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Gbury /
Created November 14, 2016 22:59
module M : sig
type t = private int
val make : int -> t
end = struct
type t = int
let make i =
if i mod 2 = 0 then i
else raise (Invalid_argument "not an even number !")
Gbury /
Last active December 5, 2016 21:17
GADTs and polymorphic variants
(* Overly simplified example *)
type _ foo =
| Foo : int -> [< `A | `B ] foo
| Bar : int -> [< `B | `C ] foo
(* The most general type for foo is:
int -> [< `A | `B ] foo
But, because of the call in bar, the type actually inferred is:
int -> _[< `B ] foo
Gbury /
Created December 16, 2016 13:52
let fix f x =
match f x with
| `Ok -> Gen.singleton x
| `Gen gen ->
let s = Stack.create () in
Stack.push gen s;
let rec aux () =
if Stack.is_empty s then None
else begin
let g = s in
Gbury /
Created December 16, 2016 15:17
run ~handle_exn:Out.print_exn g opt' (
~~~ (op ~name:"includes" Pipe.expand_include)
@** (op ~name:"expand" Pipe.expand_pack)
@<< (op ~name:"execute" Pipe.execute)
@++ (po ~name:"typecheck" Pipe.typecheck)
@++ (po ~name:"solve" Pipe.solve)
@++ (op ~name:"print_res" Pipe.print_res)
@|| (op fst)
(** Some aliases for readibility *)
type opt = Options.copts
type 'a gen = 'a Gen.t
type 'a fix = [ `Ok | `Gen of 'a gen ]
type ('a, 'b) op = {
name : string;
f : 'a -> 'b;
[✗] ( 1) 1 ; 0 ; 0 / 1 -- 0.0s -- dummy_fail
[✗] ( 1) 0 ; 1 ; 0 / 1 -- 0.0s -- dummy_error
[✓] ( 130) 0 ; 0 ; 100 / 100 -- 0.2s -- fixpoint_occur
[✓] ( 130) 0 ; 0 ; 100 / 100 -- 0.2s -- fixpoint_is_proj
[✓] ( 230) 0 ; 0 ; 19 / 30 -- 0.3s -- match_subst
[✓] ( 141) 0 ; 0 ; 100 / 100 -- 0.2s -- subst_match
[✓] ( 57) 0 ; 0 ; 10 / 10 -- 0.1s -- robinson_subst
[✓] ( 141) 0 ; 0 ; 100 / 100 -- 0.2s -- subst_robinson
[✓] ( 10) 0 ; 0 ; 10 / 10 -- 1.8s -- naive_correct_match
random seed: 92577147
law dummy_fail: 1 relevant cases (1 total)
test `dummy_fail`
failed on ≥ 1 cases:
⟦∀ v0 : list(a), v1 : list(a), v2 : list(a), v3 : list(a), v4 : list(a), v5 : list(a), v6 : list(a), v7 : list(a), v8 : list(a), v9 : list(a), v0 : a, v1 : a, v2 : a, v3 : a, v4 : a, v5 : a, v6 : a, v7 : a, v8 : a, v9 : a, v0 : b, v1 : b, v2 : b, v4 : b, v5 : b, v6 : b, v7 : b, v9 : b, v0 : pair(a, b), v1 : pair(a, b), v5 : pair(a, b). f_p(h_a(cons(a; h_a(cons(a; g_a(h_a(cons(a; g_a(f_a(h_a(cons(a; h_a(cons(a; f_a(h_a(cons(a; g_a(f_a(g_a(h_a(nil(a; )), b_0)), g_b(h_b(pair(a, b; h_a(cons(a; g_a(a_1, b_1), v3)), h_b(pair(a, b; g_a(a_1, b_1), h_b(pair(a, b; v3, g_b(h_b(pair(a, b; v4, g_b(v0, a_2))), a_1))))))), f_a(f_a(f_a(h_a(cons(a; h_a(cons(a; f_a(a_2), v1)), v3))))))), nil(a; )))), cons(a; v9, nil(a; )))), cons(a; a_0, cons(a; v8, cons(a; f_a(h_a(cons(a; f_a(g_a(f_a(a_0), b_0)), v9))), cons(a; h_a(cons(a; h_a(v1), nil(a; ))), cons(a; f_a(a_1), v6)))))))), h_b(pair(a, b; f_a(a_0), h_b(pair(a, b; a_2,
module type S = sig
type t
val to_string : t -> string
module Make(T : S) : S with type t = int = struct
type t = int
let to_string i = Printf.sprintf "%d" i
Gbury /
Last active February 7, 2017 15:22
module Id : sig
type 'a t
val hash : 'a t -> int
val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
val create : 'a -> 'a t
end = struct
type 'a t = {
id : int;
contents : 'a;
type t = { foo : 'a. 'a -> 'a }
let id = { foo = (fun x -> x) }
let phi id () = 1, true