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Created March 25, 2020 17:30
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Creates a mosaic from some MODIS tiles for all SubDataset for a specific product
# Creates a mosaic for the UK for a defined bounding box:
# - for all Days of Year (DoY) in julian day format for a specific year
# - using the tiles specified
# - for the selected product and each associated subdataset
import os
import gdal
import subprocess
from glob import glob
# This variables should come from the product yaml
# ================================================
tiles = ['h17v02', 'h17v03', 'h17v04', 'h18v03']
product = 'MOD13A2'
version = '006'
dataDir = '/data/peatlands_test_data/MOD13A2'
year = 2019
# Target extent
xmin = -784315
ymin = 5538675
xmax = 149109
ymax = 6786719
# ================================================
# ========================================================================
# From src/datacube/
def run_command(cmd: str):
Executes a command in the OS shell
:param cmd: command to execute
:return N/A:
:raise Exception: If command executions fails
status =[cmd], shell=True)
if status != 0:
err_msg = f"{cmd} \n Failed"
def get_gdalbuildvrt_path():
Method to return the conda path for the gdalbuildvrt bin given the
activated environment for the current python run.
:return: Full path of gdalbuildvrt bin
conda_prefix = os.environ['CONDA_PREFIX']
gdal_bin_path = os.path.join(conda_prefix, 'bin')
return os.path.join(gdal_bin_path, 'gdalbuildvrt')
# ========================================================================
def get_number_of_subdatasets(fname):
Get number of available SubDatasets
d = gdal.Open(fname)
sd = d.GetSubDatasets()
return len(sd)
def get_subdataset(fname, index):
Get especific SubDataset by index
d = gdal.Open(fname)
sd = d.GetSubDatasets()[index]
return sd[0]
def get_filename(DoY, tile):
Get the full path file name corresponding to a DoY and tile
_fname = f'{product}.A{year}{DoY:03}.{tile}.{version}.*.hdf'
_fname = glob(os.path.join(dataDir, _fname))
if len(_fname) > 0:
return _fname[0]
return None
def get_sds_name(sds):
Get SubDataset name, replace spaces by underscores when needed,
and remove any double quotes as well
return sds.split(':')[-1].replace(' ', '_').replace('"', '')
# Loop through all days of year (DoY) to get files and perform the mosaic
for DoY in range(1, 367):
fnames = []
for tile in tiles:
_fname = get_filename(DoY, tile)
if _fname is not None:
# Check that we have one filename per tile
if len(fnames) != len(tiles):
# TODO Raise an error/warning...
print(f'Missing files for DoY: {DoY:03}')
# Get number of available SubDatasets
n_sds = get_number_of_subdatasets(fnames[0])
# Create mosaic for each SubDataset
for sd in range(n_sds):
# Get all SubDatasets
sds = [f'"{get_subdataset(fname, sd)}"' for fname in fnames]
# Get SDS name from first SDS
sds_name = get_sds_name(sds[0])
# List to string separated by spaces
sds = ' '.join(sds)
# Set outoput filename
output_fname = f'{product}.A{year}{DoY:03}.{version}.{sds_name}.vrt'
output_fname = os.path.join(dataDir, output_fname)
command = (f'{get_gdalbuildvrt_path()} '
f'-te {xmin} {ymin} {xmax} {ymax} '
f'-overwrite {output_fname} {sds}')
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