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Created July 6, 2020 18:48
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Hasura Metadata V2 Typescript Generated
// To parse this data:
// import { Convert, TableName, QualifiedTable, TableConfig, TableEntry, CustomRootFields, FunctionName, QualifiedFunction, Function, FunctionConfiguration, ObjectRelationship, ObjRelUsing, ObjRelUsingManualMapping, ArrayRelationship, ArrRelUsing, ArrRelUsingFKeyOn, ArrRelUsingManualMapping, InsertPermissionEntry, InsertPermission, SelectPermissionEntry, SelectPermission, UpdatePermissionEntry, UpdatePermission, DeletePermissionEntry, DeletePermission, ComputedField, ComputedFieldDefinition, EventTrigger, EventTriggerDefinition, EventTriggerColumns, OperationSpec, HeaderFromValue, HeaderFromEnv, RetryConf, CronTrigger, RetryConfST, RemoteSchema, RemoteSchemaDef, RemoteRelationship, RemoteRelationshipDef, QueryCollectionEntry, QueryCollection, AllowList, CustomTypes, InputObjectType, InputObjectField, ObjectType, ObjectField, CustomTypeObjectRelationship, ScalarType, EnumType, EnumValue, Action, ActionDefinition, InputArgument, HasuraMetadataV2 } from "./file";
// const pGColumn = Convert.toPGColumn(json);
// const computedFieldName = Convert.toComputedFieldName(json);
// const roleName = Convert.toRoleName(json);
// const triggerName = Convert.toTriggerName(json);
// const remoteRelationshipName = Convert.toRemoteRelationshipName(json);
// const remoteSchemaName = Convert.toRemoteSchemaName(json);
// const collectionName = Convert.toCollectionName(json);
// const graphQLName = Convert.toGraphQLName(json);
// const graphQLType = Convert.toGraphQLType(json);
// const relationshipName = Convert.toRelationshipName(json);
// const actionName = Convert.toActionName(json);
// const webhookURL = Convert.toWebhookURL(json);
// const tableName = Convert.toTableName(json);
// const qualifiedTable = Convert.toQualifiedTable(json);
// const tableConfig = Convert.toTableConfig(json);
// const tableEntry = Convert.toTableEntry(json);
// const customRootFields = Convert.toCustomRootFields(json);
// const customColumnNames = Convert.toCustomColumnNames(json);
// const functionName = Convert.toFunctionName(json);
// const qualifiedFunction = Convert.toQualifiedFunction(json);
// const function = Convert.toFunction(json);
// const functionConfiguration = Convert.toFunctionConfiguration(json);
// const objectRelationship = Convert.toObjectRelationship(json);
// const objRelUsing = Convert.toObjRelUsing(json);
// const objRelUsingManualMapping = Convert.toObjRelUsingManualMapping(json);
// const arrayRelationship = Convert.toArrayRelationship(json);
// const arrRelUsing = Convert.toArrRelUsing(json);
// const arrRelUsingFKeyOn = Convert.toArrRelUsingFKeyOn(json);
// const arrRelUsingManualMapping = Convert.toArrRelUsingManualMapping(json);
// const columnPresetsExpression = Convert.toColumnPresetsExpression(json);
// const insertPermissionEntry = Convert.toInsertPermissionEntry(json);
// const insertPermission = Convert.toInsertPermission(json);
// const selectPermissionEntry = Convert.toSelectPermissionEntry(json);
// const selectPermission = Convert.toSelectPermission(json);
// const updatePermissionEntry = Convert.toUpdatePermissionEntry(json);
// const updatePermission = Convert.toUpdatePermission(json);
// const deletePermissionEntry = Convert.toDeletePermissionEntry(json);
// const deletePermission = Convert.toDeletePermission(json);
// const computedField = Convert.toComputedField(json);
// const computedFieldDefinition = Convert.toComputedFieldDefinition(json);
// const eventTrigger = Convert.toEventTrigger(json);
// const eventTriggerDefinition = Convert.toEventTriggerDefinition(json);
// const eventTriggerColumns = Convert.toEventTriggerColumns(json);
// const operationSpec = Convert.toOperationSpec(json);
// const headerFromValue = Convert.toHeaderFromValue(json);
// const headerFromEnv = Convert.toHeaderFromEnv(json);
// const retryConf = Convert.toRetryConf(json);
// const cronTrigger = Convert.toCronTrigger(json);
// const retryConfST = Convert.toRetryConfST(json);
// const remoteSchema = Convert.toRemoteSchema(json);
// const remoteSchemaDef = Convert.toRemoteSchemaDef(json);
// const remoteRelationship = Convert.toRemoteRelationship(json);
// const remoteRelationshipDef = Convert.toRemoteRelationshipDef(json);
// const remoteField = Convert.toRemoteField(json);
// const inputArguments = Convert.toInputArguments(json);
// const queryCollectionEntry = Convert.toQueryCollectionEntry(json);
// const queryCollection = Convert.toQueryCollection(json);
// const allowList = Convert.toAllowList(json);
// const customTypes = Convert.toCustomTypes(json);
// const inputObjectType = Convert.toInputObjectType(json);
// const inputObjectField = Convert.toInputObjectField(json);
// const objectType = Convert.toObjectType(json);
// const objectField = Convert.toObjectField(json);
// const customTypeObjectRelationship = Convert.toCustomTypeObjectRelationship(json);
// const scalarType = Convert.toScalarType(json);
// const enumType = Convert.toEnumType(json);
// const enumValue = Convert.toEnumValue(json);
// const action = Convert.toAction(json);
// const actionDefinition = Convert.toActionDefinition(json);
// const inputArgument = Convert.toInputArgument(json);
// const hasuraMetadataV2 = Convert.toHasuraMetadataV2(json);
// These functions will throw an error if the JSON doesn't
// match the expected interface, even if the JSON is valid.
export interface HeaderFromValue {
* Name of the header
name: string;
* Value of the header
value: string;
export interface HeaderFromEnv {
* Name of the header
name: string;
* Name of the environment variable which holds the value of the header
value_from_env: string;
export interface ObjectField {
* Description of the Input object type
description?: string;
* Name of the Input object type
name: string;
* GraphQL type of the Input object type
type: string;
export interface HasuraMetadataV2 {
actions?: Action[];
allowlist?: AllowList[];
cron_triggers?: CronTrigger[];
custom_types?: CustomTypes;
functions?: Function[];
query_collections?: QueryCollectionEntry[];
remote_schemas?: RemoteSchema[];
tables: TableEntry[];
version: number;
export interface Action {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* Definition of the action
definition: ActionDefinition;
* Name of the action
name: string;
* Permissions of the action
permissions?: Permissions;
* Definition of the action
export interface ActionDefinition {
arguments?: InputArgument[];
forward_client_headers?: boolean;
* A String value which supports templating environment variables enclosed in {{ and }}.
* Template example: https://{{ACTION_API_DOMAIN}}/create-user
handler: string;
headers?: Header[];
kind?: string;
output_type?: string;
type?: ActionDefinitionType;
export interface InputArgument {
name: string;
type: string;
export interface Header {
* Name of the header
name: string;
* Value of the header
value?: string;
* Name of the environment variable which holds the value of the header
value_from_env?: string;
export enum ActionDefinitionType {
Mutation = "mutation",
Query = "query",
* Permissions of the action
export interface Permissions {
role: string;
export interface AllowList {
* Name of a query collection to be added to the allow-list
collection: string;
export interface CronTrigger {
* Custom comment.
comment?: string;
* List of headers to be sent with the webhook
headers: Header[];
* Flag to indicate whether a trigger should be included in the metadata. When a cron
* trigger is included in the metadata, the user will be able to export it when the metadata
* of the graphql-engine is exported.
include_in_metadata: boolean;
* Name of the cron trigger
name: string;
* Any JSON payload which will be sent when the webhook is invoked.
payload?: { [key: string]: any };
* Retry configuration if scheduled invocation delivery fails
retry_conf?: RetryConfST;
* Cron expression at which the trigger should be invoked.
schedule: string;
* URL of the webhook
webhook: string;
* Retry configuration if scheduled invocation delivery fails
export interface RetryConfST {
* Number of times to retry delivery.
* Default: 0
num_retries?: number;
* Number of seconds to wait between each retry.
* Default: 10
retry_interval_seconds?: number;
* Number of seconds to wait for response before timing out.
* Default: 60
timeout_seconds?: number;
* Number of seconds between scheduled time and actual delivery time that is acceptable. If
* the time difference is more than this, then the event is dropped.
* Default: 21600 (6 hours)
tolerance_seconds?: number;
export interface CustomTypes {
enums?: EnumType[];
input_objects?: InputObjectType[];
objects?: ObjectType[];
scalars?: ScalarType[];
export interface EnumType {
* Description of the Enum type
description?: string;
* Name of the Enum type
name: string;
* Values of the Enum type
values: EnumValue[];
export interface EnumValue {
* Description of the Enum value
description?: string;
* If set to true, the enum value is marked as deprecated
is_deprecated?: boolean;
* Value of the Enum type
value: string;
export interface InputObjectType {
* Description of the Input object type
description?: string;
* Fields of the Input object type
fields: InputObjectField[];
* Name of the Input object type
name: string;
export interface InputObjectField {
* Description of the Input object type
description?: string;
* Name of the Input object type
name: string;
* GraphQL type of the Input object type
type: string;
export interface ObjectType {
* Description of the Input object type
description?: string;
* Fields of the Input object type
fields: InputObjectField[];
* Name of the Input object type
name: string;
* Relationships of the Object type to tables
relationships?: CustomTypeObjectRelationship[];
export interface CustomTypeObjectRelationship {
* Mapping of fields of object type to columns of remote table
field_mapping: { [key: string]: string };
* Name of the relationship, shouldn’t conflict with existing field names
name: string;
* The table to which relationship is defined
remote_table: QualifiedTable | string;
* Type of the relationship
type: CustomTypeObjectRelationshipType;
export interface QualifiedTable {
name: string;
schema: string;
* Type of the relationship
export enum CustomTypeObjectRelationshipType {
Array = "array",
Object = "object",
export interface ScalarType {
* Description of the Scalar type
description?: string;
* Name of the Scalar type
name: string;
* A custom SQL function to add to the GraphQL schema with configuration.
export interface Function {
* Configuration for the SQL function
configuration?: FunctionConfiguration;
* Name of the SQL function
function: QualifiedFunction | string;
* Configuration for the SQL function
* Configuration for a CustomFunction
export interface FunctionConfiguration {
* Function argument which accepts session info JSON
* Currently, only functions which satisfy the following constraints can be exposed over the
* GraphQL API (terminology from Postgres docs):
* - Function behaviour: ONLY `STABLE` or `IMMUTABLE`
* - Return type: MUST be `SETOF <table-name>`
* - Argument modes: ONLY `IN`
session_argument?: string;
export interface QualifiedFunction {
name: string;
schema: string;
export interface QueryCollectionEntry {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* List of queries
definition: Definition;
* Name of the query collection
name: string;
* List of queries
export interface Definition {
queries: QueryCollection[];
export interface QueryCollection {
name: string;
query: string;
export interface RemoteSchema {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* Name of the remote schema
definition: RemoteSchemaDef;
* Name of the remote schema
name: string;
* Name of the remote schema
export interface RemoteSchemaDef {
forward_client_headers?: boolean;
headers?: Header[];
timeout_seconds?: number;
url?: string;
url_from_env?: string;
* Representation of a table in metadata, 'tables.yaml' and 'metadata.json'
export interface TableEntry {
array_relationships?: ArrayRelationship[];
computed_fields?: ComputedField[];
* Configuration for the table/view
configuration?: TableConfig;
delete_permissions?: DeletePermissionEntry[];
event_triggers?: EventTrigger[];
insert_permissions?: InsertPermissionEntry[];
is_enum?: boolean;
object_relationships?: ObjectRelationship[];
remote_relationships?: RemoteRelationship[];
select_permissions?: SelectPermissionEntry[];
table: QualifiedTable;
update_permissions?: UpdatePermissionEntry[];
export interface ArrayRelationship {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* Name of the new relationship
name: string;
* Use one of the available ways to define an array relationship
using: ArrRelUsing;
* Use one of the available ways to define an array relationship
* Use one of the available ways to define an object relationship
export interface ArrRelUsing {
* The column with foreign key constraint
foreign_key_constraint_on?: ArrRelUsingFKeyOn;
* Manual mapping of table and columns
manual_configuration?: ArrRelUsingManualMapping;
* The column with foreign key constraint
* The column with foreign key constraint
export interface ArrRelUsingFKeyOn {
column: string;
table: QualifiedTable | string;
* Manual mapping of table and columns
* Manual mapping of table and columns
export interface ArrRelUsingManualMapping {
* Mapping of columns from current table to remote table
column_mapping: { [key: string]: string };
* The table to which the relationship has to be established
remote_table: QualifiedTable | string;
export interface ComputedField {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* The computed field definition
definition: ComputedFieldDefinition;
* Name of the new computed field
name: string;
* The computed field definition
export interface ComputedFieldDefinition {
* The SQL function
function: QualifiedFunction | string;
* Name of the argument which accepts the Hasura session object as a JSON/JSONB value. If
* omitted, the Hasura session object is not passed to the function
session_argument?: string;
* Name of the argument which accepts a table row type. If omitted, the first argument is
* considered a table argument
table_argument?: string;
* Configuration for the table/view
export interface TableConfig {
* Customise the column names
custom_column_names?: { [key: string]: string };
* Customise the root fields
custom_root_fields?: CustomRootFields;
* Customise the root fields
* Customise the root fields
export interface CustomRootFields {
* Customise the `delete_<table-name>` root field
delete?: string;
* Customise the `delete_<table-name>_by_pk` root field
delete_by_pk?: string;
* Customise the `insert_<table-name>` root field
insert?: string;
* Customise the `insert_<table-name>_one` root field
insert_one?: string;
* Customise the `<table-name>` root field
select?: string;
* Customise the `<table-name>_aggregate` root field
select_aggregate?: string;
* Customise the `<table-name>_by_pk` root field
select_by_pk?: string;
* Customise the `update_<table-name>` root field
update?: string;
* Customise the `update_<table-name>_by_pk` root field
update_by_pk?: string;
export interface DeletePermissionEntry {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* The permission definition
permission: DeletePermission;
* Role
role: string;
* The permission definition
export interface DeletePermission {
* Only the rows where this precondition holds true are updatable
filter?: { [key: string]: number | { [key: string]: any } | string };
* NOTE: The metadata type doesn't QUITE match the 'create' arguments here
export interface EventTrigger {
* The SQL function
definition: EventTriggerDefinition;
* The SQL function
headers?: Header[];
* Name of the event trigger
name: string;
* The SQL function
retry_conf: RetryConf;
* The SQL function
webhook?: string;
webhook_from_env?: string;
* The SQL function
export interface EventTriggerDefinition {
delete?: OperationSpec;
enable_manual: boolean;
insert?: OperationSpec;
update?: OperationSpec;
export interface OperationSpec {
columns: string[] | Columns;
payload?: string[] | Columns;
export enum Columns {
Empty = "*",
* The SQL function
export interface RetryConf {
* Number of seconds to wait between each retry.
* Default: 10
interval_sec?: number;
* Number of times to retry delivery.
* Default: 0
num_retries?: number;
* Number of seconds to wait for response before timing out.
* Default: 60
timeout_sec?: number;
export interface InsertPermissionEntry {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* The permission definition
permission: InsertPermission;
* Role
role: string;
* The permission definition
export interface InsertPermission {
* When set to true the mutation is accessible only if x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions
* session variable exists
* and is set to true and request is made with x-hasura-admin-secret set if any auth is
* configured
backend_only?: boolean;
* This expression has to hold true for every new row that is inserted
check?: { [key: string]: number | { [key: string]: any } | string };
* Can insert into only these columns (or all when '*' is specified)
columns: string[] | Columns;
* Preset values for columns that can be sourced from session variables or static values
set?: { [key: string]: string };
export interface ObjectRelationship {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* Name of the new relationship
name: string;
* Use one of the available ways to define an object relationship
using: ObjRelUsing;
* Use one of the available ways to define an object relationship
* Use one of the available ways to define an object relationship
export interface ObjRelUsing {
* The column with foreign key constraint
foreign_key_constraint_on?: string;
* Manual mapping of table and columns
manual_configuration?: ObjRelUsingManualMapping;
* Manual mapping of table and columns
* Manual mapping of table and columns
export interface ObjRelUsingManualMapping {
* Mapping of columns from current table to remote table
column_mapping: { [key: string]: string };
* The table to which the relationship has to be established
remote_table: QualifiedTable | string;
export interface RemoteRelationship {
* Definition object
definition: RemoteRelationshipDef;
* Name of the remote relationship
name: string;
* Definition object
export interface RemoteRelationshipDef {
* Column(s) in the table that is used for joining with remote schema field.
* All join keys in remote_field must appear here.
hasura_fields: string[];
* The schema tree ending at the field in remote schema which needs to be joined with.
remote_field: { [key: string]: RemoteField };
* Name of the remote schema to join with
remote_schema: string;
export interface RemoteField {
arguments: { [key: string]: string };
* A recursive tree structure that points to the field in the remote schema that needs to be
* joined with.
* It is recursive because the remote field maybe nested deeply in the remote schema.
field?: { [key: string]: RemoteField };
export interface SelectPermissionEntry {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* The permission definition
permission: SelectPermission;
* Role
role: string;
* The permission definition
export interface SelectPermission {
* Toggle allowing aggregate queries
allow_aggregations?: boolean;
* Only these columns are selectable (or all when '*' is specified)
columns: string[] | Columns;
* Only these computed fields are selectable
computed_fields?: string[];
* Only the rows where this precondition holds true are selectable
filter?: { [key: string]: number | { [key: string]: any } | string };
* The maximum number of rows that can be returned
limit?: number;
export interface UpdatePermissionEntry {
* Comment
comment?: string;
* The permission definition
permission: UpdatePermission;
* Role
role: string;
* The permission definition
export interface UpdatePermission {
* Postcondition which must be satisfied by rows which have been updated
check?: { [key: string]: number | { [key: string]: any } | string };
* Only these columns are selectable (or all when '*' is specified)
columns: string[] | Columns;
* Only the rows where this precondition holds true are updatable
filter?: { [key: string]: number | { [key: string]: any } | string };
* Preset values for columns that can be sourced from session variables or static values
set?: { [key: string]: string };
// Converts JSON strings to/from your types
// and asserts the results of JSON.parse at runtime
export class Convert {
public static toPGColumn(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static pGColumnToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toComputedFieldName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static computedFieldNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toRoleName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static roleNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toTriggerName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static triggerNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toRemoteRelationshipName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static remoteRelationshipNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toRemoteSchemaName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static remoteSchemaNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toCollectionName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static collectionNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toGraphQLName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static graphQLNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toGraphQLType(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static graphQLTypeToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toRelationshipName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static relationshipNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toActionName(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static actionNameToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toWebhookURL(json: string): string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), "");
public static webhookURLToJson(value: string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, ""), null, 2);
public static toTableName(json: string): QualifiedTable | string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), u(r("QualifiedTable"), ""));
public static tableNameToJson(value: QualifiedTable | string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, u(r("QualifiedTable"), "")), null, 2);
public static toQualifiedTable(json: string): QualifiedTable {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("QualifiedTable"));
public static qualifiedTableToJson(value: QualifiedTable): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("QualifiedTable")), null, 2);
public static toTableConfig(json: string): TableConfig {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("TableConfig"));
public static tableConfigToJson(value: TableConfig): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("TableConfig")), null, 2);
public static toTableEntry(json: string): TableEntry {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("TableEntry"));
public static tableEntryToJson(value: TableEntry): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("TableEntry")), null, 2);
public static toCustomRootFields(json: string): CustomRootFields {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("CustomRootFields"));
public static customRootFieldsToJson(value: CustomRootFields): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("CustomRootFields")), null, 2);
public static toCustomColumnNames(json: string): { [key: string]: string } {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), m(""));
public static customColumnNamesToJson(value: { [key: string]: string }): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, m("")), null, 2);
public static toFunctionName(json: string): QualifiedFunction | string {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), u(r("QualifiedFunction"), ""));
public static functionNameToJson(value: QualifiedFunction | string): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, u(r("QualifiedFunction"), "")), null, 2);
public static toQualifiedFunction(json: string): QualifiedFunction {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("QualifiedFunction"));
public static qualifiedFunctionToJson(value: QualifiedFunction): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("QualifiedFunction")), null, 2);
public static toFunction(json: string): Function {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("Function"));
public static functionToJson(value: Function): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("Function")), null, 2);
public static toFunctionConfiguration(json: string): FunctionConfiguration {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("FunctionConfiguration"));
public static functionConfigurationToJson(value: FunctionConfiguration): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("FunctionConfiguration")), null, 2);
public static toObjectRelationship(json: string): ObjectRelationship {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ObjectRelationship"));
public static objectRelationshipToJson(value: ObjectRelationship): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ObjectRelationship")), null, 2);
public static toObjRelUsing(json: string): ObjRelUsing {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ObjRelUsing"));
public static objRelUsingToJson(value: ObjRelUsing): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ObjRelUsing")), null, 2);
public static toObjRelUsingManualMapping(json: string): ObjRelUsingManualMapping {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ObjRelUsingManualMapping"));
public static objRelUsingManualMappingToJson(value: ObjRelUsingManualMapping): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ObjRelUsingManualMapping")), null, 2);
public static toArrayRelationship(json: string): ArrayRelationship {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ArrayRelationship"));
public static arrayRelationshipToJson(value: ArrayRelationship): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ArrayRelationship")), null, 2);
public static toArrRelUsing(json: string): ArrRelUsing {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ArrRelUsing"));
public static arrRelUsingToJson(value: ArrRelUsing): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ArrRelUsing")), null, 2);
public static toArrRelUsingFKeyOn(json: string): ArrRelUsingFKeyOn {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ArrRelUsingFKeyOn"));
public static arrRelUsingFKeyOnToJson(value: ArrRelUsingFKeyOn): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ArrRelUsingFKeyOn")), null, 2);
public static toArrRelUsingManualMapping(json: string): ArrRelUsingManualMapping {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ArrRelUsingManualMapping"));
public static arrRelUsingManualMappingToJson(value: ArrRelUsingManualMapping): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ArrRelUsingManualMapping")), null, 2);
public static toColumnPresetsExpression(json: string): { [key: string]: string } {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), m(""));
public static columnPresetsExpressionToJson(value: { [key: string]: string }): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, m("")), null, 2);
public static toInsertPermissionEntry(json: string): InsertPermissionEntry {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("InsertPermissionEntry"));
public static insertPermissionEntryToJson(value: InsertPermissionEntry): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("InsertPermissionEntry")), null, 2);
public static toInsertPermission(json: string): InsertPermission {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("InsertPermission"));
public static insertPermissionToJson(value: InsertPermission): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("InsertPermission")), null, 2);
public static toSelectPermissionEntry(json: string): SelectPermissionEntry {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("SelectPermissionEntry"));
public static selectPermissionEntryToJson(value: SelectPermissionEntry): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("SelectPermissionEntry")), null, 2);
public static toSelectPermission(json: string): SelectPermission {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("SelectPermission"));
public static selectPermissionToJson(value: SelectPermission): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("SelectPermission")), null, 2);
public static toUpdatePermissionEntry(json: string): UpdatePermissionEntry {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("UpdatePermissionEntry"));
public static updatePermissionEntryToJson(value: UpdatePermissionEntry): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("UpdatePermissionEntry")), null, 2);
public static toUpdatePermission(json: string): UpdatePermission {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("UpdatePermission"));
public static updatePermissionToJson(value: UpdatePermission): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("UpdatePermission")), null, 2);
public static toDeletePermissionEntry(json: string): DeletePermissionEntry {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("DeletePermissionEntry"));
public static deletePermissionEntryToJson(value: DeletePermissionEntry): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("DeletePermissionEntry")), null, 2);
public static toDeletePermission(json: string): DeletePermission {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("DeletePermission"));
public static deletePermissionToJson(value: DeletePermission): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("DeletePermission")), null, 2);
public static toComputedField(json: string): ComputedField {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ComputedField"));
public static computedFieldToJson(value: ComputedField): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ComputedField")), null, 2);
public static toComputedFieldDefinition(json: string): ComputedFieldDefinition {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ComputedFieldDefinition"));
public static computedFieldDefinitionToJson(value: ComputedFieldDefinition): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ComputedFieldDefinition")), null, 2);
public static toEventTrigger(json: string): EventTrigger {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("EventTrigger"));
public static eventTriggerToJson(value: EventTrigger): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("EventTrigger")), null, 2);
public static toEventTriggerDefinition(json: string): EventTriggerDefinition {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("EventTriggerDefinition"));
public static eventTriggerDefinitionToJson(value: EventTriggerDefinition): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("EventTriggerDefinition")), null, 2);
public static toEventTriggerColumns(json: string): string[] | Columns {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), u(a(""), r("Columns")));
public static eventTriggerColumnsToJson(value: string[] | Columns): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, u(a(""), r("Columns"))), null, 2);
public static toOperationSpec(json: string): OperationSpec {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("OperationSpec"));
public static operationSpecToJson(value: OperationSpec): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("OperationSpec")), null, 2);
public static toHeaderFromValue(json: string): HeaderFromValue {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("HeaderFromValue"));
public static headerFromValueToJson(value: HeaderFromValue): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("HeaderFromValue")), null, 2);
public static toHeaderFromEnv(json: string): HeaderFromEnv {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("HeaderFromEnv"));
public static headerFromEnvToJson(value: HeaderFromEnv): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("HeaderFromEnv")), null, 2);
public static toRetryConf(json: string): RetryConf {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("RetryConf"));
public static retryConfToJson(value: RetryConf): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("RetryConf")), null, 2);
public static toCronTrigger(json: string): CronTrigger {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("CronTrigger"));
public static cronTriggerToJson(value: CronTrigger): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("CronTrigger")), null, 2);
public static toRetryConfST(json: string): RetryConfST {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("RetryConfST"));
public static retryConfSTToJson(value: RetryConfST): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("RetryConfST")), null, 2);
public static toRemoteSchema(json: string): RemoteSchema {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("RemoteSchema"));
public static remoteSchemaToJson(value: RemoteSchema): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("RemoteSchema")), null, 2);
public static toRemoteSchemaDef(json: string): RemoteSchemaDef {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("RemoteSchemaDef"));
public static remoteSchemaDefToJson(value: RemoteSchemaDef): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("RemoteSchemaDef")), null, 2);
public static toRemoteRelationship(json: string): RemoteRelationship {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("RemoteRelationship"));
public static remoteRelationshipToJson(value: RemoteRelationship): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("RemoteRelationship")), null, 2);
public static toRemoteRelationshipDef(json: string): RemoteRelationshipDef {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("RemoteRelationshipDef"));
public static remoteRelationshipDefToJson(value: RemoteRelationshipDef): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("RemoteRelationshipDef")), null, 2);
public static toRemoteField(json: string): { [key: string]: RemoteField } {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), m(r("RemoteField")));
public static remoteFieldToJson(value: { [key: string]: RemoteField }): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, m(r("RemoteField"))), null, 2);
public static toInputArguments(json: string): { [key: string]: string } {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), m(""));
public static inputArgumentsToJson(value: { [key: string]: string }): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, m("")), null, 2);
public static toQueryCollectionEntry(json: string): QueryCollectionEntry {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("QueryCollectionEntry"));
public static queryCollectionEntryToJson(value: QueryCollectionEntry): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("QueryCollectionEntry")), null, 2);
public static toQueryCollection(json: string): QueryCollection {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("QueryCollection"));
public static queryCollectionToJson(value: QueryCollection): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("QueryCollection")), null, 2);
public static toAllowList(json: string): AllowList {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("AllowList"));
public static allowListToJson(value: AllowList): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("AllowList")), null, 2);
public static toCustomTypes(json: string): CustomTypes {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("CustomTypes"));
public static customTypesToJson(value: CustomTypes): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("CustomTypes")), null, 2);
public static toInputObjectType(json: string): InputObjectType {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("InputObjectType"));
public static inputObjectTypeToJson(value: InputObjectType): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("InputObjectType")), null, 2);
public static toInputObjectField(json: string): InputObjectField {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("InputObjectField"));
public static inputObjectFieldToJson(value: InputObjectField): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("InputObjectField")), null, 2);
public static toObjectType(json: string): ObjectType {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ObjectType"));
public static objectTypeToJson(value: ObjectType): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ObjectType")), null, 2);
public static toObjectField(json: string): ObjectField {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ObjectField"));
public static objectFieldToJson(value: ObjectField): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ObjectField")), null, 2);
public static toCustomTypeObjectRelationship(json: string): CustomTypeObjectRelationship {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("CustomTypeObjectRelationship"));
public static customTypeObjectRelationshipToJson(value: CustomTypeObjectRelationship): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("CustomTypeObjectRelationship")), null, 2);
public static toScalarType(json: string): ScalarType {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ScalarType"));
public static scalarTypeToJson(value: ScalarType): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ScalarType")), null, 2);
public static toEnumType(json: string): EnumType {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("EnumType"));
public static enumTypeToJson(value: EnumType): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("EnumType")), null, 2);
public static toEnumValue(json: string): EnumValue {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("EnumValue"));
public static enumValueToJson(value: EnumValue): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("EnumValue")), null, 2);
public static toAction(json: string): Action {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("Action"));
public static actionToJson(value: Action): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("Action")), null, 2);
public static toActionDefinition(json: string): ActionDefinition {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("ActionDefinition"));
public static actionDefinitionToJson(value: ActionDefinition): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("ActionDefinition")), null, 2);
public static toInputArgument(json: string): InputArgument {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("InputArgument"));
public static inputArgumentToJson(value: InputArgument): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("InputArgument")), null, 2);
public static toHasuraMetadataV2(json: string): HasuraMetadataV2 {
return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("HasuraMetadataV2"));
public static hasuraMetadataV2ToJson(value: HasuraMetadataV2): string {
return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("HasuraMetadataV2")), null, 2);
function invalidValue(typ: any, val: any): never {
throw Error(`Invalid value ${JSON.stringify(val)} for type ${JSON.stringify(typ)}`);
function jsonToJSProps(typ: any): any {
if (typ.jsonToJS === undefined) {
const map: any = {};
typ.props.forEach((p: any) => map[p.json] = { key: p.js, typ: p.typ });
typ.jsonToJS = map;
return typ.jsonToJS;
function jsToJSONProps(typ: any): any {
if (typ.jsToJSON === undefined) {
const map: any = {};
typ.props.forEach((p: any) => map[p.js] = { key: p.json, typ: p.typ });
typ.jsToJSON = map;
return typ.jsToJSON;
function transform(val: any, typ: any, getProps: any): any {
function transformPrimitive(typ: string, val: any): any {
if (typeof typ === typeof val) return val;
return invalidValue(typ, val);
function transformUnion(typs: any[], val: any): any {
// val must validate against one typ in typs
const l = typs.length;
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
const typ = typs[i];
try {
return transform(val, typ, getProps);
} catch (_) {}
return invalidValue(typs, val);
function transformEnum(cases: string[], val: any): any {
if (cases.indexOf(val) !== -1) return val;
return invalidValue(cases, val);
function transformArray(typ: any, val: any): any {
// val must be an array with no invalid elements
if (!Array.isArray(val)) return invalidValue("array", val);
return => transform(el, typ, getProps));
function transformDate(val: any): any {
if (val === null) {
return null;
const d = new Date(val);
if (isNaN(d.valueOf())) {
return invalidValue("Date", val);
return d;
function transformObject(props: { [k: string]: any }, additional: any, val: any): any {
if (val === null || typeof val !== "object" || Array.isArray(val)) {
return invalidValue("object", val);
const result: any = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(props).forEach(key => {
const prop = props[key];
const v =, key) ? val[key] : undefined;
result[prop.key] = transform(v, prop.typ, getProps);
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(val).forEach(key => {
if (!, key)) {
result[key] = transform(val[key], additional, getProps);
return result;
if (typ === "any") return val;
if (typ === null) {
if (val === null) return val;
return invalidValue(typ, val);
if (typ === false) return invalidValue(typ, val);
while (typeof typ === "object" && typ.ref !== undefined) {
typ = typeMap[typ.ref];
if (Array.isArray(typ)) return transformEnum(typ, val);
if (typeof typ === "object") {
return typ.hasOwnProperty("unionMembers") ? transformUnion(typ.unionMembers, val)
: typ.hasOwnProperty("arrayItems") ? transformArray(typ.arrayItems, val)
: typ.hasOwnProperty("props") ? transformObject(getProps(typ), typ.additional, val)
: invalidValue(typ, val);
// Numbers can be parsed by Date but shouldn't be.
if (typ === Date && typeof val !== "number") return transformDate(val);
return transformPrimitive(typ, val);
function cast<T>(val: any, typ: any): T {
return transform(val, typ, jsonToJSProps);
function uncast<T>(val: T, typ: any): any {
return transform(val, typ, jsToJSONProps);
function a(typ: any) {
return { arrayItems: typ };
function u(...typs: any[]) {
return { unionMembers: typs };
function o(props: any[], additional: any) {
return { props, additional };
function m(additional: any) {
return { props: [], additional };
function r(name: string) {
return { ref: name };
const typeMap: any = {
"HeaderFromValue": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "value", js: "value", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"HeaderFromEnv": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "value_from_env", js: "value_from_env", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"ObjectField": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "type", js: "type", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"HasuraMetadataV2": o([
{ json: "actions", js: "actions", typ: u(undefined, a(r("Action"))) },
{ json: "allowlist", js: "allowlist", typ: u(undefined, a(r("AllowList"))) },
{ json: "cron_triggers", js: "cron_triggers", typ: u(undefined, a(r("CronTrigger"))) },
{ json: "custom_types", js: "custom_types", typ: u(undefined, r("CustomTypes")) },
{ json: "functions", js: "functions", typ: u(undefined, a(r("Function"))) },
{ json: "query_collections", js: "query_collections", typ: u(undefined, a(r("QueryCollectionEntry"))) },
{ json: "remote_schemas", js: "remote_schemas", typ: u(undefined, a(r("RemoteSchema"))) },
{ json: "tables", js: "tables", typ: a(r("TableEntry")) },
{ json: "version", js: "version", typ: 3.14 },
], "any"),
"Action": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "definition", js: "definition", typ: r("ActionDefinition") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "permissions", js: "permissions", typ: u(undefined, r("Permissions")) },
], "any"),
"ActionDefinition": o([
{ json: "arguments", js: "arguments", typ: u(undefined, a(r("InputArgument"))) },
{ json: "forward_client_headers", js: "forward_client_headers", typ: u(undefined, true) },
{ json: "handler", js: "handler", typ: "" },
{ json: "headers", js: "headers", typ: u(undefined, a(r("Header"))) },
{ json: "kind", js: "kind", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "output_type", js: "output_type", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "type", js: "type", typ: u(undefined, r("ActionDefinitionType")) },
], "any"),
"InputArgument": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "type", js: "type", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"Header": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "value", js: "value", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "value_from_env", js: "value_from_env", typ: u(undefined, "") },
], "any"),
"Permissions": o([
{ json: "role", js: "role", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"AllowList": o([
{ json: "collection", js: "collection", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"CronTrigger": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "headers", js: "headers", typ: a(r("Header")) },
{ json: "include_in_metadata", js: "include_in_metadata", typ: true },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "payload", js: "payload", typ: u(undefined, m("any")) },
{ json: "retry_conf", js: "retry_conf", typ: u(undefined, r("RetryConfST")) },
{ json: "schedule", js: "schedule", typ: "" },
{ json: "webhook", js: "webhook", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"RetryConfST": o([
{ json: "num_retries", js: "num_retries", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
{ json: "retry_interval_seconds", js: "retry_interval_seconds", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
{ json: "timeout_seconds", js: "timeout_seconds", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
{ json: "tolerance_seconds", js: "tolerance_seconds", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
], "any"),
"CustomTypes": o([
{ json: "enums", js: "enums", typ: u(undefined, a(r("EnumType"))) },
{ json: "input_objects", js: "input_objects", typ: u(undefined, a(r("InputObjectType"))) },
{ json: "objects", js: "objects", typ: u(undefined, a(r("ObjectType"))) },
{ json: "scalars", js: "scalars", typ: u(undefined, a(r("ScalarType"))) },
], "any"),
"EnumType": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "values", js: "values", typ: a(r("EnumValue")) },
], "any"),
"EnumValue": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "is_deprecated", js: "is_deprecated", typ: u(undefined, true) },
{ json: "value", js: "value", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"InputObjectType": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "fields", js: "fields", typ: a(r("InputObjectField")) },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"InputObjectField": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "type", js: "type", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"ObjectType": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "fields", js: "fields", typ: a(r("InputObjectField")) },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "relationships", js: "relationships", typ: u(undefined, a(r("CustomTypeObjectRelationship"))) },
], "any"),
"CustomTypeObjectRelationship": o([
{ json: "field_mapping", js: "field_mapping", typ: m("") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "remote_table", js: "remote_table", typ: u(r("QualifiedTable"), "") },
{ json: "type", js: "type", typ: r("CustomTypeObjectRelationshipType") },
], "any"),
"QualifiedTable": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "schema", js: "schema", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"ScalarType": o([
{ json: "description", js: "description", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"Function": o([
{ json: "configuration", js: "configuration", typ: u(undefined, r("FunctionConfiguration")) },
{ json: "function", js: "function", typ: u(r("QualifiedFunction"), "") },
], "any"),
"FunctionConfiguration": o([
{ json: "session_argument", js: "session_argument", typ: u(undefined, "") },
], "any"),
"QualifiedFunction": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "schema", js: "schema", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"QueryCollectionEntry": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "definition", js: "definition", typ: r("Definition") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"Definition": o([
{ json: "queries", js: "queries", typ: a(r("QueryCollection")) },
], "any"),
"QueryCollection": o([
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "query", js: "query", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"RemoteSchema": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "definition", js: "definition", typ: r("RemoteSchemaDef") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"RemoteSchemaDef": o([
{ json: "forward_client_headers", js: "forward_client_headers", typ: u(undefined, true) },
{ json: "headers", js: "headers", typ: u(undefined, a(r("Header"))) },
{ json: "timeout_seconds", js: "timeout_seconds", typ: u(undefined, 3.14) },
{ json: "url", js: "url", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "url_from_env", js: "url_from_env", typ: u(undefined, "") },
], "any"),
"TableEntry": o([
{ json: "array_relationships", js: "array_relationships", typ: u(undefined, a(r("ArrayRelationship"))) },
{ json: "computed_fields", js: "computed_fields", typ: u(undefined, a(r("ComputedField"))) },
{ json: "configuration", js: "configuration", typ: u(undefined, r("TableConfig")) },
{ json: "delete_permissions", js: "delete_permissions", typ: u(undefined, a(r("DeletePermissionEntry"))) },
{ json: "event_triggers", js: "event_triggers", typ: u(undefined, a(r("EventTrigger"))) },
{ json: "insert_permissions", js: "insert_permissions", typ: u(undefined, a(r("InsertPermissionEntry"))) },
{ json: "is_enum", js: "is_enum", typ: u(undefined, true) },
{ json: "object_relationships", js: "object_relationships", typ: u(undefined, a(r("ObjectRelationship"))) },
{ json: "remote_relationships", js: "remote_relationships", typ: u(undefined, a(r("RemoteRelationship"))) },
{ json: "select_permissions", js: "select_permissions", typ: u(undefined, a(r("SelectPermissionEntry"))) },
{ json: "table", js: "table", typ: r("QualifiedTable") },
{ json: "update_permissions", js: "update_permissions", typ: u(undefined, a(r("UpdatePermissionEntry"))) },
], "any"),
"ArrayRelationship": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "using", js: "using", typ: r("ArrRelUsing") },
], "any"),
"ArrRelUsing": o([
{ json: "foreign_key_constraint_on", js: "foreign_key_constraint_on", typ: u(undefined, r("ArrRelUsingFKeyOn")) },
{ json: "manual_configuration", js: "manual_configuration", typ: u(undefined, r("ArrRelUsingManualMapping")) },
], "any"),
"ArrRelUsingFKeyOn": o([
{ json: "column", js: "column", typ: "" },
{ json: "table", js: "table", typ: u(r("QualifiedTable"), "") },
], "any"),
"ArrRelUsingManualMapping": o([
{ json: "column_mapping", js: "column_mapping", typ: m("") },
{ json: "remote_table", js: "remote_table", typ: u(r("QualifiedTable"), "") },
], "any"),
"ComputedField": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "definition", js: "definition", typ: r("ComputedFieldDefinition") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"ComputedFieldDefinition": o([
{ json: "function", js: "function", typ: u(r("QualifiedFunction"), "") },
{ json: "session_argument", js: "session_argument", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "table_argument", js: "table_argument", typ: u(undefined, "") },
], "any"),
"TableConfig": o([
{ json: "custom_column_names", js: "custom_column_names", typ: u(undefined, m("")) },
{ json: "custom_root_fields", js: "custom_root_fields", typ: u(undefined, r("CustomRootFields")) },
], "any"),
"CustomRootFields": o([
{ json: "delete", js: "delete", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "delete_by_pk", js: "delete_by_pk", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "insert", js: "insert", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "insert_one", js: "insert_one", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "select", js: "select", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "select_aggregate", js: "select_aggregate", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "select_by_pk", js: "select_by_pk", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "update", js: "update", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "update_by_pk", js: "update_by_pk", typ: u(undefined, "") },
], "any"),
"DeletePermissionEntry": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "permission", js: "permission", typ: r("DeletePermission") },
{ json: "role", js: "role", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"DeletePermission": o([
{ json: "filter", js: "filter", typ: u(undefined, m(u(3.14, m("any"), ""))) },
], "any"),
"EventTrigger": o([
{ json: "definition", js: "definition", typ: r("EventTriggerDefinition") },
{ json: "headers", js: "headers", typ: u(undefined, a(r("Header"))) },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "retry_conf", js: "retry_conf", typ: r("RetryConf") },
{ json: "webhook", js: "webhook", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "webhook_from_env", js: "webhook_from_env", typ: u(undefined, "") },
], "any"),
"EventTriggerDefinition": o([
{ json: "delete", js: "delete", typ: u(undefined, r("OperationSpec")) },
{ json: "enable_manual", js: "enable_manual", typ: true },
{ json: "insert", js: "insert", typ: u(undefined, r("OperationSpec")) },
{ json: "update", js: "update", typ: u(undefined, r("OperationSpec")) },
], "any"),
"OperationSpec": o([
{ json: "columns", js: "columns", typ: u(a(""), r("Columns")) },
{ json: "payload", js: "payload", typ: u(undefined, u(a(""), r("Columns"))) },
], "any"),
"RetryConf": o([
{ json: "interval_sec", js: "interval_sec", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
{ json: "num_retries", js: "num_retries", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
{ json: "timeout_sec", js: "timeout_sec", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
], "any"),
"InsertPermissionEntry": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "permission", js: "permission", typ: r("InsertPermission") },
{ json: "role", js: "role", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"InsertPermission": o([
{ json: "backend_only", js: "backend_only", typ: u(undefined, true) },
{ json: "check", js: "check", typ: u(undefined, m(u(3.14, m("any"), ""))) },
{ json: "columns", js: "columns", typ: u(a(""), r("Columns")) },
{ json: "set", js: "set", typ: u(undefined, m("")) },
], "any"),
"ObjectRelationship": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
{ json: "using", js: "using", typ: r("ObjRelUsing") },
], "any"),
"ObjRelUsing": o([
{ json: "foreign_key_constraint_on", js: "foreign_key_constraint_on", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "manual_configuration", js: "manual_configuration", typ: u(undefined, r("ObjRelUsingManualMapping")) },
], "any"),
"ObjRelUsingManualMapping": o([
{ json: "column_mapping", js: "column_mapping", typ: m("") },
{ json: "remote_table", js: "remote_table", typ: u(r("QualifiedTable"), "") },
], "any"),
"RemoteRelationship": o([
{ json: "definition", js: "definition", typ: r("RemoteRelationshipDef") },
{ json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"RemoteRelationshipDef": o([
{ json: "hasura_fields", js: "hasura_fields", typ: a("") },
{ json: "remote_field", js: "remote_field", typ: m(r("RemoteField")) },
{ json: "remote_schema", js: "remote_schema", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"RemoteField": o([
{ json: "arguments", js: "arguments", typ: m("") },
{ json: "field", js: "field", typ: u(undefined, m(r("RemoteField"))) },
], "any"),
"SelectPermissionEntry": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "permission", js: "permission", typ: r("SelectPermission") },
{ json: "role", js: "role", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"SelectPermission": o([
{ json: "allow_aggregations", js: "allow_aggregations", typ: u(undefined, true) },
{ json: "columns", js: "columns", typ: u(a(""), r("Columns")) },
{ json: "computed_fields", js: "computed_fields", typ: u(undefined, a("")) },
{ json: "filter", js: "filter", typ: u(undefined, m(u(3.14, m("any"), ""))) },
{ json: "limit", js: "limit", typ: u(undefined, 0) },
], "any"),
"UpdatePermissionEntry": o([
{ json: "comment", js: "comment", typ: u(undefined, "") },
{ json: "permission", js: "permission", typ: r("UpdatePermission") },
{ json: "role", js: "role", typ: "" },
], "any"),
"UpdatePermission": o([
{ json: "check", js: "check", typ: u(undefined, m(u(3.14, m("any"), ""))) },
{ json: "columns", js: "columns", typ: u(a(""), r("Columns")) },
{ json: "filter", js: "filter", typ: u(undefined, m(u(3.14, m("any"), ""))) },
{ json: "set", js: "set", typ: u(undefined, m("")) },
], "any"),
"ActionDefinitionType": [
"CustomTypeObjectRelationshipType": [
"Columns": [
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