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Last active December 16, 2021 00:49
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My useful hotkeys script for Autohotkey
#SingleInstance force
menus := {}
; Alt+Num+B: Move window to a specific portion of the monitor it is in
; Get display the active window is currently in
WinGetActiveStats, winTitle, winW, winH, winX, winY
SysGet, numDisplays, MonitorCount
chosen_index := null
Loop %numDisplays%
SysGet, monitor, MonitorWorkArea, %a_index%
if (a_index > 1) ; Left may be skewed on monitors past 1
monitorLeft -= 10
else if (numDisplays > 1) ; Right overlaps Left on monitors past 1
monitorRight -= 10
if (winX >= monitorLeft && winX < monitorRight) ; Tracked based on X
chosen_index = %a_index%
if !chosen_index
SysGet, chosen_index, MonitorPrimary
; Figure out size of the current display
SysGet, full, Monitor, %chosen_index%
fullWidth := fullRight - fullLeft
fullHeight := fullBottom - fullTop
halfWidth := fullWidth / 2
halfHeight := fullHeight / 2
halfLeft := fullLeft + halfWidth
halfTop := fullTop + halfHeight
; Splitscreen games - 2x2 division
if (GetKeyState("1") && GetKeyState("2"))
WinMove, A, , fullLeft, fullTop, fullWidth, halfHeight
else if (GetKeyState("3") && GetKeyState("4"))
WinMove, A, , fullLeft, halfTop, fullWidth, halfHeight
else if (GetKeyState("1") && GetKeyState("3"))
WinMove, A, , fullLeft, fullTop, halfWidth, fullHeight
else if (GetKeyState("2") && GetKeyState("4"))
WinMove, A, , halfLeft, fullTop, halfWidth, fullHeight
else if GetKeyState("1")
WinMove, A, , fullLeft, fullTop, halfWidth, halfHeight
else if GetKeyState("2")
WinMove, A, , halfLeft, fullTop, halfWidth, halfHeight
else if GetKeyState("3")
WinMove, A, , fullLeft, halfTop, halfWidth, halfHeight
else if GetKeyState("4")
WinMove, A, , halfLeft, halfTop, halfWidth, halfHeight
; Alt+N: Toggle no title bar/border/menu mode
WinGet hidden, Style, A
window := WinExist("A")
window_menu := menus[window]
; Move window slightly to undo later and avoid glitchy visuals
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h
WinMove, A, , x+1, y+1, w-1, h-1
; Get menu for current window if there's none in the array yet
if (window_menu = null)
window_menu := (DllCall("GetMenu", "uint", window))
menus[window] := window_menu
; Toggle removal of menu and title bar
if (hidden & 0xC40000)
DllCall("SetMenu", "uint", window, "uint", 0)
WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A
if GetKeyState("1")
WinMove, A, , x, (y + 30), w, (h - 30)
else ; Moving window back to original position to get rid of any glitchy visuals
WinMove, A, , x, y, w, h
DllCall("SetMenu", "uint", window, "uint", window_menu)
WinSet, Style, +0xC40000, A
if GetKeyState("1")
WinMove, A, , x, (y - 30), w, (h + 30)
else ; Moving window back to original position to get rid of any glitchy visuals
WinMove, A, , x, y, w, h
; Alt+M: Toggle window to always on top
WinSet, Alwaysontop, , A
; Right Alt+Z: Send back slash, for keyboards that lack one
RAlt & Z::
Send \
; Right Alt+X: Send vertical bar, for keyboards that lack one
RAlt & X::
Send |
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