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Created December 16, 2016 15:27
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(** Some aliases for readibility *)
type opt = Options.copts
type 'a gen = 'a Gen.t
type 'a fix = [ `Ok | `Gen of 'a gen ]
type ('a, 'b) op = {
name : string;
f : 'a -> 'b;
(** Type for pipelines, i.e a series of transformations to
apply to the input. An ('a, 'b) t is a pipeline that
takes an input of type ['a] and returns a value of type
['b]. *)
type (_, _) t =
(** The end of the pipeline, the identity/reflexive constructor *)
| End :
('a, 'a) t
(** Apply a single function and then proceed with the rest of the pipeline *)
| Map :
('a, 'c) op * ('c, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
(** Concat two pipeline. Not tail recursive. *)
| Concat :
('a, 'b) t * ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
(** Fixpoint expansion *)
| Fix :
('opt * 'a, 'opt * 'a fix) op * ('opt * 'a, 'opt) t -> ('opt * 'a, 'opt) t
(** Fold a pipeline over a pipeline that returns a generator. *)
| Fold :
('opt * 'a, 'opt) t -> ('opt * 'a gen, 'opt) t
(** Creating pipelines. *)
let op ?(name="") f = { name; f; }
let po ?(name="") f =
{ name; f = (fun ((opt, y) as x) -> opt, f x); }
let _end = End
let (~~~) x = x
let (@++) op t = Map(op, t)
let (@**) op t = Fix(op, t)
let (@<<) op t = Map(op, Fold t)
let (@>>) t t' = Concat (t, t')
let (@||) op t = Map({ op with f = (fun x -> op.f x; x) }, t)
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