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Last active August 5, 2017 10:42
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  • Save GeorgiyRyaposov/21ebbc73909730eb2001c00ca4f85923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GeorgiyRyaposov/21ebbc73909730eb2001c00ca4f85923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save\load data with BinaryFormatter\json in Unity3d for builded game or in the editor
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using UnityEngine;
//to make BinarySerializer work at iOS devices add somewhere in awake:
//System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_REFLECTION_SERIALIZER", "yes");
namespace Assets.Scripts.Tools
public class DataManager
public DataManager(SerializerType serializerType)
switch (serializerType)
case SerializerType.Binary:
serializer = new BinarySerializer();
case SerializerType.Json:
serializer = new JsonSerializer();
serializer = new JsonSerializer();
public enum SerializerType
private readonly ISerializer serializer;
public void Save<T>(string fullFilePath, T data)
serializer.Serialize(fullFilePath, data);
public void SaveToPersistentData<T>(string fileName, T data)
serializer.SerializeToPersistentData(fileName, data);
public void SaveToResources<T>(string fileName, T data)
serializer.SerializeToResources(fileName, data);
public bool TryLoad<T>(string fullFilePath, out T result)
return serializer.TryDeserialize<T>(fullFilePath, out result);
public bool TryLoadFromPersistentData<T>(string fileName, out T result)
return serializer.TryDeserializeFromPersistentData<T>(fileName, out result);
public T LoadFromResources<T>(string fileName)
return serializer.DeserializeFromResources<T>(fileName);
public interface ISerializer
void Serialize<T>(string fullFilePath, T data);
void SerializeToResources<T>(string fileName, T data);
void SerializeToPersistentData<T>(string fileName, T data);
bool TryDeserialize<T>(string fullFilePath, out T result);
bool TryDeserializeFromPersistentData<T>(string fileName, out T result);
T DeserializeFromResources<T>(string fileName);
public class JsonSerializer : ISerializer
public void Serialize<T>(string fullFilePath, T data)
var json = JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fullFilePath, json);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to save data: " + e);
public void SerializeToPersistentData<T>(string fileName, T data)
var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}.txt", Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);
Serialize<T>(fullPath, data);
public void SerializeToResources<T>(string fileName, T data)
var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.txt", Application.dataPath, "Resources", fileName);
Serialize<T>(fullPath, data);
public T Deserialize<T>(string fullFilePath)
if (!Path.HasExtension(fullFilePath))
fullFilePath += ".txt";
if (!File.Exists(fullFilePath))
Debug.Log("Nothing to load");
return default(T);
var text = File.ReadAllText(fullFilePath);
T data;
data = JsonUtility.FromJson<T>(text);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);
return default(T);
return data;
public T DeserializeFromResources<T>(string fileName)
var txtData = Resources.Load<TextAsset>(fileName);
if (txtData == null)
Debug.Log("Nothing to load");
return default(T);
T data;
data = JsonUtility.FromJson<T>(txtData.text);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);
return default(T);
return data;
public bool TryDeserialize<T>(string fullFilePath, out T result)
if (!Path.HasExtension(fullFilePath))
fullFilePath += ".txt";
if (!File.Exists(fullFilePath))
Debug.Log("Nothing to load");
result = default(T);
return false;
var text = File.ReadAllText(fullFilePath);
T data;
data = JsonUtility.FromJson<T>(text);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e);
result = default(T);
return false;
result = data;
return true;
public bool TryDeserializeFromPersistentData<T>(string fileName, out T result)
var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}.txt", Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);
return TryDeserialize<T>(fullPath, out result);
private void CreatePath(string fullFilePath)
if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilePath)); // create directory if it not exists
public class BinarySerializer : ISerializer
public void Serialize<T>(string fullFilePath, T data)
fullFilePath += ".bytes";
var fs = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.Create);
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(fs, data);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to serialize. Reason: " + e);
public void SerializeToPersistentData<T>(string fileName, T data)
var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);
Serialize<T>(fullPath, data);
public void SerializeToResources<T>(string fileName, T data)
var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", Application.dataPath, "Resources", fileName);
Serialize<T>(fullPath, data);
public T Deserialize<T>(string fullFilePath)
if (!Path.HasExtension(fullFilePath))
fullFilePath += ".bytes";
if (!File.Exists(fullFilePath))
Debug.Log("Nothing to load");
return default(T);
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFilePath);
T data;
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
data = (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e);
return default(T);
return data;
public T DeserializeFromResources<T>(string fileName)
var txtData = Resources.Load<TextAsset>(fileName);
if (txtData == null)
Debug.Log("Nothing to load");
return default(T);
T data;
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(txtData.bytes))
data = (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);
return default(T);
return data;
public bool TryDeserialize<T>(string fullFilePath, out T result)
result = default(T);
if (!Path.HasExtension(fullFilePath))
fullFilePath += ".bytes";
if (!File.Exists(fullFilePath))
Debug.Log("Nothing to load");
return false;
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFilePath);
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
result = (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);
return false;
return true;
public bool TryDeserializeFromPersistentData<T>(string fileName, out T result)
var fullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);
return TryDeserialize<T>(fullPath, out result);
private void CreatePath(string fullFilePath)
if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilePath)); // create directory if it not exists
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