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Last active November 18, 2015 14:58
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It's so sad, these issues diverges the F# community more and more away from Microsoft and it also pushes away F# users

There is a big negative atmosphere about this:

Some tweets (do read the complete twitter threads, there is a lot more behind it) From F# side:

Somewhat disappointed in .NET and #fsharp lately. Where are the greener pastures though? Don't really see that many.

— Kurt Schelfthout (@kurt2001) November 18, 2015
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The question MS/CoreCLR team should ask is: "ok what do you need to make your stuff work?". Instead, they state excuses leading to friction

— Frans Bouma (@FransBouma) November 17, 2015
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Since I started using @PaketManager for my trainings our #fsharp course attendees are finally able to reliably get all dependencies. Thanks!

— Tomas Petricek (@tomaspetricek) November 17, 2015
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@tomaspetricek @PaketManager enjoy it while it lasts...

— Isaac Abraham (@isaac_abraham) November 18, 2015
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We are opensource so we make sure our projects are tightly coupled and don't work with other OSS projects. #fhash

— Krzysztof Cieślak (@k_cieslak) November 17, 2015
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Those annoyingly vocal #paket users...

— Knot, Not Naught! (@jeroldhaas) November 17, 2015
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From MS side (in my opinion this issue was the cause)

No matter how much good you try to do, somebody will hate it. #hatersgonnahate

— David Fowler (@davidfowl) November 17, 2015
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@davidfowl yup.. :/ seems there are so many butt-hurt .NET devs these days (mainly from a certain language). Keep up the good work!

— Stephen Pope (@stephenpope) November 17, 2015
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A good way to get over a long day of BS. Write more code

— David Fowler (@davidfowl) November 18, 2015
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Jesus the internet is a terrible place to discuss things. I swear people just want to complain.

— David Fowler (@davidfowl) November 18, 2015
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There is clearly a lot of misunderstanding/anger, you name it.

Who within Microsoft is responsible for this? Who manages the .NET platform (with F#) and makes sure all languages and communities will be happy? As a side note: I really respect that @davidfowl takes his time and patience to at least discuss it here but where are the others?

I have heard @shanselman saying multiple times about "the new MS": "Choice, choice, choice" "Pick whatever you like" "Do what makes you happy"

How does this fit with this tight coupling?

DNX projects (ASP.NET 5 projects) try to go a step further and make NuGet the only experience. It is coupled on purpose.

I think they forget that Paket the THE package manager for F# and its community, its completely embraced. I think 80-90% of the F# project uses Paket (todo: give list with Paket projects here). How can MS ignore this so easily?

Listen where @dsyme talks about this and stresses how important "Paket" it is

Tagging @DamianEdwards @shunter @shanselman @csharpfritz @davkean @terrajobst @NumberByColors @KevinRansom And maybe @dsyme

Please solve this, collaborate, work together...make everyone happy

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