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Created July 7, 2016 03:19
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Tweaked code from Jens Jensen to run in ESP8266 Arduino environment
accurite 5n1 weather station decoder
for arduino and 433 MHz OOK RX module
Note: use superhet (with xtal) rx board
the regen rx boards are too noisy
Jens Jensen, (c)2015
// pulse timings
#define SYNC_HI 675
#define SYNC_LO 550
#define HIGH 1
#define LONG_HI 475
#define LONG_LO 350
#define LOW 0
#define SHORT_HI 275
#define SHORT_LO 150
#define RESETTIME 10000
// other settables
#define LED 13
#define PIN D2 // data pin from 433 RX module
#define MAXBITS 65 // max framesize
//#define DEBUG 1 // uncomment to enable debugging
#define DEBUGPIN D1 // pin for triggering logic analyzer
#define METRIC_UNITS 0 // select display of metric or imperial units
// sync states
#define RESET 0 // no sync yet
#define INSYNC 1 // sync pulses detected
#define SYNCDONE 2 // complete sync header received
volatile unsigned int pulsecnt = 0;
volatile unsigned long risets = 0; // track rising edge time
volatile unsigned int syncpulses = 0; // track sync pulses
volatile byte state = RESET;
volatile byte buf[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // msg frame buffer
volatile bool reading = false; // have valid reading
volatile bool flag = false;
unsigned int raincounter = 0;
// wind directions:
// { "NW", "WSW", "WNW", "W", "NNW", "SW", "N", "SSW",
// "ENE", "SE", "E", "ESE", "NE", "SSE", "NNE", "S" };
const float winddirections[] = { 315.0, 247.5, 292.5, 270.0,
337.5, 225.0, 0.0, 202.5,
67.5, 135.0, 90.0, 112.5,
45.0, 157.5, 22.5, 180.0 };
// wx message types
#define MT_WS_WD_RF 49 // wind speed, wind direction, rainfall
#define MT_WS_T_RH 56 // wind speed, temp, RH
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println(F("Starting Acurite5n1 433 WX Decoder v0.3 ..."));
pinMode(PIN, INPUT);
raincounter = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
// setup a pin for triggering logic analyzer for debugging pulse train
digitalWrite(DEBUGPIN, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(PIN, My_ISR, CHANGE);
void loop()
if (reading) {
// reading found
if (acurite_crc(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
// passes crc, good message
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
#ifdef DEBUG
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(F("CRC OK"));
float windspeedkph = getWindSpeed(buf[3], buf[4]);
Serial.print("windspeed: ");
Serial.print(windspeedkph, 1);
Serial.print(" km/h, ");
else {
Serial.print(convKphMph(windspeedkph), 1);
Serial.print(" mph, ");
int msgtype = (buf[2] & 0x3F);
if (msgtype == MT_WS_WD_RF) {
// wind speed, wind direction, rainfall
float rainfall = 0.00;
unsigned int curraincounter = getRainfallCounter(buf[5], buf[6]);
if (raincounter > 0) {
// track rainfall difference after first run
rainfall = (curraincounter - raincounter) * 0.01;
else {
// capture starting counter
raincounter = curraincounter;
float winddir = getWindDirection(buf[4]);
Serial.print("wind direction: ");
Serial.print(winddir, 1);
Serial.print(", rain gauge: ");
Serial.print(convInMm(rainfall), 1);
Serial.print(" mm");
else {
Serial.print(rainfall, 2);
Serial.print(" inches");
else if (msgtype == MT_WS_T_RH) {
// wind speed, temp, RH
float tempf = getTempF(buf[4], buf[5]);
int humidity = getHumidity(buf[6]);
bool batteryok = ((buf[2] & 0x40) >> 6);
Serial.print("temp: ");
Serial.print(convFC(tempf), 1);
Serial.print(" C, ");
else {
Serial.print(tempf, 1);
Serial.print(" F, ");
Serial.print("humidity: ");
Serial.print(" %RH, battery: ");
if (batteryok) {
else {
else {
Serial.print("unknown msgtype: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
// time
unsigned int timesincestart = millis() / 60 / 1000;
Serial.print(", mins since start: ");
else {
// failed CRC
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F("CRC BAD"));
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
reading = false;
bool acurite_crc(volatile byte row[], int cols)
// sum of first n-1 bytes modulo 256 should equal nth byte
cols -= 1; // last byte is CRC
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
sum += row[i];
if (sum != 0 && sum % 256 == row[cols]) {
return true;
else {
return false;
float getTempF(byte hibyte, byte lobyte)
// range -40 to 158 F
int highbits = (hibyte & 0x0F) << 7;
int lowbits = lobyte & 0x7F;
int rawtemp = highbits | lowbits;
float temp = (rawtemp - 400) / 10.0;
return temp;
float getWindSpeed(byte hibyte, byte lobyte)
// range: 0 to 159 kph
int highbits = (hibyte & 0x7F) << 3;
int lowbits = (lobyte & 0x7F) >> 4;
float speed = highbits | lowbits;
// speed in m/s formula according to empirical data
if (speed > 0) {
speed = speed * 0.23 + 0.28;
float kph = speed * 60 * 60 / 1000;
return kph;
float getWindDirection(byte b)
// 16 compass points, ccw from (NNW) to 15 (N),
// { "NW", "WSW", "WNW", "W", "NNW", "SW", "N", "SSW",
// "ENE", "SE", "E", "ESE", "NE", "SSE", "NNE", "S" };
int direction = b & 0x0F;
return winddirections[direction];
int getHumidity(byte b)
// range: 1 to 99 %RH
int humidity = b & 0x7F;
return humidity;
int getRainfallCounter(byte hibyte, byte lobyte)
// range: 0 to 99.99 in, 0.01 increment rolling counter
int raincounter = ((hibyte & 0x7f) << 7) | (lobyte & 0x7F);
return raincounter;
float convKphMph(float kph)
return kph * 0.62137;
float convFC(float f)
return (f - 32) / 1.8;
float convInMm(float in)
return in * 25.4;
void My_ISR()
flag = true;
unsigned long timestamp;
unsigned long duration;
void doloop()
if (!flag)
flag = false;
// decode the pulses
timestamp = micros();
if (digitalRead(PIN) == HIGH) {
// going high, start timing
if (timestamp - risets > RESETTIME) {
// detect reset condition
state = RESET;
syncpulses = 0;
pulsecnt = 0;
risets = timestamp;
// going low
duration = timestamp - risets;
if (state == RESET || state == INSYNC) {
// looking for sync pulses
if ((SYNC_LO) < duration && duration < (SYNC_HI)) {
// start counting sync pulses
state = INSYNC;
if (syncpulses > 3) {
// found complete sync header
state = SYNCDONE;
syncpulses = 0;
pulsecnt = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
// quick debug to trigger logic analyzer at sync
digitalWrite(DEBUGPIN, LOW);
else {
// not interested, reset
syncpulses = 0;
pulsecnt = 0;
state = RESET;
#ifdef DEBUG
digitalWrite(DEBUGPIN, HIGH); //return trigger
else {
// SYNCDONE, now look for message
// detect if finished here
if (pulsecnt > MAXBITS) {
state = RESET;
pulsecnt = 0;
reading = true;
// stuff buffer with message
byte bytepos = pulsecnt >> 3;
byte bitpos = 7 - (pulsecnt % 8); // reverse bitorder
if (LONG_LO < duration && duration < LONG_HI) {
bitSet(buf[bytepos], bitpos);
else if (SHORT_LO < duration && duration < SHORT_HI) {
bitClear(buf[bytepos], bitpos);
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