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Last active May 1, 2023 19:19
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DC44131 2023 Talk - Introduction to CodeQL
#!/usr/bin/env python
# See
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
import psycopg2
app = Flask(__name__)
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=workshop user=postgres")
def lookup(data):
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = f"SELECT * FROM metadata WHERE name='{data}' OR data='{data}'"
return cursor.fetchall()
def index():
search = request.args.get("search")
results = lookup(search)
return render_template(
"search.html", results=results
if __name__ == "__main__":
* @name SQL Injection - Find Source
* @description SQL Injection - Find Source
* @kind problem
* @id py/workshop
* @problem.severity error
* @security-severity 10.0
* @sub-severity high
* @precision high
* @tags security
import python
import semmle.python.Concepts
import semmle.python.ApiGraphs
* How do we find the source?
from DataFlow::Node request, Attribute attr
request = API::moduleImport("flask").getMember("request").getAValueReachableFromSource() and
attr.getObject() = request.asExpr()
select attr, "Source"
* @name SQL Injection - Find Sink
* @description SQL Injection - Find Sink
* @kind problem
* @id py/workshop
* @problem.severity error
* @security-severity 10.0
* @sub-severity high
* @precision high
* @tags security
import python
import semmle.python.Concepts
import semmle.python.ApiGraphs
* What is the sink?
from CallNode call, DataFlow::Node sink
// Find all functions called "execute"
call.getFunction().(AttrNode).getName() in ["execute"] and
// The first argument is what we are interested in
sink.asCfgNode() = call.getArg(0)
select sink, "Sink"
* @name SQL Injection
* @description SQL Injection
* @kind path-problem
* @id py/workshop
* @problem.severity error
* @security-severity 10.0
* @sub-severity high
* @precision high
* @tags security
import python
import semmle.python.Concepts
import semmle.python.ApiGraphs
import DataFlow::PathGraph
* Can we find a path from Source to Sink?
class Sources extends DataFlow::Node {
Sources() {
exists(DataFlow::Node request, Attribute attr |
request = API::moduleImport("flask").getMember("request").getAValueReachableFromSource() and
attr.getObject() = request.asExpr() and
this.asExpr() = attr
class Sinks extends DataFlow::Node {
Sinks() {
exists(CallNode call, DataFlow::Node sink |
call.getFunction().(AttrNode).getName() in ["execute"] and
this.asCfgNode() = call.getArg(0)
class SqlInjectionConfig extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
SqlInjectionConfig() { this = "SqlInjectionConfig" }
override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source instanceof Sources }
override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { sink instanceof Sinks }
from SqlInjectionConfig config, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where config.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "This SQL query depends on $@.", source.getNode(),
"a user-provided value"
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