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Created May 28, 2014 03:25
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Noise Removal using avconv and sox
# Tested with :
# * avconv version 9.13-6:9.13-0ubuntu0.14.04.1,
# * SoX v14.4.1
# Just run input_file.mp4 output_file.mp4
echo "Extrayendo video ..."
avconv -i "$INPUT" -an -vcodec copy /tmp/tmpvid.mp4 >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Extrayendo audio ..."
avconv -i "$INPUT" -vn -acodec copy /tmp/tmpaud.mp3 >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Preparando Noise Sample ..."
avconv -i "$INPUT" -vn -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:01 /tmp/noiseaud.mp3 >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Generando Noise Profile ..."
sox /tmp/noiseaud.mp3 -n noiseprof /tmp/ >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Eliminando Ruido ..."
sox /tmp/tmpaud.mp3 /tmp/tmpaud-clean.mp3 noisered /tmp/ 0.21 >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Generando nuevo video ..."
avconv -i /tmp/tmpaud-clean.mp3 -i /tmp/tmpvid.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy "$OUTPUT" >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Limpiando archivos temporales ..."
rm -rf /tmp/*.mp3 /tmp/*.mp4 >> "$LOG" 2>&1
echo "Listo."
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