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Created May 31, 2012 17:10
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Save Gen2ly/2844801 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create HTML code from Vim syntax highlighting (for use in coloring scripts)
# Create HTML-colored code from Vim syntax highlighting
# Display usage if no parameters given
if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then
echo " ${0##*/} <filename> - create HTML code from Vim syntax highlighting"
# Syntax highlighting to HTML export
vim -f +"syntax on" \
+"set background=$background" \
+"colorscheme $colorscheme" \
+"let html_use_css = 0" \
+"let html_no_pre = 1" \
+"let html_number_lines = 0" \
+"TOhtml" \
+"x" \
+"q" $filename
# Clean up HTML code
#tidy -utf8 -f /dev/null --wrap -m $filename.html
# Delete first line if blank
sed '1{/^$/d}' $filename.html
# Delete the HTML meta page information.
sed -i '1,/body bgcolor=/d' $filename.html
# Remove line breaks (needed for some things like blog posts)
sed -i 's|<br>||g' $filename.html
# Remove the closing HTML tags
sed -i 's~</body[^>]*>~~g' $filename.html
sed -i 's~</html[^>]*>~~g' $filename.html
# Remove trailing blank lines
while [ "$(tail -n 1 $filename.html)" == "\n" ]; do
sed -i '$d' $filename.html
# Delete newline of last <font> line for better formatting
sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\(.*\)\n/\1/' $filename.html
sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\(.*\)\n/\1/' $filename.html
# Delete final newline
perl -i -e 'local $/; $_ = <>; s/\n$//; print' $filename.html
# Add preformatting tabs <pre> and </pre>
#sed -i '1 i <pre>' $filename.html
#sed -i '$ a </pre>' $filename.html
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