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Last active September 11, 2022 18:09
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  • Save GeordieP/087ff64c673aa97302b6bf056189a605 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GeordieP/087ff64c673aa97302b6bf056189a605 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GP fish_prompt (goes in ~/.config/fish/functions)
function fish_prompt --description 'Write out the prompt'
set -l last_status $status
set -l normal (set_color normal)
set -l status_color (set_color brgreen)
set -l cwd_color (set_color brblue)
set -l vcs_color (set_color brblue)
set -l separator_color (set_color brblack)
set -l prompt_status ""
# Since we display the prompt on a new line allow the directory names to be longer.
set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length
or set -lx fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0
# Color the prompt differently when we're root
set -l prefix '❯'
if functions -q fish_is_root_user; and fish_is_root_user
if set -q fish_color_cwd_root
set cwd_color (set_color $fish_color_cwd_root)
set prefix 'root❯'
# Color the prompt and separator line red on error
if test $last_status -ne 0
set status_color (set_color $fish_color_error)
set prompt_status $status_color $last_status ' ' $normal
set separator_color (set_color brred)
### print a full-width separator line. if last status was non-0, make it red:
echo $separator_color
string pad -w$COLUMNS --char=─ ''
# string pad -w$COLUMNS --char=_ '' # alternate: using an underscore characte # string pad -w$COLUMNS --char=_ '' # alt charatr
### print main prompt; last exit status (if non zero) // current dir // git branch and status icon:
echo -s $prompt_status $status_color $prefix ' ' $cwd_color (prompt_pwd) $normal ' ' (git_display)
### an empty extra newline for user input:
echo -n -s $normal
function git_display --description 'Format the git status display'
# modifed, og from Terlar prompt
set -q __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate 1
set -q __fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles 1
set -q __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints 1
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles yellow
set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles '?'
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate red
set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate '!'
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate yellow
set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate '●'
set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate '✚'
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_cleanstate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_cleanstate green
set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_cleanstate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_cleanstate ' ✓'
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate yellow
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_dirty
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_dirty yellow
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_staged
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_staged yellow
set -q __fish_git_prompt_color_branch
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch green
set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator
or set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator ' '
fish_vcs_prompt '%s'
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