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Created April 26, 2024 03:39
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Show notes from my Double Your Productivity With Emacs Org-mode video

All together

What is productivity?

Using the oxford dictionary

the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them

So basically we want a way to produce a large amount of work in a small amount of time (forgive me for simplifying)

  • To get more things done in less time you are going to need 2 things
    1. a fast way to do things (emacs solves this)
    2. a way to schedule, plan, and keep track of those things being done
      • This is where Org comes in


Org Is Forever

  • Getting started is easy
  • While there are at this point thousands of TODO and note programs one that has stood the test of time is ORG-MODE
  • It has continually gained features seen in practically any alternative on the market
  • With it’s infinite extensibility the world is yours
  • While I admit nothing is forever its hard to imagine Emacs and Org-Mode becoming abandoned in my lifetime

A TODO List Isn’t Enough

  • They are great but they can become overwhelming as tasks build up
  • Org Mode provides
    • Timestamps
      • Deadlines
      • Scheduling Time to work on something
      • Plain old events
      • Monitoring progress with time tracking
    • Priority management
      • A, B, C, etc
    • Tagging
      • useful for connecting tasks to projects
    • Effort estimations
      • good for identifying which task to handle with the available time
    • Habit tracking
      • For repeating tasks that may not have a set time or work period
    • And More
  • Org Mode supports timestamps as a first class feature
    • Scheduled events, deadlines, regular timestamps and more

Time management beyond a simple calendar

  • Multiple ways to share calendars that can fit any workflow
  • While a simple calendar in some cases is enough e.g. a dentist visit
  • I want to look at my up coming events and be able to reference other notes
    • Often need more context
  • This has always been my issue with existing TODO apps and calendar apps
  • Few apps try to connect events notes and tasks together
  • This is why I never stuck with Google Keep, Google calendar, or any of the markdown note tools like Obsidian

Example Usecase

  • I have a calendar event for an upcoming product demo
    • I can link to a specific section of a file in a particular commit
      • Change I made
    • I can reference existing notes on this project
      • [[*\[\[bcgov/vc-authn-oidc#429 pipeline for dev · Issue #429 · bcgov/vc-authn-oidc\]\]][CD pipeline for dev · Issue #429 · bcgov/vc-authn-oidc]]
    • I can leave notes on setup for that project and reuse them for my demo
echo hello
  • I can quickly reference what I did the day before using CLOSED timestamp
    • We need to build the package


Setup your agenda files


I have a dedicated directory for my main org files

(setq org-directory "~/Documents/org")


I personally use every file in this directory for my agenda

(setq org-agenda-files (directory-files-recursively org-directory "\\.org$"))

AKA add all org files in this directory

Finally I bind org agenda to C-c a

(keymap-global-set "C-c a" 'org-agenda)

Lets try it out

C-c a

If there is interest I will dig into my agenda customization.

  • It’s gotten a little crazy recently

Adding New Times

<2024-04-21 Sun> Org mode’s timestamp system is one of my fav features and one of the main reasons I consider it the best tool for time managment

Use regular times for non schedule or deadlines

  • a lot of the time you can simply type the time in a you would say it
  • This is a big pro to using org mode

Inserting timestamps

e.g. C-c . tuesday

e.g. C-c . jan 15 2pm

Example using macros

<2025-01-01 Wed 14:00> <2025-02-03 Mon 01:00-13:00> <2024-04-23 Tue 01:00-13:00> <2024-04-26 Fri 01:00-13:00> <2024-04-26 Fri 13:00-14:00>

Other timestamps

  • Use scheduled for a time to work on something or time you will start working on something C-c C-s
    • I often use this for timeblocking
  • Deadline is for due dates C-c C-d


Make common capture templates. A few must haves for me are

  • Generic TODO that can capture whatever I am working on
    • For me I make the default have a deadline for today
    • also it will capture the region or a link to what I am looking at
("t" "Todo" entry
 (file (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")))
 "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %T\n %i\n %a")
  • Timeblocking
    • create a timerange to work on something
    • Errands
    • Assignments
    • Etc
("st" "Time Block" entry
 (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/"))
                "Time Blocks")
 "* Work On %?\nSCHEDULED: %T\n")
  • Events
    • Create an event for something like a trip
    • capture when it is
    • capture where it is
      • if you import your calendar google calendar can take advantage of this
("se" "Event" entry
 (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/"))
 "* Go to the %?\n%T\n\n:PROPERTIES:\n:LOCATION: %^{location|Anywhere|Home|Work|School}\n:END:")
  • Meeting
    • For when I have a meeting to keep both notes about the meeting and keep track of upcoming meetings
("sm" "Meeting" entry
 (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Meetings")
  "* Meeting with %? :MEETING:\nSCHEDULED: %T\n:PROPERTIES:\n:LOCATION: %^{location|Anywhere|Home|Work|School|FGPC}\n:END:")
  • General knowledge capture. Not scheduling related but figured I should mention it
("k" "Knowledge")
("kc" "Cool Thing" entry
 (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Cool Projects")
 "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
("kk" "Thing I Learned" entry
 (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Knowledge")
 "* %? %^g\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
("ki" "Ideas" entry
 (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Ideas")
 "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
  • I have a email specific ones that integrate with mu4e
    • Follow up
      • Schedule time to reply to an email
    • Read later
      • For emails I need dedicated time to go though
    • Both could replaced with time blocking
;; Email Stuff
("e" "Email Workflow")
("ef" "Follow Up" entry
 (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Follow Up")
 "* TODO Follow up with %:fromname on %a\n SCHEDULED:%t\nDEADLINE: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+2d\"))\n\n%i")
("er" "Read Later" entry
 (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Read Later")
 "* TODO Read %:subject\n SCHEDULED:%t\nDEADLINE: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+2d\"))\n\n%a\n%i")
(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("t" "Todo" entry (file (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")))
         "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %T\n %i\n %a")
        ("m" "movie")
        ("mt" "movie" entry
         (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Movies to Watch"))
        ("v" "Video Idea" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/"))
                   "YouTube" "Video Ideas")
         "*RESEARCHING%?\n%? %a\n")

        ("g" "Gift")
        ("gs" "Gift For Seren" checkitem
         (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Gifts for Seren")
         :jump-to-captured t)
        ("gw" "Wish List" checkitem
         (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/site/")) "Wish list")
         :jump-to-captured t)

        ("u" "Update Current Clocked Heading" text
         "hello world %?"
         :unnarrowed t)

        ("k" "Knowledge")
        ("kc" "Cool Thing" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Cool Projects")
         "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
        ("kk" "Thing I Learned" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Knowledge")
         "* %? %^g\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
        ("ki" "Ideas" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Ideas")
         "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
        ("kT" "Thoughts" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Thoughts")
         "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")
        ("kw" "Word I learnt" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Words")
         "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")

        ("s" "Schedule")
        ;; Not sure I even want to have this
        ;; ("sE" "Errand" entry (file (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")))
        ;;  "* TODO %? :errand\nDEADLINE: %T\n  %a")
        ("sm" "Meeting" entry
         (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Meetings")
         "* Meeting with %? :MEETING:\nSCHEDULED: %T\n:PROPERTIES:\n:LOCATION: %^{location|Anywhere|Home|Work|School|FGPC}\n:END:")
        ("se" "Event" entry
         (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/"))
         "* Go to the %?\n%T\n\n:PROPERTIES:\n:LOCATION: %^{location|Anywhere|Home|Work|School}\n:END:")
        ("st" "Time Block" entry
         (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/"))
                        "Time Blocks")
         "* Work On %?\nSCHEDULED: %T\n")

        ;; Org Protocol
        ;; ("pc" "Cool Thing" entry
        ;;  (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Cool Projects")
        ;;  "* %^{Title}\n\n  %^g\nEntered on %U\n  Source: %u, %c\n\n  %i")
        ("p" "Thing I Learned" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Knowledge")
         "* %^{Title}")

        ;; Email Stuff
        ("e" "Email Workflow")
        ("ef" "Follow Up" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Follow Up")
         "* TODO Follow up with %:fromname on %a\n SCHEDULED:%t\nDEADLINE: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+2d\"))\n\n%i")
        ("er" "Read Later" entry
         (file+olp (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Read Later")
         "* TODO Read %:subject\n SCHEDULED:%t\nDEADLINE: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+2d\"))\n\n%a\n%i")))

(setopt org-capture-templates-contexts
        ;; I repeat "m" since org mode only supports this format
        '(("e" "e" ((in-mode . "mu4e-view-mode")
                    (in-mode . "mu4e-compose-mode")))))

Integrating with other programs

Export Phone Calendar

  • Calendar support with org export to iCal
(setopt org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(todo-start event-if-not-todo))
(copy-file org-icalendar-combined-agenda-file "/ssh:user@server:/home/gavinfre/public_html/cal.ics" t)
  • ICSx5 on mobile to sync this calendar with mobile

Import From Calenders

If one does not support exporting the way you like give one of the others a go

You can get the public URL for your google calendar like so

# Depends on

ERRORFILE=$(mktemp XXX.txt)

# Google Calendar
curl -s $(pass gcalics) 2>>$ERRORFILE |
    awk -f ~/.scripts/ical2org.awk > /home/gavinok/Documents/org/ 2>>$ERRORFILE
# Holidays
curl -s \ 2>>$ERRORFILE |
    awk -f ~/.scripts/ical2org.awk > /home/gavinok/Documents/org/ 2>>$ERRORFILE


if [ -z $ERRORS ]
then notify-send "Google Calendar Has Been Added To Notes"
else notify-send "$ERRORS"


If you want a proper 2 way sync I recommend using caldav

This basically replaces the previous 2 approaches

You will need a server to be setup.

(use-package org-caldav
  :ensure t
  (org-caldav-url "")
  (org-caldav-calendar-id "personal")
  (org-caldav-inbox "~/Documents/org/")
  (org-caldav-files org-agenda-files)
  (org-icalendar-timezone "America/Vancouver")
  :commands (org-caldav-sync))


How I manage Notifications

There are multiple approaches

As usual for an Emacs user I rolled my own (sorta)

Emacs comes with a built in package for notifying you of upcoming appointments


I hacked on appt to use desktop notifications

In addition I also added support for sending notifications to my phone using

(use-package appt
  :demand t
  :defer 5
  ((appt-announce-method 'appt-persistant-message-announce)
   (appt-message-warning-time 15)
   (appt-display-duration 360)
   (appt-disp-window-function #'my/appt-display)
   (appt-delete-window-function #'ignore))
  (defun my/appt-display (min-to-app _new-time appt-msg)
    (require 'notifications)

    ;; Close the last iteration of this notification
    (when-let ((repid (get-last-note appt-msg)))
      (notifications-close-notification repid))

    (let ((title  (pcase min-to-app
                    ("0" "Appointment Is Starting")
                    ("1" "Appointment in 1 Minute")
                    (min (concat " Appointment in " min " Minutes"))))
          (body appt-msg)
          (urgency (if (< (string-to-number min-to-app) 3)

      ;; Send a desktop notification for this appointment
       (funcall (if  (eq system-type 'android)
                    ;; support for android notifications
                :title title
                :body body
                :urgency urgency
                :actions '("Open" "Open this appointment")
                :on-action (lambda (_id _key) (org-agenda 'd)))

      ;; Notify me on my phone
      (plz 'post ""
        :headers `(("Title"  . ,title)
                   ("Priority" . ,(if (eql urgency 'critical)
                   ("Tags" . "calendar")
                   ("Markdown" . "yes"))
        :body body)))
  ;; Check for if a notification needs to be sent
  (appt-activate +1)
  ;; generate appointments from my org agenda

  ;; Run when I am idle for a minute at a time
  ;; (usually when looking at my browser)
  (defvar appt-update-org-timer
    ;; wait till emacs is idle for 1 minute before processing org appointments
    (run-with-idle-timer 60 t #'org-agenda-to-appt)
    "Timer used to update appt to the current org events"))

Why did I make this?

It’s flexible and easy to understand.

I don’t need to manage a seperate list of files for my notifications and agenda since org-agenda-to-appt


I no longer use this but for those of you worried about conflicting times there is a great package called org-conflict that you can use to check that a time does not conflict with an existing events


While not schedule specific but important when you can’t remember the time of an event I use consult-recoll to search for any notes. I use consult’s category cycling to only look through the org results.

alternatively org-agenda supports a full text search however it is synchronous which causes the UI to lockup and it’s pretty slow.


I hope I have made it clear the multitude of different ways you can use org mode to boost your productivity when it comes to task and time management

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