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Created June 29, 2017 17:40
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How to use Devise inside of a Versionist scope without the version-name in the model's path prefix
# This is a nice-to-have so API doesn't keep showing up as Api
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.acronym 'API'
api_version(:module => "API::V1",:path => {:value => "api/v1"}) do
devise_for :users,
:as => :fancy, #removes "api_v1" from the derived model scope, but it cant be blank so pick something that doesn't contain the version.
:path => "", #removes "users" from the path so it is just "api/:ver/login"
# Here is where we add a custom, versioned, controller if we want one. It is not necessary though.
# :controllers => { :sessions => "api/v1/sessions" }, #routes our session to our custom controller
:path_names => { sign_in: 'login', sign_out: 'logout'} #changes the 'action' part of the path name, just flavour.
#if you need a scope, you must now include the scope you choose in devise_for :as. for example:
devise_scope :fancy_user do
#helper route so we can test with a logout link or url using GET
get :logout, :controller => :sessions, :action => :destroy
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darr1s commented Aug 20, 2017

Hi there, thanks for providing the snippet. However, I am getting an uninitialized constant issue, have you encounter this issue before?

I did not create any custom controllers for devise. My own controllers work fine living under /api/v1.

Thanks in advance.


  # For details on the DSL available within this file, see
  mount Rswag::Ui::Engine => '/api-docs'
  mount Rswag::Api::Engine => '/api-docs'
  # API version 1
  api_version(:module => "API::V1", :path => {:value => "api/v1"}) do
    resources :clubs
    resources :events
    resource :galleries do
      resources :images, :only => [:create, :destroy]
    devise_for  :users,
                :as => :default,
                :path => '',
                :path_names => {
                  sign_in: 'login',
                  sign_up: 'register',
                  sign_out: 'logout'
  devise_scope :default_user do
    get :logout, :controller => :sessions, :action => :destroy

** $ rails routes **

➜ rails routes
                          Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                            Controller#Action
                        rswag_ui        /api-docs                              Rswag::Ui::Engine
                       rswag_api        /api-docs                              Rswag::Api::Engine
                    api_v1_clubs GET    /api/v1/clubs(.:format)                api/v1/clubs#index
                                 POST   /api/v1/clubs(.:format)                api/v1/clubs#create
                     api_v1_club GET    /api/v1/clubs/:id(.:format)            api/v1/clubs#show
                                 PATCH  /api/v1/clubs/:id(.:format)            api/v1/clubs#update
                                 PUT    /api/v1/clubs/:id(.:format)            api/v1/clubs#update
                                 DELETE /api/v1/clubs/:id(.:format)            api/v1/clubs#destroy
                   api_v1_events GET    /api/v1/events(.:format)               api/v1/events#index
                                 POST   /api/v1/events(.:format)               api/v1/events#create
                    api_v1_event GET    /api/v1/events/:id(.:format)           api/v1/events#show
                                 PATCH  /api/v1/events/:id(.:format)           api/v1/events#update
                                 PUT    /api/v1/events/:id(.:format)           api/v1/events#update
                                 DELETE /api/v1/events/:id(.:format)           api/v1/events#destroy
         api_v1_galleries_images POST   /api/v1/galleries/images(.:format)     api/v1/images#create
          api_v1_galleries_image DELETE /api/v1/galleries/images/:id(.:format) api/v1/images#destroy
                api_v1_galleries GET    /api/v1/galleries(.:format)            api/v1/galleries#show
                                 PATCH  /api/v1/galleries(.:format)            api/v1/galleries#update
                                 PUT    /api/v1/galleries(.:format)            api/v1/galleries#update
                                 DELETE /api/v1/galleries(.:format)            api/v1/galleries#destroy
                                 POST   /api/v1/galleries(.:format)            api/v1/galleries#create
        new_default_user_session GET    /api/v1/login(.:format)                api/v1/sessions#new
            default_user_session POST   /api/v1/login(.:format)                api/v1/sessions#create
    destroy_default_user_session DELETE /api/v1/logout(.:format)               api/v1/sessions#destroy
       new_default_user_password GET    /api/v1/password/new(.:format)         api/v1/passwords#new
      edit_default_user_password GET    /api/v1/password/edit(.:format)        api/v1/passwords#edit
           default_user_password PATCH  /api/v1/password(.:format)             api/v1/passwords#update
                                 PUT    /api/v1/password(.:format)             api/v1/passwords#update
                                 POST   /api/v1/password(.:format)             api/v1/passwords#create
cancel_default_user_registration GET    /api/v1/cancel(.:format)               api/v1/registrations#cancel
   new_default_user_registration GET    /api/v1/register(.:format)             api/v1/registrations#new
  edit_default_user_registration GET    /api/v1/edit(.:format)                 api/v1/registrations#edit
       default_user_registration PATCH  /api/v1(.:format)                      api/v1/registrations#update
                                 PUT    /api/v1(.:format)                      api/v1/registrations#update
                                 DELETE /api/v1(.:format)                      api/v1/registrations#destroy
                                 POST   /api/v1(.:format)                      api/v1/registrations#create
                          logout GET    /logout(.:format)                      sessions#destroy

Routes for Rswag::Ui::Engine:
  root GET  /           rswag/ui/home#index

Routes for Rswag::Api::Engine:

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