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Last active April 12, 2016 13:30
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/* VARMA (1,1) */
data {
int<lower=1> T ; // num observations
int<lower=1> N ; // num series
vector[N] y[T] ; // observed outputs
int<lower=0> T_forecast ; // forecasting span
parameters {
vector[N] mu ; // mean coeffs
matrix[N,N] Psi ; // autoregression coeff matrix
matrix[N,N] Theta ; // moving avg coeff matrix
cov_matrix[N] Sigma ; // noise scale matrix
transformed parameters{
vector[N] eps[T] ; // error terms
eps[1] <- y[1] -mu ;
for ( t in 2:T){
eps[t] <- y[t] - (mu + Psi* y[t-1] + Theta * eps[t-1]) ;
model {
/* priors */
mu ~ normal(0,10) ;
to_vector(Psi) ~ normal(0,2) ;
to_vector(Theta) ~ normal(0,2) ;
Sigma ~ inv_wishart(N, N*diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,N))) ;
/* likelihood */
for (t in 2:T){
y[t] ~ multi_normal(mu + Psi * y[t-1] + Theta * eps[t-1], Sigma) ;
/* prediction */
generated quantities{
vector[N] y_pred[T_forecast] ;
vector[N] eps_pred[T_forecast] ;
eps_pred[1] <- multi_normal_rng(rep_vector(0,N), Sigma) ;
y_pred[1] <- mu + Psi * y[T] + Theta * eps[T] + eps_pred[1] ;
for( t in 2:T_forecast) {
eps_pred[t] <- multi_normal_rng(rep_vector(0,N), Sigma) ;
y_pred[t] <- mu + Psi*y_pred[t-1] + Theta * eps_pred[t-1] + eps_pred[t] ;
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