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Created November 25, 2014 14:02
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Swift Workshop




Gernot Poetsch


##What we'll do

  • Basics
  • Optionals
  • Classes, Extensions and Protocols
  • Structs, Enums
  • Memory Management? Debugging? Ask!

Play along in Playgrounds!

Mobile Development is…

[fit] 10% Programming Language

[fit] 90% Frameworks

…so today we'll concentrate on the language.

#A bit of history…

1972: C 1972: Smalltalk

1983: C++ 1983: Objective-C (2006: Obj-C 2.0)

1990: Haskell 1995: Java

2014: Swift

#[fit]Current Status

  • Swift is still in Development
  • Xcode will crash!
  • Even long-term, the language will change
  • If the language changes, your Apps will still run — but you'll have to revisit your code

Where can you use Swift?

  • Apps for OSX and iOS
  • Playgrounds
  • Command Line Tools #!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift -i
  • REPL (for debugging)

#What is Swift designed for?

  • Modern High Level Programming
  • Objective-C Compatibility
  • C Compatibility
  • LLVM Optimization




[fit]Type System



NSString *name; //initialized with nil
double price; //initialized with 0
NSInteger position; //can never be nil, using NSNotFound instead
CGRect myRect; //uninitialized


let name = "Meier" //Implicit String, always initialized!
var favoriteColor: UIColor //has to be initialized! 
var price = 39.90 //Implicit Double
var position: Int? //Optional Int, initialized nil
let myRect = CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:10, height: 10)

##Working with Optionals


if position != nil {
	let newPosition = position! + 1 //implicitly an Int

Conditional Unwrapping:

if let myPosition = position {
	let newPosition = position + 1

Implicitly unwrapped optionals

var position: Int!
newPostion = position + 1 //Attention, crashes if position is nil!

Only use when you're sure what you're doing!

Objective-C bridge still has a lot of implicitely unwrapped optionals. This will change (and break your code) — use them and check them as if they are optional

##Calling Methods on Optionals

var car: Car?
car?.drive() //Does nothing when car == nil
car!.drive() //Crashes when car == nil

//Variable names are scoped!
if let car = car {


func sayHello() {


func sayHello(name: String) {
	println("Hello \(name)")


func sayHello(name: String, peace: Bool) {
	println("Hello \(name)")
	if peace println("We come in Peace")

hello("Earthlings", peace: true)

func sayHello(name: String, peace: Bool = true) {
	println("Hello \(name)")
	if peace println("We come in Peace")


func sayHello(salutation name: String) {
	println("Hello \(name)")

hello(salutation: "Earthlings")

func sayHello(salutation salutation: String) {
	println("Hello \(name)")

hello(salutation: "Earthlings")

func sayHello(#salutation: String) {
	println("Hello \(name)")

hello(salutation: "Earthlings")

func sayHello(name: String, abductCows: () -> Void) {
	println("Hello \(name)")

hello("Earthlings", {
	//get cows

hello("Earthlings") {
	//get cows

func sayHello(name: String, abductCows: (Int) -> Int) {
    println("Hello \(name)")
    println("Abducted \(abductCows(5)) cows")

sayHello("Earthlings") {
    numberOfCows in
    println("About to abduct \(numberOfCows) cows")
    return 2

//About to abduct 5 cows
//Abducted 2 cows

//Look, Ma! Functional Programming!

typealias cowHandler = (Int) -> Int

func sayHello(name: String, abductCows: cowHandler) {
    println("Hello \(name)")
    println("Abducted \(abductCows(5)) cows")

let abduct: cowHandler = {
    numberOfCows in
    println("about to abduct \(numberOfCows) cows")
    return 2

sayHello("Earthlings", abduct)

//Just for the record 😉

typealias 🐮 = (Int) -> Int

func sayHello(name: String, abductCows: 🐮) {
    println("Hello \(name)")
    println("Abducted \(abductCows(5)) cows")

let abduct: 🐮 = {
    numberOfCows in
    println("about to abduct \(numberOfCows) cows")
    return 2

sayHello("Earthlings", abduct)

typealias cowHandler = (Int) -> Int

func sayHello(name: String, abductCows: cowHandler) {
    println("Hello \(name)")
    println("Abducted \(abductCows(5)) cows")

sayHello("Earthlings") {
    _ in //ignore the parameters
    println("This is a vegan UFO. We don't abduct any cows.")
    return 0

[fit] Classes

let maximumAllowedWarpSpeed = 0.9999 //Global Constant

class UFO {
	let maxWarpSpeed = 2.0
	var currentSpeed = 0.0
	func engage() {
		self.currentSpeed = maximumAllowedWarpSpeed
		currentSpeed = maximumAllowedWarpSpeed

class UFO {
	var currentSpeed {
		get {
			return warpdrive.currentSpeed
		set {
			//newValue automatically has the value to be set.
			warpdrive.currentSpeed = newValue

class UFO {
	//Only getter!
	var currentSpeed {
		get {
			return warpdrive.currentSpeed

class UFO {
	var currentSpeed { return warpdrive.currentSpeed }

class UFO {
	var currentSpeed {
		willSet {
			if (newValue >= 1.0) {
				println ("Prepare for Hyperspeed!")
		didSet {


let maximumAllowedWarpSpeed = 0.9999 //Global Constant

class UFO {
	init(maxWarpSpeed: Double) {
		self.maxWarpSpeed = maxWarpSpeed

	let maxWarpSpeed: Double

Objects always need to be fully initialized

init() {
	//First, initialize the object
	//From here on, you can use self & methods 

##Lazy Initialisation

class TractorBeam {

class UFO {
	lazy var tractorBeam = TractorBeam()

class TractorBeam {
    init(energy: Double) {

class UFO {
    let availableEnergy = 3.45
    lazy var tractorBeam: TractorBeam = {
        return TractorBeam(energy: self.availableEnergy)

[fit] Extensions

[fit] &

[fit] Protocols


extension UFO {

	func activateLasers() {


protocol Destroyer {
	func activateLasers()

class SuperUFO: UFO, Destroyer {
	func activateLasers() {

var myUFO: Destroyer

##Optional Protocols

protocol Destroyer {
	optional func activateLasers()

class SuperUFO: UFO, Destroyer {
	func activateLasers() {

var myUFO: Destroyer


struct numberPlate {
    var city = "B"
    var letters = "AB"
    var numbers = 1234
    var description: String {
        return "\(city) - \(letters) \(numbers)"

var numberplate1 = numberPlate() // B - AB 1234
var numberplate2 = numberplate1 // B - AB 1234
numberplate2.letters = "CD" // B - CD 1234
// numberplate1 is still B - AB 1234

[fit] Enums

enum FuelType {
    case Kerosine
    case Plutonium

let fuel = FuelType.Kerosine

switch fuel {
case .Kerosine:
case .Plutonium:

enum FuelType {
    case Kerosine
    case Plutonium
    case Spice(Int)
    func energy() -> Double {

More Info

[fit] Thanks

More Topics

  • Memory Management and ARC
  • Inheritance, Initialization & Deinitialization
  • Debugging & REPL
  • Objective-C Bridge
  • Namespacing, Frameworks and Modules
  • Runtime Features and Swift Intermediate Language
  • Generics and Functional Programming
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