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Last active June 9, 2020 13:46
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First Approach to solving bg color detection
import sys # System bindings
import cv2 # OpenCV bindings
import numpy as np
class ColorAnalyser():
def __init__(self, imageLoc):
self.src = cv2.imread(imageLoc, 1) # Reads in image source
# Empty dictionary container to hold the colour frequencies
self.colors_count = {}
def count_colors(self):
# Splits image Mat into 3 color channels in individual 2D arrays
(channel_b, channel_g, channel_r) = cv2.split(self.src)
# Flattens the 2D single channel array so as to make it easier to iterate over it
channel_b = channel_b.flatten()
channel_g = channel_g.flatten() # ""
channel_r = channel_r.flatten() # ""
for i in range(len(channel_b)):
RGB = "(" + str(channel_r[i]) + "," + \
str(channel_g[i]) + "," + str(channel_b[i]) + ")"
if RGB in self.colors_count:
self.colors_count[RGB] += 1
self.colors_count[RGB] = 1
print("Colours counted")
def show_colors(self):
# Sorts dictionary by value
for keys in sorted(self.colors_count, key=self.colors_count.__getitem__):
# Prints 'key: value'
print(keys, ": ", self.colors_count[keys])
def main(self):
# Checks if an image was actually loaded and errors if it wasn't
if (self.src is None):
print("No image data. Check image location for typos")
# Counts the amount of instances of RGB values within the image
# Sorts and shows the colors ordered from least to most often occurance
# Waits for keypress before closing
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Checks if image was given as cli argument
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print("error: syntax is 'python /example/image/location.jpg'")
Analyser = ColorAnalyser(sys.argv[1])
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