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GeoSpark / xkcd1930.gml
Created December 19, 2017 00:56
A GraphML representation of XKCD comic no. 1930, including alt-text.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<key"text" attr.type="string" for="node" id="d0" />
<graph edgedefault="directed">
<node id="1">
<data key="d0">Did you know that</data>
<node id="2">
<data key="d0">the</data>
GeoSpark /
Created March 28, 2015 12:31
Python script to send commands to a Rigol scope (or any LXI/SCPI instrument) from first principles.
from zeroconf import *
import socket
import time
import requests
from lxml import etree
Basic steps for a Rigol DS1000Z-series scope