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Created January 30, 2021 18:15
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fun taskT(): Job {
return GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
println("Starting C on ${Thread.currentThread().name}\n")
val resultT1 = t1()
* Next we need to do task 'T2' whose output is input to task 'T3'
* both of which are a network call.
* Builder explanation: We need the result from these two task for our
* final result. So we'll use async builder. It'll return a deferred
* object which we store in variable 'jobT2T3'.
* Deferred is a job whose value one can await.
* Task name: T2, T3
* Coroutine name: C2, C3 respectively
* Thread pool: Since nothing is mentioned, while mixing context the parent
* dispatcher is used i.e. IO.
* suspension: async is started as soon as it's called but it won't
* suspend the calling function.
* Async or launch will also not suspend the calling coroutine
* since the former returns a deferred and the latter is fire
* and forget type.
* scope: As a child if nothing is mentioned it inherits the scope of
* the parent. So this job will also run in global scope.
* */
println("Starting task T2,T3 on ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
val jobT2T3 = async {
println("Inside Task T2,T3 on ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
// t2 and t3 are suspend functions and will suspend this block until it
// returns the result
val resultT2 = t2(resultT1)
val resultT3 = t3(resultT2)
return@async resultT3
// omitted code here
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