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Last active May 18, 2018 09:05
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Efficiently selecting spatially distributed keypoints for visual tracking
from functools import partial
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
def select(points: np.ndarray,
image_shape: Tuple[int, int],
count: int,
count_delta: int = 1,
radius: int = 10,
radius_delta: int = 2,
max_iterations_count: int = 15,
min_cell_size: int = 2,
max_cell_size: int = 100) -> np.ndarray:
Selects points by a Suppression via Disk Covering algorithm.
For more details see:
:param points: original set that should be ordered by distance
:param image_shape: shape of an image
:param count: number of output points
:param count_delta: let k = `count` and Δk = `count_delta`,
if number of found points is within [k; k + Δk],
return top-k points
:param radius: initial radius of area where points will be removed
:param radius_delta: determines width of cells
:param max_iterations_count: prevents infinite loop
:param min_cell_size:
:param max_cell_size:
:return: mask array with selected strong scattered keypoints
if len(points) < count:
raise ValueError('Not enough points to select.')
grid_resolution = radius_delta * radius / np.sqrt(2)
max_count = count + count_delta
points_mask = partial(selected_points_mask,
for _ in range(max_iterations_count):
result_mask = points_mask(grid_resolution=grid_resolution)
selected_points_count = result_mask.sum()
if selected_points_count == count:
return result_mask
if count < selected_points_count <= max_count:
return erase_extra_points(result_mask,
if selected_points_count < count:
max_cell_size = grid_resolution
grid_resolution -= (grid_resolution - min_cell_size) / 2
min_cell_size = grid_resolution
grid_resolution += (max_cell_size - grid_resolution) / 2
raise ValueError('Number of iterations exceeded.')
def selected_points_mask(points: np.ndarray,
grid_resolution: float,
image_shape: Tuple[int, int],
count: int,
radius: int) -> np.ndarray:
Calculates boolean mask corresponding to array of input points.
True values are for those points
that will be selected as scattered enough from each other.
In case if there were too many points found,
the mask still will be returned.
:param points: input array
:param grid_resolution: size of a cell in a grid
:param image_shape:
:param count: number of points to select
:param radius: as number of cells where points won't be selected
:return: boolean array with True values for selected points
points_grid_indices = (points // grid_resolution).astype(int)
grid_shape = (int(image_shape[0] // grid_resolution) + 1,
int(image_shape[1] // grid_resolution) + 1)
grid = np.full(shape=grid_shape,
result_mask = np.full(shape=points.shape[0],
for index, point_grid_index in enumerate(points_grid_indices):
if grid[tuple(point_grid_index)]:
result_mask[index] = True
if result_mask.sum() > count:
mask = circular_mask(grid.shape,
grid[mask] = True
return result_mask
def circular_mask(array_shape: Tuple[int, int],
center: Tuple[int, int],
radius: int) -> np.ndarray:
Returns 2d array with applied a disc shaped mask over it.
For more details see:
:param array_shape: shape of original image
:param center: center of the disc
:param radius: radius of the disc
:return: boolean array with applied circular mask
y, x = np.ogrid[-center[0]:array_shape[0] - center[0],
-center[1]:array_shape[1] - center[1]]
return x * x + y * y <= radius * radius
def erase_extra_points(array: np.ndarray,
count: int) -> np.ndarray:
Let n = `count`, sets to False all elements
after the n-th occurrence of a True element.
:param array: input boolean array
:param count: number of True elements to remain
array = array.copy()
last_true_index_to_remain = np.where(array)[0][count]
array[last_true_index_to_remain:] = False
return array
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