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Created March 20, 2013 14:16
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Spree::Api::CheckoutsController PUT 'update' can update addresses and transition from address to delivery
# need new technique of getting shipping methods
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/checkouts_controller_spec.rb:78
Spree::Api::OrdersController working with an order can add shipping address
# need to figure out how to get shipping methods for an order
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/orders_controller_spec.rb:127
Spree::Api::UsersController as a normal user cannot create a new user with invalid attributes
# Temporarily disabled with xit
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/users_controller_spec.rb:39
1) Spree::Api::CheckoutsController PUT 'update' can update shipping method and transition from delivery to payment
Failure/Error: json_response['shipments'][0]['shipping_method']['name'].should ==
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/checkouts_controller_spec.rb:105:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Spree>'
2) Spree::Api::OrdersController as an admin can cancel an order
Failure/Error: json_response["state"].should == "canceled"
expected: "canceled"
got: nil (using ==)
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/orders_controller_spec.rb:236:in `block (4 levels) in <module:Spree>'
3) Spree::Api::ShipmentsController as an admin can transition a shipment from ready to ship can transition a shipment from ready to ship
Failure/Error: json_response.should have_attributes(attributes)
expected {"exception"=>"Cannot transition state via :ship from \"ready\" (Reason(s): Transition halted)"} to have attributes [:id, :tracking, :number, :cost, :shipped_at]
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/shipments_controller_spec.rb:54:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
4) Spree::Api::StockItemsController can control the page size through a parameter
Failure/Error: json_response['pages'].should == 2
expected: 2
got: 4 (using ==)
# ./spec/controllers/spree/api/stock_items_controller_spec.rb:30:in `block (2 levels) in <module:Spree>'
Finished in 31.96 seconds
300 examples, 4 failures, 3 pending
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/controllers/spree/api/checkouts_controller_spec.rb:101 # Spree::Api::CheckoutsController PUT 'update' can update shipping method and transition from delivery to payment
rspec ./spec/controllers/spree/api/orders_controller_spec.rb:234 # Spree::Api::OrdersController as an admin can cancel an order
rspec ./spec/controllers/spree/api/shipments_controller_spec.rb:51 # Spree::Api::ShipmentsController as an admin can transition a shipment from ready to ship can transition a shipment from ready to ship
rspec ./spec/controllers/spree/api/stock_items_controller_spec.rb:26 # Spree::Api::StockItemsController can control the page size through a parameter
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