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Created November 19, 2022 20:11
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import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.isSuperclassOf
Marker interface. Anything that's a message can be sent across the wire.
interface Message
Things are all the things currently derived from SpaceObject. They will all have to implment
register. There is no further class hierarchy requirement.
interface Thing {
fun register(dispatcher: Dispatcher)
This fills the role currently held by Transaction. Add any API you want. For POC, it just collects texts.
class Accumulator {
val texts = mutableListOf<String>()
fun add(text: String) {
interface Receiver {
fun dispatch(message: Message, accumulator: Accumulator)
class TypedReceiver<MESSAGE_TYPE : Message>(
val clazz: KClass<*>,
val handler: (message: MESSAGE_TYPE, accumulator: Accumulator) -> Unit
) :
Receiver {
override fun dispatch(message: Message, accumulator: Accumulator) {
if (clazz.isInstance(message) || clazz.isSuperclassOf(message::class)) {
val downcast = message as MESSAGE_TYPE
handler(downcast, accumulator)
class Dispatcher {
val receivers = mutableListOf<Receiver>()
fun <MESSAGE_TYPE : Message> subscribe(
clazz: KClass<MESSAGE_TYPE>,
handler: (other: MESSAGE_TYPE, accumulator: Accumulator) -> Unit
) {
receivers += TypedReceiver(clazz, handler)
fun <MESSAGE_TYPE : Message> receive(message: MESSAGE_TYPE, accumulator: Accumulator) {
receivers.forEach { it.dispatch(message, accumulator) }
class Interactor<THING_TYPE : Thing>(val item: THING_TYPE) {
val dispatcher = Dispatcher()
init {
fun receive(message: Message, accumulator: Accumulator) {
dispatcher.receive(message, accumulator)
class Smalltalk {
val objects = mutableListOf<Interactor<*>>()
fun sendAll(message: Message, accumulator: Accumulator) {
objects.forEach { it.receive(message, accumulator) }
fun add(thing: Thing): Interactor<*> {
val interactor = Interactor(thing)
return interactor
fun send(interactor: Interactor<*>, message: Message, accumulator: Accumulator) {
interactor.receive(message, accumulator)
data class DrawMessage(val drawer: Int) : Message
data class ScoreMessage(val score: Int) : Message
class ScoreThing(val score: Int) : Thing {
override fun register(dispatcher: Dispatcher) {
class ScoreKeeperThing() : Thing {
var total = 0
override fun register(dispatcher: Dispatcher) {
dispatcher.subscribe(ScoreMessage::class, this::score)
dispatcher.subscribe(DrawMessage::class) { message, accumulator ->
accumulator.add("ScoreKeeperThing drew!")
fun score(message: ScoreMessage, accumulator: Accumulator) {
accumulator.add("ScoreKeeperThing got a score ${message.score}.")
total += message.score
class SmalltalkTest {
val smalltalk = Smalltalk()
val accumulator = Accumulator()
fun `Send a draw message to everyone`() {
smalltalk.sendAll(DrawMessage(1), accumulator)
// only ScoreKeeper is interested in drawing.
assertThat(accumulator.texts).containsExactly("ScoreKeeperThing drew!")
fun `Send a score message just to the scorekeeper`() {
val scoreKeeper = smalltalk.add(ScoreKeeperThing())
smalltalk.send(scoreKeeper, ScoreMessage(100), accumulator)
assertThat(accumulator.texts).containsExactly("ScoreKeeperThing got a score 100.")
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