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Last active December 23, 2021 08:44
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Some notes about the Hacking Attraction module of The Tao Of Badass
**Hacking your body**
- 3 points: who am I? who are you? how can I show you who I am?
- 3 things you should never think, these are knowledge/progress killer: "but that's not me", "that's not true" and "I already know this"
- accept your strengths, then improve your weaknesses
- pre-typing questions to know how you process information to reveal more about yourself:
- how do you energize? by spending time alone -> introvert (I)
- how do you take in information? I'm alone in my bedroom at night, eating in front of the computer, taking notes while watching a video about self-development -> sensor (S)
- how do you evaluate things? I rationalize things, I process more in my brain first -> thinker (T)
- how do you view time? I'm always late -> spontaneous perceiver (P)
- how do you know you've done a good job? I completed everything that needed to be done and I feel good about it -> internal frame
- how do you learn? one marker is on the left while the other is on the right. the one on the left is green while the other is black. they're not inclined in the same direction. both of their shadows are on their left. I think they're from the same brand -> different learner
- who are three people you admire? my brother, Laura and Jarod (The Pretender)
- what is the one quality about each that you admire most? my brother always finds the motivation to do things despite the obstacles, Laura is able to appreciate the simplest things (ex: the sun rays on her skin), Jarod always seeks to do good around him
- the qualities you listed previously are gold to you: they tell you the direction of your life, these are qualities you want to gain from others
- you already have those qualities, you're just not looking at them and focusing on your weaknesses instead. if you had all of them, you'd be fulfilled, however you feel like you don't have them
- if you're trying to get these qualities from the outside in, you won't get them, instead you have to recognize you already have them and cultivate them from the inside out
- intuitives and sensors have different approaches about how to meet women
- intuitives are better in fast moving high-energy situations, they see the big picture but have a hard time getting details down. 25% are intuitives
- sensors are detail-oriented, sometimes they don't get the big picture, they're very good at 1-on-1, they're really connected to people because they get the details, they communicate really well. 75% are sensors
- if you process through your emotions first, you're a feeler, if you process through your logic first, you're a thinker
- if you're on time and you're structured, you're a judger, if you're always late, you're a spontaneous perceiver
- judgers fall into the POA trap, they need structured things to do, they need a system for everything. the advantages are that you're really good at navigating familiar environments, especially with women. the drawbacks are that you're inflexible and judgemental, you can't change when things happen. you stick to what works and you plow better, they look at people as a whole and they dcide who they are automatically and they don't allow mental room for that person to change in their view.
- perceivers are really good in high-energy environments, quick on your toes, they calibrate quickly, they see the mistakes as they make them. their weaknesses are self-doubt, they never feel fully comfortable in their environment, they're always taking in new information constantly so they get overloaded, they have to use their emotions to learn (vulnerable at the beginning of an interaction)
- people with an external frame are very good at building rapport, they're always looking for a reaction out of someone, but they're very poor at plowing through resistance or dealing with tests
- people with an internal frame have an affinity for creating attraction but they're poor at calibrating and changing methods because they're not reading other people
- there are sameness learners, they look at how things are the same, they recognize patterns very well, how some people and situations are similar. their strength is in seeing the sameness in other things, they lay past lessons over new experiences. they automatically think that everyone else is exactly like them (same motivations, desires, insecurities) and they need a long time to learn a lesson becaue they have to have a lot of experiences to pull into a sameness group
- there are different learners, they take fewer trials/mistakes in order to learn, they learn very quickly from mistakes but they have very little consistency when it comes to success
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