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Last active August 8, 2018 07:15
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  • Save Gaubee/e32b0001413d641b224c1f9c9d359161 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gaubee/e32b0001413d641b224c1f9c9d359161 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mind Pact.JS——JS的灵魂契约
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['MP'], factory);
} else {
root.MP = factory(root.b);
}(this, function(__global) {
var QuotedString = /"(?:\.|(\\\")|[^\""\n])*"|'(?:\.|(\\\')|[^\''\n])*'/g, //引号字符串
$NULL = null,
_placeholder = function(prefix) {
return (prefix || "@") + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)
$ = {
isS: function(str) {
return typeof str === "string"
isA: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Array;
isF: function(obj) {
return typeof obj === "function"
assign: Object.assign || function(target) {
'use strict';
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
target = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var source = arguments[index];
if (source != null) {
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
var _obj_get_reg = /([^\^\~\+\-\*\/\%\=\&\|\?\:\s\(\)\{\}\:\;\'\"\,\<\>\@\#\!]+)/g;
var const_key = {
"true": $TRUE,
"false": $FALSE,
"undefined": $UNDEFINED,
"null": $NULL,
"NaN": NaN,
function MP(basedata) {
var self = this;
if (!(self instanceof MP)) {
return new MP(basedata);
self._database = basedata;
var Key_Getter_Factory_Cache = MP._Factory_Cache = {};
var PLA = MP.PLA = "PLA"; //_placeholder("PLA");
function PLA_Handle(match, vm, context) {
if (match.T === 0) {
return vm.get(match.V)
if (match.T === 1) {
return match.V
MP.default_content = {};
MP.formatKey = function(key, context) {
if (!key) {
var res = [];
res.__context = context;
return res;
context = context ? $.assign({}, MP.default_content, context) : $.assign({}, MP.default_content);
var _exp_fun_prefix = _placeholder("_F")
var _str_ph = _placeholder("_s");
var _release_ph_reg = new RegExp(_str_ph + "[\\d]+" + _str_ph, "g");
var _release_ph_foo = function(str) {
return str.replace(_release_ph_reg, function(matchPh) {
return _str_maps[matchPh];
var _str_maps = {};
var index = 0;
key = key.replace(QuotedString, function(matchStr) {
index += 1;
var key = _str_ph + index + _str_ph;
_str_maps[key] = matchStr;
return key;
function _format_key(str, layer) {
var res = [];
var i = 0;
var pre_i = 0;
var len = str.length;
var col = 0;
var c;
do {
c = str.charAt(i);
if (col === 0) {
if (c === ".") {
res.push(_release_ph_foo(str.substring(pre_i, i)));
pre_i = i + 1;
} else if (c === "[") {
col += 1;
pre_i !== i && res.push(_release_ph_foo(str.substring(pre_i, i)));
pre_i = i + 1;
} else {
if (c === "[") {
col += 1;
} else if (c === "]") {
col -= 1;
if (col === 0) {
var exp_str = str.substring(pre_i, i);
var exp_matchs = [];
var exp_pattern = exp_str.replace(_obj_get_reg, function(matchStr) {
var exp_match_index = exp_matchs.length;
// 如果是字符串、数字等变量,或者true、false等常量,直接返回,不直接支持正则
// 全局的函数或者对象比如Math、String等,必须使用外部特定声明
// 正则使用外部声明函数来进行替代,避免表达式模式过于复杂
if (_release_ph_reg.test(matchStr)) {
// 获取实际字符串值
matchStr = _release_ph_foo(matchStr);
T: 1,
// 删除字符串两边的引号
V: matchStr.substr(1, matchStr.length - 2)
} else if (isFinite(matchStr)) {
T: 1,
V: +matchStr
} else if (const_key.hasOwnProperty(matchStr)) {
T: 1,
V: const_key[matchStr]
} else if (matchStr.indexOf("__context.") === 0 || matchStr === "__context" ||
matchStr.indexOf("__vm.") === 0 || matchStr === "__vm" ||
matchStr.indexOf("__global.") === 0 || matchStr === "__global") { //表达式中的关键字
return matchStr;
} else {
// 要注意的是,除了被格式化的paths_str,其它默认使用JS表达式的,是要注意不支持obj.1这样的数字写法
var child_res = _format_key(matchStr, layer + 1);
if (context.hasOwnProperty(child_res[0])) {
return "__context." + matchStr
} else {
T: 0,
V: child_res
return PLA + "(matchs[" + exp_match_index + "],__vm,__context)";
// console.log("exp_pattern:", exp_pattern)
// console.log("exp_matchs:", exp_matchs)
var exp_fun = (
Key_Getter_Factory_Cache[exp_pattern] ||
(Key_Getter_Factory_Cache[exp_pattern] = new Function("matchs,__context,__global," + PLA, "return function(__vm){return " + exp_pattern + "}"))
)(exp_matchs, context, __global, PLA_Handle);
if (str.charAt(i + 1) === ".") {
i += 1;
// console.warn(key, "at ", i, "]" + c, "must be", "].");
// console.log(i, len, res)
pre_i = i + 1;
i += 1;
} while (i < len);
// console.log("~:",pre_i,i,len,str.substring(pre_i, i));
(pre_i < i) && res.push(_release_ph_foo(str.substring(pre_i, i)));
return res;
var res = _format_key(key, 0);
res.__context = context;
return res;
MP.prototype = {
set: function(paths, value, context) {
var self = this;
var database = self._database;
var res = database;
if (!$.isA(paths)) {
paths = MP.formatKey(paths, context);
var path;
var his_paths = [];
for (var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i += 1) {
path = paths[i];
if ($.isF(path)) {
path = path(self)
if (i === len - 1) {
var res_last_item = res[path];
if (res_last_item && res_last_item.T === CTK) {
var pre_path_str = his_paths.join(".");, path, value, pre_path_str, pre_path_str + "." + path);
} else {
res[path] = value;
} else {
if (!res[path]) {
// 整数型的属性默认使用数组来进行创建
var new_path = paths[i + 1];
$.isS(new_path) || (new_path = new_path(self));
paths[i + 1] = [new_path];
res = res[path] = /^[0-9]+$/.test(new_path) ? [] : {}
} else {
res = res[path]
if (res && res.T === CTK) {
var pre_path_str = his_paths.join(".");
res =, path, pre_path_str, pre_path_str + "." + path);
return paths;
get: function(paths, context) {
var self = this;
var database = self._database;
var res = database;
if (!$.isA(paths)) {
paths = MP.formatKey(paths, context);
var path;
var his_paths = [];
for (var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len && res; i += 1) {
path = paths[i];
if ($.isF(path)) {
path = path(self)
res = res[path];
if (res && res.T === CTK) {
var pre_path_str = his_paths.join(".")
res =, path, pre_path_str, pre_path_str + "." + path)
return res;
setSource: function(paths, value, context) {
var res = this.set(paths, value, context)
return res;
getSource: function(paths, context) {
var res = this.get(paths, context)
return res;
var CTK = MP.CTK = "@Costom-Type-Key@";
var PL_CTK = _placeholder("CTK");
* 使用鸭子类型来实现自定义数据
* 在setter、getter等表达式在使用字符串表达的时候,能使得JSON能正确的运作
var c_id = 0;
function CustomType(getter, setter) {
var type_err = " must\n be : expression(string) \n or : [ expression(string) [, context(any)] ] \n or : function";
if ($.isS(getter) || ($.isA(getter) && $.isS(getter[0]))) {
if ($.isS(getter)) {
var getter_context = {
__id: c_id++,
$cur_key: $NULL,
$pre_path_str: $NULL,
$full_path_str: $NULL,
var path_str = getter;
} else {
var path_str = getter[0];
// 无需关注值的顺序,后面运行的时候会动态赋值
getter_context = $.assign(getter_context, getter[1]);
var _getter_paths = MP.formatKey("[" + path_str + "]", getter_context);
getter_context = _getter_paths.__context;
var _inner_getter = _getter_paths[0];
getter = function($cur_key, $pre_path_str, $full_path_str) {
if (!res.L) {
getter_context.$cur_key = $cur_key;
getter_context.$pre_path_str = $pre_path_str;
getter_context.$full_path_str = $full_path_str;
getter_context.$cur_value = res.V;
res.L = $TRUE;
res.V = _inner_getter(this);
res.L = $FALSE;
return res.V;
} else if (!$.isF(getter)) {
throw TypeError("getter" + type_err)
if (!setter) {
setter = function($cur_key, $new_value) {
res.V = $new_value
} else if ($.isS(setter) || ($.isA(setter) && $.isS(setter[0]))) {
var setter_context = {
$cur_key: $NULL,
$new_value: $NULL,
$old_value: $NULL,
$pre_path_str: $NULL,
$full_path_str: $NULL
if ($.isS(setter)) {
var path_str = setter;
} else {
var path_str = setter[0];
// 无需关注值的顺序,后面运行的时候会动态赋值
setter_context = $.assign(setter_context, setter[1]);
var _setter_paths = MP.formatKey("[" + path_str + "]", setter_context);
setter_context = _setter_paths.__context;
var _inner_setter = _setter_paths[0];
setter = function($cur_key, $new_value, $pre_path_str, $full_path_str) {
if (res.L) {
res.V = $new_value
} else {
setter_context.$cur_key = $cur_key;
setter_context.$new_value = $new_value;
setter_context.$old_value = res.V;
setter_context.$pre_path_str = $pre_path_str;
setter_context.$full_path_str = $full_path_str;
var setter_key = _inner_setter(this);
if (setter_key === $UNDEFINED || setter_key === $NULL || setter_key === $FALSE) {
res.V = $new_value
} else {
res.L = $TRUE;
vm.set(setter_key, $new_value);
res.L = $FALSE;
} else if (!$.isF(setter)) {
throw TypeError("setter" + type_err)
var res = {
G: getter,
S: setter,
// 用来缓存上一次Setter、Getter返回的数据
return res;
MP.CustomType = CustomType;
return MP;
var MP = this.MP;
var CustomType = MP.CustomType;
var d = {
a: {
b: [1, 2, 3],
B: "BBB"
b: "B"
var m = new MP(d);
console.log(m.get("a[b]"), "===", d.a[d.b]);
console.log(m.get("a['b']"), "===", d.a["b"]);
m.set("a['b'].1", "B2");
console.log.apply(console, MP.formatKey("a[$b]", {
$b: "B"
console.log(m.get("a[$b]", {
$b: "B"
m.set("me", {
firstname: "Gaubee",
lastname: "Bangeel",
fullname: CustomType("me.firstname+' '+me.lastname"),
fullname_intelligent: CustomType("__vm.get($pre_path_str+'.firstname')+' '+__vm.get($pre_path_str+'.lastname')",
"($new_value=$new_value.split(' ')),__vm.set($pre_path_str+'.firstname',$new_value[0]),__vm.set($pre_path_str+'.lastname',$new_value[1]),null")
console.log(m.set("me.fullname_intelligent", "GAUBEE BANGEEL"))
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