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Created April 20, 2015 22:04
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Save Georgy5/119f589c5bff0e012429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TextController.cs -Udemy Unity 5 Course - Learn to Code by making Games; Text101
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text text;
public bool wire = false;
private enum States {cell, cell_0, cell_1, mirror, sheets_0, lock_0, cell_mirror, take_wire,
sheets_1, lock_1, freedom};
private States myState;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myState = States.cell;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
print (myState);
// Control the current state of the story
switch (myState)
case States.cell:{
case States.cell_0:{
case States.sheets_0:{
case States.lock_0:{
case States.mirror:{
case States.cell_mirror:{
case States.take_wire:{
case States.cell_1:{
case States.sheets_1:{
case States.lock_1:{
case States.freedom:{
// Starting state
void state_cell(){
// Input.GetKeyDown example:
//if (Input.GetKeyDown ("space")){
//if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space)){
text.text = "You are in some sort of <color=red>prison</color> cell. You've been here for weeks, " +
"may be months.\n" +
"You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n" +
"There are some dirty sheets on the bed, there's a mirror on the wall, and the door " +
"is locked from the outside.\n\n " +
"Press <color=orange>S</color> to view Sheets, <color=orange>M</color> to view Mirror " +
"or <color=orange>L</color> to view Lock";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)){
myState = States.sheets_0;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)){
myState = States.mirror;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)){
myState = States.lock_0;
// Cell state without wire
void state_cell_0(){
text.text = "You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n" +
"There are some dirty sheets on the bed, there's a mirror on the wall, and the door " +
"is locked from the outside.\n\n " +
"Press <color=orange>S</color> to view Sheets, <color=orange>M</color> to view Mirror " +
"or <color=orange>L</color> to view Lock";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)){
myState = States.sheets_0;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)){
if (wire == false){
myState = States.mirror;
} else {
myState = States.cell_mirror;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)){
if (wire == false){
myState = States.lock_0;
} else {
myState = States.lock_1;
// Sheets state without wire
void state_sheets_0(){
text.text = "The sheets look as though they've never been washed. You wonder how many other people " +
"have been held prisoner here. You have no use for these dirty sheets. You're definately " +
"not climbing out any windows at this stage.\n" +
"You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n\n" +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell_0;
// Lock state without wire
void state_lock_0(){
text.text = "You look at the door lock. "+
"Looking at the lock you remembered trying to pick a lock in highschool, you remember " +
"the theory. You definately have the time to try...\n" +
"...but certainly not without any tools.\n\n " +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell_0;
// Mirror state without wire
void state_mirror(){
text.text = "Looking at the mirror reminds you of how long you've been imprisoned. Your face is dirty" +
" and your hair has grown. Has many weeks has it been again??\n" +
"You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n\n" +
"Focusing back onto your goal you stop looking into the mirror and start looking at it." +
"Suddenly you notice that the mirror is mounted with screws, and that one screw has a " +
"wire wrapped around it.\n\n" +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return or " +
"press <color=orange>T</color> to Take the wire";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell_0;
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)){
myState = States.take_wire;
// Taking the wire
void state_take_wire(){
text.text = "You unwrap the wire. next you try to loosen the screw, but it's too tight. May be even " +
"rusted in.\n\n" +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return, <color=orange>S</color> to view Sheets " +
"or <color=orange>L</color> to view Lock";
// set flag to show that the user has thw wire item
wire = true;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell_1;
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)){
myState = States.sheets_1;
}else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)){
myState = States.lock_1;
// Mirror state with wire
void state_cell_mirror(){
text.text = "Looking at the mirror reminds you of how long you've been imprisoned. Your face is dirty" +
" and your hair has grown. Has many weeks has it been again??\n" +
"You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n\n" +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell_0;
// Sheets state with wire
void state_sheets_1(){
text.text = "Looking at the sheets you think that you cannot spend one more night in this cruel cell.\n" +
"You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n\n" +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return to viewing your cell";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell;
// Cell state with wire
void state_cell_1(){
text.text = "You want to <color=green>escape</color>.\n" +
"There are some dirty sheets on the bed, there's a mirror on the wall, and the door " +
"is locked from the outside.\n" +
"You think about the wire you found by the mirror.\n\n" +
"Press<color=orange>S</color> to view Sheets, <color=orange>M</color> to view Mirror " +
"or <color=orange>L</color> to view Lock";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)){
myState = States.sheets_1;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)){
if (wire == false){
myState = States.mirror;
} else {
myState = States.cell_mirror;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)){
myState = States.lock_1;
// Lock state with wire
void state_lock_1(){
text.text = "You look at the door lock. "+
"Looking at the lock you remembered trying to pick a lock in highschool, you remember " +
"the theory.\n" +
" bend the wire into shape.\n\n " +
"Press <color=orange>R</color> to Return or <color=orange>P</color> to Pick the lock";
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)){
myState = States.cell_0;
} else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)){
myState = States.freedom;
// Freedom State - door unlocked
void state_freedom(){
text.text = "You fiddle around with the wire for probably over an hour. Suddenly you hear the sweet " +
"sound of a latch clicking.\n" +
"You slowly open the door, almost not believing your escape could be upon you.\n" +
"Then you leave the room which has been your cell and towards an exit....\n\n" +
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