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Created July 3, 2021 05:15
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# Auto generated file - do not change manually
# setWorkingDirToProjectDir
setWorkingDirToProjectDirLabel = プロジェクトのディレクトリを作業ディレクトリにする
setWorkingDirToProjectDirButtonLabel =
setWorkingDirToProjectDirMenuLabel = プロジェクトのディレクトリへ(_P)
setWorkingDirToProjectDirDesc = プロジェクトのルートディレクトリを作業ディレクトリにする
# setWorkingDirToActiveDoc
setWorkingDirToActiveDocLabel = Set Working Directory to Current Document's Directory
setWorkingDirToActiveDocButtonLabel =
setWorkingDirToActiveDocMenuLabel = To _Source File Location
setWorkingDirToActiveDocDesc = Change working directory to path of active document
# setWorkingDirToFilesPane
setWorkingDirToFilesPaneLabel = Set Working Directory to Directory in Files Pane
setWorkingDirToFilesPaneButtonLabel =
setWorkingDirToFilesPaneMenuLabel = To _Files Pane Location
setWorkingDirToFilesPaneDesc = Change working directory to location of Files pane
# setWorkingDir
setWorkingDirLabel = Set Working Directory...
setWorkingDirButtonLabel =
setWorkingDirMenuLabel = _Choose Directory...
setWorkingDirDesc = Select and change to a new working directory
# newSourceDoc
newSourceDocLabel = Rスクリプトを新規作成します
newSourceDocButtonLabel =
newSourceDocMenuLabel = _Rスクリプト
newSourceDocDesc = Rスクリプトを新規作成します
# newRNotebook
newRNotebookMenuLabel = R _Notebook
newRNotebookDesc = R Markdown notebook を新規作成します
# newTextDoc
newTextDocMenuLabel = テキストファイル(_T)
newTextDocDesc = テキストファイルを新規作成します
# newCDoc
newCDocMenuLabel = _Cファイル
newCDocDesc = Cファイルを新規作成します
# newCppDoc
newCppDocMenuLabel = _C++ ファイル
newCppDocDesc = C++ ファイルを新規作成します
# newHeaderDoc
newHeaderDocMenuLabel = ヘッダファイル(_H)
newHeaderDocDesc = ヘッダファイルを新規作成します
# newMarkdownDoc
newMarkdownDocMenuLabel = _Markdownファイル
newMarkdownDocDesc = Markdown文書を新規作成します
# newPythonDoc
newPythonDocMenuLabel = _Pythonスクリプト
newPythonDocDesc = Pythonスクリプトを新規作成します
# newShellDoc
newShellDocMenuLabel = シェルスクリプト(_S)
newShellDocDesc = シェルスクリプトを新規作成します
# newStanDoc
newStanDocMenuLabel = _Stanファイル
newStanDocDesc = Stan プログラムを新規作成します
# newHtmlDoc
newHtmlDocMenuLabel = _HTMLファイル
newHtmlDocDesc = HTMLファイルを新規作成します
# newJavaScriptDoc
newJavaScriptDocMenuLabel = _JavaScriptファイル
newJavaScriptDocDesc = JavaScriptファイルを新規作成します
# newCssDoc
newCssDocMenuLabel = _CSSファイル
newCssDocDesc = CSSファイルを新規作成します
# newD3Doc
newD3DocMenuLabel = _D3スクリプト
newD3DocDesc = D3スクリプトを新規作成します
# newRPlumberDoc
newRPlumberDocMenuLabel = Plumber _API...
newRPlumberDocDesc = Plumber APIを新規作成します
# rcppHelp
rcppHelpDesc = Help on using Rcpp
# printCppCompletions
printCppCompletionsDesc = Print C++ Completions
# newSweaveDoc
newSweaveDocMenuLabel = R _Sweave
newSweaveDocDesc = R Sweave 文書を新規作成します
# newRMarkdownDoc
newRMarkdownDocMenuLabel = R _Markdown...
newRMarkdownDocDesc = R Markdown 文書を新規作成します
# newRShinyApp
newRShinyAppMenuLabel = Shiny _Web App...
newRShinyAppDesc = Shiny Web アプリケーションを新規作成します
# newRHTMLDoc
newRHTMLDocMenuLabel = R _HTML
newRHTMLDocDesc = R HTMLドキュメントを新規作成します
# newRPresentationDoc
newRPresentationDocMenuLabel = Rプレゼンテーション(_P)
newRPresentationDocDesc = Rプレゼンテーションを新規作成します
# newRDocumentationDoc
newRDocumentationDocMenuLabel = Rドキュメント(_u)...
newRDocumentationDocDesc = Rdドキュメントファイルを新規作成します
# newSqlDoc
newSqlDocMenuLabel = S_QLスクリプト
newSqlDocDesc = SQLスクリプトを新規作成します
# openSourceDoc
openSourceDocLabel = ファイルを開く...
openSourceDocButtonLabel =
openSourceDocMenuLabel = ファイルを開く(_O)...
openSourceDocDesc = 既存のファイルを開きます
# openSourceDocNewColumn
openSourceDocNewColumnLabel = ファイルを新しいカラムで開く...
openSourceDocNewColumnButtonLabel =
openSourceDocNewColumnMenuLabel = ファイルを新しいカラムで開く(_o)...
openSourceDocNewColumnDesc = 既存のファイルを新しいカラムで開きます
# reopenSourceDocWithEncoding
reopenSourceDocWithEncodingLabel = 文字コードを指定して現在のドキュメントを開き直す...
reopenSourceDocWithEncodingButtonLabel =
reopenSourceDocWithEncodingMenuLabel = 文字コードを指定して開き直す(_E)...
reopenSourceDocWithEncodingDesc = 別の文字コードを指定して現在のファイルを開き直します
# saveSourceDoc
saveSourceDocLabel = 現在のドキュメントを保存
saveSourceDocButtonLabel =
saveSourceDocMenuLabel = 保存(_S)
saveSourceDocDesc = 現在のドキュメントを保存します
# renameSourceDoc
renameSourceDocLabel = 現在のドキュメントの名前を変更
renameSourceDocButtonLabel =
renameSourceDocMenuLabel = 名前の変更(_R)
renameSourceDocDesc = 現在のドキュメントの名前を変更します
# copySourceDocPath
copySourceDocPathLabel = ドキュメントのパスをコピー
copySourceDocPathButtonLabel =
copySourceDocPathMenuLabel = パスをコピー
copySourceDocPathDesc = 現在のドキュメントのパスをコピーします
# saveSourceDocAs
saveSourceDocAsLabel = 現在のドキュメントを名前をつけて保存...
saveSourceDocAsButtonLabel = Save as
saveSourceDocAsMenuLabel = 名前をつけて保存(_A)...
saveSourceDocAsDesc = 現在のファイルをパスを指定して保存します
# saveAllSourceDocs
saveAllSourceDocsLabel = 全てのソースドキュメントを保存
saveAllSourceDocsButtonLabel =
saveAllSourceDocsMenuLabel = 全て保存(_v)
saveAllSourceDocsDesc = 開いている全てのドキュメントを保存します
# saveSourceDocWithEncoding
saveSourceDocWithEncodingLabel = 文字コードを指定して現在のドキュメントを保存...
saveSourceDocWithEncodingMenuLabel = 文字コードを指定して保存(_h)...
saveSourceDocWithEncodingDesc = 異なる文字コードを指定して現在のファイルを保存します
# closeSourceDoc
closeSourceDocLabel = 現在のドキュメントを閉じる
closeSourceDocMenuLabel = 閉じる(_C)
# closeAllSourceDocs
closeAllSourceDocsLabel = 全てのドキュメントを閉じる
closeAllSourceDocsMenuLabel = 全て閉じる(_l)
# closeOtherSourceDocs
closeOtherSourceDocsLabel = 他の文書を閉じる
closeOtherSourceDocsMenuLabel = 現在の文書いがいの全ての文書を閉じる(_x)
# vcsFileDiff
vcsFileDiffLabel = ファイルの差分を表示する
vcsFileDiffMenuLabel = 差分(_D)
vcsFileDiffDesc = ファイルとの差分を表示します
# vcsFileLog
vcsFileLogLabel = ファイルの変更履歴を表示
vcsFileLogMenuLabel = 履歴(_L)
vcsFileLogDesc = ファイルの変更履歴を表示します
# vcsFileRevert
vcsFileRevertLabel = ファイルの変更の差し戻し
vcsFileRevertMenuLabel = 差し戻し(_R)
vcsFileRevertDesc = ファイルへの変更を差し戻します
# vcsViewOnGitHub
vcsViewOnGitHubLabel = GitHubでファイルを見る
vcsViewOnGitHubMenuLabel = GitHubでファイルを見る(_V)
vcsViewOnGitHubDesc = このファイルをGitHub上で見ます
# vcsBlameOnGitHub
vcsBlameOnGitHubLabel = View 'git blame' on GitHub
vcsBlameOnGitHubMenuLabel = _Blame FILE on GitHub
vcsBlameOnGitHubDesc = Blame view for this file on Github
# printSourceDoc
printSourceDocButtonLabel =
printSourceDocMenuLabel = 印刷(_I)...
printSourceDocDesc = 現在のファイルを印刷します
# popoutDoc
popoutDocLabel = Show Document in New Window
popoutDocButtonLabel =
popoutDocDesc = Show in new window
# returnDocToMain
returnDocToMainLabel = Return Document to Main Window
returnDocToMainButtonLabel =
returnDocToMainDesc = Return to main window
# mru0
# mru1
# mru2
# mru3
# mru4
# mru5
# mru6
# mru7
# mru8
# mru9
# mru10
# mru11
# mru12
# mru13
# mru14
# clearRecentFiles
clearRecentFilesMenuLabel = リストを消去(_C)
# newProject
newProjectLabel = 新規プロジェクトの作成...
newProjectButtonLabel =
newProjectMenuLabel = 新規プロジェクト(_P)...
newProjectDesc = プロジェクトを作成します
# openProject
openProjectLabel = プロジェクトを開く...
openProjectButtonLabel =
openProjectMenuLabel = プロジェクトを開く(_n)...
openProjectDesc = プロジェクトを開きます
# openProjectInNewWindow
openProjectInNewWindowLabel = プロジェクトを新規セッションで開く
openProjectInNewWindowButtonLabel =
openProjectInNewWindowMenuLabel = プロジェクトを新規セッションで開く(_w)...
openProjectInNewWindowDesc = プロジェクトを新規のRセッションで開きます
# shareProject
shareProjectLabel = プロジェクトの共有...
shareProjectButtonLabel =
shareProjectMenuLabel = プロジェクトの共有(_S)...
shareProjectDesc = プロジェクトを誰かと共有します
# openSharedProject
openSharedProjectLabel = 共有プロジェクトを開く
openSharedProjectMenuLabel = More...
openSharedProjectDesc = あなたが共有しているプロジェクトを開きます
# projectMru0
# projectMru1
# projectMru2
# projectMru3
# projectMru4
# projectMru5
# projectMru6
# projectMru7
# projectMru8
# projectMru9
# projectMru10
# projectMru11
# projectMru12
# projectMru13
# projectMru14
# clearRecentProjects
clearRecentProjectsMenuLabel = プロジェクト一覧を消去(_C)
# closeProject
closeProjectLabel = 現在のプロジェクトを閉じる
closeProjectButtonLabel =
closeProjectMenuLabel = プロジェクトを閉じる(_t)
closeProjectDesc = 現在開いているプロジェクトを閉じます
# projectOptions
projectOptionsLabel = プロジェクトのオプションを編集...
projectOptionsButtonLabel =
projectOptionsMenuLabel = プロジェクトのオプション...
projectOptionsDesc = 現在のプロジェクトのオプションを編集します
# projectSweaveOptions
projectSweaveOptionsButtonLabel =
projectSweaveOptionsMenuLabel =
projectSweaveOptionsDesc =
# showToolbar
showToolbarMenuLabel = ツールバーを表示する(_T)
# hideToolbar
hideToolbarMenuLabel = ツールバーを隠す(_T)
# toggleToolbar
toggleToolbarLabel = ツールバーの表示を切り替える
toggleToolbarMenuLabel = ツールバーを切り替える
# zoomActualSize
zoomActualSizeMenuLabel = 原寸大(_S)
# zoomIn
zoomInMenuLabel = 拡大(_Z)
# zoomOut
zoomOutMenuLabel = 縮小(_u)
# goToFileFunction
goToFileFunctionLabel = ファイル/関数へ移動...
goToFileFunctionMenuLabel = ファイル/関数へ移動する(_u)...
# switchFocusSourceConsole
switchFocusSourceConsoleLabel = ソースとコンソールのフォーカスを切り替える
# activateSource
activateSourceLabel = ソースにフォーカスする
activateSourceMenuLabel = ソースにフォーカスする(_r)
# activateConsolePane
activateConsolePaneLabel = コンソールにフォーカス
activateConsolePaneMenuLabel = コンソールパネルにフォーカスする(_C)
# activateConsole
activateConsoleLabel = コンソールにフォーカス
activateConsoleMenuLabel = コンソールにフォーカスする(_C)
# activateEnvironment
activateEnvironmentLabel = 環境ペーンを表示
activateEnvironmentMenuLabel = 環境を表示
# activateData
activateDataLabel = データペーンを表示
activateDataMenuLabel = データを表示(_D)
# activateHistory
activateHistoryLabel = 履歴ペーンを表示
activateHistoryMenuLabel = 履歴を表示(_y)
# activateFiles
activateFilesLabel = ファイルペーンを表示
activateFilesMenuLabel = ファイルを表示(_i)
# activatePlots
activatePlotsLabel = プロットペーンを表示
activatePlotsMenuLabel = プロットを表示(_o)
# activatePackages
activatePackagesLabel = パッケージペーンを表示
activatePackagesMenuLabel = パッケージを表示(_k)
# activateHelp
activateHelpLabel = ヘルプペーンを表示
activateHelpMenuLabel = ヘルプにフォーカスする(_H)
# activateVcs
activateVcsLabel = Show VCS Pane
activateVcsMenuLabel = Show _Vcs
# activateBuild
activateBuildLabel = Show Build Pane
activateBuildMenuLabel = Show _Build
# activateViewer
activateViewerLabel = Show Viewer Pane
activateViewerMenuLabel = Show Vie_wer
# activatePresentation
activatePresentationLabel = Show Presentation Pane
activatePresentationMenuLabel = Show Prese_ntation
# activateConnections
activateConnectionsLabel = Show Connections Pane
activateConnectionsMenuLabel = Show Co_nnections
# activateTutorial
activateTutorialLabel = Show Tutorial Pane
activateTutorialMenuLabel = Show _Tutorial
# activateJobs
activateJobsLabel = Show Jobs Pane
activateJobsMenuLabel = Show _Jobs
# activateLauncherJobs
activateLauncherJobsLabel = Show Launcher Pane
activateLauncherJobsMenuLabel = Show _Launcher
# activateCompilePDF
activateCompilePDFLabel = Show Compile PDF Pane
activateCompilePDFMenuLabel = Show Compile _PDF
# activateFindInFiles
activateFindInFilesLabel = Show Find in Files
activateFindInFilesMenuLabel = Show _Find in Files
# activateSourceCpp
activateSourceCppLabel = Show Source Cpp Pane
activateSourceCppMenuLabel = Show Sou_rce Cpp
# activateRMarkdown
activateRMarkdownLabel = Show R Markdown Pane
activateRMarkdownMenuLabel = Show _R Markdown
# activateDeployContent
activateDeployContentLabel = Show Deploy Content Pane
activateDeployContentMenuLabel = Show Deploy _Content
# activateMarkers
activateMarkersLabel = Show Markers Pane
activateMarkersMenuLabel = Show _Markers
# activateSQLResults
activateSQLResultsLabel = Show SQL Results Pane
activateSQLResultsMenuLabel = Show S_QL Results
# layoutZoomSource
layoutZoomSourceLabel = Zoom Source
layoutZoomSourceMenuLabel = Zoom Sou_rce
# layoutZoomConsolePane
layoutZoomConsolePaneLabel = Zoom Console Pane
layoutZoomConsolePaneMenuLabel = Zoom Console Pane
# layoutZoomConsole
layoutZoomConsoleLabel = Zoom Console
layoutZoomConsoleMenuLabel = Zoom _Console
# layoutZoomEnvironment
layoutZoomEnvironmentLabel = Zoom Environment
layoutZoomEnvironmentMenuLabel = Zoom _Environment
# layoutZoomHistory
layoutZoomHistoryLabel = Zoom History
layoutZoomHistoryMenuLabel = Zoom Histor_y
# layoutZoomFiles
layoutZoomFilesLabel = Zoom Files
layoutZoomFilesMenuLabel = Zoom F_iles
# layoutZoomPlots
layoutZoomPlotsLabel = Zoom Plots
layoutZoomPlotsMenuLabel = Zoom Pl_ots
# layoutZoomPackages
layoutZoomPackagesLabel = Zoom Packages
layoutZoomPackagesMenuLabel = Zoom P_ackages
# layoutZoomHelp
layoutZoomHelpLabel = Zoom Help
layoutZoomHelpMenuLabel = Zoom _Help
# layoutZoomVcs
layoutZoomVcsLabel = Zoom VCS
layoutZoomVcsMenuLabel = Zoom _VCS
# layoutZoomTutorial
layoutZoomTutorialLabel = Zoom Tutorial
layoutZoomTutorialMenuLabel = Zoom _Tutorial
# layoutZoomBuild
layoutZoomBuildLabel = Zoom Build
layoutZoomBuildMenuLabel = Zoom _Build
# layoutZoomViewer
layoutZoomViewerLabel = Zoom Viewer
layoutZoomViewerMenuLabel = Zoom Vie_wer
# layoutZoomConnections
layoutZoomConnectionsLabel = Zoom Connections
layoutZoomConnectionsMenuLabel = Zoom Co_nnections
# layoutZoomCurrentPane
layoutZoomCurrentPaneLabel = Toggle Zoom for Current Pane
# layoutEndZoom
layoutEndZoomLabel = Show All Panes
layoutEndZoomMenuLabel = _Show All Panes
# newSourceColumn
newSourceColumnLabel = Add Source Column
newSourceColumnMenuLabel = _Add Source Column
# layoutConsoleOnLeft
layoutConsoleOnLeftLabel = Console on Left
layoutConsoleOnLeftMenuLabel = Console on _Left
# layoutConsoleOnRight
layoutConsoleOnRightLabel = Console on Right
layoutConsoleOnRightMenuLabel = Console on _Right
# layoutZoomLeftColumn
layoutZoomLeftColumnLabel = Zoom Left / Center Column
layoutZoomLeftColumnMenuLabel = _Zoom Left / Center Column
# layoutZoomRightColumn
layoutZoomRightColumnLabel = Zoom Right Column
layoutZoomRightColumnMenuLabel = Zoo_m Right Column
# jumpTo
jumpToLabel = Jump To...
jumpToMenuLabel = _Jump To...
# switchToTab
switchToTabLabel = Switch to Tab...
switchToTabMenuLabel = Switch to Ta_b...
# previousTab
previousTabLabel = Open Previous Tab
previousTabMenuLabel = _Previous Tab
# nextTab
nextTabLabel = Open Next Tab
nextTabMenuLabel = _Next Tab
# firstTab
firstTabLabel = Open First Tab
firstTabMenuLabel = _First Tab
# lastTab
lastTabLabel = Open Last Tab
lastTabMenuLabel = _Last Tab
# moveTabLeft
moveTabLeftLabel = Move Tab Left
moveTabLeftMenuLabel = Move Tab Lef_t
# moveTabRight
moveTabRightLabel = Move Tab Right
moveTabRightMenuLabel = Move Tab _Right
# moveTabToFirst
moveTabToFirstLabel = Move Tab to First
moveTabToFirstMenuLabel = Move Tab to _First
# moveTabToLast
moveTabToLastLabel = Move Tab to Last
moveTabToLastMenuLabel = Move Tab to La_st
# goToLine
goToLineLabel = 行へ移動...
goToLineMenuLabel = 行へ移動(_G)...
# toggleFullScreen
toggleFullScreenMenuLabel = フルスクリーンの切り替え(_F)
# findFromSelection
findFromSelectionMenuLabel = _Use Selection for Find
# quickAddNext
quickAddNextLabel = Find and Add Next
quickAddNextButtonLabel = Add
quickAddNextMenuLabel = Find and Add Next
quickAddNextDesc = Find and add next occurence
# findAll
findAllLabel = 全てを検索
# findReplace
findReplaceLabel = テキストの検索/置換...
findReplaceMenuLabel = 検索(_F)...
# findNext
findNextLabel = 次の候補を検索
findNextButtonLabel = 次へ
findNextMenuLabel = 次を検索(_F)
findNextDesc = 次の候補を検索します
# findPrevious
findPreviousLabel = 前の候補を検索
findPreviousButtonLabel = 前へ
findPreviousMenuLabel = 前を検索(_V)
findPreviousDesc = 前の候補を検索します
# findSelectAll
findSelectAllLabel = Find and Select All
findSelectAllButtonLabel = All
findSelectAllMenuLabel = Find And Select All
findSelectAllDesc = Find and select all matches
# replaceAndFind
replaceAndFindLabel = Replace and Find Next
replaceAndFindButtonLabel = Replace
replaceAndFindMenuLabel = _Replace and Find
replaceAndFindDesc = Replace and find next occurrence
# findInFiles
findInFilesMenuLabel = ファイルを検索(_I)...
# fold
foldLabel = Collapse Fold
foldMenuLabel = _Collapse
# unfold
unfoldLabel = Expand Fold
unfoldMenuLabel = E_xpand
# foldAll
foldAllLabel = Collapse All Folds
foldAllMenuLabel = Collapse _All
# unfoldAll
unfoldAllLabel = Expand All Folds
unfoldAllMenuLabel = Ex_pand All
# jumpToMatching
jumpToMatchingLabel = Jump to Matching Bracket
jumpToMatchingMenuLabel = Jump To _Matching
jumpToMatchingDesc = Jump to matching bracket
# expandToMatching
expandToMatchingLabel = Expand to Matching Bracket
expandToMatchingMenuLabel = Expand To _Matching
expandToMatchingDesc = Expand selection to matching bracket
# addCursorAbove
addCursorAboveMenuLabel = Add Cursor Above Current Cursor
# addCursorBelow
addCursorBelowMenuLabel = Add Cursor Below Current Cursor
# moveLinesUp
moveLinesUpMenuLabel = Move Lines Up
# moveLinesDown
moveLinesDownMenuLabel = Move Lines Down
# expandToLine
expandToLineMenuLabel = Expand Selection to Line
# copyLinesDown
copyLinesDownMenuLabel = Copy Lines Down
# joinLines
joinLinesMenuLabel = Join Lines
# removeLine
removeLineMenuLabel = Remove Line
# splitIntoLines
splitIntoLinesMenuLabel = Split Into Lines
splitIntoLinesDesc = Create a new cursor on each line in current selection
# editLinesFromStart
editLinesFromStartMenuLabel = Edit Lines from Start
editLinesFromStartDesc = Create a new cursor at start of each line in selection
# executeAllCode
executeAllCodeLabel = Run All Code in Current Source File
executeAllCodeButtonLabel =
executeAllCodeMenuLabel = Run _All
executeAllCodeDesc = Run all of the code in the source file
# executeCode
executeCodeLabel = 現在行または選択範囲を実行
executeCodeButtonLabel = 実行
executeCodeMenuLabel = 選択行を実行(_L)
executeCodeDesc = 現在の行または選択した範囲を実行します
# executeCodeWithoutMovingCursor
executeCodeWithoutMovingCursorLabel = 選択行または選択範囲を実行(カーソル移動なし)
executeCodeWithoutMovingCursorButtonLabel = 実行
executeCodeWithoutMovingCursorMenuLabel = カーソル移動せずに現在行を実行(_L)
executeCodeWithoutMovingCursorDesc = カーソルを移動させずに現在の行または選択範囲を実行します
# executeCodeWithoutFocus
# executeToCurrentLine
executeToCurrentLineLabel = Execute Code up to Current Line
executeToCurrentLineMenuLabel = Run From _Beginning To Line
executeToCurrentLineDesc = Run from the beginning of the source file up through the current line
# executeFromCurrentLine
executeFromCurrentLineLabel = Execute Code From Current Line to End of Document
executeFromCurrentLineMenuLabel = Run From Line to _End
executeFromCurrentLineDesc = Run from the current line through the end of the source file
# executeCurrentFunction
executeCurrentFunctionLabel = Run Current Function Definition
executeCurrentFunctionMenuLabel = Run _Function Definition
executeCurrentFunctionDesc = Run the top-level function definition, if any, that contains the cursor
# executeCurrentSection
executeCurrentSectionLabel = Execute Current Code Section
executeCurrentSectionButtonLabel = Run Section
executeCurrentSectionMenuLabel = Run Code _Section
executeCurrentSectionDesc = Run the code section that contains the cursor
# executeLastCode
executeLastCodeLabel = Re-Run Previous Code Execution
executeLastCodeButtonLabel =
executeLastCodeMenuLabel = Re-Run _Previous
executeLastCodeDesc = Re-run the previous code region
# executeCurrentLine
executeCurrentLineLabel = Execute Current Line
executeCurrentLineMenuLabel = Execute Current _Line
executeCurrentLineDesc = Execute the line which contains the cursor
# executeCurrentStatement
executeCurrentStatementLabel = Execute Current Statement
executeCurrentStatementMenuLabel = Execute Current _Statement
executeCurrentStatementDesc = Execute the entire R statement which contains the cursor.
# executeCurrentParagraph
executeCurrentParagraphLabel = Execute Current Paragraph
executeCurrentParagraphMenuLabel = Execute Current _Paragraph
executeCurrentParagraphDesc = Execute the current paragraph of code, delimited by blank lines.
# insertChunk
insertChunkMenuLabel = _Insert Chunk
insertChunkDesc = Insert a new code chunk
# insertChunkR
insertChunkRMenuLabel = R
insertChunkRDesc = Insert a new R chunk
# insertChunkBash
insertChunkBashMenuLabel = Bash
insertChunkBashDesc = Insert a new Bash chunk
# insertChunkD3
insertChunkD3MenuLabel = D3
insertChunkD3Desc = Insert a new D3 chunk
# insertChunkPython
insertChunkPythonMenuLabel = Python
insertChunkPythonDesc = Insert a new Python chunk
# insertChunkRCPP
insertChunkRCPPMenuLabel = Rcpp
insertChunkRCPPDesc = Insert a new Rcpp chunk
# insertChunkStan
insertChunkStanMenuLabel = Stan
insertChunkStanDesc = Insert a new Stan chunk
# insertChunkSQL
insertChunkSQLMenuLabel = SQL
insertChunkSQLDesc = Insert a new SQL chunk
# switchToChunkR
switchToChunkRMenuLabel = R
switchToChunkRDesc = Switch chunk to R
# switchToChunkBash
switchToChunkBashMenuLabel = Bash
switchToChunkBashDesc = Switch chunk to Bash
# switchToChunkPython
switchToChunkPythonMenuLabel = Python
switchToChunkPythonDesc = Switch chunk to Python
# switchToChunkRCPP
switchToChunkRCPPMenuLabel = Rcpp
switchToChunkRCPPDesc = Switch chunk to Rcpp
# switchToChunkStan
switchToChunkStanMenuLabel = Stan
switchToChunkStanDesc = Switch chunk to Stan
# switchToChunkSQL
switchToChunkSQLMenuLabel = SQL
switchToChunkSQLDesc = Switch chunk to SQL
# insertSection
insertSectionMenuLabel = _Insert Section...
insertSectionDesc = Insert a new code section
# executePreviousChunks
executePreviousChunksMenuLabel = _Run All Chunks Above
executePreviousChunksDesc = Run all chunks above the current one
# executeSubsequentChunks
executeSubsequentChunksMenuLabel = Run All C_hunks Below
executeSubsequentChunksDesc = Run all chunks below the current one
# executeCurrentChunk
executeCurrentChunkMenuLabel = Run _Current Chunk
executeCurrentChunkDesc = Run the current code chunk
# executeNextChunk
executeNextChunkMenuLabel = Run _Next Chunk
executeNextChunkDesc = Run the next code chunk
# executeSetupChunk
executeSetupChunkMenuLabel = Run _Setup Chunk
executeSetupChunkDesc = Run the initial setup chunk
# goToHelp
goToHelpLabel = Show Help for Current Function
goToHelpMenuLabel = Go To _Help
goToHelpDesc = Go to help for the currently selected function
# goToDefinition
goToDefinitionMenuLabel = _Go To Function Definition
goToDefinitionDesc = Go to to the definition of the currently selected function
# codeCompletion
codeCompletionLabel = Retrieve Completions
codeCompletionMenuLabel = Code Completion
codeCompletionDesc = Show code completions at the current cursor location
# sourceNavigateBack
sourceNavigateBackMenuLabel = Bac_k
sourceNavigateBackDesc = Go back to the previous source location
# sourceNavigateForward
sourceNavigateForwardMenuLabel = For_ward
sourceNavigateForwardDesc = Go forward to the next source location
# extractFunction
extractFunctionMenuLabel = E_xtract Function
extractFunctionDesc = Turn the current selection into a function
# extractLocalVariable
extractLocalVariableMenuLabel = Extract _Variable
extractLocalVariableDesc = Extract a variable out of the current selection
# findUsages
findUsagesMenuLabel = Find _Usages
findUsagesDesc = Find source locations where this symbol is used
# sourceFile
sourceFileButtonLabel =
sourceFileMenuLabel = Source _File...
sourceFileDesc = Source the contents of an R file
# previewJS
previewJSButtonLabel = Preview
previewJSMenuLabel = Preview J_S
previewJSDesc = Preview the active JavaScript document
# previewSql
previewSqlButtonLabel = Preview
previewSqlMenuLabel = Preview S_QL
previewSqlDesc = Preview the active SQL document
# sourceActiveDocument
sourceActiveDocumentButtonLabel = Source
sourceActiveDocumentMenuLabel = _Source
sourceActiveDocumentDesc = Source the contents of the active document
# sourceActiveDocumentWithEcho
sourceActiveDocumentWithEchoButtonLabel =
sourceActiveDocumentWithEchoMenuLabel = Source with _Echo
sourceActiveDocumentWithEchoDesc = Source the contents of the active document (with echo)
# commentUncomment
commentUncommentLabel = Comment / Uncomment Selection
commentUncommentMenuLabel = _Comment/Uncomment Lines
commentUncommentDesc = Comment or uncomment the current line/selection
# reformatCode
reformatCodeLabel = Reformat Current Selection
reformatCodeMenuLabel = Re_format Code
reformatCodeDesc = Reformat the current line/selection
# showDiagnosticsActiveDocument
showDiagnosticsActiveDocumentLabel = Show Diagnostics for Current Document
showDiagnosticsActiveDocumentMenuLabel = Show _Diagnostics
showDiagnosticsActiveDocumentDesc = Show diagnostics for the active document
# showDiagnosticsProject
showDiagnosticsProjectLabel = Show Diagnostics for Current Project
showDiagnosticsProjectMenuLabel = Show Diagnostics (Projec_t)
showDiagnosticsProjectDesc = Show diagnostics for all source files in the current project
# reindent
reindentLabel = Reindent Selection
reindentMenuLabel = _Reindent Lines
reindentDesc = Reindent the current line/selection
# reflowComment
reflowCommentMenuLabel = Reflow Co_mment
reflowCommentDesc = Reflow selected comment lines so they wrap evenly
# renameInScope
renameInScopeLabel = Rename Symbol in Scope
renameInScopeMenuLabel = Ren_ame in Scope
renameInScopeDesc = Rename symbol in current scope
# insertSnippet
insertSnippetMenuLabel = Insert Snippet
insertSnippetDesc = Expand snippet at cursor
# insertRoxygenSkeleton
insertRoxygenSkeletonMenuLabel = Insert Ro_xygen Skeleton
insertRoxygenSkeletonDesc = Insert a roxygen comment for the current function
# expandSelection
expandSelectionMenuLabel = Expand Selection
expandSelectionDesc = Expand selection
# shrinkSelection
shrinkSelectionMenuLabel = Shrink Selection
shrinkSelectionDesc = Shrink selection
# goToNextSection
goToNextSectionLabel = Go to Next Section
goToNextSectionButtonLabel =
goToNextSectionDesc = Go to next section/chunk
# goToPrevSection
goToPrevSectionLabel = Go to Previous Section
goToPrevSectionButtonLabel =
goToPrevSectionDesc = Go to previous section/chunk
# goToStartOfCurrentScope
# goToEndOfCurrentScope
# goToNextChunk
goToNextChunkLabel = Go to Next Chunk
goToNextChunkDesc = Go to next chunk
# goToPrevChunk
goToPrevChunkLabel = Go to Previous Chunk
goToPrevChunkDesc = Go to previous chunk
# expandRaggedSelection
expandRaggedSelectionLabel = Expand Ragged Selection
# markdownHelp
markdownHelpLabel = Open Markdown Quick Reference
markdownHelpMenuLabel = _Markdown Quick Reference
markdownHelpDesc = Markdown quick reference
# openRoxygenQuickReference
openRoxygenQuickReferenceMenuLabel = _Roxygen Quick Reference
openRoxygenQuickReferenceDesc = Roxygen quick reference
# toggleDocumentOutline
toggleDocumentOutlineLabel = Toggle Document Outline
toggleDocumentOutlineMenuLabel = _Show Document Outline
toggleDocumentOutlineDesc = Show document outline
# toggleRmdVisualMode
toggleRmdVisualModeLabel = Toggle Visual Markdown Editor
toggleRmdVisualModeMenuLabel = _Use Visual Editor
toggleRmdVisualModeDesc = Toggle visual markdown editor
# enableProsemirrorDevTools
enableProsemirrorDevToolsLabel = Enable Prosemirror DevTools
enableProsemirrorDevToolsMenuLabel = _Prosemirror DevTools
enableProsemirrorDevToolsDesc = Enable Prosemirror DevTools
# usingRMarkdownHelp
usingRMarkdownHelpMenuLabel = _Using R Markdown
usingRMarkdownHelpDesc = Guide to using R Markdown
# authoringRPresentationsHelp
authoringRPresentationsHelpMenuLabel = _Authoring R Presentations
authoringRPresentationsHelpDesc = Guide to using R Markdown
# openRStudioIDECheatSheet
openRStudioIDECheatSheetMenuLabel = _RStudio IDE Cheat Sheet
openRStudioIDECheatSheetDesc = RStudio IDE cheat sheet
# openDataVisualizationCheatSheet
openDataVisualizationCheatSheetMenuLabel = Data Visualization with _ggplot2
openDataVisualizationCheatSheetDesc = Data visualization with ggplot2
# openPurrrCheatSheet
openPurrrCheatSheetMenuLabel = List manipulation with _purrr
openPurrrCheatSheetDesc = List manipulation with purrr
# openPackageDevelopmentCheatSheet
openPackageDevelopmentCheatSheetMenuLabel = Package De_velopment with devtools
openPackageDevelopmentCheatSheetDesc = Package development with devtools
# openDataImportCheatSheet
openDataImportCheatSheetMenuLabel = _Import Data with readr
openDataImportCheatSheetDesc = Import data with readr
# openDataWranglingCheatSheet
openDataWranglingCheatSheetMenuLabel = Data Manipulation with dplyr, tid_yr
openDataWranglingCheatSheetDesc = Data manipulation with dplyr and tidyr
# openDataTransformationCheatSheet
openDataTransformationCheatSheetMenuLabel = Data Transformation with _dplyr
openDataTransformationCheatSheetDesc = Data transformation with dplyr
# openSparklyrCheatSheet
openSparklyrCheatSheetMenuLabel = Interfacing Spar_k with sparklyr
openSparklyrCheatSheetDesc = Interfacing Apache Spark with sparklyr
# openRMarkdownCheatSheet
openRMarkdownCheatSheetMenuLabel = R _Markdown Cheat Sheet
openRMarkdownCheatSheetDesc = R Markdown cheat sheet
# openRMarkdownReferenceGuide
openRMarkdownReferenceGuideMenuLabel = R Markdo_wn Reference Guide
openRMarkdownReferenceGuideDesc = R Markdown reference guide
# openShinyCheatSheet
openShinyCheatSheetMenuLabel = Web Applications with _shiny
openShinyCheatSheetDesc = Build web applications with Shiny
# browseCheatSheets
browseCheatSheetsMenuLabel = _Browse Cheat Sheets...
browseCheatSheetsDesc = Browse available cheat sheets in your web browser
# knitDocument
knitDocumentLabel = Knit Current Document
knitDocumentButtonLabel = Knit
knitDocumentMenuLabel = ドキュメントをknitする(_K)
knitDocumentDesc = 現在のドキュメントをknitします
# previewHTML
previewHTMLLabel = Preview Document as HTML
previewHTMLButtonLabel = Preview
previewHTMLMenuLabel = Previe_w
previewHTMLDesc = Show a preview of the current document as HTML
# publishHTML
publishHTMLLabel = Rpubsで公開...
publishHTMLButtonLabel = 公開する
publishHTMLMenuLabel = RPubsで公開(_u)...
publishHTMLDesc = 現在のドキュメントを公開します
# compilePDF
compilePDFLabel = PDFへコンパイル...
compilePDFButtonLabel = PDFのコンパイル
compilePDFMenuLabel = PDFをコンパイルする(_C)
compilePDFDesc = 現在のLaTeXまたはSweave文書からPDFをコンパイルします
# compileNotebook
compileNotebookMenuLabel = レポートのコンパイル(_C)...
compileNotebookDesc = 現在のRスクリプトからレポートを公開します
# editRmdFormatOptions
editRmdFormatOptionsMenuLabel = 出力オプション(_O)...
editRmdFormatOptionsDesc = 現在のファイルのR Markdownフォーマットオプションを編集します
# knitWithParameters
knitWithParametersLabel = パラメータを指定してknit...
knitWithParametersMenuLabel = パラメータを指定してknit(_w)...
knitWithParametersDesc = カスタムパラメータでドキュメントをknitします
# clearKnitrCache
clearKnitrCacheMenuLabel = knitrのキャッシュを消去...
clearKnitrCacheDesc = 現在のドキュメントのknitrキャッシュを消去します
# clearPrerenderedOutput
clearPrerenderedOutputMenuLabel = 表示済みの出力を消去...
clearPrerenderedOutputDesc = 現在のドキュメントの表示済みの出力を消去します
# notebookExpandAllOutput
notebookExpandAllOutputButtonLabel =
notebookExpandAllOutputMenuLabel = 全ての出力を展開(_x)
notebookExpandAllOutputDesc = 現在のファイルの全てのチャンクの出力を展開します
# notebookToggleExpansion
notebookToggleExpansionButtonLabel =
notebookToggleExpansionMenuLabel = チャンク出力表示を切り替える
notebookToggleExpansionDesc = 現在のノートブックの出力を展開または閉じます
# notebookCollapseAllOutput
notebookCollapseAllOutputButtonLabel =
notebookCollapseAllOutputMenuLabel = 全ての出力を閉じる(_O)
notebookCollapseAllOutputDesc = 現在のファイルの全てのチャンクの出力を閉じます
# notebookClearOutput
notebookClearOutputButtonLabel =
notebookClearOutputMenuLabel = 出力を消去(_E)
notebookClearOutputDesc = 現在のノートブックのチャンク出力を消去します
# notebookClearAllOutput
notebookClearAllOutputButtonLabel =
notebookClearAllOutputMenuLabel = 全ての出力を消去(_L)
notebookClearAllOutputDesc = 現在のファイルのチャンク出力を全て削除します
# synctexSearch
synctexSearchButtonLabel =
synctexSearchMenuLabel = S_ync PDF View to Editor
synctexSearchDesc = Sync PDF view to editor location (Ctrl+Click)
# checkSpelling
checkSpellingMenuLabel = Check _Spelling...
checkSpellingDesc = Check spelling in document
# wordCount
wordCountMenuLabel = 単語数をカウント(_W)
wordCountDesc = ドキュメント全体または選択範囲の単語数を数えます
# newFolder
newFolderLabel = Create a New Folder...
newFolderButtonLabel = New Folder
newFolderMenuLabel = Folder...
newFolderDesc = Create a new folder
# uploadFile
uploadFileLabel = Upload Files...
uploadFileButtonLabel = Upload
uploadFileMenuLabel = Upload Files...
uploadFileDesc = Upload files to server
# copyFile
copyFileLabel = Copy Files...
copyFileButtonLabel = Copy
copyFileMenuLabel = Copy...
copyFileDesc = Copy selected file or folder
# copyFileTo
copyFileToLabel = Copy Files To...
copyFileToButtonLabel = Copy To
copyFileToMenuLabel = Copy To...
copyFileToDesc = Copy selected file or folder to another folder
# moveFiles
moveFilesLabel = Move Files...
moveFilesButtonLabel = Move
moveFilesMenuLabel = Move...
moveFilesDesc = Move selected files or folders
# exportFiles
exportFilesLabel = Export Files...
exportFilesButtonLabel = Export
exportFilesMenuLabel = Export...
exportFilesDesc = Export selected files or folders
# renameFile
renameFileLabel = Rename Current File...
renameFileButtonLabel = Rename
renameFileDesc = Rename selected file or folder
# deleteFiles
deleteFilesLabel = Delete Files...
deleteFilesButtonLabel = Delete
deleteFilesDesc = Delete selected files or folders
# refreshFiles
refreshFilesMenuLabel = Refresh
refreshFilesDesc = Refresh file listing
# goToWorkingDir
goToWorkingDirButtonLabel =
goToWorkingDirMenuLabel = Go To Working Directory
goToWorkingDirDesc = View the current working directory
# setAsWorkingDir
setAsWorkingDirLabel = Set As Working Directory
# copyFilesPaneCurrentDirectory
copyFilesPaneCurrentDirectoryLabel = Copy Folder Path to Clipboard
# showFolder
showFolderLabel = Show Folder in New Window
# vcsAddFiles
vcsAddFilesLabel = Add Files or Folders
vcsAddFilesButtonLabel = Add
vcsAddFilesMenuLabel = Add
vcsAddFilesDesc = Add the selected files or folders
# vcsRemoveFiles
vcsRemoveFilesLabel = Remove Files or Folders
vcsRemoveFilesButtonLabel = Delete
vcsRemoveFilesMenuLabel = Delete
vcsRemoveFilesDesc = Delete the selected files or folders
# vcsDiff
vcsDiffLabel = Diff Selected Files
vcsDiffButtonLabel = Diff
vcsDiffMenuLabel = Diff
vcsDiffDesc = Diff selected file(s)
# vcsCommit
vcsCommitLabel = Commit Pending Changes
vcsCommitButtonLabel = Commit
vcsCommitMenuLabel = _Commit...
vcsCommitDesc = Commit pending changes
# vcsRevert
vcsRevertLabel = Revert Changes
vcsRevertButtonLabel = Revert
vcsRevertMenuLabel = Revert...
vcsRevertDesc = Revert selected changes
# vcsShowHistory
vcsShowHistoryLabel = View History of Previous Commits
vcsShowHistoryButtonLabel = History
vcsShowHistoryMenuLabel = _History
vcsShowHistoryDesc = View history of previous commits
# vcsRefresh
vcsRefreshLabel = Refresh File List from Source Control
vcsRefreshDesc = Refresh listing
# vcsRefreshNoError
# vcsOpen
vcsOpenLabel = Open Selected Files(s)
vcsOpenMenuLabel = Open File
vcsOpenDesc = Open selected file(s)
# vcsIgnore
vcsIgnoreLabel = Ignore Files or Folders
vcsIgnoreButtonLabel = Ignore
vcsIgnoreMenuLabel = Ignore...
vcsIgnoreDesc = Ignore the selected files or folders
# vcsPull
vcsPullButtonLabel = Pull
vcsPullMenuLabel = _Pull Branches
# vcsPullRebase
vcsPullRebaseButtonLabel = Pull with Rebase
vcsPullRebaseMenuLabel = _Pull with Rebase
# vcsPush
vcsPushButtonLabel = Push
vcsPushMenuLabel = P_ush Branch
# vcsCleanup
vcsCleanupButtonLabel = Cleanup
vcsCleanupMenuLabel = Cleanu_p
vcsCleanupDesc = Recursively clean up the working copy (removing locks, etc)
# vcsResolve
vcsResolveButtonLabel = Resolve
vcsResolveMenuLabel = Resolve...
vcsResolveDesc = Resolve conflicts in the selected files or folders
# consoleClear
consoleClearLabel = コンソールの表示を消去
consoleClearButtonLabel =
consoleClearMenuLabel = コンソールの表示を消去(_A)
consoleClearDesc = コンソールの表示を消去します
# clearBuild
clearBuildLabel = Clear Build Pane Output
clearBuildButtonLabel =
clearBuildDesc = Clear build
# interruptR
interruptRLabel = Interrupt R Session
interruptRButtonLabel =
interruptRMenuLabel = _Interrupt R
interruptRDesc = Interrupt R
# restartR
restartRLabel = Rセッションの再起動
restartRMenuLabel = Rを再起動(_R)
restartRDesc = Rを再起動します
# restartRClearOutput
restartRClearOutputLabel = Rセッションを再起動してチャンク出力を消去
restartRClearOutputMenuLabel = Rを再起動し出力を消去(_O)
restartRClearOutputDesc = Rセッションを再起動してからチャンク出力を消去します
# restartRRunAllChunks
restartRRunAllChunksLabel = Rセッションを再起動して全チャンクを実行
restartRRunAllChunksMenuLabel = Rを再起動して全チャンクを実行(_A)
restartRRunAllChunksDesc = Rセッションを再起動してから全てのコードチャンクを実行します
# terminateR
terminateRLabel = Rセッションの終了
terminateRMenuLabel = Rを強制終了する(_T)...
terminateRDesc = Rセッションを強制終了します
# showPdfExternal
showPdfExternalLabel = Show PDF in External Viewer
showPdfExternalMenuLabel = Show PDF in External Viewer
showPdfExternalDesc = Show in an external PDF viewer window
# openHtmlExternal
openHtmlExternalLabel = Open Page with Web Browser
openHtmlExternalButtonLabel =
openHtmlExternalDesc = View the page with the system web browser
# saveHtmlPreviewAsLocalFile
saveHtmlPreviewAsLocalFileMenuLabel = File on Local Computer...
saveHtmlPreviewAsLocalFileDesc = Download the page to a local file
# saveHtmlPreviewAs
saveHtmlPreviewAsButtonLabel = Save As
saveHtmlPreviewAsMenuLabel = File on RStudio Server...
saveHtmlPreviewAsDesc = Save the page to another location
# showHtmlPreviewLog
showHtmlPreviewLogButtonLabel = Log
showHtmlPreviewLogDesc = Show the compilation log for this document
# refreshHtmlPreview
refreshHtmlPreviewDesc = Refresh the preview
# refreshPresentation
refreshPresentationDesc = Refresh the presentation
# presentationFullscreen
presentationFullscreenDesc = Show presentation in full screen mode
# presentationHome
presentationHomeDesc = Go to the first slide
# presentationNext
presentationNextDesc = Go to the next slide
# presentationPrev
presentationPrevDesc = Go to the previous slide
# presentationEdit
presentationEditDesc = Edit this slide of the presentation
# presentationViewInBrowser
presentationViewInBrowserMenuLabel = _View in Browser
presentationViewInBrowserDesc = View the presentation in an external web browser
# presentationSaveAsStandalone
presentationSaveAsStandaloneMenuLabel = _Save As Web Page...
presentationSaveAsStandaloneDesc = Save the presentation as a standalone web page
# clearPresentationCache
clearPresentationCacheMenuLabel = Clear Knitr Cache...
clearPresentationCacheDesc = Clear knitr cache for this presentation
# historySendToSource
historySendToSourceLabel = Insert Command into Document
historySendToSourceButtonLabel = To Source
historySendToSourceMenuLabel = Insert into _Source
historySendToSourceDesc = Insert the selected commands into the current document (Shift+Enter)
# historySendToConsole
historySendToConsoleLabel = Send Command to Console
historySendToConsoleButtonLabel = To Console
historySendToConsoleMenuLabel = Send to _Console
historySendToConsoleDesc = Send the selected commands to the R console (Enter)
# loadHistory
loadHistoryButtonLabel =
loadHistoryMenuLabel = _Load History...
loadHistoryDesc = Load history from an existing file
# saveHistory
saveHistoryButtonLabel =
saveHistoryMenuLabel = Sa_ve History As...
saveHistoryDesc = Save history into a file
# historyRemoveEntries
historyRemoveEntriesButtonLabel =
historyRemoveEntriesMenuLabel = _Remove Entries...
historyRemoveEntriesDesc = Remove the selected history entries
# clearHistory
clearHistoryButtonLabel =
clearHistoryMenuLabel = Clear _All...
clearHistoryDesc = Clear all history entries
# historyDismissResults
historyDismissResultsLabel = Dismiss History Results
historyDismissResultsButtonLabel = Done
# historyShowContext
historyShowContextLabel = Show In Context
# historyDismissContext
historyDismissContextLabel = Dismiss History Context
historyDismissContextButtonLabel = « Back
# nextPlot
nextPlotLabel = Show Next Plot
nextPlotButtonLabel =
nextPlotMenuLabel = _Next Plot
nextPlotDesc = Next plot
# previousPlot
previousPlotLabel = Show Previous Plot
previousPlotButtonLabel =
previousPlotMenuLabel = _Previous Plot
previousPlotDesc = Previous plot
# savePlotAsImage
savePlotAsImageLabel = Save Plot As Image...
savePlotAsImageMenuLabel = Save as _Image...
savePlotAsImageDesc = Save the current plot as an image file
# savePlotAsPdf
savePlotAsPdfLabel = Save Plot as PDF...
savePlotAsPdfMenuLabel = Save as P_DF...
savePlotAsPdfDesc = Save the current plot as a PDF file
# copyPlotToClipboard
copyPlotToClipboardLabel = Copy Current Plot to Clipboard...
copyPlotToClipboardMenuLabel = Cop_y to Clipboard...
copyPlotToClipboardDesc = Copy the current plot to the clipboard
# zoomPlot
zoomPlotButtonLabel = Zoom
zoomPlotMenuLabel = _Zoom Plot...
zoomPlotDesc = View a larger version of the plot in a new window
# removePlot
removePlotLabel = Remove Current Plot...
removePlotButtonLabel =
removePlotMenuLabel = _Remove Plot...
removePlotDesc = Remove the current plot
# clearPlots
clearPlotsLabel = Clear All Plots...
clearPlotsButtonLabel =
clearPlotsMenuLabel = _Clear All...
clearPlotsDesc = Clear all Plots
# refreshPlot
refreshPlotLabel = Refresh Current Plot
refreshPlotButtonLabel =
refreshPlotMenuLabel = Refresh
refreshPlotDesc = Refresh current plot
# showManipulator
showManipulatorLabel = Show Manipulator for Current Plot
showManipulatorButtonLabel =
showManipulatorMenuLabel = Show _Manipulator
showManipulatorDesc = Show the manipulator for this plot
# clearWorkspace
clearWorkspaceMenuLabel = _Clear Workspace...
clearWorkspaceDesc = Clear objects from the workspace
# loadWorkspace
loadWorkspaceMenuLabel = _Load Workspace...
loadWorkspaceDesc = Load workspace
# saveWorkspace
saveWorkspaceMenuLabel = _Save Workspace As...
saveWorkspaceDesc = Save workspace as
# importDatasetFromFile
importDatasetFromFileLabel = Import Dataset from File...
importDatasetFromFileMenuLabel = From _Local File...
# importDatasetFromURL
importDatasetFromURLLabel = Import Dataset from URL...
importDatasetFromURLMenuLabel = From _Web URL...
# importDatasetFromCsv
importDatasetFromCsvLabel = From CSV
importDatasetFromCsvMenuLabel = From _CSV
# importDatasetFromCsvUsingReadr
importDatasetFromCsvUsingReadrLabel = From Text (readr)...
importDatasetFromCsvUsingReadrMenuLabel = From Text (_readr)...
# importDatasetFromCsvUsingBase
importDatasetFromCsvUsingBaseLabel = From Text (base)...
importDatasetFromCsvUsingBaseMenuLabel = From Text (_base)...
# importDatasetFromSAV
importDatasetFromSAVLabel = Import Dataset from SPSS...
importDatasetFromSAVMenuLabel = From _SPSS...
# importDatasetFromSAS
importDatasetFromSASLabel = Import Dataset from SAS...
importDatasetFromSASMenuLabel = From S_AS...
# importDatasetFromStata
importDatasetFromStataLabel = Import Dataset from Stata...
importDatasetFromStataMenuLabel = From S_tata...
# importDatasetFromXLS
importDatasetFromXLSLabel = Import Dataset from Excel...
importDatasetFromXLSMenuLabel = From _Excel...
# refreshWorkspace
refreshWorkspaceButtonLabel =
refreshWorkspaceMenuLabel = Refresh
refreshWorkspaceDesc = Refresh Workspace
# installPackage
installPackageLabel = Install Packages...
installPackageButtonLabel = Install
installPackageMenuLabel = Install Pac_kages...
installPackageDesc = Install R packages
# updatePackages
updatePackagesLabel = Update Packages...
updatePackagesButtonLabel = Update
updatePackagesMenuLabel = Check for Package _Updates...
updatePackagesDesc = Check for package updates
# refreshPackages
refreshPackagesLabel = Refresh Packages Pane
refreshPackagesButtonLabel =
refreshPackagesDesc = Refresh Package listing
# packratBootstrap
packratBootstrapButtonLabel = Packrat
packratBootstrapMenuLabel = _Initialize Packrat...
packratBootstrapDesc = Use packrat with this project
# packratClean
packratCleanMenuLabel = _Clean Unused Packages...
packratCleanDesc = Remove unused packages from your packrat library
# packratHelp
packratHelpMenuLabel = Using Packrat
packratHelpDesc = Help on using packrat with R projects
# packratOptions
packratOptionsButtonLabel = Options
packratOptionsMenuLabel = Packrat _Options...
packratOptionsDesc = Configure packrat options for this project
# packratBundle
packratBundleButtonLabel = Bundle
packratBundleMenuLabel = Export Project _Bundle...
packratBundleDesc = Bundle a Packrat Project
# packratCheckStatus
packratCheckStatusMenuLabel = Check Library _Status...
packratCheckStatusDesc = Check the status of the Packrat library
# renvHelp
renvHelpMenuLabel = Introduction to renv
renvHelpDesc = Learn how to use renv
# renvSnapshot
renvSnapshotMenuLabel = Snapshot Library...
renvSnapshotDesc = Snapshot the state of your project library
# renvRestore
renvRestoreMenuLabel = Restore Library...
renvRestoreDesc = Restore your project library from renv.lock
# versionControlOptions
versionControlOptionsMenuLabel = _Options...
versionControlOptionsDesc = Configure version control options
# versionControlHelp
versionControlHelpMenuLabel = _Using Version Control
versionControlHelpDesc = Help on using version control with RStudio
# versionControlShowRsaKey
versionControlShowRsaKeyLabel = Show Public Key...
versionControlShowRsaKeyMenuLabel = Show Public Key...
versionControlShowRsaKeyDesc = Show RSA public key
# versionControlProjectSetup
versionControlProjectSetupMenuLabel = Project _Setup...
versionControlProjectSetupDesc = Setup version control for the current project
# showShellDialog
showShellDialogLabel = シェルを表示
showShellDialogMenuLabel = シェル(_S)...
showShellDialogDesc = シェルコマンドを実行します
# newTerminal
newTerminalLabel = 新規ターミナル
newTerminalMenuLabel = 新規ターミナル(_N)
newTerminalDesc = ターミナルを新規に開きます
# activateTerminal
activateTerminalLabel = ターミナルにフォーカス
activateTerminalMenuLabel = ターミナルにフォーカスを移動(_M)
# renameTerminal
renameTerminalLabel = ターミナルの名前の変更
renameTerminalMenuLabel = ターミナルの名前の変更(_R)
renameTerminalDesc = ターミナルセッションの名前を変更します
# closeTerminal
closeTerminalLabel = ターミナルを閉じる
closeTerminalButtonLabel =
closeTerminalMenuLabel = ターミナルを閉じる(_O)
closeTerminalDesc = 現在のターミナルセッションを閉じます
# closeAllTerminals
closeAllTerminalsLabel = 全てのターミナルを閉じる
closeAllTerminalsButtonLabel =
closeAllTerminalsMenuLabel = 全てのターミナルを閉じる(_A)
# clearTerminalScrollbackBuffer
clearTerminalScrollbackBufferLabel = Clear Terminal Buffer
clearTerminalScrollbackBufferButtonLabel =
clearTerminalScrollbackBufferMenuLabel = _Clear Terminal Buffer
clearTerminalScrollbackBufferDesc = Clear terminal
# previousTerminal
previousTerminalLabel = 前のターミナルへ
previousTerminalButtonLabel =
previousTerminalMenuLabel = 前のターミナルへ(_P)
previousTerminalDesc = 前のターミナルを表示します
# nextTerminal
nextTerminalLabel = 次のターミナルへ
nextTerminalButtonLabel =
nextTerminalMenuLabel = 次のターミナルへ(_X)
nextTerminalDesc = 次のターミナルを表示します
# showTerminalInfo
showTerminalInfoLabel = ターミナルの診断...
showTerminalInfoButtonLabel =
showTerminalInfoMenuLabel = ターミナルの診断(_D)...
showTerminalInfoDesc = 現在のターミナルの情報を表示します
# interruptTerminal
interruptTerminalLabel = 割り込みをかける
interruptTerminalButtonLabel =
interruptTerminalMenuLabel = 現在のターミナルに割り込みをかけます(_I)
interruptTerminalDesc = 現在のターミナルにCtrl+C命令を送ります
# sendTerminalToEditor
sendTerminalToEditorLabel = ターミナルをエディタにコピー
sendTerminalToEditorButtonLabel =
sendTerminalToEditorMenuLabel = ターミナルをエディタにコピー(_E)
sendTerminalToEditorDesc = 現在のターミナルのバッファを新規エディタにコピーします
# sendToTerminal
sendToTerminalLabel = Send Selection to Terminal
sendToTerminalButtonLabel =
sendToTerminalMenuLabel = Send to _Terminal
sendToTerminalDesc = Send the current line or selection to terminal
# sendFilenameToTerminal
sendFilenameToTerminalMenuLabel = ファイル名をターミナルへ送る(_F)
# openNewTerminalAtEditorLocation
openNewTerminalAtEditorLocationMenuLabel = ファイルの場所で新規ターミナルを開く(_O)
# openNewTerminalAtFilePaneLocation
openNewTerminalAtFilePaneLocationMenuLabel = ここで新規ターミナルを開く
# setTerminalToCurrentDirectory
setTerminalToCurrentDirectoryMenuLabel = 現在のディレクトリへ移動(_G)
# browseAddins
browseAddinsLabel = アドインを表示
browseAddinsMenuLabel = アドインを表示(_B)...
browseAddinsDesc = アドインを表示します
# macPreferences
macPreferencesMenuLabel = 環境設定(_P)...
# showOptions
showOptionsMenuLabel = グローバルオプション(_G)...
# showCodeOptions
showCodeOptionsLabel = コードのオプション...
# showConsoleOptions
showConsoleOptionsLabel = コンソールのオプション...
# showAppearanceOptions
showAppearanceOptionsLabel = 外観のオプション...
# paneLayout
paneLayoutLabel = ペーン配置のオプション...
paneLayoutMenuLabel = ペーンの配置(_U)...
# showPackagesOptions
showPackagesOptionsLabel = パッケージのオプション...
# showRMarkdownOptions
showRMarkdownOptionsLabel = R Markdownのオプション...
# showSweaveOptions
showSweaveOptionsLabel = Sweaveのオプション...
# showSpellingOptions
showSpellingOptionsLabel = スペルのオプション...
# showVcsOptions
showVcsOptionsLabel = Git/SVNのバージョン管理オプション...
# showPublishingOptions
showPublishingOptionsLabel = 公開方法のオプション...
# showTerminalOptions
showTerminalOptionsMenuLabel = ターミナルのオプション(_T)
# showAccessibilityOptions
showAccessibilityOptionsMenuLabel = アクセシビリティのオプション(_O)...
# showPythonOptions
showPythonOptionsLabel = Pythonのオプション...
# modifyKeyboardShortcuts
modifyKeyboardShortcutsMenuLabel = キーボードショートカットの変更(_M)...
modifyKeyboardShortcutsDesc = キーボードショートカットを変更します
# checkForUpdates
checkForUpdatesLabel = RStudioの更新を確認 Updates
checkForUpdatesMenuLabel = 更新を確認(_U)
# helpUsingRStudio
helpUsingRStudioMenuLabel = RStudioのドキュメント(_D)
# helpKeyboardShortcuts
helpKeyboardShortcutsMenuLabel = キーボードショートカットのヘルプ(_K)
# helpBack
helpBackLabel = 前のヘルプ項目へ
helpBackButtonLabel =
helpBackDesc = 前の項目へ
# helpForward
helpForwardLabel = 次のヘルプ項目へ
helpForwardButtonLabel =
helpForwardDesc = 次の項目へ
# helpHome
helpHomeLabel = Rのヘルプを表示
helpHomeButtonLabel =
helpHomeMenuLabel = Rヘルプ(_H)
helpHomeDesc = Rのヘルプ表示します
# helpSearch
helpSearchMenuLabel = Rヘルプを検索(_P)
# printHelp
printHelpLabel = ヘルプの項目を印刷
printHelpButtonLabel =
printHelpDesc = 項目を印刷します
# clearHelpHistory
clearHelpHistoryLabel = ヘルプ履歴を消去
clearHelpHistoryMenuLabel = 履歴を消去
clearHelpHistoryDesc = 閲覧履歴を消去します
# helpPopout
helpPopoutLabel = 新規ウィンドウでヘルプを表示
helpPopoutButtonLabel =
helpPopoutDesc = 新規ウィンドウで表示します
# refreshHelp
refreshHelpLabel = ヘルプ項目の再読み込み
refreshHelpMenuLabel = 再読み込み
refreshHelpDesc = 項目を再度読み込みます
# tutorialPopout
tutorialPopoutButtonLabel =
tutorialPopoutDesc = 新規ウィンドウで表示します
# tutorialBack
tutorialBackButtonLabel =
tutorialBackDesc = 戻る
# tutorialForward
tutorialForwardButtonLabel =
tutorialForwardDesc = 進む
# tutorialZoom
tutorialZoomButtonLabel = 拡大
tutorialZoomDesc = 新規ウィンドウで拡大して表示します
# tutorialRefresh
tutorialRefreshDesc = チュートリアルを再読み込みします
# tutorialStop
tutorialStopButtonLabel =
tutorialStopDesc = チュートリアルを中止します
# tutorialHome
tutorialHomeButtonLabel =
tutorialHomeDesc = ホームに戻ります
# viewerPopout
viewerPopoutButtonLabel =
viewerPopoutDesc = 新規ウィンドウで表示します
# viewerBack
viewerBackButtonLabel =
viewerBackDesc = 戻る
# viewerForward
viewerForwardButtonLabel =
viewerForwardDesc = 進む
# viewerZoom
viewerZoomButtonLabel = 拡大
viewerZoomDesc = 新規ウィンドウで拡大して表示します
# viewerRefresh
viewerRefreshDesc = ビューアを再度読み込みます
# viewerSaveAllAndRefresh
viewerSaveAllAndRefreshDesc = ソースファイルを保存してビューアを再読み込みします
# viewerStop
viewerStopButtonLabel =
viewerStopDesc = アプリケーションを停止します
# viewerClear
viewerClearButtonLabel =
viewerClearDesc = 現在表示している項目を消去します
# viewerClearAll
viewerClearAllButtonLabel =
viewerClearAllDesc = ビューアの全ての項目を消去します
# viewerSaveAsImage
viewerSaveAsImageMenuLabel = 画像として保存...
viewerSaveAsImageDesc = 画像ファイルとして保存します
# viewerSaveAsWebPage
viewerSaveAsWebPageMenuLabel = Webページとして保存...
viewerSaveAsWebPageDesc = スタンドアロンなWebページとして保存します
# viewerCopyToClipboard
viewerCopyToClipboardMenuLabel = クリップボードにコピー...
viewerCopyToClipboardDesc = システムのクリップボードにコピーします
# raiseException
raiseExceptionMenuLabel = 例外を発生させる(_E)
# raiseException2
raiseException2MenuLabel = _JSの例外を発生させる
# showWarningBar
showWarningBarMenuLabel = 警告バーを表示
# showRequestLog
showRequestLogMenuLabel = リクエストログ(_R)
showRequestLogDesc = 内部のリクエストログを表示します
# diagnosticsReport
diagnosticsReportMenuLabel = 診断レポートを書き込む(_W)
# openDeveloperConsole
openDeveloperConsoleMenuLabel = デベロッパーコンソールを開く(_O)
# reloadUi
reloadUiMenuLabel = _UIを再読み込み
# logFocusedElement
logFocusedElementMenuLabel = Log focused element
# debugDumpContents
debugDumpContentsMenuLabel = _Dump Editor Contents...
# debugImportDump
debugImportDumpMenuLabel = _Import Editor Contents...
# refreshSuperDevMode
# newSession
newSessionLabel = 新規Rセッションを開く
newSessionButtonLabel =
newSessionMenuLabel = 新規セッション(_N)
newSessionDesc = Rセッションを新規で開きます
# suspendSession
suspendSessionLabel = Rセッションの中断
suspendSessionMenuLabel = Rセッションを中断(_S)
# quitSession
quitSessionLabel = 現在のRセッションを終了
quitSessionButtonLabel =
quitSessionMenuLabel = セッションを終了(_Q)...
quitSessionDesc = 現在のRセッションを終了します
# forceQuitSession
forceQuitSessionLabel = 処理待ちのRセッションを終了
forceQuitSessionButtonLabel =
forceQuitSessionMenuLabel = セッションを強制終了する...
forceQuitSessionDesc = Rセッションが処理待ち状態であっても終了します
# showSessionServerOptionsDialog
showSessionServerOptionsDialogLabel = セッションサーバの設定...
showSessionServerOptionsDialogButtonLabel =
showSessionServerOptionsDialogMenuLabel = セッションサーバの設定(_S)...
showSessionServerOptionsDialogDesc = 使用できるセッションサーバの設定をします
# showAboutDialog
showAboutDialogLabel = RStudioについて...
showAboutDialogMenuLabel = RStudioについて(_B)
# showLicenseDialog
showLicenseDialogLabel = ライセンスの管理...
showLicenseDialogMenuLabel = ライセンスの管理(_N)
# showLogFiles
showLogFilesMenuLabel = ログファイルを表示(_S)
# updateCredentials
updateCredentialsMenuLabel = 証明書を更新(_U)
# rstudioCommunityForum
rstudioCommunityForumMenuLabel = RStudio Comunityのフォーラムへ(_F)
# rstudioSupport
rstudioSupportMenuLabel = RStudioサポート(_S)
# rstudioLicense
rstudioLicenseMenuLabel = RStudioのライセンス(_L)
# buildAll
buildAllLabel = インストールして再起動
buildAllButtonLabel = インストールして再起動
buildAllMenuLabel = インストールして再起動(_I)
buildAllDesc = パッケージをインストールしてからRを再起動します
# rebuildAll
rebuildAllLabel = クリーンな再ビルド
rebuildAllMenuLabel = クリーンな再ビルド(_R)
rebuildAllDesc = 以前の出力を全て消去して再ビルドします
# cleanAll
cleanAllLabel = 全て消去
cleanAllButtonLabel = 消去
cleanAllMenuLabel = 全て消去(_C)
cleanAllDesc = 全てを消去します
# buildSourcePackage
buildSourcePackageMenuLabel = ソースパッケージをビルド(_S)
buildSourcePackageDesc = ソースパッケージをビルドします
# buildBinaryPackage
buildBinaryPackageMenuLabel = バイナリパッケージをビルド(_Y)
buildBinaryPackageDesc = バイナリパッケージをビルドします
# devtoolsLoadAll
devtoolsLoadAllLabel = devtools::load_all() を実行
devtoolsLoadAllMenuLabel = 全てを読み込む(_L)
devtoolsLoadAllDesc = devtools::load_all を実行します
# roxygenizePackage
roxygenizePackageLabel = パッケージのドキュメントをビルド
roxygenizePackageMenuLabel = ドキュメント(_D)
roxygenizePackageDesc = パッケージのドキュメントをビルドします
# checkPackage
checkPackageButtonLabel = 検証
checkPackageMenuLabel = パッケージの検証
checkPackageDesc = R CMD check を実行します
# testPackage
testPackageMenuLabel = パッケージのテスト(_T)
testPackageDesc = パッケージのテストを実行します
# testTestthatFile
testTestthatFileLabel = testthatテストを実行
testTestthatFileButtonLabel = テストを実行
testTestthatFileMenuLabel = ファイルに対してテストを実行
testTestthatFileDesc = testthatパッケージを使用してテストを実行します
# testShinytestFile
testShinytestFileLabel = shinytestテストを実行
testShinytestFileButtonLabel = テストを実行
testShinytestFileMenuLabel = ファイルに対してテストを実行
testShinytestFileDesc = shinytestパッケージを使用してテストを実行します
# stopBuild
stopBuildMenuLabel = ビルドを停止(_P)
stopBuildDesc = 現在のビルドを停止します
# buildToolsProjectSetup
buildToolsProjectSetupLabel = ビルドツールの設定...
buildToolsProjectSetupMenuLabel = ビルドツールの設定(_T)...
buildToolsProjectSetupDesc = ビルドツールの設定
# refreshEnvironment
refreshEnvironmentMenuLabel = 環境の再読み込み(_R)
refreshEnvironmentDesc = 環境内のオブジェクト一覧を再読み込みします
# undoDummy
undoDummyMenuLabel = 元に戻す(_U)
# redoDummy
redoDummyMenuLabel = 取り消す(_D)
# cutDummy
cutDummyMenuLabel = 切り取り(_T)
# copyDummy
copyDummyMenuLabel = コピー(_C)
# pasteDummy
pasteDummyMenuLabel = ペースト(_P)
# pasteWithIndentDummy
pasteWithIndentDummyMenuLabel = インデントを付けてペースト(_S)
# yankBeforeCursor
yankBeforeCursorLabel = Yank Before Cursor
# yankAfterCursor
yankAfterCursorLabel = Yank After Cursor
# pasteLastYank
pasteLastYankLabel = Paste Last Yank
# insertAssignmentOperator
insertAssignmentOperatorLabel = Insert Assignment Operator
# insertPipeOperator
insertPipeOperatorLabel = Insert Pipe Operator
# openNextFileOnFilesystem
openNextFileOnFilesystemLabel = Open Next File on Filesystem
# openPreviousFileOnFilesystem
openPreviousFileOnFilesystemLabel = Open Previous File on Filesystem
# toggleSoftWrapMode
toggleSoftWrapModeLabel = Toggle Soft Wrap Mode
toggleSoftWrapModeMenuLabel = Soft _Wrap Long Lines
# toggleRainbowParens
toggleRainbowParensLabel = Toggle Rainbow Parentheses Mode
toggleRainbowParensMenuLabel = Rain_bow Parentheses
# maximizeConsole
maximizeConsoleMenuLabel = Maximize Console
# debugBreakpoint
debugBreakpointLabel = Toggle Breakpoint on Current Line
debugBreakpointMenuLabel = Toggle _Breakpoint
debugBreakpointDesc = Set or remove a breakpoint on the current line of code
# debugClearBreakpoints
debugClearBreakpointsLabel = Clear All Breakpoints...
debugClearBreakpointsMenuLabel = Clear _All Breakpoints...
debugClearBreakpointsDesc = Remove all the breakpoints in the current project
# debugContinue
debugContinueLabel = Continue Execution
debugContinueButtonLabel = Continue
debugContinueMenuLabel = _Continue
debugContinueDesc = Continue execution until the next breakpoint is encountered
# debugStop
debugStopLabel = Stop Debugging
debugStopButtonLabel = Stop
debugStopMenuLabel = _Stop Debugging
debugStopDesc = Exit debug mode
# debugStep
debugStepLabel = Execute Next Line
debugStepButtonLabel = Next
debugStepMenuLabel = E_xecute Next Line
debugStepDesc = Execute the next line of code
# debugStepInto
debugStepIntoLabel = Step Into Function
debugStepIntoButtonLabel =
debugStepIntoMenuLabel = Step _Into Function
debugStepIntoDesc = Step into the current function call
# debugFinish
debugFinishLabel = Finish Function/Loop
debugFinishButtonLabel =
debugFinishMenuLabel = _Finish Function/Loop
debugFinishDesc = Execute the remainder of the current function or loop
# debugHelp
debugHelpLabel = Show Guide on Debugging with RStudio
debugHelpMenuLabel = Debugging _Help
debugHelpDesc = Guide to debugging features
# errorsMessage
errorsMessageMenuLabel = _Message Only
errorsMessageDesc = Print the error message when an unhandled error occurs
# errorsTraceback
errorsTracebackMenuLabel = _Error Inspector
errorsTracebackDesc = Show the error inspector when an unhandled error occurs
# errorsBreak
errorsBreakMenuLabel = _Break in Code
errorsBreakDesc = Break when any unhandled error occurs
# startProfiler
startProfilerMenuLabel = _Start Profiling
startProfilerDesc = Start profiling R code
# stopProfiler
stopProfilerButtonLabel = Stop Profiling
stopProfilerMenuLabel = Stop Profilin_g
stopProfilerDesc = Stop profiling R code
# profileCode
profileCodeLabel = Profile Current Line or Selection
profileCodeButtonLabel =
profileCodeMenuLabel = _Profile Selected Line(s)
profileCodeDesc = Profile the current line or selection
# gotoProfileSource
gotoProfileSourceLabel = Go To Profile Sources
gotoProfileSourceButtonLabel =
gotoProfileSourceDesc = Open sources associated with the selection
# profileCodeWithoutFocus
profileCodeWithoutFocusLabel = Profile Current Line or Selection Without Focus
# openProfile
openProfileLabel = Open Profile...
openProfileMenuLabel = _Open Profile...
openProfileDesc = Opens a profile from a file
# saveProfileAs
saveProfileAsLabel = Save Profile As...
saveProfileAsButtonLabel =
saveProfileAsMenuLabel = _Save Profile As...
saveProfileAsDesc = Saves current profile into a file
# openProfileInBrowser
openProfileInBrowserLabel = Open Profile in Browser...
openProfileInBrowserButtonLabel =
openProfileInBrowserMenuLabel = _Open Profile in Browser
openProfileInBrowserDesc = Opens current profile in a web browser
# profileHelp
profileHelpLabel = Show Guide on Profiling with RStudio
profileHelpMenuLabel = Profiling _Help
profileHelpDesc = Guide to profiling features
# reloadShinyApp
reloadShinyAppLabel = Reload Shiny Application
reloadShinyAppButtonLabel =
reloadShinyAppMenuLabel = Reload
reloadShinyAppDesc = Reload the Shiny application
# shinyRunInPane
shinyRunInPaneLabel = Run Shiny Application in New Pane
shinyRunInPaneMenuLabel = Run in Viewer Pane
shinyRunInPaneDesc = Run the Shiny application in an RStudio pane
# shinyRunInViewer
shinyRunInViewerLabel = Run Shiny Application in RStudio Viewer
shinyRunInViewerMenuLabel = Run in Window
shinyRunInViewerDesc = Run the Shiny application in an RStudio viewer window
# shinyRunInBrowser
shinyRunInBrowserLabel = Run Shiny Application in Web Browser
shinyRunInBrowserMenuLabel = Run External
shinyRunInBrowserDesc = Run the Shiny application in the system's default Web browser
# shinyRecordTest
shinyRecordTestLabel = Record a test for Shiny
shinyRecordTestButtonLabel = Record Test
shinyRecordTestMenuLabel = Record Test
shinyRecordTestDesc = Record test for Shiny application
# shinyRunAllTests
shinyRunAllTestsLabel = Run tests for Shiny application
shinyRunAllTestsButtonLabel = Run Tests
shinyRunAllTestsMenuLabel = Run Tests
shinyRunAllTestsDesc = Run tests for Shiny application
# shinyCompareTest
shinyCompareTestLabel = Compare test results for Shiny application
shinyCompareTestButtonLabel = Compare Results
shinyCompareTestMenuLabel = Compare Results
shinyCompareTestDesc = Compare test results for Shiny application
# reloadPlumberAPI
reloadPlumberAPILabel = Reload Plumber API
reloadPlumberAPIButtonLabel =
reloadPlumberAPIMenuLabel = Reload
reloadPlumberAPIDesc = Reload the Plumber API
# plumberRunInPane
plumberRunInPaneLabel = Run Plumber API in New Pane
plumberRunInPaneMenuLabel = Run in Viewer Pane
plumberRunInPaneDesc = Run the Plumber API in an RStudio pane
# plumberRunInViewer
plumberRunInViewerLabel = Run Plumber API in RStudio Viewer
plumberRunInViewerMenuLabel = Run in Window
plumberRunInViewerDesc = Run the Plumber API in an RStudio viewer window
# plumberRunInBrowser
plumberRunInBrowserLabel = Run Plumber API in Web Browser
plumberRunInBrowserMenuLabel = Run External
plumberRunInBrowserDesc = Run the Plumber API in the system's default Web browser
# rsconnectDeploy
rsconnectDeployMenuLabel = 公開する(_U)...
rsconnectDeployDesc = アプリケーションやドキュメントを公開します
# rsconnectConfigure
rsconnectConfigureMenuLabel = _Configure Application...
rsconnectConfigureDesc = Configure the application
# rsconnectManageAccounts
rsconnectManageAccountsMenuLabel = アカウントの管理(_M)...
rsconnectManageAccountsDesc = アカウントを接続または切断します
# showGpuDiagnostics
showGpuDiagnosticsMenuLabel = _GPU診断を表示
# toggleEditorTokenInfo
toggleEditorTokenInfoMenuLabel = _Toggle Editor Token Information
# showDomElements
showDomElementsMenuLabel = DOM要素を表示(_S)
# newConnection
newConnectionButtonLabel = New Connection
newConnectionMenuLabel = New Connection...
newConnectionDesc = Create a new connection
# removeConnection
removeConnectionButtonLabel =
removeConnectionMenuLabel = Remove Connection...
removeConnectionDesc = Remove connection from the connection history
# disconnectConnection
disconnectConnectionMenuLabel = Disconnect
disconnectConnectionDesc = Disconnect from a connection
# refreshConnection
refreshConnectionLabel = Refresh Connection Data
refreshConnectionMenuLabel = Refresh
refreshConnectionDesc = Refresh data
# sparkLog
sparkLogLabel = View Spark Log
sparkLogButtonLabel = Log
sparkLogMenuLabel = Spark Log
sparkLogDesc = View the log for the Spark connection
# sparkUI
sparkUIButtonLabel = SparkUI
sparkUIMenuLabel = SparkUI
sparkUIDesc = View the browser UI for the Spark connection
# sparkHelp
sparkHelpButtonLabel =
sparkHelpMenuLabel = Using Spark with RStudio
sparkHelpDesc = Help on using Spark with RStudio
# startJob
startJobButtonLabel = Start Local Job
startJobMenuLabel = _Start Local Job...
startJobDesc = Run a background local job
# sourceAsJob
sourceAsJobMenuLabel = Source as Local Job...
sourceAsJobDesc = Run the current R script as a local job
# clearJobs
clearJobsMenuLabel = _Clear Local Jobs
clearJobsDesc = Clean up all completed local jobs
# runSelectionAsJob
runSelectionAsJobMenuLabel = Ru_n Selection as Local Job
runSelectionAsJobDesc = Run the selected code as a local job
# startLauncherJob
startLauncherJobButtonLabel = Start Launcher Job
startLauncherJobMenuLabel = Start Launcher _Job...
startLauncherJobDesc = Run a background job on a cluster
# sourceAsLauncherJob
sourceAsLauncherJobMenuLabel = Source as Launcher Job...
sourceAsLauncherJobDesc = Run the current R script on a cluster
# runSelectionAsLauncherJob
runSelectionAsLauncherJobMenuLabel = Run Selection as _Launcher Job
runSelectionAsLauncherJobDesc = Run the selected code as a launcher job
# sortLauncherJobsRecorded
sortLauncherJobsRecordedMenuLabel = Sort by Submission Time
sortLauncherJobsRecordedDesc = Sort jobs by time submitted
# sortLauncherJobsState
sortLauncherJobsStateMenuLabel = Sort by Job State
sortLauncherJobsStateDesc = Sort jobs by current state
# showFileMenu
showFileMenuMenuLabel = ファイルメニューを表示
# showEditMenu
showEditMenuMenuLabel = 編集メニューを表示
# showCodeMenu
showCodeMenuMenuLabel = コードメニューを表示
# showViewMenu
showViewMenuMenuLabel = 表示メニューを表示
# showPlotsMenu
showPlotsMenuMenuLabel = プロットメニューを表示
# showSessionMenu
showSessionMenuMenuLabel = セッションメニューを表示
# showBuildMenu
showBuildMenuMenuLabel = ビルドメニューを表示
# showDebugMenu
showDebugMenuMenuLabel = デバッグメニューを表示
# showProfileMenu
showProfileMenuMenuLabel = プロファイルメニューを表示
# showToolsMenu
showToolsMenuMenuLabel = ツールメニューを表示
# showHelpMenu
showHelpMenuMenuLabel = ヘルプメニューを表示
# editUserPrefs
editUserPrefsMenuLabel = ユーザー設定ファイルを編集(_E)
# clearUserPrefs
clearUserPrefsMenuLabel = ユーザー設定を消去(_C)
# viewAllPrefs
viewAllPrefsMenuLabel = 全ての設定を表示(_V)
# toggleScreenReaderSupport
toggleScreenReaderSupportMenuLabel = スクリーンリーダのサポート(_S)
# showAccessibilityHelp
showAccessibilityHelpMenuLabel = アクセシビリティのヘルプ(_H)...
# toggleTabKeyMovesFocus
toggleTabKeyMovesFocusMenuLabel = _Tab Key Always Moves Focus
# focusMainToolbar
focusMainToolbarMenuLabel = メインツールバーにフォーカス(_M)
# focusConsoleOutputEnd
focusConsoleOutputEndMenuLabel = コンソール出力にフォーカス(_F)
# focusNextPane
focusNextPaneMenuLabel = 次のペーンにフォーカス(_F)
# focusPreviousPane
focusPreviousPaneMenuLabel = 前のペーンにフォーカス(_F)
# signOut
signOutLabel = サインアウト
signOutButtonLabel =
signOutMenuLabel = サインアウト(_T)
signOutDesc = RStudioからサインアウトします
# loadServerHome
loadServerHomeButtonLabel =
loadServerHomeMenuLabel = RStudio Serverホーム(_H)
# speakEditorLocation
speakEditorLocationMenuLabel = Speak Text _Editor Location
# focusLeftSeparator
focusLeftSeparatorMenuLabel = A_djust Left Splitter
# focusRightSeparator
focusRightSeparatorMenuLabel = Ad_just Right Splitter
# focusCenterSeparator
focusCenterSeparatorMenuLabel = Adjust Center S_plitter
# focusSourceColumnSeparator
focusSourceColumnSeparatorMenuLabel = Adjust Source Column Spli_tter
# showShortcutCommand
showShortcutCommandMenuLabel = Show _Keyboard Shortcut Commands
# showCommandPalette
showCommandPaletteLabel = Show Command Palette
showCommandPaletteMenuLabel = Show _Command Palette
# clearCommandPaletteMru
clearCommandPaletteMruMenuLabel = 最近使用したコマンド一覧を消去
# freeUnusedMemory
freeUnusedMemoryMenuLabel = 使用していないRメモリの解放(_F)
# showMemoryUsageReport
showMemoryUsageReportMenuLabel = メモリ使用状況のレポート(_R)...
# toggleShowMemoryUsage
toggleShowMemoryUsageLabel = 環境ペーンのメモリ使用状況表示を切り替える
toggleShowMemoryUsageMenuLabel = 現在のメモリ使用状況を表示(_S)
# Auto generated file - do not change manually
# main$_File
main$_FileLabel = ファイル(_F)
# main$_File$New__File
main$_File$New__FileLabel = 新規ファイル(_F)
# main$_File$_Recent_Files
main$_File$_Recent_FilesLabel = 最近使用したファイル(_R)
# main$_File$Recent_Pro_jects
main$_File$Recent_Pro_jectsLabel = 最近使用したプロジェクト(_P)
# main$_File$_Import_Dataset
main$_File$_Import_DatasetLabel = データセットのインポート(_I)
# main$_Edit
main$_EditLabel = 編集(_E)
# main$_Edit$_Folding
main$_Edit$_FoldingLabel = 折りたたむ(_F)
# main$_Code
main$_CodeLabel = コード(_C)
# main$_Code$Run_Regi_on
main$_Code$Run_Regi_onLabel = 領域実行(_o)
# main$_Code$_Terminal
main$_Code$_TerminalLabel = ターミナル(_T)
# main$_View
main$_ViewLabel = 表示(_V)
# main$_View$P_anes
main$_View$P_anesLabel = ペーン(_P)
# main$_View$Show_Other__Panes
main$_View$Show_Other__PanesLabel = 他のペーンを表示(_P)
# main$_Plots
main$_PlotsLabel = プロット(_P)
# main$_Session
main$_SessionLabel = セッション(_S)
# main$_Session$Set__Working_Directory
main$_Session$Set__Working_DirectoryLabel = 作業ディレクトリを設定(_W)
# main$_Build
main$_BuildLabel = ビルド(_B)
# main$_Debug
main$_DebugLabel = _デバッグ(_D)
# main$_Debug$_On_Error
main$_Debug$_On_ErrorLabel = エラー時の動作(_O)
# main$_Profile
main$_ProfileLabel = プロファイル(_P)
# main$_Tools
main$_ToolsLabel = ツール(_T)
# main$_Tools$_Version_Control
main$_Tools$_Version_ControlLabel = バージョン管理(_V)
# main$_Tools$_Terminal
main$_Tools$_TerminalLabel = ターミナル(_T)
# main$_Tools$_Jobs
main$_Tools$_JobsLabel = ジョブ(_J)
# main$_Tools$_Launcher
main$_Tools$_LauncherLabel = ランチャー(_L)
# main$_Tools$_Addins
main$_Tools$_AddinsLabel = アドイン(_A)
# main$_Tools$_Memory
main$_Tools$_MemoryLabel = メモリ(_M)
# main$_Help
main$_HelpLabel = ヘルプ(_H)
# main$_Help$_Accessibility
main$_Help$_AccessibilityLabel = アクセシビリティ(_A)
# main$_Help$_Accessibility$S_peak
main$_Help$_Accessibility$S_peakLabel = スピーク(_P)
# main$_Help$_Accessibility$_Focus
main$_Help$_Accessibility$_FocusLabel = フォーカス(_F)
# main$_Help$_Cheat_Sheets
main$_Help$_Cheat_SheetsLabel = チートシート(_C)
# main$_Help$Dia_gnostics
main$_Help$Dia_gnosticsLabel = 診断(_G)
FROM rstudio-dev
USER root
RUN apt-get install -yqq python3-pip
RUN apt-get update -yqq && \
apt-get install -yqq language-pack-ja && \
update-locale LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 \
RUN useradd rstudio -m -p rstudio
# clone and add localisation files
WORKDIR /home/rstudio
RUN git clone
# RUN cd rstudio && git checkout i18n
RUN cd rstudio && git checkout d12c8d933e39ff785a2ad9ed2245f40e1c76a068
COPY /home/rstudio/rstudio/src/gwt/src/org/rstudio/studio/client/workbench/commands/
COPY /home/rstudio/rstudio/src/gwt/src/org/rstudio/studio/client/workbench/commands/
# for server version
# EXPOSE 8787
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