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I may be slow to respond.

Gcaufy Gcaufy

I may be slow to respond.
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Gcaufy /
Last active May 27, 2019 04:02
If you changed to another WIFI ssid, you can use this script to automatically switch your proxy setting
## Switch your proxy setting based on your SSID
## Author: Gcuafy <>
## Install:
## $ alias ap='source ~/whaterveryourcodeis/'
Gcaufy /
Created January 25, 2016 03:15 — forked from christopher-hopper/
Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox.

Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine

Our Virtual Machines are provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox. If the Hard Disk space runs out and you cannot remove files to free-up space, you can resize the Hard Disk using some VirtualBox and Linux commands.

Some assumptions

The following steps assume you've got a set-up like mine, where: