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Created November 20, 2023 06:30
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  • Save Ge0rges/16004bdbe358e8d90832685574d323da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ge0rges/16004bdbe358e8d90832685574d323da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Downloads the latest release of Defense Finder HMM models and create an anvio compatible `hmm-source`
# Set the GitHub repository and destination folder
# Function to check if a file exists, and exit with a warning if it does
check_file_exists() {
if [ -e "$1" ]; then
echo "Warning: File $1 already exists. Exiting."
exit 1
# Function to download the latest release from GitHub
download_latest_release() {
download_url=$(curl -s "$repo_url" | grep "browser_download_url" | cut -d '"' -f 4)
wget -O latest_release.tar.gz "$download_url"
tar -xzf latest_release.tar.gz
rm latest_release.tar.gz
# Check if any of the required files already exist
check_file_exists "$destination_folder/genes.hmm"
check_file_exists "$destination_folder/kind.txt"
check_file_exists "$destination_folder/reference.txt"
check_file_exists "$destination_folder/target.txt"
check_file_exists "$destination_folder/noise_cutoff_terms.txt"
check_file_exists "$destination_folder/genes.txt"
# Download the latest release from GitHub
download_latest_release "$github_repo"
# Create the destination folder if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$destination_folder"
# Create kind.txt with "DefenseFinder"
echo "DefenseFinder" > "$destination_folder/kind.txt"
# Extract version number from metadata.yml
version_number=$(grep "vers" "$source_folder/metadata.yml" | cut -d ' ' -f2)
# Create reference.txt with "DefenseFinder" and version number
echo "DefenseFinder $version_number" > "$destination_folder/reference.txt"
# Create target.txt with "GENE:AA"
echo "AA:GENE" > "$destination_folder/target.txt"
# Create noise_cutoff_terms.txt with "-E 1e-25"
echo "-E 1e-25" > "$destination_folder/noise_cutoff_terms.txt"
# Create genes.txt with "gene accession hmmsource"
echo -e "gene\taccession\thmmsource" > "$destination_folder/genes.txt"
for file in "$source_folder/profiles"/*.hmm; do
base_name=$(basename "$file" .hmm)
# In the current version of the HMM profiles, some are concatenanted profiles with the same NAME field.
# Anvio does not like this, nor should it. Thus here, I append the NAME field with an incrementing suffix.
# In future versions where this is fixed, this code will be obsolete but shouldn't break anything.
# Extract gene names and count occurrences within the file
gene_counts=$(awk '/^NAME/ {if (++count[$2] == 1) print $2; else print $2"_"count[$2]}' "$file")
# Loop through each gene name and create a separate row in genes.txt
while read -r final_gene_name; do
echo -e "$final_gene_name\t$base_name\t" >> "$destination_folder/genes.txt"
done <<< "$gene_counts"
# Modify the NAME field in the .hmm file
awk '/^NAME/ {if (++count[$2] == 1) print $1, $2; else print $1, $2"_"count[$2]} !/^NAME/ {print $0}' "$file" > "$file.tmp" && mv "$file.tmp" "$file"
# Concatenate .hmm files into genes.hmm
cat "$source_folder/profiles"/*.hmm > "$destination_folder/genes.hmm"
# Compress genes.hmm using gzip
gzip "$destination_folder/genes.hmm"
# Remove the source folder
rm -r "$source_folder"
# Display completion message
echo "Script completed successfully. Files are in $destination_folder."
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Ge0rges commented Nov 20, 2023

Note that in genes.txt the accession for the gene is simply the file name of the HMM. No accession is provided with these profiles unfortunately. Check out MicrobeMod for how you might BLAST the result to identify the precise protein for restriction-modification systems.

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