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Created March 14, 2021 18:08
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class BarcodeGraphic internal constructor(
overlay: GraphicOverlay<*>?,
private val viewModel: PickCompleteViewModel?,
private val lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner
) : Graphic(overlay!!) {
var id = 0
private val rectPaint = Paint().apply {
color = GREEN
style = Paint.Style.FILL
alpha = 50
private val textPaint = Paint().apply {
color = BLACK
textSize = 42.0f
private val backgroundPaint = Paint().apply { color = WHITE }
private val redPaint = Paint().apply { color = RED }
private val greenPaint = Paint().apply { color = GREEN }
private val whiteTextPaint = Paint().apply {
color = WHITE
textSize = 48.0f
private var prodName = ""
private var isClick = false
var barcode: Barcode? = null
private set
fun updateItem(barcode: Barcode?) {
this.barcode = barcode
override fun draw(canvas: Canvas?) {
val barcode = barcode ?: return
val rect = RectF(barcode.boundingBox).apply {
left = translateX(left)
top = translateY(top)
right = translateX(right)
bottom = translateY(bottom)
canvas?.drawRect(this, rectPaint)
val productId = barcode.rawValue.takeLastWhile { it.isDigit() }
viewModel?.products?.observe(lifecycleOwner) {
it?.let {
it.forEach {
try {
if ( == productId.toInt()) {
prodName =
isClick = it.clickStatus == 1
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
if (prodName.isNotEmpty()) {
val background: Rect = getTextBackgroundSize(rect.left, rect.bottom + 100, prodName, textPaint)
canvas?.drawRect(background, backgroundPaint)
val buttonRect: Rect = getButtonBackground(rect.left, rect.bottom + 200, prodName, textPaint)
val halfTextLength = textPaint.measureText(prodName) / 2 + 5
if (isClick) {
canvas!!.drawRect(buttonRect, redPaint)
drawRectText(DELETE, canvas, buttonRect)
} else {
canvas!!.drawRect(buttonRect, greenPaint)
drawRectText(ADD, canvas, buttonRect)
viewModel?.setRect(background, buttonRect, prodName)
canvas.drawText(prodName, (rect.left - halfTextLength), rect.bottom + 100, textPaint)
private fun getTextBackgroundSize(x: Float, y: Float, text: String, paint: Paint): Rect {
val fontMetrics = paint.fontMetrics
val halfTextLength = paint.measureText(text) / 2 + 5
val margin = 20
return Rect(
(x - halfTextLength - margin).toInt(),
(y + - margin).toInt(),
(x + halfTextLength + margin).toInt(),
(y + fontMetrics.bottom + margin).toInt()
private fun getButtonBackground(x: Float, y: Float, text: String, paint: Paint): Rect {
val fontMetrics = paint.fontMetrics
val halfTextLength = paint.measureText(text) / 2 + 5
val margin = 20
return if (halfTextLength > 200) {
(x - (halfTextLength / 2) - margin).toInt(),
(y + - margin).toInt(),
(x + (halfTextLength / 2) + margin).toInt(),
(y + fontMetrics.bottom + margin).toInt()
} else {
(x - halfTextLength - margin).toInt(),
(y + - margin).toInt(),
(x + halfTextLength + margin).toInt(),
(y + fontMetrics.bottom + margin).toInt()
private fun drawRectText(text: String, canvas: Canvas, r: Rect) {
whiteTextPaint.textAlign = Align.CENTER
val width = r.width()
val numOfChars = whiteTextPaint.breakText(text, true, width.toFloat(), null)
val start = (text.length - numOfChars) / 2
canvas.drawText(text, start, start + numOfChars, r.exactCenterX(), r.exactCenterY() + 15, whiteTextPaint)
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