18:47:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/permission] 增加权限判断功能
commit 45c5b04f38628a93896b21870bea30a6207e95fa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 18:21:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 使用http.std.dweb/websocket重写websocket函数
commit ad9354216857755d8d78e04cc5ef279202cb0cc6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 18:16:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [cli] cli-0.6.3 修复清除文件夹报错
commit 38d9ffecd71267c3b5e98baa0ea2da1199bca7c2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 17:51:45 2023 +0800
:package: [plaoc] plugins-0.4.8 cli-0.6.2
commit a29d4138375a01ed71d5b428d55604ca77545d90
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 17:35:37 2023 +0800
Update dwebbrowserprovisioning.mobileprovision
commit c4f187587fc1e8bdccb10ef3cd8c613a3c0f28c0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 16:52:57 2023 +0800
Update dwebbrowserprovisioning.mobileprovision
commit 2edb5f310f91113398e389d0eb0d5c0431afff9a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 16:22:48 2023 +0800
:construction: [plaoc] 提交websocket 异常关闭问题
commit c6696354a4baa4558191d4b07c1ec94c36c76744
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 14:58:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev,plaoc] 继续完善PureChannel与Ipc的互操作性
commit e0f84e70f19ec0d1dd90f17dbd1b7eb318155153
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 14:55:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修改 LoadingView 角度计算问题
commit e060c11f5fa9ae3bd119b8f650c3f7fa31da0a64
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 12:27:08 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop/plaoc] 修复一些导入,修正代码合理性
commit da51792ccfefb0085cb66727d404138a90439f0a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 12:17:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 初步跟进了PureChannel
commit 724a08465a9e1b30a95cf97804dc724ce61e2d3c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 10:58:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc/cli] 对命令行的参数进行了优化
commit dd5d35b3c1efa661d7122a60fe3f01f0cc62e347
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 14 10:41:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复 history list 删除问题
commit 6ca5ac6ebfcc5934512a182c4c134bcaaaf0c407
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 20:17:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 给ready 添加 await
commit e5aa5c67b9fe4488159965551864dcfd10509892
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 19:32:06 2023 +0800
:muscle: [js-process] jsProcess 新增 主动 ready 接口,来全局管控所有的 ipc ready 的执行时机
commit 331786cdf84c1e71e2da5d6c3aedb7ec0615f3c7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 19:31:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] ipc新增 afterReady 接口,来确保业务逻辑的正确发送时机
commit 76f9073054ec689269159c5945941ee4bfd04d12
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 19:05:15 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复jmm提供的适配器在生命周期外运行导致的问题
commit 5c0579bb8f2a8a9b4832abd40cedb9cd11b2ca41
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 18:40:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复book list 删除功能
commit 871b2cf95319b4e2a3b02b7d9c5217cba00dd4f2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 18:24:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复应用关闭没有正确被移除runningApps
commit 796388e9d969420cd764d56a8a83b16dd2dbf3c8
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 18:10:55 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 优化代码。
commit a4e075d81d6760a41447ee5c2a913c66454b8b09
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 18:03:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复添加到桌面功能提示异常问题
commit 72b74571216dd0f4d618f1fddc467784307c22fc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 17:49:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复 HorizontalPager 在荣耀手机滑动时,滑动值不在区间[-0.5f~0.5f]之间引起的crash问题
commit 0592eeb5880a4b86f5f87206df6a9113134558b9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 17:47:01 2023 +0800
commit d91e1009a9b590520ff3ea4bde7648ea07ce50f6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 17:44:04 2023 +0800
:book: [kmp/core] 补充提交文档
commit 2cd57353d833b0e2bc7e833580b17381b48ab867
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 17:15:03 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 对IpcRequest和PureRequest进行了彻底重构
commit b442a099f412fa6225678fb6c82c8e09e7a0ab3a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 16:56:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复goBack时loadurlTask没有更新的问题。修复browser SearchBox内容没更新问题
commit 21101674cc032b26fb1c3d92006e8ff37e1279b9
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 16:15:17 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix 动画迟钝。
commit e0ad7c12c7d70c3ac0d5e37e69afdb5a92bf5c67
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 16:12:41 2023 +0800
:christmas_tree: [kmp] 在nativeMicroModule新增了createChannel
commit 81b2b5f4091c50fc76b5ebf8b7926ee02e8d459c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 14:49:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复Browser的BackHandler功能
commit 1bf4f6aeb381ef580b1152f872a1100e986a178f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 14:18:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios]修复deskview点击空白区域无法关闭弹出层
commit cd8813c0c41a746c97d56ebbb347445937bba472
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 11:31:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] wkwebview的websocket不走代理,使用localhost代替
commit 708ec1ddc1de6d1cefe8a5f2fed606e128a32e39
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 13 11:06:17 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/i18n] 修改非compose获取文本的方式,browser增加toast函数
commit 1da85767d3936b18918339b3e6ab5e1ff11fdc2e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 21:23:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复ipcRequest于pureRequest互转的错误
toPure 这个函数中:
isIpcSender = true,那么处理 ipcForChannelHandler 的就是 ipcRequest 自身的 ipc 对象。
否则,ipcForChannelHandler 应该由外部传入,传入 onMessage/onRequest 的处理者
commit a4330d86d22a18225987df7bdad5886bc837fc98
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 18:35:40 2023 +0800
:art: [android] 优化应用列表ui
commit a8d8c9bafc0304ef3ad946528a76accaa152bfdd
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 18:19:16 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix:动画
commit 217933f9c8afbe7dec5b0473852df2bfaeb15791
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 17:52:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ios] 内部浏览器改用DWebviewEngine作为WKWebView使用
commit 62a95044073efa6594cd47bb3573b5b31f495a15
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 17:43:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复注入代码异常,修复脚本问题
commit 462e1e82078522303c52532fb64b73a8f45799ca
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 17:32:11 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/jmm] 下载状态优化
commit 4e13c2d7058fed6b56042949599fc0b0867bf740
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 16:42:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复android的dwebview(HW)的closewatcher的一些异常
commit aee010f267df7077210646bebbf765c554ee239c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 14:45:32 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 删除websocket-client
commit 57a890a89e25868254233b1d466ab0799ab10cd5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 14:20:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 完成httpNMM /websocket
commit 6f0f007769330193c37eb4d69b9822de10e71369
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 19:17:02 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp] fetch完成,websocket未完成
commit 97da84702c77b5e04d20426f5a437ac3d52c5998
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 11:50:10 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desk] 跟进byChannel的sendJsonline直接发送文本,改进组建排序问题
commit 82e7fddd80b9f904ace667b61ad78448bbdfc8bb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 11:49:17 2023 +0800
:up: [dweb_browser_libs] 修复tls转发服务没有正确处理主动关闭(back eof)的问题
commit 348991acf1ad064a50f30ccce00478ad547334f2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 21:02:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 新增了PureChannel,用来对WebSocekt进行抽象
1. IpcRequest是使用IpcEvent来模拟PureChannel的数据传输
1. 所有的 defineJsonLineResponse 现在改成 byChannel
commit 2508016ad94817e6a876e4b597dc4a522f5688df
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 14:51:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperCompose] 新增ObservableMutableState,修复jmmInstall
commit 05e364036a2e4049e05a41172e14964bb8425f60
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 13:53:43 2023 +0800
:[kmp/ios]: 添加侧滑手势,BrowserView的返回功能
commit f956e5c329665e585be1bf0968cf0bf296bf1f71
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 12:39:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/release] 修复打包时候,混淆引起的运行异常。版本:2.231212.0
commit 1b254812939f897a4407a30f48c7cd0ef52870b1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 11:13:03 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc/android] 修复注入报错,优化激活窗口
commit 29f2876719c401455ffa4a40cff706d4c0a51e8b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 10:08:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复重启和窗口激活问题 cli-0.6.0
commit 1540a2883f68abbe2054dc94c3d9342aad501d93
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 09:55:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复 BrowserSearch 的背景webview缩放引起的窗口按钮无法点击问题。
commit ed24323d5e6449ff2cd087fb97f3536cfcb04dfc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 12 09:02:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [next/core] fix cbor
commit df5b3acb9932a34f7ca5d77e29bd203ca87ae1e5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 18:19:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 由于android键盘弹出会将整个界面顶起,所以WindowBottomHeight不需要计算安全区域的高度
commit 1cfe139893c0b51a9d52b9f5d57f34ace26aa26c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 18:13:59 2023 +0800
:package: [plaoc] is-dweb 发布0.0.6
commit 4164da2417998b4c3c9227bdb7ea5d27b4c7c420
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 18:08:33 2023 +0800
[kmp/ios] 1.bookmark & history 数据层改为kmp. 2.ios暴露接口抽离。
commit 8ab1db6655b91185ec9152ca1acd7610a44896ec
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 17:53:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] desktop输入框dweb忽略大小写,为了兼容ios默认英文键盘首字母大写
commit ada22e18367765c9040a10cb0db4513b40f3dc25
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 17:05:30 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/DWebView] 使用 WebViewCompat 来管理 WebMessagePort,添加Cbor
commit 1d17132cded1b791a683bf9ac4b98693a0fd78ee
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 16:57:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复 系统返回以及窗口返回到响应事件
commit 16acdb4ce352f1c8505c1f6efc5eaee966e0745f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 16:22:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复deep_link 匹配错误
commit e13b963c5e16a72d16fcdf91a1332e17e75e0dd4
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 16:08:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/deeplink] 修复二维码中后面包含了 \n \r 等一些换行符等字段。
commit 39abbb24c04d8625460b0a28cdfba079c9b8d294
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 15:26:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复一些加载报错
commit 9821d66930b9f4c536fb8f04653bec85718fe9b4
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 19:17:02 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp] fetch完成,websocket未完成
commit 69dd4436a78551dfba49e1166a44cbfbaed52efd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 19:07:01 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/sys] 对barcode-scanning模块与plaoc插件进行了初步重构
commit 77ab1f3058a50b02d3e7a7fa7497f25ef89456a2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 18:12:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [plugins] 修复窗口重启抖动
commit 370798f4f04cdeb328c42a2ddf446b76cc12ce31
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 18:00:33 2023 +0800
:ambulance: :shit:
commit b0514537a0e2df63c09ba3da2a5623b3b88ef087
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 17:58:52 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/sys,kmp/helper] 重构了ScanningApi
commit 4004ca03a4fbaaac0c532f39b45b5f80e339122b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 17:36:32 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 移除不必要log
commit 9afd805076e77edaf1fd84d05af1b90dca3cc508
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 17:33:22 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复DNSNMM中getPreferenceApp 的实现
commit 901f487763b524ab3db905b569faedd40072dd5c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 17:21:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复ApplicationResponse.fromPureResponse没有正确返回EmptyContent 的问题
commit 886b7b1ac1015aeec030ff59fbbfd63f80bbc6ac
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 17:14:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS]解决桌面没有加载快捷方式的问题
commit 4b7b9e3264ba85eab98b2e79f1d9e69c21b4da35
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 16:55:06 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/scan] 恢复扫码权限自请求功能。
commit b6213647a57040196e2de03b85a76eafa42a1836
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 16:53:46 2023 +0800
:up: [dweb_browser_libs] 升级tls代理没有很好地转发完整内容的问题
commit 1722b0ac5b5246adfc7e11a9395a6bae84468572
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 13:31:18 2023 +0800
:up: [toolkit/dweb_browser_libs] 修复tls证书格式错误的问题
commit 9b07936a81226a66cf1ebb6fbc5edcca38a1ae8c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 12:15:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复分享padding
commit 955e74603671307ec72ab586d24378d64f22a934
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 11:14:49 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [plaoc] 在document中隐藏setupDB的代码
commit 53f16402064853e0407e00d130bc212bccfdb757
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 11:13:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复createJsProcessWeb的可靠性
commit 558e7a5668803c5b755f94ec2e52c9031c6c6465
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 11:12:55 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/dwebview] 现在ios平台上网页默认不透明
commit eb8420cae1a0e45a6ddaa86dbb0eac7b105ee1a3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 8 10:06:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复cors跨域配置函数没有提供options响应
commit 2e03c0b1b6906ebcf6b3b82830f10d889137c21a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 22:20:58 2023 +0800
:up: [toolkit/dweb_browser_libs] 升级支持更好的tls代理转发
commit b013a4eb0296512734e5e0528938c094948baa20
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 22:09:52 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helper] 优化ios中weakmap的实现,改进一些ios内存的分配
commit 3fff231543e1a2eb39c7c355f33dfa89e394d1a8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 18:41:54 2023 +0800
commit b18e27370da5807a99a1cdbe9bf5479bb1e102bc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 18:30:26 2023 +0800
:art: [android/ios] 修复taskBar 移除识别问题
commit 9a8921794a19151687ebca74cf7905bf6b2ce9c9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 18:16:07 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/permission] 加个权限字段
commit 32d7b59c858293b4277fa05dc09a40df52493805
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 18:13:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/taskbar] 修复taskbar长按关闭界面时,taskbarFloatView加载为空问题
commit f5c0b9b44f78b92dabd445a526ab91599ec6323b
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 17:37:17 2023 +0800
:six_pointed_star: [iOS]网页添加桌面快捷方式,删除无用代码
commit f971a191a8389faf5cde5125ccf62dd5190bb4d8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 17:01:10 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/window] 临时修复ModalBottomSheet的padding-top问题
commit 63190001f54a22fa938f437a87437e76fac901e8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 16:56:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复_is_native_support_context_menu_的判断机制
commit 0d9207b586935f216a5fb8b0bd0908ea6a97b473
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 16:44:09 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/window] 现在BottomSheet可以全屏遮罩
commit 461c9f6e77b660c32cfe57af5bf65c491372edac
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 16:26:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复在Android上两次触发ContextMenuEvent的问题
commit 06246e36e17dffbf6ebfd3659e5af0d6c8b45c66
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 15:53:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/jmm] 修复卸载应用,状态同步问题,取消点击动态效果。
commit 34583b0f3fdfd205bc0cc9327332357033675145
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 15:30:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] 为SwiftUI环境提供了emitOnGoBack钩子函数
commit a8982faa0c756be6751883762136fdb56d4ec3ec
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 12:25:34 2023 +0800
:wave: [iOS]扫码和新建标签替换
commit 6ef665aca60338fec1a15d32b22562a62ede2f46
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 12:24:02 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 修复改进CloseWatcher在Android上的实现
commit 2b8b0cc247b86ffa7931ce8fb8ca1e581b05ff51
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 12:18:54 2023 +0800
:package: [kmp/ios] 发布2.231207.0
commit bb8258f1da91a58472b7c5a8de1b6f46302e54cc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 10:56:53 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [plaoc/android] 修复类型错误
commit 035f072d03553ec171aac859ea5aae9e37a5bf93
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 10:13:20 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] UserAgentData添加jmm和应用版本号
commit a349be59b80720b5ab7871a8dd6dff8c3faab519
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Dec 7 09:22:56 2023 +0800
commit 2e4566f6790b13e69cd0c10bafadb14662f2aaaa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 19:47:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [jmm] 修复JsMicroModule不能正确响应subprotocol的连接问题
commit 82a114c4463b92a3d5e74fee823b8c49b419751c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 19:02:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 优化Android启动屏幕的启动逻辑
commit f52130088fd2d56461417c3b7e733a0589ce2f4e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:56:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/desk] 修复 TaskbarActivity 关闭时,taskbarFloatView 没有重新唤醒的问题。
commit 33641934de3e205f155b03485357501f309df54b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:55:19 2023 +0800
:ambulance: plaoc/is-dweb 0.0.5 release
commit b75e5250e5dca6607bec8c45200f82e729d738a8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:43:41 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/is-dweb] plaoc/is-dweb 0.0.4 release
commit b64bb8bf94e636054ebb410d70223ada66b4a2c5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:30:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp] UserAgentData polyfill
commit 278589a61520de3cb1986e0a0c171a549083b4a8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:26:52 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/core] 优化模块的启动与关闭,现在不会抛出不必要的异常
commit 606405ec00ba4f721344a28b6c46a7eb5731fa3b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:22:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复打开 web-link 时,同时打开了两个tab问题。
commit abf759b2d2cc467aac8917c4231a575c702810d4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:16:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc/client] 暂时废除了前端插件的下载进度监听
commit 42c5372de3d5e3de765edf0ea65296990f15ff52
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 18:15:17 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/server] @plaoc/server 发布 0.1.1
commit 5969784fc3023debd61c9f04e71035219e5e7de7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 17:28:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 实现了IOS平台下的EffectNavigationBar,可以隐藏导航指示条
commit f3f0935b37104df929556edfbddcd0b138e428bd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 16:46:19 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/jmm] 打开应用时,自动关闭jmm界面
commit d284a597f178856093430f323a822ceee72b9515
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 16:34:25 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 添加locationNMM iOS实现
commit 303371f060f50c1488fef46484dd6339d21fc7c0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 15:52:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 实现了IOS平台下的EffectSafeModel,可以禁止截屏
commit 1411406aaf54ab49c88052ca8b40f11ee5334522
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 13:44:16 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [kmp/jmm] 下载界面按键下载进度更新优化,只修改下载量的值,其他不变,避免频繁跳动。
commit 2138197f5be178782566dd5333fd712c10e8b215
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 11:14:12 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复browser和搜索聚焦时,窗口显示越界问题。
commit 4065f1bbd010cb586e35a37be3e18ebb423f3e50
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 10:53:35 2023 +0800
:art: [dektop] 优化tarBar的ui,暂时注释downloadNMM的application属性
commit 99cb7a2b63dc7e8f8c279d8ba87194f8076ac098
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 09:57:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/safeArea] 补充android的safearea
commit 18f57987ed3344f20bada3bf240bae80a71bcfd3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Dec 6 09:53:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/DWebView] 修复UserAgent设置不完整无法启动
commit 42c2e28f5367dc4080020bcaba9413ce772752b3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 18:42:48 2023 +0800
:recycle: [toolkit] 修改plguins为本地依赖
commit 1761fb56e5ce80011107ad4bdc4982fcf5ed427c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 18:40:36 2023 +0800
:boom: [plaoc/desktop] 全部升了 https和wss 废除了以前的localhost,internal/public url
commit 60c0573ee2116a69514ee3afd790b95419eb39fd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 18:30:22 2023 +0800
:zap: [kmp/dwebview] 优化userAgent,优化dwebview在窗口和全屏切换时的失真问题。
commit 911ec55e167cca96f12b179dca8955e8c70b2e61
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 15:23:04 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/location] geolocation结构调整
commit a739fa75f731ef99fcf1a48b9af7cfc22983ffd0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 14:59:50 2023 +0800
commit ce51b701485defcfb5bdbdb01563e4d27c5b121a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 14:58:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [cli] 修复重启的时候申请win卡住 @plaoc/cli 0.5.8
commit 7b63de0f94e0f9e455966912c948c75c03fc57e6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 14:12:43 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/ipc] 编译器报错,重复定义
commit a7b7e95947f16d07aa4f5988aed0d2bad0390143
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 14:00:44 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [desktop/cli] 桌面端新增onRenderer
commit 986432cd7b55ddecda0e2c02819398ef7cdb0f40
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 12:22:10 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [iOS] 新增App Store版本更新提醒
commit aad4e87f9eebaabddd3d36b27aa0c47295898cb3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 09:49:51 2023 +0800
commit 0a2f62e6c9c6e64b7a970893f8ba9b4acb08f871
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Dec 5 09:14:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 修复desktopView留白区域无法取消弹出层错误
commit 080fb5fef3bb11fcb68bd28e2208e91acbf7cfac
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 21:26:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 初步实现了http.std.dweb/fetch,它是一个遵循cors的安全的fetch
commit 9e317f956e3646c272f75f7df0007cb9f4fd326a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 21:25:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] bind to 改成 bind by,避免与pair的歧义
commit 3c2d6a4d0290b0f179de20f72f4aff01d93a0d0a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 18:09:59 2023 +0800
commit e8cbbffb5112e4fdb30ad163cfd6422f380c2b3c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 18:06:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ios] 内部浏览器添加dweb deeplink功能
commit daa6c6220621b58606f4dd1ae4dcee56d2ca73be
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 18:05:44 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/cli] 修复了导入错误 plaoc/cli 0.5.7
commit f6ebc880e3232692cf464304d1cac1125da6cab9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 17:36:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 修复当链接没有携带scheme确携带了端口时,没有默认添加https,导致浏览器无法访问
commit 3492ee6d7af363dfe69e2efd87388ff2549e2187
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 15:43:38 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/desktop] @plaoc/cli 0.5.6
修复https 请求资源404
commit 15a34d34c4bc6aa84a63485637ddc2db0fa32867
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 15:12:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/is-dweb] 0.0.3 release
commit 6aedef40f5a58e4e5c8c6bd2c11eed952573a477
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 12:42:00 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [desktop] 桌面端启动也使用https,发布2.2.5版本
commit d404d7fe0166632a9068486217e57b2ee096db76
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 12:33:18 2023 +0800
:boom: [plaoc] 彻底删除了emulator,恢复了plaoc 动态开发模式
@plaoc/cli 0.5.5
commit e99a3820a2aa2a82563641c8ebe7666cc29564bd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 11:13:22 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [desktop-dev] 修复deeplink异常
commit 0e5dae3fd3bc344a2c5f173d8425a75872fea579
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 10:59:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复https链接地址替换为websocket链接地址异常
commit 7a57232324955265a109f521b9ef554d3405d377
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 10:57:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] http1server升级为https,使用代理服务器转发https请求
commit 85bd5746f00530a3db24fb5c2aae66ecd10a9cc5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 10:29:22 2023 +0800
:rocket: [kmp/dweb] 修改 userAgent 内容“Dweb/2.0”
commit 72f9bb274c1e9a4afb30d6d074bb0ddc874dd5db
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 09:45:06 2023 +0800
:anchor: 书签跳转
commit c00143924949809798d251b69e4490c03cbb9a19
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Dec 4 08:42:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [iosApp] 修改ios应用显示名称
commit 517a0f39d50b966c3c70d224f5b2cff7ae772fe1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Dec 3 16:14:16 2023 +0800
:up: [kmp] 依赖升级
1. androidx. webkit 1.8.0->1.9.0
a. Added a new multi-profile API for WebViews.
b. Added an API to inject and run Javascript before page load.
c. Added APIs to modify how Privacy Sandbox Attribution Reporting events are registered.
d. Added APIs to override user-agent metadata for client hints.
commit f9d6f17859ec228eb7223c6176c9128c3acc7e04
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 2 12:05:09 2023 +0800
:up: [kmp] 依赖升级
1. kotlinx-datetime 0.4.1->0.5.0
1. Update Kotlin dependency to 1.9.21, kotlinx.serialization to1.6.2
2. Add support of Wasm-Js target through Js interop withthe same js-joda library as in Js (#315) Prevent secondary outputs of Java 9 compilation getting pbacked into jar (#305)
2. kotlinx.serialization 1.6.1->1.6.2
1. Add Wasm WASI target (#2510)
2. Bring back linuxArm32Hfp target because it is deprecatedI, but not removed yet. (#2505)
commit 0a7800105fc48b3a699bae0bb20feb2c7ff1f654
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 2 11:54:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] Swift-BrowserView 能正确与适应 WindowRenderScope
commit f514011cd7731ac59eea6b5f38948fb27bd26081
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Dec 2 11:54:27 2023 +0800
:package: [kmp/ios] 2.0
commit 5ae34fc71d54c91eea3323d993ef49aec862ae74
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 19:57:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatformIos] 修复对Objc的异常捕捉
commit 763fefc45b9ae38559e7391a504c635abcf9225c
Merge: 3b53125a9 00746ffa6
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 19:06:14 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 3b53125a9b2cbc9f0c34a89ab8b1017f3d2b996f
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 19:06:02 2023 +0800
[kmp/ios] 增加搜索。
commit 00746ffa6aa693453f1af69030996a7db3ec3265
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 18:44:20 2023 +0800
:wrench: [ios] 上传了IOS开发所需的的provision文件
commit 158447f812ab194c79d6e38daea672ccd5e28fb0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 18:13:27 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/browser] 优化 openBrowserView 用于适配 ios 界面加载问题
commit 0d1e814df2676fa891690ac028454e094976f920
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 17:36:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/swift] 修改点击Browser显示错位的问题
commit 84fc419b554bb8a0c31a721ed1476e2886cfaebc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 17:11:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/dwebview,kmp/browser] 实现了IOS版本的css.env(safe-area-insets-*),修复desktop.html样式
commit 05c59f854dc39cc80b4037ae50bb43b0994cec89
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 14:43:40 2023 +0800
:boom: [plaoc] home迁移到common并且修改为homepage_url
@plaoc/cli 0.5.4 @plaoc/plugins 0.4.4 dweb_browser 2.2.4
commit 5ddc26e9cf63a167359bb036b785c11479278762
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 13:58:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS]修复书签和历史记录拖拽删除手势被拦截的问题
commit 03e589d785716020dbe4182c94dc0374b9a22477
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Dec 1 09:46:25 2023 +0800
bookmark rewrite
commit d5c6357c760b22b64ccffcd1dcb985f751054095
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 19:00:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/plugins] @plaoc/plugins 0.4.3
commit 811e7e446d7e9307d4173dff2c9d0ca4d94ef8d7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 21:54:30 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 实现jmm的应用安装界面的图片渲染
:sparkles: 实现了ImageLoader的缓存器
commit 6c0498dbaafbc580b9643cad2b4b09e6de943006
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 18:40:21 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 去掉onSizeChange, 改为在kmp内部维护browser的size.
commit 826cf589485cfceef1c7c461cb49daefe63a1744
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 17:26:45 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] fix 窗口缩放没有同步的问题。
commit 20530c6d35d32393152907180664a6138882e9f8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 16:57:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop/plaoc] @plaoc/cli 0.5.3 @plaoc/server 0.0.9
commit ab69ff1db998853b43ff0dd6dd7a727a0b26bd98
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 16:41:39 2023 +0800
:bug: :recycle: [kmp] 对大量runBlocking进行重写,避免阻塞异常
commit 7e449af0c674ef2dc61a46e0c371bee2da17e615
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 14:56:33 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [desktop] 修复桌面端无法启动,适配一些错误
commit 8d2a503f5bcb83966b25b6308abd40cd4cc53e01
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 14:29:07 2023 +0800
[kmp/ios] 优化ios browser 按需创建。
commit 2b8a8a2e0290d75dcd89f1a540f11e0d58c0cf2a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 11:30:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: 优化scale功能
commit 492f0187d251bdb70921076cd934149ba507b6e1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 11:24:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复界面缩放问题
commit 4e519c4b2166cda1446ceb2e0c7846d280f58f84
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 11:12:55 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix: bookmark picker bug.
commit 267802efbe4f60a945066a407cba38ef95d2af39
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 30 10:16:23 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 修改入口为 CommonBrowserView
commit bf8b1c4e775f834eadf8978dd97be3d446f52e26
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 21:15:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复窗口关闭后,wid只能拿到旧值的问题
commit 11d9359edbfa699af23636346de3e30b98ccca37
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 20:28:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 实现IOS中的taskbarView正常情况下的背景色
commit 1835c7d527ec90d4d40ea39b8e4ce131cc2f4eb2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 18:35:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/location] 新增geolocation.sys.dweb
commit 617f8fa778b87a75f463482655444d18c35ac3b8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 18:28:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [assets/desktop] 修复IOS中长按显示菜单的垫片实现
commit 3c7a3a648b43a27e700e4e39361969d92e175d3d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 17:26:17 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 在IOS平台上实现了taskbar拖动的功能
commit d29e3652376c318b71f63046005cef6fd05f1e81
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 15:47:40 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 浏览器改为iOS的。
commit b85a46f92707e1e94185ab33562d62efb14d34de
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 15:16:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/ios] 添加deeplink功能
commit 48914f47f943c4be0cd77f9aff0a5f621c3f0f1d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 11:48:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ios] 实现了Compose中WindowController的渲染动画与UIView的动画适配的实现
commit 0aa708d6e0a9d38cb53ca482fe6324ed10849f5a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 11:17:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bug: [kmp/core] 增加了 SafeInt 工具类
解决 atomic(int) 的适用场景问题
commit 227e00e453aabc6f8f22921125f162273154a5e1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 09:54:41 2023 +0800
commit d109ac436caee0ba781142becd6c81e88d7bed6b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 09:30:32 2023 +0800
commit 4b3a4d92457e26bac3137fcd3e70d37c63a5a19f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 09:07:45 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 替换TODO为WARNING
commit 8c92479a98a2162075bf69e1e97be9959f0a6768
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 08:54:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatformIos] 为deno添加一些查找逻辑
commit 6500f5807fbd5f880d7730083df80227043c1c1d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 18:54:49 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: 更新dweb_browser_libs
commit 11d688ec9839a5fa065ede39222c9c50959adfcd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 17:18:32 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复webview窗口全屏频繁切换引起的缩放问题。 版本2.231128.1
commit 9e6b3556eb9e9d0415c954fbb30f10ac5f3f23dc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 17:06:12 2023 +0800
:bug: :sparkles: [kmp/dwebview] 修复了IOS的setContentScale不工作的问题
commit 55b76ed573b812bcab4b1e5b953c94d3b4f98208
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 15:07:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp] 一些无关痛痒的修改,调试现在默认关闭
commit b6535efffd2221e78afa4420acb26d5fd035091e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 15:02:33 2023 +0800
commit b6e4dbc920a2d4023397e52690bacae8492817cf
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 14:57:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [next/DWebView] 修复URLSchemeHandler task stop error
commit cfcec3a683d59026a0775ee992c0a2bf9e2a1abb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 18:19:32 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 对setContentScale进行重构
commit c0086585a8e85facb39f6ec1d92d4fd1ac50c120
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 17:10:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 尝试修复IOS中stopURLSchemeTask没有正确取消工作的问题
commit 8ac05ff7818eee20248c3876c63bd830a71420b8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 16:49:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 禁止了WKWebView的默认双指缩放的手势
commit a8e17eb1025d875524cbf64840eef06a6654b901
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 16:03:22 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 增加safeMode,用于控制截屏,录像功能是否可用。
commit 53c9545fa663c95d5e0f8d86ee460285505d9739
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 15:57:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [assets/browser] 修复IOS上长按不支持的问题
commit a0d267cff7fb9a506976212ab04c5a6d9012fcec
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 15:11:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复TaskbarView的BackgroundView因为内存回收问题导致事件点击不工作
commit 4324385741ee712bdc61d4775de96e3582f33a5f
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 14:19:10 2023 +0800
[iOS] 调整和compose交互代码。
commit b65361044298d17890e37df14d9a14f2d6a4b6ec
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 10:24:45 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [desktop] 桌面端添加dweb userAgent
commit 9e59077fafedd4e0cc3ad11724b5e65c98c8a031
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 10:12:59 2023 +0800
:bus: [desktop] 同步删除port/修复激活问题
commit 59481e840f0a38ea9b72cde8e4020d8694f9c9ba
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 09:31:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop/android] 修复错误回调/增加模块存在检查
commit f993f48a2178941a07e3772650c70e202ff6a999
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 09:15:40 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: 升级gradle到8.4
commit e618564f5afb23731e7063b83b431e34ccfbee4e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 26 21:45:35 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 实现了TaskbarView.ios的全局背景
commit 97a914e68d087619572b70ab0565206a0f855fec
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 26 15:20:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 实现了TaskbarView.ios背景高斯模糊
commit 41d9c375ff8efa467de99de7e2650318fdc7a44a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 26 13:13:52 2023 +0800
:up: [kmp] kotlin升级到1.9.21
commit 62ee27c9cbda9eb596f1910873ff1fe91605b43a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Nov 25 12:31:00 2023 +0800
:up: :bug: 依赖升级;修复dwebview.ios的线程问题;修复desktop.android的搜索栏适配问题
commit 804af9d1dbb05a8a2c1e9cb855325120f12cbe43
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 19:30:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复IOS使用NSApplicationDirectory导致权限的问题
commit c238be20ddcf985b7eae0e840f647eff8d08df90
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 18:55:58 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] http模块不再支持port的配置
commit d840bc2c8a057fda35f43f7bc877b05e6524233e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 18:34:38 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/common] 增加本地icon的存储和获取接口
commit 98fbbd8a94a6ad89e4bb1aa645236aa461fbd7af
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 16:04:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/ios] 修复各种异常,IOS现在可以正确运作了
commit 2cd75a4318ae88a733e091b2440ec35c7c2daf81
Merge: 29a6ca6dd ce5c65078
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 10:42:57 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #76 from BioforestChain/desktop
:boom: 更新build.gradle.kts使用,引入buildSrc
commit ce5c65078a401d44a7c24c3170ad3ae897d1841d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 10:41:59 2023 +0800
:boom: 更新build.gradle.kts使用,引入buildSrc
commit 29a6ca6dde522081b41cdef6d5348ebf0f7e128f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 10:39:38 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/common] 完善webview截屏功能。
commit 595f58040ea4c56dc77fea3be94227c2d32f9649
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 24 10:10:40 2023 +0800
commit 086e84e396d978446cf58e06f8e48fe1d017ed7d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 19:50:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/ios] 实现了 ComposeWindow.view 的事件穿透
commit 8c81c6c0002ed52ebdd56a64c3eb8b01258c1f4e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 17:32:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/common] 优化 HomePreview 窗口显示过大问题。
commit 04d26f838e68ab54fbadb5d9cf0536ec55b1d66b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 17:15:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/common] 修复browser在键盘显示引起的界面显示问题
commit 605dc5a6c9397ce8c5891f504566dd8181ab9936
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 17:12:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 添加websocket-client模块
commit c4e9533e427f8c449d1ad9818710c85ccd9c2032
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 15:40:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/common] 修复关闭browser后,打开桌面链接,browser没有切换问题。
commit 18e48320e718ca20df323837b43c20201d15a5db
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 14:35:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 实现了IOS平台上的多UIViewController的混合渲染的接口
commit eb5a81f24cc01ac3bb7688ddf9abc98536da7e2c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 14:05:54 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: [kmp/desktop] 将search 暴露到路由中
commit 03dc2f7176c640e5596e4e9d807bed65b913fc53
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 11:26:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/swift] 修改空界面适配
commit a9b74a6c2f6e3d26fb3b2317b362f85ae845c975
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 10:14:40 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 更新settings.gradle.kts引入dweb_browser_libs项目的方式
commit 254366b8cf85b676fb87cbd796399ea965ec2a58
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 23 10:00:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/DWebView] 更新reverse_proxy,使用动态证书
commit f8d87764eb6a288ad8f0bad1693addc8f75f785c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 18:07:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 修复browser list时间显示问题。
commit 68949ae9a92621d10e9487db9f921802ce6adbfc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 17:54:09 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp/shared] 删除无用配置
commit e0d614e22a4331d48bca5a02bfd4c3797f5d9cd8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 17:41:06 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/common] qrcode scan 迁移、完善
commit 0a4f04f93bda0fb018f57d93188d9b15830b7717
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 17:10:15 2023 +0800
commit fb706d37a2f86e355333f8366a872c7e3d736185
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 16:21:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 修复tarbar不收缩和一些窗口报错问题
commit 07d27dc973220916c6b29c0586c4742c55f416da
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 14:29:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [reverse_proxy] 更新dweb_browser_libs
commit e0b3644ad58545b03160a44080a7a0eea09a24dc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 14:23:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 修复desktop 唤醒窗口不显示问题。
commit 453b81da9d6ec1e7f318d9fbc9000b83ad4075f9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 14:17:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/DWebView、kmp/helperPlatformIos] 添加https反向代理
commit e78cae71924a32a03cca624ac3be6fc585553eee
Author: Mike <>
Date: Wed Nov 22 13:52:33 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix: 1. 点击手势不准确。2.滚动闪烁。
commit 91cc05b707f690ea15b1b06e32ccbccd145aa083
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 18:22:36 2023 +0800
:tea: [plaoc] 修改一些测试用例
commit a9fe5f687e77023d0ca3c719c43b3be0272eb2b1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 17:00:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 修复IOS的WebMessagePort在绑定监听的时候没有自动start
commit 5220627e9fb85f895275ba48656e60e1da0da15e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 16:48:24 2023 +0800
swiftData for bookmark
commit d87baab178007e073c41452d9511b8403f976db2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 14:27:18 2023 +0800
:bug: :recycle: [next/dwebview,next/] 初步完成IOS设备中JMM应用的安装与启动的基本流程
commit 8136c146ebd1a1b88556bd783907af16e855a453
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 14:15:23 2023 +0800
[iOS] 空界面 dark mode 适配。
commit 33380a1ec212494c64f0223a28a3d38fdf0a1be2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 11:20:41 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/android] 修复启动bug,修改一些样式
commit 19a5064f8c6e08b03aa210e2b69e95c67ece0204
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Nov 21 09:39:32 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/common] 调整browser/web的结构
commit a3176ed6e030b746473372c47dd6bbc1306bd65f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 19:43:26 2023 +0800
:recycle: [assets/desktop] 现在桌面上的搜索按钮可以用来直接访问dweb的deeplink
commit 113873785c73a26f89eb91b02a1db8f01ba3bc35
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 19:42:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/dwebview] 为IOS添加了dweb协议的支持
commit 84a8a50e73f6be033e76426cc46d5c5faf251875
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 18:50:38 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/android]
commit 0d0760e03ac3854dc81e52a3293feff5cf55dd0b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 18:32:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/common] 修复窗口在键盘弹出后显示异常问题,迁移LoadingView到common,修复添加到桌面按钮一直灰色问题
commit ef05921adf2b0a1de7e9f5fb987dc73500c91bdf
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 17:20:02 2023 +0800
[iOS] wkview的proxy 改用OC写法。
commit a688ea939daee34d87e72e87255efee6f84a115c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 15:59:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/dwebview] DWebViewOptions 新增 displayCutoutStrategy 来对付刘海屏的问题
commit 96374771d3759ac3049529b6091c62bfb9e8d933
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 15:15:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 修复窗口第二次没有聚焦
commit c66ddf591f89fa4cfea51fe096990720d64e44f2
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 15:02:38 2023 +0800
[iOS] api更换名字。
commit d908e6f323093a26cc4a65f0d13a7030222787ae
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 14:41:56 2023 +0800
[iOS] 为kmp的DwebView添加proxy支持。
commit 5ca827ce7123397b26d4f2c9751fb978bde32fb0
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 11:17:16 2023 +0800
[iOS] add 启动图。
commit 51861a228cc1075beb1d4fa74673104aaab59dec
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 10:43:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复桌面排序问题
commit 0fea3b00d7638ed13b26b19fb2566ef55c4ed376
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 09:41:23 2023 +0800
commit 3c35dac6ab6b3489b9c3a33aa060e6c58c7fd9ce
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 20 08:55:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatformIos] 修复安装了xcode commandLineTools确未安装xcode的
commit d6dbbbbb17e3188b5c5097fee5af8c8b33c8432a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 16:03:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [assets] 禁止了网页在IOS上双击缩放
commit d29bb23fd42758e456f51c01733eef6cc4169e7e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 14:58:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 尝试修复Taskbar在IOS中的渲染
commit 36ffa473f9ee3d681521552d6b618e87ec464fb8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 11:22:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复WindowState一些序列化的问题
commit 9c26ee6b96af09ce1c7e426803a0188b917b5ace
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 11:22:10 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/dwebview] 暂时关闭setNavigationDelegate,避免页面加载的问题
commit 5e7931f759a866bf3ac3c90d73d6f447f86783a0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 11:20:27 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [assets/desktop] 修复桌面的滚动样式问题
commit 9cbdae62b8ab5a4b4a70ea3599e63306f8e82ad0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Nov 19 11:19:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复了websocket不能正确打开的问题
commit 15651d6d639ec6a95d82f17838b435949a27c5d7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 18:33:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 同步release分支问题--窗口化状态时,布局失真问题。
commit 797726499989cab59c767d159195e543bae4c8de
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 18:17:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] 修复PureViewController异常
commit 68440aadf1e31b29426e8fa40af09750f1f551ad
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 18:05:59 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 优化刷新的监听功能,在pagerFinished,也就是onReady时进行触发。版本 2.231117.3
commit a9501b1ecfbfb0e0c307587c1fec575a25bf68ab
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 17:51:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatformIos] 修复编译脚本异常
commit 7542ad4246540263719ec5a0b9beaf5b34fead0e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 17:03:58 2023 +0800
:custard: [iOS] 动画流程简化
commit 8a955405974a71059358f4275fd4a8672e3f314a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 16:53:38 2023 +0800
:tada: [kmp/helperPlatformIos] 新增swift-framework项目
IOS开发者请使用 xcode 打开 next/kmp/helperPlatformIos/src/nativeInterop/cinterop/ 这个项目进行开发
开发完成后,执行 即可
commit 41f1d6baffde760f9d487084a73affb462051276
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 16:15:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复窗口化状态,webview失真问题。 版本 2.231117.1
commit 268beef326a90f8854714409322f482dda391352
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 15:55:58 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [kmp] 升级agp版本
commit 5b3cd169da9581c4226a4f508d7aa9f875832816
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 14:40:40 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix 动画无截屏问题。
commit d847273c3ed79962ba1dc2ff48ac07a5d6a33791
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 14:27:05 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix 编译失败问题。
commit c775fa06e516812d88b35bc1e6b9ea5e35f78c14
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 14:11:08 2023 +0800
书签和历史记录点击之后,sheet view没有自动缩起
commit c4db0f5b6e3a3185f9dec603728ddc5a2fff0c3d
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Nov 17 13:54:16 2023 +0800
[iOS] 启动调整。
commit 98d242642357b4abaae116ed6d9ceb1294c70937
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 18:46:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 多次创建和删除标签页的时候会引起崩溃的问题
commit 4a7d0efea619493ec080084406eed2bb4cf22211
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 22:11:52 2023 +0800
:bug: :fire: [kmp/helperPlatform] 修复了一些跨平台的问题
commit 25dc7f0902b1bcafcc66a5b46c9fbe4500741e43
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 19:04:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/ios] 重构了启动流程
commit 6af180986527bbe72068896a3ba7633039d8cc4c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 15:02:48 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/common] 修复browser main显示空白问题。
commit 64743cfcf2a360e2cfb4152a2af8ee2e9d3aaf45
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 14:05:13 2023 +0800
missing }
commit 3fe54fa64547d89687a994734a0b13f0f0f9b358
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 10:55:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/common] 修复同步锁中新建协程引起的问题。
commit b72ad82ab8591b9da99a553bcbe1f50af27c475c
Merge: 71acd64e1 cf8ec478c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 10:33:27 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'build-src'
commit cf8ec478ca752fe6456a470de5b1537cb6b31947
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 10:31:23 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp] 重写build.gradle
commit 73d975895f04fb7c6d68fe0f9effd2b708687e37
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 18:06:47 2023 +0800
commit a4dc41c8c4ec92101946c51749855f684c6eefbf
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 16 10:31:23 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp] 重写build.gradle
commit 71acd64e1660837a0e8938cb2b2b3e238561bd89
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 19:31:34 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 将browser模块迁移到common
commit f91e2341dae1c94536fb568898ba5db68f36e8b6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 19:03:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] 修复ios异常
commit c8ec9129d173d681fcc95d94f57e9855ce161800
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 18:06:47 2023 +0800
commit 664f7ec00acce85dad13926abcb281425a2dfd97
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 18:06:23 2023 +0800
commit b2222ea02690725a28e5461652c5d3fd118b9dd1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 17:21:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] 现在deskNMM会根据安装app的顺序排序渲染
commit 56c204b22ea4e562997b9127f3177584cd037994
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 17:17:03 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/ios] 初步修复了IOS的兼容性问题,现在换成启动dnsNMM
commit 023f5a50c5b04a545d900d658eb3b9a78c7915af
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 15:58:08 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp] 引入buildSrc, 重写build.gradle
commit 94e05c75d48be3f01fd2a78fed80772084f9d2e3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 14:48:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] PureViewController统一多平台的视图标准
PlatformViewController=> PureViewBox
commit 8483bf2f8fd7408f8e2cd09e905baa8d065a756a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 11:19:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复线程安全,修复jmm下载拼接bundle_url错误
commit f52542a381005bc02cd09bc4ed0ecac1f2ad6688
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 10:54:21 2023 +0800
:zap: [kmp] 修改plugin管理,减少第一次gradle sync time
commit f4c85d91e47cff5d77fe0fcf0e8bb47ea8e6ebce
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 10:23:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android/kmp] 修复安卓启动异常,多线程异常,DesktopController.moveWindows winList状态未初始化引起的异常。
commit 9f8570f91a3e6c0591b0a61d0ed9a137c3463594
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 09:42:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [android/desktop] 修复linkApp图标没显示
commit e6f3a306f9aabfb9201fa77626b887aa27e854ee
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 20:34:07 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] 抽象出了PureViewController替代BaseActivity兼容IOS
commit 561cc98e2402077e4ffe61df6512614b284cbea3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 20:07:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] 添加xcframework依赖
commit 23e3fc15d7a2a498ebf2056b28ff40f680eed349
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 18:36:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [android/desktop] 修复svg不显示问题
commit 249338c2966a5f09ceee271dbe3493f2c114c21b
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 17:22:32 2023 +0800
[kmp/ios] fix iOS编译报错。
commit 47d031eaa896436c44428fd268d1dd65909ad5a6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 15:45:48 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/browser] 迁移desk android部分正常
commit 91ff31ad35b59a9678911fb6716a659965335e6e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 14:47:57 2023 +0800
:art: [android/desktop] 优化界面代码
commit a2e0e23fc35698eb8510c305f4db18a8d59ff510
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 14:43:12 2023 +0800
:anchor: [iOS] 替换iOS新方法,消除警告,简化截图步骤
commit 1e1d3153f8f7bdebe1321ae6ac8877724b81629c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 11:33:59 2023 +0800
:boom: :recycle: [kmp/dwebview,kmp/browser] dwebview继续重构;迁移mwebview到common;webbrowser不再依赖google.accompanist
dwebview 集成了CloseWatcher,loadingProgress
commit b387fe9ec49ffab7589dccd21cb1c9540e4fc44f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 10:26:54 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/android] 隐藏webview滚动条
commit 803f4a461d6a23caab110427989450df3393fbe1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 09:38:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复前端页面无法滑动,页面渲染超出范围等问题
commit 7335926eb68d7e26d1673c67831c2e22fc18c73b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 18:47:50 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 迁移barcode scan
commit ab3980ddb5c3c7e60de0a9cc09cb3ab44df4e70f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 18:46:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 多次创建和删除标签页的时候会引起崩溃的问题
commit 264ab17ade7e8280eaba02c2451b01a002280095
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 16:53:13 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 迁移 config.sys.dweb,device相关,格式化代码
commit 04d12af415f0d86a7f4f2c6e71741811f09343d1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 16:11:15 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 迁移 notification.sys.dweb
commit 3d152bba6859ff4fdb53194221596a208bc0548d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 15:34:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [iosApp] info.plist添加出口合规性密钥设置,避免每次上传TestFlight需要等待时间太长info.plist添加出口合规性密钥设置,避免每次上传TestFlight需要等待时间太长
commit e88a55783adcbc291f3db40ac8db31da048c0276
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 15:24:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/client] 修复client编译了dweb-jsprocess问题
commit dd1e760731f067787057e3a7b8b74d3bd7d56a9b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 15:06:50 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] 修改TorchApi实现
commit 36c7f163a927ded0a96f7068988bffe8d62d2011
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 14:37:07 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 完善 android 的 share.sys.dweb
commit 1ea412ff87dc969ab198c3e14613415afc44083f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 14:33:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/dwebview] IDWebView 新增 onBeforeUnload 监听器
增加了onBeforeUnload,onStateChange=> onLoadStateChange;
增加了IDWebView.Render 与 IDWebView.BeforeUnloadDialog 渲染器
commit deafc3a206fb484c2c353e8d196da5f644efc626
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 14:04:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 添加torch模块
commit b5be58df5ac93abf9a3ee92aa138090d83e9e23f
Author: Mike <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 11:24:58 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix bug: 窗口拖拽后,动画定位不准问题。
commit 3d247dc2f59b13490cd2f5ecb0b65c54c192c53b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 11:06:51 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 整理 android 的 clipboard.sys.dweb
commit 5652218e4ecfc002cdecbb329c9486b8d1232ead
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 10:56:27 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/kmp] 完善 android 的 biometrics.sys.dweb
commit 75fc309d9965411cf59c5d1bbe763b17f93e9b14
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 09:48:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/iOS] 修复点击sheetView 不隐藏的问题
commit 7ee5cd9da8a32e1c7b781d40b0f24526514a0fdd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 09:34:30 2023 +0800
:rewind: [kmp/browser] 因为Native2JsIpc迁移到common,JsMicroModule还原回以前
commit 7adee1c696d3998765a2120a7f5247a526bb86f2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 09:00:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp] project 引入 Type-safe project dependencies
commit dab3d14bdc15dbdd20804174dbe80a3380f59c2a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 08:44:11 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp] 移除所有build-android.gradle.kts
commit f3977b3dca887663e3f21017aee2bb5d233a7b07
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 22:20:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 继续重构dwebview,加入了IOS的支持
commit 7fcd68532546ede9521e8002d5d1e333612e9342
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 19:32:04 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 完成了 android/common 的标准重构
commit 06c4a4d0f6556f820b6463d758e5e8af3c57374c
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 19:04:57 2023 +0800
[iOS] 1.bug修复。2.动画调整,3.log更换。
commit 141021d43abf0944e1abb8bc8aa6b6810c1b01d4
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 18:26:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android/kmp] 将Toast迁移到sys module
commit 6deab192d798009553b8fa964b1c231450ae273d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 17:45:07 2023 +0800
:rocket: [Androiod-kmp] 植入打包混淆等功能
commit 0e3889007ef9ff6f6fa194622aae1d5c5c81ebd1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 17:20:31 2023 +0800
:fire: [android] 删除android目录,已全部迁移到kmp
commit 6d07877aedfca8462889f768f9e275b2fe0c3bdc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 15:33:05 2023 +0800
:up: [toolkit/dweb_browser_libs]
commit cdc655f97e087b98fd53ee779d3c58296e62ee0d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 14:52:07 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/android] 现在tarBar只会展示4个图标
commit 08bbc4b8ad2e617abf74976c5397e9f1f382bb48
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 14:53:42 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp/config] 移除了cklib相关的依赖
commit cf3f719ce222730d02fb64b93f9b4b3b9625adce
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 14:50:35 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/browser] desk现在迁移到kmp/browser/android 下
commit 66654a19ebc0e29f2c452dcbb4a83b17c2500b1c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 13:57:53 2023 +0800
fix: 修复iOS的bug
commit c32667e66498454a65164c182c243d67d6c74ae3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 11:22:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [assets] 修复编译文件问题
commit c8bd0ddfb046d452e62296f1ebfdb90b18586eab
Author: Mike <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 10:34:07 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 丢失代码补齐: 1.iOS bridge去掉callback; 2.iOS browser bug修复。
commit d31e525192ecbd2ac7183f93619d16989d0e7185
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 10:16:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复Http1Server没有正确读取到绑定端口的问题
commit 96bab4c6ab1517db01715dcf1692bb770a91f255
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 10 10:13:19 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [toolkit, kmp] 更新依赖
commit 5b4f287e0296c569867fb41366f93bbd90a50adc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 19:19:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 抽离出独立的 dwebHttpGatewayServer
commit af5cd9210d8ab1ee439a4671b20bcbd9042ef689
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 19:19:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 抽离出独立的 dwebHttpGatewayServer
commit 2d8f0cd719e9c13066708b310bf1465cf4b1afcb
Merge: 0e7e9900b 538b4dea1
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 19:03:03 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into swiftui---kmp
commit 538b4dea1a0fbff594c54416b142f32fa87955f2
Merge: 60675085b 8d6fb270b
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 18:49:53 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 0e7e9900bad04b0303760d9d03216f30fa3f0cf9
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 18:49:42 2023 +0800
:six_pointed_star: [iOS] expanding and shrink animation, image position and size scale adjustment.
commit 60675085b72c4dc560d88ade30254c72a006cd5a
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 18:49:37 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] KmpNativeBridge去掉callback参数。
commit 8d6fb270bd65929104e89aa9a52d7ef3c3f8ef8d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 18:45:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复编译错误,优化代码结构
commit 25a3989ca465aac0c3224ba1b212c5a88404771c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 18:33:28 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/android] jmmhistory界面调整为未安装和已安装列表。增加直接打开应用功能。
commit eb12624d193111c380ce74ac414515850719e95b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 18:09:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复后端导入多个问题
commit 8c4c92103326964b1b0d660c1226cf8eafc56389
Merge: dc9092096 7e29c0a4f
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 16:16:01 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit dc90920969555d9e8fcaec3c19cada534d8d5110
Author: Mike <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 16:15:33 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS]增加iOS browser同步更新colorScheme机制。
commit 7e29c0a4f3184382cd47a2b27baef0cad384830f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 16:00:27 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: update dependencies
commit acb017afd248133daa419c24c767f6ba7e9af767
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 12:27:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/cli] 修复live模式启动问题
commit 046d2f4b76af466c99e2d258a631613af380459f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 9 10:32:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复打包异常和webbrowser无法打开问题
commit 3d23a07e3b4f67005fe7dbac0e559d55bf340634
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 18:53:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/android] 增加排序功能,修复状态异常。
commit 264f493fdb1546fc0c53d897e8aa0046b6583319
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 16:40:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/android] 修复jmm卸载状态为installed问题。
commit 049be553ceb7fe55cecf18563998f34a011fe784
Merge: 8dfa1422a b72684da9
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 16:15:59 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #74 from BioforestChain/main-kmp-plugin
fix: 修改剪贴板图片显示
commit b72684da967a1c50d58aacbd491ddbe14b60f72c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 16:10:33 2023 +0800
fix: 修改剪贴板图片显示
commit c525ac143a55170255c2f17b52fde7644d912743
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 14:55:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] snapshot shows blank bug
commit 8dfa1422ab3454a62930abb31c4c95e601591139
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 11:19:12 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/android] 增加debug图标
commit c7c2b9438008a00ddd8be9582e65495b5e38e8af
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 11:14:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 安卓模块全部迁移到kmp目录
commit b8cec789a750847652a3a27e314e14d9055706f5
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 10:39:55 2023 +0800
fix: 添加base64非空判断
commit c9dc6320e6394ca78b4b5ff79a4518b8354243d8
Merge: 64596c46f 30fd5f748
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Nov 8 09:00:54 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into main_plugin
commit 30fd5f748bc225bff5aeb33eedff68d20f4a10c2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:48:51 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 完善jmm界面状态刷新。
commit 081d79fe375287dc4b8a48d50967d755e67ef84e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:45:18 2023 +0800
:loud_sound: [desktop] 添加方便开发的logo
commit 39e265c45161ef4969b2cd8a671b3afa63d318b6
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:44:26 2023 +0800
[kmp/ios] 删掉多余文件。
commit 2a3685e2fae444865528540775cf93ea21a7b58a
Author: Mike <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:29:29 2023 +0800
[iOS] 添加log
commit 64596c46f02f4754a3bd23767d8334d77f7521ee
Merge: 8e57d9f9b 028f786df
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:21:39 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into main_plugin
commit 028f786dfd413c4b3a4a6510930875b27bf03f0f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:16:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复读取问题 @plaoc/cli 0.5.0
commit 8e57d9f9b9956bed9668dbc3ce48209360a897cd
Merge: d73065847 2af1ab739
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:15:17 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into main_plugin
commit d73065847a4f18b6bd1d09e4c2658d81d3b7fc9c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:13:57 2023 +0800
fix: 修改图片生成NSData的方式
commit 2af1ab739d6cb45aad7712caa0099bc465842edb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 17:45:00 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 优化代码,发布@plaoc/server 0.0.7 @plaoc/cli 0.4.9
commit 6980881ed9263ab9c8ed5a1614a11f528c7e9586
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 17:25:09 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 完成plaoc middlewares插件
commit ce834c7056b9efc7f7ae6ca806d9717ce26a39f2
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 15:44:23 2023 +0800
fix: 修改非空判断
commit 610ec5891f70cf594dcdfab1302f4a4f7182698d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 15:12:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/DWebView] 添加setInspectable版本判断
commit 2d9e94a233d7841b615a37afd06cce72ebe1988c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 15:11:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 将JMM模块转移到browser/common
commit 36bcbc8b98398dbe577a7706f691cc5f63131f53
Merge: c7e04ddb3 6228e999b
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 13:52:18 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #69 from BioforestChain/main_plugin
Main plugin
commit c7e04ddb30d1daf3b709a2d7a6d774b722b6fc47
Merge: 2c1b14920 d52f7a042
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 11:15:10 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #71 from BioforestChain/swiftui---kmp
sheetview scale to match,
commit d52f7a042a37732e75fbb34a3866cadb6a008786
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 11:09:20 2023 +0800
sheetview scale to match,
commit 2c1b1492078f84f5cc627f5b17974bc9442ce33d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Nov 7 10:02:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复文件名问题,发布@plaoc/server 0.0.2
commit 5e95a345ad65eca375db7df8445599aba85d1f3d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 19:03:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop/js-process] 修复一些依赖编译问题
commit b940c8fd6879c86da2f7b2e08e54c962bbd254c6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 19:02:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 新增@plaoc/server 提供后端中间件编写
commit 6ef6293a6a17b8d006dddcf2230041cb3e68099d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 18:36:22 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 优化JMM history和installer的状态机。
commit f1209d8fe73123af48fd773430efa26d2b9eb092
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 18:31:40 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/browser, kmp/DWebView] 迁移JsProcess和JsMicroModule
commit 5948a3cf3e22c57f40e4cfb1de53b38c7ec8f1bb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 15:00:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/DWebView] 修复DURLSchemeHandler拦截自定义协议头错误
commit 2da3438bce67b2a9a06636bfe005e65fafc7fa76
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 14:13:28 2023 +0800
commit a707b4d3f0296c3b8995a9598f23f763f76de2fe
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 14:12:28 2023 +0800
:art: [kmp/android] 增加SegmentedButton在ios的适配
commit 6228e999bed7da6920650404479e0e50bc601f8c
Merge: 25a29975b 929f0c4e8
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Nov 6 09:02:35 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into main_plugin
commit 929f0c4e85c08e1b1a93b210e47aab1a754b4ecb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 19:24:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/DWebView] 修复messageHandlers异常
commit a6b77f2b8f0b5ae77dd96e3b3a3b63d57e980da9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 18:47:56 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 优化jmm和download
1. download只需要保存一套列表,不弄多套
2. jmm增加JmmHistoryController
commit 22274578ec676f8a5c7462aae87bde4858154f45
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 18:41:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 将@dweb-browser/desktop/js-process 暴露到npm环境中,方便开发者进行开发
commit 25a29975bc733508cb21e4050bc8c4a19e476400
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 18:26:05 2023 +0800
fix: keychain文件移入到ios文件内
commit 88504f8137f40e686882b16099a12a99c1bd75d6
Merge: cfb753cc8 ab8bd0024
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 18:02:00 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into main_plugin
commit cfb753cc82a228b34c5275f5ec9ae6152cc221fd
Merge: cc6c29c7d 5fff5a72e
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 15:51:11 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into main_plugin
commit cc6c29c7d639e10e3f7206675150778c4456aedf
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 15:43:14 2023 +0800
feat: 添加UUID插件
commit ab8bd002489c1d98d73661f357a4982ac9dbb2eb
Merge: eb973d8aa 5fff5a72e
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 15:40:58 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 处理merge冲突
commit eb973d8aaff5050ff9a7f424f3fb7c371a57c2af
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 15:27:04 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 增加shareNMM
commit 5fff5a72e4de10a63ba0a7a59573604371b4197f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 14:35:27 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [kmp/sys] 升级kotlin -> 1.9.20,修复一些异常
commit 4578832dc823db8d8fc74436415eeb9831319909
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 11:29:47 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/DWebView] 迁移完成,开始测试
commit 0964c0e684c7f673b39004678ef6da3c40dd1e63
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 10:27:30 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/DWebView] 完成DWebView
commit 1154fd055d6e5e82faf9b3e93e240ab7f34f6ad6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 12:31:53 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/DWebView] 完成closeWatcher、uidelegate
commit 2b4e97ed255f633ac312c119da68472d3892976b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 18:16:53 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/DWebView] 完成DWebMessagePort
commit bdcc43ac3882b47579feb598c383dc5f22b329fa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 11:29:47 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/DWebView] 迁移完成,开始测试
commit f8fc0632b407ee595afdcac007fe996ff32fa456
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Nov 3 10:27:30 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/DWebView] 完成DWebView
commit fc8e1e9c69184c80d0e5544a6ca60a4e44e6db72
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 18:45:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 完成了permission.std.dweb的基础流程
1. 在请求处理链中插入一个检查权限的适配器,如果请求需要权限则检查是否获得授权,未授权则返回 401 错误。
2. AuthorizationStatus 枚举增加了 allow 字段表示是否允许通过。
3. PermissionProvider 中明确了 providerModule 表示权限提供方,避免歧义。
4. 增加了测试权限的应用
5. :bug: 修复了Modal的主动关闭指令没有触发close/destroy事件的问题
commit 509c1de642e870e57854153d60b3c20a96274f8b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 18:37:13 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 增加jmmManagerViewRender
commit 658974d05b49a50d1a623c527ef87afc6b363d37
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 16:12:03 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] desk.browser.dweb 接口改为protected,允许jmm.browser.dweb调用
commit 6d0f29154d45345854ce818b80a35c3a091af2ee
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 16:09:33 2023 +0800
feat: 添加iOS的Biometrics
commit 6568077da97e8708c9dbebb98f10199c5d27271f
Merge: 0acac58fd 86ea600b0
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 15:26:45 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #68 from BioforestChain/swiftui---kmp
ToolBar And AddressBar scaled to fitness
commit 86ea600b0373e302dfc89ce8b812ec73a7429faf
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 15:05:42 2023 +0800
make grid and cell scale to match
commit 0acac58fda268a8e688978d240d83af96e1c6cd3
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 15:03:41 2023 +0800
feat: 添加Haptics
commit a9b582ed077395550645f234fa4d6b227a94a937
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 14:56:04 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 新增ChanngeableMutableMap用于存储下载的内容。
commit 1656b8bf9395e33d8a94304bc1b3995cfedb4682
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 12:31:53 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/DWebView] 完成closeWatcher、uidelegate
commit 40caf28a46f488980a00653534a911f4bf5cf8df
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 11:35:34 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 现在PureResponse的读写分离,写入部分限制使用 替代
commit 0ed5cc8e48bee1b3e36e0cb3d859f9569a8106b5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Nov 2 09:56:41 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/shared] ios的代码不该出现在common中
commit d2d844ac6caa218df3f891e2470128125754f905
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 22:05:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 初步完成了PermissionStd的接口、数据结构、数据库、界面
commit 4d5868c708c853816722141f67f9b9d95da512d1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 18:23:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 优化下载和断点下载,状态更新机制等。
commit 0835f48b3bdf3cb817de017744c25e786021bef3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 18:18:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/cli] 新增注入中间件的流程
commit 6e913bd55068728ffc22780a258032e31b27554f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 18:16:53 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp/DWebView] 完成DWebMessagePort
commit d0952bfc251d35bd0711377606d28b157feeeb51
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 17:44:21 2023 +0800
feat: 添加cliboard
commit 56cbf76a83e9c1bb95750d522aa58ad9099bb584
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 16:03:20 2023 +0800
[kmp/sys] 文件重名
commit 475f5ac15ca5f591042e143e83b2bd5858ee545e
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 15:47:05 2023 +0800
[kmp/iOS] 完善scanningNMM
commit a40b572917da71ed4327b7bcaa94851233f3e994
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 15:05:31 2023 +0800
ToolBar And AddressBar scaled to fitness
commit 0e8c2957a6122815e5f7492b94bc64f30e3ce56d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 14:08:31 2023 +0800
:fire: [plaoc/cli] 移除已经废弃的为两获取版本注入的verison.json
commit 6f8da85406e5ef0372231abd87b5115b78d7fc3f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 10:51:33 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 优化语言获取,补充download的total一直为1的问题。
commit ecc1866d884b43da12ea109d574bf87c6f968a05
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Nov 1 09:58:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] 添加一个16.4的版本比较,用于测试机器使用
commit 04e7c2f17f084a0760fbb32948d8a3f5c6e7469e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 22:34:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core,kmp/sys] 在模块中新增 dweb_permissions 字段
commit af923852832af52caf0d2de2cbd116c30fdf07e5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 21:49:32 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/sys] 将一些必要的文件迁移到sys模块中
commit 120af8b52420a4217343f845d67aed8e7bbc1994
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 18:32:46 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 优化JMM和Down之间的状态同步 -- 2
commit ea0a6bf75ebfe4111c7edc3805879ed47ac6fa30
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 18:27:30 2023 +0800
commit b3ec37f66301791e2f53b72216c7d7f764fc0ca3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 17:39:40 2023 +0800
commit 26a9be270106009f5016e7ec1bb50d0b22b1018a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 17:28:12 2023 +0800
:bug: :truck: [kmp/sys] 迁移motionSensors到sys,修复motionSensors安卓异常
commit dc0021f74d0a178a6338962afce2d9fd0c2d44e6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 17:27:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/client] 修复JsonlinesStream异常,更新demo错误
commit a74f70f05dea0ada05a4f89375692407c5e9a337
Merge: b526a73fc 6f2e6308a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 17:12:55 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #67 from BioforestChain/swiftui---kmp
scale to fit
commit b526a73fc3c886b9f07245dc0a3331577ff72a9b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 16:14:49 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] 添加 DownloadRender -- 1
commit 3f9c564863679fee93dd2443e6c86720c6f13e91
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 15:44:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 下载失败,再次下载的时候应该从断点开始下载
commit a69dab41b4654bf055d684264c39d812f2fdb98b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 14:31:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] 现在app下载的时候强制关闭可以从硬盘中恢复状态了
commit cde212b64f362fed7a2be9510ff86f0117e5b387
Merge: ab9610142 5ba2d7400
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 11:25:06 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit ab9610142503362ab115921b89447b579e43f201
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 11:24:49 2023 +0800
[kmp/Scanning] 添加二维码识别
commit 5ba2d740054595ff18ce000c1ff043570d5fd121
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 09:09:43 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [toolkit] 更新脚本,更新dweb_browser_libs submodule
commit a659b02691db9f775cb9f83d66c1a78e171df15e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 31 08:59:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/iosApp] support high frequency rendering on iPhones
commit 6f2e6308a708c19ac4eb958619a710d575a27a93
Merge: a46c05cb0 a72037aa5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 18:35:57 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of into swiftui---kmp
commit d4c4df598ff168e5fe79774953ab7caa5377d832
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 18:19:42 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 谷歌上架审核失败MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,版本2.231030.1
commit a72037aa565d8ba42433aff07fb73c88085f66a4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 17:55:05 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helper] 改进AutoSizeText,现在能自定义fontSize和lineHeight
commit ab97ac365f1a2e339a58d711f55251108a0c8383
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 17:44:49 2023 +0800
:bug: :ambulance: [kmp/DWebView Window] 还原DWebView,修复Window异常
commit 6892a49cea859570f84ed53a2b7d3f7e84d1da4f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 17:43:20 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [kmp] 升级kotlin 1.9.20-rc2,build.gradle使用新写法
commit 58cbdbb1bc68d6050fe87f64207e2297998dac5f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 17:00:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] 完成app暂停,修复下载reset by peer 问题 #52
commit d66e5dbf94892159da1a808ac8273f44006baaf3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 14:12:11 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 修复vivo上架反馈的menu功能无作用问题,版本2.231030.0
commit c4f6f069757405a2df48d9a4e64797032a21bf33
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 11:33:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp] 新增sys module,用于plugin开发
commit 4f572f27c340cb2ff188e7e2019bcf41f8ad15fb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 11:25:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复AutoResizeText没有正确触发重新绘制的问题
commit 32da2ff305789217ac2d7f9fd071dfc79563c5c2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 10:41:59 2023 +0800
:boom: [android] 修改kmp中android的包名信息。
commit f76da65ca1f117dc13b68f8d2b96978e90984420
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 09:10:50 2023 +0800
feat: 添加定位插件
commit 21e79b2c034d1209fffe62dd3cebb4d612b73424
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Oct 29 17:17:29 2023 +0800
:recycle: :muscle: [kmp/window,kmp/browser] 对窗口的关闭行为进行了整改优化
TODO 需要讨论,现在关闭主窗口默认只是切换它的可见性,这应该没问题,但问题是,是否要显示关闭提示?
以及,我们该如何提供一个更加统一的“杀后台” 的入口?
commit d7ed79b44950817aff014e7ee2166e49d9597d21
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Oct 28 17:46:31 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/window] 优化了Modal的显示与状态控制,现在它不被 win.isVisible 所影响
commit e2e4a101c7ece00ef12a7a4baa98fe902220c60e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 22:12:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修补 jsmm 安装后,写入 metadata/session.json 文件,现在js应用可以正确打开了
commit f61cdd10f9c0b137b6504d42651e5311f968f056
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 18:46:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 增加JMM进入时的状态判断,优化下载状态存储功能 -- 3
commit a46c05cb0b2940f5b7000303667e176dd5b4d5f5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 17:06:36 2023 +0800
scale to fit
commit a6e675e71a122bd8dbdbfd073664fa7cd30ee48b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 16:59:44 2023 +0800
:recycle: :bug: [kmp/window,kmp/browser,plaoc] 更新plaoc,使得支持使用新版协议对窗口的渲染
commit 7be822bbd530a1a0e7771db9d3753cbc5ebfaecb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 16:14:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复modal的closeTip无法关闭的问题
commit 37e0c1fc7fb7aff6b2ca9fd057ea481033611356
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:48:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/is-dweb] 添加is-dweb编译到deno task dev
commit 3004ea9e0493d4f3ed1b8e86112f1f68c0e7eca3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:36:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/browser] 添加删除weblink功能
commit a096321d7b80875f9298cd15d87b90cab4de0217
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:36:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复了app卸载问题,并且现在jmm安装完会主动删除zip
commit 33d7f31fd5ec01688bd321c8ba42ab14d1f996fb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:33:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] add package for @plaoc/is-dweb
commit 26bd19f2b55e79186238a7a8c98e5c4aaa47cd25
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:34:00 2023 +0800
commit 099ccc3ac0d015659039f172ff51416b8a8e684b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:24:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复dns对于uninstall、watch的一些支持
commit 27f5c9c46c60360da9123a44dae632bfd12f1fb4
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 15:04:42 2023 +0800
feat: 添加biometrics插件,删除toast插件
commit 657220da96f748b7f1952c318fe0d31f19d7e06a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 14:33:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] DwebView增加UserAgent,web.browser.dweb搜索栏增加dweb://处理
commit bb4b15969e58ab53bb4fb4a53c36191ae78c011a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 14:26:34 2023 +0800
:bug: :ambulance:
commit 2665961296022e36f9b8899998ab8a0a985c2539
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 11:57:23 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 对DNS模块进行了重构,现在对于protocol的管理更加合理
commit b91f509cd0ed1c7b4b13c9b6e3fe6e9387d1c748
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 10:59:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] DwebView增加UserAgent,web.browser.dweb搜索栏增加dweb://处理
commit 087c4a47729c4bea795918a9684a2d78d5b1313b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Oct 27 09:26:37 2023 +0800
electronApp DwebView done
commit f706d3918fc71fe71859f057c8f88be29f3d4907
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 19:31:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] add toManifestJsonElement function
commit 4ecbad6e342d34517456c52e69ba177c3a8e7554
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 18:44:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复deeplinks第二次打开失败异常
commit 89387e7d9646200d747a41dda07c9202b452500e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 18:31:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [plugin/cli] cli-0.4.8 client-0.4.2 通信中需要获取的是对方的消息
commit 4ad0ffe4aa7e21bba56bb5911da5db8106e780d8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 18:31:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [plugin/cli] cli-0.4.8 client-0.4.2 通信中需要获取的是对方的消息
commit 5b1848bb1444cc1ac3b2044813bfa3288cebf732
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 18:14:00 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 删除 core 下面的 download.browser.dweb
commit 31c5792d204fded7d93c1abf9930b9e1caa695a1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 18:03:57 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 转移方法
commit e8133012d96e36be9f6e59cdd307647e69f82705
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 17:31:30 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 删除无用代码
commit 8fde98e278e93feeecafb0438127062d47d4ec16
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 17:26:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复 NativeFetch 中误删除的代码
commit 49a68fe0f851ed602545d5a5bfd2378a944940d6
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 16:30:35 2023 +0800
feat: 添加弹框插件
commit 393645edf9e33f4d97ff14c30f7b313dff5a7a8c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 15:55:20 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] modal的closeTip现在可以触发前进行动态配置
commit 546ed160225e2a3a39b046a9fac9883346626bc0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 15:25:46 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复permission和scan重置问题。
commit 0b795ea9240b4018fa54f6aaa662ebd334a1a12e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 15:23:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 重构barcode-scanning.sys.dweb,增加shortcut功能,修复permission.sys.dweb没有重置问题。
commit a644e0c7d678b1370531751f1bfcae94011c8154
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 11:30:58 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 完善添加到桌面功能
commit f675717759eefbcd7906b556993a9ccbfc0bd289
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 10:38:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复BottomSheetModal过快关闭导致的问题
commit e999e3b39ca93efdae4ee733ee61705219091002
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 10:21:35 2023 +0800
commit 1053adf346e2d88f148ecf525a6134b686abc0af
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 09:47:07 2023 +0800
feat: 添加haptics 和 notification插件
commit 5cef8d95b2745586373bcebe6d74c07e51b6fe87
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 22:13:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] 继续对jmm的渲染进行整理,优化国际化的开发标准
commit 7d61d50e8a503b89591a167318a097bffb5d7a64
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 19:41:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] 分离了JMM和WebLink,重构了JmmMicroModule
commit 922b7370fe46f13145d09fb64a9e8086e8b16ec2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 18:42:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复HttpFetch异常
commit 504d676c827545f364c1671345f8b405c6025837
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 18:39:55 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] jmm.sys.dweb 安装完成存储应用 - 2
commit 7fb8dfe599af92689642d048d29964e8729f644b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 17:51:17 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] jmm.sys.dweb 进度显示-1
commit e77381ae08bf6b041469091dad1c03ab5d97922f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 17:06:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 新增jmmStore,增强fileNMM/move和DownloadNMM/watchProcess
commit abc5fb0f94df2c57fe4cbb40fc6884272ac7855c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 16:22:16 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 添加扫一扫的shortcut
commit 8c60a89fa60e4b79397563c7faca51828ba16925
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 15:57:49 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] 改进Jmm的按钮渲染代码的写法,确保正确的实时性
commit e7dd966666ad0be1e68f0c29cb169a123eb85006
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 15:56:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] ModalBottomSheet存在状态管理的BUG,强行修复
commit 91f688bc9fbf70a17729261554aa97a908e6d25b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 15:37:16 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] 现在解压更加合理
commit 59ff1a92d0e303ce5c0ed37cd4e936581c886256
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 14:42:13 2023 +0800
commit 4f4e3dfd84489715a9754971ed4f2fb77b0486f0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 14:41:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 现在bottom-sheets-modal有了更加标准的视图;plaoc的组件也初步加入了支持
commit 1dbc5b510179594602df673402a61da0a78a545e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 14:17:40 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp] 移除ziplib,改用gitsubmodule中的ziplib
commit dbf355244757c181c14393d3f9156731628805fa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 14:13:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [toolkit/dweb_browser_libs] 修复dweb_browser_libs脚本拉取失败
commit a0eeb119748a62fb424ebe58f5006949349ab061
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 14:08:06 2023 +0800
commit 43044dd053ea72e6f1ad7df83810998b42eb643c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 14:04:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [toolkit] 添加dweb_browser_libs子模块
commit 3e99af16da88483bf3fd6ec71096408848b00692
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 09:43:32 2023 +0800
:fire: [plugin] 暂时移除了没有更新的蓝牙模块和相机模块
commit fcf282ab0203fdce4367d8ddb7f42b818c3a270f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 15:52:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugins] @plaoc/plugins 发布0.4.0
commit 2d4a1765bf0b6027e41ad871d6cde561e8df2c56
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 12:33:55 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] 打通下载解压流程
commit 1ce05ddcdd6cf03b8e4447204b9197ed2a28d732
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 10:37:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [scripts] 将添加spm依赖拉取添加到deno task dev
commit bbce1750ec64e00f7a631411e96ca7b260eccaae
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 10:36:24 2023 +0800
:fire: [next/iosApp] 移除WebRTC.Framework,改用swift package manager进行管理依赖
commit e12611cffc9d78537cfb18c3312d62ece22ccc81
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 09:44:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复窗口缩放到最小引起的ANR问题
commit 2e19d67332d262715b17023305bf7c19a67164c5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 09:43:32 2023 +0800
:fire: [plugin] 暂时移除了没有更新的蓝牙模块和相机模块
commit d5c3ae0ac1ce4f23cecc2ef0d429036d9f1561ce
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 09:40:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复窗口缩放到最小时anr问题。 版本2.231025.0
commit cbd2a18bd0668ee47f08361cf871eb24720e15a9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 25 08:16:20 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/shared] 修正clipboard、ConfigStore模块目录
commit c2dcb83fb841cbcec0bd166e8cdae96416bfdb30
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 17:56:13 2023 +0800
feat: 添加clipboard和config插件
commit 9fcd4bf935fb241dc68ee60a6754d08284d46c42
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 17:23:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 历史列表和添加到桌面功能增加限制,不显示重复的。
1. 历史列表展示时,相同地址,同一天只需要显示一条最新的
2. 添加到桌面时,判断地址是否已添加,如果已添加,直接跳过
3. 修复closeTip中英文显示问题
4. 移除无用类
commit 2ea2b51bbc35c63f0f8a9b95c3450a1bae6ec3e7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 16:07:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [helper] 修复helper测试用例异常
commit 1ec63d4f314f97fe1d1b35291fb082f9e3b572a2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 15:52:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugins] @plaoc/plugins 发布0.4.0
commit de2ae8e0208a77f93c9184da72e9c08056fe8ff8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 15:26:15 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复 i18n 资源字符串问题
commit b59f8bbf279c8e68bfa979e13543241922b476b1
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 14:00:30 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 解压后,不删除压缩文件。
commit ce9e8e5aefb712068253c2538677d3e095ae228d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 12:29:05 2023 +0800
:fire: :zap: [kmp] 移除cklib submodule,ziplib改用rust实现
commit d52428d7c0e0c6eb5c8b460a64befbb12ccbf73d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 11:30:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复了一些下载问题
commit 3c79000f68c1d430866f7f635c7c6457dd636f1b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 11:17:19 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 空异常
commit eaf3a125aecda1302d0f7f778deb22197250c443
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 11:14:56 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 资源R异常
commit ee3b6e7475cced02e3f85a7413dddb1980c48ad3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 10:58:36 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 移除BrowserUI,完善barcode-scanning.sys.dweb模块。修复permission.sys.dweb模块没有置空引起的问题。
commit cab711b2c4f4272bfc31a2b507d073d311c1b4c5
Merge: e1246aa5a d31a79304
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 10:16:38 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit e1246aa5a6d7dbfac6cfbe5ce21de368d61b2c89
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Oct 24 10:15:16 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] to run
commit d31a793040dc34f305f5700886cc9bf32c391c87
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 20:17:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 基本完成Modal的创建与管理的标准
commit 7a3bbb793718b4294e364e731e3d8ff59ca1283d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 18:18:56 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 将permission.sys.dweb模块恢复。优化uuid存储机制
commit 22f669e884b2b62bacf8feeaae2ae001a6358c99
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 16:26:23 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] device.sys.dweb恢复SharedPreference存储。保持初次外部存储功能。版本:2.231023.3
commit d4c149c27facd94b74c0c8c5f8de26d5313acc52
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 14:54:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复桌面端url编码导致文件找不到问题
commit 993e4972d0034108d717e79c49f47f28164ec806
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 14:21:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复dweb-updateController插件错误
commit ad2248b480410da4a3da2133853d16afb885f073
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 10:30:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复onConnect 没有重新创建问题
commit a0c9d80a5e684a88185131a81786f1a4fe6e657d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 09:35:13 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [cli] publish @plaoc/cli 0.4.7
commit 58e5aed20110b037323d52a98183b417a21ccd01
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 15:47:07 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [android] 修复http引用错误
commit a4293a6bf97670d52490cc162ec4142a6d52175f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 17:29:25 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] android也改用subDomain
commit 582b1f4e3bedfe01c0f0fa9445a0b76968e0a987
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 12:19:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugin] 新增通讯间消息缓存,修复canOpenUrl错误
commit 0473eb97063526d65d0093ad4d06e56a9245a34b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 15:45:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 桌面端现在使用subomain
commit 4df8c9d2fc7e42d4fdf543c097a3d0cc86740637
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 15:00:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 完善permission.sys.dweb,修复device.sys.dweb中uuid重复问题。
commit be812b0232ed7c8b209fd41659ec82c8b644b84f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 14:54:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复桌面端url编码导致文件找不到问题
commit a90a3c150b82ac07593893f81a95acd19f1b7fed
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 14:21:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复dweb-updateController插件错误
commit 2be396a0620f1b9f6e08f253aeaae9ea74d013fc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 20:50:54 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc] publish @plaoc/cli 0.4.5
commit 6ab185321452c057583479b6c1de2edc82836bc9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:34:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/cli] 修复cli异常
commit 1d2479c83e15fd5831d8f63df7f365302fb200c4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 15:22:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 取消获取不到X_PLAOC_QUERY强制报错
:bug: [plaoc/cli] 修复cli异常
:bookmark: [plaoc] publish @plaoc/cli 0.4.3
commit 02d0eb92c529b33f7846fbe0623379b08f460962
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:00:34 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复流无限循环导致卡死或者发热;plaoc增加垫片功能
commit 4835ef7fff45b0bbbbb2b657bb7dfd9b1a73ca86
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 14:51:25 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 获取internal_url和external改为同步
commit 29a9d47760f7a67ab9955d4eda89b88a8919c6a2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 11:06:21 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [android] 修复ziplib缺失无法启动异常
commit 3c15160d656057122b0fe265ac30f803010dc6a0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 10:38:30 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/ziplib] 修改命名
commit be24b24a9ec1f0b0351e51bea1259c003bcb5ece
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 22:26:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [core,ziplib] 更新zip解压缩
commit 838216a6ee15e882e51bb6ef979e92896fc071b6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 16:03:03 2023 +0800
Create cklib
commit 709f32e657b5d2fc918bf98f64361867d5ae5968
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 16:01:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ziplib] 实验性zip
commit 1594e59aa1154d289cfa7d555fe857f7729d62f9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 10:38:30 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/ziplib] 修改命名
commit 57a683c5725e818ee58a7c2945de4f0254103609
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 10:30:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复onConnect 没有重新创建问题
commit 44930b23b2e46f06e26a656ad189ab205880fc5c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 23 09:35:13 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [cli] publish @plaoc/cli 0.4.7
commit 51a8b7305e316ddf97ab7f6535d82ac964fd31f8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Oct 21 21:46:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 现在Modal能被正确创建并渲染了
commit 319a7acb00823f761a2ce9c2b608eedcd0d3d7ff
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sat Oct 21 00:31:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复 DeviceUUID 重复问题
commit 0e146d851c7da4317c70045f5bfed68d36e16bf3
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 22:26:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [core,ziplib] 更新zip解压缩
commit 8267a890a57c4f3cc4ba7652dba49d93ef5e4ffd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 18:07:51 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本2.231020.0
commit b44318a99fc50714606d84156c0000a68f7b4d12
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 17:51:42 2023 +0800
:heavy_plus_sign: [iOS] apply ios Dweb_Browser to kmp DWeb
commit 35b0a8e29871d3316bc3f736ed2c67527f4c9ed5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 17:29:25 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] android也改用subDomain
commit e3bae526479b154ae8fb0a881b2848c17681a95c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 16:03:03 2023 +0800
Create cklib
commit 3b03765ddadea85546861c796a7bbeea2f23a74d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 16:01:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [ziplib] 实验性zip
commit 2c817c9351af63e3751e4706f8d875812cf8a220
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 15:35:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复地址中有空格引起的解码问题。 修复分享返回结果问题,增加打开应用判断,但是无法获知是否真的被分享。
commit a1e5126445c86bb9ce45d14752388c4c180315ac
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 14:48:26 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/window] 修正IOS的支持
commit 452b0a558e231b006c2aa8cdd019ee1ed56e90fe
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 12:19:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugin] 新增通讯间消息缓存,修复canOpenUrl错误
commit efa3024be60b2ad4ddd8e174527c878e33dee7a1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 12:15:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 添加 linux 编译,为 dweb_deeplinks 添加 //
commit 6a8048e7e57491d7dafe8a62a16409e486c87f11
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Oct 8 11:27:56 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 添加 win 平台 deeplink支持 #53
commit be48c6a2593e62424babf4feaf4d010f61d7bb1d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 16:33:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复browser第一次点击未打开异常
commit 2beeb76c7d19c6fc1ec2bd77e17ad1d0c35e98b0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 16:13:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 添加MacOS deepLink支持
commit 787cd86ed34b7993d3135d53134a814af1f3087a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 22:05:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 对路由底层进行重写,现在它拥有中间件模式,可以进行组合以移除,更加灵活
commit 4bda371ab851383cbc8fa9ed8f63969a6a71f6a9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 16:49:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android/plaoc] plaoc增加session.json
commit bcc27331be29bcc3f309c9ba675cce9133a25330
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 15:45:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 桌面端现在使用subomain
commit 44d9f3d44f395af5f6262895e96bf86fbe66c544
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 11:07:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 同步Android增加的session.json
commit 9db1c03724fb2c82df6fec2fe8eeb92afe3b527e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 15:35:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 同步 release-9-21 中发现的问题
[Android] 版本2.231017.0,优化打包的文件名
[android] savePictures增加saveLocation参数
[plaoc] saveLocation变成可选
[plaoc] 修复重启窗口wid没有更新的情况
[plaoc] 给HTMLDwebBarcodeScanningElement增加了class
[Android] 修复imeVisible 状态异常 引起的界面显示问题,版本2.231018.0
[Android] 优化手机唯一标识的获取方式
[Android] 英文适配,版本2.231018.3
[Android] 修复书签修改弹出输入框引起的重组问题,版本 2.231019.0
commit a8f48be76bd02c2349df6d4b62bb1923e3f0ed6d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 13:46:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复书签修改弹出输入框引起的重组问题,版本 2.231019.0
commit 2eac68e3a286c86d98b9f4755e51efcb8c176072
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 11:07:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 同步Android增加的session.json
commit 4a4b23225ab8903207f0bfd9c702a42e19dac698
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 09:55:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复esbuild文件引入错误
commit 417c09de4161f0350c2c91a63cd0d13ae820cfc2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 09:19:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复一些异常
commit e3063ed069d425bae2ca9a71687f87ab779814dc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 08:43:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复jvmToolchain版本设置
commit c431b36b06d66579de5f1b2cd995bed472cd5e25
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 21:57:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 初步实现了window/modal相关的渲染与接口
commit bd0be97a959c7161899cf6c1882099de5a59bd6b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 20:50:54 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc] publish @plaoc/cli 0.4.5
commit 50b07004f350866f2578b4e41b7dc1ff81640fb3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 19:22:05 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [Android] 英文适配,版本2.231018.3
commit 5d281442008d0a9f944391378c1dddd135f901ff
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 18:11:37 2023 +0800
🐛 [Android] 修复biometrics认证异常
commit a06eef264c67d42e46ce784448a025dceadffcb3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 10:47:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/plugins] 分享功能更新,发布0.3.3版本
commit b1e2e0b1d42d589e84918c2d64f4fca6050485c1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 09:25:23 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: [demo] 添加暴露测试
commit bee1a86766ab794c3831af2b90883d338d6ded64
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 22:55:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] add export clipboardPlugin
commit f1e895e017e4442ec567c8f5cbc1c3eae13af6ea
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:34:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/cli] 修复cli异常
commit f1b549f366eee2d55d2819174050d7caf8e19cd8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:33:05 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本 2.231018.2
commit fed982b629e1d218b7c079d3c19efdb342d5522d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:22:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] 现在覆盖安装不会清空数据
commit dd33c5bd7f08f245326225ee375265d37f8e4c5f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:14:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 优化手机唯一标识的获取方式
commit e6819af6fbbcb1f59cda23e47819fd3474fd5829
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 17:11:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复createProcess参数错误
commit ff8d24e5aa48651b3d4e68a133347ddc3f792ace
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 16:55:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复imeVisible 状态异常 引起的界面显示问题,版本2.231018.0
commit 59803d632b80039ccb41dc9a960ca80b59843862
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 16:45:06 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc] publish @plaoc/cli 0.4.3
commit 5bc9740cff91970324594a9ccb03b94d5e2c13ae
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 16:42:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android/plaoc] jmm应用新增了session.json信息文件,webview重启的时候会基于sessionId进行数据清除
commit c4e5e3f1e8d3b83072ed8ea807dadc1f61bc86a8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 16:12:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/cli] 修复cli异常
commit aa1bf36da5ba7d62291f1c9765cb8898f1278913
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 15:22:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 取消获取不到X_PLAOC_QUERY强制报错
commit a38392b17565a795ec1c663de89a9bd3c75371a1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 11:42:26 2023 +0800
:fire: [kmp] 移除所有desktopMain jvm相关
commit 5c2ac404552ebab90314f4eebfcf5f2d12cb3d03
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 10:45:35 2023 +0800
:rocket: cherry eef714be
commit 0f9ccef205f5ba41e3375b3884ebf39cf194b933
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:44:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/cli] 添加压缩率为最高
commit b1ef14db98d9ab604e3c59bfa7ee86d314578d2f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:42:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复请求padding
commit 61c9f84227427c8b31a00d52e96be7f166a5dc96
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:37:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 对statusbar、navbar、safearea做了重构,只依赖windowPlugin来进行实现
commit 075d2e4c631851a7b376a168b3d0cae76611af76
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:21:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 配置新增usePublicUrl字段;statubar临时使用window插件重写
commit 08f85821566e03b02355ee41be4b61a0ebbb5b17
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:42:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 添加JsonlinesStreamResponse
commit fd813365d1a2125078728e908f408625fba7321b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:41:44 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 给HTMLDwebBarcodeScanningElement增加了class
commit d9b4a8f131629d92a576e0961343e541595160c8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:41:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 添加MotionSensors前端测试
commit 2f213b39e4afc0016ec250905735ff284d68f2d9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:39:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/shared] 添加 MotionSensors 运动传感器模块(待测试)
commit 9bb199581406745bccf2d33657008e2ee5396652
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:06:06 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本 2.231017.3
commit bbe2fce435dca28cb00c93f5155fcbf43353bc4a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:00:34 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复流无限循环导致卡死或者发热;plaoc增加垫片功能
commit 132bffb4d25bc344cf133fc78c0ca4dab17bc1eb
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 17:57:55 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复content-type 异常
commit 4cd50ab99b1e7f2f2fb2a1cdbdcae51dc502fbfd
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 16:15:20 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] 下载暂停工作中
commit ca583a6e685f34420ff9d95492e27c86238e6dd1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 15:58:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复重启窗口wid没有更新的情况
commit d4ebe5d2ce96c3007b2d1f0502d1a607423d64e0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 15:32:55 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] saveLocation变成可选
commit 7203a1a3a60d5693b3274b714b84d0e7647ac011
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 14:51:25 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 获取internal_url和external改为同步
commit 645efe2d0a67da2ed4a4b5a2234015bb7d513928
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 14:06:24 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] savePictures增加saveLocation参数
commit fff3f41fa18c40cb71cb1f04cf8998d1f1afc0dd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 14:04:43 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android/plaoc] 新增getDisplay
commit 6fdecaee0830a32c0b54a31a2ce808969c690272
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 11:13:15 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复biometrics认证异常
commit 0c59a8a91e9e563f04f9158e0981397213330ad1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 10:47:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/plugins] 分享功能更新,发布0.3.3版本
commit b0aa7211d60f69d39f535f1c40b6440573558682
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 10:45:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 同步 release-9-21 中发现的问题
1. 修复 WebView 创建不在主线程问题
2. 修复 CloseWatcher 不生效问题
3. 修复 content-type 问题
commit f34aefbaaeb2ba54efb2f5f50637d6e7ec374f42
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 10:18:07 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本2.231017.0,优化打包的文件名
commit d40a4e8f345e1fc95844803545e91c545403216c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 09:36:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复content-type 重复问题
commit b178743fb447c983fc891faee377f2c9cd352884
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 09:25:23 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: [demo] 添加暴露测试
commit 8b705ded2b60484ca0a0f2d32b3381a79cddb192
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Oct 17 09:17:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复savePictures异常
commit 6df07722ed0c05be05352b7937ea124af5833840
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 22:55:30 2023 +0800
:bug:[plaoc] add clipboardPlugin
commit 4ee259d112dc2f7a6bfe72ec3834393c6e13e7a2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 20:33:59 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 同步了主分支的更新
commit eef714be505de98fcc14cc0e76f419e0696028f1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 19:11:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复closeWatcher不生效的问题
commit 06b763876b3229d98444c255d7800a91718fbcb3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:57:23 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本2.231016.1
commit 642d4573f934aff03e62c4d99232ed1eae55432b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:44:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/cli] 添加压缩率为最高
commit 84a91dba332514203090beb0da946bba32994839
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:42:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复请求padding
commit 17490fb5feb9f85f1d06b16d06ef945cb3a29bd9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:37:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 对statusbar、navbar、safearea做了重构,只依赖windowPlugin来进行实现
commit 87cf02f0ab3ce3b20bc8d6636e389f8e739bd821
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:21:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 配置新增usePublicUrl字段;statubar临时使用window插件重写
commit 1438cc4b805192766de4969e027697151ce19e6f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 18:11:15 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本2.231016.0
commit c6be041c0cb338e5b19a0e6596e8de1a197c03c7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 17:30:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android/plaoc] 新增getDisplay
commit d2d1c288b9a76041bdb47b971bbdb01151a8c323
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 17:20:58 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复下载问题
commit a7d6176e226635699ba001f6ef28097bab947d8a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 17:12:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复jmm下载异常重新下载时进度不存在问题。修复browser在webview中创建窗口不在主线程问题
增加withMainContext方法,避免Main Thread中withContext(Dipathers.Main)异常。
commit 000c6bdf1b04338da2fed7d3930279a819f3ea7d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 13:58:47 2023 +0800
commit 914ba26c0c0d809626b237576a4bbf66099573c3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 11:32:12 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] download 新增start接口,负责开始和恢复下载
commit 7d4c619b26be2dd6fb03e4ce6363dfe34e54f798
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Oct 16 09:57:15 2023 +0800
:shit: :sparkles: [kmp] 窗口初步增加了Modal相关的开发;增加了JsRuntime使用WebSocket/WebRTC做通讯的测试
commit 719b30906692ff811e692b004f41fea33c66d462
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 13 18:34:55 2023 +0800
:construction: [kmp] 增加download render
commit 4e5fc1a67b8c7c970d9dede6489d5a22bf893fcd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 13 18:33:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复历史记录显示为空问题,修复bottomsheet上拉crash问题。
SwipeToDismiss 引起的异常。
commit 3045c80cd9ef334f559ba0ca116c7cefae16badb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Oct 13 17:25:49 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] 完成了迁移download模块,接下来需要修改jmm模块
commit bbec4047ea23673e63f82e4d3524a1050e71ceb9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 13 11:30:01 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 移除java.text.DecimalFormat依赖,方便后面移植到kmp
commit db71df3f5f1bc2e2d39075a07c7ce2f06d6d8c13
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Oct 13 11:24:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp] 在common/util中增加一个Long.toSpaceSize方法
commit 9162507692cccbc417ad75964c482b09d4378219
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 19:23:32 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core]
commit 466b16f116e054cd283128f300f13d9c4ace21f2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 15:16:49 2023 +0800
:art: [Android] 将BrowserUI迁移到kmp.browser模块。
commit 5774cbddce82aa79f9cead45e41149262b5363a8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 11:37:06 2023 +0800
:muscle: [kmp/browser] 对desk的接口做了私有化保护
commit 00d656a7226b807df86f45f0e7baa771893a705d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 11:25:36 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/browser] desk中的window.sys.dweb模块的写法现在更加符合标准风格
commit 129c10fe44eb68dbe4b295df7fd877aec7f712a1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 11:13:30 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] 路由默认使用full匹配,更加的严格
commit b3f8375f753f97a03d10d62f5eceae3fe4ce1cb6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 10:30:26 2023 +0800
commit 5dd0ccbf028b23a78fd33ccfb462248a4e27093b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 12 10:27:07 2023 +0800
commit c446d18cf5450ec75d716fdca7d7c3943a43ee29
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 20:50:56 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] 增加实现了模块协议
commit a3196578521f8caec0ae0d1c591fdea9185b8430
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 19:58:53 2023 +0800
commit 1200e9403a680dfbddbc064600586ffeb130d3c9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 18:42:13 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] 迁移donwload到common
commit 1e37a0ad89debc431a7e07366312358259779525
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 18:33:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复历史显示顺序和名称问题
commit 7f4fde1cdb9f756497de67163d831b2b01d76e68
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 17:55:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修正WindowConstants获取模块的方式
commit 06efe1ede49420510ff8f110a298646a4b32fe78
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 17:22:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] fileNMM 暴露出 getVirtualFsPath 函数给底层模块使用
commit 6b995012610a303bf572fd7e997bf40e09462ff3
Merge: ffaafcd57 1e6cb4adb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 17:12:07 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'bug-file'
commit 1e6cb4adb5c9ac7af8297f83f1bf44cd47fadd79
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 16:19:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/core] 修复store存储的机制问题
commit 2281446c87295118f8a7888b58ab5466dcd5aaa0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 16:19:03 2023 +0800
commit ffaafcd57021a389d1b7aa89371eb70f2c4b4f1f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Oct 11 11:30:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [jsProcess] 在dweb对象下新增version和patch字段 #63 #54
commit f07243c537e56f8dc6d18c6e14c94675bbcd7d32
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 20:55:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/core] file.std.dweb 增加 /open 接口,使用双工来传输指令与指令返回,从而满足传统文件操作函数
commit 7caa6eaad9ab25f697162f1367586416cda8ce38
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 17:16:18 2023 +0800
commit 7b5ce1a6c81146eb584fc4687e6cc3a5d926cb14
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 17:09:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/window] 现在window.sys.dweb 已经成功迁移到 window 模块下;jmm的渲染机制也更新了
commit 80f18c49cdbabfdfe5203defb16f6a1903152be7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 16:43:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/browser] 修复浏览器被唤醒时行为
commit 8e5d196df7e42b25149396fc82a3c3e8b45b90f5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 16:31:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复desk创建窗口时通知渲染的逻辑
commit 10881feeda813dc537b234addb17bc762cd6ece2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 16:17:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 优化断点下载,修复ktor请求异常(Operation is already in progress)
commit 0f79257315c79275fcb694052d1d9942083e1b90
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 15:54:41 2023 +0800
commit bc766c67d8349e1d9bb701abe50cb081fcbce016
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 15:48:52 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/core] kmp/microService=>kmp/core
commit 4e8e9ebc67fde1a11f2f03eb91423d31db2e82c7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 14:48:32 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp,android]
1. 现在Window的创建由DeskNMM管理
2. resources现在统一迁移到shared下面
commit ddbe4a7e9e10527193f4e6cf0ac5255e3785c457
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 11:28:53 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [cli] publish @plaoc/cli v0.3.4
commit 7a410fe1d0dc055a47b2bc9c51d89c708cddc373
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 10:50:26 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] 优化断点下载功能
commit e0f0f81e718ccc12fe798ca8d0e9b3f9c9f95e8c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 10:49:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/android] 新增一系列操作window的api
@plaoc/plugins 0.2.8
commit 01f21e4d47e61cf1d0ed8b748fb2fac1e35bd773
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 10:10:40 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] 优化DeepLink非全屏引起的statusbar高度变化,导致JMM界面显示时频繁重组问题。
commit 60aa7adb23d3c09ba161aea0d9f4594015852306
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 09:57:45 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] 优化DeepLink非全屏引起的statusbar高度变化,导致JMM界面显示时频繁重组问题。
commit e1a631033ef67543eaced67b168ebc6592d5447b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 18:24:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 补充断点下载功能
commit 895e8185879db0ab1f820465c3211d803a2bf050
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 17:47:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复desktop app 的排序问题
commit 43ef00d0275a59195262f5afe1636c087fa5985a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 16:14:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复store死锁和创建目录的问题
commit 3f0fe9c177f63d0cb6a5ef6312a19ab7f39be420
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 12:15:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 添加 linux 编译,为 dweb_deeplinks 添加 //
commit 5209446adc824e5b01cf6ca5ad968fa282cb01de
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 11:08:43 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [Android] 优化browser在窗口模式下,webview显示区域问题。
commit 106c5f85e8756e46e43156e425b0915c3c5fcd64
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 11:03:41 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [Android] 优化browser在窗口模式下,webview显示区域问题。
commit de03bb414a8f6c8b9382e75284eda39c0d0df1ce
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Oct 9 10:36:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复deeplink问题
commit 25fe0318ea2a3db31cecfa37d859cb752dc67b92
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Oct 8 20:42:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复readablestream 关闭问题
commit adebc4562615f0080a60691d2a4afad4bff5c41c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sun Oct 8 18:37:18 2023 +0800
:egg: [Android] 增加异常捕获,上传七牛云。版本:2.231008.0
commit 5faa8c0959ac46e65c7debdb2a818cac0cda6e2d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Oct 8 11:27:56 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 添加 win 平台 deeplink支持 #53
commit 5ab62383ce6db61e684126f4b9e3c49342a2832d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Oct 8 10:09:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/microModule] file.std.dweb 现在nativeFetchAdaptersManager与fileTypeAdapterManager进行了桥接
commit 386769924b27403dc0c861904bd36436ff403ac3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Oct 8 09:46:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/microService] 使用MicroModuleStore替代 App.Context.get/setString
commit f101c1b59f9e58672193452a9d27500d562bfcdc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 18:18:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/microService] MicroModuleStore 为MicroModule提供了简单的文件数据库,基于file.std.dweb模块提供技术支持
commit 6c985223a0d40f214b49de6982be038d381d9fb7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 16:33:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复browser第一次点击未打开异常
commit 71b85f0fbf7f93b77d4abebf0556e8d6bb6905f7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 16:13:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 添加MacOS deepLink支持
commit 0c6ad1ba0d5505bf6c5670f166d56abc3e648464
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 16:08:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android/plaoc] 删除checkNewVersion方法,修复singleTask
@plaoc/cli 0.3.3 @plaoc/0.2.6
commit f1bfca44fa39742e55acb42e1bec407c881750fd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 15:31:29 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/microService] AndroidMicroModule现在使用扩展的方式来使用,重写了大量关于AppContext的东西
commit abfb81992dfdc932072bc9ec8e253b55fed1b0aa
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 14:35:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复退出到桌面后,点击桌面图标打开应用异常问题;修复应用在后台时,DeepLink启动失败问题。
commit 913dc523c518f9483b199df27377a7efa7333a2b
Merge: 95c05a6cf 4e4f6c535
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 11:12:03 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'idwebview'
commit 4e4f6c535c077af0c14bfaac55e1206a8a01b5d9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Oct 7 10:46:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/microService] file.std.dweb 重新设计了接口,移除了type字段,现在只使用path来操作文件,返回也是完整的绝对路径的path
commit e2ec953b52bffcc1c34310a6d04b0c0039c06e74
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 5 17:04:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: : [kmp/microService] file.std.dweb 补全了 getData/CacheFileDirectory 的相关实现,增加了 `/copy` 接口
commit 9cf2ff8b9b1c102e2eafae053d9ab10e6a9c4cc2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Oct 5 10:34:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/microService] 补全了file.std.dweb剩余的接口,但是watch没有实现完整
:sparkles: 实现了 defineJsonLineResponse
commit 1dcd7791b9a80f08b35f8d0f5693dc3a349c9f16
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Oct 4 21:46:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/microService] 初步实现了file.std.dweb
commit 1d3523b368a12660ff60b05958282bf7ad1ca7f5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 20:15:14 2023 +0800
:truck: :recycle: :shit: [android,kmp/browser] 将android/jmm模块迁移到kmp/browser/jmm中
commit 675db84cf99b1a8fbe4cec98802d915cabd6b2a9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 16:31:45 2023 +0800
:truck: :recycle: [android,kmp/browser] 将android/mwebview模块迁移到kmp/browser/mwebview中;初步新增了 download.browser.dweb 模块占位
commit 424a82fd1867d7feaf7530d5003a6ec342ee4387
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 15:55:47 2023 +0800
:truck: :recycle: [android,kmp/browser] 将android/nativeui模块迁移到kmp/browser/nativeui中
commit 0c33758af490acc9c2ebf0f35145b47426382397
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 15:33:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android,kmp] 将Android中的一些文件迁移到helper、microService中
commit 48da72b41b8075f40171ea212bcd663c54fbb1bf
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 15:07:50 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/dwebview] 移动相关的文件到 engine 文件夹下,屏蔽了相关的实现细节;新增了browser项目框架
commit b43a7ae18106427c7ed912ac6c5857bc3a38fc7e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 14:42:42 2023 +0800
:book: 上传学习会资料
commit 7a0e78152db41127847549cc070aabb14c93a346
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 28 23:09:55 2023 +0800
:tada: 开始kmp/dwebview的common工作
1. 抽离出 byteReadChannelHelper
2. DWebView 现在更名为 DWebViewEngine
commit 95c05a6cfa523be7882d4b85b9bf56a587350a09
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 28 19:05:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 完善 download.std.dweb 进度显示
commit a9210ce7fa74199be1b95180b8f3fcf4f3839cbc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 28 18:30:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugins] 现在监听事件采用 IPC 连接
commit c8fcfa5464f456b7ed39a6e01d1c834be6c4acf7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 27 10:24:35 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 将依赖移动到androidMain
commit fa9938092ef55d4d306f7597a528c8f74cb9fcf9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 26 19:07:11 2023 +0800
:boom: [Android] 新增 download.sys.dweb 模块。
commit a0364f47d8d0edbca5bcbb74f1a1a7dcfb674c6b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Sep 26 12:14:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android/plugins] 完成版本检测接口/发布@plaoc/plugins 0.2.5
commit ecee4615766ddca21cde54bb399212cd177afb4d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 26 09:54:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复plaoc文件名错误
commit 0f0b4c7c9e258327ed8b8aa19bfc25b2a6526703
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 18:32:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复ktor下载问题。
commit 30e539846ac2b0c20001856a8f5b78d05329cd23
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 16:23:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复android 保存到相册不显示的问题
commit d9b8fb335b7ce15efc0621d774b696db22d775b2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 16:23:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 替换隐私协议地址。
commit 763dc71a7ef132ea5439f094e0a369e7c20206ee
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 11:19:19 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复隐私协议地址错误问题。
commit 1555d8ba35167402fa3db932655e9f67b7708025
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 11:13:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 隐私协议地址错误。
commit 48c4360d321364c2f216d5c5513c7fb3665e06e2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 10:14:46 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [Android] 优化Browser首页图标显示太大问题。
commit 6976e5cd486442a5c4fb47231173b1b383c29c6b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 09:38:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复FileSystem保存图片无法在系统相册中找到的问题。
commit 1221236eaded7b977727b8b643c22cec13aa41b7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 25 00:32:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复存储的图片,没有在系统相册中出现的问题。
commit 1c0d6b50cc566cf30abaf97417e7df4f05905d87
Merge: b1ffbf886 89adcfc2e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 23 18:58:42 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'common-dwebview'
commit 89adcfc2ed415afcd8666b0d1c0e9d3921078fe5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 16:27:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/DWebView] 开始 DWebView 的多平台研发
1. 定义 IWebMessageChannel、IWebMessagePort
2. DWebView.Options 独立成单个文件
3. agp 使用稳定版,因为kmp的开发需要稳定版的 Android Studio
commit b1ffbf88669a1be31cd56068c3082ee16574b9c8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Sep 23 11:18:23 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复deeplinks启动匹配错误
commit 7f9cc0f056d27821b182a1749b374c85aab6e047
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 23 10:12:25 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: [kmp/window] 现在渲染器初始化的时候,不显示销毁的信息
commit 1d5a0b70f8637a6c3ccd91645c058a50265c52dc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 23 09:58:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microservice] 修复BootNmm模块父类
commit 427add42e600e190fb89e1cb89de00e1b4ae8372
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 18:39:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 移除启动项过滤机制。
commit 8331b46a04981954bcfcf6164b3878de1a801fe2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 18:00:49 2023 +0800
:bookmark: : [plaoc] @plaoc/cli 升级 0.3.2 @plaoc/plugins 升级 0.2.4
commit 04983bbd04f4ea871cf3b550b3938eb3c67949a6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 17:39:02 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/shared] 初始化app sys迁移
commit 5784239275e52a3ef62f8f7b81a794411e661303
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 17:15:52 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本升级为2.230922.0
commit 9faf124d2fd96501ab328af264e41b3d99c0c144
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 17:08:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helper] 修复下载链接拼接错误
commit 0fed7e677b1cf0895970e3ecc656c33a5f587177
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 16:10:18 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/DWebView] 初步构建出多平台的DWebView的构造函数,占位
commit fdc269aab0fdc508987d43849e53374341abf343
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 15:46:55 2023 +0800
:bug: [deno] 修复安装 deno task dev 异常。
error: Uncaught (in promise) NotFound: Failed to spawn 'pnpm': program not found
await command.output();
at spawnChildInner (ext:runtime/40_process.js:162:17)
at spawn (ext:runtime/40_process.js:348:10)
at Command.output (ext:runtime/40_process.js:421:12)
at $ (file:///D:/user/dweb_browser/toolkit/toolkit-dev.ts:12:17)
at file:///D:/user/dweb_browser/toolkit/toolkit-dev.ts:27:7
at eventLoopTick (ext:core/01_core.js:183:11)
commit 5577dc58a66543c5404bcbe156fd5bfcfa4f1873
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 15:25:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] win11 arm版可用
commit a65d63012ff0209d541b27abeac1dcb4ef300bf4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 15:23:48 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/helper], URLBuilder.resolvePath
commit fef52be991aa15a19837c4f3303208fc1b4ca43c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 15:09:15 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 移除http4k相关
commit d300091bca59135e544e5f5a58aa20a314f7d878
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 14:55:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperCompose] 修复Androird中rememberOffscreenWebCanvas在同一个activity中被多次创建的问题
commit 6f5b913a99e8d4f98840c7d0a7c973ef6b47ddba
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 22 14:32:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvasFetchProxy 修复代理URL提供错误的问题
commit be3e353db16ce08149f79d74d579614e685cbb13
Merge: cbcf2b2cf 6d1823e72
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 21:05:19 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'http4k2ktor'
commit 6d1823e72222b468230595d2d6b71c0570fb4427
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 21:03:32 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev,next,kmp,Android] deeplink现在从dweb:统一成dweb://前缀
commit af47c8227b3e03fbc5e3bcee6add72596e6cb7a9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 20:47:45 2023 +0800
:up: 9-22,修复rebase后遗留下来的问题
commit 7c8b84c4b2f08deeb62abb1e80607ddc9ceae210
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 09:13:02 2023 +0800
:up: 9-21,修复rebase后遗留下来的问题
commit 83c2e59cf79cd47d2dfbf67fe32fbbed5863bf50
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 08:47:48 2023 +0800
:up: 9-20,修复rebase后遗留下来的问题
commit 09eba79ffea14dbe6b2bd6b2a2a233207ca87152
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 16:45:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复接收MultiPart异常
commit 44249ec7774c54562f1c1e3faccedc41df013538
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 21:56:23 2023 +0800
:up: 修复rebase后遗留下来的问题
commit dd95e53c002ee36380be05435900fb7f0bd6650b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 09:57:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修正了FileSystemNMM模块的问题
commit 1cd7baee7a1e94811e82c80c084ca4ae812b74a7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 08:54:50 2023 +0800
:recycle: ReadableStream与HttpResponse.toPureResponse的小改进:
commit 4e0e19cbd43ce294dae391123037d7a502db2032
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 17 11:51:26 2023 +0800
:wrench: 将toolkit纳入了dev脚本中来启动
commit 71151daa91ceb1e3e595242e3772d4549d6ad51c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 22:07:13 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/microService] 重写了文件加载器,修复流加载的一些问题
commit 6f66c639226a3e57291cf077349babf7acf45c7f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 16:56:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复ReadableStream异常
commit dc694bba3659806b3a61883c3071f1e6ee319ae9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 16:34:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复了迁移过程中一些遗留下来的问题
commit 945ed76f6c408ce11d8d6547fa8c75e25ebf7cb4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 16:32:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复IpcHeaders导入map的问题,现在更加的严格可靠了
commit e6983a156fe2f3fe90f7f1fa296e3fbec6a261f9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 15:59:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复ReadableStream写入BigByteArray的问题;
commit 2f6385bd9b9d294911abae514fd63fb26aa9c957
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 14:57:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 简化了ReadableStream多实现
commit 3422d7dbf9108e9cc4f5f354d8c727ca9a833be4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 10:19:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helper] Query解码器现在能支持跳过未知的字段
commit e92697d740e0cd6085a5e58b84097bd4a3f9fd5f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 10:03:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 现在err始终打印
commit 639915ea7fc8b9270cce95332439b036aefd4a89
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 08:30:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/microService] PureResponse rename field
url => href
parsedUrl => url
commit e8983b2c6b9ddcd230d8da8d7f99b5a30977f888
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 22:29:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 初步完成DwebDeeplink的兼容性支持
commit 550af75e44e8661c5b3b797d53eb070f4695ddf0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 18:49:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复应用localeFileFetch异常,格式化文件
commit 47774ae347d477b1c985896541911cf9682b76e2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 14:05:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复httpNMM headers大小写问题
commit d7cbe4c2797e2c88e6d46773e082c9df5f7b1dc0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 10:53:51 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService/window] 修复http port错误以及引入缺失
commit 635eac7dcfa0728432ecd089a7fc46584fdfca21
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 10:15:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] 修复PureResponse重复使用
commit 1fdcfd9e3c57a153ae09ac0457429cbdcd72f063
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 09:33:28 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/microService] 现在http1Server使用随机端口
commit cf689df25ab0a84f14fdbc544ed6337fba1177c4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 09:32:56 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/window] 完善windowMenuPanel的配色样式
commit 2eec77679c4d152bb6120998dff034bdf77272a6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 08:56:31 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp] 还原之前迁移误删的MainScope
commit e19cacf26d51840d6607862ba9f7a8013738e4f9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 19:18:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 完成WindowMenuPanel在IOS上的兼容性
commit a44e2afad8538638d96311b63a8e8754fa00b89c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 18:42:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复file协议的url异常
commit 2631fe8dbe9b18e18f4cb69ac863ee3771571af9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 17:10:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/microService] IpcBodySender.bodyAsMeta type safe
commit 6cdd099334f92e2bdd9b7fe3d350e99fa23fc9e7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 17:07:22 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp] Android可以编译成功了
commit 856da58bb5873b00b11fc15496bba3239c28ecc0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 14:27:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 继续IOS的兼容性,现在可以在IOS看到window了
commit a9cedb9f2f7a40db0ecedd6103efa8cb1a455ddc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 11:05:27 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperCompose] 新增了一种多语言的简单实现,替代stringResource
commit 5c99e8d7cf552f003584dfd84a81cde2308ec60d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 10:04:01 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/window] 抽象出WindowMananger.EffectKeyboard/EffectNavigationBar两个Composable
commit 8133bec758de7727ee4f57eb6b7762024fcb75ee
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 09:41:04 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp] 兼容性处理
commit 685d5c4d567f78e62946e711c632cd9abf0163dc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 09:37:44 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp] 继续一些IOS兼容性的工作
commit e7377f80485d8f807aa20e2c764e8c3ce18da71b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 09:05:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/Ipc] IpcMessage 现在是sealed class
commit bf27faf1d8acfe936e0c0ff164f185c457a3e293
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 08:48:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/Pure] PureRequest新增queryBuilder
commit 4f3f8ad5de053dd84e82e861db45a7eba1834312
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 22:28:23 2023 +0800
:truck: 初步完成对window模块,android=>common化的迁移
commit efaa3c9f158a9234c0affd50c664d002ebe1b98e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 18:50:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :construction: [kmp/helper] Query实现,未知key处理未完成
commit 6dae7efaeb0cd1a16ee32c46e17cf9c177d6e4a1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 16:46:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/window] 实现了新版的ImageLoader
:sparkles: 新增httpFetcher作为统一的默认的数据请求器,作用等价于 fetch 在web中的作用
:sparkles: 抽离出OffscreenWebCanvasFetchProxy,它提供了对网络请求自定义响应的功能
commit df63f034ef42a8a5631071358907b896ad6ce8cd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 14:49:18 2023 +0800
:boom: [kmp/microService] 开始迁移http4k到ktor的迁移工作
commit cbcf2b2cf5d8850ede5072bda5ff26f103c2d48c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 18:53:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 支持应用内跳转第三方应用,版本2.230921.4
commit 0fa6f8137fd3579cfcbfb062317bf6fed00554fd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 18:28:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] sign desktop-dev
commit 0b7f0c8ea5756fc3e293b1e91080d72850c17d4e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 17:33:41 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 提交版本2.230921.3
commit d5b0a2cd511d65fa60b86060aae6a522007f63b6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 17:20:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复桌面通过关键字搜索时,browser没有关闭引起的搜索内容不刷新问题。
commit 99159063879e111183afb3e4416be3fcfc60ddb0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 17:00:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 置空上一次的搜索内容
commit 8f56e4a15fad4268ea32365ebb4e47b05cbdcbbc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 16:57:22 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 优化添加到桌面的判断条件
commit 7a83f302e0d75236133a2e8759b986b15870d96a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 16:39:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/window] 修复watchedState的DisposableEffect没有立刻进行监听导致的BUG
commit 8c30861b3c37b1e0a63aac9d902f40ddda3eb314
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 16:23:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复桌面搜索问题。
commit 243e01a9196ed69b49beed2507e335b233502a28
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 16:04:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复jmmController关闭的时候没有正确释放引用
commit 7c140bd7303ac66508bd51f4491edc68ba267e87
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 15:35:59 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 扫码增加dweb判断
commit 1d4c86d7bbe05cb6f84c00723a334fd4bded053f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 15:24:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 现在Deeplink对外统一加上了dweb://前缀
commit 1e7d9ccc7a8f6a7fb5ee1fdc467b6e722dc49dfa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 15:11:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 各个模块现在提供了title/icon/themeColor
commit e0a814ec9a1822d9d417e0319bb58e7fe5dd156f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 14:49:55 2023 +0800
:cactus: [iOS] toolbar scale
commit e62af42c5ca199089332878874406ba89fcdcb1f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 14:33:11 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] 移除jmm中的无关信息,增加browser的窗口图标。
commit 38901bbd28529beb0068085227e7b69b6475be06
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 14:28:10 2023 +0800
:art: [desktop] 更新桌面端图片资源
commit 32ba7e4dc6a9c5c7e22467b7fd31fcdafbfaef6f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 12:13:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android,kmp/window] 改进了浮动窗口的大小;jmm现在显示其特定图标
commit 85767a16bcc27e7976fea80255670f6448ede66b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 11:53:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复PropMeta,使用List替代MutableList,避免内存引用的隐患问题
:sparkles: 更新了Web和JMM的图标
commit 5e22cc021dfb45897340abf79e4e9e3936947200
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 11:30:03 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [cli] cli 升级 0.3.2
commit a6a71987611f8fdf22427b917209a26ca55a4970
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 10:53:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] JMMRender移除头部,增加返回按钮的适配
commit d756ad7d456c59434aa0f9366192f6ad384f0626
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 10:31:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [deno] 指定执行顺序,先执行client,再执行demo
commit a4f1ce4e3bc71d4155ea9166c17e094329f2e2af
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 21 10:27:58 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [desktop/cli] @plaoc/cli 发布 0.3.1,desktop同步android代码
commit d47c43026304c779fee405205b1ed6eafab2da58
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 19:41:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/android] 修复了消息丢失的bug
commit 7e74409fd0cd6e04301730d2c6523b546c19d57f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 18:58:58 2023 +0800
:deciduous_tree: [iOS] Toolbar scale match
commit 91098032a75a1c40dae419482bd1996b4cbabe0d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 18:04:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复jmm启动挂掉问题。
commit 3ffb84708fbbeb8ef774b2e558166daec850077a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 17:42:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复桌面链接的scheme是dweb时引起的browser一直加载问题。
commit c33640e2574d576fa27552e554c31c680c253bcc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 15:55:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复窗口最小化后,点击桌面图标,窗口不显示问题。
commit 5049e75634c0ad3310f41ec04f21c20540b1dd0b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 15:35:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 点击桌面收藏的网址,打开browser需要重新打开一个新标签页。
commit a54ff0b95d554576da4040cd73c7754fbf965541
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 14:23:51 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] browser窗口关闭后,destroy webview
commit 0e30fedae0b148190882057123635367aeef1a3b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 11:21:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复通过JMM open 应用引起的多开问题。增加同步锁机制。
commit 1c3bcbcd6e2b2baac4552db20b3ef4b9f8701e6e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 10:10:59 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 移除log
commit 7464301affee56919b88624788d101d74a4c257d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 09:39:34 2023 +0800
:recycle: [iOS] recover the script setting
commit da3fc34c9c599e1fe1b1fc725d23d7aba87978b8
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Sep 20 09:37:58 2023 +0800
:bell: [iOS] resizablesheet and windowify stuff
commit b09f0922c8effdbce233e98786392682d28a9aa6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 19:59:31 2023 +0800
:boom: [Android] 增加deeplink
commit 630b866a39b196fda7586b7458f3209b47723b22
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 18:53:10 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [plaoc] 发布@plaoc/plugins 0.2.3
commit ff288be86a6ca3a00f1368bf290cf8efe99a1127
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 18:49:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [app/plaoc] 修复download下载控制器
commit b111ffa5e6af246e394b749d8836bf03766a6155
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 17:53:21 2023 +0800
commit 5e02f1dcceacd84456cda8e8ebfd9c99da3a066f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 17:53:09 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 初步开始了对JMM渲染的重构
commit 9e10169143363d9e426fa0bd2e9ff3a48f74bffd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 17:41:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [app/plaoc] 修复plugin异常
commit 874a4307d43204fd14955e841a64017b05f6db82
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 17:14:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/plugins] 修复窗口关闭激活问题,修改demo 的updateController
commit a79159cead074f65fca810145ed63259f912b659
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 15:30:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复window聚焦没有走统一路径的问题
commit 40b4cd8db8295e770d801b9446e14322bbaee6fb
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 15:28:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 优化加载框提示,修复通过搜索引擎搜索后再次搜索时输入域名不直接跳转问题
commit 2033011beae37e932724f9afdce3a1229a6a4554
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 15:16:02 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 重构window的最小化,现在它不再属于window.state,而是独立开辟了一个win.visible属性
commit 7af115b5d822dd85a0a4ab96d86b12031c661992
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 13:51:39 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 移除log
commit dec206b55615eee28fec6be667fa8a2d4a381f35
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 13:44:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 过滤华为、鸿蒙等自定义webview版本引起的问题。
commit 81e4dc51ff4c1c62e4d00c71d2f6d7f199a9f0af
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 11:31:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/app] 修复shareNMM异常
commit ea3d04435f9996bf58f5c5833ea1ead907703165
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 11:02:09 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] JsMicroModule新增VERSION信息
commit 56b776721502109bd3f515c556e1a9ec1e778aa8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 11:00:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复browser界面多窗口时,外部window返回按钮响应对象错乱问题。
commit 684e18678e0c2839258162875b498116556e0c01
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 22:01:53 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/window] 移植使用WindowMenuPanelByAlert替代RichTooltip方案,修复Parcelable的问题
commit 00f3290f1531c41a082852b4c556817faa2fe7be
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 21:35:46 2023 +0800
:wrench: 新增toolkit/plaoc-html-demo工具类子项目
commit bd6b087726aea7356b927dbd52252434ce9fb19f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 18:20:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bug: [kmp/microService,desktop-dev] 增加了ready协议,来确保模块之间通讯的最佳时机
commit 09e98abbf60f684027fc167781757f17ffbac5e9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 16:11:17 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [Android] 修改 Browser 的首页显示内容
commit def4a6ba16a2be665cd5991c27c14f15e76826a9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 14:51:41 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 加载时显示区域缩小到中间。
commit ee1785ed73a9671a8834be02bb73949e65f2bc93
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 14:43:40 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 补充上一个提交
commit 3f2d9bb7bbc750a55384f94de1b0a68977b27542
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 14:43:16 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 扫描json网址,直接跳转到安装界面,优化webview和loadingview结构
commit 8088a01d937d24c001003884634943404012f0dc
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 10:46:43 2023 +0800
[iOS] add dweb-browser get-start-for-developer doc
commit 46540d204ebd74c7ce34e32352b34f1519e50d91
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 10:23:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 移除 ImeAction.Done 后,需要修改 onSearch 的实现逻辑
commit 8924753fcd88107087d71409dc8859ae03e59f58
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 09:39:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helper] 修复误删除的kotlinx.coroutines.IO,会导致iOS无法编译
commit edc5fedbce21d7b4edf1875d45d9d453299f6c23
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 17:41:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 增加图片存储功能,补充权限请求操作
commit ddcfcf88289e6064cf77ab5c18519636da48ecca
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 16:18:47 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugins] 分离了updateController
commit f365b2946817e9e5377251f5a292cab3e15620d2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 15:32:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复荣耀手机输入法在切换Search和Done时,输入内容多了一个空格。
commit 16389657e6d5e7644cfd91d6d149d47b9b7cce8b
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 14:22:26 2023 +0800
archive ipa configuration
commit f9ca6cf38eb064f04a9ff4c257ff8c09c55e534f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 11:13:24 2023 +0800
commit 180e9e8da8293b122ce654f4904a04dda40539e5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 11:07:11 2023 +0800
commit 6579008c9b368b0684402b177f6fc216d8208328
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 10:56:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] fix the bug of init page can't open a link in some cases
commit 5935cb5bb21de2074ed3dd8a46571329e92a881b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 10:41:42 2023 +0800
:construction: [plugins] 拆分updateController,新增savePictures
commit 86705987424d6ca607579aa4a1b350137aba04e6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 15 09:28:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [iOS] 发包1.2.2
commit ad162bffd4780bd61f6d963d990ff6cd32cf6bf7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 20:14:46 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/android] 新增savePictures,修复一些激活问题
commit ece6efbdbd6110f178e0e7844c0fdafa10a79f48
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 14:52:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复browser第一次没激活问题
commit 871273cdb7ead1a18d90915328e2b2f41f5152a0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 14:39:49 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [Android] 版本2.1.0 ,修复release编译包名是debug问题
commit e8eae61c2b5345f871c60a8848f8ea7e4ad4dcce
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 12:21:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复进程间通信激活两次
commit 24a0faf84f6c5bd23c003c010e43b15f223d9469
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 11:29:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop/plaoc] 删除模拟器组件,修复重启bug
commit 93aae83d88f2b04bfbc8a6b8dce88a80247e2b6d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 11:20:51 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 校验webview最低版本
commit abb70a2eea50ca31866e8d5617a9531bcbd2bb5c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 14 11:01:41 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 移除一些无用的定义
commit c3349a2fc16e041f236f648a1febf5f3a88eb953
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 19:37:05 2023 +0800
:bookmark: : [android/desktop/plaoc] publish cli v 0.2.6 plugins v0.1.8
commit 27fb93a50a3757313e2c716efafbd6d1844eb810
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 18:37:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 新增webview升级帮助界面。
commit 75f27ef74dff28c5118029940d5750600975585f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 17:56:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] LoadingView跟PrivacyView结合使用。
commit b76a84138e16b6a09d41424349f367747a8eb6d5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 17:31:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复隐私协议打开后,没有返回问题。
commit 0f6f4dcb4d99108668c3bf87b49787663543c78c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 16:52:10 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 移除suspend
commit fd603d9898b8d5bbbf3ceb8d0b26cf7b14d32d66
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 16:42:29 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复输入框被虚拟键盘挡住的问题。
commit a7e14c58815adf8b3bed44357b6f137b33fd851a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 15:29:00 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复版本比对问题
commit a749ca34daa8e0ad4170dcd0ee126c2ac1b2ebb7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 14:45:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复webapp删除问题
commit 614b5a0445068e28f6818b0ee0bde9704c50525e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 14:29:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 卸载后移除png图标
commit 9d7f8250d01cb3db738089ba06041712a35f4c97
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 12:21:24 2023 +0800
:pear: [plaoc/android] 修复桌面显示bug和新增config.sys.dweb 在后端的转发
commit 7a9f32d3bae9722243e06fffe028fadf77bf4dcf
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 13 11:26:52 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复name,url,icon没有传递问题。
commit 7441393cf34ff477192b5ec78d104a880d7d0919
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 19:13:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/desktop] publish @plaoc/plugins v0.1.8 @plaoc/cli v0.2.5
commit 2b6b2a24b8f6a73c3cb6c298e1dc65e1a27b33b5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 18:42:11 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 需要先接收if的返回值后,然后执行判空,不能直接在else后面做判空执行。
commit 933cc5558ce2e8aacbb43ea74f068252d7961775
Merge: 7956d810a b638127fc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 18:18:51 2023 +0800
On pure: !!GitHub_Desktop<pure>
commit b638127fc4b14241441162aec127e878547dcbfd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 18:18:51 2023 +0800
index on pure: 7956d810 :up: [next C#] rebase..
commit 7b705c4d0f51b9e2de922373d664a8a64fc31f44
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 16:46:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/window] 使用新版的ImageLoader重构了AppIconRender的实现
:sparkles: 新增httpFetcher作为统一的默认的数据请求器,作用等价于 fetch 在web中的作用
:sparkles: 抽离出OffscreenWebCanvasFetchProxy,它提供了对网络请求自定义响应的功能
commit 6489fc69ca4e82dea139f56e8538605ad860c33b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 16:45:43 2023 +0800
commit 8a7af898c355cccb04b2c0fe86655174a34500a7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 15:03:00 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/microService] 修改几处错误
commit 8843649bb080bf1161ce8c37c2771979ffdeeab2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 14:49:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: :shit: [kmp/microService] 迁移http4k到ktor,未完成
commit 0fbf5c55ada165675e3761fff3cbc0108c676bec
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 18:16:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 新增config.sys.dweb 修复转发代码
commit 3b320ce908ec9503e379d12e7b440f42f8e48d8c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 18:02:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复lastLoadUrl和当前请求的地址重复时,设置content页面没加载问题
commit 9de85674d42e6a29e9108306794436692bd7c8e4
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 16:44:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] ”添加到首页“的网址优化为WebLinkNMM,修改JMM弹出WebView更新提醒的界面。
commit ed2c561cf22fbab6280e662f72aa08d1d02c5d01
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 10:26:30 2023 +0800
:truck: [Android/DWebView] 将DWebView迁移到kmp中
commit 52ec62da43faf39ce297c5ea80823aaf6c79f8fa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 09:54:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helper] 修改SynchronizedObject使用方式
commit 61053278e866d1a1a3fe29cbd02c79eb322b17bb
Merge: 4fc2d2251 748642d18
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 08:27:19 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #34 from BioforestChain/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/plaoc/demo/semver-6.3.1
⬆️ Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /plaoc/demo
commit 4fc2d2251949029ac80fa0c605eb11018e458670
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 18:32:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复kotlin 1.9.10依赖的compose版本问题
commit a4109c21def5000837a5be7330780adc6efb3a32
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 16:13:39 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复上个提交异常。
commit 748642d18677da7f6741e4a5e7845bf71b3c26ff
Author: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Date: Mon Sep 11 07:29:17 2023 +0000
:arrow_up: Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /plaoc/demo
Bumps [semver]( from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](
- dependency-name: semver
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
commit 6ab1735990387ae161a85164de6cc4bd15cebca4
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 15:08:37 2023 +0800
:wrench: [Android] 在android根目录增加 libs.versions.toml 用于方便查看版本信息
commit 03b1884611a01617b8eca30c4ecabb936dc8caa9
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Mon Sep 11 10:41:11 2023 +0800
[iOS] fix: Console log导致的crash
commit c7c0f6d5abd0f977278de96fcf1a35ab8ba3a0c4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 10 17:12:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperCompose] 封装出易用的imageLoader模块
commit 682ec4f01e78c4afcc0966c8154d8c88ad893918
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 10 12:12:25 2023 +0800
:file_folder: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas更新正确的静态文件资源
commit e9526644eeed1ff283975495504a12d00d4e3bec
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 10 12:11:46 2023 +0800
:up: [kmp] jetbrains-compose 升级到 1.5.1,更新了RichTooltipBox的实现
commit f178ee0eff110e151ece7d79b71d4a034ccc7162
Merge: 49420bd6e ef94e5ecc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 22:09:13 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'offscreen-web-canvas'
commit ef94e5eccaf87cafcce5f231fd7b1a64b4a70148
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 22:04:02 2023 +0800
:file_folder: [kmp/helperPlatform] 因为IOS的编译局限性,资源文件统一迁移到shared项目下
commit c9c4a1d362b6644825c7c2c6a1e131faa99dcaa5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 12:15:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 重新实现了drawImage,现在它被命名为 renderImage,专注于将一整个图片渲染到canvas中
commit d604dd70310b75cd31c3a6a5a5cb36b63ee9c6b1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 21:16:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 实现了新版的数据返回方案,可以直接传输二进制;修复Android、IOS统一的数据编码压缩的问题
commit 8458420f14be065cdbe7d50a2149fd909584c96a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 20:08:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 将offscreen-web-canvas的项目作为子项目导入
commit 5257498e96c00752ac2d9ade95dcfcf83ad822ba
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 19:00:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 重新设计了绘制接口,现在是一次性提交,避免交错绘制导致导出问题
commit 63baa136d9bed05a7d6086467264cc844f553421
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 18:12:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 基本修复IOS的网络问题,修复svg的渲染支持
commit 1f3431463e9535dbbeff304d973ef9131f627244
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 10:09:09 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 实现IOS版本的OffscreenWebCanvas
commit f92a8d1fd94328ca092805f392a4961ed6054e78
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 20:47:49 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 结构改进,进一步复用代码
commit 742542a12728b3788c5e51b63efd2fa774145358
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 20:42:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 确保canvas的size正确
commit 8497ea226d6663e3f803a11fa5c4bba6ba64927b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 18:47:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 实现Android版本的OffscreenWebCanvas
commit 45fc9c6b88e824cf180e7a4dda30666bd2608028
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 11:30:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 上传HTML代码
commit 9b07edb899aea21807b0699dc5014f314deeccde
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 09:19:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 新增抽象实现
commit 198904f7a8c4669079a8acd8b9a1dbc430f76eb8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 19:10:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 开始开发
commit 0a7619d70ea38398ee8a4f5995d3f3bd84b36f4a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 19:09:49 2023 +0800
:bug: missing import
commit fd7de9534e655e09616bd9f1cd0f82a3a0cc1ebc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 19:09:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] 初步增加OffscreenWebCanvas的抽象类和一些辅助函数
commit 27ffab9531331e11a637f1b15b51285258a678df
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 22:08:12 2023 +0800
commit 44df3e7e53c08f68bd72f3fc97b04b73abdd857a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 22:04:02 2023 +0800
:file_folder: [kmp/helperPlatform] 因为IOS的编译局限性,资源文件统一迁移到shared项目下
commit d523c3a57381e75181fb98a123b5d7b0c834f3b8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 12:15:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 重新实现了drawImage,现在它被命名为 renderImage,专注于将一整个图片渲染到canvas中
commit cc53844df234c5cb6e8e444dcd7005e6c8e9dcf3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 21:16:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 实现了新版的数据返回方案,可以直接传输二进制;修复Android、IOS统一的数据编码压缩的问题
commit f57bbcbc5c0ce3343704ff2623a8bbb324f89d36
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 20:08:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 将offscreen-web-canvas的项目作为子项目导入
commit 22fbe7b2787f2f5a1c29e8d247ee575972e9d868
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 19:00:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 重新设计了绘制接口,现在是一次性提交,避免交错绘制导致导出问题
commit 98c50f7f1d1255e06a1f76947ed6913508020feb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 18:12:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 基本修复IOS的网络问题,修复svg的渲染支持
commit a881b7dffc2ec4f9b6dfe324846a5644a20c6f18
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 10:09:09 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 实现IOS版本的OffscreenWebCanvas
commit fb02e455e660da0e5d7b677ea8268c93d23e8b70
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 20:47:49 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 结构改进,进一步复用代码
commit b84db181337085b9e0f53f459907a142f34bd180
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 20:42:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 确保canvas的size正确
commit c2a86776e87137161b84f6e29dfd935c699a49c1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 18:47:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 实现Android版本的OffscreenWebCanvas
commit a94eeaf45de7cd31f4134b8b9129ffc1640763ae
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 11:30:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 上传HTML代码
commit 341bf1339617c9f1261cb0ac15cff761aaaaa6a1
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 09:19:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 新增抽象实现
commit 4f4481340f1a5c3b3d6a0170eebedb263186d47d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 19:10:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] OffscreenWebCanvas 开始开发
commit 49420bd6ebec72c7df7956a67fd0d222a7285d04
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 18:19:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 初步优化JMM下载状态异常。后面需要修改为 Observe.Compose 形式
commit 86b3c440e7787ceb56db79f908ca3eeac2472efe
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 15:46:45 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 完成plaoc.json转发机制
commit 5ed38d81195afd37e79328fd1be0dc88ec238cca
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 14:21:30 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复路径引起的应用打开失败问题。
commit 37f86d023b0601d1120c597d6bbfdf544524f8e2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 14:00:18 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 新增local_icons 用于存储添加到桌面的应用图标
commit 2685c4accbe7f35710e295d747c445c8776dc338
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 11:29:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修复引用Shared模块名字错误
commit 22110103e6c0f3aec0cb339fa47044dfb2eed073
Author: Mike.Huang <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 11:17:33 2023 +0800
add ios floating pannel
commit 67818faba7303e3f0b8b74ec272c1879feb70e30
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 09:59:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp] 将libs.versions.toml合并为一个
commit 9b5087143c77be080d2d1cfb1103aad4f2461a78
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 8 09:29:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复closewatcher小写目录的错误
commit 23a2ab25881297c0586bfdce3058db371bbb6fd2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 17:58:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复Browser全屏没有显示浮窗问题
commit f7cb8a91c9d3f612c5568b6fb9ebd60f5eac7bc5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 16:35:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helper] 添加WeakHashMap
commit 3fd178f84829eb0ccb6b5d7e16c08081175f6058
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 14:25:28 2023 +0800
:kissing_cat: [android] completed taskBar float style
commit 631645c8f6d8eeec4e457ce3b4023bf1384883ba
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Sep 7 11:29:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复TaskbarActivity不显示,以及销毁后状态更新问题。
commit 2f0621200c87970a5dd6908c06ad50afb8d966c1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 19:09:49 2023 +0800
:bug: missing import
commit 253816ec92e1f5ebe3a7b705c52d3d17f8c1e884
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 19:09:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] 初步增加OffscreenWebCanvas的抽象类和一些辅助函数
commit ee9856fe255774179e874e3fb1581f56a40f7140
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 17:07:23 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] 增强taskbar逻辑,修复webapp显示
commit f1bbdc35a31d90fbca1ecc6fa2c90d0614b66a4d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 16:46:15 2023 +0800
:heavy_plus_sign: [iOS]sheet modifer, windowed modifier and watermark modifier
commit b666b5a8cddbb6f9dce3b387025cb96180b461ea
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 10:54:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp/helperPlatform] 加入了ByteArray.toImageBitmap函数,提供统一的png绘制功能
commit e8ca77b4a2b28cd273b4f337344e57728d63ba7c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 10:21:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复跳转browser失败,以及跳转后没有自动展开搜索功能
commit 62a512454ffc6d65e8ec4f21d1c411e408864b9f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 5 18:34:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复全屏时被状态栏覆盖问题
commit 0d6dda84360d9f138b4ad7d4223c02cab3a69f55
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 5 17:53:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 在JMM中新增WebView版本过低提示框
commit 70bec730fcfdf139cc0cd1a212f56abdfffade2b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Sep 5 15:25:41 2023 +0800
:art: [desktop] update taskbar open app styles
commit b240b2839b84c2d9e3650ce76d7cf0d4701b2701
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Sep 5 14:41:15 2023 +0800
:shit: [android/plugins] 回滚一些代码,修复desktop动画,修复plugins类型提示
commit ad8a79226d80e9bb85c7fc959a596773ae0e62a3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Sep 5 12:36:57 2023 +0800
:boom: [Android] 转移AndroidMM;移除browser的前进后退功能,转交窗口处理;补充添加到桌面功能。
commit 1fc0d203743947fa9a2cb8108531e3aa8d513df6
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 23:08:30 2023 +0800
:shit: [kmp/desktop] 尝试 JavaFX WebView
commit 8098e4b92a06c34a67b9703eabb028ebd8bf727a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 18:56:13 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/window] 将中的androidMain下的core文件夹 迁移到commonMain中
commit 44fa148be92dc1f26185bf364d62d932595db191
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 18:37:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复前端显示问题
commit 84a4a75fa9d21eb6c186417439b1bfe74c735638
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 17:27:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 将ioAsyncScope 加入MicroModule
commit 73a37d6945e7c3504f6106340d47abdadda27f12
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 15:49:04 2023 +0800
:truck: [kmp/window] 将中的androidMain下的constant文件夹 迁移到commonMain中
commit cd9f37368ccda8017d563fe9aa0d16db977519ce
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 14:55:21 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [kmp/helperCompose] 修复新版自适应字体计算
commit b90e1a2a607c4ee71d261e1a51ec51dce3ed1008
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 14:44:09 2023 +0800
:wrench: [kmp] 现在helperCompose能正确在kmp项目中工作
commit 7bb02244cd38b2f6309ff81bfde9d0c964165a6b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 11:02:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [android/plaoc] 修复一些报错,plaoc新增isDev
commit b874ad1db4847e0c107cee77dfbb39b4f483ab39
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 3 17:36:47 2023 +0800
:truck: :boom: [Android,kmp] 项目迁移
android/:MicroService = kmp/:microService
android/:helperAndroid => kmp/:helperPlatform
android/:window => kmp/:window
commit c722a48e41271447f1319333b153b10c3eafb205
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 3 16:20:23 2023 +0800
:truck: [Android] 将helperAndroid.theme 迁移到 helperCompose.theme
commit 9adf5418c8ba4441356b541bbec7fb863ec0163a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Sep 3 15:45:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [kmp] 修正Android与IOS在KMP中的编译问题,现在IOS可以正确渲染出ComposeView了
commit cdfedc8ebd49b711a133f599112f93b696d9ee15
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Sun Sep 3 10:24:59 2023 +0800
commit b6c19840ca98259579cada3cd81a74cb7ad302a4
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Sun Sep 3 10:05:10 2023 +0800
:recycle: [kmp] 修改内部锁synchronized为atomicfu库
commit 2babfa19900812a382399cff9898af6b889d71a0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Sep 2 18:28:31 2023 +0800
:truck: 将helperAndroid中的关于Compose的代码迁移到helperCompose中
commit 5472e8f6a6f544c44280a20c21a5b960b813af73
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Sat Sep 2 11:16:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp] 修复PromiseOutTest异常以及跑iOS测试时出现的其它异常
commit 46cf1a76f4ca18af10dec82b80100a54e9cee90e
Merge: 28e944cdb a6dc37196
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 20:08:16 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'kmp-helper'
commit a6dc3719660afa14164c81e9de8e97fa6545d6cb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 20:08:07 2023 +0800
commit bd115a50699766edd1017e980f107e6d93805c5b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 20:02:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [kmp/helper] 修复了URL encode/decode 的实现
commit 71273140fab3098557f2dc874ecd321b78fdc107
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 16:51:55 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 继续完善迁移工作。现在编译可以初步通过
commit f805e137735a9e211b3a08007f03bff23b42c403
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 14:50:59 2023 +0800
:truck: move helper to kmp project
commit 28e944cdb0d55c18b76a14811169abcb76952944
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 18:27:07 2023 +0800
:art: [Android] 修改 WinMenuPanel 窗口模式弹出效果
commit 55e2f7c07c0c2129fd1bbe392a5228a2b5041583
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 16:36:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/cli] 修复打包路径问题
commit a2ba8bb0b619094497380e868e441c5078c69f77
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 14:56:21 2023 +0800
:tada: 新增kmp/helperCompose模块
commit 9546119d61ea09b0b2e361c6c2abb5a57c686555
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 14:55:43 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 从 TaskbarView 中抽离出 TaskbarState 模块
commit e69db99d5fbdacba851b8b78a79045ad4109cf2a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 10:53:23 2023 +0800
:wrench: 修正了kmp与android项目协作的相关配置
commit 296ad908048330ad0badc0cfd7abba3611e82faf
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 10:44:29 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复git大小写在mac和window上面处理不一致引起git pull 异常
commit 1ad333885d46a2164ddde02f98c30b41713fd7d4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 09:42:24 2023 +0800
:construction: [plaoc/cli] 增加webadv-server-url 和 webadv-server-auth
plaoc run webadv-server -p 7777 -host --download-dir /usr/xxx/ version:0.2.2
commit a9f309d31cf72aa3bad0eb5e976159aedc74c3ba
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 08:50:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 添加kmp支持
commit cc2b3ba3672ba15040ca25ef20c6fcfd0048d613
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 21:42:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 对 Desk 中关于 Taskbar 的 代码进行了重构,现在 TaskbarActivity 能够完全跟随 TaskbarView 移动
commit f8d6ba5a2ce4caab62eaa7dff56567c82b72a6d0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 20:36:12 2023 +0800
commit 13c307ae8f6e55ad8bdbbd306a3f457b9599eb66
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 20:30:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复序列化bug
commit 6bc314461dcc1a41f2e7fdb715992342c0a17c20
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 14:35:33 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 对JMM界面进行拆解
commit 5cf7ab78bb47bc8f13f3bfcddfc03494321463d2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 14:18:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复JmmNMM视图中对SVG图标渲染的支持
commit 6e280fbe4e6a4743724cd78c0f14b1e020177005
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 14:17:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复BrowserNMM没有正确在主线程销毁webview的问题
commit 7a674cdf47f0d5bceb8fd7a1b6af2e52ce0482c2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 13:39:54 2023 +0800
:bug: :sparkles: [Android] PropValue新增了init-PropValueConfig功能,可以对PropValue配置钩子函数
commit 85cd1aca356fa0b432c066e8f386bd1944d14e0e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 11:48:16 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] JmmManagerViewModel=> JmmManagerViewHelper 不再依赖ViewModel
commit a7bf8f2a2d83a16c22bad90ae5a9c42f9c55f583
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 10:36:16 2023 +0800
commit 9d240f9b402e03d8fe6980419d915d54bd5e7120
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 31 10:18:27 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 大型重构,重新实现了可序列化数据的标准写法
commit c4506d160cb6b3c2c595e283e99cda54c7c1d3e9
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Aug 30 18:53:00 2023 +0800
:apple: [iOS]remove unnecessary environment object
commit 3fc07390d4fc642e83830660a4ec0cb05f8e8053
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Aug 30 15:06:48 2023 +0800
:leaves: [iOS] handle delete cell
commit 23ef5a2deb9a547b8f04b6388b87a360a861e671
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 30 14:32:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复桌面图片不显示
commit f26c925c2edde14ec1c44e0cad571dd1960d3c30
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 30 10:24:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] 修复browser关闭的一些逻辑问题
commit 5c4107dee3f5cb889542de7c64eb4f99fe0f0473
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 30 10:10:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复 第一次运行时,focusApp 列表为空的 异常
commit a3080e38e4d931c9682bf31a0f5db0aa86a928b7
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 18:42:44 2023 +0800
:dart: [iOS] 1.remove singleton for multiple browser mode. 2.Append snapshot twice exception handle
commit 01e042019004bd083e71c00b2308b2f2f9eee210
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 17:02:34 2023 +0800
:muscle: 前端增加at垫片,android重构browser
commit 6ebc5a4622e90885b66636d7ef11dabd6142829e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 16:57:32 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复webview 版本80时引起的MIME匹配不上问题
commit 3cdb137336be96d95f18848523199bbd6ceb70bd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 16:52:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 修改WindowBounds
commit 8dfc4b3c2fc2691310bea2975d4f651429d34b4a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 15:00:43 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/cli] publish version 0.2.1 for @plaoc/cli
commit 78c1d1f17b62dc1379ccaf6d33ddd2aeaee77685
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 14:59:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/plugins] 新增crypto垫片,修复canOpenUrl返回值
commit c10a6a7b0e8b04daabbcb5d250ac543e7258e611
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 29 10:47:35 2023 +0800
:art: [Android] 修改DeskAppMetaData结构
commit ddb50f7d07844d312afadb2acc6e50efdaa3c586
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 20:17:37 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] WindowState 重构,使得支持 kser
commit 30f4e07594c81c5a8559b9e6c7f752f8c9bac577
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 19:46:59 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/cli] publish version 0.2.0 for plaoc/cli
commit 062d8009f902c4dc0f8e0dbc79ba7105f1c467f5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 19:30:05 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc/cli] 用cliffy重构了@plaoc/cli
commit d62230fd07c284fd44d819ef7a597f57edbc1300
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 17:43:44 2023 +0800
:art: [Android-Metadata] 优化MicroModuleManifest结构
commit 24b630b89a57f6d9f2284d8012c448e95497e596
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 17:31:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] HttpNMM 添加web-auth验证
commit 13ca9b93c04cdfa46ee6a92f5b79d18d297b4590
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 15:43:33 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop] 强制定义了图标的大小
commit fbee6096c52392df9c41c31a38254efbf2801504
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 13:36:40 2023 +0800
commit c198ca74ad9a523098bd8412824f5dc8bae8b355
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 13:23:49 2023 +0800
commit 865a7786423b78c25c628477d2b95c538fa39438
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 12:32:35 2023 +0800
commit 651a631a5e5965e7f5f03068d474286dbbb7c5a3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 12:09:27 2023 +0800
:art: [Android] 代码格式化
commit 51811f8567c557806a858e6f3c73ae8bbec1fc14
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 12:07:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] httpFetch 中加入了data-uri的支持
commit 95d5ea080329d9b1cea0fc5be1f7d62dd2f6c01d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 12:07:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 修正了coilImageLoader的使用,现在支持svg、gif的图片解码
commit 8a88314249537f33b84ab5b098cd7e666d343363
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 11:46:33 2023 +0800
:muscle: [Android] 现在dweb:install默认返回空内容,除非制定 accept 字段
commit 90414a3cf5ec0b781b2acaa13e750863df71396b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 11:25:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: query 区分jsMicroModue和microModule返回
commit 9d95ac30fcf3fde4e1063770329523cf20be40fd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 10:48:04 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] 同步desktop修改
commit eb7e3e81abb08826029d85faba621bc34e7a1928
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 10:45:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修改metadata数据结构
commit 135407838dc6e598a7b4a0fbea12a7279bd2d546
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 09:31:52 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复安装页面logo显示,移除代码
commit 5e419369f17cb5a54be64017f9ac4a10fe7edc05
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Aug 27 11:51:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev/Android] JMM 类型的统一,修复了defineJsonResponse的范型问题
commit c73e90b557e4a0e7f773dcf4b1a8dba65f59e3ae
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 26 20:24:13 2023 +0800
:shit: [Android] 窗口的菜单面板中加入了大量的计划内的功能,但是都禁用了
commit 0922ec2cafb5f80de474a63d48534811640db2f2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 26 19:44:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 推出了一套新的书写ipc-request响应函数的写法,更加高效安全
commit b00246ac421e2aa4511d82c47e4be1006d45c514
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 26 17:30:04 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] MicroService 中,基本使用Kser替代了Gson,但是保留了对Gson的兼容
commit b1e13135a092ea278fd49ce824fe169ccd7178d6
Merge: c943a196f 87a807575
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 26 10:58:13 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'kotlin.serialization'
commit 87a807575796730a5d829447aa19b74f907c7d10
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 26 10:57:38 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] jsonToIpcMessage中,使用kser替代gson
commit f8c3f41a05d6a670288b7eb5283cef93485f7d4c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 21:54:39 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 将IPC的消息体,加入了kotlin.serialization标准的支持
commit c943a196f2ebeb5aacc5231185aed2035cdbddb3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 18:50:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android-JMM] 修复左上角返回按键无响应问题
commit 63b542abf20987f4a7fb3dbfcfb2bf2e0abc37e6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 18:41:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] manifest 修改icon为logo,添加languages字段
commit ea0001e07993f39c7f063c2a35c817ea42b9ccf6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 18:21:16 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop] 重构桌面端下载,修复window不显示问题
commit 00192c6ca36778ed05786b328df3c615961ca7d8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 17:58:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 下载的web应用能够正常窗口显示
commit 1f73960d499106d20e993421b21cd969dad47cce
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 17:57:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 添加taskbar点击将应用移动到最上层
commit 924c0eeca722e507810662561daa10648205154b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 17:41:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Metadata新增languages,修改icon为logo
commit 44660213cce193abc91a400704c55e4f07ccf3d0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 14:26:06 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android-DNS] query返回值增加toManifest
commit a73e63dc4e82867fcf6f0319ce3c0f11526a6e0a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 11:24:51 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] 将 GlobalSopce 统一调整为 MainScope
commit 46063a5dfab83446a3a2029f995b953916d4a7ae
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 09:30:16 2023 +0800
:muscle: [Android] 重新优化MainScope使用
commit a0e6e137ba13c24d2f0db3d0ea78a8fb78b84d44
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 09:17:10 2023 +0800
commit 01821f2d5c53aaedb6e974f88f295bd9838da621
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 25 08:35:27 2023 +0800
:muscle: [Android] 改DeskNMM的GlobalScope为MainScope构造器
commit 2db212e41e589acfbbbc3b84e798d00c7f6eff0c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 22:27:15 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android/Desktop] WindowNMM 中的修改样式的接口现在统一成一个
- /setTopBarStyle
- /setBottomBarStyle
+ /setStyle
commit 41258742b2791e2432f9bfcf2290e41b11c82bcc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 18:52:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 实现了菜单面板;实现了动态切换窗口主题色的功能;实现智能配置暗色的功能
commit 9817d34de5da3bf8d7f1e53ed1dfc0b3cda51d64
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 18:36:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android-Desk] 修复点击首页的搜索引起desk加载空白页问题
commit 9ca90ca27c1f3fe2137742b0047e925fbd59d556
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 17:50:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [Andriod] 修复因为显示Dialog而引起的悬浮框隐藏问题
commit f71a69166afdd5b03620df3e894c1ca35d7944c0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 17:25:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bug: [next C#] 更新WindowState,修复ObserveNullable
commit ae43e499e78116f5d7f9b9fb3450c81da53030c9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 16:59:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-Desk] 修复dns查询接口,修复侦听接口
commit ab927fdbcb4c765613a23633c4bfc8055f7a1429
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 15:43:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加应用下载监听
commit 54b029fff57e7331bc1163fafba5f281a9742b46
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 15:11:18 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 添加监听应用变化
commit b30bb5dc916609f76cb9698f8969aa59fe6353ab
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 14:33:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bug: [next C#] 开启多个窗口,修复创建应用空白异常
commit 50b9e77c556ab4b4ef69ea5b5ea5c1d0b127390f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 24 10:42:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android-JMM] 修复Jmm下载问题
commit fb8e2c497077d9dfa88543893a73de862067d1a7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 19:25:34 2023 +0800
commit db1e96c65f5fd3bc169d4003e5c3ac08186bf2b8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 19:23:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Window 加入了多次返回关闭窗口的功能支持
WindowState 新增了 CloseTip:String? 与 ShowCloseTip:Boolean 两个属性
如果 CloseTip 被设置了非null值(即便是空字符串),那么就会有提示关闭的信息;
commit 040e7cc21bc89755567721bbadcb4bd36888933a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 18:13:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] add getRemoteManifest get remote app info
commit c855640ee2590d9391e1f42d77219b0b80356a28
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 16:58:02 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 现在原生的返回按钮行为只和聚焦的窗口有关联
commit 0c9e41daef055fc2c8d26db65eb4d5b424221a4b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 16:55:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Android 实现了导航栏中前进后退的标准
commit 5b40c24ecb6bfd5f9ff8d0e43d9c782deff1b319
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 16:48:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 修复打包完资源文件找不到
commit 2067265e0c13c667b84df4a38534f15f6e2c9371
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 11:30:57 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bug: [Android/Desktop-dev] 修复web应用详情页展示
commit 6f98aab347e2ea53ce7acbba8fafe2b41835056a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 23 11:02:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop] window新增右下角托盘推出
commit 3eeda614006556e59d3286a61e8a7ff88829082e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 18:26:29 2023 +0800
:muscle: [Android] Window 现在render不再使用simple系列的api
commit 939aa81ea08a3ab5367cf5f41f54f69a94e5a682
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 18:21:43 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Window 现在WindowState.resizable属性可以正确工作了
commit cbb0f5fcfbedcac88151936c97accb9eecca7393
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 17:23:09 2023 +0800
:boom: refactor peer to peer connect
commit 6d8164ff7cbd14d162d03ada6340316ec95cc087
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 16:40:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 窗口化启动WebBrowser
commit 7ce5962dea2e2829a59f76013219b2dcfbcf50ff
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 16:13:00 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 紧急修复,userName需要增加过滤处理
commit bc28dc9260886af5b1854c4b9113c181e9bec50d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 16:02:57 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 紧急修复,userName需要增加过滤处理
commit e8b31efd4d132700e48e53767c2e8517233b020d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 15:32:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复web app启动crash异常
commit c33a4a45f13bcd975d730a77c6336b471c9daf36
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 11:15:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android-Browser] 优化browser窗口显示效果
commit f81e721c9a04d1f1d53d45dfa38711de01bb1e17
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 10:12:59 2023 +0800
:wrench: [Android] 获取电脑用户名,修改debug的包名和应用名
commit a59cb47ab588297633b4d0efc4e7bf9f629231eb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 22 08:48:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复RGB颜色顺序错误
commit 2d327bfee19d2d8467def57748c688fe54f97b8f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 18:02:48 2023 +0800
:recycle: :bug: [Android] WindowController 继续完成接口重构,现在更加合理,现在也不会在外部使用 simple 系列的接口了
commit ce46edf0f4007dacbe256b6610e34f048469fc38
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 17:07:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复Browser关闭后不能再打开的问题
commit b272717977c2bbf10cd5429b9ca12c66acdf46e4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 17:05:24 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] WindowController 接口重构
现在WindowController引入了 simple 与 manager 两个概念,simple 指基本的属性控制,manager指多窗口之间协作控制。如果不提供manager,那么缺省使用 simple 模式
:zap: 增加了addOnApplyWindowInsetsCompatListener接口,现在可以用它来直接监听insets变化,那么ime相关的计算有了更加合适的时机,减少了不必要的性能损耗
commit 184480f5a71491533eec589c1e869b3e1b944006
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 16:02:27 2023 +0800
:bookmark: Publish v0.1.2 for @plaoc/cli @plaoc/plugins
commit 5697dae916ee086e7fe7448021e5dac361bc4b16
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 14:50:34 2023 +0800
:bookmark: @plaoc/plugins @plaoc/cli publish v0.1.1
commit 5020f2fb23bd108593ec524e48d11c1b82ac98a9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 14:22:32 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复了窗口的默认内容颜色错误的问题
commit 414b83b84e94b522715a1990646c7b5f9fbb6e9e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 21 14:02:46 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 继续优化了键盘显示的布局计算
commit 7448849e803041f2f18b5589d47fb2248f25688f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Aug 20 20:59:03 2023 +0800
commit 52eb2b9e2f902495ddc9fdc0df11a0fa12016259
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Aug 20 20:15:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 初步实现了虚拟键盘对于窗口的交互性
commit 01eb8de169710d2fa7bab9a70d674cba68163875
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 19:10:57 2023 +0800
:art: [Android-browser] 初步将BottomSheet进行改造
commit 955311b918bd79f28f053a3c1188928ed7224bd6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 18:31:51 2023 +0800
:construction: [plaoc] 应用之间通信现在提供close
commit 15625680a3795c0bdfa8692573f18bc4243a6f0f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 16:58:53 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 对窗口的渲染适配器函数进行了重构,现在它更加易用
commit c9e1c23b8efad9e93902910f34597414c34281d8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 16:41:28 2023 +0800
:tada: [Android] 新增 window 模块,承载了窗口化的相关标准
commit 9f21c11044c3bd3f4afbd97a3d5813ac31f55c41
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 14:54:38 2023 +0800
:tada: [Android] 新增 helperAndroid 模块,用来共享一些Android相关的公共工具函数、渲染函数
commit cad904da95a01f08104a747494f95a274e6fff85
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 11:10:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/plugins] publish v0.0.9
commit a765b75d35aebb85be0b1ebc0cdb7438306b0482
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 10:51:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复TaskBar透明度引起的异常显示
commit 36fd196bded5a51c29f1adbdd5ed3f4441a6b67a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 10:46:20 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 就滚的窗口拖动的计算
commit 54e0c279fbccce0aa1b15e958e11d2d79619ccc3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 21:54:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Window 实现了TopBar的自适应渲染
并且在 TopBar 提供了 应用图标 与 窗口最小化的按钮(与功能)
commit 8ac4b34582f27d710cbdfddd9892425169d2b862
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 21:28:38 2023 +0800
:wheelchair: [plaoc] 增强连接稳定性
commit 9815ed4461f206a33691a9be6a9f056adb3b2f8d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 19:33:41 2023 +0800
:boom: [plaoc] plaoc 改为请求模式,不再读取search
commit 0d47c03c4bbed18ebe54138354d5e9eab0f024bb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 14:01:59 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 修复编译问题,发布@plaoc/cli v0.0.8
commit d1a646fe618c9c3c65b44817a33334d65b9c5170
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 12:16:54 2023 +0800
:up: [toolkit] 上传
commit 2621e7d5a5c1a963b4843391af7f4879ebdf18f0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 11:14:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 暂时使用dynamic替代泛型来实现Observable
commit b111f46a42c7ff75b74b45ab6ecc76895caaf702
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 10:05:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] maskable 字段错误的修复
commit 728f6ce51403fc3f5e0e0e74cda76738b23562c6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 17 10:04:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 一些兼容性问题的修复
commit d18ada3f768143035bb22d138564870c171c7370
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 14:52:00 2023 +0530
:ambulance: [Android] 对WindowBottombar样式有一些小的改进
commit 220f76d3df96a4e048c2e6fd8ae592e1e9224308
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 14:39:36 2023 +0530
:sparkles: [Android] 实现了新版的WindowBottomBar
commit 663fbec1ff681886efd1edf407a14fe8926b06ee
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 17:00:54 2023 +0800
fix: 修改分享功能
commit a91321c2d7044f47baf7e44932525e8535fbfdd9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 16:12:48 2023 +0800
:construction: [desktop] 新增window下的任务栏
commit 1db0d09005d101ef268a543ac97fef7b40f0a8da
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 15:42:35 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] clean code, expand animation jumping up or down at the end, handle dark mode snapshot
commit 925d5273556f5cbd544e5f4e22ddf9e99963d29b
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 15:14:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android-Browser] 修复界面关闭后,webview没有销毁问题。
commit c3cb197c8b0e954cac2d86777bb82440620adf70
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 10:21:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-BrowserUI] 增加search内容判断,如果是包含schema的文本就直接发起搜索
commit e44906bf71fd7454de14e81e7b0c2b057dc6f9ba
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 10:07:01 2023 +0800
:rocket: [desktop] 修复window10启动安装白屏问题
commit 0adfef8779fe572f45d5089c418ff343d5eb93d5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 09:19:05 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 记录floatView位置
commit b458a8518f99f64c47d51dfd0d2317f2e21e7fc8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 09:04:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复打开webBrowser,floatView点击失效异常
commit 04f4e53c3d8359ac911bb45eb7cf496f4ea62a12
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 19:35:57 2023 +0530
:sparkles: [Android] 正式实现了 WindowNMM 的 set*BarStyle 的功能
commit 5a76d18fd325cfdb202e1ee3d54a83c23e69dc4d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 18:03:28 2023 +0530
:art: [Android] 优化导入
commit 48addbeceda04003452ec5826f5654b57cd7ba8d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 18:01:34 2023 +0530
:zap: [Android] 现在数据的传输有了更加合理且高效的方式
commit e5fe61f7ca244688c5a7132ba5186d64cf2656a7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 19:20:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] fix store and buiider bug
commit fb14bc07890ff02048c592c4d094d3e3fb981425
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 18:33:16 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加TaskBarFloatView,显示隐藏待优化
commit b1f6b4e56be1f0f8fe40e790a30c3845517bc32c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 17:11:19 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android-gradle] 移除重复定义的版本
commit c225a70124b71c2bb527c67a2388da246ad39a71
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 14:19:01 2023 +0530
:sparkles: [Android] Debug Tag 现在支持正则表达式
commit 491d175c317517917e19e6bfea25716eea0cf8a6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 16:05:50 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android-build] 移除buildSrc,将版本控制转移到 libs.versions.toml
commit ebf0aa892e347743aabec8469ad1e45104423a4a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 15:53:10 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc/cli] publish v0.0.6
commit 855557ce998be9dfc4585ec97d2834f4343fffe9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 15:51:51 2023 +0530
commit d3b96e270f4768282e09e515fff9c091da8ab56d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 15:15:27 2023 +0800
:beer: [desktop] 安装完将自动关闭安装页面
commit 355bf75363803b556894a3aae0e7e4b0969902c0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 15:02:58 2023 +0530
commit 58b41d97e0d35a740432dd133656c3a8e9612c58
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 14:59:34 2023 +0800
:wrench: [Android-buildgradle] 将第三方包的引入方式改为 libs.versions.toml,同时将版本app的版本放在 buildSrc 中管理,移除version-plugin
commit 0155d29e7c1688f2d9992feea1ba705a1a60fed2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 14:16:30 2023 +0800
:bee: [plaoc] 现在不会再立即自启动
commit a6bac565eb18b5c65f6e34eb1a70cd0958b8a644
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 11:30:35 2023 +0530
:recycle: [Android] debug 模式有了新的图标、应用与id
commit d28398416b61e3f921142a3d00fb7c2a56540cc3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 15 10:01:49 2023 +0530
:bug: [Android] 修复了ReadableStream存在的严重bug
commit e36ba2bc424a033b103e5fe4757e7616da2612ae
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 19:41:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] fix state sync for desktop
commit 9383b801ec27171e42f2778d5ecf98abfb264b14
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 17:06:20 2023 +0530
:bug: 修复ipcBodySender在生成streamId时,存在id重复导致的问题
:zap: 移除了plaoc/server中不必要的依赖
commit f1db8b1d96558ca37cd7b8a95cbd2b32aba97971
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:32:04 2023 +0530
:up: kotlin 1.9.0
commit 6006eef4ebe5463ca6a955fa0833ab54dac08360
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:04:48 2023 +0530
:fire: benchmark
commit 42f1b86bea5934a27aecba37ef10b4593e6a814a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:04:24 2023 +0530
commit b7b7d988cf0e2d246d1893214a4091478392f4e4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 19:49:48 2023 +0530
commit 23b84b48838f8a6c1698cefbea19923d3dea1332
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:32:04 2023 +0530
:up: kotlin 1.9.0
commit f0af2ef53905089fc413f6c903ff75d7c370b764
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:05:50 2023 +0530
:shit: :up:
commit fdbf62c101c5d952e54e46efc164f74d79d135e3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:04:48 2023 +0530
:fire: benchmark
commit 5f0b23cebbf152301c0f07e9fed80f88e482e1de
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:04:24 2023 +0530
commit b47295feec508ced2511d85b0a09e50c4d839703
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:53:13 2023 +0800
commit e690d842b4d60d94c456b8757bcf288af56b5e41
Merge: 40d0e28bd f1db8b1d9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 14:43:40 2023 +0530
Merge branch 'gaubee-8-11'
commit 40d0e28bd69fd9f0b4c1b50b5cc9d4119d6274fa
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 10:13:19 2023 +0800
fix: 修改默认图片适配暗黑模式
commit 22aadd2817ac456a8eae865ebebc898909ae2b49
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 09:52:56 2023 +0800
fix: 适配c# 暗黑模式
commit 86a9c6efdf83f2898d4ae1cd25b3a647293de1c7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Aug 14 08:35:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] info.plist添加出口合规性密钥设置,避免每次上传TestFlight需要等待时间太长
commit 24c0eccff75433d77de59e5f75020a024a637b74
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 19:49:48 2023 +0530
commit 90ffbb120585d9107405177b5922c34715751ad3
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 18:23:38 2023 +0800
fix: 适配暗黑模式界面
commit e0c9a06476a585a9333c28580967f2bb91d0c4b7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 18:22:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] fix browser error and shims added
commit 34f782c6a7954f6b992f3119b14fcfcb386318c7
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 17:22:50 2023 +0800
:memo: [iOS] alter the initial page
commit 81397acc7d842c5c99769dbf52fc5520c04c845d
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 16:44:54 2023 +0800
fix: 适配部分界面暗黑模式
commit 9887ea778c30532b887406c0ca59cf6f5e172aac
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 15:51:46 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android-Browser] 初步实现 Browser 的窗口化操作
commit d25379d6a6f282dd76a408e8639da4454a9187cb
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 15:50:20 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [Android-JMM] 修复显示边框问题。
commit 45e434810501014b07309a251adf85bd6068da13
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 15:28:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 为kingsword09添加可测试的虚拟设备
commit bf41d53e37a6b9ac73b6e6d6f3dfb2df3ebd26b4
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 13:42:53 2023 +0800
:art: [Android-window] 修改全屏时window内容安全区域和圆角适配
commit fcac10855e42a2e45ff3e73440bc0c51c4c813dc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 11:27:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复IpcBodySender多线程异常
commit 5a9ed6e1755cf25dbb035e8bc41bc2e89d7e82fb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 11:12:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复Ipc多线程异常
commit aa4a61dbc4706716d94378f6e85a0a644c855643
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 10:43:57 2023 +0530
:bug: :fire: [Android] 修正了browserUI中的数据请求与链接拦截
commit f6521ee5c4dc957bdba75842e8053736ae4abe13
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 10:40:15 2023 +0800
:wrench: [next C#] 更新配置
commit 53751283d4acb6f46dd67a85abe3c2b82d2a6774
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 10:09:13 2023 +0530
:recycle: [Android] 移除了http4k中apache的依赖,使用ktor-cio-client来替代
commit 2b6b7edb050cf2701c4d19227531140ba5b8bff6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Aug 11 09:51:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: : [cli] add bundle_signature and public_key_url
commit 3e22ccc1c2d0cf8b8141de32ada412f64fb8633c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 10 15:40:30 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android-JMM] 将JmmController 从全局中移除
commit 24838bdebc1bb217f8335f8e4805761ab45913fe
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 10 15:24:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-JMM] 将JmmActivity转为window显示
commit 1a2fef66cad83d118c4026990a135f360d037f01
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 10 15:12:37 2023 +0800
:boom: [next C#] Helper和MicroService项目重建
commit c969f6aefa209fcf6cf5840893a11e9d9b27d06e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 10 11:02:30 2023 +0530
:recycle: [Android] Desk 重构了对于顶层聚焦窗口的管理方式
1. 初始化没有正确聚焦
2. Activity重启时窗口迁移没有完全正确
3. 暂时移除了窗口focusable的相关属性
commit 4cd8b95a5e45650c09d8aab03a18108c81364a84
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 10 09:21:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix TaskBar resize
commit 5a189258170a448452172020399328aa4f8df3ee
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 22:30:29 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] WindowState 中,全屏、最大化、最小化等状态统筹成 mode: WindowMode
1. WindowController 现在使用 state.observable.changeSignal.createChild(filter+map) 来创建子集
2. 将 WindowController 接口暴露在 WindowNMM 上
1. 比如移除了 ,取代用 listener.emitSelf 来实现
2. Observable 现在更加简单了
3. Signal 增加了 childSignal 的理念
commit b3909a07ed01532427ba12e5637564f011ac13aa
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 19:12:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Add webapp
commit a5151939097cf802318dab278737763cf329cdf0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 17:41:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] add state help
commit ed13c18b30ea56e3434ba20dacd0769ad2ea6f27
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 17:15:02 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#] 暂存以供发包
commit 70da168461c6346331e3b5cf09f9ccff239b00d0
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 16:58:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] progress animation display backward, limit light mode only.
commit fb07335ed3e9e0eb57ee2eb075eefe9ae6db9421
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 16:07:09 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android-desk] 将悬浮框重新改为Compose视图,移除悬浮框权限申请
commit 0db5bdc81b3796e06cc012b1d33299792ae87030
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 15:09:37 2023 +0800
:recycle: :sparkles: [Android] 对WindowState进行了深度的重构,现在它是一个可监听的对象
commit 6238724ebee7e3eff65d7f765403e7150d623191
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 10:19:53 2023 +0800
:fire: [android] remove some unnecessary code
commit d26562027ca69b0da0c2d5647dd264fcadac4385
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Aug 9 10:04:53 2023 +0800
:u7a7a: [iOS] clean the code
commit 965f0b871f30e942c9a4c2b9a9df8a7bc32fba59
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 21:08:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 新增了WindowInstancesManager 来管理所有的实例
commit 357bc6d948ed59dffe422f20f0f8810096311ff8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 17:30:16 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-browser] 增加openinbrowser接口,实现直接打开网页功能
commit 02993c86c1e5282a256279a89bb18901e86ad5b1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 16:47:40 2023 +0800
:dizzy: update animations and transitions for taskbar
commit 5f069d3474a0d02e2f8ecc8a819e8a602b16b5f7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 16:48:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-browser] 增加dweb:search直接打开搜索引擎界面
commit f3fbe0a708f1278eb63dc2c8563952ba15b3c226
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 16:27:25 2023 +0800
:recycle: :lipstick: :bug: [Android] Desk对渲染层进行重构,并加入了主题色配置,并且修复了一些窗口与Activity之间生命周期管理的问题
commit 67707bc3a06aa9bc05e32d13f49eb287ea27e787
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 16:19:16 2023 +0800
fix: 修改c#键盘不弹起问题
commit 0fadf23e057efc48bc9a4c1dfa26ae059fce36d8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 15:36:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-desk] 补充悬浮框权限申请功能
commit ff655ea683999cc0cb52f815ca620b8645b4848f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 15:27:33 2023 +0800
:pill: [iOS] move sheetView to toolbar
commit b931986b5f70d4795cdae623c4436ff517a7e7ff
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 14:53:38 2023 +0800
commit 0f8f77cafc91a7eb2eeb0f7654578ee4f096e8db
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 14:51:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :recycle: [next C#] 重新修改Changeable,添加Listener
commit 58fad35456c8ef36b95c3c1a516a50b66bce82c3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 13:38:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android-desk] 悬浮框改为应用内全局,增加悬浮框自动贴边功能
commit 5c85fc88909c94493dcef49036d72e7907c2c586
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 11:04:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 现在最大化的时候双击底部控制条,可以取消最大化
commit 91eff5642c9d323e553ceeedbb920a9fa3835e06
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 8 11:02:33 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android]
commit cca2ce73786f43d648fb26479ac6c16403152898
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 22:36:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复activity的navbar控制器没有正确生效的问题
因为在 hasMaximizedWins (ChangeableSet)这个对象的 onChange 函数中执行任务
Changeable 系列重写,增加watch,相比onChange,watch会在开始的时候立即执行
commit 5d475c89a4658d1c6ca09338318bec5013a6515f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 18:32:21 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] add /taskbar/observe/status
commit 669b3732f7f40ee33afbd79de0509da5ed905c0a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 16:53:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix desktop icon bug
commit 01c413beeca34f275d7da53653206f8f00af0aaf
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 16:47:37 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] Desk/desktop 初步增加 $DeskLinkMetaData,但是并不生效,没有接口可以拿到这个信息
commit 77328e35d24446c1506e10fdfb319c59dcf02eaa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 16:03:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 重写ChangeableList、ChangeableMap、ChangeableSet
commit 8e14e58390a6f7b055ce650f285d5e4b73f0da90
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 14:24:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] restricition for the iOS version
commit acd1da7353c18836e2872ef820d78c5714714a73
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 14:18:51 2023 +0800
fix: 修复toast位置和分享的bug
commit 1012509b19320f3a70212ea2d1a8d142bfca6849
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Aug 7 14:11:36 2023 +0800
:bug: :arrow_up: [next C#] 升级依赖,修复测试项目错误
commit 97d20bf9cc7ae2f34a5aba94bb8587251e9f3040
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Aug 6 20:19:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复了DesktopActivity在因为外部原因重启的一些问题 2
1. 没有将窗口的控制权完全解绑并重新绑定,实现了addNewWindow和removeWindow两个管理函数
2. 并且webview现在也不会被刷新了,因为针对性重写了DWebView的 loadUrl(url,headers) 这个函数。并且 state、navigator、webview三个对象都做了缓存。(PS:除了TaskbarActivity,这里头的代码风格比较奇怪,怎么搞出一个taskbarModel?等它做完了我再看看 @jackie-yellow @waterbang )
commit 9b2e2067f924b378ce8d4c4ad61c1dc06f871e59
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Aug 6 19:09:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复了DesktopActivity在因为外部原因重启的时候,没有正确将原有Activity上所附着的窗口传递过来
commit 721820c6282b60d7185a276e47eaa3d4b0bb0d36
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Aug 6 11:15:17 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 对Signal模块进行了重写
1. 现在它不需要通过返回值来控制emit,而是由this上下文提供控制函数
2. OffListener现在有了更加语意化的方式与 Listener 进行联动 `off.removeWhen(listener)` ,取代了原有 `listener(off)` 的写法
commit 9b920f479432bf96c0c25863848c93b792c2db37
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 21:59:45 2023 +0800
:muscle: [Android] Theme 使用了官方的Material主题生成工具对样式进行管理
commit 7e9796d3e7878393cb6970eefcb3ce784a1a8b99
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 21:22:07 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 对WindowAdapterManager中的代码进行拆分
commit b84a74a648de11c94b4cbfaaa3a64fd3dc6073c3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 21:21:09 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] Desk 改进在动画的时候,内容渲染的性能
commit d179101aaf5e34ebc38150c5febe318e72f88039
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 21:01:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] MWebView 修复窗口关闭后状态没有正确同步消息
commit 086522c788a5248265e5585822071c9eafa33a6f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 16:55:57 2023 +0800
:up: :bug: [Android] Desk修复了Webview视图点击发生偏移的问题
commit 07e424e9e9afab7d2a5235f8200e26e12cd5cfef
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 15:34:09 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 在allWindows变更的时候,激活DesktopActivity
commit 2abac81b4a517166e09e4c4c048fefe0c27f79be
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 14:44:10 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: [Android] Desk 对窗口移动的范围做了限制
commit e24d40f401b28f75a0a6908275a2225f8046aff5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 14:33:31 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: [Android] Desk 现在全屏模式下的导航栏有了更好的适配
commit cdd798e4bc89945374f7e55619f1326bcfa389f9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 11:15:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk为操作系统的物理圆角进行了适配到了全屏窗口
commit 83a7e434766ac06e43d5cdda635e4a536dca9741
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 10:51:22 2023 +0800
:heavy_plus_sign: [iOS] append framework compile configuration
commit 98b06f9ad0804ad158914d8fe225b9f821742b7b
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat Aug 5 10:48:07 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] keyboard didn't display as expected in C#
commit f52da964459535b8e57f48e1736f0528b7f77352
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 19:25:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] WebNMM 对接了 dweb:search 的deeplink
commit 057609c11c66df8021cbf08ba314ae149b3e5c0d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 19:04:23 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 移除了nextbrowser项目
commit 430cd110a21f8425dd0ecf03e7adc3133d19dc8d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 18:51:05 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 实现了点击浮窗外面自动关闭浮窗
commit dada101d28df7469f3464d09252ca8beab2d1640
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 16:56:33 2023 +0800
:fire: Remove some code, fix some problems
commit 63cfe07fdd2ae87bcb343b78f7f019d51de9b664
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 16:27:26 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] Signal.toFlow
commit d9417c32456dbdcd282e64de8828e5fcd0e8a8fa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 16:19:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 对HttpServer进行了重写,对一些零碎的代码进行了改进
现在直接使用ktor-server-cio来监听http请求,然后将这个请求手动翻译成 http4k 的 request
commit b7a47687aebde28d01a3e172e0af35199b1918a0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 15:58:07 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#] window manager on progress
commit 0bdf3bd99c609c7b4c5ce10c29503de0866a4aa8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 15:32:57 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android-desk] 优化全局WebView加载问题,避免反复加载
commit 46c06599a32f9e85a4844f5ae800099decbfdb09
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 14:21:06 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android-desk] 删除无用的代码
commit e382ff5ca2fdab2aff0b735eab65c09b92b2ac4d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 13:45:08 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android-desk] 优化悬浮框和侧边栏模式
commit 9f649c19d88d8a8083074cde7b51194448b27edc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 11:20:56 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android-jmm] 调整Jmm安装完成后,点击打开应用时,需要唤醒Desk到前端
commit 757f1e516c9bce73caf15152aef96555b0a6cb00
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 11:03:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] desk 恢复任务栏窗口显示功能,解决desktop返回重新点击图标进入Splash异常问题
commit d179765f61cb219e825ee0c872ab254a70f39720
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 10:45:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] browser 修改BrowserActivity打开方式,以及销毁方式
commit 155b34a23b0d13db2da891234328c83df88bbdd9
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Aug 4 08:58:21 2023 +0800
fix: 删除markdown解析库
commit 602af2230d6f5b5ed63e2acbee2ad6d66858bc96
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 18:51:38 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] desk 悬浮框和侧边栏改造中...
commit 28b9538a6fe8bc40b2d3bce5391bd06cee518f79
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 17:54:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 实现了窗口的最大化与取消最大化的行为,优化了窗口管理与渲染的相关实现
commit c4ac4f066685bcfeec48b460cd07b16e90e34ad9
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 17:35:54 2023 +0800
:apple: [iOS] clear code
commit 98fc3a5cd2159b29c22c1749ad921036e928b7e7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 17:31:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix sync app data bug
commit 67fb5d3e4a042f281bf326b46b543e2dbb2944d5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 17:14:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] keyboard notification in C#
commit c80d66204138359f0a8f32e222999812770f196a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 15:52:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] add keyboard notification
commit 0e3fb296afa94798af98de157c07c0b4846c7002
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 14:41:29 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 重写Store,添加了泛型支持
commit f89e49444b17de739e8610b3bce653484a07b2f8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 14:21:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 在应用被安装或者卸载后,DNS模块应该能够触发订阅信息,Desk将进一步订阅信息处理,最终反馈在Desktop/Taskbar界面上图标的增加或者减少。
commit 60943b441b984ee39d4fb4e6a78c58bb038eb021
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 11:20:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 实现窗口的ContentView视图根据宽高进行一定比例的缩放;并且拖动窗口有了更好的体验感
commit d949f5b0657c005e72d23467f798e34f2fc4c579
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 10:54:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] bind runningApps
commit 25b26d02f14d71c54b0420aa6291f2694565e214
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 22:54:38 2023 +0800
commit 952ecde808f74fce1fa0d9bdc51fa2cd142dd0b5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 22:54:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 实现窗口的Resize
commit da0e14f1b6f220b195e77aff6b7063b38ec79d12
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 21:24:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 改进了窗口拖动的逻辑
commit 31bfc0f3776ef907d72006176a627bdc61d3ac05
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 18:49:29 2023 +0800
:shit: [next C#] Store修复,待优化
commit f14568a5c30729eb394b15e01977b9c22f2c325a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 18:42:16 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor LocalTaskbarView
commit 7aa5d4cd9310e6577ab095807e4d45e392ac3449
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 18:13:58 2023 +0800
:fire: Remove tarbar code
commit 2d94c4b42a43a9a506387222b42c142177f4a9c3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 17:58:27 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] detach DeskConroller
commit b335fc981085b1731766b51c28063388bf62bc86
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 16:58:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 实现Desktop窗口的层级切换
commit f4c93c0546c8258ee0207af463089fc48bdc753f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 16:58:14 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 删除多余的文件
commit 6d6c7e1e74d30b7234416e6a97caf1d3be332089
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 16:52:54 2023 +0800
:bug: pnpm 修复脚本执行异常 spawn()找不到问题
commit 3b29c368026312bb4f31e66b10adb054863a3183
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 16:16:30 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor router and format code
:bug: [android] 修复WebSocket响应错误的方式
commit ebd5f5b934b9da55fb5798928a7789a6220ca568
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 14:58:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix browser display error
commit b1df120d63b768046b346aebc491e3c137e25806
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 14:54:22 2023 +0800
:recycle: :sparkles: [next C#] 重写 ChangeableMap,添加 ChangeableList
commit 398fe4f5f33cb39ca341b1e39105a4a025465351
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 14:53:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk 实现了DesktopWindow的拖动
commit c8f5f6d90d3311bd26066849e701469751ae5224
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 14:14:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 调整NativeMicroModule构造器,抽取AutoResize扩展
commit 9c321a9ae392c29972695838ca055f96b9ac44dd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 11:30:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复Taskbar没有正确显示安装应用以及切换桌面错误
commit 9c65eedb7d522660dd5520f8666a0a851c7ebdc2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 10:57:43 2023 +0800
:bug: :fire: [Android] 修复了MWebview窗口不能重复开启的问题,移除了就办的MWebview
commit 92a3a76b4d13f8f63e9ea1f04b3f896448d6bf21
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 10:49:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] Desk中的窗口现在可以正确关闭
commit 955f5f5e93c72d5098509b140cbe3856987ddd03
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 10:42:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 现在Deskop的窗口可以初步渲染
commit 2a47627e37161a94a16b2b8cf6ba7c1e4dd863a1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 10:27:37 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] add header for request
commit a89c5feb009c5c4984f7ebaf12f54d69a58b08ab
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 09:51:57 2023 +0800
:bug: :art: [Android] 修复了一些跨域配置;对涉及的代码进行了格式化操作
commit 59ed4e25aebd66c95e9e6fde55d377790a29f5e3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 09:39:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复 desk/desktop 长按失效的问题
commit dda7ea1d9624abf015501b1462eeb563e034fe40
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Aug 2 08:53:36 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] onActivity重构,boot模块使用activity标准来启动模块
commit bc999a30e6a5199c416fcf9b9479eb5bb56e0fd4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 22:28:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] dns模块增加了对dweb_deeplink的支持
commit 9d85614b92db30bd41c234a5175fcf32c8238c54
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 22:28:05 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop] Desk 初步完成多窗口的架构
commit 710ab93f37500440d2d573f81f4472cff8de4692
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 18:36:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] add taskBar store
commit 9f28d422fc5391db15c00e3b8bcb7ca624e99595
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 18:33:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加winstates
commit 9d1fd275bc8120349af336458e72ce7f5cb425e6
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 18:20:30 2023 +0800
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: [iOS] resource update
commit ca6baf1c7e6eff09ad1390112b6e7cbe6d3d5fcd
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 17:42:07 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] supplementary tarbar APIs
commit b6be7e69636ebcc7b4c9d1f060e5bdb941dd89e2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 17:35:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 现在boot模块使用activity-event来启动其它模块
commit 8f7993aca343a49009c6141c60a787a105bcca50
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 17:31:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] deskNMM启动成功,桌面正常显示
commit 6811f39777cbfd05895161e8587c8a2cd63c93a3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 17:13:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修正了onActivity的设计
commit dad2214dc7a6c4e07f20c2bd408d3f072d6400c6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 16:28:12 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] Desk 增加两个创建httpserver
commit abac609fb7b6a824b8c9e113b8f96a87bb7f46db
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 16:23:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix open app and return json
commit 71a736bd354b656c45cf469fd9dd7f492582400a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 16:07:05 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 删除import
commit 19e0299bcddb09ce05fbbb54e0e8b0465608b6bd
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 16:00:47 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复taskbar玻璃效果不生效问题
commit f4220de8869d0b5212a0f03f86a03b9cd30c71d2
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 15:54:31 2023 +0800
fix: 删除无效代码
commit 5167df49a332cc5d1080a26a3ac593d0e5e7f168
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 10:33:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] remove 360 search
commit 22ad44586050018f67cb71e4fd4fc4f54f268dd8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Aug 1 09:57:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix android desktop show icon and plaoc type
commit 3a155ca1b5ed903e148e8db9e96cbb78d9c34e72
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 22:33:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :book: desk 初步增加了 winStates 字段用来描述窗口信息
commit f6742e23ab11806149141643d991985e821db74f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 19:47:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] 实现了浮动的 Taskbar Activity
commit ca25dd02ca4c1d31aaf98cd28a6cc0444dc967bf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 18:45:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix webview load desktop
commit 0d0fc618027418c47983d6e88e3e11c71e40c8af
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 14:45:56 2023 +0800
fix: 修改键盘删除图片显示错误问题
commit 252f59d5eb8895891b15a0258c6317ebd9871a75
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 14:37:04 2023 +0800
fix: 修改c#的兼容性
commit 1542213e01b13d35a61c25154d460dc3a812daa8
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 10:56:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] special url handling
commit e9e72439b81bfe830d85aa558267c15a3255a315
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 10:31:05 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] move installAppList to dns
commit 96bfdb7a7db557953bd5ae2575d1796050f727f3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 10:18:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [iOS] 添加Url正则判断,修复下载页数据传递错误
commit 4510517dbcb95e89d02ee3020546137becd9885f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 09:59:44 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: [desktop-dev] 改进desk/desktopView 的定位算法与使用体验
commit 93c2b957f53847d12f8d6a11442472cde5ff51ad
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 09:05:44 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#/iOS] 调整下载页数据传递
commit a23d8d3e08d7893c6c729519696226198893fd0b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 08:28:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修复Json错误
commit 1e011da2ef9b6149f73794e17ce24df334301c7a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 30 20:36:37 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] desk/taskbar 完成基本功能
commit 9b43c0106ddf817bd0c0a10754dcbf73683ac24c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 30 16:51:38 2023 +0800
:truck: :recycle: [desktop-dev] 基本完成了desk/taskbar的接口迁移
commit aabe9947dd13651f695a67f01c4ef44c5336ff20
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 30 12:03:59 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 初步完成对desk/taskbar的迁移,现在taskbar项目也使用vue来进行开发
commit 685014dd3abca940618a3570350fd35316f35c4c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 29 13:38:16 2023 +0800
commit d4d9aafe354dc74054669262bb0b6a7d6b1ad3b6
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Jul 28 18:17:27 2023 +0800
commit 49ff1b905822554ca70ffe4c532ede19773a6b57
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Jul 28 18:15:05 2023 +0800
:muscle: [next C#/iOS] 添加JmmAppDownloadManifest,增加iOS端反序列化类型安全
commit 4ac59912fbfbe8a97be06d641c0e17f21d6ab1e5
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Jul 28 17:00:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 优化整改了desk/desktop的样式、组件与动画
commit fd5668137ba3e6989b1dece64d3b2d9bc23e96c2
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Jul 28 11:50:30 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [next C#] 同步Android添加change_log字段,并对manifest进行调整
commit a4dda14318ef58eb79931d051bc6faf50cd5bc61
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 23:36:59 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] desk 独立出 app-icon.vue 的图标组件
commit 05512fde4bc484bf5ee81a779c4c87fc7dc3f2ed
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 17:06:20 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] 暴露出DWebView 的onDraw
commit 06ef3a13a7ee65996f38dbd978a65f2b1be9e1ca
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 16:17:58 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactoring type
commit c4cefcdae1744f9493211861980766cd733e7f55
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 14:22:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 实现了图标文件的读取和风格化渲染
commit f2268eabbbc7e677117ba0c94eaccf95ea778148
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 11:36:56 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [iOS] Handling the situation when deleting the last tab
commit 64bafb3f7f551de5fa7026feba0f7a74bfc6cb85
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 10:27:15 2023 +0800
:bookmark: add change_log
commit 9079c1203b6e601f59764a09496cab90bf022376
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 10:26:49 2023 +0800
:art: [Android] 将desktop、multiwebview移到browser,将browseractivity相关移到下一级web目录,修复data class解析失败问题
commit 98d815fa5ae681563454e490e31a74400c5e967f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 10:23:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修复tab右上角关闭图标不显示问题
commit c707759b454d9f4d269ec875ebefd2ab323ff1b6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 09:43:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix newtab the websocket request intercept
commit 806547e056d9f8361c4514bcac34b16e60e7a5b2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 27 09:17:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修复BrowserView未传递实例化NetworkManager错误
commit b3e19d92a897097d22a889ca72824564b608c10d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 18:55:51 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] better way to handle snapshot
commit a382ead36f62ff1b77fa03f7e7e66bbc943df45b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 18:14:39 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 同步desktop-dev Manifest,重构MicroModule
commit cc1672da5c62738f2919527ad6553ff42ca4d4d5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 17:59:01 2023 +0800
:wrench: [iOS] blank page handling
commit 7e71b1842f9bea09fdf02bdd3069d6ba1a9a078f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 17:48:37 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop] 改进desk/desktop的应用与组件的布局
commit 55edf318937338e239d4da5e316ac7dbce92da5f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 17:18:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 改进desk/desktop的遮罩行为
commit f8dc051c4366ead71ee92bcc9268f860f94629d9
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 16:57:51 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复编译异常
commit 9f2c07fb17c8dc8f3afa4538bd98373c471ceacf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 16:48:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] $MicroModuleManifest 现在被 JMM 与 NMM 所继承实现
commit 5430f58356ce35fa80cb2a18f088c8358f77c14d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 16:23:23 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] snapshot takes too long
commit 7ef3ede74775d273b49a3042658a2b985b1ff4a5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 15:50:46 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 将 multiview 挂载到 desktop
commit bc51b4645d7f67f151dfae31ce46ec2f1c477d23
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 11:19:28 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor activity and mwebview
commit 0752f808eb5f84a7a8d5818533f9bf13b8ee7a51
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 26 09:45:18 2023 +0800
:heavy_plus_sign: [iOS] missing file
commit 238abad976a300301bcd451787a09e81ae968332
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 22:17:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 实现了将 出来的应用渲染到desk/desktop界面中
commit 7890bcbd9b57923ec91b2f6cbb380d9df3e628ee
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 18:39:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] use another way to prevent screenshot is blank
commit 40c95484a69a3bedd3d857ebafee7a58d41723a5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 18:27:02 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 将Desktop 背景改为 WebView
commit a34fa82b553ff43fd669793991ea28a9e8acaeca
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 18:04:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] $MicroModuleManifest 现在被 JMM 与 NMM 所继承实现
commit 3356b99b63c1e72d449e65656bc6b8d1b30f229f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 16:52:54 2023 +0800
:star2: [iOS] 1. Append webview reload and cancel loading features. 2. Addressbar fucntion adjustment. 3. Network permission grant and problem solve guiding
commit 695bab6ff519a63209374919d0d51f0772bdda9a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 16:07:16 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor the MWebView
commit b229e8a5f0a8ff4dc60900a97729e60ad05f7a35
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 16:18:32 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 获取已安装应用列表时机改到onActivity再执行
commit 076a6f50884f174cb209580cf63632670c5b6cdb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 16:16:18 2023 +0800
commit 5f560fb2966efe7e3f2d45e94edcab9e8a02b14a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 16:12:49 2023 +0800
:truck: [desktop-dev] $IpcMicroModuleInfo => $MicroModuleManifest
commit e69008334d063d1888b31b0ac5b2e705b03316e7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 16:08:30 2023 +0800
:recycle: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] 对$MicroModule 的类型做了扩展;对JMM模块的类型做了重构
commit 1f91c3719656eeef68f06238e61fa950b9dd5a6b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 15:39:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 重构jmm apps数据库
commit 4b329b33cbf5db72f577f44fee973e75c9f2110e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 15:38:22 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] 完成micromodule等任务
commit 8af0f073d1c32c3d127fb94ed66e4d92065056a4
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 15:36:22 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 删除Test 前端项目
commit cf4b27f8c519659dcf147b45e8f77b2597e7dfbb
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 15:32:06 2023 +0800
fix: 修改在不是网页的界面情况下,点击链接跳转失败的问题
commit 5394f3c10effdccbf9ddbfd3c1cf1aaddfa5000d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 15:09:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] add category search
commit 403280542c8bae7ec6f1b1fe409886ee89bfca78
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 15:02:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复 DataStore 存储后,获取数据异常问题
commit 84b0748bdd0a080b2446e24ef4e5b8252bc80fed
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:50:03 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修改 MultiView 引用位置
commit 4cd6f5c93ead6d49e37a2623eb28b088d8d249d8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:38:23 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] changed categories type
commit 7462374a8918ec28b428297f620eb6b7d50259f3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:29:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复下载地址为chunked引起的content-length获取失败问题,修复author字段为空问题
commit 592cecb3b38457b71c3a4857edcffb6b34ad7d9d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:25:17 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] bootstrapContext 新增了 search 函数
commit 14375a826955b28bd7f6d88a3fa888961c422b7d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:24:47 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 调整了Category有W3C标准的兼容性
commit b6a953b23949b32489bde32c4ca6f56a9c92d3ff
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:13:35 2023 +0800
fix: 书签添加删除功能
commit 5876afb4886bf62de9673181bcdb3a081dd6263a
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 11:23:50 2023 +0800
fix: 时时显示浏览记录
commit 998aa31b107670aa0b7903d85f94abdd8635ccde
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 11:19:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 为所有的模块都加上了categories配置
commit 628c8719e90bc7cdc6d4441a9714a1b430a636a2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 11:03:20 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [desktop-dev] 应用类型增加了 “系统应用” 的条目,补充完善了“应用 · 社交”的条目
commit 4e8c6f5d1850b442259fc86dde796630e59ab699
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 11:00:36 2023 +0800
:fire: Remove test file
commit 01441cf6fd4978919cd08f686902195349013957
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 10:18:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] add ChangeableList
commit 2fe5a6806e275150a7fed04738c703d8fc587baa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 10:28:10 2023 +0800
:art: 对ts/html文件进行统一的代码格式化
commit 877216e2fafaeb23d3d6b12a3c5a198d2bddcef2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 25 10:24:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] 模块 增加了 categories 字段
commit 30afd6d0e3e9102c2bf88ab747cd5d514a540bbe
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 22:43:40 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [desktop-dev] 增加了应用的开启和关闭的动画细节
commit a5761e746406369f52c85f2b1640e16a37cc1a81
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 19:01:52 2023 +0800
commit 957b5b8c1f3abff00a05f4ff0f0e004c4fd63684
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 18:57:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] add buildRequestX
commit 168204a2cc300708d05ec80a6c6e4b143a7e4c2f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 18:32:42 2023 +0800
:construction: [Android] Mmid转移到helper,针对Desktop进行整体改造
commit 4eef5720b8cccda6dcd8f2242c494c7b1ff3b5d3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 18:12:13 2023 +0800
:boom: :recycle: [desktop-dev] 对项目代码进行重新梳理
1. browser.dweb => web.browser.dweb
2. desktop.browser.dweb => desk.browser.dweb
3. assets/newtab => desk/assets/desktop
4. assets.ts => assets-tasks.ts
提供了 ConTasks.helper.ts 来为 vite 与 esbuild 提供便捷的项目构建工具
commit e59ca75c228cf9ebdec552f89235e5270120dc56
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 16:50:28 2023 +0800
fix: 修复底部菜单弹框根据不同界面类型显示不同入口
commit 86ff5026ff80d5a6688a915194316236d7158ec9
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 16:25:44 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev]
- status-bar.conttroller observe
- navigation-bar.controller observe
- virtual-keyboard.controller observe
- safe-area.controller observe
- safe-area.controller state.insets.bottom 根据打开和关闭状态实现联动改变
- emulator/helper StateObserevable
commit 45c6024b6f85461bb40c93cfa6c8e4363da71ccc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 15:38:29 2023 +0800
:boom: [android] refactor store to AppMetaData type and DesktopNMM add observe
completed 7-22/23 1-4
commit 2d37ab0c7904508b8741a7fe677643772bbf8fd0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 14:16:03 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 强化dns与mm的稳定性
commit 7c79c4136e8582e63e6c8f0804136d19ef8b70c1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 13:08:09 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 暂时移除了C#项目中除了IOS以外的编译目标
commit 24ebf9027b03ecc38ef2d6b7a902ffd040d5c4e9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 13:07:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复desktop模块接口的一些问题
commit 67a1254836a7ea37a9b6cb977c05942c00fca05c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 11:18:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 同步desktop-dev websocket 200/101
commit 52b2cb12ff42784314e08808c7c8068fbfff7283
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 10:46:08 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复closeWatcher错误,同步desktop-dev修改
commit d0908f6c6b7786c2f869af533431bb9c2e77ffac
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 24 09:46:59 2023 +0800
fix: 禁止TextField首字母大写和自动更正功能
commit 1d7b54e2468f3ec23be18aed977b7aa28fcdd4ba
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 23 16:29:23 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] desktop.browser.dweb 模块接口进行了优化改进
commit ccb6308060c895456bd9d07584dbe27b4c56a7e2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 23 16:14:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 完善对WebSocket的支持
commit 6ee2777406874016453d5c8af1174f8742bbefb9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 23 11:34:30 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [desktop-dev] 优化了desktop-view的界面效果
commit 3f158373f0095c88752ca6c5d94448b4eabf057c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 22 19:29:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :book: [desktop-dev] 定下 desktop.browser.dweb 的主要接口;
IOS和Android 请同步更新 desktop.browser.dweb 的相关接口,原本 browser.dweb 的相关接口请移除;
commit a7c0d82663581c0ab445cb997bc1f72cc476fefc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 22 15:57:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 重新实现了electornStore,现在它拥有更加安全的类型、并且默认提供加密
commit 0b5fb15d08aba94d9fa1eee47057d5f5cdb017bd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 22 14:17:00 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [desktop-dev] 改进了一些图标的渲染,支持颜色
commit 8ef28333f7e17f65028ada5fed3a4e3532cc7cfd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 18:57:22 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] http-api-server ipcProxyRequest除了模拟器,其它都发送句柄,不读取stream
commit 3e4baf49ca152d1c799503f6a937285f966e5a1d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 18:55:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#/desktop-dev] 处理postMessage byte[] 和 string 类型,添加Cbor,使用原生库
commit be844b152ea1f5cf16d24761edc0c71074f14f14
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 18:50:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复sharePlugin读取files方式错误
commit 909cc582a4736b3f9fb642480631f4f0286f5b98
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 18:46:53 2023 +0800
:watermelon: [iOS] addressbar functions
commit 684a5530092aac50b495d9bbca6e29974dc41b87
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 18:20:09 2023 +0800
:lipstick: [desktop-dev] 优化了桌面端的样式
commit 48b3f1a2195e4e9214b402caa46a5fa59def5320
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 17:13:59 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [cli] update dnt for 3.8.0
commit d3b8fe8fbcaa752d842c58c97444327e7820530e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 15:49:47 2023 +0800
:heavy_plus_sign: [iOS] append app icon
commit f986c951a58fae31ec3030d0a01dd53e36b4e2fb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 15:47:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] completed websocket data channel
commit 9b75eaeae1d7cc1e1117779eb9c50cbc72388349
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 14:55:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 更好地实现了桌面的模糊特效、现在能够自动识别开发模式或者是正式模式
commit b21c762267fb3278df41d9f03caf240ee2edb2dd
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 21 10:56:20 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android/plaoc] refactor decode state
commit 648f6410491039b67723bdd2e9de422648713442
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 17:30:18 2023 +0800
:construction: [android/plaoc] remove internal
commit 608310f8179fd72e99e8c966bd65dbb1e9000a50
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 17:28:40 2023 +0800
🐛[desktop-dev] emulator toast position
commit 93fa70bb8842687a65721bc5ef4550f416b7cca1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 16:26:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 实现了桌面应用的主题风格化标准
1. 风格化使用daisyui的标准+::part(),虽然不能完全兼容daisyui,但是能满足大部分场景
2. App图标现在使用IOS风格的图标
3. 桌面模式下,桌面半透明,配合窗口的高斯模糊形成效果
commit 4843d447e040e4519f525e9f4dfe1aa72f636be3
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 16:22:00 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev]
- 更新:status-bar.controler observe
- 更新:navigation-bar.controller observe
- 更新:virtual-keyboard.controller observe
- 更新:safe-areas.controller observe
- 更新:status-bar navigation-bar virtual-keyboard 同 safe-area 之间的关联操作
- 更新: base-controller 实现了 onUpdate 多次添加回调
- 修复: StateOservable stopObserve 没有关闭 ws
- 修复: emulator navigationbar visible === false 依然可见的错误
commit 7e83c6bf291e95fc689b6830c4b9746859ea176e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 11:57:45 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新了 doc
commit 6ed0c0426b4ed53b02a1617b06b46a260a1b309d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 10:56:22 2023 +0800
🍱 [desktop-dev] doc UI 架构设计说明
commit 28c70fdb0380cb56df2f21ea80d7614bdcbbd50b
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 10:57:47 2023 +0800
fix: 修改c#键盘不弹起问题
commit 9a00874cbc12b5cfbbba23d040fa48c6d73a8f91
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 10:31:18 2023 +0800
:star2: [iOS] webview can't render properly after its container's opacity has been set
commit 1ca4014476c98f073cd4b1b5ea0c69dba2621e93
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 19:38:37 2023 +0800
:fire: [android] remove main ktor package
commit b31377ba40db6c5d756e9ebe549dafac80b00e0a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 19:05:06 2023 +0800
:memo: [iOS] append addressbar animation to combine with the other animation
commit 2a85ea16f39a7e0ededf45604f55a0a40b2029ca
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 18:31:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复Haptics模块customize失败
commit 616a048259bcd92caa4612a15a7f82a689ac97c2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 18:12:42 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 点击图标强制显示侧边栏
commit 40ac906f3caa764be8b70962341e4e35639ca8fa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 17:30:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 在desktop面板中,初步构建出了基于网格的布局系统
commit 574a9cbae41d85b78dba61762047b2393db3fa2e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 17:16:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 增加滑动、缩放功能
commit 18ea4cdacd2987c7a24840bdb5c078aabc159bca
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 15:49:02 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] fix ktorCIO websocket
commit 10948b28c0098303479c0a3e6bbe451dfa9bde1a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 11:21:01 2023 +0800
:bookmark: sync #C change
commit 6dfcbe7bea7a0e75c03baa1022976f087a13ccdb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 14:40:31 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] emulator navagationBar 关联CloseWatcher 实现 back 功能;
commit 502ae469f3a2e24a9780ff29b5fbe1958438c3ce
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 12:43:58 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev]
- dweb-update-controller 下载新版本;
- jmm.browser.dweb 打开新版本
commit 5d65a6c32c8dfb735e54dc4148ba5a10d6d54554
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jul 19 11:13:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 实现右边抽屉滑动隐藏显示效果
commit eb21c7ad9fadba298b62087b2777cebe8fcdb0e2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 19:59:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复restart问题
commit 9971b01f3a78a9bb5cb56e5f557fa23b859c806a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 18:31:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复jsProcess错误
commit 540a3c6b3d80734488f8e96df0e965fea642c71c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 18:27:44 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev]
- 修复了 emulator haptics.controller 模块
- 修复了emulator share.controller 模块
commit 601da01979573563dd4ef93183bad2990a7a1a4d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 18:21:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 新增Desktop界面
commit 8544a2c3e1a647fcbffd30fcd8bc4e737f7ba12b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 17:43:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复signal线程安全问题
public event Signal(.*?)\?* On(\w+);
private readonly HashSet<Signal$1> $2Signal = new();
public event Signal$1 On$2
add { lock ($2Signal) { $2Signal.Add(value); } }
remove { lock ($2Signal) { $2Signal.Remove(value); } }
private event Signal(.*?)\?* _On(\w+);
private readonly HashSet<Signal$1> _$2Signal = new();
private event Signal$1 _On$2
add { lock (_$2Signal) { _$2Signal.Add(value); } }
remove { lock (_$2Signal) { _$2Signal.Remove(value); } }
commit 6eb28179e5f793b336da75c929b1b04a7d2b1eb6
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 15:51:22 2023 +0800
fix: 优化业务逻辑
commit 2e411e835755d1d4b4562229575ecea72eb558aa
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 15:25:04 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] fix ipc two-way binding
commit 27ce75eb894294e1c51d6457b24e621b04d0262c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 15:20:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复NativeIpc没有双向关闭等问题
commit 3a7bc378dde3a48584e0b0179ce280601565c9d6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 10:58:44 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 删除Desktop Module
commit 151e28cfe78c5cb222bbf64bec89b2f984d991aa
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 10:28:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix sync naviveIpc close
commit 3d5ef87f0c0eed57af48bd956db396c9237eedb7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 09:24:25 2023 +0800
:shit: [android] fix ipc bug
commit 494848217c4bac8894cb3d0937b3bd97c6ba3dcf
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 19:12:52 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 完成 emulator toast.controller
commit a589a096636af35f1dedb75ddac64d4a08f44914
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 18:40:18 2023 +0800
:wrench: 修改隐私协议地址
commit 8d8cdf6707a66d638c7cd4fac22a5b13bf3e65cc
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 18:20:37 2023 +0800
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: [iOS], Create a new tab, and display the new tab animation.
commit ca7c179983b0535acc8c17571f63beec5cc24093
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 17:58:00 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] ElectronRendererBrowserView.ts 文件中 class ElectronBrowserView 属性方法需要 override 的问题;
commit f197c21c2364b06334c5b679e0eb50b2d15bfa5f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 17:38:43 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [next C#] dns同步模块自我销毁的行为,MessagePortIpc依赖宿主生命周期关闭
commit b00c032cefd5cb498982cbd8e8e8a2a862e97504
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 17:36:16 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] emulator VirtualKeyboardController 没有关联 input 的问题
commit 98df0ed2c53e64030eae6a9dafb1d504d3c915a2
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 16:42:28 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 完成 emulator safe-area.controller
commit 33b6b04d995777c06b093ae3e0336835fabff5a2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 14:54:02 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] 模块可能是自我销毁,所以dns需要同步该行为的影响
:bookmark: 由于MessagePortIpc的特殊性,它自身无法监听自己是否真正被关闭,所以我们需要依赖宿主的生命周期来强制触发它的关闭事件
:bookmark: [android] 修复ipc没有在before-shutdown时候完全关闭的问题
commit 31e3e038b11149c97ff5ead176acf7b6f0942024
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 15:38:12 2023 +0800
feat: 添加Desktop功能代码
commit 06f6fa9dde018cec255d10a76e6913429e8def35
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 09:44:15 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] change to openAppOrActivities
:bookmark: [android] Initialize and start JMM
:ambulance: [android] create Desktop JMM
commit 4639d037130eb148afa76eb071d76985271881cf
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 17 09:36:46 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [next C#] 更换 new-tab 的 /openApp(jmm) 成 /openAppOrAcitvite(desktop),将jmm直接作为启动项直接进行启动
commit 842a0896dc7c9f0836dcb4b3484fdfdc453afdfc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 16 11:44:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复js-process-web没有正确显示正在运行中的程序的列表
commit 959d667a69af2a6854eabb0cd9e3174847c337d3
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 23:40:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复ipc没有在before-shutdown时候完全关闭的问题
commit 52502634fddae8d2e27507e69fabd897343e1c59
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 16 11:03:17 2023 +0800
commit 9ba058faa1d28a4a141b5395efbee3ec0fa06322
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sun Jul 16 09:27:55 2023 +0800
commit 6d045af0ca7b8e20c1dfc7bc1007635095d6d985
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 23:40:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复ipc没有在before-shutdown时候完全关闭的问题
commit 5e985518f1fb99174530f4062b841a9abb53a142
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 23:03:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复js-process 的 beforeunload 没有正确工作的问题
commit 499edf9827b178f6958b012e9922c0ff8384dc2d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 16:04:48 2023 +0800
:bug: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] 由于MessagePortIpc的特殊性,它自身无法监听自己是否真正被关闭,所以我们需要依赖宿主的生命周期来强制触发它的关闭事件
ipc.onClose(() => {
commit 597d24e50d42adfcecd20e68318870b1a5a0e96f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 15:13:35 2023 +0800
:muscle: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] 模块可能是自我销毁,所以dns需要同步该行为的影响
commit 5d191aece4b8c93b289294e663d78e31f9e1b52f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 15:11:22 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 升级了js-process的代码写法,使用onFetch
commit 9b0231bea901351e63471883e9cf7c0568c817b3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 14:22:09 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [desktop-dev] 修复zodQuery的类型问题
commit 670d9731d7d65ac8c619d49c3660c6e740da4dc7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 14:21:43 2023 +0800
:bug: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] 将jmm直接作为启动项直接进行启动
commit 22670983074a516340783e42a7b6f2569eeb1633
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 12:05:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: :book: [desktop-dev] 更换 new-tab 的 openApp(jmm) 成 openAppOrAcitvite(desktop)
commit 6ef0b188fff6fd3dac4a7047b68490d82006a43e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 12:03:49 2023 +0800
:muscle: [desktop-dev] 使用升级版的zq替代z,现在更加易用了
commit ba7c3bd5175e25845d0dd265b5eeddab295cd036
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 15 11:45:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 跟进mwebview.nmm模块的接口,现在它可以正确同步状态机给指定的ipc
commit 4a9f797c168867841c3dd2332c93b5974f4143c7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 18:34:37 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [next C#] DnsMicroModule 标准更新,增加close函数、uninstall/open现在都返回Promise<boolean>
commit 0ce8fd6d9b1d93a53740388077c8e5172776eea9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 18:31:04 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] DnsMicroModule 标准更新,增加close函数、uninstall/open现在都返回Promise<boolean>
commit 9de668dd018d6bec40b37a52c2acc7ae8e43aedb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 18:02:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 跟进实现了jmm;现在desktop.browser.dweb 已经能基本运作
commit 12cc005373ca00e80a3d38cbf057129b52fefde8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 17:00:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复share模块分享一次后无法再次分享错误
commit 64e707805ed84b21e26715a7379b975620ff113d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 16:59:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修改几处LongRunning Task为Task.Run
commit 3d453aeb72a99b0d75743ffc5ee11e6d6c604799
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 15:53:58 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb
commit fe94bb757aa1e9a8df4cd71dc2ddcc142e1692b5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 15:49:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 实现了桌面面板的显示与定位
commit 5842053ca2e0e00e0ee03e82d623e28b42f65711
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 15:46:16 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] barcode-scanning.sys.dweb 无法正确获取 state
commit 0684e26305efe0f5068a9b14325503681304a8db
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 15:36:57 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] barcode-scanning.sys.dweb 类型错误
commit 5aac05455e080b3c05ee1700f9d0c685b5d3c427
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 15:25:04 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 openNativeWindow.ts 的 bridgeComlink 方法中 getRenderApi 可能在 renderPort 之前执行
commit f17b5027adbb6a997b4740f91c1b33bf7f301d32
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 15:13:29 2023 +0800
:art: Optimize code calls
commit 51bc8a461ff1db87508fdb1f9eb111d033f2bfbd
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 14:03:57 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] taskbar 实现了Windows下的taskbar的基本外框高斯模糊的样式
commit ba4087a9561a97e0b58ae069f3620e9ac7acfa6d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 09:54:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] taskbar 实现了macos下的背景高斯模糊材质
commit 6b2181145c7d14cbc30c33fbb23c5328e28dd033
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 09:12:20 2023 +0800
:shit: [desktop-dev] add --boot 命令行参数来改变启动项
commit 2570c1d40e31b9af9cb84a2a36d33fec126dddc7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 09:06:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 新增desktop.nmm模块,新增taskbar编译任务
commit ace777023e45b9e1713b51f52d0307e563781e41
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 09:06:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复comlink桥在页面刷新后就失效的问题
commit d861ffb2298648e5e4420aade811405ecdd1714b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 14 08:46:54 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#] 暂存nativeui修改,后面可能调整
commit 629578e00c43f8ee19db22b795b6f293fbec410e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 18:42:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] blank webview display in specific condition
commit db3acbae62908accb5ada2b2d117021a169a8ed4
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 18:07:12 2023 +0800
commit ae602dfdeb9d5d905d3f871d4974fc3ca8dcba2e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 18:04:58 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] safe-area.nativeui.browser.dweb onFetch router
commit 57ed63548183fd84abf40627ea36a08850a6d3db
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 18:03:30 2023 +0800
⚰️ [desktop-dev] status-bar.nativeui.browser.dweb console
commit e61cabdac5deafed1b505c1b91e32a31fc1f4789
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 18:02:51 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] navigation-bar.nativeui.browser.dweb onFetch router
commit e7826aee5f75dd26363a561a482757959be0d525
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 17:59:49 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] status-bar.nativeui.browser.dweb onFetch router
commit 2bb966f71b0890c937db7c932f3ba521bf08e1e8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 17:55:26 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] barcode-scanning.sys.dweb onFetch router
commit c89b65206f338e4c396fa78b201bd4a330188fcd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 17:55:08 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] device.sys.dweb onFetch router
commit 67189c118709bf0203eb1bdca7cb2254fa1ccdec
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 18:02:41 2023 +0800
:tada: 新增Desktop,桌面版
commit 7df2c5cc8c7c64c220a05d753882daf0e459748d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 17:44:03 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] barcode-scanning.sys.dweb 更新了 onFetch 路由的处理方式
commit 25aad1fadcd5d3ceb71a225ebd023df4970da3ac
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 17:31:43 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 status-bar.controller.ts navigation-bar.controller.ts safe-area.controller.ts 的 ipc.onFetch() 的路由处理方式
commit dc48b5aa938f39eac6ae200fcf7853071fbedde4
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 17:27:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] progress and other property can't update issue
commit f4be2b139d34dee439df5bd43c18446970cdd961
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 16:52:55 2023 +0800
fix: 修改c#不触发swiftUI的方法
commit ddde186887d0effa7ce9bd77a8f1da6745f10866
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 16:52:00 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 ploac 中 observe 实现的逻辑
commit f8e1a7e733ac4cea54c341be77b4c9c5b8d13598
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 15:05:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix ipc close where
commit bad95e23e6daec01f8771105cd3395fb572bd3b4
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 14:24:00 2023 +0800
:arrow_up: [next C#] 更新dotnet sdk 8.0
commit 9cb33a0316a06b712050c921db2d729947f2a559
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 10:35:07 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [plaoc] cli version for 0.0.4
commit cfbd184afe0773f0bbc938180582217f6cfd6de9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 09:39:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 引入了ts-pattern,提供了fetchMatch工具函数
commit 7ba9a6b1299949028776fe40c47f558d6d23d73b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 22:26:56 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新 barcode-scanning.sys.dweb
commit f56fe99e21588d09ed810b81bc99df5e846079d9
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 21:53:31 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] device.sys.dweb
commit 1cf767b864a06b8d0afd7c0a853d1f58d78b8568
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 21:51:35 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb onFetch 处理
commit 154eed22dc1214ad995018e4e9c9c6c5d8deffdd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 21:50:43 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 完成 barcode-scanning.sys.dweb
commit 090519353f8c618278f6c9b356ffc6d2651bf1b3
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 19:42:14 2023 +0800
:doughnut: [iOS] fix bug of delete last cell causes animation issue
commit 565b93fe081c1a91583b02c1b1aabc64816c5884
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 16:50:50 2023 +0800
fix: 修复c#键盘不谈起问题
commit 8f729d4c2a074c724aa1e38ad4ce46fe634ba596
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 14:47:15 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] completed mwebview plugin test
:bookmark: Add device and mwebview
commit 1474f7fc6190bc25c8c03d06545656845fcea58a
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 16:09:09 2023 +0800
feat: 添加扫码功能
commit f7e57b1cf757e4e4b0f791261027e5b226b324c5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 15:51:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] prevent mess loading of the webview, visiting a link by click a history cell
commit a6529a47d2ba0c3c9ded48129db27cec5721bc1b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 15:06:14 2023 +0800
:truck: [desktop-dev/plaoc] rename message_pack to cbor
commit 77448260abc8d9a2bc6ec4c2108f344606e31dbe
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 14:48:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [iOS] documentDirectory改用iOS16的方法获取更简洁
commit d3221509a1632318b89927906057533a42ef1094
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 12:12:36 2023 +0800
:art: [plaoc] refactor webview to mwebview
commit a5b748da21fe68cc11886577140210b4da07f54a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 12:08:35 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop] refactor device router
commit 995eb7d5d0959000215c22c649ed4404e6c3f8d0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 11:11:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc/next C#] plaoc修改webview页面,C#调整返回值
commit 3c52ed4e51f22ab0f8ece8078d918cb149892e57
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 10:33:28 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android/plaoc] refactor get uuid
commit 84a4a3319d0b4cd85776d62b4f58115875b93786
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 10:09:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加DeviceNMM,现在可以获取UUID了
commit 96740c777a0b28a6ec37ba2bf71d33908d85424a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 09:43:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] deleteBrowserView
commit e4ffe4aa98a6d0170056828d520b8140ed3525ba
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 12 08:38:59 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 完成 mwebview.browser.dweb 对应的 client 插件
commit 860639af29103e09ffff0c541cf02844b770f63e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 19:03:31 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [iOS] 1.alter way to visit image for snapshot. 2. validate a url, 3. optimization of tab grid code
commit d6100e747a43f0dc4a7c555e6a87bc97c7a15e22
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 18:25:46 2023 +0800
fix: 点击网页输入框时,禁止app的输入框弹出
commit b9b65ead812b5175da72b3f71d21519e66a2e8cf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 18:23:33 2023 +0800
:art: [android] 现在android可以通过a链接跳转到安装界面
commit 0c1fe4b2f0c902ff5a00584f548e31d1c19f37ea
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:52:09 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] device.sys.dweb
commit f91bcc73a805d673d1f7350b7439e1cad27b074a
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 14:42:55 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 plaoc class BluetoothDevice name 私有属性问题
commit 49c28cc5cd2ffc7cc6fa002f1a1fe8b13db3f847
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 14:20:32 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 整理代码
commit 12a135165470bc2ef9b3e45c372914cff13a0c18
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:49:23 2023 +0800
:bug: :wrench: 修复Windows环境的兼容问题,移除对修饰器的使用
commit cd5025e2455bfb9a47560a75d76f9c57010892ac
Merge: a8846a23d 1f42b9ca4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:45:46 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit a8846a23dd4fc9a7eddeda8c084d41e503d7519f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:45:42 2023 +0800
:sunglasses: [android] add device get UUID
commit 1f42b9ca472df3ad364f62fbfe9a515bd610bd87
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:36:55 2023 +0800
:fire: [Android] 移除release的debug功能
commit 8bb11cbabc83b8296bf3ec4b0711d84d093943df
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:29:10 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 同步iOS修改,修复WatchIosIcon导致应用崩溃问题
commit 75e066591a43eae1b479f96b7fdb94cc736d2ab5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:23:36 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 补充提交混淆规则文件
commit 0a78637b4a27268d2953f60873aed8949644a48b
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:17:20 2023 +0800
fix: 修复js调取watchIosIcon()闪退的问题,添加隐藏键盘功能
commit 0aa5081ef22a83b27a4824dfc3041f25baf0ac32
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 17:02:56 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [next C#] 修改BrowserWeb
commit 0b97970bd95e2fcc3f857aa96f9d124defef5b4e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 16:38:03 2023 +0800
:camera_flash: 版本 6, v1.1.5
commit 8b54c40ed75f033270eb800ace40f3925b724462
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 16:34:51 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [Android] 修复混淆引起的gson解析问题。
1. 由于Google上架需要64和32,所以移除 ndk.abiFilters 列表
2. 修复混淆引起的Gson问题
3. 由于之前1.1.4版本上传失败,google上架升级一般1.1.5
commit f190090be6aa95658692576ee9c0669f70f17ed4
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 16:15:53 2023 +0800
fix: 修改在c#中键盘不弹出的问题
commit be22b62b90ceabbff80bdab505f9ad7f8a6e65ae
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 16:13:52 2023 +0800
:art: [next C#] 按照标准规范化一些代码
commit 21e4453fdb11654f5922a14ecd11ecf9b47382d0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 15:08:23 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] fix plaoc cli in window not found emulator
commit c34da1f5e36c22142c695f16475330f8fb87e509
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 15:01:34 2023 +0800
:muscle: :bug: [next C#] JMM应用首次启动速度提升200%
commit b57856f4eb5ac44017a886150abccf638b6facc2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 09:03:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 开启typecheck,修复类型检查错误
commit c63f5ca1976df55275aa07c90fe8b9f99c48cdcf
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 19:31:39 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] 1. made grid scale animation same to safari, preview version cut part of the grid. 2. Remove a call back function for cell to avoid mess of updating. 3 cell position and animation optimaization
commit ddc91b00c0785a7f378bb1306ab75a45aaa01616
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 18:12:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] fix deno task build
commit c5f1f34d01ca47a1f82367942c3473f968a4ed3d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 16:02:51 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 初步完成
commit 75e01caa666e07b12ec3d60f1881839b42d41dab
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 14:28:26 2023 +0800
:wrench: jsonc=>json
commit 59ade80df7d8d4c4d10ca29f0d082de43efaae99
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 14:06:56 2023 +0800
:wrench: [plaoc] 修复minify-html-literals插件不工作的问题
commit f549ebc35ee37d6c67ccb3db03e214ab3a5e1318
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 12:11:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] fix node path resolve error
commit d9e3c10292facdaed026da2f64ab21e4465416d8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 10 09:56:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] fix build cli/build client
commit d8b30b482f0c25b1f0328bd480258be22e9c7edb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 9 17:39:53 2023 +0800
commit 2858536bb9aa2ac0ba1adec57ecd261026111cc4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 9 15:25:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复了emulator文件变更没有正确推送等问题
commit 1e913ba05e5aa7d4664e4f30e6cb0b3c97dac5af
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat Jul 8 16:30:48 2023 +0800
:eyes: [iOS] code adjustment
commit 94f51f20e853dddaa459fc93bcd0b97bf2f091ea
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat Jul 8 16:09:44 2023 +0800
:golf: [iOS] another version for animation optimization, but more work still needed
commit 97cd094155f6a22b05b4c4c456af91a63437a627
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 21:51:37 2023 +0800
:recycle: 修改websocket send
commit 47da099acf033d0807fd562fbe4ed2af2defd674
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 19:33:40 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] emulator现在作为复杂项目,使用vite编译!
commit 4aadd3175dc8e346c1f26e59bb42a313ed4ecb80
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 19:08:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] support websocket
commit 1dc36a685f72f569a4c72a19d508e82a2afc8158
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 18:43:43 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dweb] bluetooth.std.dweb 更新 监听状态的处理方式
commit b4f9189864f3d5bf6d47e1456c2524a28a334f96
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 18:30:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] suport websocket
commit f96a8899b4e908727e692bf62d8bc103ddd27391
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 17:50:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复自定义数组振动问题
commit 1603d95b6761c66390001d65ec79e5923261dddc
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 17:17:21 2023 +0800
fix: 修复多次发送通知的问题
commit 424abc427bb34b56e879549e552a31b5ddac2036
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 17:02:20 2023 +0800
:star2: [iOS] Optimize the expand and shrink animation to make the animation position more precise, and fix a crash bug as well
commit cd95b2d03b40648dd1c96cdd9128cc6b78907c55
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 16:35:14 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 实现了 监听 gattserverdisconnected 事件
commit a7560f7faa301fd457178d9a896a7b084138cfa7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 15:58:07 2023 +0800
:lipstick: 恢复字体跟随系统,并修复大字体显示异常问题
commit 82229251c4eaf38d754dedc7a6921af23af5fcd5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 15:05:52 2023 +0800
:new: [Android] 补充扫码到 metadata.json 时,直接跳转到扫码安转界面
commit e98556d34d323bb34d8e6bf631725a933c2525a6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 14:53:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] cli 添加 npm包
commit 5c07a026a7542e3d76910fdcf24a4a698d1526e4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 11:19:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix about not load error
commit f626113d64c093096f42f227a25deaa774da39b8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 11:03:43 2023 +0800
:lock: 增加V1签名方式,用于腾讯平台上架
commit 7ae4560f66e49ade2858e695ba671f20ab75c0a9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 10:20:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] 修复下载页NotificationCenter页面关闭未移除导致多次下载错误
commit d16b19a1f0b833f1bc0325b6977f33f8ed40a0d5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 09:43:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix listen ipc close signal
commit a00c2878631350e2a91479b2bd5dc840edb02e16
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jul 7 08:22:25 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb
commit 33a9c673dd90f4e79007ec7bd4c73aa5538178c4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 21:28:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 现在plaoc工具可以将模拟器的代码直接同步到安装目录,所以直接刷新页面即可
commit 7dd8ab9fc895d41e1f34745caea9c8142036469e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 19:20:10 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb
commit a10c3384aeaa3e224a1ea1db1ccc5d23d59ebec8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 18:58:45 2023 +0800
:poop: [plaoc] Optimized internal request code
commit cc3b35d64f440267e6dc19b3603f60e57c499937
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 18:34:28 2023 +0800
:wrench: [iOS] changes the way to record of the cell frames from realtime to scroll ends, avoid mass record
commit 0a5abeca6b003593d97147044983c8352a793bc1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 17:52:11 2023 +0800
:fire: Remove application
commit 916516dc9a9d680b738eb462564b81ed523220e4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 17:46:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] Fix emulator listening request
commit e3aefeaf03097f4d478f8c8abc45b923c035e669
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 17:25:06 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 优化 exportAips.ts code
commit 9d22b9d8f959b56e07e08b3a87c5bc826cd39860
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 17:01:14 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 完成 向 特征写入值 和 向特征描述符写入值
commit 5353a5c3d985066bd796eebd22fe0b5a323957cc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 16:00:01 2023 +0800
[desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb mainApis 的类型
commit cf0d84688381948ad94ac084c715546e5339f22e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 15:45:42 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 更新了 读取特征值 和 读取 描述书的值
commit 3c991653ec44069f1593c3a3fc27e8fd3039e211
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 15:08:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 修改打开下载页处理
commit 2727d48f218896fbacb7596e5d6f6c556ef318bf
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 15:07:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 添加测试应用,修复一些小问题
commit b9f909d905e96822efcddad0c8c32eaf2e5f5f1d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 15:02:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复应用重新激活错误
commit df32a1d3964be0b32eb1b6da563925291bb5b8ee
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 14:51:13 2023 +0800
fix: 修复不同Target共享CoreData的问题
commit 4d10081e4238c2bca22cdc86c34b00d3e1e1175d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 14:42:56 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev/android/ios] 修复应用关闭时,readablestreamipc没有彻底销毁的问题
commit f57d6a755cef972b91cf2ac8317ca51603b05d49
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 10:31:52 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] ReadableStreamIPC 在 InputStream 关闭的时候,OutputStream也要同时关闭
commit edef13d20d9d8dd7e37fb18f2757f35982c077c9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jul 6 09:27:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] ReadableStreamIPC 添加 Cancel Signal 用于取消Stream时关闭Stream
commit 6f4b4d114abf6d42160315b6a0d8b1f7a91fd94c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 22:56:27 2023 +0800
:muscle: [plaoc] 确保了Controller初始化后才会加载网页内容
commit 9c6f23f35e7c9f5208dd414eaf6a3aee46fbc54c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 21:46:01 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [desktop-dev] bluetooth render现在拥有了安全的类型
commit 72a353eeeba21c14e7dcd3225c39b4b069b573b0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 21:31:13 2023 +0800
:muscle: [plaoc] 一些健壮性修复
commit aa0d73bdee30b3a200f73bd62d729fcecd2209d6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 21:28:41 2023 +0800
:bug: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] ReadableStreamIPC 在 InputStream 关闭的时候,OutputStream也要同时关闭
commit f207c33b8d2461537a566c64ac945e7f9249cf98
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 21:24:58 2023 +0800
:bug: 不再基于dom-ready来打开调试控制台,而是始终直接打开
commit 7f2fac91107581e8b8922b006bf55c74f76acabe
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 19:11:54 2023 +0800
:memo: [iOS] append onsubmit event for keyboard
commit cbbe84d95e0438f5d5e0c46b4f94599789091602
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 19:01:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 在C#上也必须执行watchIosIcon来获取favicon,因为重写了WKNavigationDelegate
commit d597db209477776c9418dc9dad4581f2f6a08de8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 18:27:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 同步Android修改,修复app close问题
commit 1b792dfb8103c6b55a0c41400d5278da17e945be
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 18:18:57 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] Ipc 在 close之后,需要销毁它的所有事件
commit 0537228b1e173f5d2f58105d8ce96c313dade827
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 18:17:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS] fix bug of typing view display issue when it's embeded in navigationview
commit 9c940eaa3ec25abe9865e29dcda61a03b223c5d9
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 17:49:03 2023 +0800
:pushpin: [iOS] restructure the entire UI, get rid of the uikit component, optimize of the interaction
commit 331aeeb6e76ba529b7431a2fb939ab2cca354a51
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 17:34:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复Jmm应用卸载未删除应用目录问题
commit 647d25d55a1d3dd526bc838d461246d3e89e58e8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 17:32:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修改vibrate duration为数组
commit 2d2bbcdfffe644ba1002cafd964a3d8faf29ca14
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 16:11:40 2023 +0800
📝 [destkop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 完成获取特征描述
commit 177375767751b862750b42f71504b66ba8959068
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 16:09:47 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新文档
commit d18366f29b27bc8e1b2d558fac4233437ef132d0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 16:02:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复手机修改大字体引起的布局异常
commit 42e65ce6bac50c58c43a57a0a68b55297b6c5fb8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 13:31:36 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 完成了 /bluetooth_remote_gatt_characteristic/read_value api
commit 8723f138596ef0049df980fe79e875ae24698c33
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 12:48:33 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 完成了 /bluetooth_remote_gatt_server/get_primary_service API
commit 5e257b7a722556aea10ca55a28dd8b6042653425
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 12:12:18 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluettooth.std.dweb 实现了 connect disconnect API
commit b77542f657ab6fa224d20ed33fffaac8d8843bb4
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 11:24:51 2023 +0800
⚰️ [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 删除 index.d.ts
commit e1d22917a943a9349cae9862e04f09939041073a
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 11:24:06 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 更新类型申明和使用方式
commit 4e6a0c95e45eb0a9986f2405716b1e82a46791bd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 11:15:23 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 完成 查询连接 蓝牙设备 API 完成
commit 42834d32a3b059544cff7702b1644805bd84a229
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 11:14:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] 现在jsProcess.connect失败的时候会正确抛出异常,而不是无限等待
commit 39e6ea6c4d24eb91238479c26215db95ba2c83be
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 11:11:22 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 同步 Desktop-dev jsProcess.connect失败处理
commit 901a4e32155ac3aaf26b794d257e053e40b02c00
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jul 5 10:29:49 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 实现 关闭 蓝牙模块
commit 080fc43ef6dc001c910f8451b27252a701d95c75
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 21:22:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev/plaoc] 现在http.std.dweb已经加入了WebSocket转ipc的支持
commit 13bc1b03d14a9ab5f508cb3d1cd738ee7d06f3c7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 21:03:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 现在jsProcess.connect失败的时候会正确抛出异常,而不是无限等待
commit 8556f6d788346120ff890e5f234696e04d26adf5
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 19:38:07 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复了 post 请求无法获取到 数据的问题
commit 40f11fefb818184363f6a77a42c1ed38ed49dfa6
Merge: 012aa24d6 fb905a83b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 19:06:34 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 012aa24d6a344ebd7a2eb5aff97869db37101b93
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 19:06:27 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修改swiftui binding
commit ef50b4430531c23eff0cd25bcd8ee7866d4d722e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 19:05:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#/plaoc] 修复 haptics.browser.dweb 解析错误
commit fb905a83b142f3ec32a508e4e9c5ddfd2280605d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 18:57:57 2023 +0800
:speech_balloon: Print log changed
commit 3e36487ac400f03f6e166070b8ff9e2865401259
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 18:38:01 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] fix open dev error
commit 59609b2ae404bc6828477d8224299df2edff251d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 17:30:35 2023 +0800
:package: [desktop] update package script
commit 3d42263ae83a0d4c9d9bbc6a5146696c6fb5039b
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 16:34:43 2023 +0800
fix: 删除iOS绑定库,使用脚本创建iOS绑定库
commit 1caadb9b58851856aa11faa029bcb856b68c6993
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 16:31:30 2023 +0800
commit 84dabd7d73d738ae225b2363515d521c4a1f7ae8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 16:16:15 2023 +0800
commit daf0e3671a303b169e150db20224300dad764675
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 16:09:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] fix the URL must be of scheme file
commit 237e8d9bc8dfd3e94f61b75914eb5d2650934597
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 15:49:15 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [plaoc] fix plaoc deps error
commit 829ae364cb9e334a7355709fd65ab58b68296ab7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 15:07:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] fix relative import path error
commit cfd6c456980a7f4105a7de5599f549c89d5af54a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 14:44:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc/desktop-dev] 修复deno install relative path错误
commit e7a91845c6ad1ad7f41f0b9adb817b945060d22d
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 14:34:40 2023 +0800
fix: 修改下载界面的图片加载方式
commit 5ca9aabac12cdf5ae6d01e2d43c8a3229232525e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 14:17:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] fix relative import path "zod" error
commit 3a253279a4d09f79b0b826f5af51f0d6886df445
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 11:29:27 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [iOS] 修改初始化webview方式,引入HapticsHelper文件进行打包
commit c29ea84c8ad5b929f907935586f326ee83051816
Author: 烦烦 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 11:23:34 2023 +0800
fix([plaoc]): 依赖升级
commit c0a037cccfd967de5eeed81d4cdf364b5f91caad
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 10:42:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop] add barcode-scanning assets
commit a76cadcb8874b52d58446eaa0680382ba939fedc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 08:58:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [iOS] 格式化script脚本,添加release命令行参数
commit eeed200f177d1e65cae02a25e47b11c9a7c5d801
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jul 4 08:36:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加 haptics.browser.dweb 模块
commit 487468fe679f4b4bf0dd50b24be5282055c9f3a3
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:44:30 2023 +0800
fix: 添加测试链接。测试js
commit d8f9bb2c8bb0a163f7a0aa8426fdd845b4ab01e3
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:39:27 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb
commit e66fdf43ed1b1f8ab9c93ed3231e001a1bb46b9f
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:29:07 2023 +0800
fix: 添加framework.h文件
commit b9d909efc3de1ba5438c64b82893bcaf2de73769
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:19:31 2023 +0800
fix: 通过使用Target的方式创建Framework, 删除之前的Framework
commit 19fe1bf3baafdaf40ed3ee9cef43ddbfe9075f45
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:07:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复JmmMetadata author类型错误问题
commit d8e68dace3cb551fde2c07631234515d6d4937ab
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:07:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复electron打包版本号问题
commit 37cedb214035ae7e133fae9f94ee08ea6827505f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 18:05:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 在管理界面增加“隐私政策”入口(小米上架要求)
commit 7914c55ae3b87cd42e041fe2c7325a37e901324c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 17:55:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] Use the Barcode Detector
commit de00b399177aede47e4589b5bd5c6b92e2f6b28f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 17:33:17 2023 +0800
:wrench: [next C#] 修改iOS target为16.0
commit 2f9439f2a0248cd607ebb001a340193f41830d7c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 17:30:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 现在可以支持WebSocket连接了
commit b389d0cf016a7b576d006401bc1aacde558aa511
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 16:19:11 2023 +0800
commit 1f77319d11d3253c916aa15a61491daca805a5ca
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 16:15:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 升级了jmm,该用onFetch
commit 31f005072dc07206876ff58e772b6847f1651b34
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 15:12:47 2023 +0800
:speech_balloon: 更新debug日志打印
commit 39fa13d73d4771b6a58a792b774b720b529264bc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 10:26:26 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] Unified simulator writing method
commit 48abe7e7297a5e6542da43fc7dd08144ba4be29c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 09:07:30 2023 +0800
fix: 修复c#调用swift失败的问题
commit 64a46cc6b3564a75ef379ff6f5f9258e09584306
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 22:13:05 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 状态栏现在能更加符合预期地工作
commit 95238346da042f8982985e2a5cc0a4a62e012a8c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 18:01:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Supplementary components
commit aa907e349505e8b919755c07afcae394fac69475
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 17:15:23 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 使用新的方案来实现ipc代理
commit 51eca97c1388ce5069a6ab1384b983984d866394
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 16:36:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 现在plaoc使用了新版的onFetch
commit f1147680acc99fde63cbb28872a1236806a944bc
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 14:50:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复IpcReponse.fromResponse对于16kb判定的写法
commit 7c6a879c68889ae08ef24b5d41973ec6c58c00e6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 14:43:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 跟进升级了keyboard和nav 的controller模块的写法
commit f832d028e42b4975788b069d28b81c9692f743dd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 12:13:29 2023 +0800
commit 4c07c04ad373acdceb1ff0689df929dd915eb11b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 12:07:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 现在 onFetch 有了更加灵活的响应流程,能够使用链式调用来注入一些中间件
commit b59ef91d7291a0dfbfbba171a9d747f225148c7b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 11:49:18 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [desktop-dev] color转换器现在有了更好的性能与类型安全
commit 79597d69f58f73e277b104b2cada5d58bc7f9223
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 11:48:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 现在zodHelper有了对queryString更加友好的常用构造器
commit 0ec7043b7130ebaad9aacb5e8d91aabb57706760
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 11:20:11 2023 +0800
commit 2a219c465d22aa53788d242f16c5964bebf64531
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jul 2 11:19:05 2023 +0800
:ambulance: Supplementary the emulator Methods
commit 2a4b9487ab06c937403d3a5875466460e3ee81c0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 19:07:24 2023 +0800
:beers: Initially completed some components
commit b4b4fdeddcd89632ed072af0d790042eb7ac03e5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 15:50:46 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Completed the status-bar
commit 1cc9f85b6cd78dc709609c158ba8061d23df17f0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 14:09:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] Completed simulator communication
commit 4c46956b4de6861b029a70bdd122342ba15d7519
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 10:43:26 2023 +0800
:fire: :wrench: 移除了deno.lock 文件约束
commit f79531b90324e9582a09c648139637b2bb2c28eb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 10:38:31 2023 +0800
:up: [desktop-dev] 升级使用了cbor替代msgpack
commit 2078ee59ff3632242ac26f00fa222c6b313e9dd7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 21:03:26 2023 +0800
:book: 增加 http.sys.dweb 的TODO内容
commit 540e3ecb7bc33518330c768e4ff0e0328f0fd3ea
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 21:02:24 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 一些地方,改进成使用onFetch替代onRequest
commit 021d2128f97ed5f717f5ae09e5572cec67f81832
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 18:17:35 2023 +0800
🚧 [deskto-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb requestDevice
commit 665a7e58f4e11bcc515d888321e7f8df08f3d371
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 17:43:18 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 使用 router 替换之前的 onFetch 方法
commit b5d5216f9a45f3fd4d23e91caa8ec18f912a3df2
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 17:42:25 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 更新 plaoc 测试程序
commit 83617d7cde1af8d43dcb13d88f625e15aa5b7a44
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 17:40:04 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] ipc.ts onClose 错误
commit 57e57f57adee04c04d060a02b2b8bf528db32eda
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 16:54:52 2023 +0800
:shit: [plaoc] 提及了一种新的在emulator中实现模块模拟的功能
commit f529e33e9d382bcc5f8e0d12a3677161d4508bd0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 16:41:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [iOS] swift export HapticsHelper
commit 6e31ddf6f2f26098c517479007ae5a3a821ffeef
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 16:15:34 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] ipc关闭时,销毁所有事件
commit b99a49a2ed71b550a4e531e2a0c5512d9baf09dc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 16:13:05 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 重新使用 onFetch 实现了 open;
把原来的open业务逻辑拆分为 open 和 requestDevice 两个 API;
commit 31b4d5271d3d426ec149ad008981ba0e5318d80d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 16:12:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] Bridge Simulator and Developer Tools
commit 08e221e80e101a9e87fa19756e7c790bb1a260fa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 14:54:44 2023 +0800
:muscle: :bookmark: [desktop-dev] Ipc 在 close之后,需要销毁它的所有事件
commit 8ecb9f42226418b4bc9501bc722b534c4746ee5f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 14:48:04 2023 +0800
:book: 新增下一阶段的协议相关工作内容
commit 2abc1d322db20c949f6ec6920673fa80396e806f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 11:30:54 2023 +0800
:star: [iOS] a better way to present sheet and avoid dismiss twice bug
commit 62cfe58ec34834d1bc90eee856dd9da280843b02
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 09:50:38 2023 +0800
:recycle: [iOS] 修改js脚本注入webview方式
commit af00d4461a785b34cf445b816002994ab60b895d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 09:11:06 2023 +0800
:see_no_evil: [iOS] 忽略掉一些系统生成的文件
commit 6976741a500a1252e80f3dd99da3a766455c5720
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 08:50:54 2023 +0800
fix: 创建framework项目
commit ef24c18c0c81574c62315e959d36462fcd482a04
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 22:07:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 引入了 zod 作为类型验证的工具
commit 33b38fcbab55e87331fb8a24fec01c44d13f8e09
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 21:33:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :musical_note: [desktop-dev] 继续整理http的导出,实现了新的 MicroModule.onFetch 来替代 registerCommonIpcOnMessageHandler
commit c75b51c24410044e68408908ac6e3eeee680e0a6
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 19:00:16 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb
commit 65a672e8e494a27595cb7271faaccac699dbbbfe
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 18:33:10 2023 +0800
[烟花] [iOS] a perfect solution for the shrink and expand animation
commit 3610a5e941e0ad28bd77ad8721268b2cc302a246
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 18:26:09 2023 +0800
commit d2cd89ff5449e5f7a746bce61fd51e2070c11033
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 18:16:24 2023 +0800
:bug: 为了确保 browser和 cotdemo 同时存在在bootlist时,按照启动的顺序打开界面
commit 68a20dbfd5c31909f030fbfb78677eab632672fb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 17:04:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 针对null和undefined过滤,避免其它假值返回被过滤掉
commit 3578873d9c05b2e3f5cbb1cab799092cd7091734
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 15:44:37 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] fix zero causing response 404
:art: Refactor route url
commit eae8a13118457d5a262c43fd319752b0b89c1dbe
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 16:17:55 2023 +0800
:muscle: [desktop-dev] 现在窗口关闭的时候,开发者工具界面也会跟着被关闭
commit ea8e7c6331cc546d71edbd3b1a085f6f3a45916f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 15:57:04 2023 +0800
➕ [iOS] append required icon resources
commit 50203b62641383ac6574e21b3e5da1128fb47d9d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 15:25:45 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复window在执行 deno task dev后,ctrl + c无法正常停止进程问题
commit a44d36f2079a153ec8b6566de6377ab34946a4e1
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 14:19:23 2023 +0800
🐛 [iOS] fix bug of webview openning link failed, append lazy load for loading webview
commit 216d0b2e4c5bf66154620cacaeec2062f1044f83
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 11:22:55 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [desktop-dev] 继续整理core部分的类型导出
commit 7bafb213b17b2864f3594375187c10f53327e529
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 11:05:20 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 对 http-server 做了整改,现在它是 http.std.dweb
commit 59793e24b84a77ccbf38c756ed6471b59386b31f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 11:02:42 2023 +0800
:beers: [desktop] sync android ipc code
commit fc44464d642a850adb7fdabb60fe8c5dd6104e13
Merge: 6963f6f5b df0774925
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 10:09:31 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 6963f6f5be1eee1e27c7b1addd6d0537912ac5b3
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 29 10:09:28 2023 +0800
🌟 [ios] change the way of accessing images to adapt to c#
commit df0774925ebee614ff9de978413139b0329e91e3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 18:45:08 2023 +0800
:art: [desktop] optimization code
commit f8f7c3d8682f3ccc728deaa92024a037a65ae626
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 18:34:58 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 实现了蓝牙的 disconnect
commit c0e07055c859937404e759dd80e08b58dbdbed28
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 18:06:02 2023 +0800
👽 [ios] obtain the website icon by running a script
commit fb1a23e46e71f88f910733c80a896923b403fb26
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 17:59:59 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] 同步Android修改
commit 63c1e419080c0599c02bb08534d3a0acb0c3eaca
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 17:06:12 2023 +0800
:ambulance: Just need to bridge others
commit bc4e7b2f1cc8911fbe9d7dbaa8156a2d06b36146
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 16:41:30 2023 +0800
:muscle: 使用MutationObserver来实现对icon变更的监听,替代轮训
commit 1658aae8eb0bbdf6aad3b7444c3ec6a574716305
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 16:15:47 2023 +0800
:bookmark: Refactor communication between apps
commit edbd55fde20bef605bf6b045d487f012f7941e73
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 14:23:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [ios] remove the 3rd frameworks, tide code structure
commit 812ae43bb941c68e17b9e7c2319cedbaafe8cd18
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 13:56:50 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加AppIcon和LaunchScreen
commit 087bd2e00b7bc986915d33b757ce32da68688e8d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 13:04:44 2023 +0800
🔧 [desktop-dev] 添加typescript 保存后自动格式化配置
commit fcd82d91953840494431c6810d37be0848a72802
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 12:53:55 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复合并之后一个错误,没有传递 RequestDeviceOptions 参数
commit 5969c27d15638dcc37e9b626ba1c9d3610a7e533
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 12:37:19 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 格式化
commit 96dadda2661787e4aa99e076c0d44f2f01ea462a
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 12:34:55 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 更新了 open 业务逻辑
commit b602749858a107310b2d63f196a1772366f1e145
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 11:36:05 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 readablesStreamHelper.ts streamFromCallback 方法返回的 ReadableStream 需要添加一次空数据插入
commit 67b9303d44165807d9b20db3e1ce737cf6e5e3ea
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 10:15:44 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] micro-module.native.ts console.error("IPC-REQ-ERR:", err); 没有输出的问题
commit 2ac9fd1c611cbe1ed69c9ae466b5b33f62118ce6
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 10:01:48 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 plaoc mkdir /dist 错误的问题
commit 30b16bd156c02e81bec9760c6360ce7008193868
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 11:16:59 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复 about: 非正规Uri引起的解析异常
commit 7f656eaee62b69bc6e2d4a4251cb5185ace87aed
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 10:10:13 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 继续整理js-process的标准,为接下来的可编程后端做基础
commit e010fffc2b6be52f1b7005d2159f48fd009597f6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 19:40:57 2023 +0800
:book: 改进获取favicons的算法,优化size的判定
commit fd00d73297b86b5c4df38e683c9538e7753d14a8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 16:18:43 2023 +0800
:muscle: [desktop-dev] 对蓝牙相关的代码做了一些优化
commit 2bef4050064150e4cb1fb99a7aba811bccdf39ff
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 15:46:46 2023 +0800
:book: 新增了获取网址favicons图标的脚本
commit 85829bb32e7d74a4e65016e9640f2caee74497df
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 15:22:23 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] sbluetooth.std.dweb 类型错误问题
commit f3dbd6370546de7e68307a3674e42235e7a4f827
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 15:14:57 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 完成 蓝牙设备的查询和连接
commit cac4840498d0bed9aca62f8e0d2568eb5ed7e324
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 15:21:04 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复 newTab build失败,定义到磁盘根目录问题
commit b10f7bdfc7b393492976a6b505bd61ddf105428a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 14:49:48 2023 +0800
:tada: 重新提交DwebBrowser
commit 352b95b9d5cd6012d4ce207a79963d1c267c5c6e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 14:46:53 2023 +0800
:fire: [ios] 临时移除了IOS相关的代码
commit 53a382faa1ce756f56b4a5e7aad6a6424e3f7d8f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 14:17:04 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [android] http is closed with ipc
commit 5eeb839cbeebba3d9ae5b055a66832d6081dc9b0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 14:23:21 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 对helper文件夹中的一些代码做了位置调整
commit c34af2a1be2c2aaa2113e420c7eef7ab509bdad5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 13:41:43 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复文件 plaoc/dist/server 目录不存在引起的同步异常
commit 3d9602f89681935edd81c7da606931c1e38a00c7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 10:48:56 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复window路径适配问题,引起plaoc/dist/server文件创建异常
commit 1701e1998699ccf6e3012d046f355d0c604b9443
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 10:52:04 2023 +0800
commit 095e65ba341593b160b05b6e65b4ee3495182002
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 10:48:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [script] 修复windows无法找到命令执行环境问题
commit eb1490a2a2011399cdf62ac68f6a9a4b4a294719
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 08:43:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 现在iOS系统已经能够路由到dweb-browser并进行dweb-deeplink导航了
commit bfc24627dbd61b81211ce5f27e2d6f289c67a123
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 14:06:19 2023 +0800
fix: 生成新的framework
commit d70926ab7ee21446dcdde6579c866243be6eb514
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 13:41:43 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复文件 plaoc/dist/server 目录不存在引起的同步异常
commit e02123adf3dc0a0200a36a61a2eeb8439c018eef
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 10:52:04 2023 +0800
commit 8d1ea6dccdbb68fe669d7a53bf4899f3901ed5e5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 10:48:56 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复window路径适配问题,引起plaoc/dist/server文件创建异常
commit 94d59863c3c686c7c1b4afd6f28208635aaa53af
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 10:48:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [script] 修复windows无法找到命令执行环境问题
commit 6d8ab50c7d53fc18cd977abd247153cdc0d3b4e5
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 09:54:33 2023 +0800
add a file reference
commit b8091c40eea131106468826c713b0573f946ca8a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 27 08:43:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 现在iOS系统已经能够路由到dweb-browser并进行dweb-deeplink导航了
commit 616c8024abbee1562fe9510f4b27a5ffafd6ed00
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:28:17 2023 +0800
swiftui code prepare integrate into c# project
commit 789d7e38ea589a265e91baadd2f44bfdf3289f4a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:25:52 2023 +0800
commit be2ab78526330e6090130f81497d4165d25ca18f
Merge: 4eeb5e694 9c500aa08
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 18:12:07 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 8bbbff7db8146304be94d0483e6c792d5800ec10
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:53:14 2023 +0800
A version for integrate to c#
commit 2a9f9474b0181a72a55b11fec1508a2ee78746d6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:52:45 2023 +0800
commit 9c500aa088950eb025a81d253268f948aaa8e04a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:52:41 2023 +0800
:bug: [script] 修复windows系统无法找到pnpm执行目录的问题
commit 99a15c458c244eac22c41191d8a581fa6168c644
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:07:09 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] Modify with plaoc
commit 11fd690de03610ac02f166f95ec1fb31b3412ac5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:03:36 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 初步完成对api/external服务的改造,现在它们自身逻辑完备
commit 7335f3cc51405d530899087400cb9ce60feccee3
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 15:22:45 2023 +0800
⚰️ [desktop-dev] 删除 bluetooth.std.dweb 无效代码
commit 2147ebe1e0ca10e7672f8992d6abbf0f555cd5a3
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 15:08:47 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] update createBrowserView 是否打开 devtools 的条件
commit 3251105e301322a7f8611d8220569a98f5cf0739
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 14:58:54 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 bluetooth.std.dweb UI
commit abd19609d81b54fbfd9c2ab1e8bc4d9f5fe70d08
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 14:57:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复jmm 应用关闭时建立连接通讯,导致应用启动的问题
commit 52342c7911805380c7ebd7070bac06f1480579d6
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 11:44:21 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb browserWindow 改为 browserView
commit 4933c4bdfd7292aa93d6956f181af82cc896dbbf
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 11:21:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复卸载Jmm应用错误
commit 42fe6e3b199265af6ce70065c68693e51308d714
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 11:14:17 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] 同步Android Jmm应用卸载
commit b0d1d436448c8d8b491afa9be301309a53204641
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 11:07:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] optimization plaoc serve
commit f682523544a4c40b978558116908b3ba12fc2dbd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 10:42:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 同步multiwebview状态给js
commit 8e615e773da3840b8e8c2c2dbaa4aaf1eadb3ed3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 26 09:08:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复更新assets之后about协议失败错误
commit 7a106a8181806a0e3a77988d8ca73fd2e6ded43f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 19:50:49 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.sys.dweb
commit 6cb8138c8d3d3f0034f8ec19b8dae72c120342c2
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 15:24:09 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 browserView openDevtools可能失败的问题
commit 4f7f302e4df9623cd7912258a96a522e54475323
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 18:33:30 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix android open jmm error and separate browser/jmm
commit ab077958eab83d5845cb484bcd83682df94cf102
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 17:58:15 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] 同步Android打开应用流程
commit 0aec9fd379429997f08f68db9563fb4f8d071051
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 17:37:37 2023 +0800
:zap: [next C#] NetServer Task任务改为LongRunning Task
commit bafe28dc6bbf4194ab0ad76a88c24564f5f6305b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 17:26:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 长按首页应用3D Touch关闭
commit c1d75a8aef5b89a5bba4351886a55ce373588bbb
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 17:12:47 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复 newtab 被保存的问题
commit 9d028b6bfeac4d5e2504ae65234612e5fa310c1a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 15:11:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复首页获取已安装app失败错误
commit 82f150a5f2f9e15b7c5f6cf57880a3f112d56763
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 10:11:56 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [plaoc] 优化了一类型安全的问题
commit 17a7a2bfe552aa7e39296e377dd461b7412fdb85
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 09:58:25 2023 +0800
:art: 修改命名规范
commit 7e28c985f6a22e1fca5e58f47152e7c393b612d0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jun 24 16:39:21 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 继续推进devtools迁移到plaoc的任务
commit e99818a7a1cbc3ddc99b131322e1439bc65e85f4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Jun 24 15:20:56 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] mwebview重做;并且移除了大量和desktop无关的插件
commit 1e209abd12f8318c2c4bed95292bbecdc1c07149
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 23 23:24:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步实现了将原本mwebview中的开发者插件迁移到plaoc中。
commit b3791a32483197ed4b2c45b96571656d7d8a544a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 23 11:48:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktok-dev] 实现了一个ElectronRenderer的BrowserView,为之后新版MwebView开发打下基础
commit f8340f8b99f35065259ea3c046f9ccfd8c4bd3ca
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 19:45:27 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 重构了mwebview的assets,新增一个titlebar
commit acb0369a99e425452d1bb3b7a00e1ed00dac56bb
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 19:08:50 2023 +0800
1.scroll the grid to the right place and do the animation. 2.optimize shrink and expand animation
commit 5076460106f43d8794173ae41d49fc7dd8617a6f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 18:39:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 现在可以拦截about协议
commit ddc7bd097b2b7e82000b1219ae374dbbc67e053a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 18:35:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] Ensure proper access to internal resources
commit d28c3b86d940f3e840478ce1a34fb295f8d09de6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 17:00:40 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复newtab修改引起的搜索框显示异常
commit b770588cffe02b729141757226c5c20bbdf8f8a8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 15:51:11 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 重新更新了 plaoc 的bluetooth 类型依赖文件
commit 315e49f540f4ec5add0631ad6ef496375a141d94
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 15:14:04 2023 +0800
⚰️ [desktop-dev] 删除遗忘添加了的 console
commit f13d76e41dc38cfbf4ff6454faafa3ae705c99fc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 15:12:20 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] 迁移 bluetooth Demo 到 plaoc
commit cf35441f2d69cdd7d7ef76b44797be2e9bc80275
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 14:42:33 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] separate browser and jmm
commit 78d8ad794d09810468f9e2dc3cb581a195012fc5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 12:19:25 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 修复serve http的时候,跳转的页面没有正确携带searchParams
commit 743303af745925e5c1804ad2e1499065c5e1365c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 11:42:38 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [desktop-dev] fix open app no lock
commit 581d0d24eefcfc744b8e47d865636aab110e7546
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 20:40:35 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb 创建 dweb.std.demo 测试用 app - 已经能够下载跑起来状态
commit db6d3c3a0278d6729e8ca4ebb8e262c718ea3c5d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 19:28:01 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor browser scheme to about:
commit 07f2fdb5c014d47711eeaf5b4ce181441c631503
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 17:56:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复ROOT的使用,确保它是只读的。
commit 05832af54fcb1cf3e24cce796874848fa88f54d8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 17:54:07 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复webview截图问题
commit 65c9c7de233f93fde56076ad67804fb2cd3d5e3a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 17:41:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复browser.html,使得正确工作
commit 683dfb1aa442af90b66fac6e9be285b2e1e82155
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 17:29:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复 mwebview 的一些问题
commit 59fc61a57d74df70596991cce6999b79b9103659
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 16:30:44 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.dweb UI
commit 435a374fa41c078ab3e39010fb0c4be886fd8e60
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 16:29:59 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.dweb ui
commit 987760c47d638be025a0b49be9e345338a99f463
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 16:03:36 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] fix zip
commit 6b411af9713ae01dfbb836a08f4c17bec04ed329
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 15:01:01 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 改进设备窗口
commit 1679ae819e2466fd006c68bc5cf949d55037d960
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 14:32:53 2023 +0800
:lipstick: 修改搜索背景,修复搜索框bottom,优化clickNoEffect效果
commit ad5a223801015d3f664f655929c4918a20c4f470
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 11:22:49 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [desktop-dev] fix browser
commit 7567ae726fda15290433174d89552d36a9ca5974
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 09:43:40 2023 +0800
:hankey: 修改progress获取方式
commit 900eb20ec82f343e7ae4a6ab15e51811752ed7a2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 20 09:03:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 为日志添加tag标签过滤
commit 5ae34b6d7fa103cb69c7b8142218a40e234a6b9a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 19:33:07 2023 +0800
:construction: [desktop-dev] refactor browser router
commit 9f977717a994e897c85362241751e8bbb118bdff
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 18:04:41 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] refactor browser.dweb router
commit b6be209eca367e13262705ae2c79b47becb80666
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 18:28:04 2023 +0800
:bug: JMM状态修复
commit 2ca060fde6f9d06690b7026d877866d18a68dde7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 18:18:36 2023 +0800
:bug: :bookmark: [next C#] 修复IpcBodySender流拉取结束或Aborted状态时未关闭流和流状态监听未关闭
commit 5857b16c4159842e5fb42b225d1d838d6d4ccc14
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 18:16:37 2023 +0800
:muscle: [desktop-dev] 现在openDevToolsWindowAsFollower有了更健壮的实现,并且拥有更强的可扩展性
commit f254e465e490ca6cc70710abb47addddd092264d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 17:57:22 2023 +0800
:art: 修改zip解压方式,根目录需要使用mmid填充
commit d17ee7bf62e34efb94e3d1c869574eec3d919d07
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 17:52:15 2023 +0800
1.shrink animation cause crush because of enviroment variable missing. 2. click one search result to open a website
commit 40c8d89506f8d5e8beca372bfc1290d7153dd4f5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 17:19:17 2023 +0800
:art: 保留两位有效数字
commit 2929bc637b2882bf3c9efd2041f10ca9f45b83d7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 16:52:28 2023 +0800
:ambulance: ViewItem优化
commit 80aeffe96681b1bb08241a235b3ae6e1eb9ee38e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 16:34:54 2023 +0800
:muscle: [desktop-dev] 将js-process的底层实现对接统一的openNativeWindow
commit b98602326da57cea55144e17aa4fcfb50757f174
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 16:16:20 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.dweb UI 更新
commit 7f4988eafd051cfac4a5c90b5becfd48e495fb66
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 16:12:45 2023 +0800
:fire: [desktop-dev] 移除CSP,会导致webview不安全
commit 71ca33a0e2dd7dc421e197345c9972f9242969a3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 16:10:18 2023 +0800
:art: [next C#] 修改Jmm相关下载和db
commit 4f462f8fdfbb65b0ef9960770c0984b37d408754
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 16:08:18 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 将Dwebview脚本注入改为AddUserScript方式
commit 9cced1c608ecd51502e4384fb27b06629a7e1821
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 14:51:38 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 完善下载app存储
commit 0893825307e2e111bb2a5fc942da2fe6d4e15a47
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 14:15:26 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 恢复合并后被误改的代码;openNativeWindow现在有了更加简单有效的devToolWins管理方案
commit 06c8f4c576405fab0f53248d1a7a8a0bf7fb229c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 14:12:00 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [android] Thorough clse readablestreamipc
commit af4616e5a42ea4f64f69de654d794126cf5abc4c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 14:07:21 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 调整下载进度通知multi功能
commit a384ed1afb4d6fcc12729f73f30dc08abb1df91e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 12:08:18 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.dweb 实现了两种打开方式
commit 541b15651eab830862a6eaebd5f672a2c717803c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 11:08:49 2023 +0800
🔧 [desktop-dev] 更新 dnt 指令 添加了 start
commit be2ca6e48bb54ac8ae621cc7140aca634390204f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 11:07:46 2023 +0800
✅ [destkop-dev] 添加了测试内容
commit 415bd85ca59b45653d74bb395b51bd9354f6b39c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 11:06:37 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 brwoser.dweb 查询 appsInfo api
commit 156b0e46b90fc21c577c09dbac0ef83776a5c334
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 09:51:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: Adapt a tag to dweb_deeplink
commit 76aed6126ed455cac359578a87678e5bcdee3e47
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 09:48:26 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: [desktop-dev] 现在开发者工具与原窗口有了更好的窗口跟随逻辑
commit a21f9d4ba69b9c557dfa6d39a4aec741f4a6ea1d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 08:26:37 2023 +0800
:package: 打开demo项目编译
commit 17f4dacb929b3543f77561e5da9930b302f00c5e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 08:23:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] 打包应用时去掉最外层id文件夹
commit 8e0ebddc5e2cf28c59b37cca545a9f07bb4e3ffb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 08:22:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plaoc] 关闭demo缩放功能
commit 7ccdffcb5ebb2f9fdaf816621d82346290278d3c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 08:17:34 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 拆分usr和sys LocaleFileFetch,usr适配器在JmmNMM注册
commit 231a7761b0c1dd55baa918c7db4563fa2b2c880d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 19 08:14:34 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复HttpClient请求缓存问题
commit 5913a92eb1864600957b79946ec536855684c8ca
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 18 22:38:53 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] bluetooth.std.dweb
commit 613f500b7d0da611b67f412f523fa26988f74d7e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 17:40:17 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 jmm 下载安装完成后没有同步给 broser.dweb
commit 866a46a9b01bf138119d93ba1b9ab445f014122d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 11:21:03 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 添加调起打包后的 程序文档
commit a7e6bceff4a090aacbd5124446536a9350ec9b16
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 11:20:05 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新打包逻辑忽略测试中下载的 app
commit f556cc19effc24668055d5cfd4792aca059ca673
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sun Jun 18 18:35:10 2023 +0800
:construction: 将 BrowserUI 转移到独立模块中。进行中...
1. 下载存储 JmmMedatada 未解决, 2. 下载进度通知sendStatusToEmitEvent未解决, 3. 搜索框输入框bottom显示不正确
commit 8c339294eae799ba072c4e7331163403361b43d4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jun 18 14:26:34 2023 +0800
commit aa8223cbe629e650e07f647423db8393a2957573
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jun 18 14:12:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 现在jsProcess窗口能够正确记忆之前的窗口配置了
commit 1301bf15566f67ae3627b2242b2dcdad4d63911e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jun 18 12:13:40 2023 +0800
:muscle: [desktop-dev] 改进jsProcess窗口的行为管理,现在它的调试器有了更好的体验
commit 984b12f43548e94a521cbd3ed1bd9eb83886a2dd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Jun 17 17:54:21 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] DwebView注入脚本修改为在初始化时注入
commit fc45320972f9c9997b9f55a16e32d87659a884a7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Jun 17 17:52:16 2023 +0800
:bug: :bookmark: [next C#] 修复应用关闭时,readablestreamipc没有彻底销毁的问题
commit 019a3720cefc6f0fa7e661bcae30bfd9cdc98d01
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Jun 17 15:07:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复ipcBodySender没有正确收到pull指令
commit 7b2fffa8188e438f3c5168ee3995bf00b7c3e3fc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Jun 17 08:45:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [iOS/next C#] iOS添加Haptics导出,修复应用振动频率错误
commit 93a4e24c5c2009797cee2d4b1653d0ec2892eb86
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 16:58:42 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [desktop-dev] 修复类型问题
commit 3825962b59d5de8fef45e2e5bbf42948b37799ee
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 16:03:19 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 删除无效using并排序
commit 338bc49d64416b30bf42b044f402da188f25f249
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 15:34:23 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] add error page and flash browserView
commit a08914271a38b7fff30b59f9f305b80f2636fa5c
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 14:58:47 2023 +0800
:package: 更新包名 org.dweb_browser.browserUI
commit e322086266f1e0e42e6b135f0d478df1b3df7e88
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 11:35:42 2023 +0800
:building_construction: 将dwebview迁移到独立module
commit f38a188111845a01fe249b727facd9f5f78451b7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 09:48:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] add implementation packages
commit c11b55040c3f253aada8830fdedb50d90727a178
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 09:19:57 2023 +0800
:bug: [plaoc] barcode-scanning add closeWatcher
commit 0caf355e8c50d1ea148b5f364ac124410ff5b6f0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 22:54:01 2023 +0800
:musical_note: [desktop-dev] 修复了类型的错误问题
commit 49e023b818bc00097bb08d5fda02dd41950920cb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 22:31:08 2023 +0800
:zap: [desktop-dev] 对打包进行了大量优化,现在只需要输出7mb不到的内容
commit 78036e88047db747861ba1cb64260aa162d2e5d3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 18:32:48 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复应用启动重启,webview关闭错误
commit 68d456a14c949dab25591a281c15dd93a8b6d877
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 18:32:30 2023 +0800 the clicked url of bookmark and history list on current web. 2. simplify the sheet view component
commit 96f01d5e24452d33b5a488395bd4c81b237e4e53
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 18:13:50 2023 +0800
:fire: 将 browser 改名为 BrowserUI
commit 6496c3c2a2d8b44534517c03c7b2574d0790e39f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 18:02:28 2023 +0800
:construction: 将 MicroModule 转为 独立Module
commit 441bcf1e2df9f7b35bffa81d878dbc042b68e916
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 15:16:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] fix the window gains focus error
commit 1191fc6f6d67cf29926da5f1daa8929f433a6066
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 14:01:40 2023 +0800
:recycle: Added type hints or plaoc
commit 243cd80b54742bf4d8fb4e7be72d7ab79c4f6c1f
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 10:12:17 2023 +0800
fix: 修改资源路径
commit 4bd137fa8a62dd025be6afa39c28c9ab5fa58563
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 09:56:09 2023 +0800
fix: 添加静态库资源文件
commit d675b6ac748a313c83f20524f30b9b05806e1e20
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jun 15 09:11:08 2023 +0800
fix: 修改第三库为静态库,解决真机运行失败的问题
commit 4b3b313be91ef5c6678b0e6f439854895adedf79
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 22:01:56 2023 +0800
:tada: 提交了第一版的nextbrowser代码
commit f2673f8c5574187847b0feea3c333ce6d11f9d18
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 19:24:43 2023 +0800
Update .gitignore
commit e6b8bf084c8e056ce9b8190c94a3e3c894e6b22f
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 19:23:58 2023 +0800
1.append clear sddress bar textfield. 2.hiding tool bar while typing on addressbar
commit 88f24b787a7a6c5408352ebd5b3ff4ba10b8c50a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 18:28:14 2023 +0800
:bookmark: [release] publish @dweb-browser/plaoc 0.0.6
commit 10da6849aefd37e445e74ad8c147f2dfde65cb18
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 17:08:47 2023 +0800
:fire: Optimize file structure
commit cda9b1a7b5cfffe0247355b47f41c638c565ce3d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 16:07:46 2023 +0800
:fire: 删除无用代码
commit d437913206a0eab3a94f46bf2b710971f7ccb88d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 15:49:39 2023 +0800
:wrench: 将版本统一转移到version-plugin模块管理
commit cadc14015c9a30e816bade7993509f0eaa7fa65c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 15:23:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor read file
commit f55d9f8926558748030cfc7fb9a6cf5597f057c1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 14:22:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] Completed browser close watcher
commit 40a8ff466e8e72f4f4d355ead554cfa94754a821
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 11:26:37 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复应用重启不关闭双向绑定问题
commit ab40aefa6c62e2ee8287ee6a9b49fcef59df4c49
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 11:24:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 添加Framework链接器
commit 2bc26ea0cc8a9a37c92a749b2dd8d0c889ed3dad
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 14 11:03:01 2023 +0800
fix bug where dismissing the sheetview results in it appearing twice
commit cf18bba21ca65b0e30612aec5f9c6406e1e49a2e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 19:00:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: Optimize app uninstallation
commit c069905e3935af7c1a45c53b3613da3824684f57
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 18:02:40 2023 +0800
Update .gitignore
commit 73d241c14de1b0ce81ef035bdc24da34f99496cd
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 18:01:50 2023 +0800
1.integrate the sheet view into dweb_browser. 2.address bar typing fucntion. 3. shift animation optimize
commit 2430071827fc008f5d9564ba68c77ee60665b471
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 17:52:27 2023 +0800
:ambulance: Await
commit cdc7e1e3f1ad7c6310021adff7ac0b331b7f33a7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 17:49:37 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] Fix some startup bugs in android
commit 7b801cb528ee363b2486fe04554380010539ecf2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 17:27:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复应用下载重启之后路径找不到问题
commit 97d92eb12dd3d8964797cffa6ea402496efb6cd3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 17:17:28 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复下载中和暂停时文件大小显示异常问题
commit 4fe5558432e044b47f62aaba8326690775f57d0b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 14:25:16 2023 +0800
:bookmark: Publish android release v1.1.3
commit b71b5797b4dab2712425e14d4bc9e73460f29bc3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 11:23:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 同步Android更新,增加JmmMetadataDB监听,同步更新jmmNMM
commit 81f49978b5252ffb2e176e7b1acfca7751289287
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 11:21:40 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 移除User目录
commit a7f69a0e026509feeaaa8b7ac82900f5cf5552fa
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 13 10:59:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Complete browser version 1.0.0
commit 33c19402825f7d030a77ccca8fa841890a8366f7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 18:07:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 初步完成下载页功能,待优化
commit 968c6eac9b2c0b3055021bff0f101eb7e3384171
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 18:06:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复usr本地文件读取路径错误
commit daaaec14ea7966a6a20b8e1ab5f4f01e9f4205f1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 18:05:40 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加全局自治任务NoThrow
commit e8b9ae1bc2414f3b393e2f8bccbeb206f931eba9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 18:03:33 2023 +0800
:bug: [ios] 去除spacer,保持页面全屏
commit 0de9c820138eccd58dad73aeb9c72e36fa0378f9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 16:13:35 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Add detail/delete/quit for browser app
commit 08f3a7ed81aec33c462657d34639baa930401509
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 09:43:21 2023 +0800
fix: 修改获取状态栏高度
commit ebb30530bc76bd6a15c83b4b738fb1884cbfe6a9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 09:15:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 优化swiftui和C#绑定的参数以及方法
commit 14d484712e26c97ec86c149ec91b06f91e56eba7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jun 11 16:27:08 2023 +0800
commit 83b63bab9284e5aac13614547cda9509dcad672a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Jun 11 15:54:44 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 独立抽离出helper子项目;抽离出browser子项目
目前app项目仍然可以运行,browser 项目的目的则是为了确保浏览器这一层的工作完全独立运作,不与dweb内核有任何直接耦合,与IOS项目的方案做双向验证。
commit 9c97af939dbe0d42acbacaff277575fedbdd3dfd
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Sat Jun 10 14:28:12 2023 +0800
fix : 更新下载界面
commit cb8ebe7493f8b1981e091fb2b9225a4df6232872
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 18:27:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] Repair forward and backward
commit 6724528016d7dc4434be644bb5c02c17536aaac7
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 18:19:31 2023 +0800
fix. 修改圈圈背景色
commit c01ba5890e069bd9bb2e87e2971fdfd07f136ab3
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 18:01:39 2023 +0800
fix: 修改publisher不接受消息问题
commit 29f0c74b33d0ed9e49060f00f1a727212228ecb5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 16:52:51 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 添加ATS安全策略,修复下载页图片显示问题
commit e88d1ef0093040cd88dfbbf22ea2a3e433c8d6f7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 15:48:11 2023 +0800
:construction: [android] browser add closeWatcher
commit 00e3e1242fd71ec4e1e05b6e319d3407726b4673
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 15:29:21 2023 +0800
fix: 打开反序列化代码
commit c986d2e479a2e36d7d8687406e8bfabbb8994e91
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 15:19:05 2023 +0800
fix: 修改图片资源查找路径
commit 969b2047b7aa244197e5712dca52714115c2cc2c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 11:28:51 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复JmmMetadataDB错误和dweb_deepLinks错误
commit 63ea3e3a5f1f145f7248a53dea842f89197c6055
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 10:16:14 2023 +0800
fix: 修改图片加载路径
commit 448e00f952143c9662c05309acc715c41817f906
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 08:41:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加全局捕获Task异常,允许不抛出异常继续往下执行
commit 527525b61feaeb72bf9d694d1f83a2b29cb90fcb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 8 18:34:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复JmmMetadataDB异常
commit eef08ab1ba271e23be28eab371e08397290ac705
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jun 8 17:18:50 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复预览图图片数量异常
commit 1e1732a6807da8141a149e7dc60cefa42b90a0e7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 8 16:32:52 2023 +0800
:recycle: Browser add nativeFetch and add LongPress
commit bce3a8263cd915184c9898794de54def2b9d52c5
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Jun 8 16:21:00 2023 +0800
fix: 添加版本更新逻辑,把swiftUI代码合并到main分支
commit 339da1c026cdb7ffa8187784b751623275aa2f3e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 8 09:15:04 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复JmmMetadata序列化反序列化错误
commit 9df6011b2a73e9c6d2d5daa50eaabc6679e5dcc1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 8 09:14:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加全局捕获自治任务异常
commit 2c0aec238c6270892524ab89ddab4c84e5dd250a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 19:13:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Completed browser app layout
commit c27fda06ce4b0e7bf6da1fb358b962a45c034b08
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 15:36:04 2023 +0800
:recycle: Refactor browser code
commit 7eb627b3df5cb700831c807233f008a2ffc9f860
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 18:25:38 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复扫码点击获取权限异常退出问题,暂时还原booklist模块,修复testOnly引起的发布版本无法安装异常
commit 090d36e3ba73cfec6409210c665246fa8c0491de
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 17:38:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复dweb_deepLinks拦截
commit 538eeb7ef9014f0a8a24047bbe820800fdfd9ad5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 14:54:54 2023 +0800
:bug: Fix plaoc bundle no override size url and hash
commit f3b4f148d5d292fb37b1a26ca7e5bcc62adf1e4c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 14:02:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix browser cors
commit 6fe9bec139e0215691ff3ac0facf87535c1afddb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 10:52:22 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 取消了 browser 地址栏
commit 72ebd493e8f73314276092100eaf7aaca7867094
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 10:51:04 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 jmm 解压 zip app的 路径嵌套问题
commit a02c0988497ea4ed57f422abd5a117a40ba9527d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 10:24:06 2023 +0800
commit 02b8423611181bdb0437ed943ab01195e86e09b1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 09:27:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复一些错误
commit c31df0e502b8d1937a332e5b3fef284ce971c137
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 09:10:00 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 打包指令
commit 24d040c7cc88a99d897bfc95519e3ab6fc6c2c3e
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 09:06:15 2023 +0800
fix : 更新了本地数据结构
commit 21bdfa6639cddf2009f29c379b179960ba72446c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Jun 7 08:41:55 2023 +0800
:up: [Android] 依赖全面升级
commit 0a10e5dcf8d2b73c5853ae0d9fb63bfb2b2a9234
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 21:21:13 2023 +0800
:up: 对书签列表进行了一个简单的更新
commit b26e4d74fe8fe1e0c528fe471dcc97107b1320bf
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 18:47:24 2023 +0800
fix a bug where scrolling the address bar after deleting the last tab causes a crash
commit 6f6821ad319d6b06d4250411bc4ed62ff00885cc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 18:37:16 2023 +0800
:bug: 优化BackHandler, 修复权限判断错误,修复退出判断没到位引起的退出行为
commit 36ecc51f5bf88f52c642a1ca315abcb5cc1dd7d4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 18:30:50 2023 +0800
:memo: Update doc and fix remote cli install
commit c63c0c000ba66029cc8685eac0c3844076c8f11d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 18:29:03 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 用新的思路重构了浏览器的书签
commit ba6dc3556532d73ea28d3e5ce3d099522c09d3a9
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 18:19:41 2023 +0800
fix: 添加c#跟swift交互的代码
commit fcaa7fe4b0e67b83d91c04efb426cdda403661df
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 16:34:50 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 移除一些无用代码,应用路径封装
commit 4f2deb607eb0ce8872123dd517ee3bc8d5a9d753
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 16:29:17 2023 +0800
🗑️ [desktop-dev] 删除 和 js-process.ts 部分无用代码
commit 82d52ffe1c9da4828696b79540d37b8f22f79f1f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 16:23:47 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 js.browser.dweb 打开 BrowserWindow 的逻辑
commit 34b6b29c469319f44baa70c28688d3be1e87716c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 15:53:25 2023 +0800
:bookmark: Republished version 0.0.1 to deno
commit ce7835c85c902c9ecda98505bacd47a86d0f338b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 15:16:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [cli/android] add mmid root dirctory and refactor download app info
commit c98a7102380164c4ae94afca69976079e4c6c84e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 11:29:13 2023 +0800
:recycle: Refactor manifest and add dir for plaoc cli
commit 5114adc0f57f9891a109f616fed6186565c49d27
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 10:54:25 2023 +0800
:thumbsdown: 回滚
commit 4b65105adc4b509f0b79842d4e6b82f2b4744dd4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 10:47:52 2023 +0800
commit 80a3ddfb55c2f3314d5992f40dd2d01c38916f7a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 10:46:34 2023 +0800
commit 2b5c43ae5169ea9f10a9e4ae109b42a3ebb17520
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 10:43:18 2023 +0800
apppend remove snapshot image, fix a flash bug after address scroll finished
commit 71bcb303cf24796ce629c2992cd212a064c0952f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 10:18:51 2023 +0800
:tada: [next C#] 现在已经可以通过BrowserNMM启动原生桌面了
commit 886aafb1998f74adbfded2d9b31174839495d940
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 09:45:29 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 添加了 devtools BrowserWindow 的zIndex 通 UI 的BrowserWindow 相关联
commit 1e93b1fbc29c58c0398ce853977ae0350b22670d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 21:22:12 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 关闭 browser 需要关闭整个进程
commit 7edcc1b01846c9a172a90fc6049b8d69a1becc74
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 09:39:34 2023 +0800
:bug: :fire: [next C#] 移除一些代码,修复deepLinks定义,统一jmmMetadata命名规范
commit dd7cf4544a5d471691dd37f302bcc9de2831ddb5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 08:52:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] SwiftUI绑定库添加debug和release引入路径判断
commit 1ead76f577a3478dfeac66af40c79a169d0ff21c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Jun 6 08:46:40 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加对dweb-deepLinks的支持
commit dbdcd847748393188076d8d2eea465d95fd8ffb5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 20:32:16 2023 +0800
commit 6e15c588fa90f08b8ba48c6d3d6d1b5b234b290e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 19:39:06 2023 +0800
remove snapshot after delete cell on grid
commit 15ab20fba5aa66268d181508eb4f23a90b84437c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 18:34:55 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 开始尝试使用compositionLocalOf来解决全局状态树管理的问题
commit 7e303c9e8c36b5f61b25139c622a651e77732cce
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 18:30:39 2023 +0800
:recycle: Fix android load worker and refactor bfs-jmm to minifest.json
commit beecbb9bb4592d657f87cd45e126b00658f15067
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 17:55:41 2023 +0800
:tada: [ios/next C#] 打通SwiftUI和MAUI绑定
commit f43f9899dba4dad0d60ab1eb448f0229560d82f2
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 17:39:47 2023 +0800
make selected tab and address bar offset match
commit 667eb6c765f6f0b86a55c24cb224e2909fd3081e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 17:39:01 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复显示首页,加载进度一直显示,输入内容不显示问题
commit 222860113f7e0d5b691524d6d047f81fa8bf34f7
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 17:32:10 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] safe-area.nativeui.browser.dweb 设置状态
commit 222207cec4a2cf1b9dbefc9de8e0ca177a20fffc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 17:31:23 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 statusBarState , navigationBarState, safeAreaState 的数据格式
commit 8b1c02b3939352e42dffff27895d7acaa60efd12
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 16:25:58 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新 整理 multi-webveiw.html 内部的方法名称,注释了部分暂时没有使用的方法;
commit 01a33d06650f4c0294841380ad6e66e72f93e996
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 15:35:36 2023 +0800
:children_crossing: 下载界面图片点击展开和缩小时,聚焦点功能完善
commit 1353a3d45782c3508f23d78b89dd61f97bbfff96
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 14:55:39 2023 +0800
🚸 [desktop-dev] 添加 开发状态 根据参数 --inspect 决定是否显示 UI 内容
commit b8475074e5972049804f175155fea794a689ad50
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 14:53:40 2023 +0800
🚸 [desktop-dev] 独立的 devTools 默认占据整个 BrowserWindow
commit 8023a1676c72e99183273bcb05dac5ac420afb4e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 11:08:16 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] browser.dweb 无法 反复打开第三方应用 的问题
commit 07c8c887f7c0eba7afd2e11b9e1d6ea7656e66cf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 10:52:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] Completed the dns deeplink
fetch 拦截了dweb scheme 现在先使用xmlHttpRequest
commit 64170d91d89c98944478ee9caae63031e80697ff
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 10:06:00 2023 +0800
💩 [desktop-dev] 错误的更新了 @types/node 依赖
commit 753aeefd068c280b4ef34154cf2c9b3630e2def4
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 10:03:28 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 navigation-bar 无法点击
commit e5630b6a11810c14f386f72558cdd6206e6e6f3e
Merge: 291da6bf9 9ab53f9d7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 09:50:28 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 9ab53f9d7ff7ae3e758ffe587523e4e4e61510da
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 09:49:51 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] broser.dweb 内容添加了 调试状态判断
commit 291da6bf9685a1c74d8dd3d6a4540b35f31804cf
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 09:41:36 2023 +0800
:fire: [ios] 添加script用于ios swiftui 绑定,ignore掉一些没用的代码
commit a33cc5536e00fb24cfb588f1c8bd86093f756405
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 16:39:36 2023 +0800
fix: 添加SwiftUi_MAUI代码
commit 3d4ab487ddf0db35fdf41cfb393f46915d8a34c2
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 09:24:10 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] browser.dweb 增加调试状态
commit af9e29f3966edc647d4ae303f4c42acab4ed062e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 09:13:06 2023 +0800
🐛 [destktop-dev] mwebveiw 窗口无法拖动的问题
commit 0846478013ac2b6f50491a5e5b857252ac4a9db4
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jun 5 09:01:38 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#] 暂存deep_links
commit 1297bbc4f1d9d04f2af5f1da5636dc3512a4f9da
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 18:32:00 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] borwser.dweb 实现了 点击icon 打开app 的功能
commit 52fe30f9e9e1aae530323d9c98af14e219d4c4c1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 17:59:53 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] borser.dweb ui JMM.vue 错误
commit ac42bbc64953a44116ca161253195ee00c387650
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 17:46:28 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 删除注释
commit 68b77a824c8ab1b5ab374566f621be111f68e4ac
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 17:46:05 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新 本地测试下载功能实现.md 中关于 deeplink 部分的内容
commit f2abcb810697ef21539079e31a50e1325f17c004
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 17:19:18 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] mwebview.broser.dweb 通过 mwebview 数据的逻辑
commit 96a795dd78266311b1389afc153268dcd4d89907
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 17:18:18 2023 +0800
✅ [desktop-dev] browser.dweb 使用本地测试服务器实现了 app 的下载
commit 2d279d07fda0ed3c7bdf0cdc7f23dcdec3877189
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 16:27:45 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] 打开下载 jmm
commit 710b79900d5c9d4113514c6f632fa021efd7a77f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 14:59:54 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] set user-agent 无法正常使用 webContents.reload history 相关功能;
commit 6c37d75c0f5ccdf747ed5aef26155fb1c7c1a014
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 09:40:11 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] browser.dweb 后退 前进 刷新 功能
commit 4d03c1ec6935bab68354aea81cc517db7b0db73c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 22:15:49 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] browser.dweb 实现 更具地址栏跳转内容的功能
commit d2a4489397e6a6d66533086efbfc071687e52efd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 22:12:21 2023 +0800
📝[desktop-dev] 更新 browser ui address page
commit 514d11a26ac44944d49c67f4c601f1c83efb2206
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 21:17:33 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新browser UI 的类型文件
commit b511ac692467a3baac004f60b29acdbcfb1a08cf
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 21:12:39 2023 +0800
⬆️ [desktop-dev]
commit b237e98919ddb2ad1feb3f420ddbdd68926344e5
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 21:11:57 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] 更新 browser.dweb 实现通过 browserView 组合组合dweb_browser page
commit 03aaaeedd1883eb41a146a34a6b71c9f2c34c1f2
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 21:10:35 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新 ui 取消了 address
commit 169d3337e56928a0698c3b177014a83237f1f735
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 18:22:27 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] broser.dweb 初始实现 browerView 组合为一个 window
commit d8c7c9a10544b70de6f2afbc208f21caa7d31206
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 18:20:40 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复了 address 路由, 在browser无法显示的问题
commit 340804c1f6826b71150dc8b846ebed5054cb32af
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 17:51:06 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] browser ui 添加了 address page
commit b795368e6fe92c64beb0ac57bb8b158712444f8a
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 18:43:24 2023 +0800
:construction: 定位图片位置,展开图片预览动画
commit e0ed2040c1109dbf48b0a439090eb0e7ca55d72b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 18:22:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android] add dweb_deepLinks
commit a1f7e4528c772e505b95d600e3674ee8cb83694c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 15:26:01 2023 +0800
:recycle: browser.sys.dweb=>browser.dweb
commit e8a36e7f8b33c67766d772c8c4923de8c7e32b0c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 14:02:24 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] Change import package
commit a55cbe51480e9fb2cdab420c91c84282e5410ea4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 12:16:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [scripts] 解决 deno task dev 中 sync 不能很好工作的问题
commit 68d9ac6ab40ce82207f92d8bda21f4c300ca622a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 11:36:00 2023 +0800
:up: [scripts] dnt 升级解决了 wasm 的问题;ConTasks 优化;
commit ba898d00cd8ff3ec01fe589a243bc765adf23543
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 11:27:20 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] browser nmm 更改业务逻辑不是用 mwebveiw
commit 96a5b194e0a5506753ca16bf5414eda34dcea353
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 11:25:21 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新了 browser newtab 的路由匹配
commit 7416f9b7e873d6f6189d742a019561e639307a78
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:37:39 2023 +0800
commit afc48d846977faac2715ed0b57f560bc1268f23d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:31:38 2023 +0800
:art: [next C#] 调整目录结构,与desktop-dev保持一致
commit 7b0d2f9254148a98dda6cdb466147be01a7db0a7
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:29:02 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新 文档 本地测试下载功能实现.md
commit 5a4665e60dbc1799f654110dc4dcbda285c37c32
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:23:05 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 同步 webveiw 状态机的业务逻辑
commit 73bd840bc3aa97cadd662cdaf72e3e8c4b085721
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:12:38 2023 +0800
🚚 [desktop-dev]
broser.www.serve.ts > browser.www.serve.ts
commit c585882641a4cbe89912903bcfde8e6745585b83
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:11:27 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 缺少 Electron
commit 13ad0914cb967a5cffa784b0496425e5f0e791e7
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:10:34 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 browser 获取当前全部 应用信息
commit 536a7fd00d76ef836b75a201c0c5372ad4c587ef
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 10:11:30 2023 +0800
:boom: [android] refactor source code struct
commit 35a5fdeb46b519a5893662b49ef825165291f7d8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:35:05 2023 +0800
:recycle: Refactor server
commit d75c924c89fd175151071f5e2c93ff8bc11a72d7
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:53:38 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 browser www 服务
commit a03c45948c3775104f0a489c5714e4c51c1ec2d2
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:52:10 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 brower ui
commit be39fccbf706d11025ee89c01d8116cb8e435448
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:40:56 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop-dev] browser 入口
commit d4a2ce6df075df0ef73aad3e0922bcf37a4fab30
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:40:12 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 添加 文档目录
commit 5dd00862d0ab933fbbfbe1370978b7b7be05ba6b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:37:11 2023 +0800
➕ [desktop-dev] 添加了 lit vite 依赖
commit 387de202c241700743915ef5a57e977470ac5fd8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:33:59 2023 +0800
:rewind: 回退昨天多提交的code
commit ce667ad83231db2c1570facebbea00c365c3f545
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:23:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加日志tag过滤
commit 6a8a4d574ef73fc2c030a2ac4c7731479a48559c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 22:39:20 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复esbuild全局引入了Deno导致的问题
commit abbb8db45f5c249e3f07a225e76c9f429709665e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 22:08:12 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 完成了browser与sys的分离,大量脚本重写
commit 78b704f7ecc56063c808f2935b778b58eaddfeb3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 18:38:41 2023 +0800
:art: 优化Jmm模块的界面,新增点击图片预览功能
commit 8ebd775317baeb59325c75fd8793c98883385f61
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 17:51:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [android/plaoc] Add close the window for android and plaoc export
commit ce44625dc93fec9807d22b612787b7f06fb81fdb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 17:53:12 2023 +0800
:tada: 对plaoc进行了重构
现在包含 cli、server、client 三个项目
commit 1b694f1678ef25dcc9fe630fcc149b831cd3cb35
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 15:07:30 2023 +0800
:recycle: Refactor viewState diff
commit 5f26cc2d4768e70759ab3e62300aaf3f67b92848
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 14:49:56 2023 +0800
:alien: [next C#] 同步Android中的修改
commit eff34fdb570126373bc22c3360499ce28711292c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 14:19:51 2023 +0800
:bug: :heavy_plus_sign: 修复safari iOS 15.4之前dialog错误
commit 74aea8e34c8c445f2089a4fe7ddfe613b75f80f1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 14:18:16 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 移除测试中没用的Assets
commit d48fb0947d2d999efa51daa15542ec0a3851fbbc
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 11:31:35 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix android download process
commit a030cb7318b88f4e4bc2d08277cd91d1ee88447b
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 11:25:36 2023 +0800
address bar animation
commit b8a9ba85fb2e240ace894cf52f918f15961a83f0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 10:41:47 2023 +0800
:recycle: Add navigator.dweb
commit 4aaa124738703093367d787d180d112152600d15
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Jun 1 09:47:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix android ipcBridge
commit ab49fd59b0494fe170818f688f7d3b652001e6f1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 31 21:29:26 2023 +0800
:truck: 加入了plaoc-server的代码
commit 0bb5509a06aecccda45ae937c561ca4df01166de
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 31 20:39:16 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 同步 webveiw 的状态机
commit 7ba2357ad3c4192e9271326456956e78d6bd41f6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 31 18:44:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] CloseWatcher完成
commit cdbe9e34cad389ecab3926e4774f303c2fff2fa3
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 31 18:35:59 2023 +0800
:bookmark: 发布1.1版本
commit 0e144fb26b2291c750098e3b2f1c5648bc68f256
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 31 18:29:12 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 close / activity
commit 9251a11598a0512a7ac9e7422e861cddeeb0bfbf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 31 18:16:05 2023 +0800
:recycle: Reafctor DwebViewState
commit fb56da6be764a3fc08e18d162dc3cc9512fc8885
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 31 18:15:37 2023 +0800
:bug: 完善历史列表,修复书签编辑界面展开问题,修复android12以下高斯模糊问题
commit 13ab9a21af94df0460f4d2f7043de15d2a6d5933
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 31 16:02:04 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 close 逻辑
commit 367e68c3e80a59f7c0bdc41e4823e129dee57c6b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 31 14:35:46 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 同步 weveiw数据到 worker.js
commit 80ec11c4c873a86e58a765cae6a9a058d4fd0c55
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed May 31 15:31:07 2023 +0800
simplify animation image handle
commit 1b974c17190a0bb5ff48d0b4b5473cd6fe21d597
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 31 11:38:40 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 重新实现了jmm的下载安装逻辑,现在更加健壮且高效
commit fb305a6e99fd4a6c286479baae0480f37678e526
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed May 31 11:30:38 2023 +0800
apply image into ui, make animation progress simple
commit 04f4aad6cc4ac64a3d2e8e5d7533cd0ed0a6648f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue May 30 18:14:51 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 app 关闭 、重启业务逻辑
commit 6912cb08c7ec18fdb0193ef366acbfff7d0ebb00
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 31 10:00:26 2023 +0800
commit 2815bf144dba1746705fa309a044dbb5e047eb7f
Merge: 5f1e61f4c 7e687a6b3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 31 09:37:07 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 5f1e61f4cbfdbdfe2c20a560ff9800fb6e158ace
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 31 09:37:04 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [next C#] 同步修改sys为jmm
commit 7e687a6b3896609a183d3b0e1b74008b9f985b60
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 31 08:56:24 2023 +0800
:memo: Update documentation
commit 114eb603840f35d33d1d4253af0177395a079b73
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 31 00:12:33 2023 +0800
commit 91a0b7c993625efe969c2cc36c3ad4ad0bd7eaef
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 30 19:09:09 2023 +0800
:memo: Update doc url
commit d4f919f66dd272ae900a5081370c6b221da550fa
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 30 19:02:20 2023 +0800
:memo: Update readme
commit 336656cceba948dd6710f627a06d199973e919ee
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 30 18:49:46 2023 +0800
:construction: 完成选项和书签列表的调整
commit d987e982c6e8c14ad3d059f3593c3ce2f71f3493
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue May 30 18:47:37 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] scripts use node:*
commit 1bfa9fba45674fb8e6c2ee6fa9b1cd8bbaea818c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 30 18:16:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Create plaoc bundle
commit 559f90bd444799ca5e1d5ffe6da27ac98df27f0a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 30 18:02:21 2023 +0800
:recycle: Refactor some deno styles and change sys to jmm
commit e04b261652a90cb7c789b4bdd3fdda856ca916c2
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 30 17:23:05 2023 +0800
:construction: 弹出框改造进行中...
commit a8dd6de5afe48c90a30a77949ca46a59f5a19735
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue May 30 16:18:02 2023 +0800
commit 762b20664051f41e5382c1081eee2e31acf2c031
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue May 30 16:16:59 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复了 jmm-install 指令的流程问题
commit ac3fa61e82af97b2f8d3ebe3d8cb7e90d7847bbd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue May 30 14:35:58 2023 +0800
🚚 [desktop-dev] 移动 JsMicroModule 到 core
commit fa0a434ad4e7795dfa82fddc5909de78d70c6a87
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue May 30 14:07:46 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] Debugger
commit 7984e63b1d5f50fdf817b382205a00a53ca540b8
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 29 23:32:10 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复网页北京白色问题。
commit 33b17d4220a8645699f59d1729823d94fe3c6524
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 29 18:37:49 2023 +0800
:construction: Browser界面调色,下一步多视图背景高斯模式实现
commit a68e14f684564e7c59d8b83cde1bd468c6f96f4b
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 29 18:29:46 2023 +0800
fix shifting animation image aspectRatio bug
commit c8ddaa29177d75b446e788c660b3ff7920985839
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon May 29 17:53:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 跟进了IpcBody的零成本拷贝协议的底层实现
commit 85cd3a648917b70f4dbc0a6b56d93413e690d51d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 29 17:43:40 2023 +0800
append tool bar go forward and go back action
commit b5072f47835ce5633a2893f802790eb546434dc8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:47:48 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 注释了部分 console.log
commit 281d0e05884698f9fb1917ee65bec7be08b255e6
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:43:05 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] controller 重复 close() 问题
commit 50f452f5a31f9f8486b2368a55169dc04aab32b7
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:12:09 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] ReadableStreamIpc 添加 关闭一端 对等端同步关闭
commit bdb3ac9cc83f2bfefa9078275692d8e05f1bb060
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:08:30 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 恢复 api.request.ts ,tool/tool.reques.ts 还是无法传递 stream 数据
commit 4b88e177eaa1e22243c18453b221095e275c5b39
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:07:02 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] plugin share.sys.dweb 没有没有附加文件状态下的报错问题
commit bc424874eb58871c254cb6161824e0fb7fe4682c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:05:00 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 大文件无法完成传递问题
commit 3135d87b106d2929a5ccf15c8667f5969f0f1cca
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 29 09:32:37 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复了 ReadableStreamIpc 发出 PONG_DATA 的方法
commit 70c9c5e30607493a8039469ba8ea268eb42071cf
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:56:11 2023 +0800
:zap: 优化欢迎界面,适配相应的暗主题模式
commit 97ab53bce1148fd469812d9a3b0240aacaf02d6d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:05:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev/next] 继续修复JmmIpc的连接逻辑
commit c48528431efe1f163c9e3640499e5ccd82a691ad
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 29 16:02:33 2023 +0800
append environment variety
commit 6a7c4d26e6ec43a9f3eb0c3bb931edb10c36b594
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 29 15:50:10 2023 +0800
create a version to embed c# project
commit ae6308668a36d3af21333faa2f87e5e7743837a2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon May 29 14:39:28 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] 将native-ui进行了简化,减少了抽象带来的成本
commit ff30c233a61d5090d8b001c29e6c1866a0f12e59
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon May 29 11:26:29 2023 +0800
:wheelchair: Define bfs-jmm.json
commit 965912266d2c18ab5675b968db4600b6f8d9fa13
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 29 11:22:50 2023 +0800
fix the shrinking animation
commit 2909a9e0cc71933f3ebaaafe2d6e2c66007dea97
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon May 29 09:19:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了electron的调试源码映射功能
commit 3385e442ff6bf7d6bb208d7fa949d1cd6cefc9cd
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sun May 28 19:06:49 2023 +0800
fix something about animation
commit 376cde3da1156804889ca96a547d508360522a66
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 28 17:54:12 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] devTools 的browserWindow 同 webveiw 没有同步关闭的问题;
commit 365e6a1fc66047927141c211330acd1a99dc2d72
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 28 17:13:35 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复 点击返回 多删除 statusbarState 等相关数据导致无法,再次打开的webveiw 的问题;
commit 1cb88f12fd409a81f6b11391127b6f59ddffb327
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sun May 28 17:13:05 2023 +0800
save caches at the right situations
commit 1ddae47851595689dc522833eac9e38567604eb9
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 28 16:27:05 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新了 devTools 工具的显示逻辑,解决 debugger 无法操作的问题
commit 3de66e05705f3779f84897c9f020dbe9d92934bb
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sun May 28 14:44:51 2023 +0800
fix a bug that delete a webcahe which deosn't match the correct one
commit ec5b38e6ee0c4ccf04c0021bbbc4d8eae1f60a2d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun May 28 12:12:30 2023 +0800
:wrench: [desktop-dev] 为electron增加了与vscode联动调试的配置
commit cd5576b84d7899253f0c20f23950c8176097ff6d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun May 28 11:01:45 2023 +0800
:bug: [android/desktop-dev/next] 三平台统一JsMicroModule的连接适配标准
commit 3cb17a8f7f33db7871e865c5031078d98881513b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 28 11:01:14 2023 +0800
👔 [plaoc] 注释了 barcode-scanning.wc CloseWatcher 功能
commit 8f9144bc34074602e8e7d9202a8edc7b0f2dbe79
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 28 10:56:33 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 整理代码 添加了一些备注
commit 7765279022332ce0913cac87fda23f3c7aaea745
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 27 22:19:56 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] CloseWatcher
commit 8d0aade9ea7470f39fc5ad0a38d3e9873486a3d1
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat May 27 19:06:11 2023 +0800
reformmated the data update method, delete tab from the deck
commit 0d1ec6fb05374875c56004274d90e8b5489d3710
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 27 18:48:51 2023 +0800
:wrench: 现在deno task dev指令自动包含了init指令
commit 97cd4591f4a288cdee6f7e7e6c33813f9547d928
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 27 18:33:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop-dev] 修复jmm没有实现连接适配器的问题
commit d821b299c0794891bd5db6697550c94c4414d124
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 27 18:32:49 2023 +0800
:wrench: 将dnt引入到本地,避免每次都要下载wasm文件
commit a707ee7fe3daba2a1ee618916bf8cb543a4dd5f5
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 27 16:08:24 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop-dev] 更新 mult-webview 注入 back 功能
commit 29df0696e50d746fb015d2aa629ac5824e11713c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 27 13:22:41 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop-dev] JMM模块现在更加规范化
commit 6b8bbff3f1570574fcaac328a5ba3ebd01b3d29c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 27 11:40:58 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] virtual-keyboard.nativeui.sys.dweb 功能的实现
commit 41c013a5b7658ad51d042c6c4ce766c1e69098fd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 26 22:55:40 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] barcode-scanning.sys.dweb
commit 484f1641ec66a668fb256fd66c009385704a26e9
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 26 19:19:46 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] jmm.sys.dweb 下载
commit 4608b6bf78f72abc32edeb172caf784f72594fdb
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri May 26 18:41:03 2023 +0800
:construction: 替换app icon,优化欢迎界面
commit 04432a1034d861842a7204d5052b8d8faacf2c1e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri May 26 18:38:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] jmm 暴露 dweb:install
commit 2c516c0c898d0c2da89eeebf3baf4d20fdf5ae1a
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 26 18:16:07 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新 打包 pulugin demo 的方法记录
commit 0c9f3eea133afe2b9bef09dc5f3fbeb80ed55e61
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 26 18:11:43 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop-dev] 修复了 plugin share 数据无法传递的问题
commit 46454fa3c8db80765279d68b313deb0eebead80f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu May 25 18:32:17 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop-dev] 更新了
commit cd9bc9197ce8a17a149dd01e3e5e6f131baa1928
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri May 26 16:15:51 2023 +0800
commit 7efab2f4c61c093a6d579771ba205742796e14d7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri May 26 16:15:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [desktop-dev] 新增dweb-deeplink的支持
commit dcf9c2a4b71384fdecf14c6f97262e42bdfb660f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 26 16:11:53 2023 +0800
:fire: Remove image-capture
commit 20f884513c308888fc7de3d6a01d5c45b2ff1535
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 26 16:08:05 2023 +0800
:bug: Fix closeWatcher and browser add new-tab,setting
commit 7ede39ba90a41a718e84bc268094d49120ee7df4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 26 11:31:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Add async browser
commit 006d7e1a36156cacda498c6463cf3443efd86c2e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 26 11:04:25 2023 +0800
:truck: Move browser to desktop-dev/assets
commit 53210b0435d7e683a7df2e6573b52f738e6ab361
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 26 11:01:40 2023 +0800
:recycle: Refactor async code
commit 2f7ff50aed3925fb2d4048aa47ec94f1b9589a82
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri May 26 09:31:45 2023 +0800
:heavy_minus_sign: 更新deno和pnpm lock文件
commit 6034d36202298164c422c591b42f705d3a3f2843
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 22:30:05 2023 +0800
:zap: [plaoc] demo 现在有了更快的编译速度;
sync 的性能得到很好的提升
commit 9f3ddf5c8cca58f284fd3053723bc6b8e8154a8c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 21:36:32 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 优化了 internal_url 与 public_url 的使用策略
如果 internal_url 可用,优先使用 internal_url
commit 4ea765bcba98912e5de6337ecbc24b107885d226
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 20:51:40 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了tool.request中请求onApiRequest的实现;修复sync脚本,提升性能
commit 83e89aada4add9c094008324cfd3abf45ea0fc65
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu May 25 19:17:32 2023 +0800
:construction: 根据UI设计调整界面
commit d72a9c4da9cb4b97daf239bd67fa3776812e68ce
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 19:03:30 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 现在ConTasks支持任务依赖
deno task dev 现在已经逻辑完整了
commit 652961fa11ec144721af227edec37bad413a148d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu May 25 18:42:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Add browser.sys.dweb
commit 49d47da784b9fbe4cbd2f87a17219c342056239f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 18:18:37 2023 +0800
:art: [desktop-dev] 对整个项目代码进行了格式化;梳理了项目的依赖结构
commit 8c9f3eddb9714298d88a59e8599630f5ba9b9f4f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu May 25 18:15:55 2023 +0800
📝 [dektop-dev] 更新 plugins 修复了在 deno 中的代码警告
commit daf405df8bc063a46a4092d45e65802c82a3084a
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu May 25 15:29:50 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop] add
commit 0a6ac9c007fde9eba9255d71dbea10aca8ffb303
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 17:55:11 2023 +0800
commit 608bf6ac82016367492f6f5e37b000b6e2b8846c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 25 17:49:03 2023 +0800
:tada: [plaoc] plugin现在正式更名为plaoc;文件系统标准更新;脚本命令体验优化
commit d25383631d9f021b2208691a948d3afc739d78c9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 11:52:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plaoc] 优化了插件的配置
commit 831535fc398e9515038caede4bcbe7d80c4a8229
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 10:34:56 2023 +0800
:tada: desktop-dev 项目正式落地,原有的desktop项目被移除
commit c62c95ad49f54d5b749a1ce10a757ddba0658eb3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 25 10:15:05 2023 +0800
:bug: [next ts] 修复升级的一些问题
commit 2cced7c00dd276768601785c45c191f9328cd631
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 25 08:44:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加DwebServiceWorker监听
commit 39a9fd2c8edf5a367f22d7a9518d3c0a8babdd15
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 24 20:21:24 2023 +0800
:tada: 初步完成deno的迁移;初步完成bundle的迁移
commit f785be3f9ad02aeda4cde544ec0dc9f1406f51aa
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed May 24 19:32:50 2023 +0800
snapshot cause a dead runloop problem
commit 622cf28f0b47a64b7b48866865c0741dfd6529fa
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 24 18:54:58 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 完善生物识别功能
commit b9a378b995993bd55ef5da96c934472161a0790e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 24 16:37:27 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] refactor dweb to file
commit c0cb68589fe19c7c8fce9532e0fe3460067437e9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 24 10:28:43 2023 +0800
commit f383627251c42bb2defc8dda7cfe20f9a00c444b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 24 10:10:54 2023 +0800
commit 6b5884b05f38809ee47f89df4319d1a193bb6ae6
Merge: 93af4c69b 6606d1e96
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 24 10:06:08 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 93af4c69bc459971be8e7cb0327e7c1d5328f477
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 24 10:06:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加生物识别模块
commit 6606d1e967dd95b349eef691c493457b6bc341ef
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue May 23 22:50:36 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 跟新了 UI 网络请求的拦截方式
commit 2f852119280e1883e122658298074af959992b5d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue May 23 18:59:56 2023 +0800
add a condition logic to determine whether a cell is within the grid area when it is clicked
commit cb3680fc5ca8e2610a9348d615fe2ec552811156
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 23 18:32:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加扫码模块
commit fc3ae24ae8bafd54671b18048433c6b479be2fef
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 23 18:11:26 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复编译release异常
commit 5460f75ee6a6bf907ba7cd1214b6f7621110ec90
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 23 17:38:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完善扫码、本地相册照片解析二维码功能。增加分析完成按键提示音
commit 3298078fcbc176df70b4b93412c1b5e01bb4e7d5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 23 16:47:27 2023 +0800
:recycle: Change externalFetch pass hostname
commit 6da55bbe4a7bf5cb944cba4857818d113a06f511
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 23 16:01:01 2023 +0800
:recycle: Nativefetch add connect
commit e429f4cab2d24a3c1be8301bf570ee49be76dd48
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue May 23 14:50:01 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] biometrices mock
commit 7b3296d644884623a73786fc3d9817b66f87afeb
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue May 23 12:54:40 2023 +0800
solve scrolling address bar causing multiple rendering
commit f71791d072b3c3b4a6b5a4e16ae0e95a22100139
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 23 11:12:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 初步完成NativeUi
commit 356f5240c2748ad99e0ef261583b45f5be39cee5
Merge: f40e2a65c f9826a0d5
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 23 10:53:00 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit f40e2a65cbddfd28b847b9587290ec73b73ea101
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 23 10:52:36 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复权限问题
commit f9826a0d5243aafbc6e323c125f3a78718b378c0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 23 10:33:14 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] temporary remove reverse storage for dnsNMM
commit 26a821a50ac6c793cc8bb4c798f05e8d50d7fa15
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 22 20:21:04 2023 +0800
🐛 [dekstop] 修复 关闭 重新 app
commit d8466bd1b6dc958c0a69c4385c3a41ec9756174a
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 19 09:34:51 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 下载 app
commit 814ab85b7cf05eab823a034a0d6d96d70f21cf63
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu May 18 08:46:55 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] jsmm.sys.dweb 下载完成后自动关闭下载模块
commit 1be9acd060e814bc9093f2054566ba9ae4c53c77
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 22 18:41:26 2023 +0800
remove unnesessary data binding
commit 5d072aa431129ee16826cf6799f6fe6166ad74be
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 22 18:40:58 2023 +0800
:construction: 扫码、权限调整
commit baf3f3a1d66a8bc44b107cc47a30fb27cbe1016d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 22 16:21:22 2023 +0800
fix a bug that srcolling the address bar cause multiple updates as many as the pages's count
commit 661c2517fa9e4d9b2f0f48043097d30262d804bf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon May 22 11:24:17 2023 +0800
:bug: Fix jmm bug
commit db32f9dd9bb262b336edfe67b4c4b0aa8452a821
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sun May 21 19:33:08 2023 +0800
append combine snapshot
commit 83fee33d45aaa87acd43238f7e52cbfd5cab1e4c
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sun May 21 18:15:08 2023 +0800
1.shrink and expand animation. 2.delete a page from tab deck. 3.scroll addressbar to the right index when click a tab
commit 0fb0da33e8d8b79811cebcbb5eb3b7422ccedc3d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sat May 20 18:38:35 2023 +0800
:construction: 组件化扫码模块
commit dd7f26433842b0593e7dc0841364f9a3f2a2c919
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 19 17:03:23 2023 +0800
:construction: Fix messagePort
commit 1dbc4954b835e3094e1cfbdb136977a4f17b3e17
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri May 19 11:05:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加VirtualKeyboard模块
commit b400e8b7837c3842123ae8ce267d72ed3403a8c1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 18 20:00:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 同步Android中修复的错误
commit 229fad2cbcc06f6e1c7c4e0aeb3645d9f4cee22c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 18 19:59:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 完成NativeUI中的StatusBar和NavigationBar
commit 4105dbfb64c761cbefdf55523873f72779a172d1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 18 19:54:54 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复Controller相关Json序列化错误以及类型修改
commit 1cadf23601157e860771b5c25dda5421dff66deb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 18 19:51:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复StateObservable状态变更未监听成功
commit e7d9fd9fd58936bde8e075cd0d584b07198706e9
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu May 18 18:57:36 2023 +0800
1.expanding one tab page animation. 2.Locate the address bar and tab page to the selected tab index.
commit 49ed173b450fcda9fd9350d4d03ee255e064d931
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu May 18 18:15:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix app restart
commit cd0abc6c32dbb41658d10a0bfb1834d3257274a1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu May 18 15:01:27 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Complete app communication verification
commit 73c7e004b3cc8b4807dfc4cb82a421f6db19f2b0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 17 21:08:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Complete the sending of app message communication
commit fa8a60255887f31fb3dc20088c159b4b0f34424e
Merge: ad342c8ff c01a5d808
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 18 11:17:30 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit ad342c8ffa1d5aa99d38e1d3936bad04b63ee69d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 18 11:17:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复State无法正常添加依赖错误
commit c01a5d808976bf35a8ba882d7f9b9f214749c7cf
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu May 18 11:11:13 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 通过增加UpdateFound告知DwebService需要重新启动应用及其相关ipc
commit 482c16a93321f61a4a9edbe7e58da04824ec7930
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 17 23:29:39 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] jmm.sys.dweb 下载解码
commit c00b3c02d210db808a03572ffaa3e83212af3cd1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 17 22:02:40 2023 +0800
🚧 [desktop] 下载应用
commit 6b730970667a38bf885bae91e3bf88d07067ba8e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 17 18:59:03 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 修复 下载页面无法获取json url 的问题
commit 4b8ee288a53501b5bd7fe9455deebad3258da8bf
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 17 18:25:11 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 修复了 navigation-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb 返回按钮
commit 960737186c7555ea62794968d04e2a89fc72318c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 17 14:25:00 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] haptics.sys.dweb
commit caa8170f3e7f9f767fbcef69047aed638f7379b9
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed May 17 08:56:50 2023 +0800
[desktop] 临时保存需要合并 commit
commit a918f24f1efbfa3e005e05908d7383be7bdc257b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue May 16 19:47:22 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] ipc 通信问题
commit 999481a4292e12f88aeb5c8498b5665a762387d9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 17 18:47:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复ResponseRegistry解析Controller失败
commit 6a0c66c124454785df9f4f30f37b1fff6e8403e6
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 17 18:35:46 2023 +0800
:construction: 补充扫码、规整下载后打开功能
commit 0236b62173dce55a44ba28e1333ebddb7094e329
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 17 15:37:11 2023 +0800
:bug: 补充提交
commit 94a43728bc40db4dfe20ea3337521acc8018b55e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 17 15:32:36 2023 +0800
:fire: [android] Remove bluetoothNMM and permissionNMM
commit b917d679d0074c890d0aa3fac54083a8ad74a279
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 17 14:56:52 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android] Separate browserController and dwebview
commit ae81c67b6a0a4192e0f8cc881592f37dcfd3f9e7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 17 15:28:46 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复下载的应用打开时,访问路径处理异常问题
commit ca4170869bd5cf1d78d25253f07c48d97424b142
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed May 17 15:22:29 2023 +0800
icon and title update on tab pages deck
commit 6d1f998a786af58aa6eec8e2021092944fa2f41e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 17 10:56:35 2023 +0800
:sparkles: Add X-Api-Host
commit 0aa1a41d2df62c16d7d0f563f1c1228ee2133fdc
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue May 16 16:27:28 2023 +0800
1.web loading progress, icon request and display
commit f7d454765495eed1bb0a451d2967f7ac804a4c54
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue May 16 12:08:44 2023 +0800
[next C#] fix: 修改手机加载失败问题
commit 84ed168aa82935086bb5ecd1d5c9b1e82cfbc5e0
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 16 11:15:44 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复编译release版本异常问题
Missing classes detected while running R8.
commit 76f7f72cd68e695fc5b7ad8eee59970275850b33
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 16 11:03:41 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复因下载地址问题引起的流程问题,修复解压问题(遍历跳过了目录问题)
commit 239789b0117b7f70e89cf0069dff37c6bd18ff4f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue May 16 10:29:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [android] fix shareFiles
commit ca44634a990b578fe29b9a218dfe15c3b8e8deae
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 15 18:40:22 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 更新 plugins safe-area | virtual-keyboard | toast | torch
commit c8731106129f67c4978c99929795bbdf7278b61a
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 15 18:35:01 2023 +0800
finished the shrink animation and webcache data struct reformat
commit b8997907b4fccafb00121e64f3af13b888729120
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 15 18:33:47 2023 +0800
:construction: 修改ListItem为ListSwipeItem,修复华为首页的显示问题
commit 2cf7ad056b5aa0b29b135467a75ed7d917d7177b
Merge: ffd59f77a 6ea6b7cf5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon May 15 16:38:29 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit ffd59f77ad05a6425431eb0e9c9b5099e0d7e935
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon May 15 16:38:24 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [next C#]修改测试项目入口
commit 6ea6b7cf506e4322a8a62252c4c29db1bfeea9fa
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon May 15 10:34:06 2023 +0800
:bookmark: Update @bfex/plugin of version 1.2.0
commit 1d31d914f83f6132858077c8ac4104939300b615
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 13 14:06:09 2023 +0800
🔥 [desktop] 删除 *.plugin 拦截 http 请求的操作
commit b2244c3610017ddcbc47d137ede6d78ad9edae85
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 13 07:03:09 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] fix mwebview.sys.dweb webview preload
commit aa09cd16608fe8f8bcab38feaa3116db7f526b37
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat May 13 19:13:35 2023 +0800
shrinking animation primary version has been settled
commit 264de0a2d9ccf8b565afaa1ab752da51d496f714
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sat May 13 18:30:21 2023 +0800
:construction: 将弹出框部分组件化
commit 390b7dd9c6171247340523bddf778b507c274716
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 13 16:11:00 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 重构了DWebView申请权限的实现
commit dfcb8c6e254eb714d0a08ef2323f7b0211ee0332
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 13 15:37:30 2023 +0800
:recycle: :up: :sparkles: [Android] 升级了一些依赖,并且DWebView现在能对input[capture]做出正确的基本响应
commit 53de3141da221f2e789846715b1f352e70e4234d
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri May 12 18:53:16 2023 +0800
:construction: 补充引擎图标。优化search组件
commit 93a1fcb9c582ac0b784bf6bbdf6eb6981ec5dadd
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri May 12 18:36:46 2023 +0800
:shit: [next C#] 暂不实现Notification,暂存
commit 09f14491cf4c71b049fd2ce43966bcebce2ea6ed
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 12 18:34:28 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] mwebview.sys.dweb 控制 UI 的方法
commit 4f60f3f87a3ab26f757f59f0248b2c1b22b39edc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 12 18:28:54 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 更新 multi-webview UI 内容
commit 1ea32512abad47261543306f1b2bb7548ffda670
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 12 18:20:54 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 更新 micro-module ipcEvent 转发
更新 broswer.sys.dweb api server 逻辑
commit 4e7135d12a4f44a569b6bfc519c8e19b4edd21db
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 12 18:13:54 2023 +0800
⬆️ [desktop] 升级了依赖
commit f95bd6cb6cf4e460d0fad5152b2227a450d08ca1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 8 09:45:37 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop] 添加 UI 文档说明
commit 2c6569b456ac4def7fef9c098bdb68811bb2737b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 12 14:59:21 2023 +0800
:fire: Removed some unnecessary code and add bfs-link.json
commit 6b77a7283c361ec12bdd8a163adfe70b4ed1bd29
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri May 12 14:40:17 2023 +0800
:construction: 新增schema-> dweb:// , 用于表示读取data src目录下的文件,修复输入框直接按键盘回车导致的数据不准确异常,补充域名直接搜索功能
commit b3bf6c411a8018ea1264553b67f7185f27eeecb7
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu May 11 18:53:58 2023 +0800
:construction: 列表数据改为Room保存
commit 2d071e2ee317f2e7fde70f34f62cd686a964875a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 11 18:51:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 修复Haptics customze的duration类型错误问题
commit c42e0bf4418f88da5790c5fb2195eaa692b1f749
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 11 18:41:40 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plugin] 添加clipboard
commit 49270b9a8fe2ab99a8f3faa3ddd285e990fec3cb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed May 10 15:04:20 2023 +0800
:wrench: Add the example bfs-metadata.json
commit 1ec03fa119505aa9660be0b124f43c9ea77e4f79
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 11 17:27:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: :bug: [next C#] 修复 COT-DEMO API响应;绑定了Haptics 和 Toast 模块
commit 3f791fe96d8d6e3d79c29c6fcdaf0fcd5339ca74
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu May 11 16:18:33 2023 +0800
1.fix updating observable object changing on webview 2.obtain a snapshot of a webview 3. cache all cell of the web preview grid
commit e9b39229f255e20b6e6dce17a87441b14910fd45
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 11 16:05:11 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了cot worker 的api没有正确使用流句柄导致的性能问题
commit 5592a5ed0d132639749a21568270528666371f63
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 11 15:16:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复IpcBodySender死循环的问题
commit 4ce446791b1e18b14e063db911cd2d2d2acd8963
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu May 11 14:52:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加Haptics
commit f4377176fc88602706304e048e054a4c4ac16f07
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 11 12:05:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了ReadableStream的一些问题
commit d0a461d90bc6e021e2adcb45e9c8e34857f52f83
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 22:37:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 实现了将二进制读取成FormData
commit a0e2d3d9d1026d82b7f09ac09371fbd5b9ad158f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 19:52:47 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复 Host 改名成 FullHost 导致的一些问题
commit 0191c8401ff2b2f48840aef25e97e4e74de3a841
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Wed May 10 19:03:19 2023 +0800
:construction: 搜索界面调整为独立组件
commit dc4a3f51db2718a9714ccc1f681838783c4d03a4
Merge: 6f5f8d5a5 7956d810a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 18:11:09 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'pure'
commit 7956d810a9f88d1b48b588efb133b9b178255ada
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 18:10:51 2023 +0800
:up: [next C#] rebase..
commit 01462083c60552811766d2843a09de17e176e50b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 17:33:54 2023 +0800
:bug: 现在零成本传输Stream已经可以正确工作
修复了MetaData中使用没有使用GetSet去定义JSON 字段导致的问题;
commit 79e3e33994cca7728a9bb0a63f340390109eb9fa
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 16:17:20 2023 +0800
:up: 修复合并后的兼容性问题
commit f4b8067f1b464aef9fa056d0a9dc4ec5e623fc24
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 10 15:10:11 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复IpcHeaders的标准,修复重构遗留的小问题
commit a53787ab7260bdc928ba70034cc8fd32171ea0d0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon May 8 22:44:07 2023 +0800
:boom: [next C#] 巨大的更改,现在PureRequest/PureResponse才是中立Http消息对象。对标Http4k的对象,它是低成本的抽象。
commit 6f5f8d5a53441eceac86dfa946ffc0fb2c6ced36
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed May 10 16:18:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加 ShareNMM
commit 1377051db7579665f86cc08443557bdab22db767
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Tue May 9 18:58:51 2023 +0800
:construction: 将首页修改为webview,修改primary color为蓝色
commit ed18c5d46907381a15128fe8cc98e105b2f7cbe3
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue May 9 18:37:33 2023 +0800
Append an adjustment to the addressbar container to fix an unknown reason that is causing a strange bug.
commit effb7da1edb289a7a75719fb292b7204b94336f6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 9 18:31:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加Toast plugin
commit 858e085ed20f5f7f77ed13c0b13e6ddef6c1bb27
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 9 17:01:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加ClipboardNMM
commit e1d57522462076c2595964324bf81fcb35c28953
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue May 9 16:03:55 2023 +0800
fix creating tons of webview while scrolling the address bar
commit 67f9aa0d12ea652091684952f074aa56ed3665a7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 9 14:15:01 2023 +0800
commit 9e1bc9538ac4dee19c4119d825bccf847eac7db8
Merge: 9360826fc 1b5cb02e9
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 9 14:14:03 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 9360826fc7d0788b28f0202a9d591a7954e39189
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 9 14:13:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 修改ColorJson属性为float类型,添加QueryHelper解析request
commit 5c2acf2849054ecb30399d200dcd37d850d548c4
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue May 9 10:45:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加Color测试
commit 1b5cb02e957cdfe960d6c36ad2b5edba28069d52
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 8 18:57:28 2023 +0800
:robot: 修改JmmMetadata中的permission部分,替换为Plugins;添加Snackbar提示
commit ed071300017e913358dec667fa454b9a97e3faee
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon May 8 18:39:27 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加StateObserver用于监听和取消数据订阅
commit 4a55e33fb8f546343426fb6bcf48721490179e2d
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon May 8 17:10:46 2023 +0800
Alter the formatting and usage of the data.
commit 735ab0f69c2f21511afeb76268ebcd0e845b14cc
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 8 13:55:01 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复键盘已经隐藏后,点击输入框的删除图标,光标仍然聚焦的问题
commit 14a8b1d1e4f889bd1d6ca896703b8c3f90e02e8e
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Mon May 8 13:43:17 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复tab内容显示与标签不符问题,修复搜索引擎位置显示位置问题,修复键盘收起后没有取消聚焦问题
commit 395bfc922a38f7fe569e102e197cbfb44da3c149
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon May 8 10:27:15 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复同步脚本第一次运行未创建dist目录问题
commit b74d42872102ca4f979fe12569d1917238c5332c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon May 8 08:58:59 2023 +0800
🔥 [desktop] 整理代码
commit 371b7dcbf381759ddbef66c360e039b627f94d6b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 7 21:19:07 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] download.sys.dweb 下载逻辑
commit 7d3b9e0917350ccf957e304797593e15d50913ac
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun May 7 19:39:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 初步增加了Pure-Http相关的实现,为ZeroCopy的Stream打下基础
commit 24706bf68647240829a9cf7603d7ef41dfda8446
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun May 7 17:21:35 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: 补充了一些关于IpcBody零拷贝的测试
commit 7610635e26da4f45979aa7556ef99763c43ec0fe
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun May 7 16:30:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复IpcEvent落后的写法;修复create-ipc的一些问题;更新了cotDemo和jsProcess
commit b119ef99d866759fa4ac342464d0ba6b8b9b82ac
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun May 7 10:58:57 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 修复 worker 实现向 webview 执行 javascript code ;
commit fb9b978c406d576671201a3c00795a0b5c2dc8f6
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 6 22:30:43 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop] download.sys.dweb
commit 027a35e6ef5c61d7cd65b7a8bdd86706b0890a4f
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Sat May 6 18:39:49 2023 +0800
:construction: 主界面改为 BottomSheetScaffold, 移除ModalBottomeSheet
commit 278ade46ed51bfd07686d3a696ea8a3c47324df6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat May 6 17:55:17 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 缺省实现了DWebView的 JS-Alert/Confirm/Prompt
Signal 现在支持了一种用 EmitForResult 的模式,可以逐一执行,控制返回值、或者是将控制权交给下一个。
commit cc798b0c7f382b6297a0ddfff8a14a2fe86383e8
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat May 6 16:02:37 2023 +0800
switch the two state of the toolBar
commit 0c9e532cf7c7469d0e90b9d48d701a0ed6e3a2de
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 6 14:16:22 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop] share.sys.dweb
commit e9ca0b7767b1f6b84d6f3e6b6d470fcc2eaa9cc8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 6 09:32:20 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 更新 dweb serviceWroker restart 逻辑
commit 9201c9177cd8b400f7536a3907ce68f5e958079b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat May 6 14:08:23 2023 +0800
🐛 [android] set observer for viewList
commit 8e6ff833cf51c121e328fc5af2340bda163e7a77
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat May 6 09:19:52 2023 +0800
🚑 [android] remove the bluetoothNMM
commit f177cc6ef60852f4ccdfd120f1ead11c95c879b6
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Sat May 6 10:54:45 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] keyboard的controller继承AreaController
commit be77b7a9b45074942dada3ccd75dbacf18cd5767
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Sat May 6 10:40:43 2023 +0800
append progress view of loading progress of webview
commit ab840182f32af46d5fa2f4961ed6cf544fcdfc4c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sat May 6 09:24:02 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] dweb serviceWorker install
commit e19bcfbffc884f351353306e1e9a2f1c63e15e08
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 5 21:58:33 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 修复 内存泄露
commit 2d7b166e36623f4b7127e299593da8c6357db085
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri May 5 21:11:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了DWebView完全覆盖屏幕,为其它插件的开发打下基础
commit ad19e532f9f4ada338ef4316cfa4c526cc3315da
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri May 5 19:34:02 2023 +0800
append create tab page from test data
bug: different tab are using the same webview
commit e7961d656d5361f28e380a0c5c05d7cc11c72a00
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 5 18:59:58 2023 +0800
🐛 [android] fix listen for element changes for mutablestatelistof
commit d6d59604bd6a278c97141b75175bab36a70c3f0c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 5 18:28:57 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 更新 Dweb ServiceWorker 下载/解压/progress相应
commit dd7c729649dd7affc75c6d39f8b3a3a50f6e5960
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri May 5 18:16:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加VirtualKeyboard,未验证
commit 801e320e58b39452b836d98495f692b79c0fa424
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri May 5 17:11:10 2023 +0800
init tabs deck with example data
commit fbfd74f7b9dfc1ec21b37c4245a9828378e616e6
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri May 5 16:49:19 2023 +0800
commit 5303fbc8276822f3d8eabe4e7fbfbcee8182704d
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri May 5 16:44:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 添加手电筒 TouchNMM
commit 392807ebf2fc3d8c527a1fbcd08501dd9a07c9e0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri May 5 15:06:47 2023 +0800
:muscle: [next C#] 现在StartUrlSchemeTask的响应使用NSHttpUrlResponse构建,能正确携带所有的Headers
commit 74aa27ab110c719dba9e2b329575318455fb9cfb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 5 14:39:57 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop_dev] biometrics.sys.dweb
commit 126f86183bbc5a181c9fd9920def9381a8246260
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 5 14:41:27 2023 +0800
✏️ [plugin] optimize the plugin return type
commit 906f1391bc20ca0a341bc90bbfd67e2c85899007
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri May 5 14:32:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] DWebView现在支持dweb协议头的直接访问,而不需要走http网关,这是可选的。Media捕捉现在已经支持
commit f594a8141afe049ca33af7081348daf227b4171b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 5 10:24:10 2023 +0800
♿️ [android] optimize the share result
commit 2e0c467aa54ddec241911c7a424b95ea4f6ba316
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri May 5 09:38:40 2023 +0800
🎨 fix some bugs and optimize docs
commit 0bf32d2eb7f2d195f1d69e337bf4e9f3f7abb032
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri May 5 08:47:11 2023 +0800
🔥 删除失误创建的 plugin/demo 内容
commit 3f4fe95641e5728698c45ad75cb09bad422c33fc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu May 4 22:22:01 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] close watcher
commit 8ebefcf264627ed525ee97b1d17bf9b0592733f6
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 16:08:47 2023 +0800
🔥 [desktop] 整理代码 删除无用的不分
commit 3703ff33ceeb2dc5dd1a91b830fee42ec159d9bf
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 20:50:36 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] dweb serviceWorker
commit ab3729fe96eec2f43fc73cfa1717f1db67e29215
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 21:25:29 2023 +0800
🔀 [desktop]合并远程
commit 0156306197a967a19404d774e849a34db7665d10
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu May 4 18:37:29 2023 +0800
remove unnecessary code
commit 4af8bffb8e2cac1cc8f63906a4d15185a46b99a6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 4 17:59:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了MutilWebViewPage视图绑定错误的问题
commit 356aa7737e3757e36032762b44a814d9efdbac3e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Thu May 4 17:13:41 2023 +0800
wrapped UIScrollView into ScrollView to implement pagingEnable fucntion
commit d1477210662bad6afc2c45698f22501fb6d6841c
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu May 4 17:01:01 2023 +0800
:bento: [next C#] 更新Assets同步脚本,添加next C#同步
commit 9fe586639300c15ebed9ce81ef977c72eec860e8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 4 16:51:18 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 实现了DWebView的窗口打开、 关闭等行为
commit 96bcafb624f0161e508a7315b7aa5a2097735b63
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Thu May 4 16:33:49 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复jmm界面显示,修复360搜索后跳域名不存在问题,增加“无痕模式”
commit 84ab915302d863c8d2c8bf59755552563da6d693
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu May 4 16:09:00 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 对DWebView模块进行了拆封,并且增加了UiDelegate,对一些视窗进行的拦截
commit ebc4b50b472eb1aa0c57374db9c49b6d9fb48241
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 3 21:43:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了IpcHeaders 转 HttpHeaders 的实现问题
commit 889d208a328900a5ec86903033dadbb428a0d957
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 3 16:11:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了IpcBodySender和IpcStreamData的一些问题
commit 7fadea83c6c633a9c0ef5112b780a97f7e29eaa6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed May 3 11:30:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 简化了Debugger,并为其增加了{\d:H}指令,可以打印出HashCode
commit edf936baebb238847b44be4f5a1da3d0f1a0254b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue May 2 22:08:24 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 完成了MutilWebViewPage 的渲染输出
commit d420f3e1371329957244ebce73226a5e9a9b6997
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue May 2 11:44:12 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复State的问题
commit d62a77da4c7bea23005c36f1c51912781b98299e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 20:53:16 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 基于Desktop的DEMO,修复了WebMessagePort的IPC没有正确通讯的问题
commit 30ac2542c0897578dfd7f8728c840d6da3da2d88
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 18:51:33 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#] MwebviewNMM webview状态未完成
commit 1193298c64e8f06b276d57b1abb91a61b7837229
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 18:50:42 2023 +0800
commit 1cf1bd98054a8a11a0cf565325a9cb9cb6b3e6c9
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 18:38:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 初步实现了 NativeUiController 相关的一些基础代码
commit 3dfced78aefd59c84b43f0e28a8695b55d2f0a21
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 18:09:56 2023 +0800
:fire: 移除无用代码,补充主界面已安装应用显示
commit 892f19336c9d2cac29849f1c9655ea2f6df150db
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 16:09:45 2023 +0800
basic shift animation
commit bb5264bdb09b0e25aa91da8596e8d71a12b1626d
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 15:56:02 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 使用系统自带MainThread替代MainQueue
commit 001f2c335a8e04d5d244e7fd60062125037f7f0c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 14:51:15 2023 +0800
✨ Complete the onFetch event of simulated serviceworker
commit 9175c5cec8c3aac2c328ced01eaa47041cfb82ec
Author: jackie-yellow <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 14:03:44 2023 +0800
:zap: 更新 baseline 基准配置文件
commit 936968930a059c0b569b021019562f62148733f7
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Apr 28 10:49:43 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加“添加到主页”功能
commit 0aa1a7cd4e8ec2de79408c5321b6f4970538abb4
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 21:06:45 2023 +0800
♻️ [desktop] status-bar, navigation-bar, safe-area, virtual-keyboard,toast,barcode-scanning,torch,haptics,dweb-serviceworker,
commit 99befb8f9887aacb0ce39f7c967b421a349e5d1d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 18:04:02 2023 +0800
👔 [dekstkop] haptics.sys.dweb
commit 8ec0b27c4b971418c56fa1f518cd7f1eff94be37
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 20:50:36 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] dweb serviceWorker
commit 59a355462359bfd155d19b85ca9f931265aed375
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 11:55:04 2023 +0800
💡 [desktop] 删除注释
commit ffbe0d5e7d3797752879a5b99a92873dc2161a16
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 10:31:13 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] torch
commit d07b86dc560b79aa9ee91ed638ba965dda8d2b49
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 19:28:34 2023 +0800
✨ Complete the fetch event of simulated serviceworker
commit 01630523272f5eb8f0e0475b7d1c0b52792be576
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 18:51:28 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#] multiwebviewNMM未完成
commit 7eb82de055b84d1afa8f430d0f3e64e504c64a4d
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 18:38:35 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复之前修改引起的搜索栏聚焦后显示域名问题
commit 0852f5d5a4749e291db199e8a5d32d6bfd8b0140
Merge: c04eaa29d 08e106f4d
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 18:37:33 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 08e106f4d30f197bdf6da3141e7c8407583e6ee8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 18:01:46 2023 +0800
♻️ Refactor code for fetch and onFetch
commit 734d982923685d47415744f7a2c77c3e2f1d28f8
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 17:38:51 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 替换部分不需要返回值的类型为Unit
commit c04eaa29d24e26e8c44c6a9e0d01a9ce4b3fd899
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 17:34:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加列表项左滑删除,点击右侧三角图标扩展书签编辑功能
commit c8cd414c3762760d88d9cd8a47f224f7a179fa84
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 17:06:13 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 调整文件结构,修改命名空间和路由修改
commit ae103ed4d5f69c20a4012dee224125caf47f35eb
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 16:12:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 同步Android代码,修复双向缓存Ipc异常
commit 174533437db2a02ec067c7942cc0ee484eef8769
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 11:25:13 2023 +0800
♻️ Add two-way ipc cache and fix connent self for js process
commit ba80b99ba8ba9ea1bc73e48e8ed5bdcdfe475945
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 00:38:13 2023 +0800
添加 DropdownMenu 控件
commit 5efbc13e2a2ed51267b12bbc37ee76f93fc616df
Merge: 8570e483f 551c0484a
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 27 00:31:46 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 551c0484a88595e7b4808c3aac51e35dac7c4ad5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 22:53:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 实现了Debugger
commit 8570e483f122f1609d7ee8c7e699f772131ce7ea
Merge: 164a6bc01 d68fee324
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 22:07:40 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 3026ed3d19832e9751257c3ce6eb1023a92e57b9
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 19:37:05 2023 +0800
switch to different mode
commit d68fee32472405de95d42992051803942b04ab2e
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 17:33:53 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加地址栏域名直接检索功能,暂时屏蔽任务栏自动隐藏功能,分享功能增加授权判断
commit 282bd806de72a662f0495311092a4e356cffb8d8
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 17:09:59 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 使用virtual替换abstract,在virtual可提供默认实现
commit dd599257a84afbd02d12d34611f60a91d8b96842
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 16:33:43 2023 +0800
test resource
commit 0512ba2fa01895f0f6a131cfddc5a1da5d2b2b95
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 15:34:50 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 现在,NMM的路由是独立的,隔离的
commit e140a6a5a9be21549258b48a679e4d115c80e5d2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 15:17:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 新增了LazyBox,来实现类似 kotlin 中 lazy 关键字的用法
commit 28420e0c8f393c002026b84e8f86f394f3a73fb7
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 10:06:06 2023 +0800
:art: [next C#] 迁移IpcWeb到DwebView项目中
commit 2d544c5486ab6c318b4f085a036481e5229045e6
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 10:02:23 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 修改MetaBody,与Desktop同步
commit 9a7677eb1e9ae2675ee689f28e2a423bb8252498
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 09:41:16 2023 +0800
:fire: [next C#] 移除一些无用的代码
commit 4737f617de9d760dca7c0dec73600a318f8fb33f
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 08:50:18 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复设备iOS版本低于16.4无法启动DesktopJMM问题
commit c791601f17637af9325847c9766952959a01756f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 21:03:32 2023 +0800
:tada: :bug: [next C#] 完成了DesktopJMM的启动
commit 3e8b724816028f5140a4e1dff41472e137fd2b6f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 18:27:26 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了 Signal.Emit的 问题、修复 JsProcessNMM 中WebView OnReady没有生效的问题
commit f859d1b26eb9ad62f3c55c036b86e3fff3e0e9c9
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 17:56:01 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复点击“退出应用”仍然跳转到主界面问题,删除查找选项中的 谷歌 和 必应 搜索引擎,完善列表项功能
commit fc7eb6e85fc39ce63f23fe4e13030573618673a0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 17:46:19 2023 +0800
🚧 fix netive ui observe
commit 0bb3c2185303a72353494124b50aaa4bc21ac9ea
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 17:09:40 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 改进了一些日志打印
commit 9d4688d4389c5b842d66d5c94a8f3634503217d1
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 16:38:13 2023 +0800
initial of the swiftui project
commit a0017c9a33367da95017e858ea723c23f6f31521
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 15:04:38 2023 +0800
commit 320eb5d0235211f97746a55a141437c4bc3b459f
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 12:16:23 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 现在。JsProcess终于可以在WKWebView中进行初始化。
commit 58737724e209f9bcf3435ab8277aee7f863fad23
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 22:07:22 2023 +0800
:shit: [next C#] 尝试解决IOS浏览器在https环境里数据拦截的问题
commit 3caf259ad7ef318fff7a48d7c496959f9a3a8b78
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 20:42:42 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了JsProcessWebApi调用DWebView执行异步代码的一些问题
commit e470652643c5944414ced632088464ae4d81d3cf
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 20:24:37 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] IOS的DWebView现在支持了执行异步代码并等待其返回。
commit ad0c68180b810c9252e5f4ed2c30744c9f784180
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 20:22:49 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#;Android]修复了DNS模块启动没有对启动中的程序上锁的问题;
commit 6d9140f83459e87bc840c94bb05b66d46ff01888
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 18:35:26 2023 +0800
:lipstick: colorscheme 修正,新增删除列表功能
commit 692b3abad787146f0b9a8264926cbdd71e1aea24
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 17:49:19 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了Ipc通讯相关的问题,包括序列化反序列化的问题
commit 226089d702eda37fe6fcf1f953218c18847f7dd3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 17:16:36 2023 +0800
🚑 [plugin] completed permissions for BarcodeScanning plugin
commit 8a0db61acc549c468a2c31dce3d78367adf29d0c
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 13:07:08 2023 +0800
:lipstick: 将其他模块统一改为 Material3,完善弹出界面
commit fea4cc28e1ae855871bcee887aa7582da7180b4b
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 12:21:53 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]解决Debug模式下 string interpolation 异常问题
commit a0a7ea9af650c378ff205eaab627d9e5cee6fc84
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 11:34:43 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复了一些关于IpcBody相关的问题
commit 164a6bc01d9c9f79d0f15a200b902ec6118a7c54
Merge: 507a98c86 5cd66fa23
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 22:30:09 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 5cd66fa23727af92053c160fe8da298dc34993ff
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 20:27:32 2023 +0800
:construction: 添加历史记录和书签列表
commit aca3e5b7e48cb62cf160adef5ed0be6bc8f4c439
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 19:49:24 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 升级了BrowserPopup,默认使用M3组件
commit f528423f263a36c2f6752950db8f168a0f6b75ac
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 18:44:39 2023 +0800
💥 move demo to vue3 and delete NetworkNMM/CameraNMM
commit d41972d93601946120da371bf2e776f2365dd965
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 18:34:42 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 重构了 IpcBodySender 存在的一些问题;优化了一些扩展函数的名称
commit eb36a66449591cba34b2449a20eed8175528c3e1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 17:27:34 2023 +0800
🐛 [android] fix a bug for barcode-scanning
commit 3a10990451c193f84d80166ca02e263edb8de633
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 16:56:50 2023 +0800
:recycle: [android]重构IpcBody Text为base64
commit 0c1a2c0225984682ec39c40985bab1fb275f120b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 15:31:48 2023 +0800
✅ [android] add resume or pause for app
commit 6ec697dc21c54c4640f36a4f19d09af8260e9cea
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 14:54:09 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 前端接收Activity pause和resume状态
commit ad959a73c62401aa25bfcfb4617f213c163f1440
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 11:29:39 2023 +0800
✨ add network plugin
commit 5eb37051f70b2a5143b6e1231808ffa24fdf3f9d
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Sun Apr 23 11:06:44 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复一些序列化反序列化错误和Also async问题
commit 507a98c86249c027d7ea2f3e3c189d4c3108ecd0
Merge: b07bdfd7a 6ba11263c
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 23:32:03 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 6ba11263cf1a6ac7735704e0dcd93d23e615a7c0
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 18:35:16 2023 +0800
:construction: 将 BottomSheetScaffold 改为 ModalBottomSheet
commit b6d80ef005b3470cb9a061b118b79d9778f25a8f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 16:38:24 2023 +0800
♿️ [plguin] Improve accessibility for plugin API
commit 64d3931aaaa13b84f58a22cb7e33f31822206902
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 16:34:20 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 数据传输方式的改变
✨ [dektop] barcode-scanning getPhoto Photos
commit 386a376a3237beda36259e47992b104d457650e5
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 11:08:42 2023 +0800
📝 [desktop] 更新 android问题.md
commit d4bd387aa5042dd4d1fa00411e526d5138e7e4d1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 16:00:05 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] nativeui 同 sys 数据类型问题
commit c674aa7e2a78c85a278c578e7e098a6ad7215187
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 11:15:10 2023 +0800
🎨 [desktop] 新增 plugins 目录
commit 589c7e5a4ab0e56b07085d2f45e2db2a61a212d6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 16:17:38 2023 +0800
:zap: :bug: [next C#] 用 `""u8.ToArray()` 替代了一些场景下的 `"".FromUtf8()`;修复了 Combine 的实现
commit bbaad63f95d4d9e5fded9b16270b1f11295cc619
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 15:18:11 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 部分场景下用 `$$"""` 替代 `@"`
commit eeeb6741ae3c95f1af1fbba47141fc1b90b45a27
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 10:30:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#] 修复DWebView没有在主线程中初始化的问题
commit a6aeeb72a0b5648e1aeb8aa1392cd01218873522
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 21 08:55:35 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#]优化UriExtensions Path功能
commit ed5920c4665fe58a09b45787db4bf25e4d0dece1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 19:30:39 2023 +0800
✨ completes biometrics
commit 85588b072a373d0137cfd7d57e97387f449b7e98
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 19:06:49 2023 +0800
:construction: 前台界面改造,搜索功能改造
commit 26b5109d69b7c5a75354b1e1606a3e5b8487a56b
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 18:36:00 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复一些错误,去掉未使用的using
commit e118002d65715a2c9c5ad375cb9df4f050a034d6
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 18:34:00 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: [next C#]添加UriExtensions测试
commit 0264e7554ff91179418841ad1811a54bd9046e20
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 18:31:48 2023 +0800
:bento: [next C#]更新Assets文件
commit 682f118fdf52d887aa39c149ca46aac6a3b87fb8
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 15:39:41 2023 +0800
:bug: fixed #32
commit c71c23203c2f641fd52104ec77e055fc9ffd49f9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Apr 20 10:50:53 2023 +0800
♻️ mount restart App to jsProcess
commit a40c3e6e781c93ba15d3a9466d2d807ace33ecb0
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 20:01:48 2023 +0800
✨ [desktop] 实现了 barcode-scanning
commit 8f4f87f8e4bcf6bd8aaca5b7735bb94a18a52f36
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 19:36:17 2023 +0800
:construction: 修复启动时报错,修复斗鱼网站打开显示不全,完善第一版browserwebview
commit f496dabbbf4deceb6356c1983ca68d639f0299a7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 17:51:57 2023 +0800
:zap: [Android] 优化了BrowserWeb组件
commit 40002e70476b55c8a335c0768623b16b8bc02e45
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 17:42:39 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复一些错误
commit b136e4a8b9c35121bfd59a7aca4da7f7b8f709f4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 15:30:28 2023 +0800
🐛 [android] Fix the channel close that occurs when the app is closed
commit 94f1d54b7f74d4c012fb42dd86ec741d99d8e407
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 11:34:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 初步完成了对mm的启动,并对一些模块做了些许微调
commit 6890e449a9101051673936bdf08160af202c0c35
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 09:55:13 2023 +0800
🔥 [android] remove DwebServiceWorkerNMM
commit d4481d8b4c6d4fdae14bee8544eb646b76e7c516
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Wed Apr 19 09:20:45 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]localeFileFetch添加MimeType
commit 87a0e80af17a6cc54bdde529e8f3b6a6c05f3243
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 19:12:20 2023 +0800
:construction: 修复点击异常,截图功能完善(加载完成,滑动结束)
commit b51758008273aea09259ff9900a3b672b035488e
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 18:57:02 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: [next C#]添加iOS测试项目,并测试LocaleFileFetch本地文件读取功能
commit 6fa4353d18da1295eacc0ebc76c962c7242dab90
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 18:16:04 2023 +0800
✨ [android] completes tirgger download state event
commit c5ce34e55aa398594dbf035ef7a37db403fecfa6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 16:45:01 2023 +0800
✨ [android] add event for process
commit b080b3d30e8c7e63ff3f2e0bc7a2c9391a736547
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 16:53:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: JmmNMM增加更新功能
commit b7aada4393b339d1508ea8f84521e43fa03d760b
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 15:57:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加JmmMetadataDB,添加User
commit c98c4f3bad54302485de286ac722097141121a36
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 14:01:00 2023 +0800
✨ add FetchEvent and OnFetchEvent
commit 6958ff36f287f489702c944c6ed3d7d99ad77e98
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 10:51:06 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]将localeFileFetch迁移到Xamarin.IOS,并加入适配器中
commit fa481cfa027ab642ae33711470274f8586a3904d
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 10:40:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完善前端下载进度显示
commit 2d7e0962cb730b54c58d2d5289787511212a4598
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 09:46:05 2023 +0800
✨ [android] add DWebServiceWorker event start/cancel/updatefound
commit cbb8ea1d775a870049ed0fec57672ef641c0d4e0
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 18 09:30:14 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#]j移动Assets目录到Resources目录下
commit 53751880aebbff7ffdf4d54f0cafdc34ffefe249
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 19:33:46 2023 +0800
✨ add base event
commit 8bf5f09e9f3dceb5f8bcb5afa94b64d7f646eddb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 19:04:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 完善了DEMO中如何对URL进行拦截
commit e95db910863866681533fc411e28dcb8cd5d21a6
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 18:40:14 2023 +0800
:construction: 增加multi界面删除和点击跳转功能
commit cebf5e9b69fb574b67f3d1cec41a5b36751aeb65
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 18:35:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了 DWebView 的 loadURL 接口
commit bce2af5344141947e6d42d123983482d6e46d0d7
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 18:33:04 2023 +0800
:bento: [next C#]添加Assets目录和资源文件
commit b63180acecb561ea20cdc521b4e934ec28e30400
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 16:59:36 2023 +0800
:construction: [next C#]Js模块部分基本完成,部分与DwebView相关功能未完成
commit a0f93bf138271e4baeaedcc187c7d23b69715456
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 16:15:43 2023 +0800
🐛 fix a bug for multWebview controllerMap not remove item
commit 91231a737c8d820093c76dc9362000ab4fc140fc
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 16:11:53 2023 +0800
:bookmark: 增加 ActualBranch 区分当前打包的apk是否用来发布还是真实的
commit 210d2a3810fe86419df8e97ea807ca2f7152ecd7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 15:03:33 2023 +0800
♻️ [android] refactor code for destory js process
commit f525dd841481a00e067c0e526f673ee6457d7415
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Apr 17 10:47:21 2023 +0800
:package: 更改包名为 info.bagen.dwebbrowser
commit c6faf1473198d458c842d578ff591481430bf4a4
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 18:45:30 2023 +0800
:construction: 截屏功能实现
commit c673453c43d990fb4d7481e0b47df7e090ce8126
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 18:26:03 2023 +0800
🐛 [android/worker] fix restart
commit b409c7de45fb76b21ea27184cc3957420dc9c368
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 18:23:31 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复jsMicroModule错误
commit d25c4045dc44630a5157a2055ecbf34794b47606
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 18:23:04 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#]解构microModule中nativeFetch
commit a470f934816bcf0dddea9a64df13a4a26582d107
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 17:32:29 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [next C#]注释掉jmmMetadata测试,因已经迁移到Xamarin中了
commit ee18bea3e3c1882015824776be4384826de03485
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 17:14:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加jsMicroModule和JmmMetadata
commit 61dea4103e14ba6335070ab24bcc950154e3088e
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 14:18:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加response和string扩展方法
commit ea3c961c8508f128536fd9480d284ff1d672bb27
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 12:12:35 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 加入了DwebBrowser.DWebView依赖到DwebBrowser项目中
commit 449aba7eda862afc2fa9d1802395e10798d87bde
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 18:41:09 2023 +0800
🚧 restart jsProcess
commit fbc1a19244b9a4964f8d0c66b86850522890a96a
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 18:37:21 2023 +0800
:construction: 增加截屏功能(未完成)
commit b44368913bed5fd27a74df746704d5c2134f6d4f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 18:09:38 2023 +0800
🎨 [desktop] 优化了 base-add-routes-to-http module
commit 8571ca48f31a93b360cd0d9bb40deab077281581
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 15:39:57 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 重构 safe-area.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 5948ab29fffd5e77bf9230cf2d7faacbf31a94a3
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:27:08 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] virtual-keyboard.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 6fce8098ef6cb1d60874d214608299c525ff54cb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:51:55 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] navigation-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 1c00d3afe0adfe22ff82ce3cc68ebde96d86821c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 16:15:37 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] status-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb wwwServer
commit 0ad50aa17f22b2b639f0d025bac24f3a9362daae
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 15:17:55 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] status-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit ee978fcb35cb8bdd0a21231028fab944f4881009
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 14:40:06 2023 +0800
🎨 [desktop] 重构 navigation-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit ffb0e7f29c03da4a16014eb1dc42a577cf448775
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 10:43:45 2023 +0800
🎨 [desktop] 整理代码
commit 889cb3d1df3f885d0dabcc653cc64f97aff0e5ee
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 10:31:27 2023 +0800
🎨 [desktop] 重写 addRoute
commit 8ba51e3bbd481a001b9761dabaae083de31f930e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 08:59:24 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 修复 status-bar.nativeuil.sys.dweb overlay 问题
补充完成 status-bar 全部业务逻辑
commit 042a647e8e7255e97f0e3b8b6f52f1f976bb4007
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 21:01:42 2023 +0800
👔 【desktop】 更新 plugin observe 实现
commit 3e9a0bb029a4decff7403a64ca236e9ccca51b63
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 15:38:15 2023 +0800
🐛 [dektop]修复 getState 错误的问题
🐛 [desktop] getState
commit 3b05cbf4afd04a9c53a8097dcaed38203dd736a3
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 17:59:16 2023 +0800
:technologist: [next C#]移除messagePack依赖,替换为Cbor,添加Cbor编解码单元测试
commit 8f241ec4b03429c1bf894397f66007eb3ae776f5
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 15:00:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加JmmMetadata,并进行序列化反序列化单元测试
commit 3df8add0fc483216676495938b53a70afc791cf8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 09:42:39 2023 +0800
🚑 [android] hotfix debug error
commit 73abdd3a2e530cc1b748120aeef3e28025e1b2e9
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 09:36:17 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复包含content的headers未写入content headers
commit f821f26bb1a349fcd8ca3c898364ee58e8b85bad
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Apr 7 08:38:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#]优化query类型验证可选和必选
commit d21e66f8cda7b876fdff13122c07c732cd289853
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:48:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加弹出框功能,以及多界面管理界面
commit b6799a7af3ad198989336c559c5217d5b5317b33
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:06:29 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#] 修正了属性命名不规范的问题
commit e83859d3fd1d2f0dc2483528a17552cf180bd21e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:04:33 2023 +0800
commit 7f344293ed3a03d9bb3c7df721c02435c155f38a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:04:13 2023 +0800
commit c008b9375298481b82e1b529cd4476738a35d16d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:03:02 2023 +0800
:bug: [C# next] 修复了WebMessagePort.Start的正确性,改进了Demo,补充了文档
commit fe2464b245d1d8d2437a87235c90617857813793
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:57:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加http路由功能
commit d77905d95a0e66a54df73d0e94a77c18ffee0d95
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:50:01 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor DwebServiceWorker close/restart
commit b8ab90ad5c59dfe5cb7dafe87f2167dfa60136e0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:47:51 2023 +0800
commit bf47b211fc41f75e4fed1128bcf851e1b24a6a25
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:46:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]实现了DWebView模块,模拟实现了Android 的 WebMessageChannel/WebMessagePort/WebMessage
commit 6f94745616e49d0b43c041df58f3ad0c4d400279
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Thu Apr 6 12:08:46 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复dwebhost正则,改HttpClient为HttpListener
commit 913d0857548c2bfad2191ad67077e83e180aa6ed
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 19:43:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 对整个项目的结构进行了标准化处理,日志的打印标准也做了改进
commit 0a32a42db178dc1a79459378a21fdff686261e69
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 18:41:55 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复搜索栏隐藏后再次显示时定位问题
commit ce3d3e1e60a5e110e7aedd8562228d6bcf638396
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 18:32:20 2023 +0800
🚧 [plugin] addEventListener
commit 546a4f97f18f4bee3b18ffdf1a1cbbca7c20960b
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 16:31:27 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]新增gateway、httpNMM等
commit b37ccb299b0a8645d61114dc864d247674e518a1
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 14:17:25 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加下载控制api
commit ea967ac56dd83ee515c745e9d2566aa8677f0a53
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 09:33:47 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 添加依赖包
commit 2907cda751ab820f36d54755aacc2a5c5d902a98
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 09:25:41 2023 +0800
🚧 create DwebServiceWorkerNMM
commit 1d27c80310ddb3dde8df29269200221fab847ef9
Merge: 4d69ba866 0f37a3dce
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Apr 4 09:20:14 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #30 from BioforestChain/android-browser
Android browser
commit 0f37a3dce3f694f9940b0503f23adf05ec181ff0
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 18:45:13 2023 +0800
:construction: 增加popupView,修复界面加载问题,滑动问题等
commit 4d69ba866978b7f6371fc2b53d5b8f34835fd476
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 18:13:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加部分NativeMicroModule模块
commit db6868c2766762b88d29458422825b0d5ba6ee0c
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 09:53:19 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加port查找和占用判断
commit 63e614f0c455123c75032398bdd020f8dc6806c5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 15:42:55 2023 +0800
🚑 [android] add close listen for activity
commit 51698835c606c2a32dc3bb3dcdd31de10b4c8a52
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Apr 3 09:14:45 2023 +0800
♻️ to switch for androidx
commit 3743d159ae66d019024e27ab9492ec4b1ec50117
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 18:34:16 2023 +0800
:construction: 优化了搜索框功能,上滑隐藏功能,主页部分界面
commit ec176101dda59249bec946107bf0eaaa26f048f4
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 18:32:46 2023 +0800
:ambulance: [next C#]
commit fd4dffcc549ad92e5690ccec8974bda776dfed43
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 18:29:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加HttpServer
commit 2e6752457f3cb1ff5a3d2ee661c72fd53cfd41de
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 18:28:41 2023 +0800
🚧 [android] dwebServiceWorker in process
commit f1e8823c89d77b1feeea70aa9e8e3829bcd131f6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 17:44:30 2023 +0800
🚑 [android] add openActivity
commit cbd3d2f0845e51ab946478a0c48e035f184f53c4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 17:27:35 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] Signal现在允许返回null,从而兼容同步函数。
commit 3f316ea0dfcf107eab92ea31fa29b11c6d2f0aa2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 17:10:55 2023 +0800
♻️ [android] change to registerForActivityResult
commit d3ebb2ae2b4ad3b1b7621a25e2fe300b96dce2f0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 16:37:53 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 定义了一种在继承中emit Signal的方法
commit 874aeb4ec5ca58467837e50071d79b4dc5dbedf6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 16:26:33 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 改进IPC中的数据分发
commit a1de0a8739c0c374930194a653134e7be5275c2e
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 16:05:10 2023 +0800
:art: [next C#]重新整理文件结构
commit 68f8c9d016f79f56b4cd5b890e9530f5a5d43532
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 14:40:03 2023 +0800
commit 4f0141854e2b636fa9506c6c841889e5783997b7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 14:39:02 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#] 对Signal进行了重构,回归event关键字的修饰模式
commit dd1283e37022cce54193f74d2985205f91a67efd
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 11:08:27 2023 +0800
🐛 [android] become transparent the shareActivity background
commit e0d2b5440ac7499fd8ff9d9a09f4328f0e2930d4
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 10:23:22 2023 +0800
:poop: [next C#]添加params版本Event
commit 66cb75976d24abc0480f19c0c4ea48bdf698bb88
Author: Kingsword <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 10:09:00 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#]封装Event Delegate
commit 25fdd0928e6ab2ff0bf6c2c9f637e62eca1e7732
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 08:22:59 2023 +0800
:truck: [next C#]迁移micro-module到dweb-browser中,移除第三方依赖
commit 344fd7b04e06ba36c516e9c69bcbd1f0f77c0f7b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 31 09:33:08 2023 +0800
💩 [android] fix bad code
commit 5fb585d863bebc819b6d5b4f81343254826f413d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 20:43:09 2023 +0800
♻️ [android] add AndroidNativeMicrodule
commit 28e217b3b5d5719103943d2256255268671b144d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 19:30:14 2023 +0800
✨ [desktop] toast.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 62657092bc14e883de9c7e40f386f7d0a14c8c3d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 15:04:00 2023 +0800
💄 [desktop] virtual-keyboard.nativeui.sys.dweb add UI
commit ea8f8a7728f6ecce22f3d3c868ce7e15ce5a95c0
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 18:59:03 2023 +0800
:tada: 新增android-browser分支
commit 702672eaf68363a2679f8ca88bce09b07d5bfe38
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 18:15:38 2023 +0800
:recycle: 使用event delegate 替代 signal,添加micro-module项目
commit 3d9bcba010f34a39104fd30acc045120be79a1ab
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 16:29:25 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor share
commit 5874f196aaa029445ac74eb0e4cb89f201d720f2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 11:26:21 2023 +0800
:zap: [next C#] 更高性能的Combine函数
commit e59380fb710bea5b282ebe426169415c8efa1697
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 11:25:09 2023 +0800
:heavy_plus_sign: [Android]加入了androidx.activity的依赖
commit eb7f9049162bfffa83812b157c55188e34a88956
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Mar 30 10:04:21 2023 +0800
:heavy_minus_sign: [next C#]移除三方依赖,ConditionalWeakTable替代Dictionary
commit cb0a9a6d1cbfca1ee7ce99ae60bb1b8dcedd3aeb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 16:32:03 2023 +0800
✨ [desktop] virtual-desktop.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 275b4a6d4c7750e398dbf61a3bee098dc48146c4
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 15:23:26 2023 +0800
✨ [desktop] safe-area.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit a340e69c2ede7b0990a424947c520df3c1114340
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 11:19:13 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] 更新 navigation-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 66fbcf08a6df7ef0286091a6a4b475f84ac533ba
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 19:10:13 2023 +0800
🎨 [desktop]补充 status-bar.nativeui.sys.dweb
commit 37639c3475b36f664e5f68c8b4988822d509ab54
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 17:10:20 2023 +0800
✨ [desktop] navigation-bar
commit 3578cc81898a81a19560cbe0c01e4f71bcd1ba9b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 13:00:16 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop] status-bar
commit e8ac1e6eeebfb7075665b0cfc43a3b789deadd5f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 19:36:48 2023 +0800
✨ Realized the sharing of multiple files
commit 79380f32c2b2bda96401189a7b2a0d019beb0f00
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 18:09:31 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: [next C#] NamedPipeTest
commit 34dd7046c4fe3cb13464059ec47275cc8f82670b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 18:09:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]使用 PipeStream 替代实现了 ReadableStream
commit 08f4f022c92c7b0ef8c97424a54b2b20edc00103
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 11:24:54 2023 +0800
:ambulance: :bug: [next C#] 修复了PromiseOut
commit f41d49c3d5306db88978e1bc1a282f0c09eb50a2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Mar 29 09:36:17 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]ReadableStream重写ReadByte,并进行单元测试
commit dedc6bc0f317930be8561ddbf354ad3dd11e8c5f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 19:30:46 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: [next C#]修改ReadableStream, 初步测试通过,还需更完善的单元测试
commit e5a66318bf3b3b5dc9233d220ad03cd4f978e53b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 17:34:52 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复Lazy写法错误,序列化反序列化修改
commit 8f65b1251c5b3cdd0b0f715f9832ed374a6006fc
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 15:32:53 2023 +0800
:test_tube: [next C#]test MemoryStream
commit c76ef30126f9166446a7513fc43a046356f01d57
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 10:37:45 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加NativeIpc
commit 7495ac5744bd614a637bd25db955a5ca7bcdee6b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 09:27:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加int和byteArray扩展方法
commit ea0c80cde4a8c966e208098c99edadcfa4aad964
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 09:03:43 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]添加序列化反序列化代码折叠,修改类中变量名与kotlin命名不统一问题
commit ce91d7e4a5fe37285be3e3305e85892496afd848
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 28 08:30:40 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修复反序列化问题,ReadableStream未验证
commit 7173e34846dc40f1a67ee403ac6714fec7252d8e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 19:59:57 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor cot worker
commit c0542be2dc377a08fc78d096566ddf6dc3531fd3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 19:02:29 2023 +0800
♻️ Added the state operation of mwebview
commit 4394993342e6584571ceeda4513b7a52b712f96b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 19:00:39 2023 +0800
:recycle: 改进了IpcBody中Lazy的用法
commit e80dd6c66eb0256d432f29b771f96c15a54462c7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 15:48:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]增加序列化反序列化和MessagePack pack验证
commit 51bac0eb95a09358aa512b7eca077002b8b34032
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 15:14:00 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复 excludeFromRecents 引起的 BrowserActivity 在任务栏不显示问题
commit 7f08a353fdad9b40ee63c1f98c0307b9353511be
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 11:25:56 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]同步ipc类变化
commit 8db5b0d0b95db4fb60d1a3723707b1e52404221b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 11:13:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]完成IpcBody相关类,修改private static变量名规范
commit 2c9edcc9a905acba9c12d31ab18c3671a5ab656b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 09:01:21 2023 +0800
:bug: [next C#]修改stream读取判断,Lazy改为线程安全方式
commit 4a7c9c814a5edbaea4723fd27164001562272bf3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 20:44:09 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复了Release模式的下代码被压缩导致Gson工作异常的问题
commit 0c1ba1089a5b20f289c6f21b6622e2a3ec78cfc3
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 11:52:22 2023 +0800
:recycle: [next C#]修改PromiseOut异步CancellationToken为传入方式
commit 5a01ba436ce0d962fab37c1607f36e1e45bc681c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Mar 26 11:29:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]完成IpcBodySender, 移除无意义async
commit 628212beb1352ca3c06e986578310cbbad48bc61
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Mar 25 20:42:31 2023 +0800
:art: [next C#]格式化代码,封装string和byte[]扩展方法
commit d70347f908a8a13eb4218d393e151062d6599e24
Merge: 3ad8127f4 0e2b9debc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 20:27:33 2023 +0800
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin'
commit 3ad8127f44cad68c569305451200659491bb47cb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 20:18:31 2023 +0800
👔 [desktop]完成 plugin/statusbar 的使用
commit 0e2b9debc9bf86d12c36f839bc918f0cc84ee17c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 19:56:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#]完成Ipc抽象类,改进Lazy写法
commit c2b4d33cbe3576113415f0a5f07a764d5dcbb6df
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 18:32:00 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor worker code
commit 7d13e9199162ead8de4feee97b28b29b3ca46a6e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 16:58:07 2023 +0800
:zap: 解决了IPC处理消息时以队列模式去处理导致的阻塞问题
commit 9c1fe3ae178eb47ee60b886ba354b89d5aebf879
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 16:17:19 2023 +0800
🐛 Fix the bug that returns without selecting a picture or taking a photo
commit d4e408e8c4c3191f63169e27446a32f2ad7b9384
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 15:00:10 2023 +0800
:bug: 优化browsercontrol结构,修复网页关闭未销毁问题
commit 52bd3b0ae58869f9bc867cea08a82b795df5cd55
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 11:47:01 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了MultiWebViewController的一些被篡改的逻辑
commit d54524004713688130289e350bfc90d31cc817b7
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 11:07:43 2023 +0800
:construction: 启动的MicroModule迁移到Application
commit 8c5b18c0159144f187a657efdaad8d9491c620a5
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 09:59:49 2023 +0800
:technologist: [next C#]类方法不返回collection,使用IEnumerable,方便转化
commit b6ccdb02dd39e9809f61a3ebfccace5a2f861e6f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 10:03:31 2023 +0800
🐛 [desktop] 修复拉取合并分支导致的 JMM 之间 connect 失败的问题
🔥 删除测试用 btry 模块
🔥 [desktop] 删除 api www 模块
🐛 [desktop] apiServer 处理 /internal/public-url 问题
🚚 [desktop]statusbar.sys.dweb 模块改为 status-bar.sys.dweb
🐛 [desktop] 跨域问题
commit 6067e9f5c3a087b17c91afaa402729fc982390bf
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 22:27:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了HTTP关闭时,对应的请求也能通过写入异常层层抛回给js-process
commit ad0654fa883303371c9c3420e0c483a3871d8168
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 19:31:14 2023 +0800
♻️ [android] refactor browerNMM
commit af3bec6ff654026985b8aebfa3c00a2b28a30c3e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 19:07:22 2023 +0800
✨ [android] completed for install and splashScreen
commit 4eeb5e694174166f65380f41b5845b62eb0aaa7a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 19:03:48 2023 +0800
✨ [android] completed for install and splashScreen
commit 431d02a63aeeed86dec7f8f56c8ba129576a16f6
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 18:39:26 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复欢迎界面没跳转主页问题,修复多次打开异常问题
commit 7ddc284ed013f39783cd578ebfed5bd1a019311b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 18:28:41 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了WebMessage没有以正确的顺利处理导致的问题
commit af04f845d3329bc06fb314b51d929477ec2e7db1
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 18:14:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [next C#] 新增PromiseOut以及PromiseOut单元测试通过
commit 6c7458c0894cfc760e27ce47be5a82141b8a6858
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 14:54:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 添加EncodingConverter单元测试,简化类方法为Lambda表达式
commit a6a5c14253d48d88110be2bcc85c311bb5292293
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 11:18:40 2023 +0800
✨ add function reOpen/close/closeAll for cot.demo.worker
commit 41f3bdc7a9d819b7e72f68791c9af709bbe1db2f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 23 11:10:28 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 对新版Stream协议做了一些修复
commit 7c8febb4b3bb6fda8c9eaeabbb4f844fcccaf62b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 22:36:43 2023 +0800
:zap: :recycle: [Android][Desktop] 重构了流协议中的pull指令
commit be7d8e35a2c477de333fa64cdd240225c02da8a5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 20:39:35 2023 +0800
✨ completed for share file and fileSystemNMM
commit e7abfb77c16d536e2a01cb0ada585fb7832dcdc6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 20:27:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完成IpcRequest和IpcResponse, IpcBodySender 部分实现
commit 655d2a6dd9b6a13d622efca4cbd68081dd591c60
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 18:54:57 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 修改搜索的为DWebView,同时针对返回键进行管控
commit 902668716f61136514ede59b363684b76566d976
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 17:19:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 点击应用后,弹出加载“菊花”
commit 8c90bf8e208b49b6c22e86e3d66605c248c6fd75
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 16:13:49 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复退出BrowserActivity后,点击桌面图标卡在欢迎界面问题
commit 12875af39137e4b8d22eee9ac98ac518067792b5
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 14:08:51 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复重复打开MultiViewActivity异常
commit 224e43b8460b73d759efb51e1f7aa6960f3a2a89
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 13:37:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: cotDemo中收到activity指令后,会返回ready指令
commit d6af8d6d4d83f8dac65b3eb67d2f7e384c4e205d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 11:23:26 2023 +0800
🐛 fix share reutrn data
commit b37258c53873dc2f148226b3487445803e169793
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 10:58:36 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复cotDemo.worker对两种启动模式没有很好的兼容的问题
commit 98beeb8bc8c90816f27afc3aca8e550192ac7272
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 10:50:13 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完成IpcStream几种状态类
commit a0f4b2bdbeaae5f89c8f7d79585ac8a8024856f6
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 09:30:38 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 更新C#版本到11,添加ipc-test单元测试
commit 37ff477e2156908809d674037c02b586a0fa95fa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 20:54:37 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完成IpcReqMessage、IpcResMessage、MetaBody
commit ed2c6d06fee847fdb07e6fbc480d15171592e28f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 20:53:19 2023 +0800
✨ complete for share
commit cffeef12e746caa2c339ce8770a04448a5ff6e75
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 20:18:44 2023 +0800
🚑 fix problem for scanning back button
commit 7673ceb8d804df9f5d2aa37535178998015259e1
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 19:28:11 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 基本实现了CloseWatcher提案,现在可以同于BackButton的模拟实现
commit 69ad0ec2964b36fc3ae076a8b2f54327f10b229b
Merge: 6e1ab1c28 0a36bec89
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 19:27:20 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev'
commit 0a36bec89a060f33b791439ac9d65533b331d12f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 19:21:57 2023 +0800
👔 实现了 statusbar.setBackgroundColor
commit 6e1ab1c28c623c4b3c98e3a07969c1b3064df178
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 19:12:21 2023 +0800
✨ completed for haptics
commit 9422fcf5a02e36ee4db39ed2f566e9ca43203322
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 18:33:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步完成IpcHeaders和IpcResMessage
commit 9a5b9579e67b39f293c7918a61c4513ab0b61861
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 17:59:27 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了 browser.sys.dweb 执行openApp的逻辑
commit fe6963c785c9616ce3df93b55162ce59316d935f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 17:01:09 2023 +0800
✨ completed for camera
commit bf5b29a58e3cc302f708cd954abcbd191e45819f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 16:39:45 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步完成ipcMessage和ipcReqMessage
commit 04bb1bbfc68701a139ce47ef6373a5686962ec0b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 16:30:24 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 补充提交
commit 9cad80abaf621e7deabd5e0f2dfe7ebe9265451a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 16:27:42 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复BrowserActivity调用openApp阻塞的问题
commit 6990c10ada0b9c0da7ac623a46b5858a0a087636
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 16:03:50 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复nativeFetch调用方式
commit 37f32c488413bc152b4a5fc79cf0cbcadfe744ff
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 15:55:14 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 补充提交
commit d0fa4d2439f7b81c15c8f9a602692266a95be847
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 15:52:52 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 初步实现了CloseWatcher提案
commit bdfb49ebb05eee57ce9bde05107f210f5d4154c2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 10:24:14 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android]修复MultiWebViewController.eachView的@Composable接口设计的状态问题
commit de33b40bf0687af2641d1b9224f7b7ebe9f57145
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 09:36:44 2023 +0800
🐛 fix browser controller
commit a3bcc03814ac800272df99d7ddcc1b31760fa56c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Mar 21 09:29:46 2023 +0800
fix: 未异步版
commit 1e2d213d24de1b19f51153393329e5fdfc0c025b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 21:50:43 2023 +0800
🐛 fix barcodeScanning for styling issues on first open
commit 1b0bcfc81f03bdea0d9090e2d1c97a2e5413f588
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 21:31:09 2023 +0800
:shit: [Android] 调整BrowserNMM与JmmNMM错误的代码写法
commit 1a43cb746b2317729069d58194fde76cb4acb039
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 21:30:53 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android] 对MultiWebView的代码进行了结构性梳理拆封,现在拆出MutilWebViewChromeClient
commit c6a62d2445f67378a3fb889b49050f69dcf1d513
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 20:38:39 2023 +0800
✨ complete Torch(flash bomb)
commit 4e3ca55418e20fe0ba80cef396c8d3775eb14f28
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 20:27:38 2023 +0800
📝 更新JMM连接的测试实例
commit f64b054ba3002e0ee871df9d500ff79912e200b9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 20:08:18 2023 +0800
♻️ splash screen move to nativeui
commit 45edef30e6317d5daedace283b5fa4ff518851d1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 20:01:18 2023 +0800
✅ jsMM之间通信
commit 02221c4475849ad96ef5bb9b7180cee8fe65f638
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 16:33:05 2023 +0800
:sound: [Android] 增加了double-pull错误信息打印
commit 54cf39cbbf8e1a1bc7f86973d16f90227a8d4935
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 16:29:28 2023 +0800
🐛 fix IpcBodySender
commit 3377811dbf4bbe5b3e44a71e156a0eb8f38bd582
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Mar 20 09:37:29 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译
commit 32fa74caa8c5c9ff4cb43f880cd855a5bfd08519
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 19 11:55:23 2023 +0800
:fire: [plugins] 暂时移除了virtual-keyboard show/hide 的功能
commit bfbcf33a033dec65d0c01c2a9d427c8a56a4913b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 18 20:40:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步实现了virtual-keyboard插件
commit 78756ff2ec7ce704d2d1c33f9179e8d0befd5fbf
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 18 19:48:08 2023 +0800
:recycle: 调整了nativeui相关的架构,修复safe-area的计算问题
commit a7c7484f05a31c60ad38de950028195302028217
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Sat Mar 18 10:43:59 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译js
commit 53afd2bfed5fbb49c4dd9ce9e9c02ef7aafcd851
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 21:21:08 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了SafeArea组件;修复了Bar组件的Insets没有正确跟进到最新的问题
commit f8af4de2188b7577e235139abfebd23354051c72
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 20:48:31 2023 +0800
👔 实现 JSMM 连接 NMM 模块;实现消息推送的功能
commit 9382362d67f8f2d13786f1ad501c2a466e51eec7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 17:07:07 2023 +0800
🚧 compressed image
commit 6c17fecfcab0c6571f589f5b56fd0ae1e362c20b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 16:50:32 2023 +0800
:construction: bindIncomeStream in progress
commit dce9ebe97b9097b755af728f08f02f8623b0fb20
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 16:26:15 2023 +0800
:construction: 移除无用的依赖包和资源,目前正式打包21.6M
commit f97a4f5c28de89c3aec39ad7236923717a64c29d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 13:54:15 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android][plugins] 对插件的Observer进行了封装改进,为实现了SafeArea做基础
commit 3891657e4fd761c7e8fcbfd8d5ea652d41f2aacd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 11:25:19 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复状态栏不可见后会被强制唤醒的问题
commit a88fff038fc0a3575537eef735b07f367e9ebf31
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 10:01:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plugins] 同StatusBar一般实现了NavigationBar的测试页面
commit a946749002b18c5ab76eed56dcbf40af49c32a51
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 10:00:55 2023 +0800
:muscle: [Android]shouldInterceptRequest 中使用更加规范的接口来实现 WebResourceResponse 的参数填充
commit 531a71bc0e34ebf4bb580e149e2138973f699079
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 09:49:20 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android][plugins] 修复了bar.visible属性没有正确生效的问题;
commit 8481647705029b3f901607dad7c61390f528846d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 22:35:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: [Android][plugins] StatusBar和NavigationBar的插件基本重构完成
commit 50197df7c8a1f4396904145ae1e4e59455fcc1ac
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 19:56:18 2023 +0800
🐛 fix svg mimeType
commit 9dd8a7eb9698bcc3348ffb07c30c0ffb722cf614
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 18:22:20 2023 +0800
🐛 fix a bug for statusBar
commit 835fccff22d6efd3dc0a3a20b35cde64e320da72
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 16:28:12 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译http文件
commit 58b6fab1b774de43f895e37e7e37827fc9456127
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 16:19:24 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复应用安装后无法启动问题,增加dns动态安装应用接口
commit 0071fb8f36de992482c9087246431a2d035dac0e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 16:14:50 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复query.X-Dweb-Host没有被正确读取的问题
commit 5aa8ff97d2079991a8f874e14638c683a6e0bdab
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 15:51:13 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复 Ipc 的 request 的req_id没有遵循原子性的问题
commit 7fd64785d8dbd94b3a8b6e56111c3a9dc90a80c0
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 13:37:01 2023 +0800
:construction: 修复欢迎界面打开协议问题,启动流程问题,优化console打印格式
commit f1df773132f444073a4d953294614731135ef0c8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 12:04:42 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor read assets
commit 2faae84f149c20a7c6f5555440831144595298f3
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 11:26:32 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译dns文件
commit 8160494f45a0ec808cf7772c775fb13a0ef08d39
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 22:55:21 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步完成了statusbar插件
commit fbfce2ad552240e7b2d18e0ec4a0e62fd7928b1b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 22:11:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 现在webview里头可以通过jsonlines技术实现observe功能了
commit deaa9e00a9a67267aafcaf55b3cde3454b730c45
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 19:54:37 2023 +0800
👔 初始化添加 apiServer 业务逻辑
commit 802fa29c38cbee28dfd269c6b54f971061ce325b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 19:32:03 2023 +0800
✨ new feature for process and ipc post
commit 824adf89f9937d19196fdfaaca00a38ad12ded97
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 18:58:24 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复JsMicroModule关闭close问题,无法二次打开问题,打开后无法从主页跳转问题
commit c0f53f88a9d8aab52a757e7c1f6d994ee3cd03e8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 18:47:34 2023 +0800
👔 更新 browser.sys.dweb 模块 改为测试用
commit 2514e91459ca9e4969b09872c219cc645116671a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 17:04:24 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop] 增加httpMethodCanOwnBody函数来辅助判断 method 是否可以携带 body
commit 29ef68636677f5079ca32ffa07fe6ace19639938
Merge: f956877ef 710f7c459
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 16:53:13 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev'
commit 710f7c459e2b7a328f8aabeac54dbd941233fc2c
Author: pxh <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 16:51:47 2023 +0800
🐛 修复了 jmm 模块监听 请求返回失败的问题
commit f956877ef60cc837d5969a4cdebc321bfe4daa1b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 15:50:16 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复IsChange没有正确监听数据变更的问题
commit 9f4456faa3e5c1120da8190d6ea5e9184c3cc0ea
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 15:18:41 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译ipcWeb
commit 2cdd844ca60fe978e0b689d2e8423f787634bd98
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 15:08:15 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复cotDemo中使用 import 进来的 IpcResponse 导致内存对象不统一的问题
commit c6e6cafc8dc042fd363659bb7f32c37e534a5321
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 14:38:50 2023 +0800
🔥 remove println and obsolete directory
commit 0e2eafd7209cd6ee642f0024faa478e9e6db8741
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 14:05:20 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译ipc
commit e90ceac7acf536195c63dedaeac1c905eb73d93d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 11:23:32 2023 +0800
:bug: [plugins] 修复了public_url、api-url的获取问题,改进了buildRequest的对search没有很好混合的问题
commit 809120ad77251199c86507063f13188ab6590406
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 22:37:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [plugins] 初步对接了 observe 的实现
commit 671c2a9d2a1ec2f76e9f51d22daf7e0a94aba533
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 20:21:01 2023 +0800
🐛 添加了测试文件
commit 948266513b2e5967c0182882a73e366257cba63d
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 20:02:51 2023 +0800
🙈 更新 根目录的 gitignore 文件
commit 97b99bfd269693bccacb3c547eb8f15403d76fd8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 19:52:28 2023 +0800
🙈 跟新 gitignore 添加了 apps 目录
commit f674835fd2ccb5e2230cc9c46b99bafa70a564d6
Merge: a75bc1fec b759a0849
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 19:46:39 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev'
commit b759a0849170a7cba5d9de2e4015d01f3169a75b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 19:41:50 2023 +0800
🐛 jsMM 模块 cot-demo wwwServer服务器无法正常返回查询到的数据
commit a75bc1fecbcb2eb252146661dfd3dced871e7c6b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 18:21:51 2023 +0800
🚧 merge changes
🔥 remove systemUiPlugin
commit 3f98b5e0eddf9f61464f8eb4146b662c22a7319b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 18:30:31 2023 +0800
:sparkles: plugins架构调整,demo引入vuetify;开始实现插件的状态订阅接口
commit 4fec9ebc5b37e1a380315ca1b8ab807882eda6e7
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 14:06:52 2023 +0800
:construction: 移除 protobuf,改为datastore gson存储
commit 61a60df7b59210503b0dceac6fcaa606f130ae02
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 20:04:38 2023 +0800
:recycle: 初步完成SystemUI升迁到NativeUI
commit 2d498a2e380d01dc14617fb381aa739542838aab
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 19:10:28 2023 +0800
:construction: 下载进度三端统一
commit 7982104f5d80146d0e47cea26495ed4a54552309
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 18:48:04 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios translate ipc finished
commit 58336af212f1c4be0095a8e5f76a0bee9486fbaf
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 17:34:49 2023 +0800
🐛 statubar.sys.dweb 没有启动
commit 858c09c9af2d793aa3b43c9f9e32fd04de7fad37
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 17:30:46 2023 +0800
🐛 修复 jsMM 模块创建 www api 服务器问题
commit 47fb919f45a65f8e69f1aa6333ae7601e69231d4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 15:31:07 2023 +0800
🚧 navigation work in progress
commit b1de8a3a75ba8f3273fcc7334419685a90bdff78
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 15:14:55 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现 statusbar 插件 与相关 DEMO
commit ed407c0e0b460181bd99ae4a4019b6e78b262536
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:54:56 2023 +0800
🧑‍💻 新增了 dns.sys.dweb http.sys.dweb | js.sys.dweb | mwebview.sys.dweb | 程序的启动标识
commit 3b4c002fdf928a21a13e79c7657e9350e5e3bf40
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:37:30 2023 +0800
🧑‍💻 js-process 添加了直接打开 devTools
commit b75e27c17874b654b5480f801134f72d01b120c8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:34:06 2023 +0800
🐛 修复 js-process createProcess 传递 metadata env 参数的问题
commit d3bc979acea98c1ef022d2b5abd40614698fda62
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:32:02 2023 +0800
🐛 修复 js-process <internal>/bootstrap.js 路径问题
commit 159690bc93452e884944a7025ff3c0b1149d3370
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:31:49 2023 +0800
🐛 修复 boot.cts 启动程序 添加序列 ;
commit f218841cc57be5926d538764011919089d95b88b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:16:04 2023 +0800
👔 更新 boot.sys.dweb 初始化启动程序
commit 9e025b05f9a4652aaa9d5c7f85d74e3ebf8aa823
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:13:37 2023 +0800
🚩 更改 cotDemo.bfs.dweb => cotdemo.bfs.dweb
commit afe0f82d100e3cbd0a2296cc3650ef421b7b2e5f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:11:14 2023 +0800
🔀 合并远程分支到本地
commit de915e690fafad28b332dc9b26197cf5e395c9c1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 14:33:16 2023 +0800
🐛 connectAdapterManager.append port 问题
commit 7cc4e6d84bd73710baa3b57ce87ef0ab0d982d3b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 12 20:28:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: 对plugins项目进行了重构
commit bdc7195ff43213427871e2263c070c6528cd8392
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 11 10:56:54 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugins] 使用deno作为标准重写了 sync-android/desktop 的代码
commit 6cf84108f37dc24b1234cdd94f5cddd23286bf7f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 22:58:44 2023 +0800
:sparkles: [Android] 初步完成了systemui 接入到MutilWebViewActivity中
commit 166920e0a453c79ff73a3c974590dcf0a5ee3995
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 19:14:31 2023 +0800
🐛 Fix multi-page status sharing problem
commit 190d7a43c799dbf9a7e04b712cbe88e7468d37da
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 19:13:40 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor native fetch
commit 830c1e054c142ba5a973c731bc6cc94b4c610b2d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 18:54:32 2023 +0800
:construction: translate ipcBodySender
commit 735cd4b1822ba4730fca2e210259dc62151d7bed
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 18:50:06 2023 +0800
:construction: 将splash screen展示出来
commit 02a8eab1f72a7726242d03d9d5cf6e59d04e0c9c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 16:53:06 2023 +0800
:bug: [Android] 修复MutilWebViewActivity 中 overlayOffset与overlayPadding的计算方法
commit 0591f99d1718e1973854f096e58c0476e3c38309
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 16:32:19 2023 +0800
:recycle: 引入开发者的概念,方便不同用户区分代码
commit 7b2cd7882920f161c91c2a1b5b6ced99fb307db7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 16:18:05 2023 +0800
:recycle: [plugin]改进了 nativeFetch search 参数的组织方法
commit 46a81cce0e36f5ce613ba6104be5117a05318c99
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 16:01:42 2023 +0800
:up: 升级依赖
commit e9753f587c98aa703d9d80954b91ee83d62590e0
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 15:11:43 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步重构了DWebView/MutilWebViewController/Activity
commit e68689a833fcc68908f14eb7c45630ecb792b6e4
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 14:33:16 2023 +0800
🐛 connectAdapterManager.append port 问题
commit 616e90627a2207c4c08892b1f28e8b456940d7fb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 12:31:50 2023 +0800
🚧 work in progress for android SplashScreen
commit 680d23c2c3854d95b80d3d06e11143e7694a7270
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 11:23:11 2023 +0800
:building_construction: 移除libAppMgr模块
commit 13afc7056f05da9a12e0e6d11f88fd79c31eeba4
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 10:03:59 2023 +0800
📝 添加 模块间的通信问题.md , 更改了 package.json 的部分script
commit 33f73abac993a064534b600eee1e5c01964ed333
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 20:22:40 2023 +0800
👔 添加 同步到 desktop 的功能
commit c3eef5d3888dbc9ed69ad7615848c824923a250d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:41:15 2023 +0800
🐛 fix statusbar style
commit 64a33f4e85055e4f51e1d0af022a3f0a38a7318b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:29:24 2023 +0800
✅ complete statusBar test
commit 6927c239d8b079128f21eb20baa2f8ec1a0d641e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:28:14 2023 +0800
🐛 修复合并后的问题
commit 5d39c83af5faaaaf8f56568611ed7b7424c4e3e3
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:22:09 2023 +0800
👔 添加 statusbar.plugin.ts 业务逻辑;添加了测试demo功能
commit 105b207033bbcce22171a120580d54af3f6d8ebc
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:20:26 2023 +0800
✅ 添加测试环境
commit c1f6fb2030ee96277f0c26849e62fb9c0f356cd1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:19:30 2023 +0800
🧑‍💻 在demo中添加了部分依赖, 运行 deno task demo 可以直接查看编译后测试的效果
commit 44fecbe2dc13a9ae455c3fa9aac6e7f5493dede8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:16:16 2023 +0800
commit e16583d61573acbc5f4fbd9b85462915aaf3cabb
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:09:05 2023 +0800
commit 5cf6913afce89020e8555cc1d33578777863723e
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 19:08:04 2023 +0800
commit 85af05634e34ffd91b22d14f96c1c8de668e878b
Author: pxh <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 09:58:22 2023 +0800
🧑‍💻 更新 .gitignore
commit 8e5d68298436edfcb69e0bb5d92b47af15e20843
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 18:58:20 2023 +0800
:construction: 完善浏览器启动流程,下载流程
commit 3483fa2de47d31bbda3f0d780e29ddd2ee4687a7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 9 11:25:09 2023 +0800
✨ complete the toast web Component
🐛 fix webview select demo
commit e2244d1d9613aa53cf8deed856f6e58ecc305591
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 22:01:51 2023 +0800
:fire: 修正DEMO
commit 24858be539c9272819d44acc9b56d9c8cab7e939
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 21:59:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 修正实现了jmm的互联
commit 00b8b973b4c2e2aa9e5f319c81c54509b130ab77
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 20:48:46 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步实现了jmm的互联标准
commit cb2ad39954dad7551c76ca3010ca98c518f61d76
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 18:41:01 2023 +0800
✅ complete toast
commit 41ec56a595189f7b48a1a4e8f6920a2b5a465085
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 16:37:53 2023 +0800
:zap: 现在一个js线程中,ipc连接是单例模式
commit 26a29ab1dba0633b07b22779fd0ff3a83fedee1f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 16:14:27 2023 +0800
🐛 fix esbuild
commit fdd361b36ddab5cb2033a6c2108d762597912901
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 14:56:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 基本实现了jmm与nmm的ipc通讯
commit 44148184acd486fad496d7baca19842372df60e7
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 14:01:47 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios browser start, stream not complete
commit 75b29bb02cb4e38ed349849976dd88f233d08252
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 12:05:11 2023 +0800
♿️ Add automated packaging and sync to android assets
commit de309858c4785c87e9a2a6ff3571d460e3f4fad4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 09:20:11 2023 +0800
✨ init android test demo
commit 2ac26074618248f90fca3fd5c5b63f1bea3329fe
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 22:33:49 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步完成对jsprocess/creata-ipc的适配重构
commit c200ac84f82d689918a6cc5a212eb108771e63ee
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 18:32:07 2023 +0800
:construction: 实现 DataStore Protoc 的 JmmMetadata 数据存储和加载功能。
commit d06663f3d751d93a49fc7bdee069fae876cacd98
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 15:55:32 2023 +0800
✨ complete toast
commit ff0ff11c988615a045c7afb24cd8718ddc13a0e0
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 15:22:28 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译
commit b0cf4c9f9c0b5f74f0d41fbb6557ecabdf66215b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 14:52:13 2023 +0800
♻️ Refactor listener to signal
commit 2b1a2058c270beb89fa6ae2e0e72e70f7f5826aa
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 14:35:56 2023 +0800
:construction: translate in progress
commit 59a0a74d8900c7ec858c531adf27768fddc18e08
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 14:11:26 2023 +0800
🚑 hotfix ImageCapture
commit 620dad3269d135c130156965e393c8b4e932661b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 12:38:42 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 正式新增加了IpcEvent到Kotlin与js协议中;
BootstrapContext.dns 新增了 connnect 方法来连接到其它模块, 使得可以直接通讯IpcEvent,而不需要通过额外建立ReadableStreamIpc的损耗
commit 47e501661cbbefe302f37c6508c37b622fb391d5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 10:31:40 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步增加plugins/demo页面
commit a8154dd8b17da9867ac8baaed14d83a95abd4d66
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Mar 7 09:52:29 2023 +0800
♻️ overload navigator function
commit 984bf8821cd5f2535937924bc4e6cc46cc2010db
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 18:56:05 2023 +0800
💥 Create deno dnt service plugin
commit 3290a3bd64eb067dbdea0f6ff5021c12faddc56d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 15:47:21 2023 +0800
✨ add torchNMM
commit 17e1883587607de3c8ecd1e4d6e71f5a7f2d3146
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 18:31:22 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了流句柄的功能,使得文件读取不需要发送到worker,直接回传句柄即可
commit 487e3df8795837dcbc9a08400a3fd900ab33af29
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 17:06:16 2023 +0800
:recycle: 改进了MetaBody与IpcStreamData的JsonSerialize实现
1. 现在MetaBody与IpcStreamData能自动隐式转化为jsonAble实例
2. 现在所有的runBlock都该写成了runBlockCatching,有了内建的错误捕捉
commit 8809d466a900205f4495139f2ca6f00adfff7f40
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 15:23:16 2023 +0800
✨ complete scanner/torch/basePlugin/listen event
commit 4bb7dc6f93754335ec74f2bc2f9308dcf0f68166
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 12:41:49 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor barcode-scanner
commit 0eb6a035826b33b555076dbebd67b785bc359696
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 11:57:40 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了MetaBody,现在它是一个完整的class,有着明确的字段,并且流模式支持携带第一帧数据
commit a6882ec59b6e3287c7f015788802a5841384a7d4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Mar 6 09:48:25 2023 +0800
🚚 move plugin
commit b9039a0131b28f746d73b3e1da9e279aca96b4d5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 5 23:10:57 2023 +0800
:sparkles: localeFileFetch现在加入了分片读取的支持
commit a56d8f7196376a3197011df9d8c6fa49b58137a7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 5 23:10:08 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复Signal的并发性问题
commit ef88b7a92d9142e2b42ed2e6e6bc4dbf04e70996
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 5 21:56:45 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复IpcBodySender.streamAsMeta.sender可能会被多次执行导致的问题
commit f69e497c18c680181e102935a2baa739686daf93
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 5 21:26:29 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复ReadableStream使用Observer存储size可能不会触发的问题
commit 7fb23f96be952753cb95834d8ffdb3116e7c73ab
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Mar 5 15:15:48 2023 +0800
:sound: 改进一些日志打印
commit 7bab7a5e6efc8632db6b752b129c2462de80d3cd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 4 19:04:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 现在ReadableStream是真正意义上的流,能够定点释放内存了
commit c50783baa960fe5cff4d2813ea0c61af7bb90281
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 4 15:37:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: MWebview的系统UI默认透明且与Webview层叠渲染
commit 8befbc1d132211a0601ec133bcc1b29e209e85b8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 4 12:17:26 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复一些布局问题,修复Webview的layoutParams导致的viewHeight问题
commit 929c266e3ce899e2200ee9bd52ff7e1bc7561956
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Mar 4 10:16:18 2023 +0800
commit 818e758dbd36db44ecc49baf649114b6d4470add
Merge: 036255c69 657db3fff
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 19:18:30 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #29 from BioforestChain/dev_pxh
Dev pxh
commit 657db3fff039622e38d55792764986903aa1c798
Merge: 7877440f3 43b576667
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 19:17:27 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev_pxh' of into dev_pxh
commit 7877440f3a55294a345b45fdff47527694602c8f
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 19:14:12 2023 +0800
临时保存 IpcResponse.fromResponse 问题
commit 43b576667f163fe77dae0b53d2032464e4efbdb3
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 19:14:12 2023 +0800
临时保存 IpcResponse.fromResponse 问题
commit 036255c69fc3bb92aacbfd8c44c1c22e1211ee74
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 18:48:39 2023 +0800
:recycle: JmmMetadata.MainServer
commit 1d81bc16f12895f95c2479a02c00555c05390203
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 18:32:26 2023 +0800
:construction: translate in progress
commit 497cc5a952e920459592881e3a644ffe0a348caf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 18:14:53 2023 +0800
🐛 update Serializable
commit f45780b0e093a6e265d6a1db94b7aa15a7190296
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 17:11:08 2023 +0800
🎨 all changed to X-Dweb-Host
commit 328682146921e8b6b51dd29d63dc95c025ad40d1
Merge: 7912297dd 1e563ef2f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 17:56:27 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #28 from BioforestChain/dev_pxh
Dev pxh
commit 1e563ef2f0a42557c047c5504e6855fd1d64c58e
Merge: 4c60f7997 7912297dd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 17:56:16 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into dev_pxh
commit 4c60f799799be5ecc7c8495990f556380591a417
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 17:48:16 2023 +0800
🩹 🐛 修复合并main 分支后的bug
commit 7912297dde4d58ae5208662e046d5001ca7cdac6
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 16:40:43 2023 +0800
:recycle: [desktop]完成了对Android NativeFetch 的跟进
commit 3ec1d3221b18febf11c8f7b84e7086bb654dedd8
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 15:30:24 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 根据主分支更新了 file.sys.dweb
commit 53b5507feb76c0b8a11497c09098a6d87d28a04f
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 16:26:10 2023 +0800
🐛 🩹
commit d9d874aa67772ee75f6168eca21fc611450b71cb
Merge: 40d930d28 822ad92c7
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 16:01:26 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit f397b91cb1a74daafa0f062b36242e09755c02b0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 15:59:23 2023 +0800
✨ add jmm modules status callback and install jmm bridge
commit 822ad92c7588c35ab51ce56d7d07cfa3f7ae28e8
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 15:50:38 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop]修复合并后的一些问题
commit 64f71a173eacab23765df3ab6e0957fee9e8e874
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 14:07:35 2023 +0800
:construction: 下载进度条完善,修复获取版本异常问题
commit a5654ec22bb49bdd4cc00d0118c76b4a84228414
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 12:29:58 2023 +0800
:bug: [desktop]修复合并后的一些问题;[android]bootstrap现在增加bootstrapContext
commit 71616c00115e049e226852f492d785acbcc365c2
Merge: 7671800dd af743174a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 09:46:26 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #27 from BioforestChain/android
commit af743174a70a80235c57a7987c419b368d058b66
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Fri Mar 3 09:27:54 2023 +0800
:recycle: jmmMetadata补充main_url字段
commit 40d930d281c8475680bd3dd35df93c240eb2e0aa
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 20:22:27 2023 +0800
🍼 补充合并
commit 5494cf57e40cbfa5a2ce7c5c5279792f803c3898
Merge: 2ec149f3a b2d8121ac
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 20:22:00 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' of
commit 7671800dd0e4b2b54612bd6f351fcdb251fc4bbb
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 20:17:35 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复权限调度问题
commit 2ec149f3a0400139ba8430ae48d7b5f3f4adfb5b
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 19:46:57 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充修改了 jmm-metadata 模块的 下载解压包的处理
commit 7ed8b9ee8d3bc9389ceb586817c35b21816fde27
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 18:54:33 2023 +0800
:rotating_light: 下载功能完善,缺:打开应用、下载进度条显示、点击通知栏跳转等功能
commit b2d8121ac904927cc6e2c951ad2a1885d4b29f86
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 18:27:56 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了多窗口的实现,重构了扫码的实现
commit 45e42bed9f1f0fbbe534661e7f77356ba77142c3
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 16:34:28 2023 +0800
🚚 🧩 迁移 statusbar.html navigatorbar.html
commit b125d13735eb5a67e7091aa1de40897fa49d4a90
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 16:27:49 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译boot dns 文件
commit b4dca5ece452133899ff5fec0fd6098703d63278
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 16:08:12 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充 jmmModule
commit 3419dfb9471502354a841650a34aacc287f15a38
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 14:46:00 2023 +0800
:recycle: 修正合并后的兼容性
commit c661a3520da27203e85b7f4bc8b534da1dce8878
Merge: 51c346756 39b8e85dd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 14:32:20 2023 +0800
commit 39b8e85dd793a5c7ce0f190677fc4a7e686e7362
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 14:09:24 2023 +0800
✨ add scanningNMM
commit a766cab3d2dd03f6166787d948d63a478ab2129d
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 23:05:58 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 💼 新增 jmmModule
commit 77edfdfd3bb55c23e1de47953ae0147d905a560b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 22:59:09 2023 +0800
:recycle: 做了一些简单的梳理
commit d1670a702f1a53b5675322f101599d5b32fe0410
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 19:21:18 2023 +0800
:rotating_light: jmm 进度更新
commit 93742f5601403d9f951dda9fcfd7019216712414
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 18:37:25 2023 +0800
:construction: translate in progress
commit bd3b7e8b4f14970c366d9c71c72c964e6d484380
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 16:49:58 2023 +0800
:zap: 改善渲染,只渲染最后一个webview
commit 608aa29fbab4c7e4be727c54b3e19c6bb105c9d9
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 16:48:56 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 新增 navigator-bar 模块
commit 6188bef280a96955f112942985ab3d8acca2d7ce
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 16:11:04 2023 +0800
✨ add NotificationNMM
commit ccb319c7bdc542b5f8a2614c95253da7652b8e29
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 15:36:05 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了AndroidView没有正确与WebView绑定的问题
commit 3ce8e8885c07623fc4557497149c19208b891105
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 15:11:40 2023 +0800
✨ init PermissionsNMM
commit 3cf3664b26531c073e28c2bfc59d1501d16f1fd7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 12:25:31 2023 +0800
✅ update test project
commit 1e1c9e213d79573003aba6a17c4ea5b3f4ed35af
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 15:08:26 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了多窗口
:recycle: 改进了DWebView的 dwebHost 的 ua 初始化规则
commit 91a819f8313b6e344cb72042ddacaa99413db096
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 13:13:45 2023 +0800
:zap: 完善了测试,优化了IpcRequest与Request之间互转的速度
commit 1e9b566fd80ebdb56b980dff563dfb773ce6a001
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 12:23:53 2023 +0800
:recycle: 统一了desiredSize的标准,现在它只用作参考值,不发生作用
修正了js-process.worker的编译,现在从全局拿 dweb-browser 相关的接口,避免代码重复导入
commit e39e737a948a2a399382763e1ddc7a44e10bd587
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 09:55:27 2023 +0800
:shit: 临时修正BluetoothNMM中不正确的代码
commit f212d24bd4677669dbdfbf96b93c0237530b4195
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 23:00:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: IpcBody 相关的重大升级,以及通讯问题的修复
1. IpcBody现在加入了引用缓存,目的是避免一个stream被多次读取
2. IpcBodySender现在加入了生产者与消费者的概念
3. IpcBodyRecevier现在加入了第一次接受者的概念
commit 6660977dd1d09865224db3a2fbd4547dd4796ee7
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 19:07:44 2023 +0800
:construction: 下载流程完成,实现notification和Activity界面同步进度,界面显示问题待完善。
commit 51c34675654fa05371e163b5096601be6bd08b45
Merge: ab5959b6b fc0088a2f
Author: pxh <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 18:36:51 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #25 from BioforestChain/dev_pxh
Dev pxh
commit fc0088a2fdc6c3d5b4f0877944fce59248a483f9
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 18:34:25 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 💼 新增 toast 模块
commit e900047156812f644c25894b20cf96d3a1677478
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 18:24:07 2023 +0800
🚧 complete the bluetoothNMM
commit 1e81d21e3e5ca9f07f0104b741808ec2fc835305
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 18:09:09 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译ipc
commit d66cfd03bbc4765db12772532bfc4b7eebf4d669
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 16:03:05 2023 +0800
🩹 🧊 🐛 修复 statusbar.main.cts 模块中 registerCommonIpcOnMessageHandler.path === "/" 事件处理器的错误问题;
commit a8b3e69476f024fbdc9ffe922bcf2e4d5abef457
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 15:45:51 2023 +0800
🩹 🐛 修复
broswer.worker.mts 打开 stautsbar.statusbar.dweb 程序的路径错误:
www.cts 载入 plugins.comonent 文件错误
commit ab68e9ad8833e5911354028c2c31710df41bdd5e
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 15:19:19 2023 +0800
🚚 🧩 🚧 迁移 plugins.component 位置 和名称
commit 0091f30f78205bc8369126b64ca6fb7745d072e7
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 15:00:35 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新 plugins.statusbar getOverlaysWebview 功能
commit 46f3a9a4da126e276a60f2fcddf9a6557b5237bd
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 11:30:51 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 💼 更新 statubar 插件,添加了获取 statusbar.height 的能力
commit 3119cc84f30d48702769f48d39a56592a3bf76c7
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 10:28:36 2023 +0800
➕ 📝 🚧 新增文档中plugin文件夹
commit 4c784e337e9e1a7395b8f653d626ad3e487240a7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 28 10:03:24 2023 +0800
🐛 fix locationNMM
commit ab5959b6b87c490edacb7193c5abadd6ec0b2b08
Merge: e90001d1e d50d40e02
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 17:40:20 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #24 from BioforestChain/dev_pxh
Dev pxh
commit d50d40e02b3d8da511a221240430e9d8b18cd48b
Merge: b9359c7e7 ad3b57c80
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 17:38:01 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev_pxh' of into dev_pxh
commit b9359c7e74fbe05832e68849e646953d9c51970e
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 17:35:00 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 🚧 新增了 api.sys.dweb 模块; 系统功能的访问全部通过这个模块实现
commit 746c9d77c279c21d16baf76490abaa7468a6a87b
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:41:35 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充-common.worker.mts 模块,提供了访问statusbar 的系统功能
commit ec44b02f22495f59a36268d7e4c55c65d1f2d621
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:13:29 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新 www.cts 模块,实现了向第三方程序加入plugins的功能
commit c9e93284a3b3c7714f295f8d50bb21b204b4f0b5
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:01:58 2023 +0800
➖ 🧊 🚧 删除了 statusbar back 文件
commit 63921272cc4daec89d53e5d2e5941be90061297c
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:00:33 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 🚧 新增www.sys.dweb 模块,用来提供全部的第三方静态服务的功能模块
commit ad3b57c806e23f7cdfd987784d2b09fb0649c044
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 17:35:00 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 🚧 新增了 api.sys.dweb 模块; 系统功能的访问全部通过这个模块实现
commit 2b888df9253ac5d8364fc58bbc3eb7d35af8fc56
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 17:31:43 2023 +0800
✅ add device/location/network/clipoard test
commit 09257547e90a07295e35d6930ceaf82632dae2a2
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 17:19:48 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了MutilWebViewActivity的启动
commit 16ed233d22dca303283ec62fd19b3d4b7e4a71fd
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 16:23:51 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 梳理了browser与mwebview的代码结构
commit ada4e716e06fc3eba9cb22f531fcfa2d3883e321
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:41:35 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充-common.worker.mts 模块,提供了访问statusbar 的系统功能
commit 02e67270f371ae7cb4cfbc0d61f7fa3ce628394b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:32:28 2023 +0800
🚧 Switch multiple pages to activity
commit 296440480bf3daec3deb115cec518f41e404f108
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:31:39 2023 +0800
:white_check_mark: 规划了JMM 模块,负责 js 应用的安装与卸载
commit ee105e3e05d5dc3c4b8902af25b98f5b2a2029fa
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:13:29 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新 www.cts 模块,实现了向第三方程序加入plugins的功能
commit 1e4c1528c4aa7000db398bf894a310227a6decc2
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:01:58 2023 +0800
➖ 🧊 🚧 删除了 statusbar back 文件
commit c8acddeb51d8570ea1a40ff70b47375625f9746d
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 15:00:33 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 🚧 新增www.sys.dweb 模块,用来提供全部的第三方静态服务的功能模块
commit 318ac32f9f4a90e7eb8e0c18ce9e4f0a1d7b10e4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 14:04:29 2023 +0800
:recycle: 对文件结构开始做初步的调整
commit e90001d1ea232182981f85a6827b0e2c11bfc42e
Merge: 0e0d45cc3 ec818afc8
Author: pxh <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 14:03:52 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #23 from BioforestChain/dev_pxh
Dev pxh
commit ec818afc8f28970bf7c4ed1b6e4eda61cd0c29c2
Merge: fa48920ba cc383f4b4
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 11:32:05 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev_pxh' of into dev_pxh
commit fa48920bac725d7dfaea5c81803ea4fd1a433b0a
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 11:24:54 2023 +0800
➖ 🧊 browser.render.mts console.log
commit 197bcb7a215d85dea0230c0bd030f48f392c4e29
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 11:10:42 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充了 plugins 和 stausbar.sys.dweb 模块的 设置 覆盖的功能
commit 7e84c4b18dfa99a7a58b41f6803cefa4e55e2e54
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 10:35:04 2023 +0800
➖ 🧊 🚧 删除模块中部分调试用的 console.log
commit b377bbc77aacbc10afc9e5bf31c1486159a3d2c1
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 10:28:56 2023 +0800
🩹 🧊 🐞 修复 statusbar.sys.dweb 模块 同一时间接收到 statusbar.plugins 发送过来的大规模请求,出错的问题
commit 26f50c667763c0e62af427ca3afc9e92d5094ced
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 18:30:57 2023 +0800
🚧 添加了 chalk 包 终端输出彩色文字
commit 202590054b4b0616a9f3f92d8dedd4d7d08b297f
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 17:51:48 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新了 statusbar 模块,实现了从 statusbar.html 中获取数据的能力
commit 93a298c89c24bdf33ce807dbeae3ed63bd04fedf
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 11:37:25 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新 statusbar | multi-webview | browser 模块;把解决了不同app设置对应的statusbar的能力
commit cc383f4b42e2a109195953faa9e2fcb47384ffce
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 11:10:42 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充了 plugins 和 stausbar.sys.dweb 模块的 设置 覆盖的功能
commit a0a9aaebb88ca80ffb449d17bece0138558af2b1
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 10:35:04 2023 +0800
➖ 🧊 🚧 删除模块中部分调试用的 console.log
commit 57eacffc66c818b88de623306e6d11ec74e420d6
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Mon Feb 27 10:28:56 2023 +0800
🩹 🧊 🐞 修复 statusbar.sys.dweb 模块 同一时间接收到 statusbar.plugins 发送过来的大规模请求,出错的问题
commit e61914b662c8f7cf94d6161799369a8666ab5134
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 22:00:09 2023 +0800
:recycle: 从js-process中整理出了DWebView,方面后面 mwebview 使用
commit 1ad526ce59facb053fa87bb6209d4f309d56f55f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 20:26:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: desktop/ts 代码跟进到最新的设计,使得与Android版共享同一套通讯标准
1. 更新了新版IpcBody的设计
2. ipc现在的协议通过MicroModule的配置得来
3. js-process.nmm 现在有了更好的启动流程设计
commit 7d23142b950f938ab5c2d397cefb70afa3043bad
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 18:30:57 2023 +0800
🚧 添加了 chalk 包 终端输出彩色文字
commit bd4e534a6ba6147ec28ff0d42fd75cf6a2ddc94c
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 17:51:48 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新了 statusbar 模块,实现了从 statusbar.html 中获取数据的能力
commit 8ba3eddc9a7cff57753de3535455d3cf0bd7a5a7
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 13:36:05 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 跟进了desktop版本的关于http模块与jsprocess模块的设计
commit 9c3bb3b903de043d477884b2aca84d01846fb3f6
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 11:37:25 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新 statusbar | multi-webview | browser 模块;把解决了不同app设置对应的statusbar的能力
commit eaab01aa2145575ff727e9926b7a2d5fad7dc35e
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 11:15:10 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了JsProcess在js方面的启动逻辑
commit 0e0d45cc30bd8df8fb58e78978d12a99c097f44c
Merge: f32064a83 aabdf54c1
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 09:55:26 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #22 from BioforestChain/dev_pxh
Dev pxh
commit aabdf54c14d015876a32bb8734674b2d80902b47
Merge: 0cf4eea0b d1ebfe7cd
Author: pxh <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 09:35:52 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #21 from pengxiaohua575527452/dev_pxh
🍼 📝 🚧 补充开发文档
commit d1ebfe7cd54cd7e6453a15e45daf9e007ea1a633
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sun Feb 26 09:33:00 2023 +0800
🍼 📝 🚧 补充开发文档
commit 0cf4eea0b5bdbfba263bcbd41799d583680511bb
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 19:54:58 2023 +0800
🩹 🧊 🐞 修复因为合并主分支导致的bug
commit 6941e56bbc56589ec7eb1965ff6e88692054a633
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 19:50:42 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 🐞 更新模块;因为 拉去合并主分支后的问题
commit 880efae2db2cac0cf8f3871750260d7c32dc7f61
Merge: 97595e617 875af40f8
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 19:43:09 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'dev_pxh' of into dev_pxh
commit 97595e6175575134543e11383e97eb8c0261674e
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 18:59:42 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 新增了 statubar 模块
commit 6a1c66202057d957e666156922d20b06adde7465
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 16:09:45 2023 +0800
🔄 💄 更新 multi-webview-content 组件样式
commit b34d2c3c21a0db7bbc7023eb4c7fb2e4718b3ccd
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 15:41:17 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 更新 app.sys.dweb 模块,实现了第三方应用的启动
commit d78b15e28ea96fe11a1b057fdeba2e34a0567e20
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 10:31:54 2023 +0800
🩹 💄 🐞 修复 multi-webview-html webview 堆叠顺序问题
commit 37be2a6bf4d135a7a2b5363447988389ad914db3
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 09:48:54 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 新增 app.sys.dweb 模块,用来启动第三方应用
commit 47a27d2b43f4dd469b5ace4f6e619e67feefe22b
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 16:53:33 2023 +0800
➕ 🧊 💼 新增 file.sys.dweb 模块
commit 2f2f7698a08037e9a98b29ff9f88f29b86f9d9a0
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 21:09:41 2023 +0800
🍼 🧊 补充开发 browser 模块
commit 0d9f1794f6fb4c25c0b26cfc3bdc1cfb5d3a3c29
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 22:02:56 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 💼 更新 boot 模块默认启动程序
🔄 🧊 💼 更新 multi-webview 模块
➕ 🧊 💼 新增 browser模块
commit ff7fcdcdfa1a8b32f4c77e63bcc9ce5b6fa1810d
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 19:03:28 2023 +0800
🔄 📝 更新了 .gitignore 文件
commit 251061baa8dc5ead3571ca81e4675d40b55a2aa4
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 18:03:38 2023 +0800
:recycle: JsProcessWebApi独立出来一个文件。加入shouldInterceptRequest拦截http.dweb的请求转发
commit f32064a8385fd7ec537d3b4bae578fd54ba6e1a2
Merge: fd7fc78b2 1e813a98d
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 25 10:19:29 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'android'
commit 1e813a98d51afef4a682a98036fe415eb643978c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 18:40:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 修复完成了js.sys.dweb的启动第三方脚步的逻辑
commit f2eebc550af571452dd9d3e0da76f1641eb38f46
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 16:45:58 2023 +0800
🚑 add JavascriptInterface
commit 0ae8e6598ee5d78988f1aea797e6dc27cf68300a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 16:24:01 2023 +0800
🐛 fix channel port
commit d99879682a228f10cd4f75f3025e00f03dda57c0
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 16:20:59 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了bytearraytoInt的bug
commit 9809b4a75f1ad7364abeb703a53ee8c6dcad5f22
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 15:33:51 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复DwebTest单元测试
commit 41329807ad9f7b9564f5949e3169d3af1662d62a
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 14:30:31 2023 +0800
:recycle: 日志清理
commit 445210631ec33e341af1d2cfdd1e21dee05070e5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 14:24:38 2023 +0800
:recycle: 清理日志
commit bc0e5aae40b20b4232bf7c73213332fea53a196c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 14:22:02 2023 +0800
:recycle: 改进日志打印
commit c58238fe366edfe9e71b1aaf9a9c3140835ce4c3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 12:40:04 2023 +0800
🐛 fix some js errors and add browser.sys.dweb
commit 6623e090d4351a10723ce8b4e9842396fa5b0939
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 11:27:54 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了ByteArray.toInt与Int.toByteArray并发的问题
commit 55d2ceb3de20bd1c397df64bc2c4a52a38199be5
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 10:48:48 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复 nativeFetch 的转译问题
commit 4f0d447ef84b1b612fe9d2b8dcdab4563903d6bb
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 15:21:26 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译
commit fd7fc78b28c21391b60f8b762f88ed54b0a83f0d
Merge: 7e34c9a4f 9dc7d715e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 09:28:16 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #20 from BioforestChain/android
commit 9dc7d715e94d621853431315d9dd870b6debd46b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 24 09:27:28 2023 +0800
🚧 complete the share.sys.dweb
commit 681bacc017ced0865525f238d1bf4477bb1ba61d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 22:21:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 成功使得代码运行到webview中了。
commit bcc7e89fa9ec06a8680ca341c472b5c8ffb7833e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 19:51:53 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复本地文件通过nativeFetch获取
commit 398017e849f699ff8cdd8f6bbec3d4a4b616ec92
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 19:17:39 2023 +0800
:construction: 二维码扫描完善
commit e0eb8b9f0fbff6ffb41b387c6905d179756ca1b0
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 18:04:41 2023 +0800
:recycle: 使用CompletableFuture作为PromiseOut的底层
commit b5c7bf65aefc726fc2a795d4ae5aa7e699797bf9
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 17:20:49 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复PromiseOut的bug,针对性修复requestData的问题
commit ad1371aca9754235c270ed17977b31a67efad78a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 16:57:28 2023 +0800
✨ complete the navigation/statusBar/keyboard.sys.dweb
commit 60c76e8ce28680b4e39c423d620c470a479fa643
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 14:21:12 2023 +0800
✨ complete the keyboard.sys.dweb (not tested
commit f5fbfde711a7419937f9f772c3bbf5417f01f842
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 11:42:00 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了IpcBody,解决流传输的问题
commit 3a797a2cb3b136d837dcbadf1e2fe22abc7893e5
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Feb 23 10:18:03 2023 +0800
:construction: 将 QRCode 改为 Compose(提交漏掉的文件)
commit b38be502114492deb1eb524b7c2ac8ccfe55965c
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 22:31:02 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复stream_id与stream对象没有正确一一对应的问题
commit 338034a7f985118987222193f616d5bbb426dc74
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 21:09:11 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复PromiseOut的BUG
commit 7a6c53488a1ffc7b3b751956fac734d6f4098ab7
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 18:56:25 2023 +0800
✅ update test the sendStreamData
创建了两个promiseOut 防止第一个解锁把第二个也解锁掉了
commit 6d5012899a73d7fa5f6405f4335918c4efc94d2a
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 18:58:52 2023 +0800
:construction: 将扫码功能改为 Compose
commit ac5bacd70593211cc031f0a5d20aa4e84c17702f
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 17:48:48 2023 +0800
:sound: 改进了调试打印
commit ccf70fea9be3de0bdedce8bacf828e5b5d5dd182
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 16:27:12 2023 +0800
✨ complete the haptics.sys.dweb
commit 9fef079d2db78e8363b5ba7d3528597975ba1853
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 16:07:07 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 改进了MicroModule的状态安全的实现,使用PromiseOut进行改进
commit e7bbc40c440317efbb00dceaff8affee33fdc196
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 15:26:13 2023 +0800
✨ Complete file system the (rename/mkdir/ls/list/checkPermissions/requestPermissions)
commit 4a50d264eff2fead293d5474446fa699224e7588
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 12:11:01 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了NativeIpc数据流拉取的逻辑
commit c4cf9c793529a108061151128a09ec45f35f8849
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 11:21:00 2023 +0800
:bug: 获取版本问题修复
commit ec48a3e3f9d5179960b673f570bf81c809b27ef2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 10:56:07 2023 +0800
✨ Complete file system the (rm/readSteam/readString/writeSteam/writeString)
commit 32971d9bdaae7e9f080b971acae61d25521c9c4e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 10:55:00 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了PromiseOut以及相关的测试
commit daf21902f7afe6c2b815d57f5ff577da262cc64b
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 22:02:45 2023 +0800
:recycle: 改进了一些模块的日志待因,增加了 NativeIpc 的测试模块,缩小问题范围
commit e866d5330c9a15bb49b5638fe7a2ce49be266b7b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 20:20:11 2023 +0800
🚧 Complete file stream writing(not tested
commit ecdae50fccbdea4002367fb76dfe8314b22ad4db
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 18:40:57 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复了ReadableStreamIpc的一些bug
commit 3bf4a04ad8551579481aa5ae3e9d9e0eb20e6e75
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 17:16:45 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios finish ipcweb
commit a5b3988c3b06171d072448df6e5b41415886861c
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 17:12:14 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译
commit 0b88ee87df7e5ed9ccbbd0ce5e69f9035fc1668b
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 16:22:06 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译
commit fa09032a8bfa2b17ae80df525548650fcf49da80
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 11:58:29 2023 +0800
🚧 work for scanningNMM in progress
commit f928cc1e30f19d6449dae7ea00e63df87628840d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 21 10:55:12 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor the router params varification
commit 57e5e502dfa56dabf4b1a14a314fec11a78c3440
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 18:26:58 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor clipboard to the clipboardNMM
remove deno
commit dabe873d3d22fa38476f061c500c546e5dfe4543
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 17:39:55 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了NativeFetchAdapter的管理方式,改进了HttpNMM的origin机制
commit 66f3ad4c0c9498ebf429c3654cc906c4b0faf243
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 15:47:15 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译streamAsRawdata
commit ba6c065d77487a386d93ed2c288a1986926d968b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 15:46:10 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios ipc module finish
commit a0461d6166c6318aa733ce6430ffd9a68e52b03e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 14:59:32 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复runBlocking带来的一些双向柱塞的问题
commit 238b4fc31c3f764f8c261aaee9b9001e3af9d83c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 12:14:20 2023 +0800
🐛 Fix multi-threaded created the Signal exception
commit 1698c9d21745dfaa88bd26c0415ba6b369f611b3
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 11:28:01 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 修复了asReponse与asRequest的实现
commit 0303a8308fd473a248f33c3b685b57a60f53aa51
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Feb 20 10:22:46 2023 +0800
:construction: 移除 ktor 的引入
commit b07bdfd7ac8f0073f6d70590a2ac138e91d6c134
Merge: 7e34c9a4f 06db36f28
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Sun Feb 19 23:06:43 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'android' of
commit 06db36f283c83b150022664a3ffc2a08fb0abd0d
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Feb 19 22:17:05 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完善了IpcStreamData的发送与拉取
commit f886f93dbbec438e4172b32348bba451ee0a511e
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Feb 19 22:00:03 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了ReadableStream,修复了一些小BUG
commit 8a4d1ba5e0c3bd6a53a4d24e9a085d089b64daa6
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sun Feb 19 17:03:49 2023 +0800
:recycle: 对代码结构进行整理,现在与desktop端的代码结构基本保持一致
commit 72bda1ffbc7f8c90cdc8348a2f00912afb212046
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sun Feb 19 16:39:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完善JsProcessNMM的createProcessAndRun的逻辑
commit 5397293d0e8c173eefd8baf336fbd9a1c7834d34
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sun Feb 19 11:13:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完成了到desktop.user.sys模块的启动
commit b0e9958f8105f4a1e58ba68fbc7f540848b7f932
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 23:19:45 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复NativeIpc的错误使用Mutex的一些问题
commit 7cf9df1c1c454a4a976ca99e00601b72a4f43f8f
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 18:51:26 2023 +0800
:construction: 将 ktor 改为 http4k
commit be11cd2f2607400a272625d167429a20ae1d21fe
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 18:29:51 2023 +0800
🚧 修复了启动bug
还需要补齐boot 作为服务端路由到具体方法的功能,从而启动注入进去的desktop.worker.js
commit ea87e6bb88f3646890cfd12cb3d0fe7f57d271fe
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 18:29:18 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译
commit 6b50ff4286edb7812cc2abe787bc3efadb4980b2
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 16:01:58 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译ipc
commit 89df9b20257eb1fdb11d10d2f3a59925671dac82
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 15:48:58 2023 +0800
🎨 move code to localeFileFetch and add bundle(js)
commit cc942588c28479bc62738b85d571d235f6e74e12
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 15:04:45 2023 +0800
✨ the "file:///" protocol complete
commit c5bc7b910865eaf255c8b91dbecf3efc752368df
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 14:43:59 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复dns模块重复启动的问题
commit cc2c64d7b45c9d8c9bc9ef0ea24d9ffd757ae3cf
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 14:40:58 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加了localeFileFetch的定义
commit ba43c75ade5d0ceab8179af867f464f46c60eaaf
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 14:37:36 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了JsProcessNNM
commit 7e34c9a4fbd2222dad60a5a6494c53796ae2ff4f
Merge: df9bf11d9 294b0aab2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 11:18:07 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #19 from BioforestChain/android
commit 294b0aab26a65099d07539d8861e3afc52329750
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 11:16:55 2023 +0800
♻️ better binary support
commit 81af7dec31f5f3eae581ea5a10c8f2c7f6f7a5bd
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 11:11:55 2023 +0800
🐛 fix mutex unlock
commit 84e408404f6bcc7a9d044f6292db5a61fdee1357
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 11:14:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完善了ReadableStreamIpc
commit df9bf11d949adec971ef4d0787d4542bf034e8dc
Merge: 4715b5993 150bb3b30
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 10:59:58 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #18 from BioforestChain/android
merge Android ipc suport
commit 150bb3b309f8d6ff7fdeefa23490a74819ed4017
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 10:57:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 改进实现了MessageToIpcMessage
commit 2bf1aa86b922b683f4e930e9400a4bf245c73265
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 09:25:32 2023 +0800
🔥 remove http4k sse
commit 820d45b1caa1dd06c8126179534949e0f5661218
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 22:40:50 2023 +0800
:recycle: 完善了基础架构定义,初步增加了JsProcessNMM模块
commit 875af40f844287dc990e7f9748daf53196bce1eb
Author: pengxiaohua575527452 <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 22:02:56 2023 +0800
🔄 🧊 💼 更新 boot 模块默认启动程序
🔄 🧊 💼 更新 multi-webview 模块
➕ 🧊 💼 新增 browser模块
commit a5c09de6348e07a8524ebe343ff5cf48659757ac
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 20:44:22 2023 +0800
🚧 change ktor for http4k(not tested
commit 26cbcc023e35ab08b9e3cb0c7bd00d94d352f633
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 19:41:12 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了Boot模块;实现了 defineHandler 能获取ipc实例的功能
commit f6453815f54062ecfb6e98b7184198e7a4bbf5a6
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 18:57:57 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 完善了IpcRequest和Ipc
commit 89557efe8a44d2539dd88bb9c313409ea1b7e0d9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 17:42:58 2023 +0800
🔀 merge nativeIpc
commit 704ea1482bf5e2c9903e8fc1f612c17458223cfd
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 17 15:11:39 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 补充实现了NativeIpc
commit 2820c604f444d43ce5d3f8c0e5eb1342c384a282
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 21:31:29 2023 +0800
:up: 依赖升级与梳理
commit eac05381a027ff5d454061de0a0c4df710ef4676
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 19:31:33 2023 +0800
:shit: 完善ipc代码
commit c0ab2020cebf9bbd3468951c9d2fe8e3b97b27f9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 18:20:03 2023 +0800
🔀 merge android
commit 7257cee1d93d7b0b7381899c53a6992e5af04a63
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 18:19:01 2023 +0800
🔀 merge android
commit e4449b44db1cffd0addb90b64d90041f83b469e6
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 18:11:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步定调了IPC相关的标准工作
commit 8af7a9a7dc5d52cb6dc2e19cecd1e8330a1f4606
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Thu Feb 16 10:24:53 2023 +0800
:page_facing_up: 更改用于隐私协议地址
commit 7d3f227ac7f660ab03b6cdb4fd42447baae907ca
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 17:20:14 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios add 默认错误页
commit 467d02bd26c69daed45ab2af1f31d94ed52b7e96
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 16:43:51 2023 +0800
fix: 翻译ipcrequest iocresponse
commit 2f7559f2c3d84138ec375aeae785558fdeb5c5ad
Merge: 105106490 4715b5993
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 16:42:21 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit 105106490d18217cc5d5c1341d10bd76a35645fd
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 16:41:08 2023 +0800
♻️ re-add modules router
commit fdab44428e62b84e79af00558ff3ce2c151d796d
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 14:13:25 2023 +0800
:construction: DWebBrowser 增加进入退出动画
commit 34330abee51bae83d3f841f957468d71a5146cd2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 11:01:14 2023 +0800
♻️ restart dns fetch
commit a49530c259111d0867269f887d05e66e449d20d0
Merge: 4c077cc31 4715b5993
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 10:58:32 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into ios-http
commit 4c077cc310c6c6d0c2167f0b05c481e850af49f4
Merge: 08c11e87f c73b52b36
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 10:54:54 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'temp' into ios-http
commit c73b52b36dc0d3bb5f56795351faacdbdffc2a64
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 10:54:41 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios http server finish
commit 76103597c6ab6fac971ce0b1e62d2bddfb221caf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 10:36:31 2023 +0800
♻️ restart dns and add ipc
commit f7f479b5e3244ad8b349fa71d723903eeb31d525
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 08:51:35 2023 +0800
feat: 添加部分ipc功能
commit 4715b5993e1d511a547f7990644f03248881b902
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Wed Feb 15 08:12:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 启动时默认加入了webview调试面板的打开
commit 2ba96efeb21c4ec34e339e596f046b6ac8048a7c
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 19:18:33 2023 +0800
:tada: 迁移到electron以获得更加健全的API和安全性
commit 9aab39e1b092e2de58875286aa55e0790906a849
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 18:51:22 2023 +0800
:zap: 添加 baseline profile 优化启动
commit 0123b883c35d6e1ecbe1ca7f32489536f72eb23a
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 17:26:40 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 将 WebView 的创建移到主线程执行,否则无法执行
commit 0c20272d06ed80946ec28cb0ee3b1be4f90b1b1d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 16:58:59 2023 +0800
✨ Hijack http.sys.dweb
commit 74bc0c3f4b9f2a26fa75ed717254f273cdaa15e9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 16:07:02 2023 +0800
🚑 Critical hotfix
commit a14324c642e5c3b27263152bcc25814f72c742d0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 16:00:50 2023 +0800
🚧 init ipc
commit e96243c67adf4a0d7947f73e2a73797cfb427f4a
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 13:58:59 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 1.修复欢迎界面协议确认问题。2.修改App名称。3.webview改为FrameLayout
commit a08236520b7a007386a13c6002d707200614bdf7
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Tue Feb 14 09:22:59 2023 +0800
:ambulance: 将 DWebBrowserModule 添加到 koin module 中
commit 981f67b6779018c5cbe4e47a90cf6f4c15929324
Merge: b5d414243 6bdba5a2a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 18:20:54 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #17 from BioforestChain/android
Complete http module forwarding
commit 6bdba5a2a81044a794a3a720264221580ee2f0b0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 18:15:45 2023 +0800
✨ Complete http module forwarding
commit 582b6bbd6b55c790eb4ef1839eb6629a418f8bf0
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 17:37:26 2023 +0800
:construction: 新增 DWebBrowser 用于 MultiView 功能
commit b5d4142435da2847e21e2e29b4506056da5ab630
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 16:20:59 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 增加多窗口关闭的接口
commit 1eb4aef9d6347f62a02b9ca358c2814f9562ccd4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 16:15:11 2023 +0800
🚧 create http server
commit 8e4a6379b5db66f550a5fd3ad11066cdffea4c68
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 15:49:47 2023 +0800
:technologist: modify ios nmm init
commit 336e25cb6bda2ce442cfd50e63175bfda03834ad
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 11:29:56 2023 +0800
🚧 create http1 and change jetty engine
commit 65c5d3113a88ae620e381bbffb741459eaa2641a
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 09:48:29 2023 +0800
:construction: ios ipc not finish
commit 2f2426d3cce8f82a202fe7ff9e47a79a1f2b1be4
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 09:28:10 2023 +0800
:lipstick: 优化了multi-webview的动画效果
commit e7fb355ffd258fc2dec02a837765dff8f47e80da
Merge: 258cd79dd b7009f686
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Feb 13 08:52:05 2023 +0800
🔀 merge main baranche
commit b7009f68691208eb85ae0b26581f3ac5d4a4da3c
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sun Feb 12 22:23:23 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了multi-webview的动画效果与逻辑
commit 9ff3c51525aa0df1d293936bee2c7ffeb173b245
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Feb 12 12:45:34 2023 +0800
:construction: ios add http server, some progrom not resolve
commit 403b69571cec7a661875d2478ea213e9325cb68a
Merge: 4195714d7 4c7e770bb
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sat Feb 11 17:04:43 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into ios-http
commit 4c7e770bb87c5483550acc2d4ca8287d40e7ea25
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Feb 11 16:21:31 2023 +0800
:zap: installEnv函数的调用现在直接写在代码中了,更加合理
commit 37cae80ed70f4a47b025d176a64a58042bd3ac08
Author: Gaubee <>
Date: Sat Feb 11 16:14:40 2023 +0800
:recycle: 将http.sys.dweb模块与原生的端口监听解耦,现在默认只使用http1协议
commit 2b0861848c06ab68d7aa6ef93867a7607ac48291
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 10 22:48:41 2023 +0800
:recycle: 重构了js-process,现在它使用http.sys.dweb来提供esmodule风格的文件服务
commit 4195714d7cf08c2a8a97941352ec74cf0ea1af31
Merge: 9f8b3dc0d 7b0628d76
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Feb 10 22:31:00 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into ios-http
commit 258cd79dd5f3b0d07771325ab45ac44f9754157d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 10 18:20:49 2023 +0800
🔥 change http
commit 2a9554ad1e16122c2b264e827bcdbe613623b6b3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 10 09:21:03 2023 +0800
🙈 gitignore cjs
commit 08c11e87f2e0348f0a7cb5993c20c31b3b15d15e
Merge: 9f8b3dc0d 7b0628d76
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Feb 10 08:42:04 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into ios-http
commit 7b0628d7626ede94b5ca89e4494c3dd53344ade7
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 19:27:25 2023 +0800
:recycle: localhost.sys.dweb 模块现在重构成 http.sys.dweb 模块
commit 2c801ace7aa676dfce1d8b9549b021ca0f0bb228
Merge: 4b86b066e cedfd7038
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 18:16:24 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #16 from BioforestChain/fix-proxy
:bug: tsconfig exclude
commit cedfd70380694ad0c1dcd6f70b1650d5006e77de
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 18:15:36 2023 +0800
:bug: tsconfig exclude
commit 9f8b3dc0d62efa6e97aef7e05849f58f5c8e7ba7
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 15:57:42 2023 +0800
feat: 添加启动本地服务
commit 7e9b652c45b9443b5c6ee9e19f175330e34078ab
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 14:46:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: init ios-http branch
commit 8ea334239f91e7e3236c5394c4a4eca600de8d20
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 14:32:46 2023 +0800
:construction: program pause
commit 73327c342b501cfb0f0de66840785846a61922bc
Merge: 1562b1506 586205972
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 14:30:43 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into ios-ipc
commit 4b86b066e2883a14516aee89edc3d319e2e045db
Merge: 586205972 934b9b628
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 11:23:39 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #15 from BioforestChain/android
remove android serviceWorker
commit 934b9b62877e54e08a7cc24ca3e8c42c86b67dbb
Merge: ef6ad7f02 586205972
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 11:18:18 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit ef6ad7f02c6b67fa17ae9e03658e9a001b65cd28
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 11:17:24 2023 +0800
🔥 remove serviceWorker
commit 58620597219cfc5e7fdc49691a276043aadd9c1b
Merge: c3ddca1c0 836a69825
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 10:21:59 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #14 from BioforestChain/fix-process
:bug: fix process error
commit 836a69825bb28f80032dd2367539c0f7fed4e56b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Thu Feb 9 10:21:24 2023 +0800
:bug: fix process error
commit c3ddca1c00e26e29d4f8e70e6516b5600b50c9b1
Merge: 0078eb2a8 52d07eeb5
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 18:10:43 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #13 from BioforestChain/android
merge android
commit 52d07eeb5cb1d0d6a421fec518b287f2f6a77f5a
Merge: 3d7b9f9c0 0078eb2a8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 18:10:07 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit 3d7b9f9c0468b857494efc53d134b1101587529b
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 18:08:51 2023 +0800
🚑 get messageChannel in serviceWorker
commit c715cc305b86c5fc22e1b2b2c1bfb4cddb5db57c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 16:45:53 2023 +0800
✨ init serviceWorker && rename LocalHost to Http
commit 1562b15068b3490680536f3a2ca38ffd15a77a6d
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 15:24:33 2023 +0800
:sparkles: update worker, pod install MessagePack
commit 070649ced49622747b78ce97331cd45d20d09d6c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 14:31:07 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor dwebview
commit 25958b9538fed9d61a6c2ee94a52e20f99636a8e
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 11:30:05 2023 +0800
:art: 将 HashMap 定义别名 NativeOption
commit b9352fd98d0b2e38997ab63b92d1688a4c5a76b8
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Wed Feb 8 11:06:05 2023 +0800
:art: 将 url 专为 Uri 解析
commit e67083161d7a86295cfc723d9e5cdd28ff40acbf
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 18:58:08 2023 +0800
♻️ reafctor nativeOption
commit ba54ad542cb10dfdf3afdc0dd406da6c66d6ec33
Merge: 0237c2bfe 0078eb2a8
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 18:32:46 2023 +0800
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: ios-ipc merge main
commit 0237c2bfe331e0bb882cf5e359e96c5b4e191804
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 16:50:42 2023 +0800
:bug: buttonView 错误提示
commit 79332024155e50fa1128a6b87c1838f4451adae2
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 16:24:02 2023 +0800
:sparkles: ios add ipc
commit 0078eb2a83ff8fe6a383b909a2a5bd4fe0dc96ba
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 16:20:42 2023 +0800
:book: 补充实现了 LocalhostNMM 实现的参考文档
commit 46931fbbda214d3531cda058d4d990164455d4c7
Merge: 11c539c20 73249a269
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 14:06:28 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit 11c539c20a3b62c003c5d0773d7791f15b296997
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 14:02:21 2023 +0800
🚧 create serviceworker
commit 73249a269e0b5a67a1e2bb711ff1fe06104b4f4b
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 13:20:54 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 新增了自定义域名的DEMO
commit 1b8ff18f130a44598958593350b2bc92343c1f38
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 10:25:01 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor router
commit 89288e029f01f2418162fc3578ea2d5f6fb6542f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 09:54:02 2023 +0800
🔥 remove android mutex
commit 4b9b4af529cd5bd72ac97886a1093874a41ef708
Merge: 99d74b88a 7927e4dfe
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 09:25:46 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #12 from BioforestChain/android
♻️ Refactor dns code
commit 7927e4dfe98b9b9c8d869370d2e3081778cfd52d
Merge: 012043027 99d74b88a
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 09:25:20 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit 012043027499d0b067912b89b6c378cd806c46d3
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Feb 7 09:24:30 2023 +0800
♻️ refactor dns
commit 99d74b88acd4daccd96bb45c61c4aa6ef3621a88
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 17:19:32 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了全双工链路。
接下里我将尝试修改 nwjs 整个应用使用的代理,由代理服务器来托管所有的响应,从而实现自定义域名的功能
commit 5fc4198d4629cf91847875ed4a610c26912bd73c
Merge: ae5579e6e 04f36ae35
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 16:41:00 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #11 from BioforestChain/ios
commit 04f36ae357c1b6a1a6ba3671b4065f08fb13f210
Merge: 29c44ace0 f78b9b9a3
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 16:37:01 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into ios
commit 29c44ace0bd4b824ed1312149739a2123b0d8f4e
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 16:30:36 2023 +0800
ignore ios package file
commit f78b9b9a3728b35c3c498610f3b49355363abfa8
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 16:00:51 2023 +0800
代码优化 删除冗余代码
commit ae5579e6e930c0c0e9154db4d2d7eb3beea4665c
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 15:09:49 2023 +0800
commit 07ceb8c8faa966836da00f2c2b80fa4c14360cc0
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Feb 6 00:10:16 2023 +0800
:construction: 暂存
commit 68335250526034d3b5d34ff67e7665b0054bda21
Merge: 785afa2cf 3da127bda
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 18:25:17 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #10 from BioforestChain/android
commit 3da127bda33f6e40708f66aeef1c3a7d3c8197a0
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 18:24:50 2023 +0800
🚧 create localhostNMM
commit d3e7caf9cbf528ef86c0dc269c7aa0759ce5e914
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 17:11:26 2023 +0800
✨ complete support create webview tree and new features native Fetch data return
commit 785afa2cf41f1be824b709139d8fa6f78ccbca25
Merge: 01a8e721f 2480964a1
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 14:51:03 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #9 from BioforestChain/android
complete webWorker in ipc transmission data
commit 2480964a1dbc84db991ef8c4d4f0e94e094fcc3e
Merge: a76fd4349 01a8e721f
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 14:50:04 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit a76fd43492f6d605e901f52b4ecdee48b229dd14
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 14:48:46 2023 +0800
✨ complete webWorker in ipc transmission data
commit 01a8e721f024c5187c1eb94d4f4487e33b874035
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sun Feb 5 14:01:04 2023 +0800
:recycle: helper、ipc模块进行了结构,现在IPC加入了对直接传输二进制的支持
commit f0a2589b1f6d876104b9b00f1ee2fd729abf73d6
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 4 23:34:46 2023 +0800
:recycle: 更好地实现了js-process的域与端口,提高可调试性
commit 3efed4e90236a479e518599192f758fee7cff865
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 4 20:51:17 2023 +0800
:recycle: 现在js-process基于 http服务提供给 Worker 脚本代码,可调式性可变性更高
commit 8722f24e032317340c671c01d62bd0a47f00c6b5
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Sat Feb 4 13:26:10 2023 +0800
:recycle: 简单地改进 js-procecss 在 html 构建webWorker的逻辑
commit af99c8bfc9c8f1327962e751e011cf6003a8b463
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 22:57:39 2023 +0800
:construction: port2 postMessage
commit 9c3e914f3c2b0b58cc1dff9c502193d1315f1fb2
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 21:54:27 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复data-url编码问题
commit 9f980eb6032d780a9af3b2a9a4e6ab33f4bbce8f
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 19:12:29 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 实现了IpcStream,现在我们可以在web-worker中使用流协议来响应http请求
commit 4269bf851febb4492386ed876648288eef86c05e
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 18:33:34 2023 +0800
:construction: 暂存
commit 531a9c7f8f9d1b1350a33cef004aca68d11ee156
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 18:29:47 2023 +0800
🚧 fix create message channel
commit 585dc7716ecaec8c39dd10959ffdf411b7ca5f16
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 17:29:54 2023 +0800
commit 3a1a42dc92502f06b2275e2967f8b51059395d83
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 13:58:12 2023 +0800
:bug: 修复与 js-process 的通讯转发的问题
commit ef93ad1ba4d294d5f4210278d60e30f581dc156d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Fri Feb 3 11:03:23 2023 +0800
🚧 show webView work
commit b2de9a28105f5ccdc81a41e002dd205ce18059be
Merge: aa686b81b 41ae4be58
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 22:42:59 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'qaq'
commit 41ae4be5807c547c3b574e08d88e10ab20285c4e
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 22:42:28 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 初步实现了流传输协议
commit a901dfeb402b6d44502c5a50c9eef83684309e8e
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 17:40:34 2023 +0800
:fire: 移除dist文件夹
commit 96311741b2d65d7072f19c3276ac01645b6110c9
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 16:07:15 2023 +0800
:tada: 初始化了meta-icon的字体集(图标类型)
commit aa686b81ba062fd59f8f18ed2fdd4bf746e674e3
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 15:43:27 2023 +0800
:art: 代码统一格式
commit cbe60fdb641f4093500cbde01d8adbc30b2f6059
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 15:40:15 2023 +0800
:book: 增加了源码阅读的辅助信息
commit 91b73cb7ae3f76da225b5e0d58a11ebfc480f86c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 12:36:56 2023 +0800
✨ mwebview fetch dns complete
commit 54012b70ac7844170e78beb18934b94fcb16bfef
Author: kezhaofeng <>
Date: Wed Feb 1 16:34:17 2023 +0800
:tada: 上传桌面版的初版代码,定下初版架构
commit 7643918cbbce60004d69600a64b9a34bc5ae3db5
Merge: 534247214 3f5fda420
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 1 15:13:05 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #8 from BioforestChain/android
commit 3f5fda4200e8feed65fd927c8883fd290927104d
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 1 15:12:37 2023 +0800
✨ hijack fetch
commit a539eac0f911de8916702edc9169476c3afc6f54
Author: Charlieatinstinct <>
Date: Wed Feb 1 14:47:03 2023 +0800
alter app manager‘s relationship
commit f98a1ef9cb232194334d2d9978b5906236cd4ceb
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Wed Feb 1 09:34:14 2023 +0800
✨ add dns map for function
commit 0e3395d96169974586210c37c4854cb431e62f41
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jan 31 18:33:13 2023 +0800
✨ add start BootNMM
commit 44236854da8abc835fa8f0426f952104a83d33e2
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Tue Jan 31 10:14:15 2023 +0800
✨ init bfs microcomponent for android
commit 534247214e9269662fe4521a596197dc6c5bfc1c
Merge: 659f8a662 f3abee4e9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 16:48:52 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #7 from BioforestChain/android
commit f3abee4e937f5482cebbe4b56b0c0522960f1357
Merge: d7434c0b3 659f8a662
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 16:47:40 2023 +0800
Merge branch 'main' into android
commit d7434c0b32b6f836904a34f935d8dd7124b04e58
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 16:47:28 2023 +0800
🔥 remove android extra code
commit 659f8a662187248c2cd17cf406068b9b34e4c58c
Merge: 0cf284ae8 545c96031
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 16:29:48 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #6 from BioforestChain/portal
commit 545c96031fb38003e469fe13486e5ae0c39964d9
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 16:28:51 2023 +0800
✅ add example
commit 6c4763af22a401d1d63eb351c0a62c2fa8e2b699
Author: hl19081555 <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 16:23:15 2023 +0800
:tada: 初次提交
commit 0f5c760ba659275beb68ec644d0dbc199cad068c
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 10:41:39 2023 +0800
:fire: remove xcworkspacedata
commit 0cf284ae80ef76d5b498aa99dc8fb6526a9805fd
Merge: 977e5ccb3 29761de92
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 10:19:38 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #4 from BioforestChain/ios
:sparkles: 迁移最新ios项目,合并
commit 29761de9272669b4713394caa705be702c07455b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 10:18:34 2023 +0800
:sparkles: 迁移最新ios项目,合并
commit 977e5ccb3d3054ee1c464ef5f4fe69e9ca3fc005
Merge: f37100b19 f22fbd5b4
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 10:00:58 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #3 from BioforestChain/gitignore
:see_no_evil: update .gitignore
commit f22fbd5b46f59eabe24b532343528ae2690af68f
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 10:00:15 2023 +0800
:see_no_evil: update .gitignore
commit efe33b1e88e80f7bc43677886809a7d4c2d861f8
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Mon Jan 30 09:30:29 2023 +0800
🔥 remote metadata
commit 2368d0f0e6d37a77ab251d46bf7086fa86c5f414
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 18:48:13 2023 +0800
✨ add account code
commit f37100b190146a14af27cd409c9595123f90d5af
Merge: cfa134d01 9be69f949
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 17:29:32 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #2 from BioforestChain/docs
:memo: update portal readme
commit 9be69f949abfc59056633d2f4afdc26e79db728b
Author: kingsword09 <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 17:28:17 2023 +0800
:memo: update portal readme
commit cfa134d01e686274ac64df7b15a684bc2a88a0b1
Author: xing123456789 <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 16:55:17 2023 +0800
feat: init
commit 88cec9f033447a13bc977928e022c852f813f168
Merge: 4aafe329f 5c054d591
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 16:47:57 2023 +0800
Merge pull request #1 from BioforestChain/portal
✨ add network target
commit 5c054d591c766469abf755ad1747da60a47c8c70
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 16:46:12 2023 +0800
✨ add network target
commit 4aafe329f4ce87735cdedd53949f9fb207271c3e
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 11:14:10 2023 +0800
👷 add dnt
commit 0d4d05909df7fe97446a908183508808d1ee274c
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 10:15:44 2023 +0800
💥 change statusure
commit db1c60a86eb064857b6a5306b1c47697c8c61ab6
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 09:57:58 2023 +0800
📝 update target
commit 252bc8d80d61ad716d9e2d75458544a1d0dd3875
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 09:37:36 2023 +0800
🎉 launch bfs
commit 5a271b7d585e2a3bc4a26e127a47d9a253838371
Author: waterbang <>
Date: Sun Jan 29 09:02:24 2023 +0800
Initial commit
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