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Gbury/ Secret

Created August 15, 2018 12:56
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#NAME cc.
(; Calculus of Construction embedded into Lambda-Pi Modulo ;)
uT : Type.
def eT : uT -> Type.
Pi : X : uT -> ((eT X) -> uT) -> uT.
PiT : (uT -> uT) -> uT.
[X : uT, Y : (eT X) -> uT]
eT (Pi X Y) --> x : (eT X) -> (eT (Y x))
[Y : uT -> uT]
eT (PiT Y) --> x : uT -> eT (Y x).
def Arrow : uT -> uT -> uT.
[ t1 : uT, t2 : uT ]
Arrow t1 t2 --> Pi t1 (x : eT t1 => t2).
(; Law of excluded middle,
defined directly as the elimination of the (p \/ ~ p) disjunction ;)
classic : p : logic.prop -> z : logic.prop ->
(logic.proof p -> logic.proof z) ->
(logic.proof (logic.not p) -> logic.proof z) ->
logic.proof z.
(; Proof by contradiction using the exlcuded middle ;)
def nnpp (p : logic.prop)
: logic.proof (logic.not (logic.not p)) -> logic.proof p :=
H1 : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.not p)) =>
classic p p (H2 : logic.proof p => H2)
(H3 : logic.proof (logic.not p) => H1 H3 p).
(; de Morgan Laws for quantifiers ;)
def not_all_not_ex
(u : logic.type) (p : logic.term u -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.forall u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x)))) ->
logic.proof (logic.exists u p) :=
notall : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.forall u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x)))) =>
nnpp (logic.exists u p) (abs : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.exists u p)) =>
notall (n : logic.term u => H : logic.proof (p n) =>
abs (z : logic.prop => p0 : (x : logic.term u -> logic.proof (p x) -> logic.proof z) =>
p0 n H
def not_all_ex_not
(u : logic.type) (p : logic.term u -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.forall u p)) ->
logic.proof (logic.exists u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x))) :=
notall : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.forall u p)) =>
not_all_not_ex u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x)) (
(all : logic.proof (logic.forall u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (logic.not (p x)))) =>
notall (n : logic.term u =>
nnpp (p n) (all n)
def not_ex_all_not
(u : logic.type) (p : logic.term u -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.exists u p)) ->
logic.proof (logic.forall u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x))) :=
notex : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.exists u p)) =>
n : logic.term u => abs : logic.proof (p n) =>
notex (z : logic.prop =>
p0 : (x : logic.term u -> logic.proof (p x) -> logic.proof z) =>
p0 n abs
def not_ex_not_all
(u : logic.type) (p : logic.term u -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.exists u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x)))) ->
logic.proof (logic.forall u p) :=
H : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.exists u (x : logic.term u => logic.not (p x)))) =>
n : logic.term u =>
nnpp (p n) (k : logic.proof (logic.not (p n)) =>
H (z : logic.prop =>
p0 : (x : logic.term u -> logic.proof (logic.not (p x)) -> logic.proof z) =>
p0 n k
(; de Morgan Laws for type quantifiers ;)
def not_all_not_ex_type
(p : logic.type -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.foralltype (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x)))) ->
logic.proof (logic.existstype p) :=
notall : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.foralltype (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x)))) =>
nnpp (logic.existstype p) (abs : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.existstype p)) =>
notall (n : logic.type => H : logic.proof (p n) =>
abs (z : logic.prop => p0 : (x : logic.type -> logic.proof (p x) -> logic.proof z) =>
p0 n H
def not_all_ex_not_type
(p : logic.type -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.foralltype p)) ->
logic.proof (logic.existstype (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x))) :=
notall : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.foralltype p)) =>
not_all_not_ex_type (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x)) (
(all : logic.proof (logic.foralltype (x : logic.type => logic.not (logic.not (p x)))) =>
notall (n : logic.type =>
nnpp (p n) (all n)
def not_ex_all_not_type
(p : logic.type -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.existstype p)) ->
logic.proof (logic.foralltype (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x))) :=
notex : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.existstype p)) =>
n : logic.type => abs : logic.proof (p n) =>
notex (z : logic.prop =>
p0 : (x : logic.type -> logic.proof (p x) -> logic.proof z) =>
p0 n abs
def not_ex_not_all_type
(p : logic.type -> logic.prop) :
logic.proof (logic.not (logic.existstype (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x)))) ->
logic.proof (logic.foralltype p) :=
H : logic.proof (logic.not (logic.existstype (x : logic.type => logic.not (p x)))) =>
n : logic.type =>
nnpp (p n) (k : logic.proof (logic.not (p n)) =>
H (z : logic.prop =>
p0 : (x : logic.type -> logic.proof (logic.not (p x)) -> logic.proof z) =>
p0 n k
#NAME dk_logic.
(; Impredicative prop ;)
prop : cc.uT.
Prop : Type.
[] cc.eT prop --> Prop.
(; def ebP : cc.eT dk_bool.bool -> Prop. ;)
imp : Prop -> Prop -> Prop.
forall_type : (cc.uT -> Prop) -> Prop.
forall : A : cc.uT -> (cc.eT A -> Prop) -> Prop.
def eeP : Prop -> cc.uT.
def eP : Prop -> Type
:= f : Prop => cc.eT (eeP f).
[ f1 : Prop, f2 : Prop ]
eeP (imp f1 f2)
cc.Arrow (eeP f1) (eeP f2)
[ A : cc.uT, f : cc.eT A -> Prop ]
eeP (forall A f)
cc.Pi A (x : cc.eT A => eeP (f x)).
[ f : cc.uT -> Prop ]
eeP (forall_type f)
cc.PiT (x : cc.uT => eeP (f x)).
def True : Prop := forall prop (P : Prop => imp P P).
def False : Prop := forall prop (P : Prop => P).
def not (f : Prop) : Prop := imp f False.
def and (A : Prop) (B : Prop) : Prop :=
forall prop (P : Prop => imp (imp A (imp B P)) P).
def or (A : Prop) (B : Prop) : Prop :=
forall prop (P : Prop => imp (imp A P) (imp (imp B P) P)).
def eqv (A : Prop) (B : Prop) : Prop :=
and (imp A B) (imp B A).
def exists (A : cc.uT) (f : cc.eT A -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall prop (P : Prop => imp (forall A (x : cc.eT A => imp (f x) P)) P).
def forallc (A : cc.uT) (f : cc.eT A -> Prop) : Prop :=
not (not (forall A (x : cc.eT A => not (not (f x))))).
def existsc (A : cc.uT) (f : cc.eT A -> Prop) : Prop :=
not (not (exists A (x : cc.eT A => not (not (f x))))).
def exists_type (f : cc.uT -> Prop) : Prop
:= forall prop (z : Prop =>
(imp (forall_type (a : cc.uT =>
imp (f a) z))
def TrueT : Type := eP True.
def FalseT : Type := eP False.
I : TrueT.
False_elim : A : cc.uT -> FalseT -> cc.eT A.
def Istrue : dk_bool.Bool -> Type.
[ b : dk_bool.Bool ] Istrue b --> eP (ebP b).
def and_intro (f1 : Prop)
(f2 : Prop)
(H1 : eP f1)
(H2 : eP f2)
: eP (and f1 f2)
:= f3 : Prop =>
H3 : (eP f1 -> eP f2 -> eP f3) =>
H3 H1 H2.
def and_elim1 (f1 : Prop)
(f2 : Prop)
(H3 : eP (and f1 f2))
: eP f1
:= H3 f1 (H1 : eP f1 => H2 : eP f2 => H1).
def and_elim2 (f1 : Prop)
(f2 : Prop)
(H3 : eP (and f1 f2))
: eP f2
:= H3 f2 (H1 : eP f1 => H2 : eP f2 => H2).
def or_intro1 (f1 : Prop)
(f2 : Prop)
(H1 : eP f1)
: eP (or f1 f2)
:= f3 : Prop =>
H13 : (eP f1 -> eP f3) =>
H23 : (eP f2 -> eP f3) =>
H13 H1.
def or_intro2 (f1 : Prop)
(f2 : Prop)
(H2 : eP f2)
: eP (or f1 f2)
:= f3 : Prop =>
H13 : (eP f1 -> eP f3) =>
H23 : (eP f2 -> eP f3) =>
H23 H2.
def or_elim (f1 : Prop)
(f2 : Prop)
(f3 : Prop)
(H3 : eP (or f1 f2))
(H13 : eP (imp f1 f3))
(H23 : eP (imp f2 f3))
: eP f3
:= H3 f3 H13 H23.
def eqv_intro := f1 : Prop =>
f2 : Prop =>
and_intro (imp f1 f2) (imp f2 f1).
def eqv_elim1 := f1 : Prop =>
f2 : Prop =>
and_elim1 (imp f1 f2) (imp f2 f1).
def eqv_elim2 := f1 : Prop =>
f2 : Prop =>
and_elim2 (imp f1 f2) (imp f2 f1).
[] ebP dk_bool.true --> True
[] ebP dk_bool.false --> False.
(; equality ;)
def equal : A : cc.uT -> x : cc.eT A -> y : cc.eT A -> Prop
:= A : cc.uT => x : cc.eT A => y : cc.eT A =>
forall (cc.Arrow A prop)
(H : (cc.eT A -> Prop) =>
imp (H x) (H y)).
def equalc (A : cc.uT) (x : cc.eT A) (y : cc.eT A) : Prop :=
not (not (equal A x y)).
def refl : A : cc.uT -> x : cc.eT A -> eP (equal A x x)
:= A : cc.uT => x : cc.eT A =>
H : (cc.eT A -> Prop) =>
px : eP (H x) => px.
def equal_ind :
A : cc.uT ->
H : (cc.eT A -> Prop) ->
x : cc.eT A ->
y : cc.eT A ->
eP (equal A x y) ->
eP (H x) ->
eP (H y)
A : cc.uT =>
P : (cc.eT A -> Prop) =>
x : cc.eT A =>
y : cc.eT A =>
eq: eP (equal A x y) =>
eq P.
def equal_sym : A : cc.uT ->
x : cc.eT A ->
y : cc.eT A ->
eP (equal A x y) ->
eP (equal A y x)
A : cc.uT =>
x : cc.eT A =>
y : cc.eT A =>
eq : eP (equal A x y) =>
(z : cc.eT A => equal A z x)
(refl A x).
def equal_congr :
A : cc.uT ->
B : cc.uT ->
f : (cc.eT A -> cc.eT B) ->
x : cc.eT A ->
y : cc.eT A ->
eP (equal A x y) ->
eP (equal B (f x) (f y))
A : cc.uT =>
B : cc.uT =>
f : (cc.eT A -> cc.eT B) =>
x : cc.eT A =>
y : cc.eT A =>
H : eP (equal A x y) =>
equal_ind A (z : cc.eT A => equal B (f x) (f z)) x y H (refl B (f x)).
(; Axiomatisation for Hilbert's epsilon operator ;)
def epsilon :
a : logic.type ->
logic.proof (logic.inhabited a) ->
(logic.term a -> logic.prop) -> logic.term a.
def epsilon_spec :
a : logic.type ->
i : logic.proof (logic.inhabited a) ->
p :(logic.term a -> logic.prop) ->
logic.proof (logic.exists a p) ->
logic.proof (p (epsilon a i p)).
(; Axiomatisation for Hilbert's epsilon operator for type existencials ;)
def epsilon_type : (logic.type -> logic.prop) -> logic.type.
def epsilon_type_spec :
p :(logic.type -> logic.prop) ->
logic.proof (logic.existstype p) ->
logic.proof (p (epsilon_type p)).
#NAME logic.
(; Polymorphic First-order logic for Archsat ;)
def prop : Type.
def type : Type.
def proof : prop -> Type.
def term : type -> Type.
def arrow : type -> type -> type.
(; Constant symbols ;)
def True : prop.
def False : prop.
def not : prop -> prop.
def and : prop -> prop -> prop.
def or : prop -> prop -> prop.
def imp : prop -> prop -> prop.
def equiv : prop -> prop -> prop.
def forall : a : type -> (term a -> prop) -> prop.
def exists : a : type -> (term a -> prop) -> prop.
def foralltype : (type -> prop) -> prop.
def existstype : (type -> prop) -> prop.
def equal : a : type -> term a -> term a -> prop.
(; Proofs of these rules in the encoding of the calculus of constructions ;)
[] type --> cc.uT.
[] term --> cc.eT.
[] arrow --> cc.Arrow.
[] prop --> dk_logic.Prop.
[] proof --> dk_logic.eP.
[] True --> dk_logic.True.
[] False --> dk_logic.False.
[] not --> dk_logic.not.
[] and --> dk_logic.and.
[] or --> dk_logic.or.
[] imp --> dk_logic.imp.
[] equiv --> dk_logic.eqv.
[] forall --> dk_logic.forall.
[] exists --> dk_logic.exists.
[] foralltype --> dk_logic.forall_type.
[] existstype --> dk_logic.exists_type.
[] equal --> dk_logic.equal.
(; True ;)
def true_intro : proof True :=
p : prop => x : proof p => x.
(; False ;)
def false_elim (p : prop)
: proof False -> proof p :=
H : proof False => H p.
(; Conjunction ;)
def and_intro (p : prop) (q: prop)
: proof p -> proof q -> proof (and p q) := dk_logic.and_intro p q.
def and_ind (p : prop) (q : prop) (r : prop)
: (proof p -> proof q -> proof r) -> proof (and p q) -> proof r :=
f : (proof p -> proof q -> proof r) => H : proof (and p q) => H r f.
def and_elim (p : prop) (q : prop) (r : prop)
: proof (and p q) -> (proof p -> proof q -> proof r) -> proof r :=
H : proof (and p q) => f : (proof p -> proof q -> proof r) => H r f.
(; Disjunction ;)
def or_introl (p : prop) (q : prop)
: proof p -> proof (or p q) :=
H1 : proof p => z : prop =>
H2 : (proof p -> proof z) =>
H3 : (proof q -> proof z) => H2 H1.
def or_intror (p : prop) (q : prop)
: proof q -> proof (or p q) :=
H1 : proof q => z : prop =>
H2 : (proof p -> proof z) =>
H3 : (proof q -> proof z) => H3 H1.
def or_ind (p : prop) (q: prop) (r: prop)
: (proof p -> proof r) -> (proof q -> proof r) -> proof (or p q) -> proof r :=
f : (proof p -> proof r) => g : (proof q -> proof r) => H : proof (or p q) => H r f g.
def or_elim (p : prop) (q: prop) (r: prop)
: proof (or p q) -> (proof p -> proof r) -> (proof q -> proof r) -> proof r :=
H : proof (or p q) => f : (proof p -> proof r) => g : (proof q -> proof r) => H r f g.
(; Equality ;)
def eq_subst (a : type) (x : term a) (y: term a) (p : term a -> prop)
: proof (equal a x y) -> proof (p x) -> proof (p y) :=
H1 : proof (equal a x y) => H2 : proof (p x) =>
dk_logic.equal_ind a p x y H1 H2.
def eq_refl (a: type) (x: term a) : proof (equal a x x) := dk_logic.refl a x.
def eq_sym (a : type) (x : term a) (y : term a)
: proof (equal a x y) -> proof (equal a y x) :=
H1 : proof (equal a x y) => dk_logic.equal_sym a x y H1.
def not_eq_sym (a : type) (x : term a) (y : term a)
: proof (not (equal a x y)) -> proof (not (equal a y x)) :=
H1 : proof (not (equal a x y)) => H2 : proof (equal a y x) =>
H1 (eq_sym a y x H2).
def eq_trans (a : type) (x : term a) (y : term a) (z : term a)
: proof (equal a x y) -> proof (equal a y z) -> proof (equal a x z) :=
H1 : proof (equal a x y) => H2 : proof (equal a y z) =>
eq_subst a y z (s : term a => equal a x s) H2 H1.
(; Functions and equality ;)
def f_equal
(a : type) (b : type) (f : term a -> term b) (x : term a) (y : term a)
: proof (equal a x y) -> proof (equal b (f x) (f y)) :=
H : proof (equal a x y) =>
eq_subst a x y (z : term a => equal b (f x) (f z)) H (eq_refl b (f x)).
def f_equal2
(a : type) (b : type) (c : type) (f : term a -> term b -> term c)
(x1 : term a) (y1 : term a) (x2 : term b) (y2 : term b)
: proof (equal a x1 y1) -> proof (equal b x2 y2) -> proof (equal c (f x1 x2) (f y1 y2)) :=
H1 : proof (equal a x1 y1) => H2 : proof (equal b x2 y2) =>
eq_subst a x1 y1 (z1 : term a => equal c (f x1 x2) (f z1 y2)) H1 (
eq_subst b x2 y2 (z2 : term b => equal c (f x1 x2) (f x1 z2)) H2 (
eq_refl c (f x1 x2)
(; Type inhabitation ;)
def inhabited : type -> prop.
def inhabits : a : type -> term a -> proof (inhabited a).
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