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Last active May 1, 2020 21:26
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The Keep Tournament Outline

The Keep Tournament Outline

This is an outline we should use to ensure we provide high-quality experiences for participants and viewers.





  • Tournaments need to be announced AT LEAST two weeks in advance of the scheduled date
    • We should be announcing these as soon as we've locked in all related details; the two-week deadline is an absolute worst-case scenario, and should be avoided if possible


  • When listing a time, we need to ensure we list at least two different timezones
    • One listing should be in the local timezone where we expect the majority of players or viewers to be in
    • One listing should be in UTC



  • Anything related to the prize pool needs to be included in the initial announcement of the event, and these should never change after announcement
    • When determining the prize pool, it is imperitive that we consider the source of the prize pool, such as internal funds, donations, sponsors, and registration fees
    • If the tournament requires a sign-up/registration fee, that needs to be made clear in the initial announcement


  • Anything related to the map pool needs to be included in the initial announcement of the event, and these should never change after announcement
  • If the map pool contains any unofficial maps, we need to provide map files to allow participants to practice
  • For highly-competitive modes, such as duel, we should consider whether or not to consult high-level players when determining the map pool

Server Location

  • Prior to initial announcement, we need to determine the optimal location(s) for servers based on the location(s) of players we expect to participate. This is difficult to lock-down prior to the announcement, but we need to do our best here
  • If applicable to the tournament's format, we should be preparing multiple servers in advance. For some tournament formats, it may also be necessary to have multiple matches ongoing simultaneously
  • We need to account for the difference in locations of players within matchups. For example, a matchup of a California player vs a New York player should occur on a server that is in Central USA
  • Should we be providing practice/scrimmage servers?



  • All rules related to the tournament need to be locked down before announcement and should be listed in explicit detail. This includes the map selection process. If necessary, include a separate link (within the initial announcement) that lists all rules


  • Ensure that we've determined an appropriate bracket format for the tournament based on participants
    • We need to account for time; for example, a double-elimination best-of-5 tournament may not be appropriate for a tournament with 16 players/teams
    • We need to account for fairness; for example, history-based seeding or round robin seeding, swiss format, double elimination, best-of-x, upper-bracket advantage or having a second finals round for double elimination tournaments
  • If applicable to the event, the bracket or bracket template should be included in the initial announcement
  • All tournament admins need to have access to edit the bracket

Map Selection

  • Lock down a map selection format and include that in the rules
    • Should players choose the map or tournament officials?
    • Should any randomness be used in selection?
    • Should players take turns selecting and/or banning maps?
      • The ruling of this is critical and we need to be strict
      • Consider reviewing popular formats from major tournament organizers, such as ESL or FaceIT CSGO major tournaments
    • Everything related to map selection of individual matchups should be determined BEFORE a matchup starts. For example, in a best-of-3 tournament, all three maps and the order in which they are played needs to be determined before the first map begins


  • EVERYTHING related to Basics, Details, and Structure needs to be included on the registration form(s)
  • Use a popular tool for signups/registration, such as Google Forms, Challonge, or Smash.GG
  • We need to get contact information from all participants
    • In-game name
    • Discord ID
    • Anything else that would be necessary for organization and/or outreach
  • Registration should be closed far enough in advance to allow organizers to finalize brackets and reach out to participants.


The stream needs to be live and on the Starting scene at least 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the stream. We want to have viewers before gameplay starts


  • Need to have multiple scenes configured for different segments of the stream. Here are some examples:
    • Starting
    • Ending
    • Break
    • Commentators
    • Gameplay
      • Best-Of counter
      • Participant scroller for some formats (KOTH)
    • Credits & Thank You's
  • Avoid static/still backgrounds if possible. Consult with Haducant or Spaced if animated backgrounds are needed


  • If live-donations contribute to the prize pool, the stream MUST dynamically show the current prize pool


  • For competitive events, the stream chat should not be visible on stream during some or all segments; for example, stream chat should not be visible during gameplay, but it may be appropriate during Commentator or Break segments

Commentators and Casters

  • Get all microphones and webcams configured several days in advance, and practice
  • The individual hosting the stream needs to coordinate with all commentators and casters to ensure fluidity


  • Configure and test the overall mix several days in advance. This is extremely important for the viewer experience
    • Gameplay audio
    • Media audio
    • Commentator and Caster audio
    • Soundboard audio
  • Ensure that you have a significant amount of media prepared that we are allowed to use, such as songs that are royalty-free or that we have been given explicit consent to utilize in event streams


  • Configure and test an instant replay feature
  • Consider configuring a tool to capture highlights for use in other segments


  • All relevant promotional content should be posted and distributed AT LEAST two weeks in advance of the scheduled date
  • Post this content in places that will help guarantee viewership and participation. Examples:
    • Discord servers
    • Reddit subreddits
    • Official websites
    • ESReality
    • Plus Forward
    • Twitter and other social media sites
    • Steam
    • In game
  • Determine a easy and unannoying system to post reminders for viewers and participants

Server Configuration

  • Servers need to be configured and ready BEFORE registration closes to ensure that participants can test the servers and report their ping to each server
    • Use ping reports to determine matchup locations in advance if possible
  • Servers need to record demos automatically and demos need to be synced to a central server
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