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Last active November 7, 2023 11:41
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An answer to "distribute 3 circles evenly inside another" for OpenSCAD for Pete.
// For Pete
// v3.0.2
// by @GeekAndDad
// Define the outer circle radius and desired inner circle radius
outer_circle_radius = 100;
desired_inner_radius = 20;
// Call our function to calulate the centers of the three evenly spaced circles
// and
info = threeCenters(outer_radius = outer_circle_radius, inner_radius = desired_inner_radius, space = 1);
echo( info );
// ECHO: [[[-46.4102, -26.314], [46.4102, -26.314], [0, 53.5898]], 20]
// ---------
// Sample 1:
// Can extract and use each falue individually.
// First extract each center from the list of centers (info[0]):
circle1_center = info[0][0];
circle2_center = info[0][1];
circle3_center = info[0][2];
// Then extract the clamped radius that fits:
clamped_radius = info[1];
// Finally, make a circular plate and cut out three holes in the locations calculated:
translate([125, 200, 0]) // move it out of the way so we can do a second one
difference() {
// make the plate - here we are using the outer_circle_radius, but it could
// be a square plate or a larger circle - just has to have a circle with
// radius outer_circle_radius or larger space in it's center (0,0) so
// the inner holes we'll cut out next fit.
cylinder(h = 20, r1 = outer_circle_radius, r2 = outer_circle_radius);
// Put the three holes in it.
// translating each one to the center returned by the function,
// making them 2 pixels longer and offsetting them one pixel in z axis
// so they cut through the plate
translate([circle1_center[0], circle1_center[1], -1])
cylinder(h = 22, r1 = clamped_radius, r2 = clamped_radius);
translate([circle2_center[0], circle2_center[1], -1])
cylinder(h = 22, r1 = clamped_radius, r2 = clamped_radius);
translate([circle3_center[0], circle3_center[1], -1])
cylinder(h = 22, r1 = clamped_radius, r2 = clamped_radius);
// ---------
// Sample 2:
// Same result as above, but use a loop to show why the centers are
// returned as a list separate from the clamped radius.
translate([-125, 200, 0]) { // move it out of the way
difference() {
cylinder(h = 20, r1 = outer_circle_radius, r2 = outer_circle_radius);
// and put the holes in it
for (center = info[0])
translate([center[0], center[1], -1])
cylinder(h = 22, r1 = clamped_radius, r2 = clamped_radius);
cylinder(22, 2, 2, $fn = 100);
// ---------
// Sample 3:
// Use a rectangular plate that is larger than outer_circle_radius.
translate([0, -100, 0]) // move it out of the way
difference() {
// unlike cylinders, cubes are made with one corner on the origin
// since our three holes are distributed around the origin,
// move the plate to be overlapping the origin the correct amount
translate([-outer_circle_radius, - (2 * outer_circle_radius), 0])
cube([outer_circle_radius * 2, outer_circle_radius * 3, 10]);
// and put the holes in it
for (center = info[0])
translate([center[0], center[1], -1])
cylinder(h = 22, r1 = clamped_radius, r2 = clamped_radius);
// -----------------------------------------------
// The function that does the calculations and returns
// a list of centers and the desired inner circle radius clamped to
// the maximum size that will allow all three inner circles to fit
// within the outer circle radius with very thin space between them.
// The third parameter 'space' lets you tune the padding that is used
// to calculate the centers and the resulting clamped_radus, default is 1.
// You can pass smaller values for this value but this will override the
// "fits within the outer circle" restriction and may produce undesirable results.
// Result:
// [[[center1_x, center1_y], [center2_x, center2_y], [center3_x, center3_y]], clamped_radius]
function threeCenters(outer_radius, inner_radius, space = 1) =
// calculate the largest inner circle radius that will fit inside the outer circle
// (will touch each other and the outer circle).
// Do *not* take into account the space parameter here because we want to calculate the
// points without the spacing so that they are equally close to the edges and center of
// the outer circle. We subtract the spacing when we clamp the radius below.
let (max_inner_radius = (outer_radius) / (1 + 2 / sqrt(3)) )
let (p1 = [ -(max_inner_radius), -( (sin(30) / sin(60)) * (max_inner_radius) )])
let (p2 = [ (max_inner_radius), -( (sin(30) / sin(60)) * (max_inner_radius) )])
let (p3 = [ 0, (max_inner_radius) / sin(60) ])
// Calculate the largest inner circle radius that will fit based on the outer
// circle radius passed in and the "space" parameter.
let (clamped_inner_radius = min(inner_radius, max_inner_radius - (space * 2)))
// return the results as a list
[[p1, p2, p3], clamped_inner_radius];
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GeekAndDad commented Nov 7, 2023

Version 3.0.2 fixes the space parameter and makes the layout actually correct in all cases that I've tested.

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