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Created August 27, 2009 21:54
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  • Save GeorgeJahad/176595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GeorgeJahad/176595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
First create a server with a socket repl using
(defn start-server[host port]
(create-repl-server port)
Then create a bunch of netbots and have each use a repl to communicate
with the server repl. Have that repl request a new job from
the server each time it finishes a job:
(defn start-client[host port]
(let [s (Socket. host port)
in (.getInputStream s)
rdr (LineNumberingPushbackReader. (InputStreamReader. in))
wrtr (OutputStreamWriter. (.getOutputStream s))]
(loop []
;; skip repl prompt
(read rdr)
(println "time is " (.getTime (Calendar/getInstance)))
(binding [*out* wrtr]
(println "(packer/get-next-job)"))
(if-let [job (read rdr)]
(eval job)
(println "end time is " (.getTime (Calendar/getInstance)))))))
Then define packer/get-next-job to return what ever
jobs you want to the netbots. For example, I'm running the following
right now on 17netbots on the cluster, to feed them packing jobs from
a list of remaining collections:
(defn get-next-job []
(if-let [next-job (first @remaining-jobs)]
(swap! remaining-jobs #(next %))
`(packer-run nil
~next-job ~(.substring next-job (.length "/mnt/data/"))]))
If I want to change up the jobs I'm serving, I just go to the server
repl and redefine get-next-job, e.g to put the netbots to sleep:
(defn get-next-job []
'(Thread/sleep 60000))
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