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Created October 2, 2011 22:12
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How I Got My iPad 2
set iPadWifiOr3G to button returned of (display dialog "Choose whether you're looking for a WiFi or a Wifi + 3G iPad." buttons {"WiFi", "WiFi+3G"})
set iPadModel to iPadWifiOr3G
if iPadWifiOr3G contains "WiFi+3G" then
set iPadDataPlan to button returned of (display dialog "Select the carrier you'd like to use." buttons {"AT&T", "Verizon"})
set iPadModel to iPadModel & " " & iPadDataPlan
end if
set iPadColor to button returned of (display dialog "Select the color of iPad you're looking for." buttons {"Black", "White"})
set iPadModel to iPadModel & " " & iPadColor
set iPadStorage to button returned of (display dialog "Select the size of iPad you're looking for." buttons {"16GB", "32GB", "64GB"})
set iPadModel to iPadModel & " " & iPadStorage
set alliPadModels to {"WiFi Black 16GB", "WiFi Black 32GB", "WiFi Black 64GB", "WiFi White 16GB", "WiFi White 32GB", "WiFi White 64GB", "WiFi+3G AT&T Black 16GB", "WiFi+3G AT&T Black 32GB", "WiFi+3G AT&T Black 64GB", "WiFi+3G AT&T White 16GB", "WiFi+3G AT&T White 32GB", "WiFi+3G AT&T White 64GB", "WiFi+3G Verizon Black 16GB", "WiFi+3G Verizon Black 32GB", "WiFi+3G Verizon Black 64GB", "WiFi+3G Verizon White 16GB", "WiFi+3G Verizon White 32GB", "WiFi+3G Verizon White 64GB"}
set allCorrespondingTargetDCPINumbers to {"057-10-1830", "057-10-1831", "057-10-1832", "057-10-1839", "057-10-1840", "057-10-1841", "057-10-1833", "057-10-1834", "057-10-1835", "057-10-1842", "057-10-1843", "057-10-1844", "057-10-1836", "057-10-1837", "057-10-1838", "057-10-1845", "057-10-1846", "057-10-1847"}
set DCPINumber to item indexOfItemInList(alliPadModels, iPadModel) of allCorrespondingTargetDCPINumbers
set zipCode to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your zip code so nearby Target stores can be located and checked for iPad availability. (Only valid zip codes are allowed.)" default answer "Ex. 12345")
if (count of (characters of zipCode)) is 5 then
set zipCode to zipCode as number
exit repeat
on error
set zipCode to text returned of (display dialog "That was not a valid zip code. Try again." default answer "Ex. 12345")
end try
set zipCode to text returned of (display dialog "That was not a valid zip code. Try again." default answer "Ex. 12345")
end if
end repeat
set emailAddress to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the email address at which you'd like to be notified when the iPad you're looking for becomes available. (And just do it right, because this one isn't getting checked.)" default answer "Ex.")
set targetStoreiPadStockInfo to (do shell script "curl -s --data \"_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&asin=&dpci=" & DCPINumber & "&zipcode=" & zipCode & "&city=&state=\" | grep -A 2 strong | sed -e 's/<p><strong>//' -e 's/<\\/strong><br\\/>//' -e 's/<br \\/>//' -e 's/<\\/p>//' -e 's/--//' -e 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//'") -- This is Garrett Murray's Shell Script. Thanks!
set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ((return as text) & (return as text))
set targetStores to text items of targetStoreiPadStockInfo
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
set targetStoresWithiPads to {}
repeat with targetStore in targetStores
if targetStore does not contain "Out Of Stock" then set targetStoresWithiPads to targetStoresWithiPads & targetStore
--if targetStore contains "Out Of Stock" then set targetStoresWithiPads to targetStoresWithiPads & targetStore -- This is for testing. Don't use it.
end repeat
if (count of targetStoresWithiPads) is greater than 0 then
set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ((return as text) & (return as text))
set targetStoresWithiPadsString to (targetStoresWithiPads as string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
set iPadAlertMessage to "The iPad 2 " & iPadModel & " is available in the following stores:" & (return as text) & (return as text) & targetStoresWithiPadsString & (return as text) & (return as text) & "Act fast!"
tell application "Mail"
set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Your iPad is Available!", content:iPadAlertMessage, visible:false}
tell theNewMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:emailAddress}
end tell
end tell
end if
delay 60
end repeat
on indexOfItemInList(theList, theItem)
set itemIndex to 0
repeat with i from 1 to (count of items in theList)
if (item i of theList) is equal to theItem then
set itemIndex to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return itemIndex
end indexOfItemInList
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