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Last active February 13, 2024 13:50
snip&snap extracts from our major JISON grammar file, showcasing 'code sections' a la BISON plus a few other bits & tricks. Note the %{ ... %} sections which are JISON's 'code sections'. Also note the code following that last '%%' marker: that is another 'code section' - and the most important one.
%options ranges
%options backtrack_lexer
* lexical grammar
* ===============
* This section defines the lexer rules for our formula parser. The rules are checked from top to bottom, so order is import
* here!
* [...]
* Remember that in `jison`, when the `lexer.option.flex` has not been set (i.e. we get default behaviour),
* we get a hit on the first matching regex, so the order of the tokenization regexes below is
* very important.
* `option.flex` would perform an exhaustive scan of all regexes, thus trying to find the
* longest match every time. We do not want that in our lexical scanner!
* This chunk is included in the lexer action code at the very start of that method.
* `YY_START` is defined then, `YYSTATE` is not! `yy` and `yy_` are also available here.
var s, s2, s3;
var rv, rv2, e_offset, col, row, len, value;
var match, match2;
console.log("lexer action: ", yy, yy_, this, yytext, YY_START, $avoiding_name_collisions);
var parser = yy.parser;
* -------
* When you use these regex 'macros' below, be aware that JISON surrounds them with () braces
* to ensure they always act as a single element.
* Hence, for example, JISON transforms the lexer regex
* ({ID}(\.{ID})*)(\s*\()
* into this JS regex
* /^(?:(([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\.([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))*)(\s*\())/
* which will return more `matches[]` elements than you would expect from the lexer regex itself
* as the regex element
* {ID}
* itself expands to a (...)-surrounded regex element
* ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)
* therefore placing the part matching
* (\s*\()
* at `matches[]` index `[5]` rather than the originally expected `[3]`, so that input
* MIN(x, y)
* will have the example regex match the part
* MIN(
* as intended, while producing a `this.matches[]` array with the following content:
* this.matches = [
* "MIN(",
* "MIN",
* "MIN",
* undefined,
* undefined,
* "("
* ]
* (note the `undefined` entries at `[3] `and `[4]` in there!), while input
* A.B.C(x)
* will have the example regex match the part
* A.B.C(
* as intended, while producing a `this.matches[]` array with the following content:
* this.matches = ["A.B.C(", "A.B.C", "A", ".C", "C", "("]
ID [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
DOTTED_ID [a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*[a-zA-Z0-9_])?
// Recognize any function ID, with optional dotted sections, as a string which is followed by a `(` open brace, e.g. `A.DIST(`
* lookup this blurb: it MUST be a (possibly namespaced) function identifier
* (e.g. `SUM`, `namespace.user_defined_function42`).
* Note that this is really another kind of lexical hack, just not the well-known
* `yacc` / `lex` 'feedback' one, as here we include a part of the GRAMMAR KNOWLEDGE
* in the lexer itself:
* since we 'know' now that the blurb `\1` is followed by an open brace `(`, we
* can be certain that this is a function identifier and nothing else
* that may have the same 'name', e.g. constant `E` or `PI`.
* > ### Note
* >
* > the braces in the regex are there so we can easily grab that bit,
* > and in particular that very last bit: it will ALWAYS be pushed back
* > into the lexer queue as that bit is our 'additional look-ahead' at
* > work!
console.log("looking up function identifier token (+ look-ahead) in symbol table: ", yytext, this, this.matches);
* **WARNING**: take heed of the comment further above regarding the `ID` etc.
* lexer regex 'macros' and JISON's behaviour regarding those!
* Hence we should be able to pick up the `(` at the end at `this.matches[3]`!
s = this.matches[1];
rv = parser.getSymbol4Function(s);
if (rv) {
yytext = (new ASTopcode(rv))
// ASTopcode(FKW_FUNCTION | ...)
return 'FUNCTION';
// when we get here, the blurb didn't match anything sensible...
yytext = (new ASTerror(FERR_EXPECTED_FUNCTION_NAME, "Expected a (possibly namespaced) function name."))
return 'error';
%{ /* “string” */
s = this.matches[1];
yytext = (new ASTvalue(s, FKW_VALUE | FT_STRING | FU_STRING))
return 'STRING';
* Any input which starts with a string marker is assumed to be a string entirely.
* Hence these two full-line regexes must come before the 'detect string anywhere in the input'
* regexes which come after these. Those latter regexes will help us parse statements like
* 'CONCAT("THE YEAR", " ", "2013")'
* Regex notes
* -----------
* (.*?)
* is written like that, i.e. as a NON-greedy regex atom, to ensure that the
* optional `'?` / `"?` following it is actually filled when the string terminates
* with such a quote. Would the `.*` expression have been greedy, then the regex
* engine would legally ignore the following `'?` / `"?` completely as those quotes
* would have matched the previous `.*` already, while still producing a legal
* match for the quoted string, e.g. `'hello world'` would then produce a
* \1 == "hello world'" (note the trailing quote)
* while we want the regex to 'strip' the outer quotes, if there are any.
s = this.matches[1];
s2 = parser.dedupQuotedString(s, "'");
yytext = (new ASTvalue(s2, FKW_VALUE | FT_STRING | FU_STRING))
return 'STRING';
s = this.matches[1];
s2 = parser.dedupQuotedString(s, '"');
yytext = (new ASTvalue(s2, FKW_VALUE | FT_STRING | FU_STRING))
return 'STRING';
s = this.matches[1];
s2 = parser.dedupQuotedString(s, "'");
yytext = (new ASTvalue(s2, FKW_VALUE | FT_STRING | FU_STRING))
return 'STRING';
s = this.matches[1];
s2 = parser.dedupQuotedString(s, '"');
yytext = (new ASTvalue(s2, FKW_VALUE | FT_STRING | FU_STRING))
return 'STRING';
/*: skip whitespace */
yytext = (new lexerToken(FKA_EOF))
return 'EOF';
yytext = (new ASTerror(FERR_UNSUPPORTED_INPUT, "Don't know what to do with this: it's unsupported input."))
return 'error';
%token STRING
* functions all produce the `FUNCTION` lexer token:
* parameter list validation is performed in the static analysis phase during parsing.
%start start_parsing
* This chunk is included in the parser code, before the lexer definition section and after the parser has been defined.
* Meanwhile, keep in mind that all the parser actions, which will execute inside the `parser.performAction()` function,
* will have a `this` pointing to `$$`.
* If you want to access the lexer and/or parser, these are accessible inside the parser rule action code via
* the `yy.lexer` and `yy.parser` dereferences respectively.
console.log("parser object definition: ", this);
%% /* language grammar */
: init_phase do_the_work EOF
if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
return $2;
: /* epsilon */
* The 'init phase' is always reduced for every parse invocation.
* At this point in time, nothing has happened yet: no token has
* been lexed, no real statement has been parsed yet.
* The grammar has been constructed such that this rule can be
* resolved without any look-ahead, thanks to a 'default action'.
//yy.lexer.options.backtrack_lexer = true;
//yy.lexer.options.ranges = true; // required for the inline comments to work as the start location is tracked via the `yylloc.range[]`
yy.lexer.options.inline_comment_mode = yy.inline_comment_mode || 0;
// and make sure the comments store is prepped:
// and init the symbol tables if the caller didn't do so already (we do this in order to prevent undesirable crashes)
if (typeof yy.parser._symbol2token_lookup_table === "undefined") {
* And here endeth the parser proper
* ---------------------------------
* This concludes the grammar rules definitions themselves.
* What follows is a chunk of support code that JISON will include in the generated parser.
* This chunk is included in the parser object code,
* following the 'init' code block that may be set in `%{ ... %}` at the top of this
* grammar definition file.
* Remove duplicated quotes (of the form `quote_str + quote_str`, e.g. `""`) from the input string.
parser.dedupQuotedString = function(str, quote_str) {
return str.replace(quote_str + quote_str, quote_str);
* Return the definition structure for the given symbol name, or FALSE when the symbol is unknown.
* The definition structure contains these elements:
* - token
* - defined_value
parser.getSymbol4Function = function(name) {
name = name.toUpperCase();
var rv = this._symbol2token_lookup_table.functions[name];
return rv || false;
parser.getSymbol4DefinedConstant = function(name) {
name = name.toUpperCase();
var rv = this._symbol2token_lookup_table.constants[name];
return rv || false;
* Initialize the symbol lookup tables.
parser.initSymbolTable = function(custom_symbols) {
this._symbol2token_lookup_table = {
functions: {}, // hash table ~ dictionary
constants: {}, // hash table ~ dictionary
// first set up the default symbols: constants, etc.; once that is done, register the custom symbols:
this.addSymbols(predefined_formula_constants, FSC_PREDEFINED_CONSTANT);
this.addSymbols(predefined_formula_functions, FSC_FUNCTION);
return this.addSymbols(custom_symbols);
* Register one or more symbols in the symbol lookup tables:
parser.addSymbols = function(symbols, default_category) {
return this;
* Clear / (re-)initialize the comments' store.
parser.clearComments = function() {
this.comments = [];
return this;
* Return the index to the next available slot in the comment store.
* Consequently returns 0 when the comment store is empty.
parser.getNextCommentIndex = function() {
var rv = this.comments;
if (typeof rv !== "undefined" && rv.length > 0) {
return rv.length;
} else {
return 0;
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