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Created June 11, 2018 16:03
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import operator
from typing import Iterator
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from scipy.special import lambertw
from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import ExprCondPair
def sample(pdf: sym.Function,
size: int) -> np.array:
Generates random values following the given distribution
:param pdf: input Probability Density Function (PDF)
:param size: number of generated values
if not isinstance(pdf, sym.Piecewise):
raise ValueError("PDF must be constructed by sympy.Piecewise")
pdf_functions = map(operator.attrgetter('func'),
if in pdf_functions:
error_message = ("Using sympy.Abs or is not supported "
"due to not implemented computing of their integrals "
"within SymPy. Split the relevant expression.")
raise NotImplementedError(error_message)
# The following is used in order to prevent an error
# when using PDF in a form of, for example, x**-2.5.
# For more details see:
pdf = sym.nsimplify(pdf)
x = pdf.free_symbols.pop()
y = sym.Dummy('y')
cdf = sym.integrate(pdf, (x, -sym.oo, y))
# The following is used in order to prevent
# long erroneous polynomials
# when calculating PDF in a form of, for example, x**-2.5
# Beware that this will add too much precision. Bug.
# Issue submitted:
cdf = cdf.evalf()
eq = sym.Eq(x, cdf)
# TODO: Use solveset when it will be able to deal with LambertW
# With default rational == True, there will be an error
# as 'solve' doesn't play along with Piecewise.
# Related issue:
inverse_solutions = sym.solve(eq, y, rational=False)
# Sometimes, especially for exponents,
# there are garbage solutions with imaginary parts:
inverse_solutions = filter(is_real, inverse_solutions)
# As, for some reason, 'solve' returns a list of Piecewise's,
# it's necessary to collect them back together.
# Related issue:
inverse_cdf = recreate_piecewise(inverse_solutions)
# If inverse CDF will contain LambertW function,
# we must change its branch. For more details, see:
functions = map(operator.attrgetter('func'),
if sym.LambertW in functions:
inverse_cdf = replace_lambertw_branch(inverse_cdf)
# This is to prevent LambertW giving ComplexWarning after lambdifying
inverse_cdf =
max_value = cdf.args[-1][0]
# Warnings can happen with exponents in PDF:
lambda_function = sym.lambdify(args=x,
modules=[{'LambertW': lambertw}, 'numpy'])
return lambda_function(np.random.uniform(high=max_value,
def is_real(expression: sym.Expr) -> bool:
"""Checks if expression doesn't contain imaginary part with sympy.I"""
return sym.I not in expression.atoms()
def recreate_piecewise(functions: Iterator[ExprCondPair]) -> sym.Piecewise:
Collects Piecewise from list of unsorted Piecewise's,
ignoring parts with NaNs.
Solution for the issue:
See also question on SO:
def remove_nans(expression_condition: ExprCondPair) -> ExprCondPair:
return expression_condition.args[0]
def right_hand_number(solution: ExprCondPair) -> sym.S:
return solution[1].args[1]
solutions = sorted(map(remove_nans, functions),
return sym.Piecewise(*solutions)
def to_lower_lambertw_branch(*args) -> sym.Function:
Wraps the first argument from a given list of arguments
as a lower branch of LambertW function.
:return: lower LambertW branch
return sym.LambertW(args[0], -1)
def replace_lambertw_branch(expression: sym.Expr) -> sym.Expr:
Replaces upper branch of LambertW function with the lower one.
For details of the bug see:
Solution is based on the 2nd example from:
:return: expression with replaced LambertW branch by a lower one
return expression.replace(sym.LambertW,
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