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# NAME: basic
# this file gives you raw & unaltered force as integrated by physics engine
# acting on steering rack of the vehicle physical model
# Summing these two valuee effectievly gives you rackforce.
###arm_force -- equivialent of "max force at steering rack" in ams1
###lockstop, overall strangth, stiffness, damping
(custom_lock_stop 1.0)
#sum fl_steering & fr_steering matrix values here
#(arm_force ( + FL_tierod FR_tierod))
#above left and right rack are axial forces in tierods. To project them to rack, multiply by respective left right below "rack proj"
#arm force is that same thing, already done in game. If left / right need manipulation, exposed them "un projected" here.
#(rack_force ( + ( * FL_tierod FL_rack_proj ) ( * FR_tierod FR_rack_proj)))
# rack_force = FL_rack_left * FL_rack_proj + FR_rack_righ * FR_rack_proj
#Some constants
##general multipliers (from ams1)
(max_overall_force 11500.0)
(recip_force ( / 1.0 max_overall_force))
(mass_damper ( * M_smooth_samples 3.0))
(arm_force_smooth ( spring arm_force 200000 0.2 mass_damper))
(arm_force (if M_smooth_samples arm_force_smooth arm_force))
#mfasr scaler
(rack_scaled ( * arm_force ( / max_overall_force M_max_force_at_rack)))
(rack_scaled ( * rack_scaled recip_force))
(rack rack_scaled)
(parkingForce (* parkingForceMult rack))
(parkingForce (* parkingForce (crossover et 0.0 5.0)))
(parkingForce (* parkingForce (- 1.0 (crossover vel_mag 0.0 7.0))))
(rack (* rack (crossover vel_mag 0.0 5.0)))
(rack (+ rack parkingForce))
(output rack)
# Scaler as informational only, doesnt affect output -
(scale_window_init 10.0)
(scale_window_nominal 2.0)
(scale_soft_clear_t 10.0)
(scale_min 0.2)
(scale_max 2.0)
(scale_blend_t 2.0)
(signal_scale output
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0)
(output ( lfb output 0.15))
(doom_check output)
#allow 30% headroom
(headroom ( - 0.7 gain))
(clipTo ( + 1.3 headroom))
(clipTo ( if headroom 1.3 clipTo))
(output (hard_clip output clipTo))
(output (* output gain))
#third info container used for output (before lockstops, after clipping and gain)
(info3 (smooth output 0.7))
#lock stops. not advised to edit stiffness or espcially damping
##decrease lockstop stiffness when standstill
(park_lockStop ( + 0.5 ( * 0.5 (crossover vel_mag 0.0 3.0))))
(stiffness 3.0)
(damping 5.0)
#adjust stifness based on overall ffb gain from game.
(gain_scale ( - 1.3 gain))
#adjust stiffness and damping separate, based on vehicle steer ratio (1:10 taken as "nominal" ratio, downscale below, above leave intact)
(ratio_scale ( / steer_ratio 10.0))
(ratio_scale ( min ratio_scale 1.0))
(stiffness ( * stiffness 0.5 ratio_scale))
(damping ( * damping ratio_scale))
(custom_lock_stop ( * park_lockStop custom_lock_stop gain_scale))
(stops (bumpstop output 0.1 stiffness 0.14 damping))
(output (+ output (* stops custom_lock_stop )))
(histogram output)
#third info container used for output (before lockstops)
(info3 (smooth output 0.7))
# Original file by Niklas Silen - Optimized by Rantam for Thrustmaster T300 - Last update March 6th 2018
# INSTRUCTIONS (how to use the custom FFB system)
# Copy ffb_custom_settings.txt to My Documents\Project CARS 2 directory, replacing the existing file, then select CUSTOM FFB flavour from within the game
#General form of code
#(A B ....)
#If A is known function name, then that function is done, with B ... as the arguments. If an argument is itself in (), then that is resolved first.
#If A is not a function name, it is taken as a variable name, and is assigned B, and ... is ignored.
#(output (relative output 1.0 0.5 2.0))
#becomes in effect something like in C ish form:
#output = relative(output, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0);
# List of commands:
#Variables ...
#Output ...
#* output -- the FFB applied to the wheel
#Time ...
#* dt -- timestep
#* et -- elapsed time
#Steering ...
#* steering_vel
#* steering_pos
#Player Controls ...
#* volume
#* tone
#* fx
#Steering ...
#* steering_approx
#* steering_angle_FL
#* steering_angle_FR
#Useful for centering spring type effects.
#Rack Forces ...
#(FL, FR, RL, RR)
#* FL_Fx
#* FL_Fy
#* FL_Fz
#* FL_Mx
#* FL_My
#* FL_Mz
#These forces are the components of forces at the tires as felt through the rack. Simply add them all together to get the full rack force.
#Note that Mx and My are near zero, and do not contribute much at all, so adding Fx, Fy, Fz, and Mz is adequate.
#Full Forces at Tires ...
#(FL, FR, RL, RR)
#* FL_lat
#* FL_long
#* FL_load
#Unlike the above these are the raw full forces at the tires, not mechanically filtering through steering geometry and linkages.
#(FL, FR)
#These are direct forces from the contact patch of the tyre
#Grips ...
#(FL, FR)
#* FL_def
#* FL_adh
#* FL_tack
#* FL_stab
#* FL_visc
#* FL_tear
#The ratios of full grip (forces) due to each grip type in the model. They will all sum to 1.0 at any given timestep.
#Rubber ...
#(FL, FR)
#* FL_slide -- 0 to 1 for how much the contact patch is in slide
#* FL_stretch
#Relates to Functions ...
#Linkage ...
#* arm_angle -- Linkage uses this value as the spindle arm angle
#Split ...
#* split_lo -- split's output: low component
#* split_md -- split's output: medium component
#* split_hi -- split's output: high component
#Smooth ...
#* smooth_lo -- smoothed signal (same as return value)
#* smooth_hi -- the remainder (input - smoothed)
#Histogram ...
#* hist_L -- histogram's L value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_ML -- histogram's ML value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_M -- histogram's M value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_MH -- histogram's MH value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_H -- histogram's H value; F1 widget uses this
#* hist_clip -- histogram's clip value; F1 widget uses this
#SignalScale ...
#* scale_window_init -- first time time window before adjusting
#* scale_window_nominal -- subsequent windows
#* scale_soft_clear_t -- reference time for fading out learning info
#* scale_blend_t -- reference time for blending in new scale
#* scale_min -- minimum scale
#* scale_max -- maximum scale
#Function Reference ...
#Absolute Value ...
#(abs <input>)
#Add ...
#(+ <input> ...)
#Add all of the inputs.
#AntiDrag #As far as I know this parameter only needs to be used with some Fanatec wheels
#(anti_drag <input> <Cd> <Cf> <refvel>)
#* Cd -- anti drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
#* Cf -- anti drag friction, constant resistence, tapered to zero via:
#* refvel -- wheel velocity below which to taper to zero.
#Drag ...
#(drag <input> <Cd> <Cq>)
#* Cd -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
#* Cq -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity squared
#Blend ...
#(blend <bias> <input for one> <input for zero>)
#Center ...
#(ctr <input>)
#Convert input assumed to be between from 0.0 to 1.0, to -1.0 to 1.0.
#Divide ...
#(/ <first input> <input> ...)
#Divide inputs from first input.
#Down ...
#(dn <input>)
#Convert input such that:
#* 0 - 0.5 : 0.0
#* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0 - 1.0
#Hard Clipper ...
#(hard_clip <input> <cap>)
#Histogram ...
#(histogram <input>)
#If ...
#(if <cond> <true> <false>)
#Linkage ...
#(linkage <mode> <angle>)
#Maximum ...
#(max <args ...>)
#Minimum ...
#(min <args ...>)
#Multiply ...
#(* <args ...>)
#Power ...
#(power <input> <power>)
#RelativeGain ...
#(relative <gain> <bleed> <clamp>)
# example: (output (relative output 1.12 0.45 1.0)) # Relative Output as PCars 1: Gain, Bleed and Clamp values are set here
#Safety ...
#(safety <input> <limit>)
#Scoop ...
#(scoop <input> <knee> <reduction>)
#SignalScale ...
#(signal_scale <input>
#<L weight> <ML weight> <M weight> <MH weight> <H weight>
#<clipping weight>
#<equalize blend> <boost blend>)
#Smooth ...
#(smooth <input> <ref time>)
#Soft Clipper ...
#(soft_clip <half in> <unity>)
#Split ...
#(split <lo scale> <md scale> <hi scale> <lo/md ref time> <md/hi ref time>)
#Spring ...
#(spring <force> <stiffness> <damping>)
#Subtract ...
#(- <first input> <input> ... )
#Subtract inputs from first input.
#Tighten Center ...
#(tighten <input> <range> <falloff>)
# example: (output (tighten output 0.08 0.030)) # Deadzone Removal as PCars 1: Deadzone and falloff values are set here
#Up ...
#(up <input>)
#Convert input such that:
#* 0 - 0.5 : 1.0 - 0.0
#* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0
# Lock Stops -----------------------------------------
# (stops (bumpstop output 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.0)) # Bumpstops parameters: stiffness buffer, stifness, drag threshold and drag. Thresholds are how far back from bumpstops you start blending in some stiffness and drag....basically you cannot be as stiff as a real stop, because it'll get violent...because unlike a real lock stop, there is latency.
# (output (+ output (* stops device_lock_stop)))
# NAME: Heavy Messing Minimal (NuScorpii V2.5)
# Thanks to Karsten Hvidberg for the concept of splitting the rack force
(min_force 0.01)
# Scaling settings ----------------------------------------
# Rack - amplification of rack forces
(detail_lfb 0.7)
(rack_gamma 1.7)
(tightness 0.6)
# FX - generated effects (affected by FX slider)
(gyro_scale 1.0)
(engine_scale_slow 0.6)
(engine_scale_fast 0.03)
# Modify tightness using min force
(tightness (- tightness (* min_force 3)))
(tightness (min 3.0 (max 0.15 tightness)))
# Reiza variables -----------------------------------------
(lever_mode 0)
(smooth_level 0)
(max_change 1.0)
(scrub_rack 1.0)
(scrub_rear 0.0)
(scrub_vibe 0.0)
(scrub_scale 0.0)
(rack_damping_scale 0.0)
# Reiza code ----------------------------------------------
# general multipliers (from ams1)
(max_overall_force 11500.0)
(recip_force ( / 1.0 max_overall_force))
#mfasr scaler
(rack_scaled ( * arm_force ( / max_overall_force M_max_force_at_rack)))
(rack_scaled ( * rack_scaled recip_force))
(rack rack_scaled)
(rack_smooth (smooth rack M_force_smoothing))
(rack (if M_force_smoothing rack_smooth rack))
(parkingForce (* parkingForceMult rack))
(parkingForce (* parkingForce (crossover et 0.0 5.0)))
(parkingForce (* parkingForce (- 1.0 (crossover vel_mag 0.0 7.0))))
(rack (* rack (crossover vel_mag 0.0 5.0)))
(rack (+ rack parkingForce))
# Engine
(max_rps 8000.0)
(rps_scale ( / crankshaft max_rps))
(rps_scale ( power rps_scale 0.8))
(rps_scale (min rps_scale 0.02))
(rps_scale (max rps_scale 0.14))
(load_mult (+ 0.8 throttle))
(load_mult (max load_mult 1.0))
(engine_scale (blend (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 50.0)) engine_scale_slow engine_scale_fast))
(engine_vibe (sin crankPos))
(engine_vibe ( * load_mult engine_vibe rps_scale engine_scale))
(feel engine_vibe)
#(scrub_vibe ( * scrub_rack fx))
# Pseudo Gyro forces --------------------------------------
(ratio_scale ( / 10.0 (max 10 steer_ratio)))
(ac (power (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 100)) 0.8))
(mx (blend (max 0.0 (- (/ vel_mag 77) 0.3)) 0.0 ac))
(ms (power (* 0.1 (smooth steering_vel 0.05)) 1.0))
(pseudo_gyro_force (* 20.0 ms mx ratio_scale fx gyro_scale))
# Rack ----------------------------------------------------
# Split out detail levels
(rack_fine_detail (- rack (smooth rack 0.02)))
(rack_coarse_detail (- rack rack_fine_detail))
# Apply lfb to fine details
(rack_fine_detail (lfb rack_fine_detail detail_lfb))
# Apply LFB to coarse details
(rack_coarse_lfb (lfb rack_coarse_detail 0.15))
# Apply centre enhancement to coarse details
(blend_factor (power (* 2.0 (- (/ 1.0 (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* (* -100.0 tightness) rack_coarse_detail)))) 0.5)) 9.0))
(rack_coarse_lfb (blend (abs blend_factor) rack_coarse_detail (power rack_coarse_lfb (/ 1.0 rack_gamma))))
# Limit coarse details to leave room for fine details
(sg_g (max 0.2 gain))
(sg_p (/ 0.75 sg_g))
(sg_s (/ 0.5 sg_g))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- rack_coarse_lfb sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_coarse_lfb (if (max 0.0 (- rack_coarse_lfb sg_p)) sg_f rack_coarse_lfb))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- (* -1.0 rack_coarse_lfb) sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(rack_coarse_lfb (if (min 0.0 (+ rack_coarse_lfb sg_p)) (* -1.0 sg_f) (rack_coarse_lfb)))
# Combine coarse and fine and details
(rack (+ rack_coarse_lfb rack_fine_detail))
# Construct Output ----------------------------------------
# Smooth rack at standstill / very low speeds
(slow_rack (drag rack 0.0001 0.0))
(slow_rack (smooth slow_rack 0.1))
(ms (* 0.25 (smooth steering_vel 0.005)))
(speed_bias (max 0.1 (min 1.0 (/ vel_mag 3.0))))
(rack (blend speed_bias (+ slow_rack ms) rack))
# Rack damping
(rack (+ rack pseudo_gyro_force))
# Combine rack and FX forces
(output ( + rack ( * feel fx 0.8)))
# Scaler for info, no affect on output --------------------
(scale_window_init 10.0)
(scale_window_nominal 2.0)
(scale_soft_clear_t 10.0)
(scale_min 0.2)
(scale_max 2.0)
(scale_blend_t 2.0)
(signal_scale output
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0)
# Nonlinear Clipping --------------------------------------
(output (* output gain))
(sg_p 0.75)
(sg_s 0.5)
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- output sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(output (if (max 0.0 (- output sg_p)) sg_f output))
(sg_f (+ (/ sg_s (+ 1.0 (power 2.718 (* -1.0 (* (/ 4 sg_s) (- (* -1.0 output) sg_p)))))) (- sg_p (/ sg_s 2.0)) ))
(output (if (min 0.0 (+ output sg_p)) (* -1.0 sg_f) (output)))
# Lock stops ----------------------------------------------
(custom_lock_stop 2.0)
(stops (bumpstop output 0.15 0.5 0.15 1.0))
(output (+ output (* stops custom_lock_stop)))
# Statistics output ---------------------------------------
(histogram (* output 1.01))
(info2 output)
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