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Last active August 20, 2024 13:56
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All official Discord bots I am aware of. This is an unofficial list and may not be kept completely up to date.

Bots for Discord owned servers

Username Description ID Invite
GearBoat#3958 Used for moderation purposes, GearGoat is a custom instance of the public GearBot made by AEntherprise#4693 (106354106196570112) and used in Discord Townhall, Discord Developers, etc. Public instance can be found at: 520953716610957312 Invite
Discord DevBot#9425 This bot is used in Discord Developers server, answers to frequently asked questions and has some public commands. 545364944258990091 Invite
Developers Role Bot#0397 This bot is used in Discord Developers server to give out roles. 976907566334484590 Invite
DBug#8485 This bot is in Discord Testers, used to take the quiz, give yourself a role, submit bug reports and interact with bug reports . One of the two bots with bug hunter badge. Learn more at: 686700097488420875 Invite
Modmail#4711 Modmail bot for Discord Developers server. 933795693162799156 Invite
ModMail#3422 This bot is in Discord Testers, used to report moderation concerns. 857624894018682900 Invite
BugMail!#0226 This bot is in Discord Testers, used to ask bug related questions by squashers(a rank in testers) and above. 604076766889377816 Invite
Hermes#2597 Used for publishing social feed in official Discord servers like Discord Townhall. 473962328384077844 Invite
Contact Mods#7700 Modmail bot for Discord Townhall. 889963798599966730 Invite
DAC Modmail#5194 Modmail bot for Discord Admin Community. 1002291261157412874 Invite
HypeBot#3626 Used in HypeSquad Events server to grant roles to members. 290910991175254016 Invite
Checkers in the Park#8198 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity and bot can be found in games lab server. 832013003968348200 Invite
Chess In The Park#9517 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity and bot can be found in games lab server. 832012774040141894 Invite

Addable bots

Username Description ID Invite
Pronoun Picker#1780 The Pronoun Picker bot made by leah#8888 (215143736114544640) is the ”off-the-shelf solution for server admins who want to enable users to self-select their pronouns”.Learn more at: 832258414603534380 Invite
AIRHORN SOLUTIONS#0001 It was the first bot made with the official Discord API. More information can be found at: 159800228088774656 Invite
Snowball Bot#9462 A bot to initiate snowball fights with other users. Learn more at: 914971233379045406 Invite
Trick'cord Treat#1944 Once you added the Halloween bot to your server, 40 unique trick-or-treaters would start knockin’ on your door for some sweet treats. This bot had 10 admin only commands and it was for Hallowen in 2020.Learn more about it at: 755580145078632508 Invite
FaqBot#6493 This bot is used in Discord Developers server to get answers to frequently asked questions. Has slash commands only for Discord Developers server. 896163273920090174 Invite
CG2 Staging#8884 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 832012730599735326 Invite
CG 3#0682 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 832012682520428625 Invite
CG 3 QA#1371 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 832012894068801636 Invite
CG3 Staging#3369 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 832012938398400562 Invite
CG4 Dev#5497 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 832013108234289153 Invite
PN Staging#7650 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 763116274876022855 Invite
Putt Party#2661 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 910224161476083792 Invite
Putt Party Stg#9888 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 945732077960188005 Invite
Putt Party QA#1887 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 945748195256979606 Invite
Putt Party#4538 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 945737671223947305 Invite
Sports Ball#3171 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity. 947957217959759964 Invite

Defunct bots

Username Description ID Invite
Bug-Bot#1660 This bot is in Discord Testers, was used to report bugs directly to trello. One of the two bots with bug hunter badge. 240545475118235648 Invite
EvilPebbles!#1028 This bot is in Discord Testers, was used to tally votes through Discord to assign a severity value to an issue. 453336737108983848 Invite
EvilDabbit#4988 The bot was used in Discord Testers, supposedly to report bugs. 413393370770046976 Invite
Wumpus#7422 This bot was made as a limited time bot. It had Automated chat feature. 767795423955648592 Invite
Discord Moderator Wumpus#6089 Used in an unknown server which was part of Discord's mod ecosystem. 838573381048991794 Invite
Rythm 1#8703 Confirmed by Rythm staff to be for use in servers owned by Discord. Was used in Discord Townhall until the bot stopped providing music. 814675248008003614 Invite
Rythm 2#3468 Confirmed by Rythm staff to be for use in servers owned by Discord. 814675395700850688 Invite
Rythm 3#2050 Confirmed by Rythm staff to be for use in servers owned by Discord. 814675464970043422 Invite
Deleted#6695 Just a bot account connected with a Discord application which was created for an activity.(Bot has been deleted) 832012854282158180 Invite
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new bot DAC Modmail#5194 ID: 1002291261157412874 used on Discord Admin Community

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avatar-remix#8483 (id: 1083422468263387227) source:

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