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Last active April 18, 2022 11:55
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  • Save GeorgeWeb/ff908516bfe57f107bc36822dbdfe145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GeorgeWeb/ff908516bfe57f107bc36822dbdfe145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple example of a 'SYCL profiling' wrapper class for kernels running on a device with OpenCL support
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
namespace sycl = cl::sycl;
using wall_clock_t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
using time_point_t = std::chrono::time_point<wall_clock_t>;
template <typename T, class Period>
using time_interval_t = std::chrono::duration<T, Period>;
template <typename T>
class example_profiler final {
using event_list = std::vector<cl::sycl::event>;
using time_point_list = std::vector<time_point_t>;
example_profiler() = default;
example_profiler(event_list& events, const time_point_list& starts) {
profile(events, starts);
void profile(event_list& eventList, const time_point_list& startTimeList) {
if (startTimeList.size() != eventList.size()) {
std::string errMsg =
"The number of events do not match the number of starting time "
throw std::runtime_error("Profiling Error:\n" + errMsg);
T cgSubmissionTime = 0;
T kernExecutionTime = 0;
T realExecutionTime = 0;
const auto eventCount = eventList.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i) {
auto curEvent =;
auto curStartTime =;
const auto end = wall_clock_t::now();
time_interval_t<T, std::milli> curRealExecutionTime = end - curStartTime;
realExecutionTime += curRealExecutionTime.count();
const auto cgSubmissionTimePoint = curEvent.template get_profiling_info<
const auto startKernExecutionTimePoint =
curEvent.template get_profiling_info<
const auto endKernExecutionTimePoint =
curEvent.template get_profiling_info<
cgSubmissionTime +=
to_milli(startKernExecutionTimePoint - cgSubmissionTimePoint);
kernExecutionTime +=
to_milli(endKernExecutionTimePoint - startKernExecutionTimePoint);
inline T get_command_group_submission_time() const {
return m_profData.cgSubmissionTime;
inline T get_kernel_execution_time() const {
return m_profData.kernExecutionTime;
inline T get_real_execution_time() const {
return m_profData.realExecutionTime;
struct profiling_data {
T cgSubmissionTime{0}; // command group submission time
T kernExecutionTime{0}; // exact computation time on the device
T realExecutionTime{0}; // wall clock time
profiling_data m_profData;
inline void set_command_group_submission_time(T cgSubmissionTime) {
m_profData.cgSubmissionTime = cgSubmissionTime;
inline void set_kernel_execution_time(T kernExecutionTime) {
m_profData.kernExecutionTime = kernExecutionTime;
inline void set_real_execution_time(T realExecutionTime) {
m_profData.realExecutionTime = realExecutionTime;
inline T to_milli(T timeValue) const {
return timeValue * static_cast<T>(1e-6);
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