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Last active August 31, 2017 18:16
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  • Save Geroyuni/5709476b6485cdd371370f5f32ca3b9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Geroyuni/5709476b6485cdd371370f5f32ca3b9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CemuJoystick (AutoHotKey script)
; Made for generic USB Joystick. May not work in XInput/better controllers
; JoystickR UP + (Y + X): Toggle fullscreen
; JoystickR DOWN + (Y + X): Toggle cemuhook
; JoystickR LEFT + (Y + X): Restart CEMU and load game
; JoystickR RIGHT + (Y + X): Focus window
; If you're going to use "Restart CEMU and load game", change these 2 values:
dir_cemu = "C:\Files\Emulation\Wii U\_Cemu\Cemu.exe"
dir_game = "C:\Files\Emulation\Wii U\Breath of the Wild\code\U-King.rpx"
; Check button (Y + X) - Will then check JoystickR's rotation (stateR, stateZ)
if GetKeyState("1Joy4")
GetKeyState, stateR, 1joyR
GetKeyState, stateZ, 1joyZ
if stateZ = 000 ; JoystickR LEFT (Restart CEMU and load game)
Process, Close, Cemu.exe
Process, Close, WerFault.exe
Run, %dir_cemu% -g %dir_game%
IfWinExist, Cemu
WinGetPos, , , , y
if stateR = 100 ; JoystickR DOWN (Toggle fullscreen)
Send ^!f
if stateR = 000 ; JoystickR UP (Toggle cemuhook)
if y = %A_screenHeight%
Send {esc}
WinMenuSelectItem, , , 2&, 1&
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