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Last active March 13, 2024 18:51
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Kube Tricks
set -eux -o pipefail
# There's a number of shell and kubectl tricks in use here:
# -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' outputs a list of items, rather than a single object with -items.
# This allows jq to stream the output (kubectl still needs to buffer it), speeding up the process a lot.
tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"
find_candidates() {
kubectl get configmap -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' > "${all_configmaps}"
# List all items that match out filters;
# Greater than 90 days old:
<"${all_configmaps}" \
jq -r --argjson "date" "$(date +%s)" '
select((.metadata.creationTimestamp | fromdateiso8601) < ($date - (60 * 60 * 24 * 90))) |
' > "${candidate_configmaps}"
mkdir "${obj_dir}"
find_refs() {
local all_obs="${obj_dir}/all-${objtype}.json"
kubectl get "${objtype}" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' > "${all_obs}"
local all_obj_refs="${obj_dir}/all-${objtype}-refs.txt"
<"${all_obs}" all_configmap_refs > "${all_obj_refs}"
find_all_used() {
find_refs deployments
find_refs replicasets
find_refs cronjobs
find_refs jobs
find_refs pods
# Sponge rather than >> to assure we always get complete output
sort -m "${obj_dir}"/*.txt | uniq | sponge "${all_referenced}"
# All configmap refs is a filter function that takes a json file of kubernetes objects, and outputs a text file of configmaps referenced by these files.
all_configmap_refs() {
# Pods can reference configmaps in one of several ways. The most common are pod.spec.volumes.configMap, pod.spec.containers.envFrom.configMapRef, and pod.spec.containers.env.value.configMapKeyRef. Other references to configmaps in pods will also be caught by these recursive descents
jq -r '.. | .configMap?, .configMapRef?, .configMapKeyRef? | select(. != null) | .name' |
sort |
all_to_delete() {
comm -23 "${candidate_configmaps}" "${all_referenced}" > "${to_delete}"
main() {
wc -l "${candidate_configmaps}" "${all_referenced}" "${to_delete}"
# Summarize the configmaps to delete. Anything with a 1 is probably a bad idea.
< "${to_delete}" sed 's/-[[:alnum:]]*$//' | uniq -c
kubectl --context CLUSTER run --image ubuntu pgtool -- /bin/bash -c "apt-get update; apt-get install -y postgresql-client; sleep 86400"
kubectl --context gke_lido-staging_us-east1_lido-staging-us-east1 run --image redis redis -- /bin/bash -c "sleep 86400"
kubectl get secret $SECRET -o json | jq '.data[] | @base64d'
kubectl --context gke_lido-staging_us-east1_lido-staging-us-east1 get secrets lido-app -o json | jq '.data | to_entries | .[] | .key +": " +(.value|@base64d)'
# As .env file
kubectl get configmap CONFIGMAP -o json |jq -r '.data |to_entries[] | .key + "=\"" + .value + "\"" '
(now - 86400 * 30) as $cutoffdate |.items[] | select((.metadata.creationTimestamp | fromdate) < $cutoffdate) |
# Scale down deployments > 1w old.
kubectl -n mergerequests get deploy -o json |jq -r ".items[] | select((now - (.metadata.creationTimestamp|fromdate)) > 86400 * ${SCALEDOWN_DAYS}) | select( | test(\".*pr.*\")) |" | xargs -r kubectl scale -n mergerequests --replicas 0 deploy
# Delete deployments and services >2w old
kubectl -n mergerequests get deploy -o json |jq -r ".items[] | select((now - (.metadata.creationTimestamp|fromdate)) > 86400 * ${DELETE_DAYS}) | select( | test(\".*pr.*\")) |" | xargs -r kubectl -n mergerequests delete deploy
kubectl -n mergerequests get service -o json |jq -r ".items[] | select((now - (.metadata.creationTimestamp|fromdate)) > 86400 * ${DELETE_DAYS}) |select( | test(\".*pr.*\")) |" | xargs -r kubectl -n mergerequests delete service
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