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Created July 15, 2019 21:53
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from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-ig", "--input_gt", dest="input_gt",
help="ground truth point cloud", metavar="")
parser.add_argument("-is", "--input_sp", dest="input_sp",
help="supervised point cloud", metavar="")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config_class", dest="config_class",
help="remapping classes fromy 0_POLES 1_CABLES 2_GROUND 3_VEGETATION 4_ROAD", metavar="")
args = parser.parse_args()
class evaluation:
def overallAccuracy(self, eval_dict, pcl_len):
tp = 0
for key in eval_dict.keys():
tp += eval_dict[key]["TP"]
result = (tp / pcl_len) * 100
return result
def recall(self, eval_dict, segment):
tp = eval_dict[segment]["TP"]
fn = eval_dict[segment]["FN"]
return tp / (tp + fn)
def precision(self, eval_dict, segment):
tp = eval_dict[segment]["TP"]
fp = eval_dict[segment]["FP"]
return tp / (tp + fp)
def f1(self, recall, precision):
return 2 * recall * precision / (precision + recall)
def countPoints(self, pcl, value):
counter = 0
for key in pcl.keys():
if value == int(pcl[key].split(".")[0]):
counter += 1
return counter
def evalClassification(self, gt_path, super_path, config):
# Ground truth file
gt_file = open(gt_path, "r")
gt_index = config
gt_dict = dict()
# Supervised truth file
super_file = open(super_path, "r")
super_dict = dict()
for line in gt_file:
if "//" in line:
key = line.strip().split(" ")
values = key[3]
key = " ".join(key[0:3])
gt_dict[key] = values
for line in super_file:
if "//" in line:
key = line.strip().split(" ")
values = key[3]
key = " ".join(key[0:3])
super_dict[key] = values
conf_matr = {"FP": {}, "FN": {}}
for elem in range(len(config)):
for item in range(len(config)):
conf_matr["FP"][str(elem)] = [0] * len(config)
conf_matr["FN"][str(elem)] = [0] * len(config)
eval_dict = {"0": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0}, "1": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0},
"2": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0},
"3": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0}, "4": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0},
"5": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0}, "6": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0},
"7": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0}, "8": {"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0}}
# Vegetation ground_truth == supervised -> TP(Vegetation)
# Vegetation ground_truth != supervised (cable) -> FP(Vegetation) -> FN(cable)
errors = 0
errors_file = open("errors.txt", "w")
for key in super_dict.keys():
key_dict = super_dict[key].split(".")[0]
if int(super_dict[key].split(".")[0]) == gt_index.index(gt_dict[key].split(".")[0]):
eval_dict[key_dict]["TP"] += 1
key_gt = str(gt_index.index(gt_dict[key].split(".")[0]))
eval_dict[key_dict]["FP"] += 1
eval_dict[key_gt]["FN"] += 1
conf_matr["FP"][key_dict][int(key_gt)] += 1
conf_matr["FN"][key_gt][int(key_dict)] += 1
errors += 1
errors_file.write(key + "\n")
# print(countPoints(gt_dict, 4))
log = open("log.txt", "w")
print("Errors ", errors)
log.write("Confusion Matrix (row: ground truth; class order: 0,1,2,3,4)\n")
for elem in range(len(config)):
conf_matr["FN"][str(elem)][elem] = eval_dict[str(elem)]["TP"]
tmp = [str(i) for i in conf_matr["FN"][str(elem)]]
tmp = ','.join(tmp)
log.write(tmp + "\n")
print("Ground truth file ", gt_path)
print("Ground truth number", len(gt_dict.keys()))
print("Supervised file ", super_path)
print("Supervised number", len(super_dict.keys()))
print("Overall Accuracy [%]:" + str(self.overallAccuracy(eval_dict, len(super_dict.keys()))))
log.write("Errors: " + str(errors) + "\n")
log.write("Ground truth file: " + gt_path.split("/")[-1] + "\n")
log.write("Ground truth number: " + str(len(gt_dict.keys()) - errors) + "\n")
log.write("Supervised file: " + super_path.split("/")[-1] + "\n")
log.write("Supervised number: " + str(len(super_dict.keys()) - errors) + "\n")
log.write("Overall Accuracy [%]: " + str(self.overallAccuracy(eval_dict, len(super_dict.keys()))) + "\n")
for segment in eval_dict.keys():
print("Class : ", segment)
recall = self.recall(eval_dict, segment)
precision = self.precision(eval_dict, segment)
f_1 = self.f1(recall, precision)
print("Recall [%]: ", recall * 100)
print("Precision [%]: ", precision * 100)
print("F1: ", f_1)
log.write("Class : " + str(segment) + "\n")
log.write("Recall [%]: " + str(recall * 100) + "\n")
log.write("Precision [%]: " + str(precision * 100) + "\n")
log.write("F1: " + str(f_1) + "\n")
if args.input_gt is None or args.input_sp is None:
print("check inputs!")
if args.config_class is None:
args.config_class = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]
args.config_class = args.config_class.strip().split(",")
eval = evaluation()
eval.evalClassification(args.input_gt, args.input_sp, args.config_class)
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Gekk0r commented Jul 15, 2019

Confusion Matrix for confused people :D....
This code create a Confusion Matrix used to describe the performance of a classification model (in deep learning and machine learning).
The compared models "usually" should have the same class name..

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