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Created May 3, 2020 19:31
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Benchmarking D's exception implementation
/// Context: I am currently working on improving debug info formatting in druntime
/// There are a few obvious things which are **very** wrong and performances seem abysmal.
/// The following is the first benchmark code I came up with:
import std.stdio;
void main ()
catch (Exception e)
void foo ()
// Using an empty delegate and a pre-allocated exception to avoid benchmarking
// the GC or IO. We only want the overhead of throwing / catching exceptions
scope void delegate(const(char)[] chunk) devNull = (const(char)[] chunk) {};
Exception e = new Exception("Statically allocated");
foreach (i; 0 .. 100_000) // Started with 1M, was a bad idea
try bar(e);
catch (Exception ce)
// Also check the overhead of no-op `toString`
// This triggers the backtrace code in `rt.backtrace.dwarf`
version (WithStackTrace) ce.toString(devNull);
void bar (Exception e)
if (e !is null)
throw e;
// Benchmarking time!
// I used with `--warmup 3` as argument
// (`hyperfine --warmup 3 ./benchmark_exceptions.d`)
// Our test matrix has 4 dimensions:
// - Platform: OSX 10.15.4 or Alpine Linux Edge (on docker for Mac, so expect worse results)
// - Compiler (dmd v2.091.1, ldc v1.21.0)
// - With or without debug infos (`-g` flag)
// - With or without `version=WithStackTrace`
//////////////////// OSX ////////////////////
// Command: dmd benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 291.4 ms ± 17.3 ms [User: 289.1 ms, System: 0.8 ms]
// Range (min … max): 270.3 ms … 320.9 ms 10 runs
// Command: dmd -g benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 288.5 ms ± 11.4 ms [User: 286.5 ms, System: 0.7 ms]
// Range (min … max): 270.9 ms … 303.5 ms 10 runs
// As we can see, not much difference ATM when `-g` is added, because it is simply not used.
// Command: dmd -version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 7.883 s ± 0.683 s [User: 7.851 s, System: 0.014 s]
// Range (min … max): 7.261 s … 9.121 s 10 runs
// Wow, that's quite a slowdown. Bear in mind that without `-g`, printing a stack trace
// will simply print the names of the functions, not the file/line informations.
// The difference with the previous case is 7.6s, that is, 76ms per `toString` call.
// There is a large variance, which suggest that GC pauses are involved.
// Command: dmd -g -version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 25.005 s ± 1.646 s [User: 24.879 s, System: 0.058 s]
// Range (min … max): 22.518 s … 27.120 s 10 runs
// Yep, this test took *5 minutes* to complete. When both `-g-` and `-version=WithStackTrace` are used,
// file and line informations are read and printed, but that adds almost 250ms of overhead.
// 250ms is a *quarter* of a second, and having it being the default formatting is not doing us a favor.
// Time to benchmark LDC...
// Command: ldc2 benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 92.9 ms ± 1.5 ms [User: 90.8 ms, System: 1.8 ms]
// Range (min … max): 90.4 ms … 96.2 ms 31 runs
// Things look good! It's already > 3 times faster than DMD.
// Now, DMD is touted as the development compiler, while LDC is the production compiler,
// so it's only fair that we include `-O` in our tests.
// However, for this test, I've not seen any difference when using `-O`, `-O2`, `-O3`.
// I also tested with `-g`. While it did slow things down a tiny bit, it is not worth dwelving over.
// Command: ldc2 --d-version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 28.095 s ± 0.927 s [User: 27.960 s, System: 0.064 s]
// Range (min … max): 26.622 s … 29.746 s 10 runs
// This is an interesting result. While pure exception was faster than DMD,
// attempting to print the stack trace absolutely destroys performances,
// and is 3 times slower than DMD.
// I was quite surprised by this, so I did a run with `-O3`.
// It did improve things, but the results were still >= 25s.
// Command: ldc2 -g --d-version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 32.255 s ± 1.591 s [User: 31.996 s, System: 0.088 s]
// Range (min … max): 30.589 s … 35.812 s 10 runs
// Command: ldc2 -O2 -g --d-version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 24.505 s ± 1.482 s [User: 24.396 s, System: 0.052 s]
// Range (min … max): 22.569 s … 26.980 s 10 runs
// So as we can see, things are *extermely* slow, with a single run > 22 seconds.
// Of course this benchmark is artificial and incomplete.
// First, because you usually don't need to throw 100k exceptions and print their stack trace.
// Second, because it was done on a work machine that is being used, so system use affect output.
// It however does show a trend, and that there are likely many low hanging fruits here.
//////////////////// Linux ////////////////////
// Command: dmd benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 303.4 ms ± 13.7 ms [User: 292.3 ms, System: 2.4 ms]
// Range (min … max): 284.4 ms … 323.5 ms 10 runs
// Not much difference (bear in mind we're running inside a VM).
// Command: dmd -version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// A run was > 12 minutes, I gave up...
// I then reduces the sample size from 100_000 to 1_000
// Time (mean ± σ): 6.797 s ± 0.351 s [User: 284.1 ms, System: 827.5 ms]
// Range (min … max): 6.214 s … 7.419 s 10 runs
// We can see it scales linearly, as 100 times more would be ~12 minutes.
// dmd -g -version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 7.337 s ± 0.551 s [User: 530.5 ms, System: 880.0 ms]
// Range (min … max): 6.497 s … 8.351 s 10 runs
// Not bad considering how slow it is on Mac...
// Command: ldc2 --d-version=WithStackTrace benchmark_exceptions.d
// Time (mean ± σ): 17.5 ms ± 2.0 ms [User: 8.7 ms, System: 1.9 ms]
// Range (min … max): 13.6 ms … 23.8 ms 185 runs
// This result should have anyone suspicious. Because indeed, it simply doesn't work,
// on does not simply get a stack trace with LDC on Linux (or at least Alpine).
// See
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