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Created November 11, 2023 15:02
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ulong (UInt64) compression based on
byte[] EliasFanoCompress(ulong[] UlongsArray)
long maxCompressedSize = (long)((2 + Math.Ceiling(Math.Log((double)UlongsArray[UlongsArray.Length - 1] / (double)UlongsArray.Length, 2))) * UlongsArray.Length / 8) + 6;
byte[] compressedBuffer = new byte[maxCompressedSize];
ulong compressedBufferPointer2 = 0;
ulong compressedBufferPointer1 = 0;
UInt64 lastID = 0;
UInt64 buffer1 = 0;
UInt64 bufferLength1 = 0;
UInt64 buffer2 = 0;
UInt64 bufferLength2 = 0;
ulong largestblockID = (ulong)UlongsArray[UlongsArray.Length - 1];
double averageDelta = (double)largestblockID / (double)UlongsArray.Length;
double averageDeltaLog = Math.Log(averageDelta, 2);
ulong lowBitsLength = (ulong)Math.Floor(averageDeltaLog);
if (lowBitsLength < 0) lowBitsLength = 0;
ulong lowBitsMask = (((ulong)1 << (int)lowBitsLength) - 1);
compressedBufferPointer2 = lowBitsLength * (ulong)UlongsArray.Length / 8 + 6;
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)(UlongsArray.Length & 255);
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)((UlongsArray.Length >> 8) & 255);
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)((UlongsArray.Length >> 16) & 255);
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)((UlongsArray.Length >> 24) & 255);
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)lowBitsLength;
foreach (ulong docID in UlongsArray)
ulong docIdDelta = (docID - lastID - 1);
buffer1 <<= (int)lowBitsLength;
buffer1 |= (docIdDelta & lowBitsMask);
bufferLength1 += lowBitsLength;
while (bufferLength1 > 7)
bufferLength1 -= 8;
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)(buffer1 >> (int)bufferLength1);
ulong unaryCodeLength = (ulong)(docIdDelta >> (int)lowBitsLength) + 1;
buffer2 <<= (int)unaryCodeLength;
buffer2 |= 1;
bufferLength2 += unaryCodeLength;
while (bufferLength2 > 7)
bufferLength2 -= 8;
compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer2++] = (byte)(buffer2 >> (int)bufferLength2);
lastID = docID;
if (bufferLength1 > 0) compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer1++] = (byte)(buffer1 << (int)(8 - bufferLength1));
if (bufferLength2 > 0) compressedBuffer[compressedBufferPointer2++] = (byte)(buffer2 << (int)(8 - bufferLength2));
Array.Resize(ref compressedBuffer, (int)compressedBufferPointer2);
return compressedBuffer;
public static UInt64[,] decodingTableHighBits = new UInt64[256, 8];
public static byte[] decodingTableNumber = new byte[256];
public static byte[] decodingTableHighBitsCarryover = new byte[256];
UInt64[] EliasFanoDecompress(byte[] compressedBuffer)
if (decodingTableHighBitsCarryover[0] == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
byte zeroCount = 0;
for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
if ((i & (1 << j)) > 0)
decodingTableHighBits[i, decodingTableNumber[i]] = zeroCount;
zeroCount = 0;
else zeroCount++;
decodingTableHighBitsCarryover[i] = zeroCount;
UInt64 compressedBufferPointer = (ulong)compressedBuffer.LongLength;
UInt64 resultPointer = 0;
ulong lowBitsPointer = 0;
ulong lastDocID = 0;
ulong docID = 0;
UInt64 postingListCount = compressedBuffer[lowBitsPointer++];
postingListCount |= (UInt64)compressedBuffer[lowBitsPointer++] << 8;
postingListCount |= (UInt64)compressedBuffer[lowBitsPointer++] << 16;
postingListCount |= (UInt64)compressedBuffer[lowBitsPointer++] << 24;
ulong[] decompressedUlongs = new ulong[postingListCount];
byte lowBitsLength = compressedBuffer[lowBitsPointer++];
byte lowBitsCount = 0;
byte lowBits = 0;
byte cb = 1;
for (UInt64 highBitsPointer = lowBitsLength * postingListCount / 8 + 6; highBitsPointer < compressedBufferPointer; highBitsPointer++)
docID += decodingTableHighBitsCarryover[cb];
cb = compressedBuffer[highBitsPointer];
UInt64 docIdNumber = decodingTableNumber[cb];
for (UInt64 i = 0; i < docIdNumber; i++)
docID <<= lowBitsCount;
docID |= lowBits & ((1u << lowBitsCount) - 1u);
while (lowBitsCount < lowBitsLength)
docID <<= 8;
lowBits = compressedBuffer[lowBitsPointer++];
docID |= lowBits;
lowBitsCount += 8;
lowBitsCount -= lowBitsLength;
docID >>= lowBitsCount;
docID += (decodingTableHighBits[cb, i] << lowBitsLength) + lastDocID + 1u;
decompressedUlongs[resultPointer++] = docID;
lastDocID = docID;
docID = 0;
return decompressedUlongs;
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