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Last active March 19, 2020 09:36
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Test that NRVO is performed on structs when using metaprogramming
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;
struct Foo1
@disable this(this);
@disable ref Foo1 opAssign () (auto ref Foo1 other);
void* ptr;
struct Foo2
@disable this(this);
@disable ref Foo2 opAssign () (auto ref Foo2 other);
void* ptr;
struct Foo
@disable this(this);
Foo1 f1;
Foo2 f2;
void main ()
Foo f = getFoo(null, null);
void* get (Target) (void* v1, void* v2)
if(is(Target == Foo1))
return v1;
void* get (Target) (void* v1, void* v2)
if(is(Target == Foo2))
return v2;
Foo getFoo (void* v1, void* v2)
Target convert (Target) ()
return Target(get!Target(v1, v2));
return Foo(staticMap!(convert, Fields!Foo));
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;
struct Container (T)
@disable this(this);
@disable ref Container opAssign () (auto ref Container other);
T value;
struct Foo2
@disable this(this);
@disable ref Foo2 opAssign () (auto ref Foo2 other);
string name;
struct Foo
@disable this(this);
Good type_;
union {
Container!string f1;
Container!(uint[2]) f2;
Container!(ubyte[4]) f3;
Container!(ulong[2]) f4;
enum Good
void main ()
Foo f = getFood(Good.Croissant);
// This is what we would like to do:
version (none) Foo getFood (Good type)
final switch (type)
case Good.Baguette:
Foo f = { type_: type, f1: typeof(Foo.f1)("Hello World") };
return f;
case Good.Croissant:
Foo f = { type_: type, f2: typeof(Foo.f2)([42, 84]) };
return f;
case Good.Choucroute:
Foo f = { type_: type, f3: typeof(Foo.f3)([1, 2, 3, 4]) };
return f;
case Good.Chocolat:
Foo f = { type_: type, f4: typeof(Foo.f4)([ulong.max, ulong.max / 2]) };
return f;
else // This is what we *actually* need to do
Foo getFood (Good type)
final switch (type)
case Good.Baguette:
return forceNRVO!(Good.Baguette)();
case Good.Croissant:
return forceNRVO!(Good.Croissant)();
case Good.Choucroute:
return forceNRVO!(Good.Choucroute)();
case Good.Chocolat:
return forceNRVO!(Good.Chocolat)();
auto forceNRVO (Good type) ()
static if (type == Good.Baguette)
Foo f = { type_: type, f1: typeof(Foo.f1)("Hello World") };
return f;
else static if (type == Good.Croissant)
Foo f = { type_: type, f2: typeof(Foo.f2)([42, 84]) };
return f;
else static if (type == Good.Choucroute)
Foo f = { type_: type, f3: typeof(Foo.f3)([1, 2, 3, 4]) };
return f;
else static if (type == Good.Chocolat)
Foo f = { type_: type, f4: typeof(Foo.f4)([ulong.max, ulong.max / 2]) };
return f;
static assert(0, "Unsupported enum value: " ~ type.stringof);
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