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// Advanced SwiftUI Transitions
import SwiftUI
struct GeometryEffectTransitionsDemo: View {
@State private var show = false
var body: some View {
return ZStack {
Button("Open Booking") {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 0.8)) { = true
if show {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15)
.fill( $show))
.frame(width: 400, height: 500)
.shadow(color: .black, radius: 3)
struct MyForm: View {
@Binding var show: Bool
@State private var departure = Date()
@State private var checkin = Date()
@State private var pets = true
@State private var nonsmoking = true
@State private var airport: Double = 7.3
var body: some View {
VStack {
Form {
DatePicker(selection: $departure, label: {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "airplane")
DatePicker(selection: $checkin, label: {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")
Toggle(isOn: $pets, label: { HStack { Image(systemName: "hare.fill"); Text("Have Pets") } })
Toggle(isOn: $nonsmoking, label: { HStack { Image(systemName: "nosign"); Text("Non-Smoking") } })
Text("Max Distance to Airport \(String(format: "%.2f", self.airport as Double)) km")
Slider(value: $airport, in: 0...10) { EmptyView() }
Button(action: {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 1.0)) { = false
}) {
HStack { Spacer(); Text("Save"); Spacer() }
extension AnyTransition {
static var fly: AnyTransition { get {
AnyTransition.modifier(active: FlyTransition(pct: 0), identity: FlyTransition(pct: 1))
struct FlyTransition: GeometryEffect {
var pct: Double
var animatableData: Double {
get { pct }
set { pct = newValue }
func effectValue(size: CGSize) -> ProjectionTransform {
let rotationPercent = pct
let a = CGFloat(Angle(degrees: 90 * (1-rotationPercent)).radians)
var transform3d = CATransform3DIdentity;
transform3d.m34 = -1/max(size.width, size.height)
transform3d = CATransform3DRotate(transform3d, a, 1, 0, 0)
transform3d = CATransform3DTranslate(transform3d, -size.width/2.0, -size.height/2.0, 0)
let affineTransform1 = ProjectionTransform(CGAffineTransform(translationX: size.width/2.0, y: size.height / 2.0))
let affineTransform2 = ProjectionTransform(CGAffineTransform(scaleX: CGFloat(pct * 2), y: CGFloat(pct * 2)))
if pct <= 0.5 {
return ProjectionTransform(transform3d).concatenating(affineTransform2).concatenating(affineTransform1)
} else {
return ProjectionTransform(transform3d).concatenating(affineTransform1)
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