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Last active February 21, 2020 19:09
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Interfaces in TypeScript
// See blog post at
interface Account {
name: string
amount: number
accountNumber: string
function showAccount(account: Account): void {
console.log(`Name: ${}: Cash Available: ${account.amount}`)
const myAccount = {
name: 'John Smith',
amount: 35000,
accountNumber: 'BankId-452938382892',
date: '2022-08-08'
interface Account {
name: string
amount: number
accountNumber: string
date?: string
interface Car {
transmission: string
readonly motor: string
readonly tireCount: number
let audi: Car = {
transmission: 'automatic',
motor: 'V6 Engine',
tireCount: 4
audi.transmission = 'manual' // OK
audi.tireCount = 6 // Error (readonly property)
interface Account {
name: string
amount: number
accountNumber: string
function showAccount(account: Account): void {
console.log(`Name: ${}: Cash Available: ${account.amount}`)
name: 'John Smith',
amount: 35000,
accountNumber: 'BankId-452938382892',
date: '2022-08-08'
}) // Error, because date is not in the Account interface
//First method
name: 'John Smith',
amount: 35000,
accountNumber: 'BankId-452938382892',
date: '2022-08-08'
} as Account)
//Second method
interface Account {
name: string
amount: number
accountNumber: string
[propName: string]: any
interface Account {
name: string
amount: number
accountNumber: string
const myAccount = {
name: 'John Smith',
amount: 35000,
accountNumber: 'BankId-452938382892',
date: '2022-08-08'
showAccount(myAccount) // No errors since we are not using object literals.
interface HashFunc {
(text: string, toString: boolean, seed: number): string | number
const createHash: HashFunc = (str, toString, seed) {
let i, l, hVal = (seed === undefined) ? 0x811c9dc5 : seed
for (i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
hVal ^= str.charCodeAt(i)
hVal += (hVal << 1) + (hVal << 4) + (hVal << 7) + (hVal << 8) + (hVal << 24)
if( toString ){
// Convert to 8 digit hex string
return ("0000000" + (hVal >>> 0).toString(16)).substr(-8);
return hVal >>> 0;
const hash: string | number = createHash('John Smith', true, 10)
console.log(hash) // "b4fa3b8c"
interface TsArray {
[index: number]: string
const teachers: TsArray = ['Mike', 'Thomas', 'Michael', 'John']
const principal: string = teachers[2]
console.log(principal) // 'Michael'
interface CarInterface {
color: string
make: string
model: string
start(key: number): void
class Car implements CarInterface {
color: string
make: string
model: string
constructor(color: string, make: string, model: string) {
this.color = color
this.make = make
this.model = model
start(key: number) {
console.log(`Starting car with code number ${key}`)
interface CarInterface {
color: string
make: string
model: string
start(key: number): void
interface CarConstructor {
new (color: string, make: string, model: string)
const Car: CarConstructor = class Car implements CarInterface {
color: string
make: string
model: string
//Parameter names don't have to match the interface names
constructor(clr: string, mke: string, mdl: string) {
this.color = clr
this.make = mke
this.model = mdl
start(key: number) {
console.log(`Starting car with code number ${key}`)
interface Limbs {
legCount: number
hasHands: boolean
interface Head {
eyeCount: number
headShape: string
interface Animal extends Limbs, Head {
name: string
let human = {} as Animal
human.legCount = 2
human.hasHands = true
human.eyeCount = 2
human.headShape = 'Oval' = 'Homo Sapiens'
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