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Created February 18, 2020 09:14
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  • Save GeradeDev/c54c579cb6efe1c62071e24ba3309113 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$packageName = Get-VstsInput -Name 'packageName' -Require
$maxIncrement = Get-VstsInput -Name 'maxIncrement' -Require
$pipelineVariable = Get-VstsInput -Name 'pipelineVariable' -Require
Write-Host "The Package in use is: " $packageName
Write-Host "The Max Increment version is: " $maxIncrement
#Add Package Source
Write-Host "Adding Nuget Package Source"
Register-PackageSource -Name NuGet -Location -ProviderName NuGet
#Get the current version for the Package
$currentVersion = Find-Package $packageName -Source NuGet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
#Split version
$Major = $currentVersion.Split(".")[0] -as [int]
$Minor = $currentVersion.Split(".")[1] -as [int]
$Patch = $currentVersion.Split(".")[2] -as [int]
#Set new/next version of Package
if(($Patch + 1) -eq $maxIncrement) {
#Increment the Minor version and reset patch version to 0
Write-Host "Patch version value has been reached the Max Increment value supplied."
Write-Host "Reset the Patch version to 0 and Increment the Minor version by 1"
$Minor = ($Minor = + 1);
$Patch = 0;
}else {
#Increment the Patch version
Write-Host "Patch version value has not been reached the Max Increment value supplied. Only Increment Patch version."
$Patch = ($Patch + 1);
$newVersion = ($Major, $Minor, $Patch) -Join "."
# Output the message to the log.
Write-Host "Old Version of Package: " $currentVersion
Write-Host "New Version for Package: " $newVersion
Write-Host "Set environment variable to ($newVersion)"
# Output the new version to be used by the subsequent tasks
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$pipelineVariable;]$newVersion"
Write-Host "New Package version $newVersion"
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