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Created September 16, 2017 21:34
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Portfolio - Anonymous
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<div class="header1 initial-hide"><span class="translucent-white-color">{[</span> Jaskaran <span class="translucent-white-color">]}</span></div>
<div class="header2 initial-hide" id="header-desc">I like to <span id="design-text"></span> <span id="and-text">and</span> <span id="and-text-mask">and</span> <span id="code-text"></span></div>
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<div id="about-desc" class="">Welcome to my Portfolio</div>
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Geek | Pizza | Tacos | Night Owl | Nerd | OOP | Developer | Designer | Android | Horror Movies | Reading | Animes | Peanut Butter | Game of Thrones | The Big Bang Theory | Linux | Humor | Hash Browns | Gaming
<div id="about-me" class="section-div">
<div class="header4">ABOUT ME</div>
<div id="about-me-info">
A man really likes technology. The man has passion for developing programs using Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. Additionally, the man is a minimalist who loves writing beautiful, efficient and elegant code. He also knows how to work with databases using SQL and is also expeirenced with linux. That man is <strong>me</strong>. Want someone to have around while eating pizza and have a nerdy talk? You got the guy...
<div id="edu" class="section-div">
<div class="header4">EDUCATION</div>
<div class="edu-school">
<div class="edu-info">
<div class="edu-course-name">
<div>Some Computer Dark Magic</div>
<div>Hogwards, outta nowhere.</div>
<div class="edu-school-time">2015 - Present</div>
<div class="edu-grades-container">
<div class="edu-course">
<div class="edu-progress">
<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="0.89">A</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Business Softwares
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="0.89">A</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Buhahaha - 2
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Some Designing
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<div class="edu-course">
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="0.89">A</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Some more designing maybe?
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="0.89">A</div>
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="0.79">B+</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Mathematics for Computing
<div class="edu-course-underline"></div>
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<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Object Oriented Programming 1 - JAVA
<div class="edu-course-underline"></div>
<div class="edu-course">
<div class="edu-progress">
<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Object Oriented Programming 2 - JAVA
<div class="edu-course-underline"></div>
<div class="edu-course">
<div class="edu-progress">
<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
<canvas class="edu-course-canvas" width="58" height="58"></canvas>
<div class="edu-course-desc">
Problem Solving/Programming Logic
<div class="edu-course-underline"></div>
<div class="edu-course">
<div class="edu-progress">
<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
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<div class="edu-course-desc">
Web Development
<div class="edu-course-underline"></div>
<div class="edu-course">
<div class="edu-progress">
<div class="edu-course-grade" data-number="1">A+</div>
<canvas class="edu-course-canvas" width="58" height="58"></canvas>
<div class="edu-course-desc">
Web Programming
<div class="edu-course-underline"></div>
<div class="edu-gpa-divider"></div>
<div id="gpa">GPA: 3.96</div>
<hr class="section-divider" />
<div id="skills" class="section-div">
<div id="skills-text" class="header4">SKILLS</div>
<div id="skill-dist"></div>
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<div id="skills-content">
<div class="skill-divider"></div>
<div class="skill-desc header2"><span class="skill-desc-title">Programming Languages</span></div>
<div class="skill-progress"><span class="header3 skill-title">Java</span><div class="skill-progressbar progress-java transition" data-progress="90"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress"><span class="header3 skill-title">HTML/CSS</span><div class="skill-progressbar progress-html" data-progress="90"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress"><span class="header3 skill-title">Javascript/JQuery</span><div class="skill-progressbar progress-javascript" data-progress="85"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress"><span class="header3 skill-title">PHP</span><div class="skill-progressbar progress-php" data-progress="40"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress"><span class="header3 skill-title">SQL</span><div class="skill-progressbar progress-sql" data-progress="65"></div></div>
<div class="skill-divider"></div>
<div class="skill-desc header2"><span class="skill-desc-title">Additional Skills</span></div>
<div class="skill-progress skill-white"><span class="header3 skill-title gray-color">Photoshop</span><div class="skill-progressbar skill-progressbar-white progress-photoshop" data-progress="95"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress skill-white"><span class="header3 skill-title gray-color">Visio</span><div class="skill-progressbar skill-progressbar-white progress-visio" data-progress="85"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress skill-white"><span class="header3 skill-title gray-color">Word/Powerpoint</span><div class="skill-progressbar skill-progressbar-white progress-powerpoint" data-progress="95"></div></div>
<div class="skill-divider"></div>
<div class="skill-desc header2"><span class="skill-desc-title">Attributes</span></div>
<div class="skill-progress skill-gray"><span class="header3 skill-title">Reliable</span><div class="skill-progressbar skill-progressbar-gray progress-reliable" data-progress="95"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress skill-gray"><span class="header3 skill-title">Multitasking</span><div class="skill-progressbar skill-progressbar-gray progress-multitask" data-progress="90"></div></div>
<div class="skill-progress skill-gray"><span class="header3 skill-title">Leadership</span><div class="skill-progressbar skill-progressbar-gray progress-leadership" data-progress="90"></div></div> <!--------------------------------------------------------->
<div class="skill-extra">
<div class="header2 skill-extra-title">Extra Interests</div>
<div class="skill-extra-item">Linux</div>
<div class="skill-extra-item">Android Embedded</div>
<div class="skill-extra-item">Spring Framework (Java)</div>
<div class="skill-extra-item">JDBC</div>
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<text x="50%" y="50%" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="text-after-edge" id="projects-text" fill="white">PROJECTS</text>
<text x="50%" y="50%" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="text-before-edge" id="projects-tagline-text">Some recent decents.</text>
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<div id="project-desc">
<span class="project-name project-attr">Super Mario</span>
<div class="project-attr-div"><span class="project-attr-text">Language: </span><span class="project-attr"></span></div>
<div class="project-attr-div"><span class="project-attr-text">Technologies: </span><span class="project-attr"></span></div>
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<div id="contact-text" class="header4">Contact Me</div>
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<div id="profiles-text">PROFILES</div>
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<div id="site-info">
Designed by Jaskaran
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var projectInfo = [[['Super Mario'], ['Java'], ['JavaFX'], ['A simple clone of first level of the classic NES Super Mario Bros with some added flavour of Dragon Ball Z anime. Made using pure JavaFX.']], [['MySQL-GUI'], ['Java'], ['Spring Framework | JDBC | Maven | Swing'], ['A basic MySQL GUI created in java. Allows few functions such as dynamically adding/removing data, tables and databases along with ability to modify the existing data.']], [['Falling Robots'], ['Java'], ['Becker Robots'], ['A simple java game created using basic multi-threading in which robots fall from top to bottom and player has to catch them.']]];
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function fadeTransformText($element, text) {
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